#tho for Jeankasa there’s often new fics so don’t hesitate to just look around on their AO3 hashtag and all
maagicmiss · 4 years
do you have jeankasa fic recommendations?
Ooh it’s been a while since i read some but those were really nice ✨
- The Serie Letters of Tomorrow by AkaneRei which is pretty neat
- Sehnsucht by Cryass (dated 2015 so like..... grandma). A short one shot abt one sided love and death
- The serie While Others Talk, We Were Listening To Lovers Rock by giovanchis. Modern AU
- Their Mistake by fmpsimon Full angst and no happy ending but my kinda drug
- Commander Hange’s Emergency Wig Service by gwenyn_bright It’s crack and funny lol
- I’ve always been there for you.... by ArminKirschtien if you hate Armin and Mikasa and love heavy angst and betrayal lol
- Quietness That Follows by Foxberry just a soft happy modern AU
- Shootings Stars by Magicmiss 🗿🗿🗿 (Come back and tell me what u thought of it pls)
There’s so many more but I recall really liking these ! (Had to scroll down my AO3 historic for 40mn smh Hope u enjoy !) Im an angsty one-shot kinda girl so I hope you’re too lol
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