#camp foxfire au(?)
autistic-daydreamer · 7 months
Yo does anyone want to hear smthn about my pjo au? I have like 7 pages worth of stuff to talk about +stuff I still haven't fleshed out so some q's would be awesome
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tam-shade-song · 6 months
Platonic SoTam Band AU, anyone?
Tam laid on the bed with his finger intertwined on his stomach, the notebook beside him long since discarded. The top of his head was pressed against the outside of Sophi’s thigh as they sat upside down on the bed, their blond hair pooling on the floor below them like a river of gold.
He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. Sophi, oblivious to his anxiety, hummed the melody to the bridge of the new song they were working on. Or at least they were. The two had long since gotten distracted, and conversation had turned into peaceful silence.But the atmosphere had started to shift from serenity to nervousness, and even Sophi had become aware.
“Do you think we’ll make it?” Tam asked his voice low. He pictured the sold-out concerts, the tours, all of their friends together, just them.
“Make it to what?”Sophi asked. “Adulthood?Graduation?” Looking back, it was really horrible that someone like Sophi should even have been concerned, but all honors classes didn’t mean much when it comes to the crushing reality of their situation.
Tam had been expelled from middle school, and had come to Foxfire looking for a fresh start. Sophi was a foster kid who had just been separated from the family she had known all their life. No matter the amount of As on their report card, it didn’t lift the heaviness from their shoulders, and mental health problems wasn’t something just left at the door.
Tam supposed that was why they found so much comfort in each other. Two trans kids in public school, two kids who felt like they were losing their minds. Even Tam didn’t feel the same with his twin sister, who at the end of the day would never understand the way he avoided mirrors and tight fitting shirts.
“I mean as musicians,” Tam said. Sophi snorted the lifted their hand. Tam pulled them up until they were both sitting crossed-legged on the bed facing each other.
“Yeah, I think so, Tam,” Sophi said. “Once Forkle finishes the papers and I’m officially a Ruewen, what’s going to stop us? Once we get you the hell out of that house, we’re free.”
“That does mean people will like our stuff,” Tam said. He fidgeted with his shirt, and pulled it forward. “No one likes us,” he added.
“I like us,” Sophie said. They had a wrinkle in between their brows with proved to Tam that they had the same fears and was just trying to hide it. “Linh likes us, Fitz likes us, Dex, Biana, Keefe-“
“Keefe doesn’t like me,” Tam rolled his eyes. “And that’s what I mean. I don’t doubt our music or our lyrics or even getting our shit out there. What if people just don’t like us for who we are?”
“Tam,” Sophi scolded. “Keefe does not… dislike you, one, and two, who gives a damn. I’m here for the people who will like us. Didn’t we think there was something wrong with us? Don’t we owe it to the kids who are like us? And don’t we owe it to our families? Do you want a boring ass day job you’ll hate, Tam? Or do you want to just be a fucking camp counselor forever? This is what we can do, to make our existence on this fucked up hell hole worth it.”
Tam sighed. And nodded. Then he picked up the guitar he had set on the floor and strummed a chord to make sure it was still in tune.
“Alright, then,” he said. “Let’s get to work.” The skin on Tam’s fingers was threatening to split as the already tender blisters were pressed against the wires, but he ignored it.
He only focused on the dream, the one thing left in the world, with the exception of his sister and Sophi, that he could still believe in.
Tam pulled the bandaids off his sore fingers, and shook out his hands. Even after two years, he still got anxiety from concerts. Hell, even playing for anyone outside the band made him nervous.
“Tam, let me get a picture,” Biana said. Her glittery pink hijab reflected the light and made little sparkles on Tam’s shirt. “Get your bass.” The social medias manager made Tam take a few pictures before moving onto the other band members. “Good luck, Song.”
“You too,” Tam called over his shoulder. Biana had a way of putting everyone at ease, something Tam appreciated.
Tam took the roll of tape from his bag, and walked to the bathroom. Once the door was locked behind him, he started wrapping Rayni’s old lacrosse tape around his chest. At one concert, there would be dozens of photos, and Tam wouldn’t risk anyone noticing his chest or seeing the strap of his black binder.
There was a ding from his phone, and Tam went to check it. He inhaled as deeply as he could with the sticky tape would allow. It pulled at his skin, but he ignored it.
Don’t wear your binder, you’ll need to breathe. The message read, from Rayni. Tam sighed, and didn’t give a response.
Tam used to be afraid of his father, he used to be afraid of having to get an office job he would hate. Now he was afraid someone would find out he was trans. As soon as he turned eighteen he got his name changed, and before that he had done everything possible to stay out of the spotlight. It had been real shitty to watch everyone preform the song he wrote with Sophi, and to only exist behind a black medical mask or as a prerecorded bass riff. Now, he would everything in his power to make sure he never had to live in the shadows again.
Tam walked out of the bathroom, phone in hand. Outside Sophi tossed him a bottle of water.
“Here,” they said. They wore the same anxious expression Tam remembered from the day they first came into his homeroom. They still felt they owed the world everything, all the other kids with no homes.
“Let’s go,” Tam said. Fitz, the band manager, gave them the signal to go out.
Dex, Linh, Sophi, Tam and Keefe took their places on stage. Slowly, trying to hide his fear as much as possible, Tam started the song, ignoring the pain in his fingers and chest. Sophi took up the mic and began singing.
It was a song about acceptance, responsibility and faith. Wikipedia said the writer of the song was Tam Dai Tong, stage name Tam Song. But really, the song never would have existed if not for Sophi. Not just because the song was a narration of their life, but because without them Tam wouldn’t have been Tam Song in the first place. He never would have been able to live to be true to himself.
The tape around his chest made it hard to breathe, but he played on, growing increasingly light headed.
Nine months and two singles later, Tam stared at the roll of pink tape in front of him. It hurt to breathe sometimes now. After a performance or rehearsal Tam’s back ached when he breathed heavily. Rayni freaked when she found out, the band’s photographer tried to drag Tam to a doctor then and there.
“You need to take care of yourself,” she stressed. “I know you’re trying to be true to yourself but your body won’t last this way.”
Tam had tried not to roll his eyes. He really had. Maybe he would have tried harder had he known what kind of face Rayni would make. He expected anger, not sadness. Seeing it made his fury rise, and tears also.
He went to Sophi, like always. He didn’t want to burden Linh with his problems, and because he was pissed at Rayni, she was out of the question. That left Sophi.
Over a call, one that Tam was barely paying attention too, Sophi irritably snapped at him, “You bitch about being true to yourself but your body is a part of you too. You can talk all you want about honesty, but you’re just a liar.”
Tam had stared at the blank screen.
And now he was there. In the bathroom, staring at a roll of tape. He cast it away from himself.
The bassist waited for Biana to make her rounds, foot tapping anxiously. Keefe snapped at him when he stared pacing.
“What don’t we know, Bangs Boy?” Keefe asked, ever the detective. Tam scoffed.
“You don’t know a lot of things,” Tam said. Wylie, the technical worker who did the lights, laughed. Stina, the stylist was pinning Keefe’s shirt raised a brow.
“Is this about…” she didn’t finish her question when Tam silenced her with a look. Linh probably told her everything, but even if she hadn’t there was a possibility she had come to her own, incorrect, conclusion.
Biana and Rayni were talking about posting pictures, but Rayni looked up and smiled.
Sophi just raised a brow knowingly.
The players filed out onto stage.
When the same song from the last concert played, Tam’s heart sped up. He could back out, and no one would know, except Rayni, Linh, and Sophi. Maybe some people would notice how his chest wasn’t as flat and they’d come to their own conclusion.
The song was almost up.
Tam broke a nail playing a chord, and it only made his nerves worsen.
When the song ended, Sophi searched through the crowd. Openly nonbinary, they made it a tradition to find someone in the audience with their flag and hand them a little trans or nonbinary flag or pin. When they found who they jokingly refured to as their “victim” they beckoned them closer and took a pin off their own shirt to hand to the audience member.
The crowd cheered. When Tam stepped forward, all he could do was hope the anxiety didn’t show on his face as he took the flag he had asked Stina to stitch for him out of scrap fabric, and waved it over his head.
He was trembling and his palms were sweating, but the transmasc flag waved proudly above his head, and he actually smiled. With tears at the corners of his eyes he walked towards the edge of the stage and searched the crowd. With raised hands there was a young kid, around fourteen, with a make shift he/him pin mad with the trans flag on graph paper.
Reaching so far he had to strain, Tam got it into the boy’s hand.
Sophi tossed Tam a mic, that he fumbled and dropped with quickly picked up. Clearing his throat, Tam tried to keep his voice steady as he said, “We won’t live in the shadows anymore.”
Tam laughed, pretended not to notice how his voice cracked and handed the mic back to Sophi. A new song played, with heavy bass and drums.
When it came for his part, the others got quiet while the bass riff was played, before coming back in.
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alaydabug2 · 13 days
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @nowjumpinthewater @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Seventy-one
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
Soon enough, the end of the year came around. Sophie slid next to Biana at the graduation ceremony.
"What college is Fitz planning on going to?" Sophie asked her.
"Foxfire University," she replied. "I'm hoping to go there too when we graduate."
She grinned. "How cool would it be if all of us went to the same college?"
"Ooh! That would be awesome! What are the odds of us all being accepted?"
Sophie shrugged. "Not sure. But do you think we could get the others on board?"
"Shouldn’t be too hard, right? We can ask them on the camping trip at the beach. In a few weeks."
"Sounds like a plan," she turned back to the stage. "First, we have to sit in the hot sun for two hours."
Biana slumped. "Yeah."
What felt like several hours later, the ceremony came to an end. Sophie got into the car to meet everyone at the end of year party. It was taking place at the local pizza place that year.
Sophie pulled into the parking spot and went into the building. She wound her way through the tables to the back room that had been rented out for the party.
She sat at the end of the table where her friends had resided. Keefe greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. She giggled.
Everything had worked out perfectly since he was able to come back to school after the surgery. Ro had moved back home to make sure he was ok. Thankfully, no further complications rose up, other than low spirits. But that was officially past them, now that recovering was over.
After the rest of their group and joined, Biana asked, "Are you guys reading for the camping trip?"
"I'm so ready!" Linh exclaimed. "I'm so excited to sleep out on the beach."
"That makes one of us," Tam grumbled. "I already know I'm going to have sand in places that it shouldn't for weeks."
"You'll get over it," she told him.
Tam started to argue back, but the chaperone had clapped to get everyone's attention. The lights were lowered, and the slide show for the seniors was being projected on the wall.
Sophie scooted closer to Keefe so she could get comfortable. She rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her, securing her closer to his side.
Majority of the way through the presentation, it finally got the the V last names. When Fitz popped up on the screen, their entire group started hooting and hollering. Keefe and Dex were shouting and pointing at Fitz in his seat. Fitz slid down in his seat to hide.
"Shut up," he hissed.
They did not shut up.
When the presentation had ended, the pizza was brought into the room. As Fitz took the first bite of his slice, he informed the others, "I hope you guys are aware I'm going to be ten times obnoxious when you guys graduate."
Biana tossed her hair. "Looking forward to it."
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
The 5 headcanon game for that AU where Izuku has the animal shapeshifting quirk and acts as a therapy dog for Bakugou to hide his identity please :3 I forgot the name of that AU XD It was puppy something?
Puppydog tails AU! (it comes from the rhyme 'slugs and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of')
I don't think I ever decided when I was going to give Izuku One for All in this au so I think just after I-Island, so just before the training camp. In this AU Aizawa knows a bit about One for All because All Might was impressed on the value of talking to people about things, so Izuku has a rough handle on it by the time the camp is attacked. Not a good handle on it, but he can use the same amount as in the stain arc safely.
All Might would have given it to him earlier, but Izuku was still getting used to being human and he didn't want to stress the poor boy out. I-Island made him realise he really wasn't getting any younger, and that if he wanted to give it to Izuku it would have to be soon, otherwise he'd have waited until second year.
After getting One for All Izuku can transform into mythical creatures (as long as they are mammal(ish)) and one of his favourites becomes a Kitsune. He's got five tails, a tenuous control of foxfire and some very stabby teeth.
He can use One for All better as an animal than as a human, the running theory is that hes more used to the animal bodies. Downside is its more difficult to fight non lethally as an animal because most of your options are teeth or claws and no one likes a body mess of a fight. Also there is a real danger of poor Izuku catching something nasty.
1A's favourite animal transformation is the bear. Fluffy unit Izuku is best Izuku.
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rougedragoonreaper · 1 year
MistyNat Au Prompts
This is here for anyone that wants to USE these prompts. I won’t be using them myself. When I come up with any more, I’ll add them to one of the lists in a different color. or at least try to change the color. but sometimes it doesn’t work for me. 
You don’t have to ask or credit me. Enjoy. 
Teen MistyNat AU ideas
College au: Having to share a dorm room, your typical jock and nerd friendship or romantic trope. Misty always offers to help Nat with her classwork, but Nat wants to avoid Misty's help. Nat can handle her classwork and soccer stuff on her own.
Role reversal Au: Misty is the punk/Gothic girl on the soccer team, while Nat is the weird nerdy girl, the group's equipment manager. 
Theater/Play au: the football team pulls a prank on the theater kids. They end up distorting the play's set. The football team pins the stunt on the girls' soccer team, and the school forces them to help with the play, or they forfeit nationals. 
Robin Hood Au: Nat is robin hood, Misty is Little Jon, Lottie is Maid Marion, Laurel Lee is friar tuck, and the rest of the yellowjackets are merry men. Umm... the males can be the villains.
Animal Transformation AU: (NOT OMEGA-VERSE) It’s just kind of like Animorphs, but not really. They just have the ability to turn into an animal. Maybe they gain this ability when they are in the wilderness. It’s up to you what animals mistynat can turn into (and the rest of the yellowjackets).  
But I’m a Cheerleader AU: the yellowjeckts get sent to a rehab camp (cause all of them are gay as fuck) Mistynat are the main ship. and the rest are side ships that are either trying to get them together or stop them from dating.  
Are You Afraid of the Dark Au: The yellowjackets sit around a campfire telling scary stories. Misty is an outsider looking to join the group. Some yellowjackets are skeptical if she could even mean a frightening tale (cause she is a theater kid, likes to show tunes and dresses weirdly). Maybe Natalie and a few others (maybe Van, Jackie, Tai, and Laura Lee) give her a test to prove she can tell a scary story. And perhaps someone tries to sabotage her frightening tale.
10 things I hate about you AU: (Basically the movies plot) Misty is Kat, Nat is Patrick, Jackie or Laura Lee is Bianca, and Shauna or Lottie is Cameron. 
 FoxFire AU: Misty and four other girls want to make a teacher pay for making sexual advances at them. The principal isn’t on their side and punishes the girls. Misty and the other four girls now including Nat. They break into the school, to get their confiscated items back. This leads to them setting an accidental fire. The girls grow closer but some of their demons are ready to pull them apart.  
She’s All That au:  Misty is unpopular and bullied for her looks. Nat and the rest of the yellowjackets are pretty famous. Their team has gone undefeated in 3yrs. At one of their victory parties, some girls dare Natalie to turn Misty into the school's next prom queen. Natalie doesn’t like the idea initially, but when the girls say they will pay her (insert amount of money here) if Misty wins. Natalie agrees to do it. Misty doesn’t fully trust Natalie, yet she has been crushing on the star athlete for years. So, she lets Natalie help her with her looks while she helps Natalie with her school work. The two grow closer as they work together. Learning things about each other no one knows. When prom comes, everyone, even Natalie, is shocked by Misty’s new look (straighten hair Misty HC goes here). Misty overhears the other yellowjackets talking about the bet in the girl's bathroom. Sadly she knew Natalie was using her; she just hoped that Natalie would come clean and that they were becoming friends. Natalie (and maybe a few other yellowjackets) feels like shit for this stupid bet. Will Natalie be able to earn Misty’s trust again?   
D3: The Mighty Ducks AU: The Yellowjackets are awarded scholarships to a prep school. They must play on the school JV team in their new school colors. Not only that, but they need to learn how to get along with the Senior varsity team. How can they when the Senior Varsity team is always pranking them? Can the yellowjackets hold their team together and overcome the senior varsity team's pranks, or will the team split? As a few members want to prank the seniors back, others want to take advantage of this opportunity they have been given. Besides adjusting to a new school and how they are treated there, some yellowjackets need to learn how to deal with their growing feelings for their teammates (MistyNat, LottieLee, JackieShauna, TaiVan). Will they survive at this school and finally confess their feelings to their teammate, or will they crash and burn?
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Adult MistyNat AU ideas 
Medieval AU: Nat is a knight or rouge, and Misty tries to prove she can be Nat's apprentice. Caligula can be Misty's mini pet dragon. 
Parents AU: Nat and Misty adopted (young) Lisa after realizing that Lisa's home resembles how they grew up. Nat is a teacher at Lisa's school, while Misty is the school's nurse. Both women rent a house together. They are both in denial about how they act like a married couple. They are nothing more than housemates. But one thing they do agree on is they care about Lisa.
Pirate AU: Nat and her crew sail the seas striking fear into the hearts of those that challenge her ship, The Yellowjackets. She and her first mate (whoever you think it should be) realize they are the only ship with an all (mostly all) female crew. Sadly one day, they find a woman who claims to be a doctor has stolen away on their ship. Misty is a self-proclaimed doctor that constantly wants more to life, so she decides to sneak aboard The Yellowjackets. Nat realizes that Misty might be helpful even though she is a headache (Misty would be like Stede Bonnet from Our Flag Means Death or AC4: Black Flag, change my mind.)
Person of Interest AU: Nat is Shaw, and Misty is Root. Or Nat is Shaw’s intern/apprentice, and Misty is Root’s shadow/apprentice. 
Bodyguard AU: Misty is a particular person interested in a feral case. Tai hires Natalie to protect Misty at all costs. Though she does warn Natalie that Misty can be a handful. At first, Natalie doesn’t believe her old friend/teammate. Soon Natalie finds out how wrong she was to dismiss Tai’s warnings. Can Natalie handle this job, or will Misty be the end of her?
Never Been Kissed AU: Misty has to return to the hell hole that was once her high school. As a journalist, she must go undercover and discover what teens are into nowadays. Shauna, the school's English teacher, decides to help her. That is, if only Misty helps Shauna get closer to her daughter Callie, a popular girl. Misty agrees to help Shauna. Everything is going according to plan until Misty's old high school crush starts working at the school as a guidance counselor (or Radio teacher) Natalie Scatorccio. Will Misty be able to keep her promise while keeping her job, or will her past be too painful? 
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Either Adult or Teen Au ideas
Buffy Au (crossover): Nat is a slayer in training (probably under Faith or Buffy... maybe both), While Misty could be either a witch (training under Willow AND Tara cause Tara didn't die) or she could be a vengeance demon (like Anya)
Fake dating au: Misty asks Nat to pretend to date her, hoping Walter will lose interest in her. Nat only agrees to do so when they "break up" Misty promises to leave Nat alone. 
Arranged marriage au: Maybe Nat's parents and Misty's parents are business partners, and they want to keep the business in the family, so they decide that their kids should get married.
Xena Au: Nat is Xena, and Misty would be Gabrielle
Groundhog's Day au: Misty is sent back to either when she broke the black box or the night she killed Nat. If she doesn't stop herself from doing one of those things, that day will start over until she figures out what to do. (Like if she picks the day she distorted the black box and fails to not destroy it. That night she'll have dreams of future events. But they'll only not come true if she does destroy the black box. And if she picked the day she killed Nat, she'd have symbolic dreams about that day.)
 The Crow Au: You could make up your own Crow story or follow any of the movies/comic books. Cause honestly both Misty and Natalie would make for a great ‘immortal’ character that wants to get revenge on those that kill her lover.   
Wild Things AU: (Kind of similar to 98′ movie. but not really) Nat and Misty come up with a plan to get revenge on their guidance counselor (cause maybe he is a dick). Maybe they end up killing him (or whatever) and now they have to cover it up. Or they just expose him for the dick he is. (yes i know the girls are the villains in this movie. I don’t care cause I’m changing stuff, deal) Maybe the fall in love or in bed along the way. 
Viking AU: Idea coming soon?! I hope lol
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doodle-do-wop · 8 months
Thinking abt titling my pjo au as "Camp Foxfire" cause that's the name of the camp in the au (bc I REALLY don't like that it's called Camp Half-Blood), thoughts?
- your moot, a-d
OOOOh!! I like that and not gonna lie Camp Half-Blood's name is......well yikes. It's both a term that did not age well ever. Camp Foxfire sounds good since it is a KOTLC and PJO mash-up of things. You could even have a silly bit where some really old camp merch or things (ex. shirts for new comers) could still bare the old Camp name and when asked about it older campers go "Uh yeah, that's not what we call it anymore."
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owololcat · 2 years
Not me getting a vocaloid warrior cats au idea after waking up at like 3 in the morning and coming up with a whole plot idea and story setting in like an hour
First up, setting and background shit
Two clans, one for vocaloids called EchoClan, (no particular reason, just sounds cool) and one for utaus called CrashClan (since Kasane means heavy sound) other kinds of synths are loners, rogues, or kittypets
Wolfheart (Dex) and Foxfire (Daina) are former CrashClan members who joined EchoClan after an incident where a fire forced the two clans to take shelter at the meeting area together while their camps were rebuilt (since their voice providers had utaus before being summoned to make vocaloids)
Leekstar (Miku) and Batstar (Teto, getting her name from her chimera origins) are the leaders of their respective clans (for obvious reasons)
As for the main story,
Silverclaw, (Tei) the deputy of CrashClan, is tired of EchoClan constantly being the "heroes" of the stories, and wants to bring her clan to power, by any means necessary, not many cats know of her true self, and believe her to be a cold yet kind deputy who will do anything to help her clan.
Citrusfrost (Rin) is a medicine cat who receives a prophecy of 4 cats rising to defend their clan against a great threat lurking in the shadows.
Flower, a former EchoClan cat turned loner currently living with a group of barn cats (cevio gang) after the death of her mentor back when she was an apprentice a la ravenpaw, hears rumors of CrashClan trying to take some of their territory.
Flintpounce, (Yohioloid, chosen bc he was apparently discontinued in 2021) was thought to be killed by accident during a border scuffle, but Thunderflight (Piko) is convinced that there's something going on beneath the surface, so he got the help of his friend Russetflame, (Fukase) and Flintpounce's former apprentice, Finchpaw (Oliver) in order to investigate what's really going on here.
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axels-corner · 4 years
Hi! You can call me Axel. my pronouns are they/them
The fanart I post for kotlc will be tagged #kotlc fanart, or #my art. My writing is tagged under #my writing. If things trigger you please send me an ask and I will tag them.
Ask games are tagged under #ask games
If you want to be added to the taglist for art or writing just send me an ask
my ao3
Masterlist is under the cut
The council meeting Shadow and Scout (based off a head cannon I have)(the council have a cat and dog this is how they met them) (459 words)
Elwin hangs out with Terick and the bramble team (Pre-cannon)(Terik is on the bramble team and he invites Elwin to hang out with him) (518 words)
Council Leadership Camp AU(the councilors are highschoolers but things aren’t as they seem)
Chapter 1 (409 words)
chapter 2 (439 words)
chapter 3 (1038 words)
chapter 4 (711 words)
chapter 5 (590 words)
The new peace summit (trans Sophie comes out to Bronte before the peace summit) (779 words)
Fall of the moonlark (major character death)(what if Sophie had died instead of Mr.Forkle at the peace summit) (1,789 words)
Fiction into reality (sad ending)(major character death warning) (the Neverseen attack and it all goes wrong) (694 words)
Because out of all the people in the world you chose her (Elwin confronts Bronte after the first inflicting session) (421 words)
Tuesday mornings (Kenric tells Bronte he’s supervising Sophie’s inflicting lessons) (402 words)
Surprise (What if Fintan had revealed himself to the council earlier) (466 words)
The councilors apologize for the ability restrictor (After a fight the council realize they were wrong and apologize) (2027 words)
As We Drift Apart (What if when Dex and Stina first started Foxfire they were friends?) (1022 words)
Let me help you old friend (Bronte visits Fintan in Exile before the mind break) (886 words)
Maruca dyes her hair (Wylie helps Maruca dye her hair) (575 words)
Bronte’s POV of Legacy pages 473 to 498 (Bronte’s Pov in Legacy from the ability reset to the announcement of team Valiant) (1494 words)
Goodbye old friend (hopeful ending, Bronte kills Fintan)(1064 words)
Goodbye old friend (sad ending, Bronte kills Fintan)(1107 words)
Death to the Moonlark (Sophie almost dies)(904 words)
Sad Ending (633 words)
Happy ending (899 words)
Green (and Mourning) (Bronte getting ready for Kenric’s planting)(273 words)
The fall of the peace summit if the councilors had siblings (959 words)  
Bronte punches a man (403 words)
Thoughts of a younger Fathdon (A charcter study of Kenrics younger brother (oc))(372 words)
Thoughts of an older Fathdon (Kenric's thoughts as he waits to be crowned) (327 words)
It's not like I like you (Oralie and Alina are paired up as council dance partners, and a secret is revealed) (635 words)
The plague (This is based off of page 446 of Neverseen when Tam told Sophie about two councilors visiting the Wildwood colony, but what if he wasn't telling the whole story?)(878 words)
The tribunal that changed Tam Song (Linh’s tribunal) (531 words)
Fintan and Dimitar go to Walmart (389 words)
reminders of the everblaze (things that remind Oralie of him and that night)(573 words)
flashbacks of the fire ( Oralie being comforted by the rest of the council after Kenric’s death) (1340 words)
Rise and fall of the inflictors ( A thousand years of friendship ends in the death of a student and a broken mind) (459 words)
Meetings with Fintan (Different times people have visited Fintan) (1708 words)
Terik in the hospital (The council visiting Terik in the hospital after the peace summit) (491 words)
The pond where our story started (can we continue?) ( The love of Oralie and Kenric throughout the years) (6338 words)
Stolen Kisses, Pretty Lies (we can hide away my darling) ( Kenric and Oralie go on a date) (2029 words)
Talks of Soulmates and Stars (Oralie and Kenric talk at a party) (405 words)
The Twelve Of Us Are Eleven Now (on the night of Fintan's healing Oralie finds out what happened to Kenric) (900 words)
The Council Cafe ( Four months ago Kenric was hired as a councilor at the Council cafe after it almost burned down, not that anyone but the council knows that, and two employees left, one quit and one was fired. Now someone from his past is hired and he’s tasked with training her. But what’s going on with the employees that left and caused him to get hired? Was it truly an electrical malfunction that caused a spark like the news says, or is it something else?)
Chapter 1 (2805 words)
Chapter 2 (3105 words)
Chapter 3 (956 words)
Little moments can they last forever? (She knows they can't) ( 5 times Oralie woke up with Kenric and once without him) (787 words)
First and Last Words (The first and last words Oralie and Kenric said to each other) (213 words)
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silveny-dreams · 5 years
So I Caved And Wrote My AU Idea (To The Surprise Of Nobody)
Sophie joins the soccer team at school—the Foxfire Sparklers (they tried so hard to not sound like a fungus...uncertain whether it had the desired effect)
Della Vacker is the coach, but she needs a helping hand, so she asks Edaline to co-coach with her
(Edaline was pretty amazing at soccer back in the day so she accepts)
Biana is team captain and star midfielder
Marella is their best striker/forward and they joke that she’s so fast and furious out on the field that she’s like a little fireball
Sophie plays defense, which is hard because her fellow defenders are Maruca and Stina, who have both decided they hate her
Linh is the perfect strategic choice for goalie—she doesn’t look like much, she looks super nice, but she almost NEVER lets the ball into the net, and definitely never lets it in without fighting TOOTH AND NAIL
None of the girls really get along when they start, so there’s a lot of private passive-aggressive bullying that Della and Edaline never pick up on
Biana treats Sophie with cool, distant disdain because Sophie’s in Fitz’s chem class and they’re lab partners and Fitz won’t shut up about her
This means Biana ends up almost never passing the ball to Sophie, even if it’s nearly impossible to pass it to literally anyone else
Needless to say, their teamwork leaves something to be desired
After one fateful game where Stina and Marella, sworn enemies, launch themselves at each other and start a massive dogpile fight on the field, Della and Edaline decide the team needs to do some bonding
How do they make them bond, you ask?
They take them on a long weekend hiking/camping trip
No technology or distractions from one another all weekend
Sophie is fairly certain she won’t survive it—it doesn’t seem like any of them like her, except for Marella, and she thinks Marella only likes her because she’s a stronger defender than Stina (and of course Linh, but Linh likes EVERYBODY, even if they don’t like her)
But they all have to share a big tent—just them, though; Della and Edaline stay in a separate one
The girls prank each other almost the entire weekend, get on each other’s last nerves, and drive each other absolutely crazy until finally one night Biana cuts off what must be the thirtieth almost-screaming match between Stina and Marella and suggests that they all team up and prank Della and Edaline instead
Sophie agrees immediately (she hasn’t yet forgiven Edaline for being the one to suggest the camping trip) and they convince the rest to join in
Linh is uncertain, but both Biana and Sophie are like “pleeeeease” and Linh can’t resist BOTH Biana’s and Sophie’s charms at once, so she caves and volunteers as lookout
The prank is something ridiculous like out of the parent trap where they set Della and Edaline’s air mattresses afloat in the nearby lake, nothing super mean or serious
Della and Edaline are SUCH good sports about being pranked and are secretly thrilled when they see how pleased the girls were at pulling it off together
Things are a little different after that
They don’t always hang out in school, but at least twice a week they have a lunch period where they all sit together (“Team Lunch today, suck it up and be there,” Biana will tell them)
Practices go more smoothly, and although they still fight, they’re fighting to make each other better and not just to embarrass each other or to be the one who’s right
Sophie notices that Maruca and Stina operate on a level where they read each other’s body language so well that it’s like they read each other’s minds; once Sophie gets the hang of it (and once Maruca and Stina relent and decide hey, maybe she’s not so bad after all), their defensive line becomes nearly as impenetrable as Linh’s goalkeeping
The first game they play after the camping trip is a huge success
Each of the girls on the team gets drunk on that feeling of victory, and they aren’t stupid, they know that it’s because they’re working better as a team
So they work extra hard in practices all the time, learn how to play to each other’s strengths
Linh insists after practice one day that they make up a special team handshake—after a half hour of sussing it out, it has thirty moves and the girls think it’s hilarious
They have inside jokes with each other in the hallways now; any former hostility behind their words is now lighthearted poking fun
Biana finally relents to being Sophie’s friend when Fitz comes running after them both in the hall after school one day wanting to talk to Sophie and she says “sorry Fitz, sisters before misters” and grins at Biana and starts sprinting for the locker rooms
Biana is truly a Team Leader; everyone looks up to her, and she gives every single one of them the encouragement they need to be their best
They win the district championship with an impressively successful play that centered around Marella and Stina working seamlessly together, to the shock of literally the entire team
Biana convinces the team to all pitch in and do something really nice for Della and Edaline, since they realize how hard they must have been working to make them all not hate each other
They present their coaches with identical scrapbook/photo albums full of their season’s memories (each girl does a page)
Della and Edaline are super touched and get a little weepy and Sophie and Biana playfully tease their moms even though everyone is teary-eyed at that point
They clue Della and Edaline in to their big complicated handshake and the moms think it’s hilarious too
They all go for ice cream and pizza afterwards and laugh and joke like they were never at odds with one another
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almaasi · 7 years
hey, i just wanted to thank you. it's been a year or so since i left the supernatural fandom, because it ended up being a really bad environment for me and reminds me of bad experiences, but i was talking with a friend tonight and they mentioned one of your fics, (roost, specifically) and we were discussing how much we both love your work and i'm just really overwhelmed right now thinking about how much your writing has impacted me. try something tuesday will always hold a special place (1/?)
in my heart as the fic i always reread when i was having a bad night or just wanted to remind myself that life isn’t always bad and thing will work out eventually. i read foxfire blossom downloaded on my computer at a camp where there were no other gay kids and i had no internet or cell service. it left me screaming into my pillow at two am and brought me so so much joy, not to mention how much it taught me (a young, impressionable child) about proper communication in relationships and how (2/?)
no matter how much it felt like i had to grow up and marry a man and have babies and be the perfect straight cis woman that society wanted of me, that didn’t have to be the end, and i could be in a gay relationship and still have a home and be happy. again, young, impressionable kid - the honest and real and beautiful way you wrote about lgbt people and the love we have for each other probably impacted me even more than i can tell. and hart of the storm. oh my god, hart of the storm. i have (3/?
no words to describe how much that story blew me away. it left me completely shaken and emotional and was one of the most powerful things i’ve ever read. i remember how excited i used to get when i got an email from ao3 that you’d posted something new. my time in the fandom coincided with a really rough period of my life, and to be completely honest, there were times when one of the only reasons i could think of to stay alive was that you were going to post a new fic soon, and i wanted to (4/?)
be able to read it. your writing brought light and hope to some of my darkest days, and it gave me something to look forward to when i felt like there was nothing left that could make me happy anymore. when i first figured out that i was autistic, and i went online and saw that you’d written fics with autistic cas, being able to have other experiences that i could relate to, in a format that i was able to understand, and by an author that i’d always admired, it helped me gain the confidence (5/?
to stim in front of my friends and explain to them why i sometimes had trouble speaking when it was too loud in the room and begin to learn how to work with my brain, and not against it. you and your writing have had such an incredible impact on my life, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. (6/6)
this message has me shook, in the literal sense. i’m trembling. i just read this 10 times over. i have no words, friend. i can’t think past the haze of emotion to express how utterly i appreciate this and how much it means to me, and how much i want to never, ever, ever forget this message so i can remember it every. single. day. and use its power to keep going in my own fight, and always keep creating.
i’m so glad your friends are so understanding and accepting!! (you bonding over my stories is so cool to me??? so cool.)
this is gonna sound internet-person cliché, but sometimes it’s hard for me to visualise the folks who are reading my stories - i know whatever i say or share is impacting someone in some small way, but even the messages i get from friends are still pixels on a screen, y’know? i always feel kinda distant and removed from the people as opposed to the statistics, as much as i try not to be. but your words are so important to me, you are important to me, and i’m so utterly grateful you shared this ;u;
thank you for the honour of letting my stories help you, anon. i appreciate that you chose life, firstly, but i’m extra glad you used my upcoming works as an incentive. (even more reason for me to carry on writing, right? i may never know who’s counting on it.)
the fact you mentioned ‘hart of the storm’ is especially exciting to me, since that one is akin to the novel-like stories i dream of writing in the future, and i wasn’t really sure if many people liked it. it feels good to get some feedback.
i hope you find yourself on the path that’ll lead you to more happiness and healthy relationships with friends and fandoms. i wish good things your way, indefinitely ♥
(links to the Dean/Cas fics mentioned)
Roost (12k domestic chicken AU)
Try-Something Tuesday (48k teacher AU)
Foxfire Blossom (283k flower shop AU)
Hart of the Storm (119k historical fantasy AU)
all of my fics with autistic!Cas so far
ALL of my fics (currently 66 fics comprising of 1,857,762 words) (i’m aiming to hit 2 million words by the end of 2017)
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autistic-daydreamer · 7 months
I'm working on the character bios for the pjo au, which will be during the time of the "first book" so obviously some stuff won't be the same vs bios for when they are older (which I have not started making bc we don't need those rn)
So I will share them when I finish 👍🏼
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autistic-daydreamer · 7 months
Me: I'll work on character bios!
Me: *working on the first chapter before I finish the character bios*
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