theforumcat · 2 months
C H I C K E N G R E M L I N U P D A T E:
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wants ham
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catlovestheinternet · 8 years
To Do (8-12-16)
☑  Sign up for Biology          I did a thing!  I signed up for an additional biology course that makes my              Monday and Wednesday school days run from 8 am to 10 pm!  I’m a lot              less excited about it than I sound! ☐  Chemistry Extra Credit ☐  Ethics Case Study I ☐  Ethics Case Study II ☐  Psych Extra Credit ☐  Embalming Extra Credit ☐  Restorative Art Extra Credit ☐  Merchandising Extra Credit ☐  Embalming Test Corrections
☐ ☑ ☒
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theforumcat · 8 months
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Lamb gremlin
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theforumcat · 2 years
What is it? What is the locked tomb? Where did it come from? Is it fantasy or scifi? What is Gideon and why is Gideon everyone’s blorbo today?
Someone please provide clarity I am dying
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theforumcat · 1 year
Hello how are you? Have you taken AP Exams before? I have three coming up (AP Lit Wednesday, APUSH Friday, AP Calc BC next Monday) and am quite scared and anxious etcetera. Do you have any advice and/or pictures of your cats? Thank you very much!
You will be fine! The best thing about APs is the cheap/free college credit, but there is some value to also having some geneds left after high school.
People who take APs usually have also sat for ACTs and SATs at least for practice, and certainly at least the PSATs. You had to have done well on those, and guess what! APs are really just more of the same. Getting good rest, chilling morning of, and not overtaxing yourself studying are keys. If you’ve been paying attention and doing well in class you should have no problems, and if you bomb one of these tests, guess what! No one has to see it literally ever under any circumstances.
Go forth, cool as a cucumbré, and break a leg!
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Here is a Daisy. She doesn’t know what an AP test is because she doesn’t know anything, but she’d like you to give her some chicken
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theforumcat · 1 year
Hello! When you trade mortician, you help out non-trade morticians (and other people that aren't as cool)? What exactly does that entail? Do you make sure they have the right equipment/don't mess up? You said it's "high-impact action frontier." Does that mean you're like a first responder (for when corpses are found)? You also said you had a sector - does that mean the Company has reach all over the City? What do you do as Company manager-mortician? Make sure babydog doesn't commit crimes? Thank you!
We do everything other morticians do, but our clients are other morticians, not the families themselves. Usually it’s because the client doesn’t have enough staff, or doesn’t have the right equipment, or doesn’t want to go do whatever they’re sending to us. We don’t usually work with our clients, but replace them.
That’s exactly what that means! I have lots of interesting stories that I still need to let age a little longer of insane places I’ve ended up at work. Our territory is bigger than just a city, though; it’s actually about twice the size of Rhode Island. Ish. ~ish~
I schedule, market, run staff development, company culture, hire. Stuff like that. Right now my big task is auditing everyone’s licenses and helping them find continuing education credits, which is a little rich because my license is actually by far the one in worst shape (I keep getting myself chucked in the hospital every time I sign up for an event).
There is no preventing babydog crimes, unfortunately. She knows only love and yelling; the crimes spontaneously manifest.
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theforumcat · 2 years
I’m playing sims (sims 4 finally has enough content to be fun yayyyy) and I just… I do not get the sim community nowadays. Why is everything a challenge? I mean, I guess I get a handful of them. 100 babies, breed out the ugly. Okay. I get it. But some of them are just… babe, you’re just playing The Sims. “Legacy challenge” sweetie that is just live mode for more than a couple hours. “CAS challenge” honeybuns. Honeybunny you are literally just in CAS. That is the first step to nearly every sims game.
Anyway, my generational save game is balls to the wall, and just with normal play, apparently I’m simultaneously doing a breed out the ugly, a legacy , and I had a valiant effort at a 100 baby challenge. But it… it’s just playing sims, you know? Sometimes a fucked up thing that happens in the Sims is that someone has 42 children. Sometimes a fucked up thing that happens is you have to start a TNR and breeding programme for the descendants of those 42 kids so they don’t take over the entire world with deeply ugly inbred mutants. Sometimes you get bored playing with the lovely cult leader cousin and their family but want them to maintain the family cottage so you stop by to make sure they’ve got an heir and the whole house doesn’t die, wiping out how hard you worked on the build. And in between that, sometimes you have to rebuild literally the whole population because you’re seven generations deep in a heavily occult lineage and world extinction happens like every other generation. Sometimes you get frustrated that The Sims 4 isn’t nearly as weird as previous games and revamp all the occult NPCs to be deeply unsettling monsters. Sometimes your legacy heir runs into the woods and becomes a haunted tree.
There’s layers, you know? But not everything is a challenge…
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theforumcat · 1 year
Daisy is screaming at the filing cabinet
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theforumcat · 1 year
I am wicked and full of wickedness >:3
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theforumcat · 1 year
Spending today: mad about Mineru
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theforumcat · 1 year
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This is a Tiger to help you! He is professional doctor! As you can see, he is giving you the neosporin in preparation to administer the bandages. He will make you feel better! Whenever I feel bad I hug him and he purrs and he makes me feel all better!
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Dr. Tansy in the pharmacist takes good care of The People; don’t worry, Dr. Tiger!
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theforumcat · 1 year
Hello! Please be doing good! You said that you have "a two page word document of things I’m currently allowed to eat" which sounds like you are unwell. Are you ok? Please be! Also you should eat breafast -- food is important and healthy and tastes good! Also salmon bacon is very best and I have done the homework.
I am unwell, but it’s getting worked on. I’ll be fine.
Usually I do! But since I work both business hours and overnights and am in uni, sometimes I sleep through designated breakfast time.
Good job, puppy! Almost done!
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theforumcat · 1 year
I have a sims game that’s like 4-9 generations deep with occult sims (which are generally longer-lived than normal sims) and prolific child-having (which also makes generations longer), which means that save file is extraordinarily depreciated in terms of sims that are not directly related to my main sims lineage. To fix this (because while I just import gallery partners for the relatives, I like to go through normal gameplay for the lineage’s and other major characters’ contacts) I downloaded a couple of sim dumps to repopulate the world with.
Unbeknownst to me, these weren’t just all random sims/ocs, which I discovered the other day because the blorbo messiah was eating my picnic tables. So now I am on a hunt for other blorbos, but I don’t even necessarily know what I’m looking for, as demonstrated by not knowing the blorbos were blorbos when I downloaded them because I hadn’t consumed or significantly encountered their source media yet.
So now I’m going through all the places I have many of these sim dump NPCs and combing through them, Googling names of any that seem to have notably consistent or specific characterisation. Worst part is, I don’t know how many of the confirmed fandom’s characters I need to find because a) I don’t know how many there were originally (the ones I’ve found indicate a possible spread of 2-like two dozen) b) I deleted some of the dump sims right off the bat, so I don’t know how many would have gone that-a-way c) aging and accidental death are on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As if I didn’t already have to do enough population maintenance in this save already 🙄
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theforumcat · 1 year
Hello! How are you? Would you mind sharing the recipe for the beef stroganoff? My dad and I made pizza and he talked about your recipes. I went to a 50th birthday party that had a potluck which had macaroni and cheese. Yours was better. In my next ask, I will show you a picture of Pushkin that the petsitter took!
Except I am checking this three hours too late to avoid an extra step of confoundment. I was at my mother’s house and could have grabbed the actual recipe to tell you to disregard, but instead I shall have to provide the alternate (not sure if older or if simplified) version of the recipe from a different edition because it’s the one available online. So here’s the wrong version of the recipe I was gonna tell you was basically all wrong anyway.
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Okay so to start: double everything except the mushrooms. Quadruple those. And just use one enormous onion (in order of preference: Spanish, red, white. Do NOT use sweet, yuck) and don’t worry about getting your mince on; as long as it’s in a reasonably fine dice you’re goodAlso, dice the beef rather than making little strips. Strips get too tough. Also-also, use a fattier cut. Unless you have access to venison, then use venison and double the butter. It doesn’t specify mushroom type. I use little brown cremini, unless button mushrooms are on good sale, and then I use those. Once I did it with beech mushrooms and left them whole and that was good but too much work. Shiitake aren’t very good for this. Lobster mushroom powder is a weird ingredient but offers POWERFUL depth of flavour, especially if you’re not using meat. Porcini powder is easier to find and also pretty good as an additive, particularly if you aren’t doing meat and have weaker mushrooms. Morels can be, in moderated mix with others, outstanding. Mince them and be sure to use the liquid from hydrating them in the broth bit if you do. Speaking of broth, don’t use a can of beef broth, that’s gross. Use better than bouillon (or cube bouillon, but I like the goop much better) and do it 1.5x strength. If you did morels, just use the morel liquid as the water base, it’s fine. For sure don’t use ketchup wtf even the edition of the same cookbook we use agrees that’s nasty. Just get a little can of tomato paste and stick between half to the whole thing in until it tastes savoury and rich, but doesn’t turn like, red-red. Use like an entire head of garlic, and crush it. Not sure what this “1 small clove” nonsense is. Use MSG instead of salt, it’s better. If you can’t use MSG, use a salt smoked over a hard, non-fruit wood. Especially if you don’t have meat in. Throw like a couple shakes of cayenne in real early- it isn’t a dish that should be spicy by any means, but it helps to develop the flavour. The directions are basically right, at least as far as order of steps go. Switch the order of meat and mushrooms&onions. Just throw them in on top of the meat once it’s nicely browned. Fewer dishes. Let it simmer however long. The recipe is minimum cook time, but it can sit on the stove - as far as I can tell - forever as long as you keep it regularly hydrated. Flour step way at the end. If you’re feeling up for it, roux is always the superior option, but roux is fussy as hell. I make my roux with bacon fat and bake it golden and then freeze it.
Only mix sour cream into the portion you’re actually about to eat; it freezes incredibly well before sour cream and incredibly mediocrely after.
Also, it will be better after sitting in the fridge for a day. Like, a LOT better. I like it with egg noodles, I think they’re the best. It’s also pretty okay on whipped potatoes, but I like noodles.
Some people put peas in it and they are wrong.
If you want it vegetarian, then just triple the mushrooms but be aware it won’t be as good. In this case, use portobellos. If you do vegan, use Miyoko’s Creamery butter and forager plain yoghurt; anything else gives it too much weird cloying sweetness. Definitely swap the salt for MSG if you go sans-meat, and you may need to as much as triple it. consider roasting the mushrooms before you add them to the pot.
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theforumcat · 3 years
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We have a board on the fridge for communicating important information
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theforumcat · 3 years
Equines and equine accessories
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