#those are liden’s ocs!!!
all-yn-oween · 1 year
They dismantled another engine… XD
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xanketori · 4 years
Hi! 3, 6, 18, 31, 46, 48, 50 for oc's from andy-tommy, pine and mints, rian and boss but if you don't mind, please also add those from your other stories! I'll just reread your answers once I get to know them ☺️
Heyo Dim! :D Thanks for the asks! That’s,,,a lot :O This will get long though so buckle up! I refrained from answering with every other oc out there though, and only did the ones that automatically popped into my head :3
3. which ocs can, and do, go days without sleeping?
Andy’s a freaking tank. He either sleeps days on end or doesn’t sleep days on end. Tom, John, Laura, and Dalton do go days without sleeping, but only out of necessity.
Nicholas. The lad needs a healthy lifestyle ;-;
Alex, because she gets caught up on work and whatever invention she’s working on at the moment. Rian does follow in her footsteps. Vanessa despairs at the two of them.
Both the Boss and the Paramedic (plus her detective sibling) don’t sleep much. Boss stays awake out of necessity, always looking out for her gang. Paramedic,,,,is a paramedic. That’s her profession. She keeps odd hours. Her detective sibling can get.....obsessive with work and forget to sleep too.
Other stories:
Lucian, Seth, Tyson, Anton, Derek, and Chase for different reasons. Lucian can work without much sleep; he thinks sleep is a bit of a waste of time. Tyson and Anton are a bit similar, often working long hours without sleep. Seth has insomnia and doesn’t sleep much in general. Derek and Chase,,,,stay up late playing games.
This gets long, so the rest below:
6. which ocs eat consistent meals? which ocs just eat whenever they feel like it?
Tom, John, Laura, and Dalton. Andy, if left to his own devices, will eat whenever he feels like it. For this reason, he is often not left to his own devices. 
Both Nat and Nicky will forget to eat ;-; Nat keeps to more consistent meals cuz he lives with his family still, and they will force him to sit at the table with them.
Vanessa and Rian eat consistent meals; for Rian, it was ingrained into her by Vanessa. Alex: what are meals???
Boss keeps to consistent meals cuz she knows the importance of food. Paramedic will forget, and often won’t have time due to work.
Other stories:
The warrior types will eat consistent meals, cuz they know the importance of keeping up their strengths: Tyson, Shim, Amy, Lake,  Rowan, Ashley,  Thor twins, Tinsan, Tanesh, Hayko, Thoff, Thes, Hisaki, Gedon, Arrin/Liden, Hansin, Luke, Charles, Leo, Will, James, Bryce II, Janis, Wolf, Fang, Pike, Stanley, Flint, Ethan, Henry, Emily, Evan, Stefan, Silas, Waldus, Tenkis, Yarrus, Datris
The cooks will also eat consistent meals: Vincent, Bryce I, Sarren
The Good Kids who eat consistent meals cuz they are good kids: Eden, Lance, Kasper, Benjamin, Samuel, Ba/Ne, Alkaline, London, Mecko, Halim, Tali, Inden, Vennus
These kids get too caught up in work/games and forget to eat: Derek, Matthew R, Anton, Chase, Christopher LL, JP, Xan, Laser, Zap
The one who won’t eat consistent meals because he makes sure everyone else is fed properly first: Thief
18. which ocs will bend the rules as much as possible without breaking them? which do it to get what they want, and which do it just for spite?
Andy and Tom. They are a disaster duo. Andy does it to get what he wants, and Tom will do it just for spite. But also because he thinks it’s funny.
Neither. They are both good kids.
All of them. More so Vanessa. Alex and Rian are more likely to just break the rules. They’ll do it to get what they want.
Boss, for sure. She’ll do it to get what she want and out of spite. But also will break the rules anyway. She’s a criminal :)
Other stories:
THE TROUBLEMAKING TRIO! It’s what they live for! They bend the rules so much but never break them so their parents can’t even punish them cuz they never do anything actually wrong. That’s Samuel, Benjamin, and Christopher LL.
The Thief also skirts this line. He does it to make fun of the cops but also to get what he wants. But he’ll still commit minor crimes.
31. which ocs want to travel? which ocs are content staying at home?
All of them are content staying at home. They do plenty of travelling in their profession.
Both want to travel.
Hm. Vanessa and Rian want to travel. Alex is more keen on staying at home.
Paramedic wants to travel, but Boss likes staying at home.
Other stories:
Lance wants to travel! Eden is more of, stay at home and curl up in bed type.
46. which ocs will absolutely only use one cup/mug for a certain drink? 
Tom, out of spite. John: I will throw something at you, Tommy, I swear.
All others:
Hm. None...? Maybe Derek. He probably has specific cups/glasses for certain alcoholic drinks :/
 48. which ocs need caffeine in the morning? 
John. He doesn’t get paid enough to deal with his younger brother. Also Dalton, for the same reason. And Laura, for the same reason.
Tom is oddly bright and chipper in the morning. Very annoying.
Nathaniel. Usually tea.
All three. Alex and Rian can be real grumpy without caffeine.
Other stories:
Amy and Shim (Vincent knows this well). Seth and Lucian also. Hunter, because Chase can be a pain. Colin probably drinks coffee too.
 50. which ocs speak fluent sarcasm?
Not too sure. Tom maybe?
None. They’re good kids who don’t know what sarcasm is ;-;
Rian lolol. She probably gets that from Vanessa. Alex is more straightforward and honest with her thoughts.
Paramedic and Boss.
Other stories:
I imagine Lucian. Also Samuel and Christopher LL (Benjamin is too much of a good kid ;-;). Lance, likely. The Thief. Hayko and Hisaki, likely. Maybe Thes and Thoff too? They grew up together, so the four of them likely just rubbed off on each other. Amy. She also makes scathing remarks, of which Vincent is often the target of ;-;
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all-yn-oween · 2 years
For no reason, I was going through my old sketchbooks from last year and I found ✨things✨ i’ve never shared here because I dont know why XDD
but it’s the great occasion to share them !!! Natm and Boardwalk empire coming!!!
Let’s start with the Natm ones!!!
First thing first, two funny drawings xD Al messing up with Ivan by playing the rasputin song on loop!
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Poor Ivan XD… Just wait until Al discovers that you participated in an Epic Rap Battle of History …
And one friend (who cannot see this because she doesn’t have tumblr) asked me during a break to draw Octavius as a fairy— A ✨Winx✨ for the fellow Europeans kdbdkd, and Jedediah as Pikachu XD
So here it is !
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Odbdkdbs splendid. (Just realized that Octavius doesn’t even have wings.)
Her: Draw a fairy!
Me: alright!
Also me: *proceed to draw everything but a fairy*
Then! We have some Capoleon with the first appearances of Louis!!!
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He looks so shocked XD I find it funny skdnkd
(Also not my drawing, but one day I got one of my best friends to draw Al in her style and look how pretty it is!!!
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Im tearing up :’)
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One of my attempts to draw Custer… should draw him more often dkdbkdn XD
THEN! How about some OCs???
Prepare yourselves because here is the first drawing I ever made of Nikolai and Étienne, Liden’s OCs xD
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Ldndkdnd OMG. Their faces are wholesome XDD
And perhaps Jim and Ivan? :’)
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I just realized I won’t have the place to talk about the rest of the Natm ones, so I’ll just do another post for those! XD
Now, let’s see the two Boardwalk Empire that I wanted to share!!!
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I honestly can’t remember if that scene ever happened in the real show, but that’s just how I saw their dynamic XD
(and also the scene with Charlie, because why not.)
So that’s all for this post, I’m gonna add the next Natm in a second one XD
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