#tho I'm gonna guess perhaps the artist of the hyena and invertebrate piece. but could be anyone honestly. you're all the same
radmista · 7 months
Tumblr media
Fascinating how misgendering is akin to and on the same level as real life physical violence to you guys. But calling someone an abelist slur is a-okay.
Also interesting you resort to calling me a "d*ke" despite me not being a lesbian. Almost like "t*rf = lesbian" to you and you also hate lesbians.
Also note how none of these things are arguments. You can't argue against the facts laid out, and so you resort to immature homophobic and ableist insults to what? Try and offend me?
Wasn't your community just pissing and moaning that unfair blog deletion was some egregious horrific phobic offense. Y'alll don't seem to pressed about abusing the system to get people you don't like banned/deleted.
The only pathetic one I see here is you. Tumblr is a side thing for me, I have things I do in the real world that progress my future. What are you doing with your time and life?
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