shadowealth · 1 year
00Continued talk on breasts00 :: Cosmo Martha Walsh
Various collected data over summer ‘23
~ this summer, my area xxperienced heavy plasmatic thunder/lightning storms with insane winds causing tornado like damage within a matter of minutes. During one of these storms, I was caught driving in my car and was downloaded with information and moved to listen to Marsha Walsh, the voluptuous heavy set Queen whose voice is as electrifying as the storm I was in.
From that I gathered that some women are born full of adipose because it grants them the blubber (like a whale) to withstand large amounts of electricity. Hence, #HerVoice :: #Sonar
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~ xxplained to a male that they are attracted (really fetishize) the big breast wman due to an unconscious desire 2 xxperience her bellowing Milky Way [[&& I had to correct him as he said the most divine woman is petite, no sir. Man’s categorization of #HerPower is now rendered impotent in this Age]]
~ had a discussion wit my sis on the big heartedness of a woman wit a voluptuous chest (no mistake, this does not mean that she is nice/friendly or even a good person. I’m speaking energetically, not moralistically). At the same time we was having an intersecting conversation on iron(red)-copper(blue~green spectrum) metabolism, and copper’s connection to Venus, the heart, the thyroid, & Libra(Saturn::Justice::Balance) ~ Taurus’s (🌑🌘🐂🥛🌌) natural opposition as Venusian ruled signs. Copper is highly conductive:: remember what I said about adipose, blubber and high amounts of electricity. Copper soothes this exchange between Iron and Oxygen (which is highly reactive), giving blood it’s charge. Prepare to see Methalyne Blue touted as a supplement within health and bio hacking spaces. Prepare to see more about the light environment and mitochondrial health.
~ another discussion wit @themadsorceressgrimoires, this time about spiranolactone which is administered to patients for several reasons. We discovered the presence of spira lactones exist in several plant species, and that the LACTONES are the tonifying (root word, tone) milk (root word, lac) that refines the unrelenting Spira (which stands for spiral).
~ Ms. Webster’s word play 🕸👩🏾‍💻🕷🤭😆
Lac (a red resin [[hidden within milk]]::Lacto- [ever flowing milk, which is why they also gave us the word lack::lock, as means to impose limits on this nourishment]::Galaxy::the Gal (girls) + XY (& boys) within Galaxy, playing together making up Her Milky Way:: Buddhists, the ones who mock the Tibet Mthr, called this Way the TAO (anagram) OAT; from this, see OAT MILK, AvenUS SatiVA, warm milk over frayed mylein sheath; lions mane mushroom; nourishing latexes, polysaccharides, and steroidal compounds)); OAT axis (ovary, adrenal, thyroid) within mammalian species):: DAO (decentralized autonomous organizations) coming with Web3 are named this way for a reason as A.I. is a replica of the O.I. (organic intelligence)::galactagoge [herbs that stimulate breast milk]::lactones::lactic acid produced by muscles::etc. etc.
~ my childhood bestie breast feeding her first daughter and the changes to her breasts. Her transformation and how oh so beautiful my god daughter is 🤍 TT loves u Cucamelon
~ the TT (which stands for auntie) also stands for Titties::as Auntie loves & fortifies her god babies, nieces & nephews from unseen places
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ellebellerose-blog · 7 years
This is She
So, a blog...
Although, I don’t really want to call it a blog - more of a diary seems more comfortable to me. Then I can pretend that people don’t actually have the ability to read this!
Why not just keep a private diary then, I hear you ask. Well that is a very good question. I kept a diary for many years of my early teens and I really grew to love it; on the bad days it worked as my therapist, and on the good days it was like my best friend. (How sad is that?)
I would love to keep my thoughts to myself, because really, I’m pretty peculiar - but aren’t we all? And keeping that to ourselves just isn’t very healthy. We need to learn to talk and this is my beginning of trying to do that. And if in reading this, one lady or fella speaks to someone about something thats troubling them, or even just about what they had for breakfast, then I will feel that this current feeling of embarrassment from my weird, cheesy, emotion-filled mind being on paper, will be worth it.
So, hi.
This is Elle.
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chrisvisions · 8 years
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MLK Jr. by @chrisvisi0ns 〰 #mlkjr @ Richmond, Virginia Photo by @this_is_andreasophia <-- follow her ❤️💯 #mlk #berniefuchs #study #photography #andreasophia #thisisandreasophia #thisisshe #needsupply
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wayward-naiad · 8 years
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militiaismyname · 7 years
🎞 “THIS IS SHE” is an official selection and nominee in the LA Music Video Awards for: . + Best Horror Themed Video + Best Female Vocalist + Best Avant Garde Video . Thank you for your consideration! 🙌🏾🤞🏾 . #lamusicvideoawards #la #musicvideo #musicvideos #videoawards #videoart #videoartist #femaledirector #dark #gothic #avantgarde #horror #militiavox #thisisshe (at Unfriendly Studios)
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youaretomorrow · 7 years
My first bare-inspired design for Redbubble! There will be more to come; let me know if you have any special requests.
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vonesperstudios · 7 years
We won an award!
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dijhey-blog · 8 years
she’s maybe a great pretender make-believe is her flair what’s true never really mattered pretty sure that no one cares
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ellebellerose-blog · 7 years
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Mini DIY Hamper as per my post 🎄🎁
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thisisshemusic-blog · 12 years
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This is she at Koko (10-28-12)
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ellebellerose-blog · 7 years
This is Christmas!
Christmas is almost here! 
I am a complete lover of Christmas; the lights, the decorations, maybe even some snow! It is by far my most favourite time of year.
Alongside the warm, magical feeling is the stomach twisting anxiousness of PRESENTS!
Having such a large family inevitably means having to buy lots of presents, so it’s helpful to have a good memory, but essential to have effective money-saving skills as there is no chance one pay packet is enough to cover five siblings, three parents, the grandparents, cousins and friends! Especially a pay packet of a 22 year old woman who has just moved home... 
Christmas, for me, is by far the best time of year but also the most stressful. Sometimes it can be hard to stay jolly.
Like today for instance; I am set at my desk in my new, fantastic, 4 week old job. I’m working away, saving the world one Wellbeing Grant at a time. Then suddenly, a little glimmer of Christmas enters my mind, and BAM! WHAM! Gurgggle... My stomach starts to churn- it feels like 300 butterflies have just been let out in my gut... What is this feeling?! Is it excitement? Is it wind? Am I having a panic attack!? Don't be dramatic, Elle. My presumption was just a hint of anxiety mixed with excitement, but whatever it was made me feel uneasy and panicky.
Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to create a perfect Christmas? My main reason is that I want my family to have the most wonderful day; I want my little brothers and sister to scream with happiness every minute of the day, (in this daydream I have noise cancelling headphones at hand). I want to see my parents’ eyes to light up as if they were still kids themselves as they open their presents and get drunk on baileys and prosecco. One day I hope I can achieve that, but in the back of my head is an evil little voice telling me that my income will never allow that. Isn't that awful?
I really am not deluded. I know that my family would never agree with that evil little voice and that I don’t have to break the bank to put a smile on their faces. Society has deluded us into thinking that money is the key to everything; this will make you ‘prettier’, that will make you ‘happier’. Price tags have taken centre stage while sentiment and thought have been left sweeping up after. 
This year I have tried to focus on my budget, (like I normally try to do and end up failing miserably). GroupOn has been inspiring for family days out at a portion of the price. However, in failing to read the small print I have spent around the same as usual. *facepalm*. Another idea was a DIY hamper full of edible goodies such as paté, jams, chutneys etc. This is something I will 100% try again next year but will do more research initially on different products for better prices - for the last minute rush, TK MAXX was amazing!
*Gurgggle..* um.. that should be enough Christmas talk for one evening. Ill get back to the drawing board for the last presents tomorrow! 
Any ideas for me? Please?!
This is Christmas! (yay!.. sob..)
Love Elle 
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