#thomas shelby x woc
deceitfuldevout · 8 months
A Woman Like You
Tommy Shelby x WOC!Reader
Word Count: +1,215
Warning(s): Angst, Sexist remarks, Societal pressure, Sterotypes.
Author's note(s): I've recently been using writing as a form of therapy. This goes to all the ladies that can relate.
You've fallen head over heels for Tommy Shelby, but now you're questioning if his intentions were sincere or not.
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GIF by nofckingfighting
You made the mistake of falling in love. You should've seen the signs sooner. You started working at the Garrison as a bar maid with Grace, eventually moving up to being their sole entertainment. You were an exotic bird who had caught to wandering eyes of drunken Englishmen. Some folks would say you had these men in a trance, with your rare features and seductive mannerisms. Some even say you're a witch. But there was only one person who saw you for you. Tommy Shelby.
It was refreshing, being seen as a soft, delicate thing. His demeanor would shift when talking to you. He's much kinder to you that with any of his men. That was until another, prettier face had caught his eye. You of all people knew the truth: Tommy Shelby would never love you. Instead he'd fallen for your coworker Grace. She's everything you weren't. That may have been the reason why. Of course, you should've seen the signs. How he'd look at her with such tenderness.
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Eventually his entire personality completely changed with you. Perhaps they were his true colors. After her death, things went south. Tommy returned to you, but only for physical intimacy. He was rough, unapologetic, and at time, downright cruel. He hadn't spoke to you like a lady, with basic respect. It almost hurt knowing men will never speak to you with kind remarks. As soon as you found a better option, you let him know right away. When you close the pub for the last time, Tommy was there. It was strange, having an Englishman waste his previous time on foreign blood.
You turn around to find Tommy sitting on a barstool, not paying him mind. Then something strange happened. He isn't usually this tender, not even in private. So why on earth was he telling you to stay? After every humiliating thing he'd put you through. How Tommy would shimmy you off his arm in front of his business associates. It only got worse when he'd flirt with women right in front of you, then ask for a fuck because it was convenient. Perhaps it was the liquid courage, maybe even the hormones that made you tear up with anger. But for some reason, you wanted to let him know he hurt you, "Enough, Tom, you need to stop doing this,"
He tilts his head up, genuinely surprised that you'd spoken up. His eyelids are hooded, "If you've got something to say..." he lights up a cigarette, "...say it now," how predictable. Tommy's cruelty had no limits. You were tired of being his little plaything, "I deserve better than this, better than you," letting him know how you truly felt, "You're fucking selfish, you know that?" tears already streaming down both cheeks, "You could've told me you were seeing other women, Tom," your vision blurs. Tommy objected, "You knew who I was when you met me--"
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"Yeah, yeah I thought I did, until you decided to to make an acceptation with that blonde whore!" you knew what it would take to get his blood boiling. You wanted to hurt him the same way he hurt you, "I've wasted most of my life waiting for you to love me back, I wasted my good years on a man who wouldn't care if I bled out on the floor!" voice now shaking. You were filled with regret, pain, and anger.
He doesn't even know what the weight of his words did to you, "I know how you English men see women like us, we're always sexually desired but never loved, enough for a good fuck but not enough to make a wife," a chuckle escapes your tips at the thought of it. How could he marry someone like you? His name and status that he's worked so hard for would be tainted. Because who could ever love a woman like you? He had the audacity to roll his eyes, "You were entertainment, to bring customers in," someone pretty enough to keep company around.
"Everything, Tom, everything I've been doing, the act, because I am not allowed the luxury of being seen as innocent," after pouring your heart out, he still hadn't believed you, "Don't act like you haven't been seeing other men," he scoffs. You started to laugh at that remark. Had he really been that clueless? Tears stream down both cheeks. You wipe at them, smearing your mascara, "Now that's incredible," a deep grunt is trapped in the back of your throat, "You really think I'm a whore, don't you?" in an almost hushed tone, "Tommy, you were my first and only, do you really not believe me?" nothing felt worse than being betrayed by the one you trust the most, "All I ever wanted was for you to love me," since the beginning you were there. Even when he was mourning Grace you were there to keep him comfort. How foolish of you.
"Now you never told me--"
"I know who you pretend I am, who you want me to be," you roll your eyes, sniffling for a moment, "I'm not like you Tom, I can't pass, I can't change the color of my skin or features-- I will never be the white woman you've always wanted me to be, the kind of woman you'd keep on your arm without feeling embarrassed, why can't you just accept that?" a faint pause, "You told me...you told me she wasn't your type," barely a whisper, "Was everything a lie?" when he doesn't say anything, it was the only answer you needed. At that moment you snapped, "Please! Look at me!" you smack his arm, "Tommy!" when he does you're given only a cold stare.
Of course, it was never going to be someone like you. There are tears brimming your eyes again. It hurts, knowing that you will always be second best. Always an option but never the first, "At first I was confused, your infatuation with Grace didn't make sense, and now I see that it never mattered who she was," your breath hitches for a moment, "You were always going to choose someone like her..." now rambling about the obvious, "Prettier, blonder...whiter," you taunt.
Each word felt like venom on your tongue. You should've been used to the poison by now, "You don't know how long it took for me to trust a man again, after the pain I've been through--women like me, Tom, we don't have pretty blue eyes that get us what we want, not without a price," that remark made your skin crawl, "Always the seductress, never seen as pure," a dark chuckle erupts, taking up all sound from the bar. Tommy only stares back at you, with that same cold expression. You lean against the counter, looking down at the wood before returning to glance at him, "Did you ever love me?"
If there's one thing about Tommy, is that he would never lie to you, "No," a short, simple answer. You give him a soft, faint smile. Saddened by the loss but also relieved that you were free at last, "Thank you," with that you left, never returning to the Garrison again.
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i-try-to-write-stuff · 6 months
Stolen Wife - 6
Synopsis – Tommy Shelby is married to Grace, but he becomes obsessed with Y/N, wife of Reuben Fitch, Tommy’s business partner in the U.S. who is unaware of his actual “business”.
This blog supports Palestine. Zionists are not welcome here.
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You could feel judgmental eyes of the bartender, it was not even 11 a.m. at the hotel bar downing tequila, vodka, whiskey, vermouth, and whatever bartender thought would appease you. You were drinking your weight in alcohol to numb the pain that senseless weirdo brought up so casually. The absurd and preposterous claim (totally correct & valid point) that you were running away from your husband’s memories. Thomas Shelby doesn’t know you, and the nerve of his mouth, the audacity of those haunting eyes of that man to tell you what you should do, after you barely met all those months ago, after you barely talked to him today, who does he think he is?
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The pretty bartender, Patty, as her badge indicated, kept bringing you some sort of snack to absorb that alcohol, which you were thankful for, she didn’t question much, and you really didn’t have the energy to answer. You were pretty hammered and past the point of even noticing that there was a new bartender serving you what seemed like endless amounts of drinks without you even asking. Had you been a little careful, a little vigilant you would have noticed that the new bartender slipped something in your drink. Had you not been drowning in the insurmountable grief of losing the love of your life, you would have noticed Tommy Shelby and his goons spread out near the bar, keeping an eye on you. Had you not been so damn oblivious you would have noticed the bartender stealing your phone before darkness took over, and you lost consciousness.
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Tommy didn’t know kidnapping was going to be added to the long list of crimes he has committed, but love makes you do crazy things, so what’s one more crime to add to that list but getting you to Birmingham, now that was going to take some serious effort, but he knows how to grease a few hands and tell them to look away when it's needed…That’s how he has been able to infiltrate North American black markets.
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Flight from Vancouver to Birmingham was smooth, it had to be, the drug was effective for about 12 hours. It gave enough time for the Peaky Blinders to clean out your room, ditch your smartphone in some dumpster in other city before Rueben’s squad could even figure out what had happened.
You woke up in an unfamiliar room, your throat parched, your mind a bit disconnected, and you needed to pee badly, damn, how many drinks did you have…Wait a minute, did you sleep with someone, so many questions swirling around in your brain.
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The door opened, and you saw a sweet looking woman carrying a glass of water and a glass of orange juice. She offered them both to you, and you gulped down that water in one big gulp…
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“Thank you….Could you point me towards the washroom? I need to freshen up…” you mumbled
She directed you towards the door on the other side of the bed. You got up quickly, a little too quickly and felt a bit dizzy. After practically rushing towards the washroom and doing your business did you start to take the notice of things not feeling right…You did not remember anything except the mimosa you drank. Fuck…what had happened? Where the fuck were you? You needed to get the fuck out of whatever this place was, you needed your phone, you needed to call an uber…
It was then you realized you did not have your phone, your stomach dropped…Fuck fuckity fuck…You searched the bedroom but there was nothing there…You were in process of ripping off the bedsheets when you heard a familiar voice.
“Your phone is not here, Y/N”
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You turned around to face the devil with vibrant blue eyes; there was something sinister about them, something that you would learn rather quickly.
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idhrenniel · 5 years
What I See | Thomas Shelby
➴ Summary: Hii! Could you possibly do Thomas Shelby x reader where she's a WOC born into like a good family but she's kinda an outcast because she's a half sibling and she's scared of what people will think if they're together but Thomas fights for her and stands up for her?
➴ Pairing: Tommy Shelby / woc!fem!reader (3rd POV).
➴ Warnings: Racism and xenophobia, but nothing explicit. Also me not proof-reading as usual.
➴ Wordcount: 2.2K
➴ Tagged: @angelaiswriting
➴ Author Note: This is the first time I write for a specific-race/reader and I hope I did good. Special thanks to Em and Aara for reading this and giving it the green light. Thank you for this request!
During the previous months to the ball, (Y/N) and Thomas met in secret a few times. She would argue with her father she didn’t want to be a nuisance for him while he did business and that would be her excuse to leave the house and don’t go back until well into the night. Her father wasn’t the brightest man and fooling him around was easier than stealing a child’s candy. It was her siblings that worried her, with their ever-vigilant attitudes and sharp looks and questions too specific to be a coincidence. If she paid some attention, she could hear her sisters whispering about her in the kitchen. So far, none of her five siblings had linked her with Thomas and that was a relief. Of course, if her father were to know she had been sneaking around meeting with a man… she shuddered at the thought, not wanting to think about the punishment he’d give her. Her father wasn’t smart, no, but he was cruel and when it came to making people suffer, he knew what to do. This fear, and the fear that Thomas’s reputation and business could be damaged if people were to find out he had been sleeping with a bastard - a brown bastard for that matter, lead her to stop their encounters. She cried for an entire week, finding it difficult to fall asleep without feeling his hands on her hair, only to turn around and realize it was all her imagination. Thomas didn’t accept it, though. Not without an explanation, a reason that didn’t include the words who I am and what will they think. So (Y/N) stopped leaving her house all together in order to avoid him because she knew, if he were to kiss her once again she would leave everything behind to be with him. But she loved him and couldn’t do that to him.
It was the night of the Ball and (Y/N) was nervous, excited and worried all at once. Her father took all of his children to social gatherings, even her. It was because he wanted to make business with different ethnicities, not because he believed her equal to her siblings. However, while her sisters and brother talked with people, it was rare the time someone didn’t mistake her for a waitress… or a whore, and once realization hit in, no one bothered to talk to her again. Some were different, though.
Thomas was different. (Y/N) met him in one of those business meetings disguised as social events. As per usual, her father wanted to make them believe he was open to all races and ethnicities since, well, since he had a brown daughter. All she could gather from her siblings - who had been left behind that night, was that he was a romani business man from Birmingham and that his wife died, making him a single father. (Y/N) didn’t know what to expect of him - would he be nice, cold, distant? Would he be like all the other men her father did business with? Would he be like her father? It was a great and pleasant surprise when she found out Thomas was none of those things. Upon meeting her, he had been polite and courteous, treating her like a human being and not the bastard, brown daughter of James Harrison. She and Thomas had danced, talked, laughed. He seemed to be a determined man, who loved his son and spoke of him with a pride she could but dream of. Unlike the men that, in the past, tried to get with her, he had been interested about her life, her feelings and passions. Thomas took the time to know her. So, when a week later he asked to meet for tea, she didn’t have to be told twice. (Y/N) had kept this a secret, of course. But falling in love with him was the easiest thing she’s ever done - if he was the ocean, she had jumped head first to be there forever.
“(Y/N)!” The stern voice of her father brought her back from her thoughts. She turned around, holding her breath as she faced him. “What’s taking so long? We’re going to be late.”
She wanted to give him a smart answer, but then she’d risk being left at home. No, she couldn’t. She needed to see Thomas, even if from afar. “I didn’t notice the time, father. I’ll be down in a moment.”
James nodded, walking out of her bedroom and downstairs. (Y/N) grabbed her purse and, looking at herself in the mirror she made sure her makeup and hair were perfect, then followed him.
In the car, she could hear her father talking to her siblings, sometimes even to her. He was explaining her brother how he would, when the moment was right, inherit the business and then he would have to make sure his sisters - note, he never meant her, were married off to good men that would provide for them and their children. It sounded like a boring, despicable life in her opinion. But what would she know? If she ever wanted to get married, she better start running.
“And (Y/N)?” Hearing her name, she turned around to see her brother looking at her. He wasn’t a bad brother, in fact he was a great one. He cared for her, one could even tell he was proud, but for him the most important thing was to, after their father, take over. Such a plan could never include her. “Should I make sure she’s married to a good man, too?” One of her sisters snickered.
Another barged in. “You’d have to promise them a lot of money!” This made her siblings laugh - her brother looking uncomfortable. Her father simply rolled his eyes, ordering them to shut up.
(Y/N) didn’t bother to react. She had grown used to comments like that, having heard them all her life. It had come to a point that, as much as the bastards tried, couldn’t earn a reaction from her. She had learnt her emotions were better hid inside and to let go in the solitude of her bedroom. Or in Thomas’s arms. Everything felt better in Thomas’s arms.
The car stopped and her father got out, then her brother and then her sisters. She was the last. (Y/N) got a hold of her father’s arm, as instructed, and walked in with him. It was… a lot. White and gold in the walls and people dressed up like the King would attend (he’d do, somehow- if Thomas counted). Before she noticed, her siblings had dispersed, eager to make business and find those good men to trick into a marriage. (Y/N) and James walked towards Thomas’s direction. She couldn’t look up from the floor, even when her father stopped and she could see Thomas’s shoes in front of her. James, not understanding and not caring, let go of her arm but not without twisting it first. (Y/N) looked up, meeting Thomas’s gaze that hadn’t left her since she entered the venue. She wanted to spend the rest of her life looking at him. Perhaps with a ring on her finger. But those were stupid dreams.
James clapped his hands, laughing. “What’s the special ocassion? Is the King coming?”
“King’s here, Mr. Harrison.” Thomas looked at James, dead stare on. Her father stopped laughing. He was much older than Thomas, had killed more men, but was still afraid. It was impossible not to be. Thomas gave him a quick smile. “Mind if I dance with (Y/N)?”
I mind, she wanted to say. But the explanations that would have to follow were too long and dangerous for her to do. She smiled, taking Thomas’s hand and letting him walk her to the dancefloor. As soon as his hand fell on her waist, she shuddered. He chuckled. Oh, she wanted to slap him. And kiss him. And let him hold her until the sun was up and her feet were bleeding.
Thomas spun her around, not letting her go further than an inch from him. His gaze was so focused on her she was starting to think he wanted to read her mind.
At last, he spoke. “You look beautiful.” She smiled. “People’s been whispering since you came in.”
He spoke with such pride, he didn’t know what he was talking about. Her smile faltered. “See, Tommy. That has everything to do with how I look - but now because I look beautiful.”
It took him a moment, a moment too long. She stopped dancing and apologized, claiming she wasn’t feeling well. She spoke loud, loud enough for her father to hear. (Y/N) walked fast, with Thomas close behind her. It earn them curious and confused gazes, none of them cared about it, though.
“(Y/N)!” She supported herself against the balcony wall, inhaling the fresh air. Thomas stopped right behind her, repeating her name this time in a whisper. She could feel the hesitation to touch her and she almost wanted to turn around and throw herself in his arms. “I didn’t meant…”
A silence, as cold and dark as that night, fell upon them. How could she explain?
All her life, (Y/N) was an outcast. First, for being a bastard. Her mother was a whore from Delhi, whom she had never met. Then, because no matter how much makeup she put on her face she would never have the fair skin her siblings and father shared. She wasn’t white, it was something she had come to accept as she was growing up. Used to the insults, the laughs, the second glances. Hell, none of that bothered her! (Y/N) was proud of who she was and how she looked like, but at the same time was well aware of the implications for a man like Thomas to be with a woman like her. Her surname meant nothing when her skin spoke for her. Her children’s surname would mean nothing, because their skin would speak for them too.
“You don’t understand,” she whispered, turning around to look at him. “You look and act like a white man, ignoring or dismissing the romani blood that runs through your veins. But I can’t do that.” (Y/N) took a step forward, chuckling as she shook her head. “I can wear expensive dresses, wear my hair the same way they do - speak four languages and be the smartest - fuck, and the prettiest out of all my sisters. And still, it doesn’t matter. They don’t see me-”
“I see you.” Thomas interrupted her. In another moment she would be pissed he had done such, but her voice was breaking and sobs threatened to escape. He held her face. “Not a Harrison, not a bastard, not an outcast. I see a beautiful, intelligent brown woman. A woman I want to wake up next to until I die, have children with. A woman I’m proud to love.” He put emphasis in her skin colour, his voice filled with such love she couldn’t keep the sobs in now. In the past, men had been interested in her, looking past the fact that she wasn’t a white woman. Her friends used to dismiss it, ignoring the things she went through because of it. No one ever sat down and cared about how her experiences as a woman of colour were different from those of a white woman, and no one but herself had ever embraced her skin like that. But her worries were still there and he spoke before she could: “You think our children will have it difficult. See, that’s the thing. Those children are going to be gypsies, Shelbys. No one in their right mind, on this life or the next, will fuck with them. So I’m going to ask this, once again, with my heart in my hand. (Y/N)-” he got down on one knee. “Will you honour me and become my wife?”
(Y/N) laughed at his words, nodding. Thomas lifted her up from the floor and spun them around, laughing. He kissed her, slow and tender. A promise to her and to their future.
After that, he took her hand and both walked back into the venue, where people stopped talking and dancing to look at them.
Thomas leaned in to whisper in her ear: “shall we?” She nodded. It wasn’t the first time Thomas asked her to be his wife. In fact, he had done such multiple times, ring and all.
“Ladies and gentlemen. You must be wondering the reason behind this rushed event. It’s a beautiful night and we wanted to announce, we’re getting married.” Thomas ignored the gasps and whispers. (Y/N) didn’t even look at the people, focusing on him. “(Y/N) is a woman I’ve had the pleasure to meet these past months, someone I’m proud to love and who loves me as well. We wanted it to be public as soon as possible, and that’s now. In a few weeks, (Y/N) will stop being a Harrison to become-” he didn’t bother to hide the smile. “-a Shelby. (Y/N) Shelby.”
(Y/N) kissed him, she could almost feel her sisters’ rage from where she was standing. Almost. But with him at her side, nothing of the sort would ever matter again. She knew who she was, she loved who she was. And so did Thomas.
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melmedardasworld · 5 years
Seduction | Tommy Shelby
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A/N: been on a roll lately with these pieces. I feel like whore too. But like Tommy said so beautifully: “we’re all whores”. This time, I wrote about Tommy, because he’s Thomas fucking Shelby! Do let me know if you guys like my work. And if you’d like to be tagged in my stories let me know. That way, you won’t miss out on anything ;).
Summary: Eveline Shelby (black OFC) owns a few shops herself. One of them is an lingerie shop. Her designers have created a piece for a new nightwear line and Eveline decides that she’ll catch two birds with one stone: her husband Tommy's professional opinion about it and seduce him after a week being swamped with business.
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Eveline Shelby (Black OFC)
Warnings: smuttiness, fingering, language, the sex embodiment that is Thomas Shelby himself and a weak ass attempt at seduction and talking business.
Eveline looked at the outfit with a half smile and dearly how her girls came up with these raunchy looking designs. The tip of her finfer gently smoothed over the Japanese silk fabric and enjoyed the feel on her skin.
It was soft with a very smooth feel to it. Not only comfortable to wear, but the colors were fresh and the hems perfectly accentuated her hips, waist, breasts and buttocks. Who knew underwear could look so enticing, exhilarating and just naught all at once.
Eveline send the outfits to all the Shelby women to sample it for themselves. Smiling mischievously, Eveline’s fingers trace over the edges and curves. She’d have to garner feedback from her own husband before giving the go or no go in this investment.
Then again, what woman wouldn’t want to please and seduce her husband or lover in these?
For Eveline it’s been some time since they were intimate as husband and wife. Both Tommy and her are passionate workaholics, hence the working spaces when neither wanted or could be bothered by anything.
Today was one of those don’t bother me days for Tommy. Eveline felt the blood rush to her cheeks and felt rather naughty and giddy at the same time. After reading the instructions on how to fasten and wear the complete set, Eveline was pleased when looking in the mirror.
The top was a black silk robe that fell to her ankles, which she smoothed her palms over. It covered the bra top and lower pants that were purposely shortened just a tad above her knees. “How do those girls come up with this?” Eveline mused while absently patting the center of her chest, sides of her hips and the space between her legs.
Eveline felt oddly giddy when she thought of how easy it was to take all of this off and put on.
Tommy was busy with the paperwork. He heard his office door click open and thought it was the maid that brought him his dinner. His eyes hurt from the harsh lights, but Tommy didn’t look up to give his eyes a rest.
“Thank you Frances. Tell my wife that she doesn’t have to stay up since I’ll be working.”
“Oh?” The tune of mock surprise sounded almost offended.
Tommy’s concentration was broken. The moment he raised his neck, the pressure on his body eased down his shoulders and back. His response was at the tip of his tongue before stopping himself when his dolled up wife entered.
Tommy was as quiet and scrutinizing as a hawk, wondering if, if he’d forgotten their anniversary or another celebration of sorts. But his body slowly relaxed when he noted the playfulness in her eyes and realized he’d neglected his wife the past week.
Eveline wasn’t a tall woman and despite her petite looking frame, her body was naturally curvy in the bosom, thighs and bottom. She was crunching a lot of space into the smaller spaces of her body and it was even more noticeable when preening herself. Wrapped around her was a long dark robe made of silk. Tommy guessed fron the Chinese. The design was made with a thoughtful lure and accentuated her hips and raised breasts.
Ever since Eveline let her hair grow out again, her whole demeanor looked more relaxed and Tommy dare say wild and free. He liked that when she had her hair all loose, how some curls stubbornly coil and sprung as if living lives of their own. Her eyes twinkled with mischief and the tilt of her painted lips already told Thomas Shelby that he’d finish all this work tomorrow.
“Frances and the rest have the night off l, Mr. Shelby,” Eveline tried to be indifferent by Tommy’s striking eyes. It wouldn’t do to let him already enjoy the surprise if she just tackled him like some weakling. Stopping at the front of his desk, palms resting on the expensive wood she gazed into his eyes briefly before faking interest in the folders and papers he was currently swamped in.
Tommy didn’t remove his attention when she did this. In fact he couldn’t help his amusement from showing. Her fingers absently played with the low patterned edge of the crossover piece in the front. The fabric there was loose and showed the skin of her collarbone and quietly teased the inward dip of her bust.
“Come here love,” Tommy beckoned his wife in a low voice and put his pen down. Slowly, but gradually he leant back in his chair. With that different posture, his line of sight of Eveline in his office broadened. Now, he could see how the soft light only managed to make her more alluring as the dimmed shadows behind her wrapped around her perfectly.
She was truly breathtaking.
“But you’re working,” Eveline answered. The corner of her lips twitched and with that the gentle curve of her eyes did too. “Which is perfect, since I need business advice.”
Tommy watched Eveline sashay in the direction of his expensive whisky, took out two glasses and filled them with the golden-hued drink. Sucking in his lower lip thoughtfully, he was positive his dear wife did indeed come to talk business and less tall after that.
“It’ll only take fifteen minutes and then you can finish with your work.” Eveline held the glasses up to show that she wanted him to come to her and not the other way around. Still, she didn’t show any annoyance with his silence.
Feeling that a break, however long, was needed Tommy rose from behind his desk and in an amble stride went towards Eveline. His fingers touched hers when he accepted his drink and the pair tapped their glasses together in a silent toast. The liquor tasted good on his tongue when he took a sip and decided to indulge his enticing little wife.
“So Mrs. Shelby,” his tone was a bored drawl and unashamedly ogled the space where her cleavage began and stopped. If Eveline wanted to play this little tug and war game with him, Tommy would gladly play along.
“What is this business advice you need of me?”
Eveline licked her lips after taking a sip from her drink. She set her glass down. Puffing her chest out, hands on both sides of her hips she gestured at the robe.
“My girls came with samples for a new line and I need a man’s opinion.” While explaining, Eveline purposely showed him the boring parts such as the sleeves and the edges of the stitches. Then, she shared the details of the form-fitting designs and let her hands and fingers linger at the lower front that covered her thighs, hips, stomach and lastly her chest.
“If you want my honest opinion,” Tommy’s eyes followed the way her hand moved, touched and palmed the areas where he so often did. It only dawned to him now, in this moment, that he and Eveline were so swamped with business lately and didn’t have time for each other.
He smiled faintly. “I like that it brings out all the areas of your body that I love. But the robe itself isn’t striking or as as eye catching as you.”
“No?” Eveline feigned surprise with both her eyes and mouth. She slid her hand down her stomach and played with the silk belt that kept it together and shut. “Would your mind be swayed if I told you this comes as a matching set?” After the question, Eveline reached out for his free hand and brought it to the belt.
“Depends,” Tommy downed down the rest of his drink, discarded his glass and took a step closer so he could tug at the silk string. The faint smile on her face and the way she never looked away to break eye contact with him pulled the edge of his lip up too.
“On?” Eveline asked in a whisper when one hand very slowly unwrapped the knot from her middle. His other hand palmed her behind, the dip of her waist and glided all the way to the side of her breast and gently applied pressure to it. The feel of his firm grip and the soft silk created a rash of goosebumps on her skin. Eveline bit her lower lip to stifle the faint gasp.
“If fifteen minutes is enough to convince whether you should invest in this or not… tailoring is not my business expertise.” Finally, the knot loosened and the crossed front unwrapped and Tommy’s eyes remained on the bra and pants wrapped so snuggly around her body.
“Like I said,” Eveline purred and touched the front of his tie but doesn’t quite allow him to touch the skin and guided Tommy’s hands to the cord that sat at the front of her strapless bra and one at her right hip. “I just need a man’s opinion on this.”
Eveline was trying to tease and it worked.
Tommy was fighting every single cell in his body not to push Eveline down and tear at the strings that kept her undergarments attached. Even if she didn’t attempt to hide her body from him, she still flushed under his intense gaze. The plump mounds of her breasts were cupped by a ivory sating and a little bit of lace.
Eveline’s own breathing was unsteady, breast rising and falling as if in invitation. “I personally like it and think it’s worth the investment… I thought you would too,” she explained in a husky tone.
Tugging two fingers at the center down, Tommy pulled down the small ribbon. The silence rolled around them, the room warm. Eveline made a startled sound. It was proving nearly impossible to keep a handle on her emotions with so much of her bared to his eyes.
Eveline helped slide the top off, and felt her body flush heatedly when she allowed it to drop to the floor.
Tommy was aware of slowly stepping back until the back of his knees hit the couch with Eveline on top, straddling him. He blinked and the polished outlines of light behind her framed her body like an erotic artwork of golden cream flushed with life. He looked passed her lowered eyelashes, the soft curve of her cheeks, the lush shape of her lips, the slope of the neck she’d angled to her right … lower. She was made for his palms, promising to fill them to the brim, the dusky brown of her nipples tight little knots he wanted to touch, to feel, to know. Ignoring the sound of rustling, he looked and looked, her body separated from his by bare inches, the hard black of his clothes throwing the vulnerable softness of her into stark relief.
Forcing his mind to the pleasure of this instant when he was with the woman who denied him nothing anymore, he ran both hands down. Her sides and rested it on her hips and murmured her against her ear, “I’m gonna fuck you first before I make love to you Evie.“ Nibbling at the curve of it simply because he wanted to.
Eveline moaned, her body soft and warm in the curve of his pants as she slowly felt Tommy’s groin press into her legs. Releasing her so she could tug off the material, he wrapped one arm around her waist again as soon as she pressed her hands on his shoulders, the fingers of his other hand exploring the tiny bows at the sides of her lace panties. There’d been one on her discarded bra, too, he remembered, in the center.
Tugging at one of the bows decorating her panties, Tommy inhaled when the front dropped and he all but undressed her. He was almost disappointed that there weren’t anymore surprise underneath this wrapped gift. “For the next designs, I’d like to offer my feedback as well.”
Eveline’s skin turned a silky hot shade that made her bite her lip and urged him to stroke, kiss, maybe even bite.
“Only if I’m the first to wear it,” she whispered, melting back into him.
Tommy kissed the side of her neck. “Naturally.” Biting at her in playful warning when he hadn’t known until now that he could play, he luxuriated in her moan. Then, pulse pounding, he slipped his hand around to her navel and under the lace of her panties to cup her flesh.
“Is this all for me?” He asked feeling her wetness and smirked when she jerked.
“Tommy!” Eveline’s voice was high, shocked.
“I’m a bad husband for neglecting my wife… did you think about me when you touched yourself?”
Eveline actually whimpered, her body shaking and going even more damp against his palm. Tommy decided that a sexually frustrated Evie was more than worth it if it meant so many surprises in one night.
“Did you do it like this?” Curving his fingers, he cupped her more firmly. "All hot, wet and bothered because of me.”
“Hmm,” a soft gasp from the dexterity of his touch on her center followed by a shiver crawling up her spine. “I thought of this too,” she said before her legs slowly spread for him so she could palm his cock.
Sighing, Tommy his finger pads brushed over her covered nub one by one. A sharp gasp, wide eyes when his thumb drew slow, circular motions and teased the highly sensitive muscle with her fully exposed and completely naked body quivered.
That roguish smile expanded when he watched her stomach quiver up and down in waves and her chest undulating from the panting. Shifting along the couch as her legs curl around his hips, pulling him close and sliding herself forward.
Tommy kissed and sucked and bit. The throaty noises served as a guide to tug, flick and rub with his hands while his eyes feasted on each pleasurable response he elicit from his soft woman. "Do you know what I think of when you leave me high and dry love?”
“What?” Eveline breathed out and gripped the back of his head, combing through his hair with her fingers. The sharp scrape of his teeth against the shell of her ear stung.
“How I want to take you really slow, then hard, harder, and even harder until you can’t cry… so I can take you again, and again, and again.” Each whispered word came out huskily, sharing his lustful, most intimate fantasy and pinched her clit hard.
Shivering, she dug her nails in his chest. “So fuck me. Deeper and harder than you ever did and don’t stop until I beg you to.”
“You need to come for me first Evie.”
Slowly gyrating her hips with the movements of Tommy’s hand, Eveline looked into his eyes. Smiling briefly before latching her mouth onto his, brushing their noses together. Eveline gently touched the lower part of his half open lip with her index finger and rubbed at it. He replied with a sideward tilt of his head, also rubbing the tip of his nose against hers.
The movement was soft like a feather and tender and Eveline confessed, “I missed you.”
A faint smile softened his face as Tommy brought his lips to hers. This time, the kiss was deep, sensual and long. Her fingers slid down his neck to match with the vigor of the lip lock.
Tommy began to suck on her lower lip, his teeth tugging gently, making her groan. Breathing in deep, he twisted his fingers, rubbed her clit with his thumb and waited.
Eveline’s whole body felt tight, as if her skin had been stretched too thin and was close to bursting. She wanted to rub herself up against the beauty of her husband in front of her.
Eveline put one hand flat on his chest. A shudder shook his strong frame and Tommy made no effort to hide his want in her caresses and his unflinching eyes gave her the confidence. Removing a hand, she ignored the low grunt that came from his throat and put her hands at the center of his pants.
“I missed this.” The look in her eyes made Tommy feel as if he was the most desired man she ever laid eyes on.
His intense focus was a physical touch as she slowly undid the buttons and bringing her hips closer. This all while enjoying his hand petting her wet slit, Eveline leaned over, lips brushing as they spoke.
“I missed you inside me.” It was deliberate on her part; she liked kisses with Tommy. He caught her lower lip between his teeth again in a playful bite and she shivered.
“Like I said love, you need to cum first.” This time it was a demand and her lips slipped.
At this point, Eveline thought with her body. She was coping. More than coping. She was enjoying it. Feeling her stomach clench and the muscles of her legs spasm, leaving her shuddering. An ecstatic cry left her mouth and spots of white burst behind her eyes as she rode the high of her climax.
Tommy breathed out, head raised as he watched Eveline’s face. Her delicate throat was taut and the apex of her chin visible from her snapping her head backwards. He slid his other palm over the dent of her shapely waist, her ribs and sunk his hands into the flesh of her breasts. Her nipple was pert and he pinched it with his forefinger and thumb.
She clearly needed this release more than anything. His touch brought every nerve in her body and brain into euphoria. Nipping with his teeth at the curve of her collarbone, neck and jaw with his lips, Tommy inhaled her perfume.
Eveline still caught her breath and made a sound when Tommy slowly slipped his fingers from her insides. Looking down into bright blue, Eveline slid her hand over his forearm, wrist and the back of his rough and calloused hand that imprisoned her breast. She squeezed it, indicating he could be more firm in his hold.
“Now that I came for you,” Tommy grunted when Eveline began to slowly roll her hips began to roll in circular motions, mesmerized by the flexibility and smooth texture of her body. “I’ll have to return the favor.”
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sparklemichele · 6 years
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Thomas Shelby X WOC
“You can change what you do, but you can’t change what you want.”
@laketaj24 @imgoldielikehawn @oddsnendsfanfics @byzantium-glytch @readsalot73 @emmysrandomthoughts @captstefanbrandt @virgosapphire79 @titty-teetee
58 notes · View notes
laketaj24 · 5 years
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
Thomas Shelby
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Gin and Fucking Tonic
We’ve Got It
Dirty Again
Agent of the Crown I, Agent of the Crown II
Small Things
Imagine Coming Home to an Angry Tommy
Christmas with Thomas Shelby Headcannons
Under the Table
Fluff Alphabet
Upside Down
The Performance
The Inconvenience
John Shelby
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Proper Timing
Michael Gray Kinks
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599 notes · View notes
I ain’t sorry
Warnings: miscarriage, gun violence, kidnapping, cheating, period typical sexism, Implied black reader, and OOCness of characters
Word count: 6095
"You don't love me Tom! So stop acting like you care about me!" 
"That's not true and you know it!" 
"Then say it Thomas! Prove me wrong! Because you putting your dick in the barmaid while your wife takes care of this shit show you made ain't exactly helping your case!"
"Its not th- Y/n just listen!-"
"Mommy!  'ungry!" 
Opening your eyes you met the heterochromic eyes of your twin toddler boys. They stood in front of you with wide smiles and bouncing as the stood at either side of you. Sitting up straight you gave them a wide smile, shoving the memory of the night you left to the back of your mind as ruffled their curly locks. "Oh are you now? Well let's get mommy's two babies food alright?"
"Not 'aby!"
"Yeah! Not 'aby!"
Both of them whined as they followed close behind you. Charles held onto your skirt while Kenji held your hand as you led them to the kitchen. A giggle escaped you as their brown and blue eyes roamed the room for snacks before lunch. They were fraternal twins but alike in every way possible, as expected of twins. Charles was older by 1 hour and had more shaggy hair than Kenji, his left eye was blue and the other brown. While Kenji's hair was more curly, yet easier to manage than Charles, his right eye blue and other brown. Both of them had the same light brown skin, freckles, dark brows, and smile that lit up your world. Not to mention the same scowl and protective fearless nature of their father. And oh, their laugh. Just like his when you were growing up. There was no doubt they were your husband's sons and you never denied it, you could never forget him after all. Even with all the pain he caused, there was so much happiness and your sons were the product of that. "What!? Not baby? But you're my babies!" you teased softly as you began to spread the peanut butter and jelly onto the bread.
The twins looked at each other, an unspoken conversation being shared between them as you made them lunch. Kenji shook his head and pouted as he looked at his brother, the conversation came to an end as Kenji pulled on your skirt. "Not 'aby! We's 'ig 'oy!" 
"Kenny stop pulling on Mommy's skirt like that." You said simply as you cut the first sandwich into 4 little triangles like the boys preferred. Charles didn't say anything, seemingly in deep thought as he looked up at you staring at your bare stomach. Since you normally only wore undershirts and a simple loose pair of pants it was no surprise that your stomach was exposed. "And don't be silly Kenny, you and Charlie will always be my babies even when we're all really really old."
"Yes Charlie?" 
"What's tat 'oo-boo on you tum?" 
Glancing down a frown spread across your face as you remember the way you got the wound in the first place. Taking a bullet for Tommy while pregnant wasn't your best choice but when you woke up and found out he was at the Garrison with Grace it made you realize something. That you didn't need no fucking man to make it in the world, not when that man was cheating on you. So that same night, after the showdown with Billy Kimber you bought a ticket out of town and settled down. The countryside was nice after all. No smoke, no cars, no Thomas Shelbys and no stress. It was hard, being a pregnant woman of color starting a new life but you did it and made good honest money as a nurse. Your herb and tea mixtures were known all through London and you were proud to support your boys while helping so many people. 
Shaking your head you glanced down at. Charlie and smiled apologetically. "Sorry Charlie Mommy spaced out for a bit. What did you say?" 
Your sons looked at each other once again and then Charles shook his head. "Never 'ind! Is lunch done?" 
Nodding your head you smiled and handed both boys their own plates of food. They giggled and ran off to the living room to eat while they drew pictures. The smile that spread across your face was short lived as you watched as a familiar car pulled up in front of your home. "Boys. Bunker now." You said calmly, soft enough for them not panic but clear enough for them to know you're serious.
The two of them took their plates and papers down the hall with them. Kenji pulled on the secret handle of the fireplace and it open ever so slightly, but wide enough for them to squeeze into before it closed. Once it was securely shut you grabbed a robe and tightly wrapped it around you as a knock sounded at the door. Taking a deep breath you opened the door to look at the familiar blue eyes you fell in love with. "Thomas Shelby, John Shelby, Arthur Shelby, and Pollyanna Shelby what brings you all to my front door step? And how did you find me? Was it Alfie?" 
Tommy started into your eyes, and it took everything within you not to crumble and fall into his arms. He was bruised and battered with a red eye and you wanted nothing more than to give him a better treatment than the shit hospital he went to. There were so many things you wanted to do to the Shelby family, most of them pleasant, but right now you just kept your door slightly open and your face indifferent. "I told 'im Y/n about the baby. Why didn't you tell 'im? Where are they?" 
"It doesn't matter now, Pol. That's why I left. I couldn't stay there knowing my took a bullet for my ex-husband and in return he slept with the barmaid as I lost my child." you said smoothly as you looked into her brown eyes. Shock spread across her face as she scanned you for any signs for lying, unable to find one she let out a choked sob as Tommy looked at you in pure horror. 
"Save it Thomas. I don't want your pity. I don't want your apology. I just want you-" 
"Stop it." came his harsh voice as he looked down at the ground. 
"Stop what Thoma-"
"Don't! Don't call me that!" he growled. Silence surrounded the lot of you as Tommy breathe became ragged and his eyes became wet. "I thought you were dead, we all did. And after 3 years of being apart, of missing you, the last thing I want to hear you call me is Thomas. I don't care who else calls me it. I just can't handle it from you." 
You didn't say anything as you stared into the blue eyes he passed onto your sons, instead you bit your lip as your own eyes got wet. "Tommy you broke my heart. I gave everything. I did everything for you, only to find out from Lizzie fucking Stark you were taking the barmaid to the races. The same thing you promised me when I was 14 and you were 17. You promised me so many things and you broke each and everyone one. Even our wedding vows. I loved you Tommy. No one else! And what did you do!?" You couldn't stop the tears streaming down your face as you began to yell. Shoving Tommy into Arthur you let them keep falling, knowing none of the Shelbys could stand it. "You slept with the fucking barmaid and took her to the places you promised me! How did it feel huh!? How did it feel to find out I was right? Did you feel stupid?"
"Y/n th-thats enough." Polly stuttered softly as she tried to embrace you. You easily shook off her grip and stared into the eyes of the man that broke your heart. The man who was still in shock in his brother's grasp.
"Is it Pol!? Is it!? I told y'all she was a fucking spy from day one and none of you believed me! What changed your mind!? The bullet I lost a baby to!? Or was it the bullet Danny took!?  It's funny how for you Shelbys to listen someone has to die. Well did it work? Did you get what you want-"
"Do you feel like a man now Tommy? Are you happy with the outcome? You work alone right!? Well look where it got you! Down a kid! Down a wife! Down a loyal servant! Well don't worry. Thomas Shelby! I bet you've gotten plenty of new ones to repeat the process with!" You spat harshly. You knew your boys might be able to hear you, that's why you did your best not to curse as you looked at the people you once called a family. Letting out a soft sob you put your face in your hands and brushed it back to pull the twist you had in your hair out of your face. They snapped straight back into place but you didn't care. You wanted all of them to know you were hurt. "I buried my baby girl. She had toes and fingers and I was about 4 months along according to the doctor. I- I named her Ruby and she could have been beautiful. She could of been happy but instead she's dead, and I hope you all got what you wanted." 
With a shaky voice you moved to close the door but before you could a foot was placed in the door. "Y/n wait. Hear us out. Please. Can you let us in? I 'ave some letters from the boys and Finn. They miss their Auntie N/n." John begged weakly, but he knew the effect it had on you. Sniffles left you as slowly opened the door and looked at said letters in John's hand. Snatching them from him and turning around to walking into your home, you missed the weak reassuring smile John gave his family as they stepped in. 
The first letter belonged to Finn and as you sat down on your couch you smiled at the mess handwriting of the teenage boy, before you left you were teaching him how to read and write after all. As you opened the letter you could feel the seat next to you sink as Tommy sat, while putting a cigarette in his mouth. "No Tommy." 
A sigh escaped him and Pol as they put their cigarettes away and watched you read the first letter with a wet laugh. Finn was your favorite of the Shelby brothers, that much they all knew. He was kind after all and as the Sunflower of Small Heath everyone knew you valued that in a person. When you finished the letter from Finn you moved onto letters from John's kids. They were all short, written by Pol, and asking if you'll come back and reading each one made your heart ache. "I miss all of them so much as well. Not a day goes by without me thinking of them." 
"Then come back. We need you." Arthur said softly. There was an edge to his voice you didn't like though, staring into his eyes a frown traveled across your face as realization struck and the sight of faint scars on his neck 
"Oh Arthur.." You said softly as you placed the letters down. Standing up you moved to kneel in front of him as you cupped his face gently. Even though you were all adults now you could always read the Shelbys emotions easily. Under your fingers you could feel his pulse hammering against you. "You're hurting. Aren't you?" 
A whimper escaped him and just like that you were in his arms as he spoke softly, "It's me 'ead Y/n. I-I" 
"Shh.. Fine. You win. I'll be back one day. But for now, let me make you tea. Its with my herbs. The shit doctors give you won't work like my stuff does." You said softly, running your fingers through Arthur's greasy hair. Arthur let you go as he wiped his tears and you stood leaving for the kitchen
"Ain't that right.." Tommy mumbled under his breath as he took out cigarettes again. Hitting the match against the box he lit his cig to life and took a long drag of it. Polly glance at him as he offered a cigarette to her and with hesitation she took a drag from it as well. "Y/n? Did you mean it when you said you'll come back?" 
"Yes. Unlike you Tommy I'm not heartless. And I miss the little ones. Finn should be about 15 right now and Ada's little one should be 4 or 5. And Johns kids should be around 6 to 10." You listed as you started the water. "Would anyone else like some tea?" 
"Whiskey for me and Tommy please." Aunt Polly said as she took another drag from the cig before handing it back to Tommy, who moved to stand by your fireplace.
"Sorry, I don't keep whiskey or liquor of any kind in my house. Nor do I allow smoking Tommy." You said smoothly as you glanced over your shoulder. "Put it out." 
Tommy groaned and knocked on the fireplace a few times before taking one last drag a rubbing the cig against the bricks. Unknown to him, he alerted the twins that it was time to come out. Everything happened in slow motion and the fireplace moved causing Tommy to stumble and the boys to squeeze out with their empty plates. All eyes were on them and the sitting family members all stood as the looked at the two boys that stared straight into their father's eyes. With your back turned to them all in the kitchen you gathered the herbs you needed for Arthur's tea without a clue of what was going on behind you. "Arthur? Do you want any sugar in your tea?" 
"M-mommy.." came Charles soft voice. You turned around quickly and looked at your two boys as they stared at their father in fear. Kenji stood in front of his brother protectively despite being horrified of the tall man in front of him. "Mama!" 
Tears pooled in both of their eyes but Charles is the one that started bawling. Rushing over to them you gathered them both in your arms as they cried and kissed both of their heads as you lifted them up. "Its OK. Mommy's here. Now let's put you down for a nap. You two did so well in the bunker." 
"Y/n. Who are they?" came Tommy's shaky voice and the thought of you moving on from him and being the mother of someone else's kids. 
"The two that survived the bullet I took for you."  You said without hesitation. Aunt Polly covered her mouth in shock while Arthur and John looked at each other and then Tommy, and you. 
"Jesus Tom! 3!? At once!?" 
You didn't dare turn around, you didn't want to see their faces. They haven't even been here an hour and yet everything you worked so hard to hide is unraveling. “You never answered my question, how did you find me?”
“Soloman. How do you know ‘im?” Tommy said as his steps got closer. Knowing you wont get out of this you glanced at Polly with pleading eyes, causing her to let out a sigh and place her hand on Tommy’s shoulder.
“Tommy, let's wait and  give her a few minutes to get those two up stairs before you start a fight.” Aunt Pol said softly as she led Tommy back to the couches to sit down. But Tommy nudged her hand off of his shoulder and took a step closer to you, his patience running thin as you kept your hold on them.
“No. I'm tired of waiting. Y/n answer my question, now.” Tommy hissed out in annoyance. Charles sniffled and buried his face in your neck his eyes full of tears as Kenji glared at Tommy, eyes just as full of tears.
“‘nside ‘oice!” Kenji called back with a shaky voice, his dislike for Tommy at the moment was clear as day. Arthur chuckled and patted Tommy on his shoulder as you walked toward the stairs.
“‘e’s definitely your son Tommy. Looked ‘bout ready tah fight ya too, all for ‘is mum. What are their names?” Arthur teased. Biting your lip you didn't answer, instead you shifted them in your arms and made your way up the stairs carefully, whispering sweet nothings to them as you did so. You didn't need to ask your boys how they felt. That much was obvious to you as their heads moved on your shoulders to stare at Tommy as you walked, they didn't like the way he talked to you. Once you made it to their shared room next to yours you placed them in their beds and kissed their heads after wiping their tears.
“Nap time boys. If you need Mommy I’ll be down stairs. Don't hesitate to call me if you need something ok?” you said softly as you brushed their curls from their face and kissed them again. “Mommy loves you.”
Giving the boys one last look you closed the door behind you as the got under their comforters. Once you were back down the sound of the kettle going off lead you to the kitchen. “Would anyone else like some tea?”
Polly’s voice came immediately as she smiled at the thought, “The sleepy-time mixture that you used to make every morning for me! I have yet to taste anything as good as yours.” She loved your tea after all. Even though they couldn't see, you nodded anyway as you prepared two separate tea pot, one with Arthur’s mixture and one with Polly’s. When you opened the cupboard you grabbed one of your matching set of 5 and placed it on the tray with the pots of tea, carrying everything into, including some cookies. Placing the tray down on the coffee table, you poured some Arthur his cup first and handed it to him, careful not to spill the hot liquid. Silence was all that could be heard through the home you owned after serving tea to those who wanted it. “You didn't have to take them upstairs you know.”
“Knowing Arthur, Tommy and their… colorful vocabulary I felt like that was the best choice.” You teased softly as you lent back into your seat and crossed your legs, taking a careful sip from your tea. “But never mind that, why did you come searching for me? Why are you all here and what do you want?” 
“We need you to comeback.” Tommy said shamelessly. “We’ve grown our business in the past 3 years and now were the third largest bookkeepers. We plan on expanding to London with the help of the Soloman as well.” 
 “It sounds like you’ve got everything all planned out and know what to do. So what do you need me and herbs-” you rebuked only to get cut off by John as he decided to pour himself a cup of tea.
“Cut the bullshit Y/n, You’re one of the focking best -no, THE focking best- weapon maker we know. Even though Tommy wont admit it, everyone else will when I say you're irreplaceable. We need you back.” John explained clearly. 
“I stopped doing that after the boys were born. The only inventions I have left and haven't sold are in the basement.” 
“Wait you sold your weapons!? The same ones you made just for the Peaky Blinders?”
“Of course I did. You think making this house with all these secret entrances and paths was free? I sold my old invention from back when I was teen and some newer ones. I do miss weapon making but at the same time I don't. Coming up with new ideas and actually testing them out cost a lot money. And that money I rather use on my baby boys.” you scoffed. Tommy stood up, rubbing his hand down his face as he groaned in frustration. Your inventions were top of the charts, never before seen, easy to hide the use of, conceal and use. And knowing that other people all around London had it in their possession made this process a lot harder. “If it makes you feel any better Tommy the only gang I’ve sold huge loads to was Alfie. He helped me a lot when I was pregnant, even got me workers to build this very house since no one I went to wanted to work for me. So if any of the expansion shit hurts his business in any way I hope you know what you're getting into.”
“Fine. Fine… Fuck. We can work this out. We just need to go back home, have a family meeting and make a plan.” Tommy grumbled as he began to pace back and forth.
“We? No. No. No Tommy. There is no WE in this, not any more. This is your problem. Not mine or my sons.”
“Our sons, Y/n.”
“I said what I said, and I meant it. They're my sons.” 
Tommy rolled his eyes and turned to look at you with cold blue eyes of annoyance. He must of thought this would all be easy, but hell hath no fury like a protective mother. “Y/n, now's not the time to argue. We need you back at Small Heath. I need you back.”
“I thought Thomas Shelby needed no one but himself. What changed that? What changed you?” you mocked, causing Polly to take a large gulp of her tea, holding back her laughter as she watched the two of you interact. You were the only person she knew that would step to Tommy, win, and repeat the cycle over and over again. It was amusing to her no matter how old the two of you were. You were a spitfire and a beautiful girl, looks and smarts perfectly dangerous together and you knew it. Polly was the only one watching and listening though as she drank her tea, John and Arthur were too busy stuffing their faces with your cookies at an alarming rate. It was a wonder how they haven't choked yet. Both men stared at each other as a grabbed more cookies and shoved them into their mouths, causing you to roll your eyes. “If I were you I’d slow down. You might choke.”
“Things change Y/n, I changed ok? Now are you coming back or not.” he huffed out, towering over you as he stood at your feet. Your head tilted to the side and you switched the position of your crossed legs as you took a sip from your cup.
“If I come back with you, if I get back with you, you have everything to gain. My home, my inventions, my herbs, my sales, my intellect, my money, and most importantly my sons and I. There's nothing for me with you, Tommy. Nothing but more heartbreak.”
Tommy opened his mouth and then closed it, realizing you were right. A growl escaped him as he threw the only thing in his hand into the fire place, which was the tea cup. The sound of it breaking caused you to jump slightly but you didn't bat an eye. Tension began to rise as you stared into each other's eyes, neither of you backing down. Polly- seeing the way you gripped your tea cup- decided to cut in to calm things down.
“Your sons Y/n, their beautiful. So unique as well, as expected of you, so beautifully different.” she praised with a wide smile as she placed her empty cup down to pour more. At the mention of your sons, you smiled widely and broke eye contact with Tommy who was still fuming.
“They are.” you gushed immediately, a wide yet soft smile traveling across your face as you thought of them. “They love chocolate milk and yoga and they're so protective of each other it's absolutely adorable! They talk in sync sometimes and their laugh! Oh god their laugh, it's just Tommy’s back when we were kids! You should see all the pictures I have of them as babies!” tension began to dwindle as you continued to gush about your sons. But the elephant in the room only seemed to grow bigger.
“What are their names? I ask yah before but yous never answered.” 
“Oh! Sorry.” you giggled softly as you drank from your cup finishing the last of your tea, placing it down on the coaster only for Tommy to take it and fill it up with tea from Arthur’s pot. “It’s Charles and Kenji. But I call them Charlie and Kenny. They don't like loud sound that much either.”
“Y-You kept the names.” Tommy said barely above a whisper, almost as a question as he looked at you incredulously. “You kept the names.” his voice was stronger that time but the smell of his cologne was stronger as he embraced you, placing a sudden kiss your lips causing you to melt into his arms. You weren't nearly as over him as you thought, it seemed. “You’re coming home.”
“No Tommy. Not yet at least. If I come back it's on my terms, not yours. I already agreed to come back. Now you just have to wait.”
“My wife and kids aren't going to be away from me Y/n. You're coming home and that's fina-”
“When are you going to understand that this is my home. I built it from scratch and I’m not leaving.”
“I'm not leaving you here.”
“This isn't Small Heath Tommy. I can make my own decisions and I don't need you hovering. I don't need you dictating my life. This is my house, my home, and it was made with my money. You have no authority here.”
No one said a word, Tommy still had you in his arms you still didn’t pull away. Tommy clenched and unclenched his jaw as he stared into your blazing eye. He nodded his head a few times and for once you thought the fighting was over. “Fine. Arthur, you're driving. Aunt Pol, John can you get the boys?”
“Get the boys? Tommy you are not taking my kids from me!” you hissed, squirming in his arms ad you tried to get free of his grasp. His arms moved down to hold your waist and in one swift movement Tommy was standing and you were thrown over his shoulder. “TOMMY! PUT ME DOWN!” 
“You're right, I’m not taking our kids from you, Y/n. I'm taking all of you with me. But since I’m feeling nice and you said there were weapons in the basement this will be our holiday home for next month.” Tommy said, completely unfazed by your yelling and kicking as Polly and John hesitated to get the sleeping boys upstairs. You were still in your robe as you thrashed around in Tommy’s arms and knowing that it was getting you nowhere you sighed and resorted to kicking. But before you could get good kick in Tommy’s free arm held your legs in place. When John and Polly came back down the boys were still asleep as they carried them.
“What about the tea and biscuits?” 
“Forget the fucking tea and biscuits John. She can make some more when we get home. Aunt Pol’s been taking care of her plants for the longest now.”
“Tommy! Put me down! This is kidnapping!” you hissed lowly, not wanting to wake your boys up, but your words fell on deaf ears. Tommy’s hand was perched on your ass as you continued to squirm around furiously, but a slap on your ass caused you to gasp and still. “Tommy!” John was behind everyone and the last one to leave the house. Since the key to the house was in the foyer he locked the door behind everyone, careful not to wake Kenji. “You can't seriously be kidnapping me and my kids right! Aunt Pol! Are you really ok with this!? I thought you were the voice of reason of the Shelbys! Y’all can't be serious right now! I’M NOT DRESSED! I'M INDECENT!” you pleaded, but Tommy’s grip on you tighten and Arthur opened the car door. 
“As long as you sit still you wont get exposed. And if someone does look at you that isn't family, as your husband I have the right to kill them.” Tommy said smoothly as he sat you in the back with him. Polly gently held Charles up for Tommy to pick up, and then he passed Charles to you. You held the sleeping Charles close to you and kissed his forehead as you glared at the male next to you.
“You kill anyone and my boys see it and I’m cutting off your dick Thomas Shelby. You're on thin ice.” a chuckle escaped the man as he took Kenji from John. With his son in his arms Tommy was able to observe the similarities between him and the toddler. His eyebrows were dark and similarly shaped, and even with his eyes closed Tommy could remember the deep blue that Kenji had in his right eye. The boy on his lap was 33% of the proof that you loved him. The other 66% being Charles and Ruby.  He was the lucky one. Not the other way around like he always thought. You were smart, loyal, funny, and an amazing inventor as well. He didn't want to think about how wrong he did you, because then he’d end up hating himself even more than he already does. With Charles in your lap, your arms held him protectively as he began to stir. Glaring at the Shelbys around you the thing that calmed you down was when Charles snuggled closer into you. And at the same time Kenji did the same to Tommy, causing his heart to clench and Tommy to hold him tighter, afraid that this was all a figment of his imagination and the worst nightmare he could ever have. The one where his brain shows him everything he’s thought about, everything he’s wanted to have with you. Only for the shoves to start again, just like they did when you left.
But instead, Tommy kissed Kenji’s freckled cheek when he thought no one was looking, being a lot more gentle with the boys than you expected him to be, almost making you happy to be near him again, almost.
“Mama?” came a soft voice from below you. Your dark eyes met the heterochromatic brown and blue of Charles eyes and you smiled.
“Yes Charlie?”
“Are ‘e living wif Daddy nows?”
You knew Tommy heard him and Tommy knew you knew as well. Out of the corner of your eye you could see him watching you, waiting for your response, but you didn't directly look at him. You both knew what your answer was going to be without you even having to say it, Tommy’s smug smile only proved so. 
“For now? Yes baby. But just for now. We wouldn't want the chickens to feel lonely now would we?” you whispered back causing a chuckle to escape Tommy. Having enough of his shit you kicked him in the shin, careful not to disturb your sons. Now it was your turn to chuckle as Tommy bit his lip to hold in the sound of pain. Polly laughed softly at the face Tommy was making, and to save himself from further embarrassment he shifted the attention away from him. 
“You ‘ear that Johnny boy? She has chickens!  Maybe you should take her home instead.” Tommy teased with a smile. John  rolled his eyes but the smile on his face was apparent as Tommy laughed, tilting his head back in the process. The same laugh he passed onto your sons came out of him, and if anyone asked you would deny the fact that it was calming to hear. “Now we have to come back, wouldn't want the chickens to starve either.”
Charles fell back asleep in your arms without another word as Kenji’s thumb rested in his mouth. The way their eyes fluttered was a tell told tale to you that they were in a deep sleep. Allowing you the chance to finally speak your mind. “You know. You all have a lot of fucking nerve to come searching for me and then take me from, excuse my language but, my  goddamned home. And you have even more nerve that if you think for a second that I’ll just turn over and do what ever the fuck you say. Tommy for one, you look like shit and that tells me just how much control you have over all the shit you've caused. Who the fuck did you double cross this time you bloody idiot.-”
“Ahh, and there she is. It was weird not hearing you curse.” Polly cut you off with a soft chuckle as she lit a cigarette and blew the smoke out away from you and the boys. 
“You're all inconsiderate jackasses sometimes, you know that? I have two toddlers to take care of and yet you still want to drag me into this. Tell when the people that hurt you Tommy, did they go after anyone else? Who died? Who got hurt?” you asked calmly, your voice betraying how you actually felt. But even as you ranted, your eyes never left the figures of your sons. “It’s been three years but it seems like the only one who has changed is me. And now you wanna drag me into all of this to solve the mess you made. Well guess what, if you think I’m going to forgive you and come crawling back you have another thing coming Thomas Shelby. I loved you with all my heart and the only thing I got in return was a bullet and a broken heart. So how about for once in your goddamn life you take responsibility for the mess you've made and clean it up yourself, cause I’m not making you shit other than tea.”
“Save it Tommy. I dont need to hear any more of your fucking empty promises.” you hissed as you throat tightened and your eyes became glossy. 
“Y/n please don't cry..”
“How can I not Polly? He cheated on me. He broke my heart. I watched him fall out of love with me and in love with someone else. I know I’m not pale, blonde, not extra skinny or dripping with femininity like she was. But I didn't think it would matter, because I loved you Tommy and I thought you loved me. I gave you everything I had to fucking offer and even that wasn't enough for you. Because you're never fucking satisfied Thomas Shelby.”
‘Y/n please..” Tommy mumbled as he shifted Kenji on his lap. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights, scared that if he moved you’ll cry even more. Pol watched with sad eyes, but didn't say anything, it wasn't her place after all.
“I gave you everything I had and it wasn't enough… No, because instead you fell for the barmaid spy. The same one that ratted you out. And even after finding out what she did. Even after I took that bullet for you, the same bullet that killed my baby and almost killed me, you spent the night with her. I-I- I can't forgive you for that and I never will Tommy. And if it wasn't for these two sleeping angel that I gave birth to alone, none of this would be happening. My boys deserve the chance to know you, and to love you. The same way I loved you. And if they choose to hate you instead that will be no one’s fault but your own.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Tommy finally said after a minute of tense silence.
“It means you have a week. That’s how long you have before I take my sons back home. Because at the end of the day the barmaid may have tempted you but she’s not the one that said ‘I do’ at the altar. Nope, that was you Thomas Shelby and now because of that I love you just as much as I hate you.”
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The Complete Peaky Blinders + Characters of Color Masterlist (edit: no longer complete)
Edit: this masterlist is no longer complete, as I am no longer using this tumblr very much and won’t be around to update it
All works on this list are set in the world of Peaky Blinders and FOCUSED on at least one canon or original character of color. (This means no Michael-centric fics with only one or two scenes involving Isaiah, etc.) All works should be longer than 500 words and located on tumblr or archiveofourown. 
Last updated 10/16/18.
WARNING: I have not read all the fics on this list, and fully abandon all responsibility for their quality, content warnings, etc. Read at your own risk.
🎖 indicates a personal favorite of mine + notes on why I like it
FIC W/ A CANON CHARACTER OF COLOR - This is any fic that focuses on at least one canon character of color.
FIC W/ AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER OF COLOR - This is any Peaky fic or imagine that focuses on at least one original character of color.
READER x CANON CHARACTER OF COLOR - This is any Peaky imagine that focuses on the relationship between Reader & a canon character of color.
READER OF COLOR x CANON CHARACTER - This is any Peaky imagine that focuses on the relationship between a Reader of color & a canon character.
CONCLUSION - some parting thoughts
This is any fic that focuses on at least one canon character of color.
🎖 ISAIAH-CENTRIC - me aka Ashling on ao3 //  Isaiah Jesus and the Sucker Punch Heist // Multi-chapter heist fic focusing on Isaiah, w/ side helpings of Isaiah x WOC, other original characters of color, action, friendship, drama 🎖 notes: really did my damnedest to make this a fun, good one
ISAIAH x FINN - rxttenk1d on ao3 // Finn Has A Choking Kink // smut, written in the second person
ISAIAH x FINN - me // picnic // short modern AU romcom fic
ISAIAH x FINN - me // coffeeshop // Finn has been waiting a long time for his goddamn espresso. 
ISAIAH x MICHAEL - cyrusbarrone // change // exquisite prose, incredibly short 
ISAIAH x MICHAEL - cyrusbarrone // saint dymphna // exquisite prose, perfect 100-word drabbles
ISAIAH x MONA MALLORY - @danceyreagan // several fics on this masterlist //a black OC, Mona Mallory, is cute as hell and dating Isaiah Jesus
ISAIAH x OC - @justaclichewhitegirl​ aka justaclichewhitegirl on ao3 // Hell is Empty and the Devils Are All Here // Alexandra wanted the past to stay in the past, but when doing a business deal with the Shelby's that doesn't always happen.
ISAIAH x OC - wishfulwriter on ao3 // Don't forget where you came from // Living with the Blinders is no walk in the park, especially not if you're somewhat involved with some of them.
🎖 MR. ZHANG x TOMMY - KeithKoenar // For what are we but weak men in a mad world on ao3 // In which Mister Zhang is terribly sick for two weeks and Thomas Shelby ultimately ends up stealing a damn prostitute, because he is a foolish, weak man. 🎖 notes: intriguing, original, smutty
This is any Peaky fic or imagine that focuses on at least one original character of color.
CHADDA “SAM” SAMRA x ISAIAH - @peakyposts // The Art of Sneaking Around // Multiple Chapters // Finn Shelby, Isaiah Jesus and Chadda “Sam” Samra had been friends since they were children, but as Chadda gets older her responsibilities become more important than hanging out with her friends. How is she supposed to juggle helping out at her mother’s hair salon, going to school, and eventually falling in love with one of her best friends? Especially when one of those things is completely forbidden by her traditional parents? 
MONA MALLORY x ISAIAH - @danceyreagan // a black OC, Mona Mallory, is cute as hell and dating Isaiah Jesus. There’s over half a dozen small fics on danceyreagan’s masterlist about this couple, plus some moodboards.
RADHA CHAKRAVATI x FINN - @peakyarthurs // “It was all about helping a friend in need.” (Indian OC)
UNNAMED OC x MICHAEL - [PENDING] @alfiesolcmons​ plans to write a fic set in America, where the OC is a woman of color. More info forthcoming.
EVE CHEN x TOMMY - [PENDING] I plan to write a multichapter fic about Eve Chen, a fiercely guarded and independent Chinese woman who develops an enemies with benefits situation with Tommy. Moodboard here, more info forthcoming.
This is any Peaky imagine that focuses on the relationship between Reader & a canon character of color.
Reader x Isaiah Jesus
🎖 by @birminghamblinders​ 
🎖 notes: haven’t read these imagines but I know birminghamblinders can write
son of a preacher man // Isaiah had been in your life for what seemed like forever, but was really no time at all. 
love, in phases // Isaiah, quite honestly, knew he wanted to marry you from the first time he spoke to you. 
by @blindersbeach​: 
dad’s plan: pt 1 / pt 2
with purpose // “Isaiah and the reader are best friends spending Valentine’s day together, but become more”
by @blinder-baker​
Brown Eyes // Reader reassures Isaiah
🎖 by @blinder-secrets​ 
Perfect // Reader marries Isaiah
🎖 notes: tooth-rotting fluff
by @bonniebird 
untitled // Imagine hiding that you and Isaiah are dating 
by @collecting-stories​
untitled // sex worker Reader falls for Isaiah 
🎖 Visiting // Isaiah meets a black girl from America and is completely smitten: pt 1 / pt 2 🎖 notes: sweet stuff
morning // protective Isaiah
untitled // reader stands up for Isaiah against some racist
by @ijustwant2write​ 
“Let me help you!” // Reader helps her friend get out of an abusive relationship & Isaiah gets caught up in the mix
by on Jordy___9 ao3
A Long Time Wait // Michael x Reader; Michael invites Isaiah to join them, and he agrees to the idea.
by @la-dame-fleur 
untitled // SMUT
by @lucachangretta 
give over // jealous!Isaiah
by @michaelshelbys 
dramatic // in which isaiah jesus is quite frankly sick of sneaking around with the youngest shelby sister
by @nogods--nomasters​
untitled // You and Isaiah having to hide your feelings
“Please don’t cry. I hate to see you cry.” // Shelby sister Reader
“Why are you so nice to me?”
by @peakyxshelby 
Item // Reader is John’s daughter
Forbidden Flame // Reader is a Shelby sister: pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4
by @peaky-blinders-lit​ 
Savior // country girl gets lost in Birmingham, meets Isaiah
by @shelbylimiited 
blissful unawareness // Reader is a Shelby sister
helping hand // Reader is a barmaid at the Garrison; Isaiah helps
disapproval // Reader is kicked out of her home for dating Isaiah
by @theshelbycompanyltd​
of fire, fighting, and other “f” words // You went to the Shelby wedding in search of a little excitement. You found Isaiah. 
Reader x Jeremiah Jesus
surely somebody has to have written this, and yet I cannot find anything?
Reader x Colonel Ben Younger
the universe is nothing but a vast disappointment. that man was CUTE
This is any Peaky imagine that focuses on the relationship between a Reader of color & a canon character.
Alfie Solomons
by @peaky-yamyam
Wisdom and War // “Alfie falls for a beautiful black lady who is strong, intelligent, curvy, badass, and is as nutcrackers as him”
by @mrschangrettawrites
[PENDING] untitled [promo post] // (Persian reader)
by me
🎖 A Curious Correspondence // WOC reader gets to know Alfie Solomons through writing him letters as a volunteer during the war🎖 notes: I reread this one sometimes for kicks and giggles
by somebody
I KNOW somebody has an adorable fic that I think is titled Habibi which is ROC x Alfie but I can’t for the life of me remember where I saw it???? please send help
Finn Shelby
by @twistedrunes​
untitled // Isaiah’s sister is rescued by Finn.
Isaiah Jesus
Note: These are only the Isaiah Jesus imagines with a reader that is explicitly a POC; see above (pt 3) for all Isaiah Jesus imagines
🎖 by @collecting-stories​ 
Visiting // Isaiah meets a black girl from America and is completely smitten: pt 1 / pt 2
🎖 sweet stuff
John Shelby
by @xxdearlybeloved​
Among the Stars (masterlist, 10 chapters) // the reader is Jeremiah Jesus’ niece, forced to return to Small Heath from London.
Luca Changretta
by @mrschangrettawrites​
Acquisitions // (Turkish reader) “Every person has their purpose, and yours has just come up.”
[PENDING] untitled [promo post] // (Indian reader x Tommy x Luca)
Tommy Shelby
by @mrschangrettawrites
Another Kind of Language // (black reader) “You couldn’t speak the same way others could, but you still knew how to communicate.”
[PENDING] untitled [promo post] // (Indian reader x Tommy x Luca)
Isaiah is deeply beloved by all. do you have any idea how many fucking tabs I had to open to sort through the Isaiah fic and imagines? I had to bust my ASS
WOC are desperately underappreciated, but at least we’re doing better than fucking Steven 
someone: “I want to write fic but I am not a POC/not that kind of POC/unsure of how to do this” 
me: “listen, just use google & your common sense, then you’ll already be 2 steps ahead of steven fucking knight”
AGAIN, if you have any additions, subtractions, recommendations, send me an ask or a message or whatever. talk to me
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i-try-to-write-stuff · 7 months
Stolen Wife Poll
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How to find my fics on AO3?
I have locked my fics posted on the AO3 website.
Only registered AO3 users can see my fics on AO3 now. If you aren't a registered user and need an invite do let me know, and I can send you an invite for AO3.
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sparklemichele · 6 years
John Shelby and tommy fighting over the reader but they don’t know to she is with someone else..... That would be a good story
Here ya go @thatsoimagines100.
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You leaned over and gave a sleeping Charlie a soft kiss on his forehead. You sighed as you made your way down to the living room. Tommy told you once Charlie was asleep to meet him in the living room. You were presently surprised to find Tommy’s brother John also present.
“Y/N, me and John wanted to talk to you.” Tommy pulled a case of cigarettes from his pocket and quickly, efficiently lit it and threw the case on a table he was standing by. You could not fathom what they both wanted to talk to you about.
“I’m going to be frank with you as I do not have time for games. John and I have taken a liking to you and we want you to choose which one of us you would like to get to know better. You would be best serve choosing me.”
“So just because you are Tommy the so-called head of the Peaky Blinders every woman that we come across would be interested in you?” John took a hefty swig of the whisky he poured.
“I didn’t say thatJohn. I have been around her more and I want her.”
“She has watched Charlie a couple of days a week and you have the right to claim her.”
“Yes, I do.” Tommy said bluntly.
You looked at both John and Tommy in slight shock. This did not surprise you coming from Tommy as you knew he was a man who went after what he wanted and usually succeeded. You will admit that was one thing that was sexy about Thomas Shelby.
“You do realize I am right here. You need to stop talking about me like I am not here.”
Tommy took a slow drag from his cigarette as he looked you up and down slowly before settling on your brown eyes.
“Tell me Y/N…..who would you pick between me or John?”
John scoffed at Tommy’s question.
“What makes you think I would choose either one of you.” You sat down on the expensive couch in Tommy’s living room.
John and Tommy’s eyes could not help but gravitate toward your beautiful brown legs as you crossed them and sat comfortably on the couch totally amused by both handsome men.
“I can give you a roof over your head. I know you don’t want to stay with your brother Jeremiah any longer. I will take care of you and make sure I fuck you like you deserve.” Tommy took another drag of his cigarette awaiting your reaction. You licked your lips as you sat forward on the couch. His proposal was enticing. You looked over at John who was obviously annoyed by his older brother.
“John…and you?”
“Tommy may have all these fancy materialistic items surrounding him, but would he really be there for you. Not like I would.”
“How is she going to get any peace with all those kids you have? You hardly can find a proper nanny for them.” Tommy interjected.
“I rather enjoy children Tommy.” You told him.
“I can give you children .”Tommy told you. You looked at him and realized he was dead serious. This man oozed confidence.
You stood up from the couch and smooth your dress down.
“Well gentleman I must say both of your arguments were compelling and very tempting.”
“Who do you choose?” John asked with hope in his voice.
“Gentlemen I am already with someone.”
“Who?” They both asked in unison.
“I am seeing someone in Camden Town. You might be familiar with him. His name is Alfie Solomons.”  
“What?! Fuckin Alfie!” John’s voiced raised in pure shock. You looked over at Tommy who had a smirk on his lips. He stubbed out his cigarette.
“You will not be with Mr. Solomons for long. Not if I have any say in it.” Tommy told you as he walked up to you and planted a soft peck on your cheek before walking out the living room not looking back. You stood dumbfounded looking at his retreating back.
Damn him!
@readsalot73 @laketaj24 @imgoldielikehawn @oddsnendsfanfics @virgosapphire79
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Enigma thy name
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What happens when sullen Thomas Shelby meets bubbly Y/N, who finds a way to celebrate every moment of her life?
Thomas Shelby was a changed man. His time in Iraq had hardened him. He no longer smiled as much as he used to before his first tour. But that only made him the most feared man in Birmingham.  He decided to rebuild his family’s name, and with that came the responsibility of leading his family, his rag-tag team of henchmen. Thomas had expanded his empire from a betting shop to racing horses and then moved on to exporting car and car parts and, with that, some not-so-legal export of drugs. He was making money by the seconds.
But the Shelby Company started with Garrison, a well-known pub and his family’s pride and joy, and it was a secondary base of the Shelby company. Although Arthur Shelby, his elder brother, owned the pub, it was home to gangsters who called themselves Peaky Blinders.
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When he entered Garrison after a tiring week, he had been dealing with Alfie’s mood swings and resolving conflicts from both legal and illegal sides of the business due to supply chain issues. He noticed the lack of customers in the pub.
He swiftly moves inside, and Thomas sits on the seat opposite. Arthur and John had already started the celebration. Their latest venture had paid off.
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“Why is there no one here?” Thomas questions his brothers.
“Everybody has decided to go to that hip new café in Moseley Street”, John replied.
“Even our boys have been frequenting that place.” Arthur acknowledges.
Thomas thinks for a while and then summons Harry, the manager of his pub.
“Harry, please get me the books for Garrison and a bottle of whiskey and join us.”
“Yes, Tommy”
“It won’t be pretty”, Arthur chimes.
“Let’s have a look, shall we?”
Thomas looks over the books of the past quarter and sees a steady decline in sales, not astronomical but a gradual decrease.
“When did this café open up?” Tommy asks Harry.
“The café has been operational for the past four months,” Harry replies shakily.
“Do we know who owns it?”
“I think some woman does, and she just settled in Birmingham around the same time,” Harry replies sheepishly.
“What’s going on in that brain of yours, Tommy,” John asks, seeing the blank look on his face.
“I think it is time we check out our competition”, Tommy commented.
“Tommy, we can afford to keep Garrison open,” Arthur grins.
“I want to see how a café can steal business from a pub”, Tommy confesses shadily.
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“Be ready by nine. I will meet you there,” Tommy added.
John and Arthur drop the discussion, knowing well enough that when Tommy sets his mind to something, he gets it or will die trying.
Tommy checked his phone, and it was already past midnight. He asked his driver to drop him off at Watery Lane.
Next morning at the café (Caffeine Station) –
Tommy enters the café and sees how warm and welcoming the café feels. The café had a rustic feeling as well as a modern one. It has corner benches for people to work and clusters of tables for the groups. Thomas went to the counter, hoping to get some caffeine in his system.
“Hi, welcome to Caffeine Station.” You greeted enthusiastically, your eyes shining with passion and fire.
“Hi, could I get some coffee and some scone?” Tommy replied in his Brummie accent.
“Do you have any preference for coffee and scone?” you smiled sweetly.
“Whatever you recommend”, Tommy bit out, your attitude bugging him.
“How will you pay cash or by card?” you asked, still shining brighter than the sun, Tommy’s sullen mood not affecting you.
“Could I have your email?” you asked in your sweet voice.
“For what?” Tommy snapped.
“Oh, for the invoice, we send the invoice to your e-mail.” you still replied in the same sweet voice that annoyed him.
Tommy bites his lips and reluctantly gives you his email, which you enter into the system.
“Why don’t you sit? I will find you once your order is ready.” You add pleasantly.
He joins John. John was smirking. John knew Tommy was not a morning person, but he also hated cheerful people, and Tommy’s interaction with the sweet barista was a comedy show for him. His elder brother was annoyed.
“This is a nice operation”, Tommy commented.
“It is quite homey,” John replied.
Tommy sees you approaching their table and shuts his mouth. You serve him quietly.
“So, as you let me have liberty with your order, I got you a buttered scone, chocolate chip scone, and dark roast café au lait. If you don’t like it, let me know, and I will get you something else,” you stated cheerfully.
You turned towards John and asked him if he wanted anything else. John cheekily asked for pastry while handing you his card. You smiled and promised to be back within a few minutes.
Arthur joined them soon. You reached their table with Éclair. John Shelby smiled and thanked you for reading his mind.
You asked Arthur Shelby what he would like, and he asked you to surprise him. John asked you to use his card and get his brother some pastries too.
“Do you like it?” you asked Thomas.
Thomas Shelby just nodded with a faint smile.
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“Someone is whipped”, Arthur interjected, motioning towards John.
Tommy glowered, seeing John smiling.
“You are married, John also. Esme will cut off your balls and feed them to you for dinner”, Arthur added.
“She is sweet, innit? Haven’t seen someone smile in our direction for a very long time,” John asked.
“Johnny boy, we are supposed to be feared and revered,” Tommy added.
“She is in the service business, and she is supposed to smile”, Arthur commented.
“She doesn’t have that insincere smile, though”, John added.
Tom nodded, agreeing with his younger brother.
You got some breakfast and caffeine for Arthur and another round of scones for Tommy and John.
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Shelby’s saw you interact with every customer in the same way with a pretty smile and a shit ton of excitement. They saw your jovial mood brightening their day. Foot traffic was substantial, as well as customers in the café.  
But the thing that was most interesting in that café was you. You were a source of everything warm, good and pure, and he needed that in his cold, dark and tainted world.
Do you want to see another part?
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Entrapment - Chapter 5(Desperado)
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Entrapment - 3 (Delirium)
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Entrapment 2
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Entrapment - 4 (Innocuous)
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