#tho i do like the higherups
cariciapadre · 1 year
taking a break from obsessing over caricias ,, i am kinda into the higher ups rn ,, chehehe
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reckless-rider · 8 months
thinking abt Gojo
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azurajay · 2 years
the magnus archives is a podcast what the FUCK was that at the end of mag47
I'm torn between 'I never want to ever hear from it ever again' and 'ohhmygod please show up in another episode IMMEDIATELYYY' - the distortion on the audio was so creepy and so well done, the way it spoke too was sooo aauughh it was so very creepy /pos
I've got so many questions tho - to me, this ,, creature?? entity??? feels like along the lines of a god-like figure?? and it's choosing to interact with mortals, particularly those headlining one side of a particular oncoming,,, storm of sorts (jon mentioned a war?) in order to aid them? in some way? But by the sounds of it it cant overstep and intervene too much at risk of upsetting some sort of balance - i don't know, there's a Lot to be picked apart in that end conversation, and I'm Very excited to see what's coming next.
Sasha update: i still miss her, what the hell is going on
Martin update: 💞💞💞💞martin💞💞💞💞💞 (am i worried theres smth going on with him? a little bit, actually. do i believe this is more of a red herring and jon's paranoia getting to me? mostly, yes. did i find it increasingly funny that jon listed martin being attentive and caring towards him following the traumatic event they all just shared as something to be suspicious about? 1000%.)
Tim update: tim
WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED the entity saying "dont you know they're lying to you?" or something along those lines,,, implying perhaps they're All lying to him, in some way or another? Idk listen man i trust martin with my life, anything he's doing is obviously correct so theres nothing to worry about there -- theres the obvious case of sasha, and ik elias is sus af, but tim? what could He be lying about?
Or perhaps the "they" is the institute itself? as in elias and etc, the higherups? but idk, it showed up right after not sasha left, so i dont trust that it Wasnt talking abt the four.
Anyway, ramble over, I'm sure I'll reblog this at some point down the line when I know more, but !! for now, I shall sleep <3
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jentlemahae · 5 months
seeing them all listed out like that.. yikes. do you think yg even realizes why they’re losing all their artists? this whole time i thought it was bcs they dgaf but baemons debut has me second guessing. yg haven’t changed their business plan since 2008 and they’ve been getting rightfully criticized for that especially since covid (as the kpop landscape has changed a lot since then imo) so i thought they would start to make changes with their new group.. but then they didn’t. so do they even know why they’re getting criticized? i hope that baemon lowkey flopping and everybody jumping ship in the past year (especially the pinks, their main moneymakers) is a giant wake up call for them and they start getting their shit together but it’s yg so i won’t hold my breath
exactly 😐 like sure artists leaving to explore new things is to be expected but so many leaving in such a short amount of time ……. too much to be a coincidence, if i were a higherup at yg i would be seriously rethinking how we do things and try to improve the company to make sure people stop leaving en masse 😐 bcs the only reason why the pinks renewed the group contract is that they have no other choice if they wanna be a group, *nobody* wants to be in that company once they know what it’s actually like to be a yg idol :| i kinda hope baemon continues flopping so they learn their lesson (tho i doubt that would happen, if baemon flops they’ll just become even more inactive)
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rametarin · 2 years
why do black ppl have to move to japan to make anime tho, i mean they could stay in the usa and make their own shows, like what has been happening for years(eg hair love). if their goal is to get more psotive black rep in anime, i doubt that will happen. idris elba made yasuke, which was received negatively. japan is pretty antiblack and thinks blackface is ok, so i doubt most japanese people including higherups and managakas will even care about black rep.
Many Japanese moved to the states to work on Disney, anon. It seems strange, but when you love something, it doesn't matter where you come from. A famous Japanese waterpainter did the backgrounds and such for Bambi, in fact. Only recently passed from us, too. Well, I say recent, but y'know. I mean relatively, considering when Bambi came out. I don't believe it's strange at all that many black people that grew up on Dragon Ball, One Piece and all the fucking hentai one can wank to, would dream about going to Japan to become authentic mangakas. Heck, there's a reason why Nintendo's posterboy is an Italian plumber named Mario, and it's because the guys behind Nintendo's videogames division learned and worked in the west before going home.
So while it seems odd or possibly even suspicious, non-Japanese dreaming to move, live and work in Japan to do that seems almost as silly as childhood aspirations to go and become a Katanasmith, but, well.. it can be applied to anyone idolizing anywhere and any other people. From weeaboos, to riverdancers.
And the unfortunate and dispicable thing is that there's a good argument to make for, "positive representation" of people of all backgrounds in media. The innocent, good faith reason for it is that the simple truth is when you live in a place that is historically majority of one-sort of people, and they expect that ethnic/demographic dominance to remain and maintain as the majority and respected as such, they don't expect foreigners to be able to just come in and threaten that. But, the honest to god truth is that in the modern world, intermarriage that's sincere and honest and global travel threatens that worldview. And immigrant and mixed people suffer the brunt of that ignorance and lashing out for, "not being one of them."
So I don't grudge media the very necessary and reasonable decision to make more inclusive material. Something like My Hero Academia considers the future to be more mixed families in even societies that today are more ethnically homogenuous, than they are in the imaginary settings, or real future. It means when interacting with an imaginary fantasy world, you don't have to wipe away what you are and where you come from, physical characteristics-wise, in order to interact. Fun as it is and boilerplate as it is to, for example, make an Asian character for Oriental Adventure type tabletop settings, because showing up at the table of what is more of a historical Japanese setting like Chris Farley is kinda.. yeah.
Animators and animation studios, while undoubtedly being a business, are staffed by more progressive people. Usually. If not outright pinkos. So the odds are higher that someone will put forwards either the idea for a franchise or setting that is more willing to have things be accessible to the imaginations of everybody, either not limited by the ethnic background depicted (like say, a medieval European fantasy world. Or Japanese. Or Chinese. etc.) or outright incorporating and commenting on the participation of different communities and how and why they're interacting. So. It is inevitable.
The bad faith parts come in when they say, "diversity and representation" and instead it's not really about either, but collectivist Group Struggle. Which only care about diversity and representation as far as their use in impressing the message: See these people as an indivisible distinct society unto themselves that perpetuates themselves and deserve a wide berth for their community, even in your country, even in your aboriginal homeland, or you're a supremacist bigot.
Japan is going to get snared and caught on the social parts of this because they just have no experience with dealing with the historical padding and messaging these people do. If they make noise in Japan now, 10-30 years from now they can talk about the events happening with the same glowing historical reverence that they cite in the US about the civil rights era, fighting back against the big bad and evil white supremacist society, and imply how the Japanese were apathetic or outright disdainful for the, "uppity black people." And tell their kids how shameful and bigoted and Asian-Supremacist their parents and grandparents generation was, and how anti-black society still is, and how bigots should be condemned- and if you aren't on board with their definition of equality, that practically sees black in Japan as a community, culture and society all its own, then you're a racist and a bigot.
It is repulsive and repugnant that there exists a kind of person that tries to use genuinely good things like learning how to depict people of other groups and backgrounds with authenticity and respect in order to use them as platforms for stories about how racist and oppressive against that group others are, but so long as people understand what's happening when it happens, they can consciously determine the merits of a work based on the merits of the work. Things being inclusive will get less hamhanded and forced the more experience people have with adding them.
Japan is going to have a very negative experience dealing with the actual antiblackness and how their children react once said children are presented with the opportunity to be ashamed of the actual racism and actual supremacism either on the surface or beneath of Japanese society. And the wrong kind of person is going to be right there, lapping it up, exploiting it for their own agenda all the while.
The sooner Japan gets with honest and sincere depictions of people of other backgrounds for the sake of story and experience and practice, the more easily the youth will transition to naturalized and normalized understanding and relations, and the shorter turnaround time. Because the more they resist that and try to maintain actual anti-blackness with belligerence, the more their daughters are going to overcompensate in the other direction, the longer and deeper that generational rift is going to grow.
Leave it up to the sort of people behind front groups like BLM to take advantage of that weakness and exploit it, socially.
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6ad6ro · 2 years
i gotta be honest, the new saints row game really doesn't look awful to me. i hadn't even heard there was gonna be one until the game awards, so i was genuinely kinda excited? esp since i thought the company was bankrupt and series was DEAD, u kno?
i had to spend time lookin up why ppl were hating on it. it really didn't look bad? it looked great imo. yeah the char design wasn't anything special, but imo it never was to begin with (i do love how 3 looked tho, besides maybe the dubstep aesthetics). and i was actually glad they toned it back from 4.
4 was... a mess. besides the fun writing, it was actually a bit terrible. def something that shoulda been dlc for 3 rather than it's own game. and they wrote themselves into a corner. heck, they put themselves into a corner with the MECHANICS too. so i'm actually totally okay with them just dropping everything and starting over. i feel like i woulda done the same. i really don't want time travelling superheros ever again.
i want "silly gta" which is exactly what this new one once again looks like. it reminds me more of like sr3 (by far my favorite of the series). i hear the devs are saying they're going for a vibe in between sr3 and 2 (2 is my second fave so that's cool).
but it seems like people are mostly complaining because they say it seems "censored"? like they all want sr2 back (idk why, the edginess was the worst part of sr2 and i'm glad they fixed it in sr3). but sr hasn't been like that in a million years. did they just forget everything after sr2 ever happened?? what's with this "they look like fortnite artschool tweens"??? like hate to break it to you, but that's how sr has looked for the past 10 years or so.
if people are complaining about cartooniness, why are they ALSO wanting the old characters back? it doesn't make a whole lotta sense! sr was more or less an adult swim cartoon by the time sr4 hit. the series was already drastically less edgy (for better or worse) than it was in 2. idk! idk.
maybe i'm missing something? but the game looks fine to me. i understand the whole "2020 era fiction is getting oversanitized by corporations pretending to be pc" complaint. i understand why people would be bothered by another game with the shitty disney pixar fortnite aesthetic. but i'm... just not sure it really applies here. this just looks like more saints row to me. and it looks closer to my fav games in the series, rather than the insanity that sr4 brought.
while i'm usually happy that fans nowadays are so critical of big companies churning out unfinished, overpriced trash? or being scammy etc? there's def a bit of a weird side effect where sometimes fans are just nerdraging for really stupid reasons. and like we saw with, say, the more recent star wars movies. even if fanhate obv stupid and sexist and based on HORRIBLE taste? can still cause a good thing to get RUINED.
yes i'm talking about how episode 8 was actually a pretty good movie and WAY better than 7, but then shit fans scared disney higherups to fuck up things SO bad that 9 was just laughably awful (tho still better than 7 bc at least i was laughing).
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pen-try · 4 years
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monster hunter au!! some info:
gordon: monster hunter, outfit taken from van helsing,, luv that movie, hes a lot more stoic here, maybe some fucked up, tragic backstory too, like his parents were killed by monsters.. maybe they were monster hunters too but like really famous ones and he struggles to hold up their name and prove himself
benrey: werewolf, hes supposed to be one of the bigger ones, also my benrey is taller than gordon is the au (i draw him shorter in reg hlvrai)
bubby: they are a headless horseman! got their head stolen by gman/cursed by him, yes there will be boomer ship :) also they will have a horse lmao, instead of making it a skeleton horse im going to do a zombie horse thats more inspired by a headcrab. slight antagonist but forced to work for gman, prolly gets their head back in the end of this, also inpired by jack skellington
coomer: a vampire!! also inspired by van helsing, the vampires are so cool there lol (gordon was originally going to be the vampire of the group!)
tommy: either somehtign like a ghost/poltergeist/possessed spirit?? i want there to be times where he goes all evil and fucked up cuz i think he still has some relation to gman in this
darnold: a witch!! not really evil or bad, but she’s outcasted from reg village folk, and he’s very useful to gordon on his travels (maybe a lil romance shipping hrm? idk yet! maybe like catwoman and batman, but not so.. D:)
forzen: a gorgon! i think forzen isnt really a bad guy either, just outcasted by the village too, maybe gordon introduces him to darnold and they hit it off really well (so they wont be lonely outcasts anymore, outcasts together….)
gman:a demon! unsure if he’ll be THE devil or not yet, leaning towards no because in game he references his employers, so he’ll prolly have higherups,(working on doing an animatic for him to, to pumpkin song by jack stauber, dont know if ill finish it tho, i never finish animatics.. :(..)
also a lil interaction between benrey and gordon in last pic, as well as height growth comparison
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caprisun-cap · 4 years
TRoS Spoilers: You have been warned
I saw tros like a week ago and have feelings about it, this post is specifically about reylo, finnpoe, and racism tho
I think reylo could have been a good ship if it wasnt written so shit and people werent racist
Kylo is an amazing character, but a piece of shit person who is working through trauma and things of that nature. Def not partner material.
Rey is ALSO an amazing character who is also working through her own shit and problems. Also not a good partner at this point.
I think the use of the force bond (or as i like to cal it: forcetime) is good for them. They need to grow and mature and work through their trauma and sometimes it’s nice to have someone to help you do that. Forcetime is a good tool for them to help each other. HOWEVER, that does not mean they need to date. I would have rather seen Ben and Rey bond as friends and work through their problems before seeing them get together. I’m glad Ben abd Rey fought together at the end of the movie, but the kiss was 100% not necessary and kinda ruined the plot.
In conclusion: Reylo in the movies is unnecessary and they should have focused more on friendship rather than love. People who are racist can go shove a cactus up their ass just in general but rn specifically for yelling at actors/actresses and for ruining what could have been an amazing story. FinnPoe is the ship we deserve and Disney are cowards. I wanna see the origional 3 1/2 hour version of TRoS pls and thank you.
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jockedguy · 5 years
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I wasnt always a Grunt. I never imagined I would be, I dont know how you can ever see somethin like that coming. I wish I had seen it earlier, because of how happy I am now.
All I have tosay is that I am in a crew, I have a Boss and I have a Chief. They give me orders and I do them because thats what Grunts do. Grunts are Crew Property.
Im what most people would call a Redneck. Even though I live in the city, my Boss and my Chief want me to be a sertain way. Its not good for me to make choices, because I always fuck it up. Its way easier to do what Im told.
Its been a slow process but in the last few months Its been goin faster. Now I wear a lot more leather and we branewash every night, wich is important to me because branewashin is good for me. Theres times when I kinda fall back into who I used to be, because I lived it for so long, but Chief and Boss always remind me that aint who I am anymore. People change, its not so wierd that Im who I am now. Its kinda always who I’ve been anyway underneath. Bossn Chief just help bring it out.
I never relax as good as when Im branewashin. I love hearin the leather creakin n shit when Boss puts me in the chanes and the coller. I love gettin a lil tripped out when the spirals come on the big screan. And all the pics, some of em even look like me. Or I look like them or somethin. Ether way, Its good for me.
Ive always liked dogs, but Im not sure why. Maybe cuz I just never liked cats, cuz they were kinda stupid and smelled bad. A good dog is a good frend, he always hangs out with you and licks your face and rolls around and is a good time. Thats what Im kinda like to my Boss n Chief as a Grunt, cuz Grunts is crew property. Im loyal as fuck and Ill fuck anyone up who trys to fuck with Boss or Chief. Like a dog too. I got a big ass wolf tatted on my arm an hes howlin, it looks badass. I got it cuz Boss told me to get it. Boss knows best.
Someday Boss tells me we wont be in the city anymore, itll be on big land probably in the South and ill work the land. Boss sez its okay that Im more like his employee. He marryed me because its the best way to own me. Theres even a contract that makes me like legaly owned by Boss n Chief. I signed it but I dont remember much about it cuz the words were really fuckin big and I got bored plus Chief said just sign it Grunt so i signed it Grunt and he wacked me on the head and said now he had to make a new one becuz I had to sign my REAL name but i forgot i had one.
Oh yea its Critter, I said when I remembered.
Boss and Chief laughed alot, then Boss took out my wallet from my pants and showed me my drivers ID and it said TUCKER JOHN PRICE.
So thats the name Im suposed to sign on the thing, Chief sez, and I think I get it, but now we gotta wait til he gets a new contract made up.
This is why I gotta dont think for myself, because like Boss n Chief say, its bad for me. I dont think, Boss n Chief think for me.
Slowly the way I think is changeing too. Every once in awhile Ill get a good brite flash of the way Im should be thinkin, slow n simple. Sometimes Ill realize that I wasnt even thinkin at all for a long time, jus kinda zonin out. Sometimes I wake up and Im all in leather and Im watchin the pics go by, all the spirals n shit. Sometimes Ieven think I see myself in those pics, but its goes by so fast that I cant tell.
Sometimes I dream Im in the yard, Im in the future, I feel the sun beatin down on my back and I see I got a shovel in my hand, Im doin some yardwork. I know my trailer aint too far away, and I know I got a shit ton of Coors Lite in the mini frige out there. Theres a piece of wood with the words CRITTERS PLACE painted on it that I did, hangin over the door. The Big House is behind me, and the Branewashin Room is downstairs, with the big screans and the chair with all the yellow straps and chanes. I can still taste the powedery pill that Boss gave me to eat before I sat down in it and can still feel the leather hood that he put over my face on my face now.
Soon we are goin to the South to see Chief. Chief sees me evry day tho, becauze they put a camera in my room. Crew Property gets wached by the higherups. I gotta do good cuz they allways wachin. Chief sez that when I get there Im gonna get more ink. Boss been sayin that he wants me to get a noes ring. That Im a Tattooed Low Life Leather Lovin Freak Dirty Fuckin Redneck, and I should act like it more, act like it better. He sez that if I dont shape up, Im gonna be wearin that muzzle alot more.
Sumtimes it feels a lil wierd, but I gotta remember that im a Grunt, im Crew Property. Even if I feel like maybe once bfore I was Smart or sumthin, even then I wasnt as Smart as Boss n Chief. Definly not now. Im such a good grunt that I even feel like I need to be punnished allot becuz of how often I let myself think im Smart like Boss n Chief. Cant see that on the camra so I gotta say it out loud.
Chief sez my believes will change eventualy. He sez Ive come so far. Boss sez Im a new person. I just know im Grunt, im Crew Property. I dont make choses cuz it hurts my brane. Thats why I need branewashin so that my brane can stop hurtin cuz I gotta think durin the day. I beleve what Chief sez and what Boss sez becuz they havent ben rong yet. Im sure Ill change evn more to what they want becuz Im a Grunt and Im Crew Property, and soon itll be on a contract as soon as I dont fuck it up on the paper.
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tommyquackson · 5 years
Getting Me a Little Bit | t. holland | part 1
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Not My Gif
summary: toms an angel but his life begins changing when he meets one of the most dangerous monsters he’s ever heard of, you. angel!tom and demon!au
warnings: angels, demons and supernatural creatures,
note: new series!!! mostly based of the song Horns by Bryce Fox because i love that song so much.
New York City was bright and alive at 2:57am on a Friday. It was almost the witching hour, which usually meant Tom would be in the safety of his apartment asleep by now, but his mission required him to be out tonight. He wasn’t exactly excited about it, but he was ready to do his job and carry out the will of God.
His mission was to gather info on a supposed succubus at one of the more popular clubs in NYC. As a field angel, Tom was to report back to the higher ups about what they found and then they’d intervene is necessary. He always felt a little disappointed at this aspect of the job, he wanted to be in the action, actually making a difference on Earth.
He straightens his collar as he walks up to the building entrance, there’s a long line to get in but Tom doesn’t plan on waiting, he’s got to get in there and fast. He takes one look at the bouncer and knows that this place is demon infested; only demons hire Leviathans as their bouncers. He gives himself a mental peptalk as he adjusts the bracelet that allows him to hide his angel form. He walks forward, doing his best to exude confidence and authority, despite having neither. The bouncer takes a look at him, eyebrows raising up, but Tom smirks and pulls out a necklace with a pentagram and a few other demonic symbols. He felt dirty just touching it, much less putting it on, but he needed to get in and blend in. The bouncer nodded and allowed him in, saluting him as Tom passes.
The club was much different on the inside, no doubt a few hexes and charms on the place to keep people coming in and staying. The strobe lights moved like hips across the sea of sweaty people dancing way too close together. It almost looked like a blue, red and green lightning storm, with the bass of the music as the thunder. Tom could feel is bones shake and his brain drum against his skull, he pushed it to the side and began surveying. He walked to the bar, looking around for any signs of the main succubus. He orders a vodka, but turns it to water as soon as he gets his angelic hands on it. He sits at the bar for a while, just watching and pretending to enjoy himself.
“You waitin for someone?” A voice drips sultry from his left side, he turns and sees a gorgeous women with large curly hair, and a tiny red dress on. She’s got a childish devil horn headband sitting in her hair, her nails are long and pointy and clearly fake but it adds to the appeal. She’s shorter than Tom but her heels make her legs look deliciously long. It takes Tom a moment to swallow the surprise in his throat.
“Uh, no, not waitin on anyone” He speaks, finally looking at her eyes, which are sparkling with mischief. She smirks and bites her lip, giving Tom a view of her canines that seem almost too sharp for a human. Of course, she’s a demon, maybe she has some info on the succubus.
“So, you’re looking for someone?” She feigns innocence and for a split second Tom almost believed it. He laughs at himself for even letting her almost trick him.
“Something like that, what’s your name” He smirks, trying his best to play her game, after all, he was supposed to convince these blasphemers that he was one of them.
“Y/n, whats yours pretty boy?” She tilts her head to the side, sipping out a drink that has seemingly appeared in her hand.
“Tom, whaddya say we go somewhere we can...talk” He looks down at her. She smiles widely, standing up straight and grabbing his hand.
“I know just the place” She speaks walking off and pulling Tom through the crowd of people dancing. He watches as she dances through people, still holding onto Toms hand, occasionally pushing her body against his when the crowd gets to dense for them to have breathing room. The finally step into the clear, and walk down a flight of stairs, passing couples in various positions on the way down. She pushes open a red door with a cartoon rendition of the devil as a baby.
Tom finally realizes that it’s her, she’s the succubus, now how does he get out of here without becoming a victim.
“Wow, you’re smart, what are you?” She walks backwards against the door, pulling Tom against her body.
“What do you mean?” He nearly gulps but tries his best to remain calm. She rolls her eyes and runs her hands up his shoulders. The act alone made Tom feel like he was forsaking his Father, he holds down the fear in his stomach.
“Oh come on, you found out I was a succubus, not only that, but you were looking for me, so what are you? A hunter?” She locks eyes with him and he feels himself forcing the answer to the forefront of his brain, he can’t help but blurt it out.
“Angel” He mentally screams at himself to stop speaking to this succubus.
“Oo, an Angel, never had one before. This could be fun” She grins then flicks a finger towards her and a chair slides across the floor and Tom is pushed into it. As he goes to protest, rope begins to quickly slither up the chair and tighten around his legs and wrist. She being slowly swaying her hips, causing Tom to focus on her body and only her body. His struggle seizes and he finds himself unable to form a coherent thought that has anything else to do with the succubus in front of him.
“Tell me Angel, d’you come here to kill me?” She speaks moving into his lap, ghosting red lips against his throat. He shakes his head no as hard as he can, he could never kill her, he wants nothing more than to please her.
“You were gonna tell on me Angel?” She says pouting at him, her eyes look so sad that Tom feels his gut wrench. He looks down at his lap, completely ashamed.
“S’okay Tom, I forgive you. You won’t tell on me anymore” She smirks, he shakes his head no again, looking up at her hopeful that he’s pleased her.
“You wanna know a secret Tommy?” She finally stands and walks around him a couple times.
“Please” he croaks out, his voice raspy.
“I’m not a succubus” She giggles dropping down to a squat in front of Tom. His face twists in confusion and he begins sputtering trying to puzzle what she could possibly be, she shows all signs of a Succubus. except the telekinesis, that’s more a demon thing.
“I’ll let you guess, here’s a hint. My daddy’s very high up, and i’ve got a pair of these” She practically whispers out, as she says it, two horns grow from her hair, slithering into shape of the horns on her headband. Her whole eyes have turned red, with flames dancing around. Her pupil had completely disappeared, making her eyes look much bigger.
He doesn’t get it for a second, like a riddle that takes a few seconds to solve. He thinks, running through the list of every higherup demon he can think of until it hits him. Demons don’t have horns, there’s only one that does, Lucifer. She’s the Devils daughter. Y/n smiles at the gasp Tom lets out.
“Still gotta feed on humans tho, mama was a succubus, what can I say” She chuckles and runs her hands up and down his thighs. He licks his lips and stares with his lips parted, breathing fast and hard.
“Ya know what Tom, I like you. I’m not gonna use you to feed. I’m gonna keep hanging out with you though, think we’d make great friends.” She states flicking her wrist, making the rope holding Tom down falls to the ground. She walks and sits on the bed, crossing her legs and bouncing her top foot.
“You’re letting me go?” He stutters, not quite believeing it. Maybe she likes a good chase, to hunt her prey.
“Sure am, gonna visit you all the time though. We can hang out like mortal friends do. Be a real cool duo.” She shrugs.
“I don’t think either of our fathers would appreciate that.” Tom speaks, that’s the longest sentence he’s been able to confidently say to her yet.
“Oh because our daddy’s are so present in our lives, please. You think i’d be here if my dad actually gave a shit about me. It’s clear you don’t wanna do this either, but you’re an angel so you may not question what the almighty says” She speaks the last part in a deep mocking voice. Tom has nothing to say, letting her know she’s telling the truth.
“Well, go on. I’ll see you soon, don’t stay long or I will feed on you. Haven’t fed tonight” She flashes her fiery red eyes and extended canines at him, jumpstarting his heart and making him almost jog up the steps and out of the hot and humid club.
As he steps out into the street, he breathes deep, confusion clouding his brain. Now that’s he’s nowhere near y/n, he realizes how wrong and purely evil this all is. He rips the necklace off of his neck and places his hands on his head. He should immediately go to his supervisors, but what can they do. Heaven and Hell would wage a mighty war of angels killed Satans daughter. He shakes his head, going back and forth through different scenarios the whole way home.
He gets inside his apartment and locks the door, though he decides to skip the protection protocols. He grabs a water and drinks it down quickly. He crawls into bed and the second before he falls asleep, he imagines y/n laying next to him, wishing him a goodnight.
Toms nose crinkles in his sleep, he’s lightly awaken by the smell of, pancakes? He squints his eyes trying to figure out what was going on. He stands and slowly creeps down the hall and into his kitchen. His breath stops when he’s greeted with the sight of y/n dressed in leggings and a red bleach stained t-shirt. She’s quietly humming as she flips pancakes and stirs eggs.
“Morning tommy,” She sings without turning around.
“Uh, what’re you doing here?” He mumbles looking around to see if anyone else is present.
“think that’s pretty obvious angel, i’m cooking breakfast” She finally turns around, a glowing smile on her face and of Tom didn’t know any better, he’d think she was an Angel herself, except for the horns slightly peeking out of her bouncy curls, they look messier than last night but beautiful nonetheless.
“I didn’t know you were serious, uh last night” He gives in, sitting at the table in the kitchen.
“Course I was, don’t worry, I made sure none of your superiors were here before I showed up.” She winked at him, placing a plate of food in front of him.
Tom has to admit it looks and smells delicious. He’s not one for eating a lot, he has no real reason but he enjoys it every now and then again. She sits across from him and begins eating her plate.
“So, what are your plans for the day?” She asks so casually, it almost tricks Tom to believe they’re a completely domestic and mortal couple.
“I have to go to a mission report meeting, about the uh succubus” He gulps down his food and struggles through the sentence.
“Can I go with you?” She asks and tom almost chuckles before he sees her face and realizes she’s serious.
“I can’t, how would I explain you?” He says eyes wide, he knows that you’re not gonna back down to going.
“I’m an angel, i’m on a long term mission to prove that there’s demons in the NYC government.” She says matter of factly. It’s obvious she put thought into this.
“They’d never believe that, they’ll want to see your records and-“
“You already know I can be very persuasive. As long as they look into my eyes I can be whatever I want and they’ll believe, all under the assumption that they’ve come up with the info themselves. Angels are egotistical and very easy to convince.” She shrugs and stands to clean her plate. “Also, i’m not asking you, i’m coming either way. Gotta make sure my club stays out from under your radar.” She winks at Tom.
He puts his head in his hands and sighs deeply,
“Fine but you have to” He looks up at her and sees her now dressed in white jeans and a light blue sweater. Her horns have completely sunk into her hair and her nails are now short and bare.
“Change? Way ahead of ya angel” She smiles walking out of the kitchen and moves towards his room. He quickly stands and follows her, grumbling about how much trouble he’s going to be in of her plan doesn’t work.
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