#this whole text is bc of dia de los muertos
osarquivosmagnus · 11 months
I think people have said this before and also way better than I could ever articulate but. Cellbit!! His love and devotion to the people he loves. To the people he considers family. How sweet and gentle he is with the eggs, how attentive whether he is babysitting or just spending time with them. How much he cares for the people he considers dear to him, even if they hold different values or don't trust him the same way (jaiden, foolish, maxo...)
It makes me absolutely convinced that it will be SO HARD to just "snap him out" of his current state. (This got longer than I expected i'll put it under the little read more thing)
He isn't consumed by madness on his killing spree, he is consumed by grief, violence and death that has haunted his whole life. From the age of 13 he had to kill to survive, live or earn the respect of people around him. When he arrived at the island he tried investigating, interrogating, manipulating, infiltrating, hiding, scheaming, thinking, sneaking and attacking his way into the federation or anything that could get them close to figuring out how to leave the island. He betrayed his most trusted friends to free his best friend and gather information, he hid from everyone that his son was being threatened with death in order not to put him at risk and all he got from it was more trauma, more manipulation, more loss and stress and fatigue. He IS tired. And he is tired bc he cares. He cares about the ppl stuck in the island with him, he cares about the eggs who were killed or hurt by the codes and he despises that the federation held bobby's death over roier and jaiden's heads. He despises an organization that left an egg (hope) to die, alone and abandoned, who had nothing to them but a notebook where they wrote about wanting to be loved and not be forgotten. How could he have in him any simpathy left for anyone working for such a thing? Someone like him, that has only known violence and the urge to kill, maim and eat his enemies? Someone like him that found out, in the island, months after losing his child, that he could've had a family but was cast away. For a reason he doesn't know, bc they are once again hiding it from him. He could've had a sister, parents and good memories of a (relatively) normal childhood, when he played at being a captain and stole candy to eat and had a worm for a pet. They erased that from him and stopped searching when it was too much of a hassle. And he left a note, as a child, to not trust any of the workers. So how could he trust them?
He is lost. Bagi and bbh are scared he will lose himself but to him, he knows he has been far gone for a while now. All he wants is to hurt the federation and to kill cucurucho. He wants to strike them, he wants them to FEEL it, like he did, the desperation, the fear, the loneliness, the hopelessness and helplessness of it all. And he wants his family to be safe. They are not at risk by his hands. He doesn't want to eat pac, he doesn't want to hurt the eggs, he doesn't want to fight or go behind their backs. He wants to protect them from the thing that took everything from him, including the ability to feel more than the instinct to kill. He is tired. He loves so much. And he is tired of seeing the people he loves being hurt. He is tired of looking into his husband's eyes and seeing emptiness, the loss and the grief all consuming, knowing the federation could've not given them the hope. Could've let them go. Could've explained things to them. Could've been honest about the whearabouts, as little as they know, and the attempts to search for the eggs. But they didn't. And they won't. Cucurucho said so himself: they could have truce, but cellbit WILL pay. He doesn't care. He loves everyone else around him way too much to care about himself. His life in the island is good, he had peace for a while, he met the love of his life, he met his kid(s) and his other new best friend (who was also put into the nether by the federation, of course), and all the friends he made along the way. His promise and talk with slime yesterday showed that: he wants to protect the eggs and anyone that could hurt them.
I guess what I am saying is... it'll be hard to just put him in a room and convince him that he is loved or that the workers have family like him, bc... that's not why he is killing them at all. I understand the desperation in bagi, the sadness in bbh and the fear in pac, but none of that feels like it will be enough bc he is convinced, not after snapping or going insane, but after months and a whole life of horrific torture and trauma and loss that this is the only way to help the people he loves.
So yeah, fucking cellbit. He loves so much it hurts. He is so tired of everything. And he is so violent.
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roxannepolice · 3 months
The thing about "which creepy woman in s14 is secretly Susan" is that I can't help the feeling we're once again falling down the "wouldn't it be COOL AND POETIC if" chasm without much thought to how it would work in a longer run.
Wouldn't it be COOL AND POETIC if the Master had a self sacrificial redemption arc... and the next showrunner dropped the subject* to the point he needs to explain in interviews what's the regeneration order here bc tbf what's the use of a redeemed Master. Wouldn't it be COOL AND POETIC if the Doctor was a martyred god figure with like secret regenerations... except the ontology is shaky at best so we're just going to make this thousands year old parent and grandparent figure into child on a quest for real parents, sprinkle a dia de los muertos decor, and then not so discreetly brush the topic aside.
Like, Susan having a heartfelt moment with the Doctor, especially to mirror Ruby having a heartfelt moment with her mom, would have worked if the reveal was made in the penultimate episode. Then you have a whole episode left for emotional fallout. A reveal in the last episode would either fall flat or open a longer arc, in which case... what, is Ruby-turned-Susan to have ANOTHER coming of age/leaving the nest arc but maybe with a healthier goodbye so #theshowgotanupgrade? Would she be brought back just to be killed for good? Is Fifteen meant to drop her off at One's when Ruby dies and regenerates into Susan Foreman? Like, seriously, what's the story after the reveal here?
* Look I know there are ways, sometimes very insightful, to explain the development from Missy to 0, but if you look at the text itself the topic was just dropped, ok? This is a tv series past events relevant to the current plot have to be reminded in the same way that a haiku needs a specific number of syllables to be a haiku.
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