#this will ultimately be a real fic
Dark Prince Luke Thoughts™:
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Tagging: @stonegoldsxcrxt, @myevilmouse, @dexthtoyounglings, @laserbrains, @ancient-stardust, @hansonveggieclub, @fandom-gal44
In my version of the popular AU, Luke is the Crown Prince of the Galactic Empire. The galaxy knows him as the son of Sheev Palpatine and Padmé Amidala (yuck!); this narrative was perpetuated by COMPNOR to garner wider support from those who idolized the late senator. The story goes that Padmé was murdered by the jedi because they were against her secret affair with the chancellor, but Darth Vader was able to save their child at the last minute.
Luke was raised at Varykino by the Naberrie family in accordance with Naboo tradition. They were his only true source of love during his childhood, and they helped him to be in touch with his culture. He grew up under the watchful eyes of his two Noghri bodyguards, Ahkelar and Arakhmil; despite their gruff exteriors, they are very caring. When he isn't on Naboo, he is often at the side of Darth Vader, his mentor and protector. Vader is stern and cold by nature, but he refrains from actually harming Luke. Luke both respects and fears Vader, viewing him as more of a father figure than Palpatine could ever be.
Palpatine's reasoning behind Luke being the Crown Prince is so he can be the poster boy for the Empire, as well as to torture Vader with his presence. Vader's son--the son he thought he lost--is alive, and Palpatine stole him. However, he is secretly training Luke to eventually overthrow the Emperor; as much as Luke hates the man he thinks is his father, he isn't elated about eventually taking his place. Palpatine's ultimate goal is to have Luke 'succeed' him while he would still be pulling the strings behind the scenes, but Vader wants him dead.
Vader was entrusted to train Luke in the ways of dark side, but not in the ways of the Sith so he wouldn't be a threat to Palpatine. This was followed to a certain point; while Vader didn't train Luke in the ways of the Sith, he also didn't exclusively train Luke in the ways of the dark side. Vader doesn't want Luke to be truly evil because he knows it would break Padmé's heart--he did it once, and he never wants to do it again. Ultimately, Luke doesn't see the force as being separated into the dark and the light, he just sees it as the force because that is what he was taught. Luke has multiple lightsabers that he made and collected--yellow, orange, pink, purple--but no red lightsabers, as he uses the dark side but isn't truly a darksider.
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This has most definitely been said before, but we were robbed of the core four quarantining on-screen together at Buck’s place. ROBBED I say
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thelaurenshippen · 1 month
genuinely think it's good and healthy to follow at least one person in each of your fandoms who reblogs good gifsets but has just...absolutely dogshit takes on the show, or who ships that ship you despise. keeps things fresh. keeps things grounded. you gotta stay humble
#lauren feels things#fandom#this is mostly a joke post#obviously create the experience on tumblr that yOU want#you are not obligated to do any fucking thing on this website#but like....there are a few people I've been following on my other blog#(my real and anonymous one where I do most of my reblogging/fandom stuff)#and I've been following them for YEARS#or they're mutuals from the fandoms I've written fic for#and they just post the most out of pocket shit#or they ship ships that totally squick me out#or - the most annoying sin of all to me -#they post sanctimonious explanations about how the creators/actors/whatever#really feel THIS way about this particular thing#and all you other fans are wrong#(and like......no they don't. unless that actor or writer has said that#you have no idea they think that. also it doesn't matter what they think.)#but I'm honestly not kidding when I say this makes my personal fandom experience better#bc a) some of these people are just pals I disagree with!#and b) none of them are - like - toxic or anything#there's a certain kind of fandom discourse I do not tolerate#these people are mostly just kind of silly sometimes about stuff#and ultimately harmless#but it helps me understand a fandom better#and the fact that I've been doing it for like a decade now#means that i truly never get offended or hurt or feel any kind of way#when I see a bonkers take on something#bc I'm just like 'oh sure you're wrong but whatever good for you seems like you're having fun'#and sometimes ppl in fandoms take things SO PERSONALLY!#and it's okay that some people who make art you like or amazing gifsets feel differently about the thing you both love
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lynpheas · 10 months
i have a paper to write but. i cannot stop thinking about musa and stella. their dynamic is SO underrated…
they both have such strong personalities except musa is a lot more understated and subtle while stella is more exuberant and outgoing!! but in a subversion of expectations, stella is so down to support musa being in the spotlight — like in their s2 red fountain performance where stella did backup vocals/dancing while musa sang her heart out.
they both have familial issues & come from very different backgrounds, which simultaneously threads them together through a commonality and then sets them apart. for example, they both understand somewhat unconventional family dynamics and the absence of a parent, their mothers. stella’s parents were so busy arguing and just generally being unhappy in their relationship that they overlooked stella and how they made her feel and how their actions affected her. the loss of stella’s mother in her life is something we can infer that stella has had very little room to openly discuss with her parents, and so she has all of these internalized and idealized hopes for a future that we know will never come to pass. but she’s navigating these feelings without proper support from luna and radius. similarly, after musa’s mother’s passing, musa’s father reacted to his grief without taking into account how these events affected musa. ho-boe blamed music for matlin’s passing and so he rejected it completely, imposing that will upon musa and straining their relationship because of it. musa’s only avenue of feeling close with her mother is through music, but her feelings are disregarded and so she has to navigate this relationship with music and also her late mother all on her own.
however, for stella, she is a princess and her parents are merely divorced; so, although she rarely sees her mom and her parents don’t get along, she still has the option to go see her. i think you could say, on top of needing to be charismatic and charming as a leader, stella’s exuberant personality might’ve developed as a result of her wanting more of her parents’ attention, to be seen and understood by them. i think the 4kids dub may say otherwise, but i think it’s fairly clear that musa comes from a more modest background. and contrastingly to stella, musa has completely lost her mother and so their connection is almost…spiritual? and introspective. without her father’s guidance and understanding, musa would more have to retreat into herself. still, both of them are individuals with strong senses of self—their specific familial situations have simply informed their coping strategies and the personalities they’ve developed.
with or without that background in mind, i also just love the way stella and musa’s personalities play off of each other! because of their strong personalities, they’re prone to disagreement and small clashes. musa’s more sensitive, while stella is—although well-intentioned—more thoughtless with her words. i find musa to be more measured, but perhaps equally as blunt at times. these personality differences might result in small but realistic bumps and tiffs within their friendship, but they also have a shared understanding of one another that gives their relationship a strong foundation. and again, despite musa seeming more chill and stella seeming more prone to wanting the spotlight, stella is absolutely musa’s cheerleader!
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charmwasjess · 1 month
"water" for the wip game, please
Ooo, this is a funny one - but technically it counts, it's an unpublished bit from a WIP! From one of my deleted scenes early in Rabbit Heart, where Sifo-Dyas is just free rolling nonstop visions instead of lying down for a nice hurt comfort scene. I ended up cutting the scene because it got way darker than I wanted to go in a fic where I also... uh, burn the love interest at a stake?
There was no logical reason for Sifo-Dyas to be conscious. Yet, he was. 
Dooku had tried to make him comfortable on the shuttle. He piled blankets on top of him, tried to hold water to his resisting lips, and promised him safety. And yet, the seer seemed broken. His eyes weren’t clearing out like they should have after a vision. His face looked overloaded, like someone receiving too much sensory information all at once. Prophecy spilled from him, mingling into incoherent nonsense.
“Do you know her? Why is she crying?” He clutched desperately at Dooku, blood running from his mouth and nose. “Promise me that you’ll help her!”
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ninihousebears3000 · 2 months
Me in my head: I wanna make a Hellsing fanfic with my OCs with an exciting plot,fun interactions, and interesting themes.
Me *when I open a draft*: Heh Alucard’s tongue is wild.
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moonscape · 2 months
i don't really like confessions blogs because i feel like they just fuel the fire for fandom discourse but ngl i agree with pretty much everything that's been posted on the is*t one so far so i'm okay with it for now lol 👍
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brittlebutch · 3 months
never going to get past matrix resurrections choosing to make neo someone with a distorted perception of reality being gaslit and manipulated into compliance by his therapist, i’m so normal about it
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obwjam · 10 months
ok so hear me out Yk how Chandler (in friends) is like overprotective of the chicks/ducks, imagine that’s the way he acted with a tiny borrower who just chills and lives with him and Joey? 🥹🥹🥹
any headcannons of giant chandler x a tiny borrower (that preferably isn’t one of the canon characters)?
god i'm like sobbing putting this together okay
chandler discovering a borrower would be the softest shit imaginable. he would 100% be the type to be a little scared of it and definitely super awkward
the tiny only sees him as this jokester sarcasm man so they're terrified of being found by him and being utterly humiliated
but in reality chandler is really :o about it and he's just overpowered by his desire to protect them
he's SO AWKWARD trying to ask them questions and is visibly flustered when they dont answer, so he tries his best and just talks and talks and talks to mask his nerves
he would endear himself to a borrower in like 0.5 seconds. like it's so clear he's just a big softie
instantly lowers himself to their level, speaks softly, and is super aware of his movements and how he's being perceived
he would not keep a tiny against their will but he would be very upset if they left. like he's just too fascinated
he would offer them literally anything they needed and would always go the extra mile. like he's stressed bc they dont have an actual bed to sleep on. he would be horrified when the tiny tells him how they live
chandler constantly shields them from joey, like he does NOT trust that man
he's very overprotective and overbearing sometimes, basically to the point of pampering them endlessly, but it comes from a good and caring place so the tiny lets it happen
he always asks "are you okay?" "are you comfortable here?" "do you need anything?" just the absolute sweetest
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friendlyspidercop · 1 year
that night, your mind chooses to relive high school…
“hate to break it to ya, grizz, but staring at the problem isn’t gonna make it go away.”
you groan and look up from your ap calculus textbook in time to see harry osborne set his lunch tray down on the cafeteria table and take the seat next to you. he gives you a sympathetic grin before picking up his fork and taking up a mouthful of mac and cheese.
that’s fine, you think. there’s no one else you’d rather have take it.
you still roll your eyes.
“harry,” you say, straightening your back and turning to him. he looks up at you, still chewing on those noodles. “why do you get lunch from here when you probably have a chef back home?”
he looks like he’s about to laugh at your question, but holds it in to swallow his food. “have you never had the mac and cheese here? delicious. also— a chef? really?”
you grin and shrug, turning back to your textbook and picking up your pencil again. “yeah, really,” you say, flipping the pencil in your fingers before you begin to solve the integral. “are you trying to tell me you don’t have a chef?”
he laughs and lightly pushes your shoulder. “i think you’re just jealous that i don’t leave my homework until the last possible minute so i can eat lunch everyday.”
ok, there might be some truth to that.
you pencil in a 22 to mark the next math problem before you turn to your brunette friend, eyebrows raised as you try to fight back laughter. “sometimes you can be so sassy!”
he grins proudly and takes another bite of his mac and cheese as you continue.
“does peter know about this?” you ask, shaking your head in faux disapproval, as if peter were the mom in the sentence: does your mom know about this?
but maybe peter isn’t the best person to bring up right now.
harry smiles at your jest, but it doesn’t have the same lightheartedness as it did just seconds ago. you wish you hadn’t mentioned the name.
“sorry,” you say quietly.
“it’s okay,” he says. and he means it, you know. but guilt has sunk its claws into your heart and has no interest in letting go.
as you turn back in your seat to let harry eat in peace and continue finishing up your homework, your eyes catch the two empty chairs on the other side of the table. that’s where they sat.
you glance at harry— he’s looking at peter and mj’s chairs too.
you bite your lip and look down at your paper, the numbers starting to blur together as your thoughts race. they’re mostly about peter and mj and what they might be doing right now. but another thought also pushes its way past all of these, triumphant at last: you are not alone. harry osborne and his silly mac and cheese are still here.
“so… which one’s better? the cafeteria mac and cheese or your chef’s mac and cheese?” you looked at him, an eyebrow raised.
surprise flickers in his eyes for a moment before disappearing under the weight of consideration as he chews his mac and cheese thoughtfully. you’re pretty sure the lunch ladies just use velveeta anyway, but you don’t want to ruin the magic for him.
seeming to reach a decision, he swallows his mouthful and smiles. “well, i know what i think, but you’re not gonna like the answer, grizz.”
you roll your eyes playfully— did he really like the school’s that much?
“but how about you come over after class? try the one at my place for yourself?” he asks. you don’t pay too much attention to the way he quickly drums his plastic fork on the rim of his bowl.
“huh…” you consider, nodding to yourself as you finish your last homework problem. you slam the hefty textbook shut. “i will take you up on that offer, harold osborne.”
he nudges you. you laugh, pushing his arm away.
“my name’s not harold.”
“yeah, okay, okay.”
in those days, it felt like it was you and harry osborne against the world. two halves of a whole. you had your differences, sure, but ultimately it all culminated into a friendship you were convinced would last you your lifetime.
is that what makes it so hard for you now?
you’re starting to hate europe for swallowing up your best friend.
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dylanlila · 6 months
this is the first time i've ever wanted to gatekeep something, i hate feeling like this
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Not gonna stop drawing WoF but after branching out into other fandoms I think it’s interesting that like,,, WoF doesn’t give me the same brainworms of those other fandoms that make me go into serious depth with alt storylines about characters. I have ideas to mess with the greater worldbuilding or arcs but it doesn’t feel as personal as with other fandoms. I have my fluffy lil hcs and ships and so on, but if I was invested in going more in depth I’m not anymore
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toytulini · 27 days
name some canonically nonbinary characters why dont you
#toy txt post#those 'name 10 female characters' posts got me rolling my eyes again. just ultimate performative bullshit huh#its giving i think picking a favorite blorbo os activism. by shipping an appropriate amount of femslash in a way that is genuine#but not overbearing or that might be fetishizing! and im not forgetting the characters for the ships not like those nasty m/m shippers!#and by doing this i will reinstate abortion rights. with my Feminist Tastes. im putting words in ppls mouths and being petty but good god#like everyday this shits on my dash. can you all just start blocking the annyoing misogynist m/m shippers you dislike then?#'dont name a male character you just call babygirl' are you normal about trans headcanons? im sure im SURE you are getting the most#annoying fuckers in the world in your notes just calling male characters babygirl without it being a trans headcanon but i have seen so#many posts of this flavor now. are you consuming media correctly? are you consuming the correct media correctly? are you doing it right?#are you meeting your ship quota? are you caring about the characters outside of their ships enough? are you shipping the characters of#color the right amount the right ways to the right characters but not too much cos that might be fetishy? are you headcanoning them aspec?#are YOU aspec? we'll give you a begrudging pass for headcanoning marginalized characters as Aspec MAYBE but dont get too annoyed about#seeing ships and you have to be so polite about everyone equating aspec headcanons with infantilization with no thought to the irony that#in doing so theyre infantilizing aspecs. its honestly 50/50 if you get a pass to headcanon a character as aspec. but we will talk about#doing so as a one to one example of writing the character out of the way of your ship. you and i are not the same. name ten female#characters. name 5 of their albums and recite all the lyrics from memory. produce 5 pieces of heartfelt fic or fanart to prove your genuine#love of the character. are you going to be normal about it if someone names a cano ically male character they headcanon as a trans fem?#or will you start on some shit about how that doesnt count cos shes not a real girl? or do you know better than to say that bc that would#be genuinely shitty. are you doing it right? are you doing it right? are you doing it right? prove your fandom activism to me. write a#feminist retelling of the narrative. what if i name 10 female characters that im headcanoning as transmasc or nonbinary and calling them#babygirl? are you doing it right? am i doing it right yet? am i performing fan engagement correctly?#am i correctly engaging with fan content? is this going to please your algorithm? but not too much. just a little spicy. a little punk. but#not so much i get banned from the platform. for fandom. am i doing it right? are you shipping Pure and Wholesome Ships?#are you Cool and Edgy? do you only ship characters that hate each other that kill each other that are siblings that are problematic? have#you gone so far the other way you think youre cool to scoff at those silly tiktok puritans who only ship pure ships? you wont even think#about a show if its Politically correct you want it to call you a slur. cos youre tough and cool not like those mentally weak uncritical#tiktok puriteens. are you winning son? are you winning? are you having fun yet? are you doing it right? pass my gauntlet#are you a fake nerd girl? name five obscure comics characters to prove youre a real fan. do you hate women? are you winning?#are you winning at correctly engaging with media content? do you get a sticker? is there a sticker for naming 10 female characters? what#about 20. do you completly write off media with Less Women? put your money where your mouth is then. ship the girls in fast and furious
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aparticularbandit · 4 months
am i going to have celeste/byakuya as a background pre-killing game ship
one that i will mention in a throwaway line and then proceed to not develop
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lyricsandpapers · 11 months
Apologies to the One Mutual who is about to have All of my Tim Drake Thoughts. Didn’t even realize I sent you like 8 paragraph messages at like 9am until it happened
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south-sea · 1 year
(a drabble where i cry about the tragedy of mephiles)
~400 words
Solaris loved them.
At first, there were few. They would dance and sing and smile in the company of a small fire they had built, and Solaris would watch from behind the embers. These humans looked so big from down here. They were fascinating, endearing, inspiring, and Solaris found comfort in them.
Few became many. They cheered and told stories and passed down those stories to even tinier humans, and Solaris would watch from the fireplaces warming their dens. These humans looked so happy from back here. They knew each and every one of their names, and Solaris would greet each new name with a sunny day.
Many became incomprehensible. They built their towers and their altars and had their festivals, and Solaris would watch from behind a burning sun. These humans looked so small from up here. They were precious, fleeting things, and Solaris loved them.
These tiny, precious, fleeting things did not need to be told they were there. They knew. They knew. And they loved them for it.
When Solaris sang, the people knew. They felt it in the tender cradle of a sunset whose warmth would linger just a few minutes longer than it would anywhere else. When Solaris sang, the cold seas would warm and calm. When Solaris sang, the shadows and terrors of night would shrink back away from scared children in their beds, and gentle mornings would greet sleepless widowers with honeyed rays and dove song.
When the humans grew greedy for power and paper, Solaris still loved them. When the humans reached for more and still more and were never satiated, Solaris took pity on them. They provided, and provided, and the humans decided this was not enough. When the humans entitled themselves to their generosity and their mercy and their love, Solaris loved them still and wept.
It rained for three days and three nights when the humans took one thing too much.
When Solaris could love them no longer, the humans knew not what they had lost. The seas could not be quelled, the shadows were not without their nightmares, the mornings were not tranquil.
Still they had their festivals for a god they had slain, still they sang and danced and drank and ate and shivered at relentlessly cold nights.
Solaris had loved them. They had loved them. They had loved them.
Mephiles did not know the meaning of love.
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