#thnx destruction anon
cha-melodius · 2 years
Who do you headcanon to be the most proficient with bombs from tmfu? Thnx.
I do have specific headcanons on this, actually!
So at the beginning, Illya is the explosives guy. I always headcanon him as having this technical, analytical mind, and I feel like he'd take to the engineering side of things. He can make and diffuse bombs very easily, and the bombs he makes are efficient and well-designed. They do what's necessary, and nothing else.
HOWEVER, you have tinkerer supreme Gaby over here. She builds things. She takes them apart. At the start of UNCLE she's been a sleeper agent; has no espionage experience, and thus no explosives experience. She's a very quick study, though. I headcanon her as constantly tinkering with their tech in the field. She probably doesn't have a huge amount of electrical experience—although who knows, maybe she does—but her mind is built for that. She watches Illya make a few explosives and takes to it like a fish to water. But as a tinkerer, she wants to make them better. The kind of person who drastically soups up a car is gonna want something a bit flashy. Illya gets annoyed at her interference at first, and she has a couple of close calls where she builds something that's not exactly stable. But eventually she surpasses him and takes over as the team's designated explosives expert. Occasionally they collaborate on a project here or there, and I think Illya is still best at safely diffusing them.
Napoleon is hopeless with explosives. Never learned much about explosives, never wanted to. Loud and messy and destructive. He's a thief! Definitely not his jam. He's placed a few small explosives for the team, sure, because no one is better at getting in or out of somewhere. But definitely he leaves the building and diffusing to his partners!
Thanks for the ask anon!
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years
The way I understand it is that Kagero is Daji's self-defense mechanism to deal with emotions he doesn't like. Daji needs to get rid of his self-defense mechanism (Kagero), so he could deal with these emotions by himself. Ironically, Daji needs to destroy Kagero to become gray.
<33 hello Destruction-anon
1000% agree with Kagero being Daiji's self-defense mechanism.
See, based on the preview, and just my general knowledge of Daiji's psyche/psychology and prior analysis.....I thought Daiji would have to confront his sh#t, accept Kagerou for what he is/was, and then change his world view.
Guess I didn't factor in how much Kagerou loves Daiji.
(Now I can just hear the: lol wtf? LOVES Daiji? Wot?)
O K A Y!
So. Kagerou's entire existence is because Daiji hates himself so much he was like 2 steps away from making a ....probably rlly irreversible decision. 🙃 🙃 🙃
And this self-hate was obviously generated but a whole mix of things ( a lot of them related to Ikki lol) but just in general, how the Igarashi fam tends to deal with things -- generational trauma and all that.
I wrote a timeline of my interpretation of the events that led up to episode 26 for Kagerou + Daiji.....and it was a ton of sh#t so I cut it and put it in a separate post
that I'll link here right after I post this.
I'll also link my analysis of Daiji / Kagerou ep 26 vs. Ikki & Vice
#the PARALLELs baby
--> TLDR; Daiji learns he can't trust himself. He now has negative self-esteem.
--> Daiji joins Fenix. Daiji becomes super passionate about helping and protecting people. (Along with the success that comes from the title of a high-ranking officer) --> Gets the Kamen Rider position
-> He Flops at the ceremony, Ikki sacrifices himself for Daiji - AGAIN. --> Fenix wants Ikki --> Daiji's has now ruined his brothers life twofold
--> Daiji's negative self-esteem doubles.
--> Ikki still refuses the position. Daiji lashes out; begins projecting his own self-hate onto his brother.
--> Ikki reluctantly accepts the position. Daiji realizes he'll always be a failure who burdens his brother and is unable to save or help anyone. Daiji's negative self-esteem falls past hell itself straight into purgatory
--> Daiji now hates himself so much he doesn't w a n t to be 'Daiji'. He doesn't want to be 'the burden' anymore. He doesn't want to BE anymore.
--> [The mirage enters]: Kagerou takes over. The narrative changes.
--> Now Ikki's the one burdening others. The one hurting others. The one hurting Daiji. --> So now Ikki should die.
--> Kagerou attempts to kill Ikki. WHile doing this he shows Daiji that Ikki can be just as helpless as Daiji.
--> Ikki apologizes for not trusting or believing in Daiji. Ikki tells Daiji that he's strong. Daiji's negative self-esteem is still negative, but now he can live with being Daiji.
-->They make up. The underlying issues continue to never be addressed, or talked about.
-->(Ep 15) Daiji is helpless to his siblings whims. His say continues to not matter. --> But at least some part of him was *needed* . --> Ikki's need to help worsens --> Daiji watches from the sidelines worried, not knowing what to do, and so furious at Ikki because he doesn't know how to help him
--> Ikki uses the kamikaze stamp and combusts into flame --> Ikki could die --> Daiji is morbidly happy that his brother has been taken out of commission and can't do anything on his own for the time being
--> Ikki says: yeah well I hate myself and don't rlly care if I die as long as I help others --> Daiji projects Ikki's situation onto Hiromi
-> Hiromi gets punched off a cliff by Olteca <33. --> The Igarashi's have a mental breakdown (separately)
--> Gifu gets stronger --> Kagerou talks to Daiji but Daiji doesn't want to accept, rely on, or acknowledge Kagerou --> he feels pain as Kagerou continues to get stronger.
-> The Igarashis' find out about the Igarashi fam history
--> Kagerou takes over and forces Daiji into a life or death battle.
Now, this begs the questions: Why now? Why force Daiji to fight him to the Death?
And the answer is: Love.
Kagerou exists to protect Daiji. TO hide, change, 'mask' the things that hurt Daiji (including himself). Kagerou knows this. Kagerou knows Daiji doesn't trust himself. Kagerou knows things will get worse. Kagerou knows that Daiji hates himself. Kagerou needs Daiji to stand up for himself. Kagerou needs Daiji to fight for Daiji.
Kagerou takes on the role of every single negative, self-hating thought Daiji's has had towards himself. He forces Daiji to protect himself. He forces Daiji to stick up for himself (against himself).
Kagerou knows that for Daiji to grow, he needs to kill this hate he has for himself, this reflex he has to deflect reality so that HE can live (Daiji -- not Kagerou. Kagerou is supposed to 'mirage' the real thing afterall).
Kagerou lets Daiji kill him. He doesn't let Daiji be 'weak.' Because he loves Daiji, and he wants Daiji to live (even if that means he has to die).
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
Heyyyoo i have a lot of thots rn
firstly, love you! and your daily reminder that You're Awesome!
secondly, Minhuyk is the reason for my destruction today; cited - love killa studio choom vid. [Suffer with me pals]
thirdly, it just occured to me to wonder who tf takes THoSe PiCTUreS for Wonho, like fr, like imagine him going to his manager and being like - Yep, need to capture the Valuptuousness of my Thighs pls n thnx
four, well i don't really have a 4 but i hope everyone has a splendid day/night whatever existence! Here, have a pretzel 🥨
~ the end of the f world anon
bro this is such a funky lil ask i love it ☺️❤️❤️
1) love you too!! thanks for dropping by <3
2) look i don’t even like minhyuk’s blonde hair but like i remember watching the fantasia studio choom last year and being like “yes yes i think i’ve fallen in love with that one” he’s fucking gorgeous???? unfair also since i’m getting into making gifs i should make a gif set of minhyuk in the studio choom!!
3) akdfkdlajd i feel like he has a tripod or something but it’d be fun if he just went to super manager and was just like “take a lot!! make sure to get a lot of different angles!! ☺️❤️”
4) oh thank you for the pretzel 🥺❤️ heres a cookie in return🍪 <33
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Right this is a continuation of
this ask
My base-a$$ interpretations and timeline of how Daiji + Kagerou got to that point in episode 26 / the special mix of events that created his self-hate
Under the cut cause uh,,, im insane
Note: I'll add pictures later. I kno I gotta head to work soon and I wanna start episode 27 LOL
Papa-san has trauma <-He's most of what Mama-san can focus on. --->Papa-san almost kills the family? (Because of said trauma) --> Vice is created, Ikki's childhood is deleted.
Ikki now feels responsible for the Igarashi family's safety, happiness, and overall well-being. --> Mama-san is still preoccupied --> Ikki ends up raising Daiji and Sakura and taking on the role of "father" for the Igarashi household.
--> This irreparably traumatizes Ikki,
-->turns him into someone who doesn't know how to live if he isn't constantly sacrificing himself and caretaking for others. Ikki wants to be accepted for who he is, but no one sees nor understands that Ikki needs to feel accepted and loved in order to start healing/to grow as an individual -->
Ikki's becomes 'helicopter parent' to daiji. Daiji never learns how to do anything on his own.
--> Daiji is now traumatized because of the learned helplessness stitched into the very foundation of his soul. He's overcome with anxiety, doubt, and does not feel in control of his own life.
--> TLDR; Daiji learns he can't trust himself. He now has negative self-esteem.
--> They grow up. Daiji realizes how the family has fked his older brother up. This is a hard pill to swallow. Probably blames himself because he came along and then Ikki went from child to caretaker, thinks that being born harmed his brother, is overcome with guilt and his negative self-esteem falls a few notches lower
--> Daiji tries to do everything he can to help; but he doesn't know how to help and Ikki doesn't know how to ask for it -- AND they continue to be stuck in their set roles of Parent and Child.
--> Daiji decides he needs to do something big to his brother can see that he can be trustworthy, reliable, and someone he can lean on/share his burdens with
--> Daiji joins Fenix. Daiji becomes super passionate about helping and protecting people. (Along with the success that comes from the title of a high-ranking officer) --> Gets the Kamen Rider position
-> He Flops at the ceremony when it matters most. People (his mom) gets hurt, Ikki sacrifices himself for Daiji - A G A I N. --> Fenix wants Ikki --> Daiji's has now ruined his brothers life twofold
--> Daiji's negative self-esteem doubles.
--> Daiji hates himself for not being able to protect people, and having to rely on Ikki / 'force him' into the position he couldn't fill. Ikki doesn't want the position. Sakura gets kidnapped + people get hurt. Daiji blames himself. --> Daiji blames himself. -> Daiji blames himself
--> Ikki still refuses the position. Daiji lashes out; begins projecting his own self-hate onto his brother.
--> Ikki reluctantly accepts the position. Daiji realizes he'll always be a failure who burdens his brother and is unable to save or help anyone. Daiji's negative self-esteem falls past hell itself straight into purgatory
--> Daiji now hates himself so much he doesn't w a n t to be 'Daiji'. He doesn't want to be 'the burden' anymore. He doesn't want to BE anymore.
--> [The mirage enters]: Kagerou takes over. The narrative changes.
--> Now Ikki's the one burdening others. The one hurting others. The one hurting Daiji. --> So now Ikki should die.
--> Kagerou attempts to kill Ikki. WHile doing this he shows Daiji that Ikki can be just as helpless as Daiji.
--> Ikki apologizes for not trusting or believing in Daiji. Ikki tells Daiji that he's strong. Daiji's negative self-esteem is still negative, but now he can live with being Daiji.
-->They make up. The underlying issues continue to never be addressed, or talked about.
--> Ikki trusts Daiji more. (For Daiji.) -- Daiji doesn't trust himself ---> Sakura becomes a rider. --> Daiji's placed in another helpless position as Hiromi is throttled by Chamleon. --> Daiji's rage simmers inside of himself. -- Ikki & Sakura bring out Kagerou because they /need/ him
-->Daiji is helpless to his siblings whims. His say continues to not matter. --> But at least some part of him was *needed* . --> Ikki's need to help worsens --> Daiji watches from the sidelines worried, not knowing what to do, and so furious at Ikki because he doesn't know how to help him
--> Ikki uses the kamikaze stamp and combusts into flame --> Ikki could die --> Daiji is morbidly happy that his brother has been taken out of commission and can't do anything on his own for the time being
--> Ikki says: yeah well I hate myself and don't rlly care if I die as long as I help others --> Daiji projects Ikki's situation onto Hiromi
--> Hiromi is a martyr. Hiromi doesn't listen to him, and Ikki doesn't help at all because he's also a martyr. --> Hiromi gets punched off a cliff by Olteca <33. --> The Igarashi's have a mental breakdown (separately)
--> Gifu gets stronger --> Kagerou talks to Daiji but Daiji doesn't want to accept, rely on, or acknowledge Kagerou --> he feels pain as Kagerou continues to get stronger.
--> Ikki switches with Vice. --> Ikki combines with Vice --> The Igarashis' find out about the Igarashi fam history
--> Kagerou takes over and forces Daiji into a life or death battle.
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