#and sseing him around eggs again
osarquivosmagnus · 11 months
I think people have said this before and also way better than I could ever articulate but. Cellbit!! His love and devotion to the people he loves. To the people he considers family. How sweet and gentle he is with the eggs, how attentive whether he is babysitting or just spending time with them. How much he cares for the people he considers dear to him, even if they hold different values or don't trust him the same way (jaiden, foolish, maxo...)
It makes me absolutely convinced that it will be SO HARD to just "snap him out" of his current state. (This got longer than I expected i'll put it under the little read more thing)
He isn't consumed by madness on his killing spree, he is consumed by grief, violence and death that has haunted his whole life. From the age of 13 he had to kill to survive, live or earn the respect of people around him. When he arrived at the island he tried investigating, interrogating, manipulating, infiltrating, hiding, scheaming, thinking, sneaking and attacking his way into the federation or anything that could get them close to figuring out how to leave the island. He betrayed his most trusted friends to free his best friend and gather information, he hid from everyone that his son was being threatened with death in order not to put him at risk and all he got from it was more trauma, more manipulation, more loss and stress and fatigue. He IS tired. And he is tired bc he cares. He cares about the ppl stuck in the island with him, he cares about the eggs who were killed or hurt by the codes and he despises that the federation held bobby's death over roier and jaiden's heads. He despises an organization that left an egg (hope) to die, alone and abandoned, who had nothing to them but a notebook where they wrote about wanting to be loved and not be forgotten. How could he have in him any simpathy left for anyone working for such a thing? Someone like him, that has only known violence and the urge to kill, maim and eat his enemies? Someone like him that found out, in the island, months after losing his child, that he could've had a family but was cast away. For a reason he doesn't know, bc they are once again hiding it from him. He could've had a sister, parents and good memories of a (relatively) normal childhood, when he played at being a captain and stole candy to eat and had a worm for a pet. They erased that from him and stopped searching when it was too much of a hassle. And he left a note, as a child, to not trust any of the workers. So how could he trust them?
He is lost. Bagi and bbh are scared he will lose himself but to him, he knows he has been far gone for a while now. All he wants is to hurt the federation and to kill cucurucho. He wants to strike them, he wants them to FEEL it, like he did, the desperation, the fear, the loneliness, the hopelessness and helplessness of it all. And he wants his family to be safe. They are not at risk by his hands. He doesn't want to eat pac, he doesn't want to hurt the eggs, he doesn't want to fight or go behind their backs. He wants to protect them from the thing that took everything from him, including the ability to feel more than the instinct to kill. He is tired. He loves so much. And he is tired of seeing the people he loves being hurt. He is tired of looking into his husband's eyes and seeing emptiness, the loss and the grief all consuming, knowing the federation could've not given them the hope. Could've let them go. Could've explained things to them. Could've been honest about the whearabouts, as little as they know, and the attempts to search for the eggs. But they didn't. And they won't. Cucurucho said so himself: they could have truce, but cellbit WILL pay. He doesn't care. He loves everyone else around him way too much to care about himself. His life in the island is good, he had peace for a while, he met the love of his life, he met his kid(s) and his other new best friend (who was also put into the nether by the federation, of course), and all the friends he made along the way. His promise and talk with slime yesterday showed that: he wants to protect the eggs and anyone that could hurt them.
I guess what I am saying is... it'll be hard to just put him in a room and convince him that he is loved or that the workers have family like him, bc... that's not why he is killing them at all. I understand the desperation in bagi, the sadness in bbh and the fear in pac, but none of that feels like it will be enough bc he is convinced, not after snapping or going insane, but after months and a whole life of horrific torture and trauma and loss that this is the only way to help the people he loves.
So yeah, fucking cellbit. He loves so much it hurts. He is so tired of everything. And he is so violent.
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afni-fics · 4 years
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn - Chapter 11: Bleak Falls Barrow - Interior (part 2)
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn - Chapter 11: Bleak Falls Barrow - Interior (part 2) by C_R_Scott Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Red Robin (Comics), DCU (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Tim Drake, Lucien Flavius Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Skyrim/DCU crossover, Reluctant Dovahkiin | Dragonborn, Not Beta Read Summary:
Deeper into the Bleak Falls Barrow goes Tim and Lucien.
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As Tim led the way further into the depths of Bleak Falls Barrow, his mind began to wander as he examined the ruins and artifacts he found with Lucien. 
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"I wonder what my parents would have thought of exploring a place like this," he thought to himself as he picked up a book from a nearby table and swept a thick layer of dust from the cover. Idly, but carefully, he opened the book and turned a few pages before closing it again and offering it to Lucien. The scholar cooed over it with delight and began rambling about the tome's age, history, and how well preserved it was. 
Tim smiled sadly as his inner thoughts lingered on his memories of his biological mother and father, Janet and Jack Drake. "Mom and Dad always seemed happier when they were on archeological digs than they ever were at home in Gotham." The young man moved on a little further down the hall, zeroing in on some new carvings that were hidden behind a curtain of spider webs. "Even with the bandits and the death traps, this has been interesting and kinda fun. I wonder... If I could've spent time with them on digs like this... Could we have been a better family?"
His thoughts were interrupted when a new voice echoed from deeper down the hall. 
"Is... is someone coming? Is that you Harknir? Bjorn? Soling?"
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"Did you hear that?" Lucien asked as he put the book into his backpack.
Tim nodded as he nocked another arrow to his bow and began to follow the sound of the new voice down the hall. Once he got to the end of the hall, the serious expression on his face deepened. 
"Well, shit..."
Lucien nodded in agreement. "I suppose the ancient Nords who built that trap earlier had to get their spider venom from somewhere."
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The entrance into the next large room was covered in curtains of spider webs from floor to ceiling. As Tim tried to peer deeper into the room beyond the curtains, while he couldn't see any giant Frostbite Spiders, he could see lots of web covered skeever and human sized victims littering the walls and floors along with lots of large round pods that Tim reasoned looked like giant spider egg-sacs. He felt a shiver race up his spine.
"Spiders... Why is it always spiders?"
He turned to Lucien and told him to wait there while he went to investigate. Cautiously, Tim crept into the room, cutting a small piece of webbing so he could try to slip in without alerting the creator of the web.
Unfortunately, even those small precise movements were not enough to go completely undetected. Tim froze in the shadow of a nearby pillar as a gigantic Frostbite Spider lowered itself ominously from the ceiling by a single slender web. The beast was far larger than what he'd experienced in the caves beneath Helgen. The body of the spider was easily comparable to that of a large horse, and the addition of the eight long spiny legs seemed to double, even triple its visual volume and height as it moved about the room, looking for the intruder upon its nest.
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Fortunately for Tim, it was about that time that owner of the voice who's led him here started screaming bloody murder and getting the spider's attention.
"Hey you! You've got to get me outta here!" an elf trapped in a wall of webbing shouted at the top of his lungs. "Kill the damned thing before it eats us both!"
As soon as the spider turned its full attention to the elf, Tim immediately pulled the arrow back and let it fly at the spider's now exposed abdomen. Though the arachnid was clearly armored with a thick exoskeleton, from the back Tim's arrow was able to slip between the layers of the abdominal plates.
The spider gave off a horrible screech and raised up on six of its legs as it spun around to turn its full attention on Tim.  However, it got another arrow in one of the fleshy parts of its mandibles before Tim dashed off to the side. Tim knew he needed to keep his distance from the spider if he was to have any chance of killing the beast.
Suddenly, he stumbled and hit the floor hard on his left side. Tim bit back a cry as pain raced up his burned left arm. A quick look at his feet revealed a fresh glob of sticky webbing that effectively glued him in place as the wounded spider stalked toward him. Tim struggled to free himself, but it was no use! The webbing was too sticky and stretchy. He'd never free himself in time.
The spider was practically on top of him now, rising up and exposing its fangs when out of nowhere a stream of icy shards slammed against the spider from the back. The spider rose up again in pain and screeched. The momentary distraction was what Tim needed. Quickly, he pulled out one of his daggers with his good right arm and lunged upward, stabbing it into the spider's exposed sternum, burying the blade into the creature up to its hilt.
Screeching, the spider scrambled backward both away from Tim and the the constant shower of icy shards. But it was too late for it. Within moments, the giant beast fell down dead to the Barrow floor.
Tim stared at the dead spider as he struggled to catch his breath and calm his racing heart. 
"That was too close."
Tim moved his gaze and looked at Lucien. His eyes were drawn to the scholar's hands, which were covered in a sheen of frost. "That ice... was you?"
Lucien nodded as he rubbed his hands together and breathed into them to warm them. "I told you I knew a few spells. Unfortunately, I haven't had much practice using them in actual combat." As of to explain further, Lucien aimed a hand at the spider corpse and seemed to try and fire another blast of cold at it. However, whatever spell he was trying to cast seemed to sputter out at his fingertips. Lucien winced, as if he had a headache. "I'm really quite useless as a mage." Then he reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a vial of blue liquid.
"You saved my life," Tim said as he pulled out his second dagger and used it to cut away the webbing at his feet. "I wouldn't call that useless." Tim tilted his head at the liquid Lucien was now drinking. "What's that?"
Lucien paused. "You don't know what a mana potion is?"
Tim suddenly became more focused on the blade as he freed his feet. "I'm guess it's a mage thing?"
"Yes," Lucien said tentative. "I forget you have no experience with magic. It helps me regenerate the energy I use to cast spells more quickly. Kind of like healing potions, but for mages. Speaking of which," Lucien pulled out another vial, this time filled with a now familiar red liquid. "Do you need this?"
Tim almost said no. However, as he rose to his feet, he felt a sharp pain shoot through his left elbow straight up to his shoulder. With a murmur of thanks, Tim took the vial and drank its contents as Lucien went forward to speak with the trapped elf in the webs. It was still a strange sensation to him, feeling the healing liquid work its magic to mend his injuries....
Or at least attempt to mend them. 
While the pain had been dulled, there was still a deep ache in the muscles of his upper arm. Tim tested his left hand grip on the blade of the dagger he tried to retrieve from dead spider. With a grimace and a sense of trepidation, Tim noticed that he just didn't have the strength to pull the dagger free, not without a solid spike of pain that forced him to release the blade before he could hurt himself further. Then he switched his hand and found he could easily remove the dagger with his right.
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"Hey! Get back here!" 
Tim turned to Lucien, who now stood before an empty doorway where the trapped elf once hung. 
"What happened?" Tim asked as he sheathed his dagger and picked up his bow.
"That Bosmer bandit ran off!" Lucien said in an offended tone. "Apparently he's got some artifact that's a key to the secrets of this Barrow. Something about a claw and a door in a place called the 'Hall of Stories'. He said he'd show us what it all meant if I cut him down."
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"So you cut him down."
"So, like an idiot, I cut him down, and he took off almost as soon as his feet hit the ground." 
Tim smiled reassuringly at Lucien and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry... We'll catch up to--"
Suddenly, they heard a blood curdling scream reverberate through the halls from the direction the elven bandit had run. 
"I think something has already caught up to him," Lucien remarked uneasily...
Warning: This is being pantsed more than plotted, and this is not beta read. We'll see where this journey takes us. Mostly I'm just doing this for my own amusement.
Note1: If you have any questions about the playthrough and Tim's feelings/experiences that aren't described in the chapters, please ask me in the comments. I'll do my best to answer your questions as best I can.
Note2: Part 2 of Tim and Luci's trek into the Barrow. Here they have their run in with the giant Frostbite Spider and "Arvel the Swift". In the first screenshot you notice the book is glowing. This is from a mod called Unread Books Glow SSE (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20679). This is a brilliant mod because any books you haven't read yet glow, and the color changes depending on if they're quest books, skill books, spell books, or just books for character/clutter/something interesting to read. It's an extremely useful mod for any playthrough of Skyrim!
#elder scrolls dc#fanfiction#tim drake#skyrim fanfiction#batfam fanfic#red robin#batfam#crossover#lucien flavius#wip#afewnovelideas
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