#thisssss toooook sooooo longggggggg
help-im-a-gay-fish · 3 years
Round And Round Till We All Fall Down
Studio Nightkiller story. Part 3.
Part 2,
Part 1
In a way a follow up to KillerNight(s) however you don’t need to read KillerNight(s) to read this one.
Synopsis: Nightmare and Killer’s relationship has been going round and round for years. With feelings becoming undeniable, will they fall together or, as always, fall apart? This is again before Ccino has entered their lives.
P3: after a truly chaotic confession, Nightmare and Killer are finally together. However, it wouldn’t all be smooth sailing. After it ended, Killer looks back on the highs and lows...
Warning, contains some mature themes
Studio verse by @zu-is-here
Based off of headcannons both me and @jann-the-bean came up with, thank you so much for all your help Jan.
Original nightmare by jokublog
Original killer belongs to rahafwabas
Killer had been walking away from Nightmare's flat with such frustration, that he didn't even stop to see where he was going. Other then making sure to avoid the road, and the back alleys peppered with muggers, it didn’t really matter where he ended up. It was a big city, there were many places to go, yet it almost seemed completely alien to him in that moment. It just didn't matter...
All Killer knew was that he wanted to get away from him.
Killer was used to verbal abuse. Killer was used to verbal abuse from Nightmare. But right now Killer was cut to the core.
After a long time of walking he finally stopped, finding himself unable to go further. The glass screen of the smashed phone cut his hand, as he tense his fingers and he looked down at it. The small amount of marrow running from his palm, was no concern of his. He could hardly feel it.
Of course Night would do something like that, the arrogant bastard often acted like a child when he didn’t get his way.
Slipping the trashed electronic from his hand into his pocket, he sighed bitterly.
He lent his back against the nearest wall and pulled a slightly crushed box of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. It had been months since the last, but he could forgive himself this time. It wouldn’t be the last one he’d probably smoke today.
He lit it up and took a long deep breath in, letting the toxic smoke fill him. Fill every, nook and cranny and drenching his bones in much needed warmth. The taste was disgusting, but it gave him a sense of calm. 
He'd breathed out, casting a cloud of smoke above his head. He watched as the shape twisted and flowed above his head before disappearing. There was something strangely beautiful about it, in its own way. 
Much better......
For a moment he was able to draw his thoughts into a coherent line and it stung.
"I know I messed up.... But how could he..." 
Nightmare had never been one to shy from insults. He’d been spouting, what most would consider cruel words, daily. So much so that it was something that ran off Killer’s bones like water droplets.
But how did they end up like this?
Things had started off so good. They had so much going for them, everyone had said so. so...why?
If he'd been asked at the time, Killer would have said he liked being in a normal relationship for once.
There was something fulfilling about having something more stable in your life and Killer had to admit he enjoyed treating is boyfriend too romance. 
Giving him roses, buying him balloons and leaving flower petals in a path leading to the bed. All these little things easily flustered Nightmare and Killer loved to see the purple hue on his cheeks each time.
Nightmare on the other hand, had been on cloud 9 in a sense. He may not have shown a lot of his happiness outwardly, but he definitely felt it on the inside.
A boyfriend, finally. It wasn't just Dream anymore. They could actually spend time with each other, without Nightmare feeling angry at the idea of his brother’s lover, for the most part anyway.
It was truly better then he’d been hoping, when it came to finally date the ex-playboy. Sleepover’s had become an almost nightly occurrence, and of course caused both of them plenty of enjoyment. But it wasn’t just in the physical way any more. Just the morning spent waking up in each other’s beds in a close embrace, were enough to make Night’s heart flutter. He certainty didn’t miss sleeping alone, that was for sure.
His boyfriend still irritated the purple eyed skeleton to no end, but it was all worth it for the good stuff. Nightmare had always known that Killer was a charmer, but he hadn’t realised how much until that point. Killer was definitely a romantic when he wanted to be, that was clear, and Nightmare liked this side of him. 
Nighty was a lot less tease, and had been more open to spending time outside in the city. Killer had truly loved to see him more relaxed. Introducing him more to his world had been all over the place. Nightmare had hated clubs, and despised the strong smell of cigarettes in some of Killer’s favourite bars. But Killer had greatly enjoyed the sight of Nightmare drunkenly singing karaoke, and had really really enjoyed sending the video of him to Dream and Cross.
However, his absolute favourite memory of that time had been sharing a kiss from the outdoor viewing platform of a tall sky scraper. They had been standing at the railing and the two had just been drawn together.
The kiss had been lacking all the lust and frustration they normally had. Instead, it had been warm and fulfilling. At least it had been until the high wind had blown off the hat Night had been wearing, and blown it over the side. Killer’s hysterical laughter, and Nightmare yelling at him for it, had definitely killed the mood. But Killer had still counted it as an amazing kiss at the time. 
Though it felt a lot less so looking back on it now. 
News of their relationship had spread fast in the media. Every tabloid, every pop up news article, every interview. Constant messages from fans saying "I knew it!". So many different congratulations, and of course the paparazzi chasing them everywhere they went.
Killer grimaced, as he breathed out another cloud of smoke.
He wondered what the fans would have to say about this. It would be all over the news in no time, no matter how well either of them tried to hide it. The rumours where sure to start within a week and the outrage after the truth would shared was going to be a huge headache. Perhaps the fans would pick sides.... 
What about Cross and Dream?
The last thing killer wanted was to cause any further problems in Cross' relationship. Dragging him down along side him wouldn’t have made him feel better in the slightest. 
Then again, Cross hadn't said a word to him in a long time. The two hadn’t spoken since their last chat a few days ago...so it seemed Cross had already picked a side. 
No doubt that Lil Light would be upset by this, and Killer's relationship with Dream was unstable as is. Perhaps Dream was keeping them apart...maybe it was Cross’ choice.
Cross had always made relationships look so easy, even the fights looked easy. Maybe asking Cross for advice in the coffee shop, those mouths back, had been the stupid idea. He should have known Cross was biased now that he spent half the day as a love sick puppy and would tell him to ‘follow his heart’ and all that crap.
Then again Killer couldn't blame him, Dream was a very attractive man for many reasons. In another life Killer was sure he'd have found a way to get with him. 
"j-j-just.... He.... Everyone always wants him!"
"No matter w-what I do!! ......I'm just.. Dream's brother.." 
"Nightmare..... Look at me" 
"no matter what happens between us.... Dream and I will never be anything more then friends.... And probably not even that" 
"you’re the only twin I want" 
Killer scoffed, he was a fool when he made that promise and he was fool now.  
Dream was a babe, anyone could see that. Long legs, pretty eyes, soft voice. No wonder Cross was such a sap. 
Perhaps he'd picked the wrong twin that time long back.... Because he may not know too much about the golden eyed one, but he was certain that he'd never treat him like Nightmare did. 
The relationship had been so good.... But Killer couldn't understand why Nightmare ruined it. It had all started in the second month. 
Killer had been starting to settle into the idea of a potentially long term relationship. 
He’d called off his arrangements with other men, and erased all the photos in his private catalogue. It was a bit strange to do so, almost like erasing a part of his life all together. But it was what people in a committed relationship did right? And its not like there was no eye candy in the streets, even if not on his phone anymore. It was just an easy and simple change...at least that’s what he’d thought.
But oh no.... 
That had clearly not been good enough.
It had started on an normal night. 
A night where Killer had met Nightmare after his rehearsal and presented him with a large bunch of red roses. An action that caused a blush to spread all the way to Nightmare's shoulders, and he was just thankful that no one else had seen it. 
The prideful skeleton had taken them and tried to hide his face behind them, not wanting to give Killer the satisfaction of his flushed face. They were the deepest, most enchanting red, yet their thorns where still attached. They were beautiful...and sooo embarrassing. 
"what's all this..... You just trying to get in my trousers?" 
With a chuckle, the dark-eyed skeleton swept his hand behind his companion and placed it on his back. 
"oh Nightingale.... would I do a thing like that?" he purred, flashing a cheeky grin that heated Night to the core.
"I just wanna spoil my pretty little boy~" 
For that, Killer got a bunch of roses shoved in his face. 
"ahgrr.. Killer you're so.." 
"romantic?" the tall skeleton said, plucking a rose and putting it between his teeth. 
Nightmare's blush deepened. 
Killer simply hummed and removed the flower from his teeth, but the smile never left his face, showing his much more playful mood.
He tutted and pretended to think. 
"hmmm I suppose I should tried harder... Perhaps sing and ballad or recite sonnet..." 
"don't you dar-
" oh fair Nightmare, shall I compare thee to a summers Night? Tho art more lovely and colder and moody"
"shut upppp!" nightmare said, shoving Killer with his free arm. Though try as he might, Nightmare couldn't hide his smile and he laughed.
His rare laughter made Killer's soul thump for a second and a light blush formed on his face. He smiled too. 
Night had been working a lot recently, so it was really good to see him relaxed.
"now... May I take you out for dinner, Fair Moonpie?" he asked, offering his arm to Nightmare.
The purple eyed skeleton sighed and hooked his arm with Killer's. 
"sounds lovely" 
The restaurant was quite lovely. A high end French place which was designed to kill a bank account. Being actors with growing success, Night and Killer could have afforded to eat here every day if they so wished, but it was un common that Nightmare ever had a dinner companion, when he dined in places like this.
Killer much preferred cheep and messy fast food meals and pub grub. Not to mention the many ready meals and packet food's around his kitchen.
Killer's cats however, ate a diet of only the finest cuts of fish and other meats. If he fed them canned food, it was always the top of the range brand and he would never settle for less.
His boyfriend's love for cats had only been enhanced by the addition of Cheese, the new squashed ginger thing, who had made it his mission to interrupt them every time they were in bed together. Nothing was worse then when Killer was finally giving him the touches that he craved, then when a light mewing was heard. 
Killer always paused for them, and he knew that Killer loved how mad Night got when he did.
At lest tonight Killer was treating him and paying him his full attention. Perhaps he could convince him to come to his place and the two of them would finally get some private time...
“you good Moonpie?” asked his dinner companion, from across the table, and it was at that moment Nightmare realised he’d been staring slightly.
“oh...yeah...fine” he muttered, his eyes looking back at his menu. But it wasn’t long till he found himself looking at Killer again.. and then at Killer’s mouth.
“You can kiss me...if you want” He said, setting his menu to the side.
“oh, does his lord permit me to do such an act?” Killer snarked, sniggering like a school boy.
It was embarrassing how quickly it made purple heat colour Night’s cheeks.
“forget it!” he snapped.
Killer chuckled, as Nightmare hissed under his breath.
“Oh no...you cant take back your offer” he said, taking hold of Night’s cheek and pulling him over the table till their mouths met.
The food at this place, was simply delicious. It actually took quite a while for Nightmare to choose what it wanted. In the end it went with Bouillabaisse with a starter of Concombre a la Menthe. 
Killer on the other hand spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out which dish would be the most filling for the price. It often irritated Nightmare when Killer completely missed the point of fine dinning...especially when he complained about portion sizes. He even had a habit of joking that the chef was cheap and trying to stave him, which often made his boyfriend mortified.
Sometimes Night just felt like ordering for him, it really wasn’t that hard to choose something to eat! His boyfriend’s lack of class...was frustrating.
But it was just a part of Killer, and it was something he was going to need to get used to...
In the end Killer finally made a selection, and ordered a bottle of wine for the table. The sly way he’d winked at Nightmare as he said “and one of your finest wines as a treat for my handsome boyfriend~” had drawn a slight smile out of him for a second, before his blush took it’s place.
Dam Killer and his stupid charming face....
it was wonderful to be with him. 
Killer loved to take Night out on dates like this and he’d been trying to get more used to the things he liked. Fancy cooking wasn’t really his thing and plays and opera were very boring to him. Going to art shows and museums made him want to sleep, but he was getting used to it. He just liked making Moonpie happy and that’s what was important.
It wasn't long after the starters arrived, that a pare of young women approached the table. The 2 looked bashful and a little nervous, holding napkins in their hands sheepishly.
"um... Excuse me.." the first one said, swallowing nervously, as the two skeletons looked up.
 "are you Killer Fwabas?"
The dark eyed skeleton leaned back in his seat with a smile spreading across his face..
"the one and only sweet heart"
He'd gestured to nightmare. "and my handsome companion-
" Nightmare Oku!" piped up one the second girl in the back.
Nightmare groaned and put his hand over his face. 
" I'm not here "
He hated this part of his job. He came here to have a meal with his boyfriend, not be stared at like a zoo animal. Unfortunately for him, it seemed like Killer was going to indulge them, rather then turning them away. It frustrated him mildly, since they were on a date, but it couldn’t be helped....Killer would have his attention back on where it should be soon.
Killer sighed and shook his head. He didn't like a it when a lot of people were always coming at him, but he didn't mind indulging the occasional fan. It would take a lot for some of these people to talk to him, so the least he could do is chat for a few moments. Sometimes, nothing was better then making someone's day with a signature on a piece of paper. 
" Nightlight is a little shy... " he said, cocking his head "but we can take a picture of you like?"
The group excitedly nodded their heads and the girl in front took out her phone.
After snapping a few photos, as Nightmare stared at the 3 of them from across the table, before he ignoredthe scene to eat his food, Killer took out and pen and sighed a napkin for them.
"to the most beautiful lady's in the restaurant~" he said with a wink.
Now that had brought Night's attention back.
Nightmare sat up a bit. He was flirting.... 
Of course he was only flirting with the fans... So it didn't mean anything... Killer was a flirty and lewd guy, Nighty had known that long before they’d even slept together for the first time. It was just who Killer was.... It’s not like he’d ever act on it...
But if he could flirt with them, who else could he flirt with? 
No no Nightmare...you’re over thinking it...that's all...
"it's not every day I meet such gorgeous fans, If  only I swung for the other team.."
The girls giggled amongst themselves, as Killer handed them the napkin and smiled. Nightmare shrank down in his chair, suddenly feeling like an awkward 3rd wheel. 
It didn't mean anything.... It doesn't mean anything! 
"..... "
He sipped his wine, desperately fighting against the little voice in his head, but to no luck, he felt sick...and Killer was too busy flirting to notice..
In an effort to attract his partners attention, Nightmare cleared his throat. 
Killer gave him a glance before looking back at his fans. 
Nightmare glared. 
" now, I'm afraid my boyfriend seems to be feeling left out... So I should probably deal with him if I want any hope of getting laid tonight" he said with a wink. 
"you ladies have a wonderful evening" he said, waving at them as they left, laughing and talking happily among themselves. before turning back to Nightmare.
Nightmare said nothing to him and wasn't even looking at him. His eyes were directed down at his plate, as he pushed his barely eaten starter around it.
“was my little moonbeam feeling left out, awww” he teased, gently running his foot against Night’s leg, under the table.
“tonight I'm going to be giving you a lot of attention...so don’t you worry..”
The flirtation of that comment, would normally have caused Nightmare’s face to burn brightly.
But it didn’t...he seemed like he hadn’t even been listening at all.
He still said nothing, and just continued to play with his food. 
This was odd...was he feeling ok? this wasn’t like him. His eye’s locked on the piece of vegetable that he was pushing around his plate.
"..... You know this whole meal is gonna cost me upwards of 2 to 3 hundred, the least you could do is eat it..."
Nightmare stabbed a peace of food with his fork violently, making Killer jump slightly.
"well the least you can do is not flirt with other people right in front of me."
Killer stiffened and glanced in the direction the two girls walked in. Was Nightmare serious? He couldn't be. Not only was that just the same casual flirting he did with everyone, but he was gay. He was very gay. Night had no reason to be jealous over girls, that was just ridiculous. He must have been joking.
He forced out a light chuckle.
"are.. Are you kidding me? They're just my fans Night, it's just harmless, I do it all the time"
Nightmare's fork clanged against the plate, as he dropped it and glared across the table. 
"you have a boyfriend Killer" he hissed. 
Confusion ran across Killer's face.
Nightmare continued to give him a hard stare, before going back to eat his food. Killer couldn't resist could he? He just had to flirt with anything that moved. Did he even know what commitment meant?! It frustrated him...
"do I really have to spell it out for you?!" 
Killer blinked. 
"so... That means no more flirting. With. Anyone. Ever."
The taller skeleton's eye sockets widened slightly, but his boyfriend’s stayed narrowed and cold as ice.
Flirting was harmless, he just did it for fun. Surely there wasn't anything wrong with it. Nightmare hated being flirted with anyway....His soul gave a twist. 
"what? Night I was just messin-
"Ever!" Nightmare snapped. 
Now it was Killer's turn to pick at his food, as he sheepishly looked down at his plate. 
Right.... OK... It made sense he guessed... Nightmare was his boyfriend now so that obviously meant no more flirting... That was fine. Killer felt like an idiot for not thinking about that before.
Nightmare was the one who had wanted commitment in the first place, so he must have known more about these things work. It only made sense that he should go along with what he said. He did want this after all... This was what he wanted.. 
"sorry babe...."
The rest of the meal was eaten in near silence. Every possible conversion starter, felt extremely forced and always fizzled out quickly. Nothing either of them could do would make this less tense. Nothing they could say would turn the night round.
Killer had just wanted to do something nice...
Later the two split. All plans of later bedroom activities where long forgotten, as they went their separate ways home. No good night kiss, no good night text. It was cold. Ice cold and frosty.
After getting home, Nightmare once again sub-came to his desires to drink wine until he passed out and could hopefully forget the ruined meal.
Was it fair what he'd said?
As he reached the bottom of the 4th glass of red, he pondered if he'd over reacted. Killer was an obnoxious flirt and always had been. From their first kiss till now Nightmare had been on the receiving end of many flirtatious comments. It was a part of Killer...
However, through all of this he'd come to feel like he was the only one who heard remarks like that... It was easy to get wrapped up in the play boy and basically forget the rest of the world exists. He was sweet... Sexual.... Romantic... 
But his behaviour at dinner...
All of that had forcefully pulled Nightmare out of a romantic fantasy, even as he stared at the slightly crumpled flowers on his table, he just didn’t feel the same anymore. This whole night reminded him of their relationship's origins. The fights, the constant back and forth, the one sided desires on his part, and all the constant reminders he wasn’t Killer’s one. 
It brought him back to the night he'd found another man in Killer's apartment...
He'd over reacted yes, but it wasn't too much to ask for Killer's focus to be on him right?
He considered apologising for his behaviour.... But how else would be get his point across. How else would he have Killer become the boyfriend he wanted?
If Killer stopped being so.... Then it would be a good thing right?
He finished his 5th glass.
It was a good thing.....
Killer just needed to be reminded who he was committed to.... Nightmare would help with that. 
The next month came and went. Life carried on. The relationship carried on.
It was nothing particularly remarkable... Not as exciting as it was at the beginning, but that just meant that things were settling down to the new normal. 
In order to make up for his behaviour with the fans, Killer took Nightmare out to an art show in the city, which Nightmare had to admit was sweet of him. He knew just how much Killer hated things like that, so he appreciated it quite a lot.
Killer's flirtatious habits still continued though. Of course it would take a bit of time, Nightmare didn't know what he expected, but he was there to help Killer stay focused. 
Other then that problem, Nightmare was happy... He enjoyed being around Killer and being with Killer.
Killer wasn't acting like he liked being around Nightmare.
Nightmare had tried not to let little thing bother him, but tiny nicks and chips where being taken out of his core. 
Of course it as silly, and Night had made an effort to entertain him, but all the smiles creeped around the line of not looking genuine to him.
He’d tried to take part in things that he knew Killer enjoyed, such as taking him to a particularly loud and feral club. The whole environment had made Nightmare feel extremely uncomfortable. 
The many strangers everywhere, the music pounding louder and faster then he could think, the smell of sweat and booze dripping off every inch of the place.... It was all to much, he would have given anything to be at home reading a book, to have Killer spoon him as they watched a movie in bed...just for Killer to be with him.
But Killer had disappeared into the crowd shortly after the two arrived, the sea of drunk strangers had swept him away into the middle of the party, as Nightmare felt battered from all sides. In the end he’d sat stood by the corner, just waiting for his boyfriend to come over, so they could leave. 
But he didn’t...not for hours.
This whole night had caused Nightmare to blow up, yelling at a very drunk Killer for everything.
The fight hadn’t ended well, and it only caused Nightmare to worry more about Killer growing bored of him.
By the end of the second month, Night’s nagging doubts still refused to leave him. His mind forcefully pushed the incompatibilities to the front of his mind, and that wasn’t all that was bothering him.
Outside of sex... Killer wasn't all that affectionate.. At least not a lot of the time. Of course Nightmare despised PDA, but he was getting a little lonely sometimes.
 Sometimes he even felt he was walking around with a stranger next to him. It was during a double date with his brother and Cross he'd first noticed, and once he’d noticed, it had become impossible to ignore.
Dream would rest his head against Cross' shoulder. Cross would gently place his hand on Dream’s on the table. The two would sit close together and seemed to always be in some kind of physical contact. They would sometimes just look into each other’s eyes and share a peck on the mouth.
Killer and him... Well.. 
It was the little things that were killing him. All he wanted was for Killer to send him a good morning text. To check in. To hold his hand during an interview. To notice him. 
Just a gentle hand on his shoulder, Killer catching his eye with a smile, a soft Kiss good night when they parted.
All things he could use to quiet the nagging voice inside. All things that reminded him that Killer cared.
But sometimes Killer didn’t even seem to notice he was there...
Instead he was two busy looking at other people.... He was clearly losing focus and feeling tempted to start sleeping around again. That was the only explanation. 
Nightmare felt stronger and stronger that he needed to remind him he was there, to remind him that he had commitments. 
He wanted some attention. He didn't wanna be treated this way. It wasn't fair. 
It wasn’t right for Killer to act like this for no reason. He just wanted reassuring from time to time and for Killer to keep his attention on him.
Surely that wasn't much to ask for? 
He had to become for direct with his methods perhaps? 
Killer wasn't telling him anything. 
Killer felt like he was struggling a little. 
The relationship felt a little.... Uncomfortable.. 
The feeling started off small at first. Just a little thought... An inch in the back of your mind, one you brush off at first.
It was harder then being with someone no strings attached.... He’d known it would be going into it, it was a completely different situation with completely different rules. He had to constantly think about Nightmare and his feelings and had to make sure to keep in contact. Texts, calls, constant activity planning. That was fine, it was fine. Always being around one person. fine....
He’d been going to more of Nightlight’s shows and museums, recently. His boyfriend always talked enthusiastically about art and history, and the words would sometimes just roll off his tounge. It was endearing how elegant and well spoken the small skeleton was, and for the most part Killer loved to zone out to the sound of Night talking about something he didn’t understand. The way Night’s eyes lit up when he was talking about a passion made him smile. 
But....it was all the time now.
When their relationship was confined to late night, desperate calls, and bursts of passion in a dressing room after filming, there was less time for talks like this, or Killer could listen to him as sleep crept over him.  
But now..?
It was every day...and Nightmare demanded his full attention. If he so much as glanced around the room, his boyfriend would hiss at him. He was so needy, it was tiring. 
Killer had spent a lot more time and effort in coming up with excuses to spend time alone, and found himself putting off answering texts.
Nightmare liked to text him every single day.... 
Every morning without fail, there was a message wishing him a good day. At first it had never failed to bring a smile to his face, but over time it felt like a daily chore he had to complete. 
Half assing a simple “morning” was becoming increasingly boring to him and it was just silly. Why did he have to say good morning everyday? what was Nightmare looking for from him? Killer just didn’t see the point.
But if Killer was to ignore him? Oh boy..
Nightmare went cold as ice, distant, sad. However Nightmare was trying to manipulate him, he didn’t like it.
He was an attention seeker.
Killer couldn't as so much look at another guy without Nightmare hissing that he had a boyfriend now and needed to focus on that. 
Just Nightmare now.
But did he have to be staring at him constantly?
Could he not check out a hotty on the street? go to a strip club? flirt for a free drink? Just things that gave him a sense of individuality...things he found fun?
But no, just art shows now.
It was normal to feel this way right? It was normal to feel almost.... Scared...
This relationship was good for him, that's what everyone said. He couldn't keep sleeping around forever and he knew that. It was a simple fact that everyone needed to settle for one person in the end right? and just one.
Everyone was so happy that they were together. Cross was happy. Nightmare was happy. The fan base was happy. So he was happy. He didn't feel like he had clingfilm wrapped around his face at all. He didn't feel like everything was choking him. 
He liked Nightmare and enjoyed being with Nightmare. He was happy with Nightmare. 
If this relationship went well, he'd only ever kiss Nightmare again...
He'd only ever sleep with Nightmare again....
It would only ever be Nightmare.
For some reason he didn't like that thought.
What was wrong with him? That was a stupid thought. It's not like he wanted to be with anyone else.
But... Something was missing. 
Almost as if he wanted someone else to spend time with Night so he didn’t have to all the time.
But Nightmare was his boyfriend, his responsibility.
The idea of being with just one person forever made his non existent stomach twist in knots. He found himself staring at other guys, and having dirty thoughts about people other then Nightmare. Strong needs to run around grabbing a peace of every guy, having a taste of everything... To flirt, to kiss, to touch.
But that was normal right? All about adjusting.
Surely he'd get used to his new life... No more random strangers.... He'd just have to get used to it.... He wouldn’t miss his old ways soon. he’d grow to like this!
The same old thing... Over and over and over-
"Killer are you even listening to me!?" 
A groan followed, coming from across the table. Nightmare had his eyes narrowed, his seemingly permanent scowl on his face.
"don't tell me you are drooling over the other men in here again!"
He said, snapping his fingers in Killer's face a few times.
"huh?" Killer repeated, coming out of his thoughts.
Nightmare scoffed "Killer..... I was talking to you"
"uh....right" Killer said, looking down at the table "what is it babe?"
Nightmare sipped his drink, his eyes still narrowed "I was just asking what you wanted to do for dinner? There's a new restaurant on main that I've been wanting to try and-
There it went. Planning for dinner. Just normal couple activities. He guessed this would be his life now, every date with one person.... No new experiences.... He'd just have to put up with Nightmare and his snobbery forever.
It was normal to feel sick right?
Nightmare sighed, as he noticed Killer wasn't paying attention to him again. This wasn’t uncommon and it made Nightmare feel small whenever he noticed it. His normal response to this, had been anger up to this point, but that had been less affective lately. 
Maybe something was bothering him. 
"Kills...is everything alright? You've been acting off...."
"it's fine.. I'd love to go there for dinner... Can you text me the name of it? I'll meet you" he said standing up.
"but aren't we going to do something for the rest of the day?" 
"dam it Nightmare! Do I have to spend every waking minute with you? The taller snapped. 
The purple eyed skeleton startled slightly, and let out a frustrated sigh, "fine"
Killer left. 
And for a while, things came too a stand still. Looking back on it, a month or so later, it was no wonder to him that things ended up like this. 
If he’d been smart, he would have ended his relationship at this point, but he wasn’t. He was an idiot, who had been too sentimental and attached to Night, to let the toxic bastard go.
He tapped his cig with his finger a few times, watching the ash float softly to the ground near his feet.
At the time, if he’d known, he wouldn’t have bothered trying to fix things.
He wouldn’t have gone to Cross that same afternoon for advice...
He was starting to really question why it was Cross he felt himself turning to.
Sure, they were close but Cross’ advice hadn’t really proved to be helpful at this point. Killer had been starting to feel like all Cross was, was a walking advertisement to commitment, and the flex of how well his relationship was going, was to much sometimes.
But...he was a good listener. 
Maybe that was why.
Whatever the reason, he’d found himself heading straight to Cross’ flat that day.
Dream and Cross had actually chosen quiet a nice area to rent in, not to far from a lot of restaurants and shops, as well as having a nice park near by for Cross’ pups to run around in. At the time that they had been looking at flats, Killer hadn’t understood why they had taken such a long time to find one. But, as he’d seen glimpses of them living their domestic lives....it was nice..
Their flat was about a 20 minute walk from where he’d left Nightmare, and despite having the money to pay for a lift, he’d chosen Just to walk it.
Spending time alone to think was something he’d been missing. So taking a walk to people watch, had been pleasant to him.
He made his way to Cross and Dream's flat, not bothering to text before hand. There was no time for that, he just really needed his buddy. 
How was it that Cross and Dream's relationship was so different to his and Night's? When two people got together they were supposed to be happy weren't they? 
Well.... He was happy... Of course he was. It just wasn't what he'd expected from years of listening to Cross go on and on about love, aghh.
Love was not a factor in his relationship with Nightmare, that was clear to him, and he was sure he was clear to people on the outside.
Him and Night weren’t in love, they weren’t falling in love and they weren't trying to. They were just dating, because they liked each other, that's all.
But then again...surely love was the goal right..
Nope...nope nope. That was a dangerous train of thought to go down.  
He was glad when he reached the door and had an excuse to think about something other then love.
He knocked.
At first there was no answer, but there was a sound of small feet quickly running up to the door. One of the members of Cross' little pack it seemed.
Now it was always possible that they just weren’t home, but Killer had seen Cross’ car parked in the apartment parking space, and since he could hear his dogs, he had reason to believe he probably was.
No to mention it was about 9:30 currently, so where would they be anyway?
He knocked again.
Still no one answered the door. 
However, whatever member of the wolf pack it was on the other side, started to bark at him through the wood. Now Killer wasn’t at all concerned about that, Cross’ puppers wouldn’t hurt a fly and were nothing but affectionate and sweet. Of course, Killer was still a huge cat person, but spending time with his mate’s fur children had increased his liking for them. 
“Pancake, settle down, there’s a good boy” Killer heard, coming slightly muffled from the other side.
“Cross, it’s me, can I come in please.”
He knocked again, a little frustrated, after hearing confirmation that he was there.
"Cross! Mate.. Its me, I need a buddy to complain to...." he wined through the door, sagging his body weight against it.
There was silence again. 
Now Killer knew that it had been a slight dick move to just show up. But Cross had told him many times that he’s always be there for him, found brothers and all. Perhaps though, he should take the hint that maybe he didn’t want to talk in that moment.
He was just about to leave when he heard the sound of foot steps approaching from the other side, and the lock being clicked.
Hah, he knew his homie wouldn’t let him down.
Cross slowly opened the door and looked around it. He seemed a little annoyed about Killer being there, but Killer didn't pay much mind to it. It was fair, after he’d kind of just shown up.
"Killer.... This isn't a good time..." he said. 
Killer just sighed deeply "well I need to talk! I'm having relationship drama...."
In an instant Cross' face of frustration changed to a look of concern. This wasn't the first time Killer had needed to talk to him about Nightmare. The two of them had been having quite a few problems early on, at least from Killer's point of view. 
It had been quite a lot harder then either of them had originally anticipated, for Killer to adjust to being in a relationship. Which Nightmare didn't seem to have a lot of patience for. 
There was a part of Cross that worried about the long time stability of their relationship, but after he'd pushed Killer to admit his feelings for so long, he didn’t want to admit that. He didn’t really have a right to try and impose after he’d been part of the cause of it. Not to mention, he had given up on a lot of his past relationships quite fast, so maybe he was wrong, and because of that, he felt like he had to do his best to support it. 
"oh.... Then... I guess I can hear ya out mate" 
He had been in the middle of something, but he could probably take a few minutes outside to hear him out.. Dream would understand.
But before he could step out, he felt Killer push past him into the flat. Clearly he’d taken Cross’ words as a sign to go in.
"what a morning! I just can't believe Night sometimes!"
"wait Killer-
" he's such a nag! I can't get five minutes too myself!" he continued, making his way into the living room.
" sometimes I don't know why i-
But all words left him, as he entered the living room. 
Oh... Shit... 
He was met with the sight of Dream, sat on the sofa, as they normally would. But the petite skeleton looked abnormally bashful, seeming to only be wearing Cross' hoodie, which was big enough on him to down just above the knee. He had a face of someone caught doing something they shouldn’t off, and their eye’s never left Killer’s for a second
The blank eyed skeleton was completely frozen on the spot, mortified, as all the pieces slid into place for him. It wasn’t long before Cross came in after him, slightly frazzled and looking a little angry.
"ehh.. You found Dream..."  
The scattered clothes on the floor and Cross' clearly hastily thrown on, back to front T-shirt, that Killer had just noticed, confirmed to Killer the reason why Cross hadn't answered right away. 
Oopsy...that should have been obvious. 
"oh goodness I'm so sorry! Looks like I interrupted something..."
‘Oh Killer you utter utter moron’ He thought, locking his eyes to the ground. Maybe if he stared at it long enough, it would crack open and swallow him whole. 
He half expected Cross to grab him by the collar of his shirt and drag him out, telling him to never come back. There was a part of him that wished he would, he’d feel less embarrassed without the stone cold silence.
But just as he felt like sprinting from the place and never returning, the golden eyed Skeleton broke into a fit of giggles. 
"it's ok! Really"
Relief washed over him, like being plunged in a hot bath. Oh thank goodness, he wasn’t upset, Killer felt like laughing himself, as the anxiety dispersed. Well, that was one way to take his mind off Night.
Cross grumbled, stepping out from behind Killer and walking to the sofa. There was an angry blush was spreading across his cheeks, one Killer could recognise from a mile away.
"we were.... Doing yoga"
Killer's expression of horror, slowly shifted into one of smug satisfaction at those words. Oh come on, Cross was just baiting him now. 
"oh really mate? So early?"
"good for you~"
Perhaps, after such a close call, he should have behaved himself, but he couldn’t resist a little fun.
"shut up!" Cross barked, an embarrassed anger in his eyes. "you are not to say one more word about this!" 
Sensing Cross getting angry, Dream got to his feet and quickly walked over, placing a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. 
"it's ok honey, really, take a breath" 
"but he!" 
"Crossy...." Dream said softly, making his eyes wide in a puppy-dog fashion. 
The purple blush on Cross' face spread, but his shoulders un-tensed a bit. His slight anger issues were getting better, and Killer wouldn't blame him for being mad in this moment. It was nice to see that, with Dream's support, it was getting easier to calm himself. 
Killer smiled slightly, seeing in person how much better Cross was coping, But his smile wavered when it came with the knowledge that Cross' relationship was so much more stable. 
"OK sunshine..." he mumbled, moving his hand to try and pull the hoodie further down to cover Dream's legs. 
Killer chuckled slightly and turned his face away from them. The sour look that Cross was giving him, was a pretty clear indication that he didn't like Killer looking at his boyfriend while in a compromising outfit. 
As much as he knew Cross cared a lot for him, this situation was clearly making his friend irritated by his presence. But who could blame him? Killer couldn't. He'd have acted the same way of Cross had interrupted something like that. 
In an attempt to sooth the tension in the atmosphere, he hummed to himself a bit and rocked back and forth on his heels. 
"This has been fun... but maybe I should get goin' and talk to ya later...." 
"well...." Cross started, but Dream gave his arm a squeeze. 
"Killer.... You are obviously upset.... And it sounds like it's with my brother..." 
"maybe I can help you! Since you're already here" 
Maybe stunned would be a strong word for how Killer felt at that statement, but he was decently surprised. Dream was calm, and seemingly caring more about Killer’s feeling then his own at this moment. 
He was so so different to Nightmare.... 
As Killer turned his gaze back to the two of them, he kept his eyes locked with Dream's, to avoid any issues. 
"really?... This isn't the best time for you..." 
Dream simply nodded. "it's fineeee, we hadn't even fully started the yoga anyway" 
A smile found it's way onto Killer's face. Dream was certainly an odd ball. Anyone else would have wanted Killer out as soon as possible, but it seemed that Dream was anything other than prude, and felt no issues in talking to Killer in his current state. 
Cross on the other hand was clearly bothered by it, but wasn't going to say anything if Dream wasn't uncomfortable. He did however move behind him and wrap his arms gently around their waist. A soft gesture for Dream and a clear message for Killer. 
"just don't....hang out to long...." the gold eyed skeleton said, leaning back against Cross a bit, who grumbled. 
"are you sure guys?..." Killer asked, glancing at his found brother "you guys are busy after all..." 
His brother gave a long, irritated sigh. 
"just talk mate...." 
He rested his chin on his small boyfriends head and took a breath. 
"You're unhappy..." he said, with a softened tone. 
Killer nodded
"that's one way to put it...." 
Unhappy was probably the wrong word, maybe more.... Uncomfortable?
He wasn’t really sure...but if they really wanted to listen, then it wouldn’t hurt to vent some of his feelings right? 
At first Killer tried to condense his words into simple explanations, not wanting to over stay his already frosty welcome. But pretty soon it became clear that it wouldn’t be that easy. Once he’s started, it became harder and harder to stop, almost feeling like a plug being pulled, like he'd been holding his breath for a long time without realising.  
He started to run through his problems in a fast, unbroken stream of ranting and pent up frustration. He went on and on about Nightmare being so clingy, and needing to text him everyday, and how he couldn't get 5 minutes to himself and his fur babies any more. 
Cross and Dream just listened. Nodding every so often to indicate they were listening.
"sometimes I just wanna stay at home, alone, and watch a sappy rom com with my fluffy children. Is that so much to ask?? Can't I just watch a cheesy movie without someone pointing out all the plot and character flaws?!" 
"Did you know Nighty hates my babies as well!? I feel like I haven't got to spend proper time with them since going into this relationship! Because we just need to be together all the time-
-have you tried talking to him?" 
Dream had been so quiet the whole time he was talking, that it almost startled him to hear their voice.
"have you tired talking to him?" Dream repeated, tilting his head to the side. 
Killer was certain that he must have looked like on idiot, as all he could manage was. 
His mouth slightly open, just staring blankly at Dream. That was a good point.... But he'd talked to Night about this plenty. 
"of course I have! He just doesn't listen" 
"Doesn't he?" Dream asked again, a little too sweetly for Killer’s liking. A kind of sickly sweet, borderline condescending tone. It made Killer's blood boil slightly, but he knew better then to snap at him, with Cross watching him like a guard dog.
"Look. He just gets mad when I tell him to leave me alone. Or I don't answer my phone for a few days because I need space! He just blows up..." 
"Well.... I can understand why he'd be upset if you just ghost him without warning" Little Light continued, fiddling with the ends of his sleeves. "even if I also understand why you are" 
"And to me... it... just sounds like Night wants to spend time with you..." Cross finally interjected "it's an important part of being in a relationship with someone"
A long sigh left Killer's mouth.
"I didn't know it would be so much work..."
Killer liked a lot of things about the relationship life, he liked being able to spoil Night and treat him. He liked having someone to eat breakfast with in the morning, and tease from the other side of the table. It was nice to have dates that didn’t only end in sleep overs, because he enjoyed the company to an extent. 
But despite all the good parts, he was really missing a lot of things about the single life. 
He missed being able to just waste time shopping for new cat toys. He missed being able to just choose too have a duvet day without having to get permission. He missed just being able to get food, or go out for a night without needing to consider anyone else. 
He was even starting to miss having his bed to himself.
These all had started as tiny thoughts in the back of his mind, barely even there. But as time had gone on, they'd gotten louder and louder, battering him and banging around in his head constantly like cymbals. 
"I just don't want him there all the time! I feel like I'm walking on egg shells" 
"I can't flirt with anyone, or talk to any attractive men without him over reacting" 
"You have no idea the crap he'd give me if he knew I was talking to you dressed like that." 
A light blush coloured Dream's cheeks, and Cross' hand once again pulled the hoodie down a bit. The simple acts of protectiveness and affection made Killer’s soul twist in his chest, and sadness follow after.
"well.... I know my brother has always had a tendency to over exaggerate...." Dream said, sighing deeply. There was sadness in their eyes for a moment, probably a reflection of the still partly strained nature of their relationship. 
"And I know it's uh... In your nature to flirt? And your charisma is what attracted my brother to you in the first place" 
"But... I can understand why he's upset.... It wouldn't be nice to hear your partner talking about others all the time..." 
Like the good whipped dog he was, Cross nodded in agreement. 
"I wouldn't like it if Dreamboat flirted with others...."
The grip he had on Dream tightened slightly, and Dream gently placed a hand across his in response.
Killer narrowed his eyes and inwardly groaned. Of course they agreed with Night. Of course they were blaming him. It was alllllways his fault after all. He was the screw up, the bad boy, the idiot. He'd heard it all before at lest 100 times, and at least 90 of those times were Night.
Sometimes.... He wondered if he was just... A bad person. 
It was so frustrating. 
"Oh for crying out loud! You two sound just like him!" he snapped, causing Dream to flinch a little. Killer though, either didn't notice, or didn't care. He was suddenly feeling mad. 
"Because it's always my fault isn't it!" 
"You can't bare the thought of your precious brother being the one in the wrong for a change!"
He basically hissed and ran his hand down the front of his face. 
"You know, I 'flirted' with some girls a while back and he completely flipped out! I'm gay! He knows I'm gay! I have no intention of anything with any woman" 
"But nooooooo I was still obviously lookin' for a hook up cuz I have noooo control over myself! I'm a bloody animal and Nightmare is sooo smart and justified right?!" 
"Killer that's enough." Cross said, near growling as he drew Dream's small frame closer to his chest. 
"You know I love ya mate, but I won't have you speaking like that..." 
His expression softened again, "take a breath, this isn't like you" 
Killer paused for a moment, taking time to stare at the floor, and still his racing soul. 
He was right.... This wasn't like him. He never really yelled at anyone, other then Nightmare. He didn't consider himself to be someone who got angry easily... At least not anymore. 
Dream's eyes became soft with sympathy, and after squeezing Cross' hand lightly, they stepped out of his embrace. 
"Killer... You know I agree with you"
"It sounds like Nightmare over reacted about those girls"
Gently, he placed a hand on Killer's shoulder. 
"And for your information.... I don't believe my brother can do no wrong... Quite the opposite really"
"But... I just think these things are normal"
Why had he come here... What had he been hoping for? Perhaps just someone to listen, someone to tell him that this wasn't how he was meant to feel, his non-existent stomach was twisting in knots. It felt like he'd been on a roller coaster non stop for hours and been suddenly made to get off.
"Is it?...."
"I guess I don't have a lot of experience to go off..."
Maybe he was just selfish for wanting time to himself. Perhaps he'd been cruel the whole time.
The hand on his shoulder moved away.
"I meant that it's normal that you feel like this"
"You've been single for a long time, it's a lot of change and I get it, it's completely fair"
So maybe Night was wrong then...
Of course... There was a but... 
The golden skeleton walked back over to his partner, and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Part of being in a relationship, is being with that person"
"That doesn't mean that getting your own time isn't important though" Cross clarified, placing a hand on Dream's arm:
"I walk my pups every afternoon alone for one, and Dream likes to go to Zumba without me"
"But... If you don't wanna be around them, then why be with them?"
"Maybe Night's not clingy, it's just that you are not used to it"
Maybe... Maybe they were right. Perhaps his inexperience had caused him to exaggerate Nightmare's behaviour, it probably wasn't that clingy. It was probably just all baby steps and his feelings of doubt were just him getting used to things. Yeah, yeah that made sense.
Why was it that he was placing so much hostility on Nightmare anyway? He was his boyfriend, it's not like he didn't like him, and didn't feel happy when they had their soft moments. Some of the spark had been dwindling for alittle, but that was fine.
Dam...He really needed to correct himself before he did something stupid. If he just stuck to it and forced himself to focus more, he'd get used to it eventually.
-alking about bounderys.... "
"huh?" killer said, looking up. He'd clearly zoned out for a moment and completely missed what Lil-light had been saying.
Dream just blinked and shook his head.
"No I get what you mean Dream" Killer said, reapplying his classic smile.
Dream raised a non-existent eyebrow and opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again.
“Just need more practise, that’s all” 
Dream sighed and shock their head.
"You are doing a good job you know" the golden eyed skeleton said, smiling wide "Night sent me a pic of those roses and a very long text gushing about how much he liked them" 
Dream giggled. 
"It was like talking to a teenager about their crush" 
Colour flooded to Killer's cheeks, along with a real smile. Moonpie really liked them huh? A soft warmth spread through him remembering the way he'd smiled, the happiness in his eyes, the violet blush... It had been wonderful. 
"He really did huh?...."
"yep! You make him really really happy killer!” 
“And he makes you happy too right!?" 
Killer found himself looking at the wall for a moment, before back at them. 
"............ Yeah... Yeah he does" 
"Then that's your answer!" Dream said, beaming, before, not so subtlety, pushing Cross back a bit so he'd fall back to sitting on the sofa.  
"You two are good together, and in the end you'll be good for each other" 
Killer glanced at Cross, and then back at Dream. The small skeleton was about as subtle as a bright pink sparkly hat with that message, and judging by the purple blush spreading across his mates face, he’d gotten it to. 
It was time that Killer took his leave. 
He chuckled "thanks guys... I appreciate it" 
"No problem!" Dream replied, gently sitting himself in Cross' lap with a smile "You can talk anytime!" 
"Call first though....." Cross muttered, almost completely transfixed by his partner. 
With a final laugh, Killer turned his back on them. 
"Enjoy your yoga guys" 
"Don't strain your back Crossyyyy" he said, walking out of the living room. 
As the day went on, after Killer had left him, Nightmare had started feeling more and more unsure about things. He wasn’t sure what had caused Killer to snap at him that morning, but it hadn’t left his mind since.
Just as he’d been asked, he’d texted Killer the name of the place and a time to meet for dinner, but it was starting to feel more and more likely that he’d be dining alone... again.
Nightmare’s phone lay silent on the table in front of him. Killer still hadn't responded.
What was happening to them? Things had been so much less awkward when this had all began.
Nightmare had considered asking his brother for advice... But the voice inside his head had told him repeatedly not to bother. It whispered that Dream would only use it as an opportunity to wave his relationship with Cross around. To tell Nightmare everything he was doing wrong. How he was a bad partner. How he didn't deserve love.
Or maybe that was all what Nightmare was just telling himself already...
Of course Dream wouldn't actually say that... But he still didn't wanna talk to him and admit how badly things were going. Especially since Dream’s relationship was only on the up rise and he knew how disappointed his brother would be to hear about it all.
Everyone treated their relationship like the perfect celebrity romance. A passionate affair that had shifted into a deep and honest connection.  Like the two of them where meant to be. Like it was going to last... 
But Night couldn’t see it anymore. The fairy-tale ending was supposed to come now, he’d finally admitted is feelings to Killer.
But no...it just didn’t feel right, and he just didn’t know what to do anymore.
What did his feelings even mean anymore?
Killer had been so attentive at the start....
He sighed and reached for the glass of Rosé on the table in front of him.
Nightmare had been drinking a lot more wine recently. 
Of course there was no reason to be worried about the glass or two he used to have with dinner every so often. But it was becoming a new bottle every few days. He hadn't really noticed himself drinking it more. He'd just noticed needing to restock more often.
Again, it was fine though, he had just been trying a lot more different kinds, and going through them faster. He figured that it might have partly been due to the stress of his sinking relationship as well, that had caused him to feel the need to unwind with it more. He didn't really have many other ways to let out built up stress. Other then-
And then it hit him. 
They hadn't slept together in a while... A long while. A few weeks at lest.
Nightmare knew that he shouldn't let that worry him and that he didn’t need anything else to over think about. But now that he’d realised, it was taking up his full thought pattern. 
He tried not to dwell on that, as he waited for Killer in the restaurant...But he couldn’t help it.
It really shouldn't have been a big deal. Couples went through dry spells! It was completely normal and understandable.
But then again...Killer never went a few days without flirty comments and touches. Nightmare had practically spent the first few months of their relationship with a constantly sore back and legs. But now? Nothing.
How had he never noticed it before?
He poured himself another glass from the wine he'd ordered for the table. It was alright. They were having a romantic meal tonight, surely he'd show up and Night would be brought back to Killer's flat for a good time. Killer would say something. He had to-
"Hey Nighty"
The purple eyed skeleton jumped, slightly too much, splashing wine on himself.
As he looked up, he was shocked to find himself presented with a single pink rose.
"Hey... I'm sorry about earlier... I was in a bad mood"
Oh be still his beating heart. He could do nothing but stare at the rose, then up at his partner who was giving him a soft smile. The kind of smile that melted your soul and left you hugging your pillow at night. The kind of smile that he always longed to see from the flirty jerk. 
It was embarrassing how long he was staring at him and those deep... Beautiful eyes...
His cheeks flushed vibrant purple, as he noticed himself staring and snapped his gaze to his glass.
"Oh... Its..."
He let himself smile, as he meet Killer's enchanting gaze again.
"It's fine...Really"
He took the rose. "thank you..."
Killer's classic grin returned, as he sat himself across from his partner.
"No its not.. I shouldn't have snapped at you" he sighed and pulled off his hoodie, setting it on the arm of the chair. 
"I think I've just been stressed with work... I've just been asked to be in a short film... And my agent is being all... " 
He flapped his hands and made a hissy noise. 
"You know" 
Night chuckled. He did know, his agent could get as feral as a vulture around roles to play. It's not like Nightmare didn't have people wanting him to be in things, he was becoming more famous by the day. 
"Yep I know alright" he shook his head, setting the rose down on the table "what's the film about?" 
Killer shrugged "I don't know the full story... Something about Killer meeting Colour and escaping the clutches of evil blah blah"
Nightmare kept his smile on his face and set his glass of wine down. Clearly, he'd just been getting all worked up over nothing. Killer was here, with him, and they were fine. He was being his charming and sweet self, there was no need to bring up his concerns and ruin the moment. Everything was going to be alright. 
"Either way babe... I'm sorry for getting snippy, I'll make it up to you tonight I promise"
The purple flush on Night's face deepened, as a bolt of heat rushed to his core. He looked away, trying to rein in his sudden excitement. But it was hard to when he let his mind wonder a little. 
Saliva gathered on his tounge, as he felt a strong desire to kiss the skeleton in front of him.
Killer smiled
"Yep! And I'm gonna start by paying for this meal... You can get anything you want"
"Oh I know what I want" he replied without thinking and sheepishly directed his eyes back at the menu.
Dam... He guessed it was just the idea of things between then going back to normal that was making him feel so eager. It seemed like him and Killer had hit a little bump in the last month, but things were getting back on track.
He smiled again, before neutralising his face again. It was sure to be a lovely evening. 
The meal was quite nice. Though the two didn't talk about much. It was still a little awkward in spots, but for the most part, it past by without a hitch.
After dinner, Killer had walked Nightmare home, rather then taxi. The two had enjoyed a simple walk and talk, enjoying the sound of the city buzzing around them. Very subtly and gently, intertwining their hands together.
Now, Night wasn’t much for showing their relationship off in a public way, but tonight had felt a little different. He felt like he’d wanted to try.
This, out of character, action didn’t go unnoticed by Killer, who chose to lightly squeeze his hand, rather then tease him about it. Though a part of him felt slightly less genuine about it, he still enjoyed the gesture.
The kiss was short, as Night didn’t feel like he had long too linger on it. He’d found himself unlocking some kind of desperate desire within him that made his face burn to think of.
It wasn't long after he'd invited him in, that Night sat Killer down on the sofa and kissed him. It was true that he hated public displays of affection, but now they were alone he could do everything that he’d wanted to at the restaurant. 
Realising how long at had been, drove him further and further away from the voice in his head that shamed him, He couldn’t be bothered to listen to it now.
Once they had gotten back to his apartment, Night had wasted no time inviting him for coffee. He didn't even feel like dwelling on being subtle right now, he wanted to move along, so they could reunite their bodies and reunite theirselves.
Killer was probably going to tease the heck out of him for acting this way, but he didn’t care, he just wanted him.
Nightmare hummed and nuzzled his face against Killer's neck gently. He thought the timid, cat-like approach could get Killer in the mood. It had worked in the past and, to be fair, doing less had worked in the past.
His boyfriend always loved to focus on his neck bones for a while, planting it with soft kisses and often leaving embarrassing marks. Night had a collection of long scarfs under his bed for this reason. Killer could be such a jerk...but he’d missed him. He’d missed this. 
In spending so much time worrying about Killer looking at other men, Night had been starting to miss the point of being around him.
He wouldn’t miss it tonight. 
However as Nightmare planted a soft kiss against his neck, Killer stiffened. 
Night was trying to start something? Now that was rare. 
His boyfriend was the type to like to act like he had no base desires, and that he had no need to take part in carnal activities. It was a mask that Killer had loved to pull down, and expose what lay underneath. It is what had driven them together and had continued to drive the blank eyed skeleton crazy for years.
It was not often that he'd let even the slightest hint of desire escape him, let alone want to start something out right. It made Killer's cheeks tint and soul beat. Dam.... He must have been desperate... Killer loved that. 
Or well... Killer normally loved that. 
On any other day, this would have done wonders for Killer. It would have driven him, like an animal in heat, to enjoy every inch of the small skeleton, But... Tonight lust didn't strike. 
After being a very.....active person for most of his life, it made feelings of want in himself easy to recognise. He knew those feelings all too well and tonight he wasn't getting it. There didn’t seem to be any reason in particular why, more just something holding him back. A nagging feeling of built up frustration and longing in this head, acting as a strong blocker.
He felt bad for a second. It probably took a lot for Nightmare to make a move on him. He knew it was something that he always struggled with.
But he couldn't force himself to feel it. He couldn't make himself do it. He'd long since promised himself he'd never feel like he had to again. 
Not tonight.... He wasn't in the mood. 
He gently placed his hand against Night's chest and pushed him back.
"not in the mood babe"
But... Since when was Killer not in the mood. 
Now....if it had been someone else, Nightmare wouldn’t have said a single word more on the matter. But...Killer?
The burn, the roughness.... The passion. Craving for Killer desperately. Wanting to be touched and kissed and enjoyed. Treated like he was desirable and attractive. No matter how much he acted like he hated when Killer flirted or expressed his inner carnal feelings, he didn't. He never had. 
Killer had the libido to rival a rabbit in breeding season. Something that had left Nightmare sore and aching in the past. It was a feeling he'd used to detest. But since in the resent weeks he hadn't had it, now he was finding himself longing for satisfying pain. 
He'd never had someone make him feel so wanted. 
Nightmare felt dread drop in his soul fast, as his fears were seemingly confirmed.
But now... It was gone. 
"you.... Aren't?"
It was probably bad how frustrated Nightmare felt. It was wrong to be angry that someone didn't want to do the deed. He knew it was wrong, but yet the frustration bubbled. The stream hissed and burnt him. Then the sadness and dread fell on him like ice cold rain.
Killer made Nightmare feel a lot of things, angry, tried, irritated. But  the blank eyed skeleton had never made him feel so.... Unwanted..
He stiffened, and propped his back up against the sofa backing. He didn't want Killer to see the pain in his eyes and tried to hide it in his voice. He couldn’t let himself look weak and pathetic. 
Killer glanced at him, noticing the near visible wilt Night was displaying, after being rejected. 
He felt bad again, when he saw him. Maybe he was being a bit cruel... How long had it been since they last had? Surely it wouldn't be a lot of effort to be respiratory. 
But almost as soon as that thought crossed his mind, something cut across it, sharp as a knife. 
Why should I feel bad for not wanting it.?
He shouldn't! That's right! No! It was wrong of Nightmare to make him feel bad. It was his body and his choice now. He could say no. Nightmare had no right at all! He wasn’t going to fall for this crap...it was just another thing for Nightmare to start complaining about.
And even if it had been a while since the last time, so what? It wasn't all his fault. It was hard to get excited for something that he'd gotten so use to. It was always the same with nightmare anyway. 
"A bit out of character for you" Night said to himself glumly. 
A sigh of annoyance came from Killer, as the anger licked against his bones. 
"I'm just not interested babe." 
"But you always....I don't understand why you-" 
"If you'd had nothing but spaghetti for every meal, you'd not want to eat it again would ya?" killer snapped. 
"I don't want you, so you can't make me! Drop it and grow up" 
"So.........I'm boring... That's what you're saying?"
Dread and insecurity flooded into him and sent his soul spinning.
He felt numb, lost, empty. He was suddenly back in secondary school, being invisible to every other student, being shoulder checked in the hallways and eating lunch alone. He...he was lonely...
Nightmare froze, feeling suddenly quite sick. Maybe Killer hadn't meant that to sound the way it did, but then again what else could he have meant?
Killer let out a long sigh, as if every word was draining or extremely hard work.
"I didn't mean it like that"
But then again... What had he meant by that? As he replayed his words in his head, he could instantly understand why Nightmare responded that way. He had half a mind of say something to take it back, but he said nothing.
"Yeah...you did.."
"Say it... You're bored"
His non-existent throat felt tight, as a hurricane of emotions swept him up. He had really said that. It all made sense now.. Killer was acting this way because he was bored... He was gonna leave him... He wasn't good enough. He couldn't tie him down. He’d only been used as a play thing, a toy getting thrown out of the pram. He was all used up.
"Y-you jerk! You frick boy, you're bored"
Not to mention it wasn't his fault anyway! It wasn't up to him to make Nightmare more interesting.
Oh here we go, he was over reacting again. Killer hadn't used to notice just how frustratingly reactive Nightmare was. Mostly because he'd always enjoyed pissing him of in some way or another. But now? This wasn't a big deal at all! And Night was blowing up over nothing.
"Well what do you want me to say huh?" he asked, snapping a look in Night's direction.
Killer threw his arms in the air in an exaggerated fashion.
"You're easy too read?... Predictable?... One or the other"
"I wanna do it, you act like you don't and make me work for it, I tease, and touch, and flirt, until you beg"
He sighed again, and pinched the bridge of his noise.
"It's always the same, and it's hard work, so maybe it makes it boring sometimes" he admitted.
"If you want it, then maybe you could try spicing it up or something? Maybe initiate?"
Nightmare stared at him, his eyes slightly widened. What the heck?? how was that his fault, Killer had never once acted like he didn’t enjoy the way they were with each other. How was Nightmare suppose to read his mind?! And he’d just tried to do something different by starting it himself!! so what was the jack-ass going on about!?
"Spice.....Spice it up!! What do you want me to do!?"
"All I can ever do it lay there, because you havvvvvvve to be on top allll the time or you get pathetic and shivery"
How dare he.....he had no idea how hard that was. The struggle it had been for Killer to give himself to him. No idea! The selfish snob couldn't even pretend to care....
Killer never should have let him have his way with him that night. In that moment, he’d never felt more embarrassed. 
Killer's face burned red with shame. So he was really going to throw that in his face!? That wasn't fair in the slightest.
He clenched his jaw and swallowed down his frustration at that comment, but it couldn't mask the anger for the rest of it. 
"You really need it spelled put for you?! Put in more effort?? Seriously..."
Night's purple eyes burned bright. The blue, seeping into the violet, as an outer reflection of his inner anger. Oh how he hated him in that moment. How dare the asshole blame him for this. Killer never told him anything! ANYTHING! 
"How I'm I supposed to know you are having problems if you don't talk to me?!! It's not my fault you are tight lipped unless you wanna flirt with some rando" 
So... He was still mad about that? That was a month ago. Was he serious? 
Killer forced a laugh. 
"You're still mad about those women in the restaurant aren't ya? Seriously I had no idea you were such a petty sod" 
Maybe he should have seen this coming. After all, Nightmare had held onto a pointless grudge with his brother, over the actions of other people from their childhood. He'd been bitter over Killer's cats interrupting a make out session once, and demanded that they be shut out of the bedroom when he slept over from then on. 
"Petty! How dare you! You-
"Oh here we go" Killer said, cutting in sharp as a knife "it's always my fault isn't it!? Every argument and problem is my fault!" 
"You never talk to me either! You stuck up hypocrite" 
Nightmare just stared at him, his thoughts running all over the place. His cheeks flushed, his eyes tinted blue, his hands balled. 
"Well Killer.... Unlike you! Sex is not all I think about." 
"I think about more important things" 
Ha?... Did Killer just...
"That's a laugh Night!" 
That asshole! 
"Excuse me!" he hissed.
"You heard me!" he snapped "you self righteous ass...." 
"You know... That's your problem Night....
Killer's eyes no longer looked beautiful. They were no longer deep and magical as the night sky. They looked dark and foreboding, hollow and cruel. For the first time in his life, Nightmare couldn't bare to look at them. He was frozen and shocked for a second, nearly frightened by the difference he saw. 
"You look down your noise at everyone, and can't take even the slightest of criticisms before you get pissed"
As Killer looked directly at him, his eyes were different.
"....." Nightmare looked to the floor, anything to avoid those eyes and the purely spiteful way Killer was looking at him.
He wouldn’t cry, he wouldn’t cry...he wouldn’t.
He wouldn't...he w-wouldn't.
"I swear, you are driving me crazy-
"I don't wanna be around you 24/7! It's always such a huge effort!" 
Neither skeleton said a word, as all the loud noise in the room faded away into the loudest of silences. Nightmare's throat burned, ragged from the fast breathes and loud shouting. Still, he couldn't look Killer in the eyes. It was a stranger in front of him. It wasn't the beautiful eyed playboy he'd fallen in lov-
Dam.... What a moment to realise that.... 
Did he?...
No, no, he was hopped up on adrenaline, of course he didn’t. He didn’t know what he was thinking anymore.
Killer sighed deeply, his glaze falling on his smaller boyfriend once more. 
".....Yeah... Why am I here..." 
Nightmare looked up, but Killer looked away. He walked back to the sofa, and picked up his jacket, slinging it over his shoulder. 
"I'm goin' out... Don't wait up, I Don't know when I'll be back" 
It was a horrible feeling. Night's soul twisted and wrenched, fighting with itself over the desire to hug Killer and beg him to stay, and to shove him and tell him to leave. His mouth was dry, as Killer walked to the door. 
"You.... Don't you go out and start flirting wit-
"Oh screw you Nightmare!!"
 And a second later, he was gone. 
Well he'd tried. He'd dam well tired. But again it wasn't good enough.
What the bloody hell was he supposed to do? All his boyfriend ever did was complain about something, complain about him. If Nightmare really hated him that much, then why bother with trying?
Killer sighed and slammed a 20 down on the bar top in front of him. He knew this bar well, it had used to be his favourite place to detox and relax, and find new...... friends. 
Because of this, the bar tender knew his tastes very well and presented him with a beautiful fruity, cocktail, which instantly made him feel better, when he looked at it. 
He'd missed this place. 
He really missed this place...
It had been a long time since he’d even been out by himself. Nightmare had gotten uncomfortable about Killer going out drinking in bars alone, but even after Killer had offered to take him with, it hadn’t been enough. Night told him that bars weren't worth it, and that it was better to drink at home or in a restaurant. Killer knew that was bull shit. 
"thanks" He said, nodding to the tender, who slid his change across the bar counter. 
Nothing, but because not everything on the menu costed an arm and a leg, it wasn’t good enough for Nightmare.
Killer didn’t really enjoy the kind of fancy, uptight establishments that his boyfriend liked to go to. He often felt extremely out of place when there, trying to figure out what fork was for what, drinking nasty wines older then him and dealing with sitting in ‘proper’ clothes. Seriously, what was wrong with a nice relaxed cocktail bar?
It short, it was completely ridiculous. 
Nightmare's real reason for keeping him away from this place, was his relentless jealousy and snobbish behaviour.
He took a long drink from his glass, letting the sweet, yet bitter flavour of the booze, wash over his whole mouth and wrap carefully around his tounge. 
Dam that was good. 
He sighed, closing his eyes, and leaning back a bit, licking the rest off the taste from his teeth. 
Killer already felt some kind of weight lifted, in a sense. There was something really, really satisfying about finally being alone and back in his old hang out.
To his credit, Nightmare had come too one with him once before, but he had clearly not even been willing to give it so much as a try. All he’d done is sit over in the corner like a loser, and decided to yell at Killer for getting drunk! It’s not Killer’s fault that his boyfriend had chosen to have a tantrum in the corner, rather the come and find him.  
If he had to always put up with Nightmare’s boring hobbies, then why couldn’t Night come with him to a club?
He took a long breath in and sighed, rising the glass back to his mouth to take another sip.
It felt unfair to him that he was still always expected to be dragged along to the fanciest restaurants and most stuck up wine clubs.
It wasn’t really healthy for him to keep thinking about Nightmare right now, it made him too angry too rationally think about things.
He decided to clear his mind and focus on enjoying his drink instead.
For a while, he felt better. But it didn’t last, as he became aware, of someone sitting down in the spot next to him. Which was confirmed when he heard. 
"Can I buy you a drink handsome?" 
A line that Killer had both heard, and spoke many times. 
He was startled for a second, before setting his glass down, and turning in the direction of the voice. 
A human who appeared to be in his late 20s. Hmm...
Something deep in Killer seemed to purr slightly at the sight. An animal licking his chops, as prey came into view. He ignored it and said nothing, only continuing to stare at this stranger for a few moments. 
"You talkin' to me?" 
He sipped his drink again. 
The man smirked, and drummed his fingers on the bar top. 
He looked familiar.... In some kind of way.
"Of course Killer.... Are there any other gorgeous skeletons such as yourself in here?" 
Ah, so it seemed that he might have known him them. He racked his brain, trying to remember. A fan maybe? Someone he slept with in the past? He didn't realise he was staring, until they laughed. 
"You don't recognise me? And here I was thinking we had something special..." he wined in a fake sadness, before smirking and snapping his fingers at the bar tender to order a shot. 
Hmmm.......the pieces were lining up now. An old buddy he figured... He'd had many in the past, so at one point they mostly blurred together. 
"........ We've slept together, haven't we?" 
The man took his shot and smiled. 
"So he remembers hmmm?" 
"It was just one night, club in New York" 
Oh! He remembered now, he'd been up there for a meet and great around a year and half ago. It had been one hell of a night after a long day of seeing fans, him and Nightmare had been just hooking up at the time. 
Dam... That kind of life felt almost alien to him now. So different to what he had now....Almost like thinking about a different person all together, a stranger, who partied, slept around and had no ties too anything. He couldn't stop thinking about it. 
The drinking, the partying... The men.....all the men... It had been like an all you can eat buffet....but now he just stood in the corner, eating the same bread roll. Over and over and over. 
"So how about that drink huh?" 
"Sorry mate.... I have a boyfriend now, we are committed" he said, crossing and uncrossing his fingers "we are like that." 
A hearty chuckle came from his companion. 
"Oh and that means you can't have a drink with an old friend? You gone soft?" 
"Or, is he a controlling pain in the ass?" 
Killer hissed, and his eyes became a dark and deadly glare. 
At first Killer's instinct was to turn the man down and defend Nighty.
Sight that it wasn't like that, and say he was very committed and happy. 
But for some reason he didn't. 
Frustration was drawn up through him, at the idea of defending Night's behaviour, since it was said behaviour that felt very draining to him. But the frustration dissipated, when he realised he was just too tired to argue. 
Since when had he been so tightly wound up, that a simple comment like that would make him mad? 
This wasn't like him at all...... 
His expression softened. It had been a long time since he'd acted this way, and thoughts of his torturous youth sprung to mind. If he'd gripped the glass any harder, he was sure it would break. 
He took a long deep breath and turned to the guy once more. 
There was nothing wrong with a free drink.... Right? He definitely needed one.....
"Alright...." he said smoothly "I suppose that would be fine..." 
"Are you drooling over the other men in here again?!" Came his boyfriend's words echoing in his head, and it stirred anger in his core. 
He always had to jump to that conclusion, even if it was beyond far from the truth...
Perhaps Nightmare just wanted an excuse to be angry? Well if that was the case, he’d give him what he wanted.
He still didn't really understand the problem, and now Nightmare wasn't around, he could have a little fun doing something he missed. 
This was a dangerous game to play, but again it was harmless, that's why it was just a game. Games never hurt anyone. Memories of long nights spent scoping out the new talent and trading pick up lines back and forth came to him. So much fun that he’d been missing..
Just a little flirting..... He used to do this for fun all the time. 
Just have some harmless fun perhaps... Just so he'd feel less angry..... He didn't want to feel like he did in the past. He wanted to feel charming and care free... 
As the guy ordered the drink and paid, Killer smiled. 
It was time to take a break from things. 
"Thanks Hun.....I'm afraid I don't even remember your name...." 
Dam he sounded rusty.... That was embarrassing. He sighed again and finished off his drink. Should he really be doing this? the doubt crossed his mind, reminding him that this was against Night’s wishes.
But what he didn’t know, wouldn’t kill him right? and this guy knew he had a boyfriend anyway, so nothing would come from it.
Time to turn on the sliver tounge. 
"But I wonder, what did I ever do to be graced with such a handsome man in the past?" he said, and it wasn't to long later, that the bar tender gave him a second drink. "surely someone like you has better standards..." 
The guy casually placed his hand on the bar. 
"Well you looked lonely...and I suppose I thought a babe like you should have some company..."
"And tonight you looked realllly lonely again.." 
Mmmm classic lines... Killer forgot how much fun this was. He felt a bit better already. 
He tilted his head and uncrossed legs. 
"Yeah.... But a free drink?" 
The guy shrugged "you can pay for it if you want..." 
"I guess.... You'll want me to find some way to pay you back?" Killer said with a smirk, running his finger around the rim of his new drink. 
“Surely it would be more fun to.....come up with a creative payment..."
His eyes sockets remained fixed on the dark liquid, and that's when he got an idea. 
The guy watched his fingers intently, as Killer dipped one into the booze and then licked it off, making sure to run his tounge around his mouth afterwards. 
Got him. 
"Well.... What did you have in mind?" the man said blushing slightly.
"Keep the drinks coming and I'll tell you…"
Why did it feel nice? 
He really hadn't realised how tense and stressed he'd been, until he was finally able to let lose a bit again. This guy was a wonderful drinking companion, and fun to bounce flirts off of. It was just fun, just casual. Just... Nice. 
He was finally free to vent all he wanted about his boyfriend without Cross’ ‘but love is great’ speech, or Dream seemingly dismissing every problem as just him fault to fix. He was getting tired of all three of them, and the new guy gave him a fresh point of view. He was fair, and the environment felt like home.
As the night continued, Killer could feel his stress easily go down.
It was just free of the judgmental and snobbish way his boyfriend acted. It was free of the rules and strict dress codes. The pointless fancy food, and staff that looked down there noises at you. It was just normal and relaxed and it all felt nice.
At least it did until the guy, leaned forward and rested his hand on Killer's leg. 
Woah there,... 
Killer found himself staring at the hand for a moment, as if almost transfixed by the sight and feeling of it. At first glance, it was a purely innocent gesture, something that had no dangerous undertones behind it. But this...this was far from it underneath.
Heat flushed his bones red and glowing. That was a clear sign.... A non-verbal proposal. A suggestion. 
Perhaps the alcohol was messing with his perceptions of things, but he felt a flush of excitement in his core, growing into a low heat through his bones. He let his legs fall open slightly more, before he realised what he was doing.
".... What's that for....." he asked, moving his leg a little from left to right. 
"Well..... What do you think..." the man said. 
“my.....my boy- Nightmare I..”
As fun as this was, this was clearly starting to push it, and guys intentions were clear. He didn’t care that Killer was taken, he still wanted him, committed or not. It was so, naughty...wild...and in a sense, new.
This man was being direct, and in the past, Killer would have loved it. 
But now it froze him on the spot. 
People say that there are several points in life where you'll reach a crossroad, something which could send you down two extremely different paths. One simple choice, left or right, but once you make it, there is no going back. 
Killer had encountered several of these kinds of choices in his life, and he'd found himself taking the wrong path many times before. He'd trekked across sharp stones and up steep hills. His life had never been easy, and his choices had never made it easier...  
The choice was an easy one to make. He should stop this straight away, leave and go home to Nightmare....
But then again.... 
If Nightmare smelt alcohol on his breath, he'd start questioning where he was, and if he started questioning, Nightmare wouldn't let it go. 
In the end, if Killer told Night he was at a gay bar, then the purple eyed skeleton would yell at him and ask him who he was looking to sleep with, and if Killer said non one Night would just scoff and tell him he wasn't allowed at this bar anymore. 
Back to rules... 
Back to his relationship.... 
The guy started to run his fingers along the inside of Killer's thigh. 
“don’t worry about him, what is it you want too do?”
No no.....come on... He didn't know what he was thinking, it was the right thing to do, to stop it and go home. 
Time to put a stop to it. 
Time to take the right path. 
"Oh... Well I have a few ideas.... But I can't say them out loud in public~"
What was he doing?! 
The stranger seemed very interested in the prospect, and his eyes landed on Killer's mouth. It didn't take a genius to figure out what came next. 
As the guy leaned forward to kiss him, Killer had plenty of time to pull away, more then enough. He made no movement towards the man, but he didn’t pull back. All he did was stare and watch as he came closer. He could have turned his face away...But he didn't.... He didn't stop it...and before he knew it, their mouths were together. 
Oh man.... 
That kiss sealed his fate.
Something flipped in Killer's soul, something hot, something hungry. A fire that he'd not felt in a long time, and it burned everything inch of him. This must have been wrong.... This was wrong... But oh.... It felt so good. 
Sure, Killer could have stopped it. But he didn't. He didn't want to. He wanted to chase this feeling he missed. The heat was a driving force, the sensation of running his tounge around another's mouth, having new flavours and new feelings. 
His heart screamed at him to stop. Yelled at him to think about his commitments, to remember Nightmare. 
But his brain and body silenced it. They only told him to keep going. To lean in further and taste deeper. 
If that meant feeling such heat and passion.... Then he wasn't going to argue. 
It was a blur what happened next. Killer's thought's could hardly comprehend what he was doing, buzzing and fizzing around his head, not stopping for a second to breathe. It wasn't logical, it was physical only. It was carnal and unplanned. Spontaneous and messed up. 
It was heaven. 
It wasn't long until he was in a hotel room making the bed rock. The head board banging the wall with intense force, and the sound leaving a lasting memory in Killer's mind. 
He may not remember this guys name, but he could remember a lot more important things about that night. 
He took him for everything he had. The whole time he didn't think of Nightmare once. 
The act it's self was nothing to write home about. He'd been with better, he'd been with worse. It gave him no physical sensation that he hadn't felt one million times over. However, it was the emotional feelings that got him so invigorated.
As he lay in the bed afterwards, as the man slept with his back turned next to him, he felt extreme relief. It was like all the water in his non-existent lungs had disappeared and he could finally breathe again.
An unmistakable sense of freedom..... Something he hadn't realised he'd missed. No longer was he being constricted by Nightmare's rules, and nagging, and yelling. He finally felt.... Himself again.
He was Killer, flirty, fun and desirable...just like he’d always been.
Switching his phone to silent, Killer decided to ignore it and go to sleep. Whatever it was he'd deal with it in the morning.
It was only when he heard it that he started to question his decision, the more he thought about it, the less he seemed to care.
After all his repetitive nagging and jealousy, Killer had finally given Night what he’d wanted. He’d labelled Killer, as a no good cheater since this relationship began, so much he’d be happy to know that he was right, just as he’d insisted. Not that Killer was going to tell him.
He smiled, but his euphoria didn't last, as his phone started to ping. Nightmare obviously...
Nightmare, on the other hand, was feeling a bit on edge. He was his 5th glass of wine in and sipped it, as he started at his phone screen. Killer wasn't answering...
The purple eyed skeleton sighed. He really hadn't meant to go off on Killer like that.... Killer just had a way of making him feel like he wasn't all that interested in his these days. It was probably just his insecurity playing up. So many years of being second best to his brother, had driven him into this state. He hadn't meant it... Really... 
He sighed and put his phone down again, before finishing the wine in the glass. His head was aching now, and he was feeling a bit giddy. Probably best to just head too bed and deal with it in the morning. Surely Killer would be ready to talk by then? 
As Killer thought back on his actions that night, a month prior, he'd never felt more selfish in his life. 
Killer liked to think he was a good person, but he often found himself questioning that these days. At the time, he'd had no idea where this path would lead. But he hadn't felt more pain in a long time. 
Regret flooded him, but not in the way you'd expect it to. He didn't regret what he'd done, he regretted not doing it sooner. 
Perhaps he should feel guilty, at first he did, but after the stunt Nightmare had just pulled, he didn't. He couldn't. 
The city seemed to fall silent around him. Cars no longer zoomed past, people were no longer walking on the street. 
At least that was what he felt, twisting the cigarette in his fingers, allowing the heat to lightly tickle his bones. 
He didn't feel like smoking anymore.... 
He flicked the cig onto the pavement, and walked home in a trance. If he'd been in one of his movies, it would have started raining, and a sad song would have played. But this wasn't a movie. He couldn't just run to the changing room and wipe off the make up and fake tears. This was real...all real. 
At lest he was free now.... He could go sleep with anyone he wanted...
Perhaps he’d re-download grinder, Or dig up some of his old contacts for a late night call. He could go to the bar and do shots, and dance on the tables, stripping his shirt, as the other’s cheered. He could be with a new guy, or even two....He could take anyone he wanted to a bathroom stall. He could do anything he wanted. No more rules, no more nagging, no more Nighty.
No more...Nightmare....
It’s fine, he’d find a new Nightmare. All he’d even been was a man who used Killer to explore his sexuality, that's all, nothing out of the normal. Nightmare hated him anyway, he always had, Killer was a piece of gum on his shoe, something small and meaningless.
It had been pure hatred from day one.
It didn’t matter now.
Nightmare was nothing to him now..
Suddenly he didn’t really feel like going out anymore...remembering their last fight...
“No...it’s not important” he mumbled. He didn’t wanna think about it right now, the wound was to fresh too press.
He was suddenly feeling quite sick...
He should probably just go home, he could go out tomorrow.
As he made it home, his flat was silent. As if it knew what happened and wanted to be respectful of him...
It was so strange to be in a place so quiet. And so empty. Even his cats were absent and quiet. Crackers had avoided greeting him at the door, but Killer didn't blame either of them. The baggage he was carrying was heavy. 
It felt.... Good.. To be back though. Finally alone at last. 
Alone... just like he’d wanted.
He sat down on the sofa and stated at the wall in front on him. He was trying not to think about the fall out.... He was trying hard not to dwell on it... 
But how could he not....
Again a special thanks to @jann-the-bean ans @yuriyuruandyuraart for all your support with this series.
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