#tho im less confident on what I have abt them in the au and might scratch it put and steal from doodle's au *snatch*
autistic-daydreamer · 7 months
Yo does anyone want to hear smthn about my pjo au? I have like 7 pages worth of stuff to talk about +stuff I still haven't fleshed out so some q's would be awesome
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
for the ask abt writing advice you gave two characteristics of cwilbur and genuinely i think you hit the nail on the head with them, and it made me realise its why i love your cwilbur so much. would you share some other character interpretations? im really curious what your view on tommy and emduo are :OO and do you have specific characteristics for specific relationship dynamics as well?
lovelovelove your writing!!
aa thank you glad you like my cwilbur! he's genuinely my favorite character to write so I'd say I have the best grasp on him, but I also have a lot of other interpretations I keep in mind when writing other characters
(also, note, my characterizations have shifted over the past year. my understanding of different characters changes as I get better grasps on them, so this is how I currently focus on characterizing them in my fics, but it might not line up with older fics of mine)
this got long so it's going under a read more :)
for ctommy who is the other character I'm most comfortable writing, I'd say the core traits I try to keep in mind with him is 1) the fact that he has very high emotional intelligence, but doesn't really know how to vocalize it or what to do about his own emotions or others and 2) he's kind but he's not nice. like he'll bandage up your wounds, but he's gonna call you an ugly bitch and make fun of you while he does it.
I'm a bit less confident in the way I characterize emduo, especially techno, but I'll list the core traits I keep in mind for both of them when I write their characters.
cphil often thinks that he knows what's best for others and has a hard time recognizing that's not always the case. he also knows how to sound like he's good at talking about emotions, but when it comes to himself, he has no idea how to open up about his own feelings and would rather just keep that stuff to himself.
ctechno is actually pretty good at talking about emotions, but he doesn't like the idea of making himself vulnerable to others like that. he prefers to let his actions speak for him instead, unless it's with someone he really trusts not to use his feelings against him
and even tho you didn't ask I'll add in my thoughts on cniki as well because I love writing her too. she's a very kind person who deeply loves her friends, but she's also quick to anger and even quicker to holding grudges. of course her grudges aren't permanent, as we saw with her forgiving cwilbur, but that took a lot of personal growth on her end to get to that point because she was angry with him for a very long time after november 16th.
for specific character relationship dynamics... hm, that's interesting. obviously crimeboys is what I have the strongest grasp on, so when I write them I try to focus on several key things: obviously they rely on each other to an unhealthy degree. tommy looks to wilbur for guidance and reassurance, and in turn wilbur needs tommy to need him like this because it gives him validation both about his own capabilities, and also tells him that he is someone worth caring about. also, tommy is the protective one of the two. yes, wilbur is protective of tommy as well, but tommy is far more likely to jump up to defend wilbur from any threats, especially physical ones. oh, and tommy can see through wilbur's bullshit in a way almost no one else can. again it's a sign of his high emotional intelligence, but also he can just read wilbur better than most, and isn't afraid to say outright if wilbur is being an idiot or an asshole. and that's exactly why they work so well together, because wilbur needs that bluntness, he needs someone to look straight through him and tell him "you're being a prick right now" to drag him back to his senses when he gets too lost in his own ideas.
of course these dynamics can shift depending on the context of the au they're in. but for the most part that's the general framework I try to work with when writing crimeboys
hope you enjoyed hearing my rambles! again, my ideas of a character or a dynamic can shift with time as I gain new understanding of the character or relationship, but yeah this is the gist of what I keep in mind when writing my fics :)
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fluffyheretic · 5 years
I’m so fucking tempted to say “every single question with Kazushuu or Hitoshuu (except for the nsfw ones i guess)” But I don’t want to singlehandedly kill you
ok let’s do it
as a side note sometimes the answer is the same or similar for both ships just bc shuu is uh. the same person. but ofc not always
under cut for lengthhhh
1. Who makes the first move and how?
hitoshuu: normally im gonna say definitely hitori. he probably decides to be direct and just straight up ask. in iwasweetie au specifically tho i want it to be sweetie if only bc i need to make him get over his shit. he also asks “directly” but it actually involves a lot of stuttering and beating around the bush so it ends up not being very direct
shuukazu: im not sure if it would really be one of them specifically, i can see them as the “this kind of just happened” couple. maybe kazuaki is the one after several months whos like “so um… what are we…. lol………..”
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
hitoshuu: shuu, not that hitori is the paragon of confidence but shuus like “wtf hes the ideal young man and im Bastard Supreme but ok i guess”
shuukazu: BOTH LMAO but kazu is more vocal abt it and shuu is the Bottle Up EVERYTHING type
some good ol body positivity cuddle sessions work in both cases
3. Who is the most romantic?
anyone but shuu for obvious “i dont even know what feelings ARE” reasons
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
again anyone but shuu for obvious “i dont even know what intimacy IS” reasons but specifically hitori is just more confident and kazuaki isnt necessarily confident but is more just. shameless
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
not shuu for similar reasons as above. there’s a trend here, you see
6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
hitoshuu: going to dinner at a place thats nice but not TOO nice. like good comfortable atmosphere and good food but not posh
shuukazu: they probably just wander around, maybe go shopping, kazuaki keeps pointing out stuff he wants and dr iwamine “i dont know what to do with my money bc i dont want for material things” shuu just buys it for him. shuu please stop enabling him. stop it.
8. What do they like in bed?
hitoshuu: cuddling :)
shuukazu: snuggling :)
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
i feel like shuu considers every single new couple-y thing he does to be the new most embarrassing thing he’s done. we’re holding hands? embarrassing. i kissed you? god now THATS embarrassing. you caught me wearing your sweater that you accidentally left at my place? well put me in the fucking ground thats literally the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to anybody. how dare i show sentimentality. despicable
kazuaki is similar in that he’s constantly one-upping himself and getting a NEW most embarrassing thing but his things include stuff like getting caught watching really strange anime and scream-singing pop songs and anime OPs in the shower
hitori probably like tripped on the sidewalk once
10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
these questions are difficult bc man idk what media exists in 2188 bird japan
11. What do they hide from one another?
in both cases shuus answer is “just about everything” hes terrified of the mortifying ordeal of being known. pretty much everything you learn about him has to be squeezed out
hitori hides how troubled he really is because he wants to seem like the responsible one everyone can depend on so that they dont have to worry about him. he does his best to hide when hes struggling but since shuu has that exact same impulse they pretty quickly start to see through each other, but are also very understanding about it.
kazuaki probably doesnt have as much to hide but he might be shy about portraying how REALLY in love with shuu he is too soon because he doesnt want to scare him away. he also hides the weirder shows and games and stuff that hes into lol
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
hitoshuu: i can see them having that kind of relationship where at first its casual and almost competitive in a way, like a “i think youre sexy and the only thing i know to do about it is see what i can do to make you flustered, then act smug when i succeed” thing. but over time when the novelty of that starts to wear off they both kinda realize they just straight up like each other and start being more genuine and soft.
shuukazu: again its a similar thing with shuu where he starts feeling more comfortable with letting himself be a little more genuine and START opening up. kazuaki picks up on this as a good sign and starts to worry less about trying to impress shuu and more just enjoying their time together.
13. When do they realize they should get together?
this is another one that i think is a similar answer in both cases, at least for shuu’s part he has a “dammit. i cant lose him” moment. since hes a person of very few words he tries to communicate “i want us to be serious” via letting down his walls a little bit, which hitori/kazuaki hopefully notice is happening and then are like “oh maybe we can work”
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
for shuu and hitori its “responsibly take care of you, bc its what i should do but also secretly i get STRESSED AS FUCK when someone i care about is sick so i gotta make sure youre okay”
for kazuaki its “take care of you, although i dont really know what im doing, also i thought since youre bedridden we could cuddle but its not as enjoyable as i wanted so like I’m Here but also im gonna watch tv okay? ill get u crackers and ginger ale”
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
hitoshuu: shuu’s gonna say he doesn’t care, but hitori also doesn’t really care so eventually he’ll get shuu to admit that he’d like to watch a nature documentary. especially if it’s marine-themed. hitori likes that too so hey there you go
shuukazu: shuu WILL watch the 76th pokemon movie OR ELSE
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
hitoshuu: both are cutthroat bastards that do anything it takes to keep each other safe. their reliance and trust in each other is probably 99% of what keeps them going.
shuukazu: again shuus gonna do literally anything it takes to keep kazuaki safe, but to be real i dont know if kazuaki is making it out of this one. and if he doesnt then shuus not either.
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?
shuu’s answer is going to be at various points in prehistory to study organisms that are now long-extinct (side note god thats definitely my answer too). his bf is worried abt the dangers but comes with him to make sure he doesn’t get into trouble.
i think hitori might not have anything specific in mind but going to historical sites in their heydays seems like a good choice.
since kazuaki likes literature he’d probably want to see historical stuff related to that, like seeing shakespeare plays when they first came out and meeting his favorite dead authors to ask them questions.
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
hitoshuu: hitori doesn’t like to dance around that kind of thing, after a little time has passed for them to both think about it then he’ll just be direct and say “hey lets talk about that thing that happened” if he feels he was in the wrong then he’ll then follow that up with an apology. i can see hitori being a little grudgy but then quickly getting tired of it and just wanting things to be resolved. shuu hates talking things out because hes bad at it but he knows its best so he’ll just try to explain how he felt at the time but also what he’s considered since then. even if he’s not good at explaining himself, hitori is good at understanding him anyway so they usually work it out pretty quickly.
shuukazu: they can be messier since kazuaki gets really emotional really quickly and sometimes says things he doesnt mean. theyre both bad at dealing with it afterwards though until after a few awkward days, kazuaki cant take it and is like “waaa i dont want us to be fighting anymore 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺” and shuus like “ok.” because yeah he’ll take the easy way out. they could probably improve their communication tbh
19. Where do they go on their first date?
hitoshuu: they probably decide to do something simple and casual to make it less awkward so they just get coffee. shuu feels like, from what he knows, that he should be expecting hitori to make a move on him. hitori doesnt because he wants to be considerate of shuus comfort level, but shuu takes it as a sign of disinterest. luckily shuu realizes hes wrong about that when hitori quickly invites him on Another date where they take a stroll in the park, and thats when hitori goes in for the tactical hand-hold maneuver.
shuukazu: kind of the opposite of hitoshuu in that they dont really declare it officially as a date. kazuaki just asks shuu if he wants to see a movie with him, not really calling it a date but kind of implying it to be one. shuu probably doesnt care about the movie but thinks this might possibly maybe be a date so he should go. kazuaki then uses it as a chance to Put On The Movies, as awkward as that might be, including the classic “stretch with my arms up and then let one down over your shoulders” move. shuu doesnt really know how to indicate his own interest in response but hopes the fact that hes also not complaining in any way gives a hint. despite it not REALLY being an official date at the time, later on theyll look back on it and decide that yeah that was their first date.
20. Where do they go on holiday?
shuu hates taking time off work, but if he must, then he’ll be content as long as theres something scientifically interesting there like a museum or an aquarium.
hitori doesnt really mind where they go, hes just grateful to get to go on holiday at all, so he’ll let shuu pick. and again, that’s going to be somewhere with a natural history museum, probably a very nice one and they’ll both enjoy it.
kazuaki is similar in that he’s just happy to be there but his ideal holiday destination is probably just…. akihabara. so shuu relents and goes there with him occasionally. kazuaki does like to visit aquariums with shuu though! they do both
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
hitoshuu: the cemetery, at least at first when they arent used to being that vulnerable in front of each other
shuukazu: well shuu sure as shit is nervous about going to anime cons with kazu
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
in both cases, definitely at one of their homes, because shuus too much of a wreck to have a moment like that in a public place.
for shuukazu, i picture it that theyre just hanging out at kazuakis place and relaxing, and they end up cuddling a lot, and kazuaki kisses him kind of impulsively. hes then very apologetic about it before shuu manages to assure him that its fine.
hitoshuu, maybe hitori walks shuu home after a date and goes for the classic end of date goodbye kiss, but just on the cheek. then when once again hitori has walked shuu home, shuu wonders if he should expect a real kiss this time, but hitori goes for the cheek again. shuus disappointed and grabs hitoris sleeve before he turns away because he doesnt know how to say he wants more. but hitori takes the hint and kisses him for real this time.
23. Where is their favorite place to be together?
in both cases it’s at home, because shuu finds it much easier to be intimate when they’re in privacy. i think all three of them really appreciate just getting to relax together.
24. Where do they first have sex?
what did i say about this being a christian blog
25. Why do they fight?
usually its because shuu said something a little too tactless. hes not so clueless that he’ll say something really obviously offensive, but sometimes he really doesn’t know what’s too much. but his bf is hopefully understanding of this and corrects him Still Firmly but still with some “but i know you didnt mean it like that, we’re okay” way, because chances are he really didnt.
for hitoshuu specifically, hitori has to be on shuu about eating properly and can sometimes get kind of annoyed about it. shuus kneejerk reaction is to then be offended because hes an adult who can take care of himself. but they calm down and make up when shuu remembers that hitori just worries for him, and hitori remembers that shuu doesnt not eat just to spite him.
for shuukazu, i can see kazuaki’s lack of responsibility and aloofness start to get on shuu’s nerves, and when he brings it up kazuaki thinks he’s just being mean. again, similarly to hitoshuu, they get over it when kazuaki reminds himself that shuu wants him to be able to take care of himself, and shuu reminds himself as well that he can be too abrasive and should work on it.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
hitoshuu: they dont have to right away but over time it would be good for them to be honest abt their respective traumas and the shit theyre dealing with instead of hiding it
shuukazu: similar, shuu should probably get around to being more open abt his shit. they might also want to have a talk abt what a serious relationship is gonna look like for them
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
hitoshuu: i answered this already! but again, its bc theyre so ~responsible~
shuukazu: ppl either see kazuaki being super clingy and think “man hes so overbearing, his poor partner 😒” or see shuu being emotionless and think “man theyre so cold, their poor boyfriend 😒” actually they gotta mind their own damn business
28. Why do they get jealous?
hitoshuu: i feel like hitori actually gets hit on a pretty decent amount. shuu is never happy about it, but the death glares he starts sending usually scare the person off anyway
shuukazu: both of them think the other is too good for them so if anyone looks at them with even a little too much interest the other is immediately like “well i guess this is it”
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
hitoshuu: little moments shuu loves is when hitori asks him how he is, how he slept. when he makes him dinner. hitori loves when shuu looks deep in thought, tucks his hair behind his ear, and he definitely likes to see him get along with nageki, which he does.
shuukazu: shuu loves when kazuakis eyes light up with excitement when he sees something he likes, especially when shuu realizes that hes one of those things too. he also loves kazuakis really nice hugs, especially when shuu just woke up from a nightmare. kazuaki loves how shuu listens to him intently, and asks questions about the things hes interested in, and sometimes rests his hand on him when hes getting tired.
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
hitoshuu: both are important figures in each other’s lives, obv shuu helped nageki but also hitori is probably the first person to get even a little close to shuu after ryuuji died. theyre both just pockets of trauma but are doing their best so it would be good for them to support each other and try to heal. theyre both pretty dependable so when the going gets tough they’re each other’s rocks
shuukazu: theyre definitely the “it will never work” couple that ends up working anyway. shuu might think kazuaki is annoying at first but if ryuuji is any indication shuu definitely seems to gravitate towards people who are more chill and even a little silly, and when shuu realizes that kazuaki isnt as dumb as he makes himself seem that helps a lot. for kazuaki shuu definitely has a ~mysterious~ aspect that draws him in initially but when it wears off as he learns more about shuu, instead of the magic being gone he just starts finding him more relatable and endearing so their relationship actually improves.
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get to know me tag??
tagged by @chani-babe ily
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people…
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my mum 3. Text message: thank youu! (@ my mumma lol) 4. Song you listened to: Letting go - DAY6
5. Time you cried: this morning lol
6. Dated someone twice: never dated anyone (im like 14) 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone 8. Been cheated on: never dated anyone 9. Lost someone special: like death?? bc i almost have,, but a few weeks ago one of my best friends moved to Bulgaria (i live in NZ), we still talk but its just really hard not having her here 10. Been depressed: ive never been diagnosed (bc my parents refuse to admit that their kids might have mental illnesses) but im pretty sure i was at some points over the past two years but ive never been seen by a doctor abt it so imma say no 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nah
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: pink, yellow, green
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yeah! (and i love them all <3) 16. Fallen out of love: yeah (but iss bc he was racist and im not abt that life) 17. Laughed until you cried: no :(( 18. Found out someone was talking about you: uhm yeah everyone lol 19. Met someone who changed you: yeah 20. Found out who your friends are: not this year 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: view no.7
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all except one (thats u Luis ily) 23. Do you have any pets: i have a cat named Alisha and ive had here for 10 years and i love her very much! <3
24. Do you want to change your name: i quite like my name but i kinda want to but for personal reasons lol 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: nothing i asked my friends if they wanted to hang and they all left me on read :’) 26. What time did you wake up: 0530 thanks period cramps 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. Name something you can’t wait for: to leave... 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like 15 minutes ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish my dad wasnt here 31. What are you listening right now: Congratulations - DAY6 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah lol  33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my dad, my grandma (his mum) and my little sister 34. Most visited Website: tumblr and youtube 35. Elementary: i live in Nz but the equivalent of that would be primary school and yeah that shit ends after year 6 36. High School: 1 1/2 of 5 years down wish me luck lads 37. College: technically im already in college bc college is high school here in NZ 38. Haircolor: reaaaaaaallly grown out blonde with black roots (think Lisa’s boombayah hair but x100) 39. Long or short hair: like armpit length lol 40. Do you have a crush on someone: does Jaemin count? 41. What do you like about yourself: nice ass eyes 42. Piercings: i have my firsts and a cartilage piercing  43. Bloodtype: idk im 14  44. Nickname: momo 45. Relationship status: single 47. Pronouns: ion care theyre just noises 48. Favorite TV Show: skins 49. Tattoos: none rn but i want some 
50. Right or left: both 51. Surgery: ion have tonsils 52. Piercing: refer to no.42 53. Sport: i used to play netball, soccer, and i danced (pretty darn well) but then i stopped bc the girls were bullying me and ruining my confidence lol i still get anxiety abt it even tho its been months 55. Vacation: Japan or Austria 56. Pair of trainers: do u think i leave my house lol yall trippin 
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing atm
58. Drinking: rn?? nothing
59. I’m about to: find some bumbin DAY6 fics to read (link a chickie up)
61. Waiting for: happiness 62. Want: for someone to genuinely love me eventually bc loving yourself can be a bit much sometimes and i need some reason to stay 63. Get married: like in my twenties lol (like anyones gonna wanna marry my ass) 64. Career: i really want to either dance or model but those are really stupid lol just let me indulge
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: both 66. Lips or eyes: both  67. Shorter or taller: depends 68. Older or younger: older, i dont think i could handle someone younger even if its just a month or something 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i couldnt care less abt what their arms or stomach look like as long as they are healthy 71. Sensitive or loud: loud to hide my sensitive ass 72. Hook up or relationship: both 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: both
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: again, refer to no.7 75. Drank hard liquor: ya lol mostly @ school but shhhhhhhh 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no 77. Turned someone down: all the time lol 78. Sex in the first date: depends how well i know them and/or how comfortable i am with them lol 79. Broken someones heart: probably 80. Had your heart broken: a lil bit but it was my fault for being so attatched 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: ya 83. Fallen for a friend: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: idk 85. Miracles: i guess? 86. Love at first sight: lust? yes. love? no (but im still gonna indulge in ppls AUs) 87. Santa Claus: im??not??5??? 88. Kiss in the first date: depends 89. Angels: yeah but not like the 1s in the bible 
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Khairene, Nicoletta, Luis, and Anouk 
91. Eyecolor: poo poo brown but theyre very pretty and i love them 92. Favorite movie: Juno
Imma tag @m1nhks @sidemendes and anyone else who wants to lol
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