#this week in blaseball
lenasai · 3 months
oh are we all missing blaseball today
i miss blaseball :(
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 3 months
@mcyt-aro-week days 1 and 2 because i missed yesterday.
prompts: unconventional relationships / trope subversion, loveless / AU (blaseball au)
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(remaining post under the cut)
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"God, at this rate I'm never saving anyone's life ever again," Gem sighs as she puts her phone on Do Not Disturb.
"What do you mean?" False asks.
They're at a coffee shop in Houston. The Sunbeams had just finished a series with the Spies and were going home that night, while the Mechanics started a series with them tomorrow. False had decided to arrive a day early so her and Gem could do this, and after the terrible games both of their teams had had, False was particularly thankful for it.
Generally, she was thankful for Gem. About two weeks prior, False had been pitching a game in the Hellmouth, and the umpire had gone rogue. It was the ump at home plate, and it had been making a beeline for her when Gem had come sprinting out of her dugout and pushed False out of the way with more force than she'd expected the woman to hold. Gem had then tackled the umpire to the ground, taking the flames herself until they burnt out and could be safely removed from the field. Gem had barely seemed phased after the fact, just shook the dust off her uniform and walked back to the dugout. It was about as terrifying as it was impressive, and when Gem hit the game winning run off her at her next at bat, False couldn't find it in herself to be anything but impressed.
"My twitter mentions are blowing up, I think some fan or paparazzi saw us here and assumed we were on a date." Gem rolls her eyes and takes a long sip of her tea.
False can't help the snicker that comes out at Gem's words, but Gem doesn't seem particularly amused. "Wait, seriously?"
"Yup, this happens to me all the time," Gem says. "Everyone's got this image of us Fire Eaters being like, knights in shining armor, so every time I save somebody's life I have to deal with the internet being literally unusable for a few weeks if I want to avoid speculation about my relationships. Oh, and that's all the press will want to talk to me about after my games."
"Oh," False says, taking a long sip of her tea. She doesn't make much of a habit of looking at social media, and she has suddenly never been more grateful. "And this happens every time?"
"Every time! It's like they're trying to dissuade us from actually doing it or something. I'm not gonna stop, but like, sometimes I really want to. Can't they just ask me about the actual game one of these days?"
False lets the table fall quiet for a moment. She's thinking. For her entire career, she'd been a notoriously private person, both in her personal life and to the public. She'd been working on the personal life part for a long time, at the behest of her therapist, and she likes to think she's made some improvements. As for the public sphere, well, they weren't entitled to know anything about her. But- False takes a look at Gem, who's eyes are quickly flitting around the shop, like she's keeping an eye out for any cameras or fans looking too long in their direction. Maybe just this one thing...
"I think I might have an idea."
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killerforthepies · 13 days
gender fluidity but its what blaseball team im a fan of
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blazeball · 9 months
just like sitting here half angry and half devastated as it once again sinks in that i'll never be able to go back to when blaseball was happening and fun and beautiful
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tallymarkbrothers · 2 months
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Commish: If you pat me again I'm biting! And I've got fangs now, it'll HURT!
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blaseballbrainrot · 1 year
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Is YOUR blorbo the beloved P MacMilly(s)? Have you ever wanted to rotate them all in your brain? Perhaps even simultanously? I have wonderful news! Here's some lil low poly guys for your blorbo rotating needs!
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orbleglorb · 8 months
mike townsend quintology monday
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art by @cryptmilk
fuck this guy
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trans-crab · 11 months
first post? okay
hi im kay! im actually not a reddit migrant, i’ve been on tumblr since the golden era of 2013/2014 but left about 5 years ago. came back coincidentally around the same time mostly due to marathoning @strange-aeons on a 12 hour drive to and from san francisco. i have no idea where my old account is so she’s a relic of the past for now
my pronouns are they/them, im 22, and i absolutely love anything zoology or paleontology
here’s some things i’m into (if you post these things please interact so i can follow you :))
paleontology/zoology/bugs/other science things
debating how horrible/amazing taxonomy and cladistics are
drag race
our flag means death
indie games (cuphead, stardew, etc)
anime (jojos, saiki k, others)
good omens
queer content/queer liberation
oh!! books! i read a lot of books
i also have a leopard gecko named puppy. thats not important to my introduction but i just love her and need everyone to know about her
anyways yeah interact if you feel like it :)
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glassgob · 2 years
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who knows if reese is still a fire-eater but i can at least hope lmao
[ID: Digital illustration of Reese Clark on a Baltimore Crabs Tlopps card. Reese is mid-swing while breathing fire. Parts of their uniform are charred or on fire. End ID.]
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to be clear i think having whatever headcanon you want is valid, i do not care, i have literally written like 3-5k words about a headcanon that a player who was nuked from the site and never played a single game is the reader because i love them and i think it's fun
saying "i believe this specific interpretation was the authorial intent of these things in the text of the game, and here's my evidence" isn't invalidating peoples' headcanons or doing discourse. it's just textual analysis
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tiktaaliker · 11 months
also. happy birthday blaseball. i cant think about it too much because i actually might start crying
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Hey. Don't cry. 112 foul balls, ok?
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blazeball · 7 months
ouhhhhhh blaseball. oh no [remembers
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tallymarkbrothers · 7 months
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[Inktober Day 29 - Massive]
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leonstamatis · 1 year
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[ID: Two banners with gold and white text on a black background. The first has splashes of gold on the corners and three bases across the top. It says: “Blaseball: The Coronation Era: Mini Siesta Reading Challenge.”
The second banner has the same accents, slightly smaller. It has a checklist and says:
“Team Fic Exchanges: Read / Comment on at least one fic from each exchange. Baltimore Crabs; Boston Flowers; Chicago Firefighters; Hellmouth Sunbeams 2021; Hellmouth Sunbeams 2022; Seattle Garages; Tokyo Lift; Bonus: Rolling Remix; Bonus: Zine Jam” /End ID]
Well, folks! We’ve got a siesta! Which means now is the perfect time to catch up on some of the things you might have missed during the last month of active play -- or even the last year.
During the Grandito Siesta, a number of creators organized and participated in team-wide fic and art exchanges. These were hotbeds of creativity and collaboration, and there’s a lot of insight into players, worldbuilding and fanmade lore.
I’ve put together a checklist of some of them, in the hopes folks might read along as we wait for Blaseball to return (again). Even if you were there the first time, why not come back to an old favorite and show some love again?
Links to every collection (and some additional places to poke around!) are below the cut.
Baltimore: The City That Fics
Boston Flowers Fic Exchange
Wow! A (Chicago Firefighters) Fanfic exChange!
Hellmouth Sunbeams Summer Solstice Art Exchange (2021)
(Hellmouth Sunbeams) Solstice Art Exchange 2022
Parking It! A Seattle Garages Fanfic Exchange 2022
Tokyo Lift Fic Exchange
Blaseball Zine Jam (AO3) / Blaseball Zine Jam (Itch.io)
Chicago Firefighters Present: Blaseball Rolling Remix 2022
Beyond team-wide fic exchanges and fandom events, plenty of teams have their own collections to gather fic in one handy place. There are also a few small friendly exchanges between private servers, and some individual writers have put together primers of some of their favorite work. You can browse every Blaseball collection on AO3 here.
This is all very AO3-based, so I’m also going to throw out there that there are plenty of people creating art on Tumblr, Twitter and in Discord. Please show them some love, too! <3
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