#those are the only comms available rn :]
voidrots · 10 months
doing a couple quick sketchy colored headshots like this!!
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they’re pay what you want, minimum of $13 :]
ill add more examples as i finish them but if youre interested dm me! discord preferred (slurmware)
i can take cashapp or paypal!!
slots open: 3/3
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unnerving-presence · 7 months
Ghost relationship headcanons...*holds my hands out* please 🤲
i will.. just this once even though i don’t write for cod.. because i adore him and i’m absolutely fixated on him rn <3
slightly ooc cause i haven’t written anything in a while and it takes a bit for me to understand how to write a character🧍‍♂️
not proofread!
gender neutral reader!
op has never been in the military lol
Simon Riley Relationship Headcanons
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Is stronger with his words than actions in terms of affection. Those words of affection tend to be more playful jokes than anything. Any joking remarks about you staying by him or just not dying is his way of telling you that he very much is in love with you. He likes telling you jokes and simple banter during low stress missions.. which tends to make up about half of what is said on comms. A small bit of his facade breaks when he talks to you. You give him a sort of comfort that nobody else can.
Majorly limits affection to when you both aren’t alone but doesn’t mind if you give him small touches like on his chest or hands. When you’re flying or driving to any destination he always sits by you, a hand on your thigh to let you know that he’ll have your back no matter what. His touches are restricted but they’re most genuine.
When you finally are alone? He loves it when you pull him into a hug after a long and exhausting day, just holding him close to you because he knows you need it more than anything. He loves it when you hold his face in your hands and tell him that you love him. Something about it makes him feel so important in a way not even he can explain. It makes him want to appreciate you and your body for himself, just slowly running his hands up and down your waist and hips, gently rubbing your thighs as you hold him close. It’s something he can only do with you.
He might not always take off the mask and he couldn’t be more grateful that you respect it. Simply looking into his eyes you can see how relieved he is to finally be alone with you, to let himself be Simon Riley instead of Ghost, mask or not.
He sleeps better when you’re with him. The nightmares die down and his night gets a little bit easier for him. When you’re curled up at his side he has the urge to protect you from anything and everything. When you lay on his chest he wraps you up in his arms to let you know that he loves how you feel on top of him (😏). When he’s the one who presses his chest against your back and gently rests a hand on your waist he feels grateful that he can be so vulnerable around you.
Protective. Especially during missions. He could practically be considered your shadow from how close he sticks to you, making sure you’re safe or looking for opportunities to do the dangerous things for you. Even at base he tends to stick near you when he’s available. He doesn’t exactly search trouble out, but he can sense it from a mile away. He doesn’t even need to use physical force as he knows his presence alone is enough to have the recruits pissing their pants if they ever tried to underestimate or disrespect you. Needless to say there’ll be no insubordination from any soldiers any time soon when he’s around.
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maphel-n-doodles · 6 months
Blog Maintenance & News
What's up everyone it's me ya boy. That guy who draws naruto n' shit. Anyways.
Here's a quick run down of my current projects for the year and what I hope to be doing in the last quarter of it.
The que is currently six (6) pieces deep, in varying degrees of progress. (I opened Discord-only comms briefly in February as I was cycling through my work-load.)
I do not foresee any slots opening back up to the public until this work load is 100% complete. The household is relatively stable financially so I can allow myself this.
That said, the estimated time range is around late July to early August.
I aim for two commission batches before my next price update in December. However, given how things have been unfolding this past year, and how my pace has slowed dramatically after a few near run-ins with burn-out, I may only open slots once before then. (If this is the case, I will push off the price update until next year.)
To avoid over-promising and running into the same issues that I did middle of last year with near burn-out, I will not be participating in any Character or Ship Week related events.
I've also limited my involvement in larger scale projects down to two separate ones.
I honestly don't know when this is going to happen. There's been a few set backs, and I would like to have some of the equipment I need before I even start setting up for the bi-yearly bundles and such, and also I am aware that my recent turn-out for projects is probably a bit of a turn-off for those who seek a machine.
I have a physical retail job. Like that's it I just have a life I can't be cranking out whole drawings every few days and I gotta figure out how I want to balance this with my other responsibilities if this comes to be.
Estimated launch would be beginning of next year— a whole year later than I originally wished to launch it.
Boy howdy have I got a few of these cooking. It is a little rough working on wholly original works at times simply because I have an unhealthy fear of rejection when it comes to my art, but we are entering an era where Maphel will do as he pleases and post it as he pleases and it will not always be 100% anime men boinking.
My personal projects rn are:
Character Concepts and Designs for Vidja Game development
A small booklet of various DnD one-shots (This will not be available to public sowwy)
Super secret funny thing that will require a whole separate blog.
Working on outlining main story beats for a novella I want to write.
There's not really a lot going on.
Late April/Early May will be when I drop a forklift worth of wips, sneak peeks, and concept pieces in one massive post (or maybe two if it gets too big.)
There will be very little activity until then. See ya.
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strelitziareginaee · 10 months
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name — Ghost/Ghosty
pronouns — she/her
preferred comms — Discord (Ask for Discord!) and Tumblr IMs
name of muse —
Main Muse: Strelitzia Side Muse: Cinderella
experience in RP — A long time. I've been rping since the Myspace days! Then I bounced around a lot. Left Tumblr for a few years and recently came back.
best experiences — I used to be a part of the Kingdom Hearts community back when Tumblr was really thriving (in the early 2010's), when rping in groups rather than independently was a big thing. I roleplayed Vanitas and made some really awesome friends in that group! We called ourselves the KH Crack Crew, lol. We would all talk every day on Skype! Those were good times and sometimes I still think about all of them. We just sort of drifted apart when we started to explore other fandoms, and yeaaaaa.... I still miss my KHCC squad sometimes, though we're all still friends on Facebook!
pet peeves / dealbreakers — Godmodding. I can't stand it. Even if it's something as small as assuming what my character is going to do next. If you want to have the scene go a certain way, there's a way you can write it and if my character does deviate from your original plan, you can take the story elsewhere. That's what can make rp really fun! The only times I'm willing to let it slide is in drabbles, lol.
My other pet peeve is taking what my character does way too personally outside of character. Like, ya'll know this is fake, right? lmao. At the end of the day, we're just writing our silly little characters in our silly little worlds. If it's ruining your day that badly, please go outside and touch some grass.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — So I'm actually a huge sucker for romance plots. Romance, fluff, smut, slice of life. Also omegaverse, hehehe. I'm also a huge historical romance nut (think Bridgerton, lol)!
I've sort of moved on from fandom muses and now focus more on OC's (I really only rp on Discord these days, and 9/10 times it's M/M. I do have a F/F historical romance plot that I adore rn tho). Strelly and Cindy are the first muses I've picked up in years, and started rping on Tumblr again. So sometimes I feel rusty playing an established character I didn't make myself. But I'm trying! 〒▽〒 Anyways, give me that romantic nasty shit!! And make it gay as hell!!
plot or memes — Both! I think it's fun to meme and get into a character's mind that you normally wouldn't get a chance to play out. Or just being silly gooses. But I'm also down for always plotting and making something deep and personal!
long or short replies — Either, or! It depends on the plot, the situation that's happening in the story, or what length my rp partner sends me. I'm pretty good about matching the length of a partner's. Unless I got nothing else to say, then it'll be on the shorter side. Like, if our characters are just chatting and there's no action involved, of course it's going to be short.
best time to write — In the mornings! I do rp replies in between slow periods at work. I work from home, so I can get away with it, lol. Which is why you'll see me online for a good part of the day. It's also when I have the most energy. I'm an early bird and I'm burnt out by the time the evening rolls around. Sometimes I can write in the evenings, but that's very rare. So I try to knock out as much as I can in the mornings.
I'm rarely RARELY available on the weekends. That's when I'm the busiest~
are you like your muse —
I'd say yes. Although I don't have a green thumb like Strelitzia. I can't keep plants alive for the life of me. I have a lot self doubts like her too, and I struggle to make friends since I'm incredibly shy and struggle to connect with others on a personal level. ಥuಥ Me and Strelly be fighting for our lives out here!
Cinderella though, I resonate with her a lot. I grew up in a household where I was the cleaner and cook, and I just... know exactly how she feels, LOL.
tagged by: No one! Stolen from Litoredeem. Tagging: Feel free to steal!
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Ray’s Emergency Commissions! 
2021 UPDATE: Video comms are now closed. Picture and gif comms are still open.
EDIT: September update! Still out of work but I might be able to go back soon because it’s been LITERAL MONTHS D’X For when I do go back, commissions will still be open, so I got myself a Ko-Fi (the gif examples don’t work I’m so upset) for easier access to picking out options <3
Last week I got word from my bosses that my place of work (a library) is going to be closed to the public until April 6th, but I could still come in and do things. I wasn’t going to open up commissions after that reassurance, until yesterday when we got word that we might be closed for a longer period of time, and April 6th woul For all the pictures/gifs, I can't give you any Watch Me Edit videos, just the final products and a buttload of progress shots. My laptop is very old now and was never powerful to begin with, so if I were to record my screen the footage would mostly be my broken mouse acting up with its persistent double-clicking, and my programs lagging/freezing/crashing. It would honestly take more work to edit out multiple recordings over restarts and cutting all the usable footage For all the pictures/gifs, I can't give you any Watch Me Edit videos, just the final products and a buttload of progress shots. My laptop is very old now and was never powerful to begin with, so if I were to record my screen the footage would mostly be my broken mouse acting up with its persistent double-clicking, and my programs lagging/freezing/crashing. It would honestly take more work to edit out multiple recordings over restarts and cutting all the usable footage together than to just work on the edits. For all the pictures/gifs, I can't give you any Watch Me Edit videos, just the final products and a buttload of progress shots. My laptop is very old now and was never powerful to begin with, so if I were to record my screen the footage would mostly be my broken mouse acting up with its persistent double-clicking, and my programs lagging/freezing/crashing. It would honestly take more work to edit out multiple recordings over restarts and cutting all the usable footage together than to just work on the edits. together than to just work on the edits. d actually be the day we could be laid off until things get back under control. Honestly, I don’t make a ton to begin with, so I’m not touching a cent of my last paychecks in preparation so I can hopefully keep paying my bills next month.
That’s where the commissions come in. Right now I’m on hiatus so I’ll have tons of time to work on these, even more so within the next couple weeks. All the main info is in the pics, but there’s more details below, as well as some gif and video examples under the cut. If you’re interested then please feel free to shoot me a message here on tumbr and we can chat.
Media info:
I mainly work with what I listed in the above picture, but I have a bunch not listed that I can also work with if you ask for it. Unfortunately at this time I can’t afford to download anything new due to lack of space, so I’m not able to offer any S*p*rn*t*r*l, Str*ng*r Th*ngs, Sh*rl*ck, G*m* *f Thr*n*s, or other live-action shows that I adore so much until I buy some new, bigger drives. 
Price info:
For all canon works I don’t charge per character, but for crossovers and redrawn edits then I charge for any extra characters over the initial chosen 2, and that character charge will be tossed on top of the determined total. I chose my prices based on how much work goes into each option, with a 40+ second crossover video as the most expensive for obvious reasons and a simple canon picture as the cheapest. If you think I’m charging too much and would like something, message me and we’ll discuss it, I’m not unreasonable <3
NOTE:  For all the pictures/gifs, I can't give you any Watch Me Edit videos, just the final products and a buttload of progress shots depending on the option. My laptop is very old now and was never powerful to begin with, so if I were to record my screen the footage would mostly be my broken mouse acting up with its persistent double-clicking, and my programs lagging/freezing/crashing. It would honestly take more work to edit out multiple recordings over restarts and cutting all the usable footage together than to just work on the edits.
Picture info: (Fastest to make)
Canon - This refers to normal edits within the same movie/show, for those with noncanon ships, favourite characters with a theme, etc. Super small redraws for 2D are available if need be for no extra charge, like if one of the characters is being obscured in a way.
Crossover - Just as the name says. This mainly includes Non/Disney crossovers, but I can branch out to other 2D media like anime, 3D, and live-action footage as well if requested.
Redraws/Detailed - 2D footage only to save my sanity, can still take a while depending on what needs to be done. This is where I bust out my tablet to help me out, as I can do so much more with it than with just After Effects. This includes Non/Disney colouring pages, OC recreations, more detail oriented outfit swaps, etc. 
Gif info: (Takes a little longer)
Canon - Favourite ship moments, favourite scenes, you name it. Editing is optional for noncanon ships as well (check out the Jinx/Terra parts in my Teen Titans video below for a visual example).
Canon gif examples:
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Crossovers - This is where the editing really comes in. Again, mostly for Non/Disney, but I love crossovers a ton so please feel free to ask for a single/set if you also have ships outside of that fandom. For Non/Disney, some reanimation (headswaps, colour changes, etc) are open for discussion.
Crossover gif examples:
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Video info: (Takes the longest if a crossover)
Canon - Tributes to a single fandom/ship/character, you don’t have to provide a song/theme as well but that certainly helps a ton if you do.
Canon video examples:
Crossover - I put all my heart and soul into my crossover videos, so please expect it to be worth every penny, I won’t let you down. I can work with Non/Disney, live-action, animation/live-action, Disney/anime, whatever you’d like, but expect it to take a little longer depending on the time and the footage. Songs aren’t required but will be a huge help, and themes are mandatory so I’ll know the story you’ll want me to tell, even if it’s just ‘Cindy/Odette with a forbidden love’, whereas we can discuss my interpretation of that.
Crossover video examples:
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inexcon · 7 years
RSI Comm-Link: Q&A: Tumbril Cyclone
Q&A: Tumbril Cyclone
Greetings Citizens!
Since the introduction of the Hull Series back in April 2015, every new concept ship reveal has had an accompanying Q&A post, where we spend a couple days collecting questions from you, pass those on to the relevant ship designer, and provide you the best answers we have available at that time.
With the addition of Spectrum earlier this year, we can now allow you to add your vote to the questions you most want to see answered. The questions included below are a combination of those that received the most votes, similar questions that were merged into a single instance, and those we felt we could comfortably answer at this stage in the Tumbril Cyclone’s life.
As the Cyclone is only in concept stage, there are still some unanswered questions we’re currently pursuing in development. As the game continues to be fleshed out, those missing answers will be determined and implemented. While it will still be some time before we see the Tumbril Cyclone in game, we hope you’re as excited as we are as the game expands with the addition of another ground-based vehicle to the Star Citizen universe.
As always, a special thanks to Stephen Hosmer, Ben Lesnick and Steven Kam for their help in answering your questions.
Let’s get to it. -DL
What ships will the Tumbril Cyclone fit into?
The concept model is currently sitting at 5.71m x 3.25m x 2.26m, but as with everything in Star Citizen, its size is subject to change as it is built out and implemented in game. At present, this makes the Cyclone smaller than an Ursa Rover but larger than a Dragonfly or Nox. Our current intention is that anything that fits an Ursa will fit the Cyclone, including the Constellation. For ships like the Cutlass and Freelancer, it may technically fit in their cargo bays, but because the ramps are tapered, a Cyclone would likely not be able to load up into it.
Are the Cyclone variants “modular?” Can we just swap the boxes out on the base model to make the variants?
While this system is not currently available in game, it is something we’re interested in exploring once that time comes. When the Cyclone is added to the game, we expect them to function as variants for the time being.
How much cargo can it carry?
Currently, the base version of the Cyclone is set to carry 1 SCU of cargo.
What can be picked up by the Cyclone RN’s scanner? People? Buildings? Derelicts? Loot? Ships?
As with all scanner systems in the game, it will pick up anything with a detectable signature, such as IR or EM. The difficulty of picking up that signal will depend on the item’s output and your equipment. It wouldn’t tell you if there’s a derelict or loot around the corner, but it should be able to tell you that there’s a large structure in the distance and it’s up to you to decide if you want to go check it out.
That said, the RN’s upgraded radar system will have a longer range and better detection capabilities than the standard Cyclone, along with data banks to store a larger amount of scanned data to help with the mapping of a planet’s surface.
How fast can the Cyclone and its variants go and how do they compare to the Ursa and Lynx rovers in terms of speed and acceleration?
We don’t have specific numbers yet, as the Cyclone is still in concept, and this will come with game balance and tuning, but it should be faster in speed and acceleration than the Ursa. We’re aiming for it to be about twice as fast as an Ursa and the RC version will be even faster than that when boosting.
Will it launch with 3.0?
The Cyclone will not launch with 3.0. Backers with a Cyclone on their account will receive an Ursa loner vehicle until the buggies are completed in a future 3.x patch.
Can a Cyclone end up on its side or roof? If so, how do we right the vehicle post-accident?
The Cyclone features jump-jet thrusters meant to stabilize the vehicle when it becomes airborne. These will attempt to correct any deviation in the vehicle and provide a softer landing. Despite this, it is possible that your Cyclone could find itself flipped, turned upside down. Should this happen, we recommend you take a minute to sit right there, tell everyone how you became the prince of a town called Bel-Air… and then get out and lift.
Is more protection for the exposed driver being considered for the combat versions, or will a cockpit shot be a one-hit kill?
The Cyclone is equipped with vehicle shields to protect the occupants from enemy fire. More info on these shields will come when the Cyclone is implemented in game.
What are the pros and cons of the Cyclone compared to other land vehicles when it comes to terrain, handling, speed, utility, and combat?
The Cyclone is meant to be in the middle of the road between the Ursa and the Nox. The Ursa is slow and sturdy, and the Nox is fast but less rugged. The Cyclone aims to strike a favorable balance with a tough vehicle that also can’t be discounted in the speed department.
Additionally, it should handle most any terrain using its articulated treads to increase its grip. The Cyclone has four-wheel steering which gives it better stability while maneuvering at high speeds and a decreased turning radius at low speeds. Of course, its utility and combat effectiveness will depend on the skill of the driver, and the version you bring with you.
Will the co-pilot of the cyclone be able to shoot their personal weapons while seated?
This is functionality we intend to add to the game. We have no ETA for this feature at this time.
Is the Cyclone protected by a shield?
Yes. Details on the shield are included in a previous answer.
Can the Cyclone pull a trailer?
Currently there are no plans to implement trailers in the game. If this changes in the future, the Cyclone would be an appropriate candidate for hauling one around.
Can we re-arm missiles in Anti-Aircraft variants in field conditions?
The missile racks are the same racks already in use on ships and thus would need to be re-armed in the same way. We’ll have more details on how that functionality will work when the time comes.
Can the hubs inside the wheels move from the bottom we’ve seen in pictures to the top to give more ground clearance?
Unfortunately, no. At present, we have no plans to add any functionality like this, but the articulated treads can be deployed to increase traction at the cost of speed.
The Cyclone being a wheeled vehicle and all, will it have less of a detectable sig vs. a hover bike like a Dragonfly or Nox?
The Cyclone uses similar Vehicle-class parts as the Dragonfly and Nox, making its EM signature very similar, while it’s IR signature should be significantly reduced as it is not equipped with as many thrusters and Grav-Levs that can run hot if not managed properly. Then again, if you’re racing around and pushing the Cyclone to its limits, you may get noticed.
The baseline model of the Cyclone features an open flatbed in the back where cargo pieces can be safely secured and transported, making it a perfect transport for homesteads or as a short-range vehicle for planetary deliveries.
Designed for militia and security use, the Cyclone TR module features upgraded armor and a single Human-operated turret capable of mounting a Size 1 weapon and a responsive 360° field of fire.
For those who like to push the limits of speed, the Cyclone RC features a modified intake system to allow for controlled bursts of speed as well as tools to customize handling.
Stay mobile and aware with the Cyclone RN. This light reconnaissance vehicle is the perfect solution for scouting runs, providing fast and detailed scans of terrain as well as beacon placement.
A battlefield equalizer, the Cyclone AA comes equipped with a surface-to-air missile and countermeasure package to provide cover for ground troops against airborne targets.
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[/segment] [/article] http://bit.ly/2uCIE18
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inexcon · 7 years
RSI Comm-Link: Rough and Tumbril
Versatility, Maneuverability and Power aren't mutually exclusive anymore. Meet the future of ground-based vehicles.
Dual operator terminals provide total control.
The Cyclone provides multiple interactive displays to give both the driver and co-pilot ultimate control of their vehicle and its systems. The Co-pilot's seat not only gives the ability to survey the area, but also provides controls to additional systems provided by the various modules.
The Cyclone's exclusive X-TEC tires handle all kinds of terrain.
Built using Tumbril's proprietary new Smart-Technology, the new X-TEC tires are the perfect solution for off-road vehicles. These articulated treads can change their configuration to handle soft and loose terrain or harder surfaces to provide equal traction, no matter the environment.
build your cyclone today at your local tumbril dealer
select your category
The baseline model of the Cyclone features an open flatbed in the back where cargo pieces can be safely secured and transported, making it a perfect transport for homesteads or as a short-range vehicle for planetary deliveries.
Designed for militia and security use, the Cyclone TR module features upgraded armor and a single Human-operated turret capable of mounting a Size 1 weapon and a responsive 360° field of fire.
For those who like to push the limits of speed, the Cyclone RC features a modified intake system to allow for controlled bursts of speed as well as tools to customize handling.
Stay mobile and aware with the Cyclone RN. This light reconnaissance vehicle is the perfect solution for scouting runs, providing fast and detailed scans of terrain as well as beacon placement.
A battlefield equalizer, the Cyclone AA comes equipped with a surface-to-air missile and countermeasure package to provide cover for ground troops against airborne targets.
Meet The
Take an exclusive look under the hood of the new Cyclone in this exciting brochure and see what's in store for this brand new incarnation of Tumbril Land Systems.
Open the Magazine
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The UEE Department of Transportation & Navigation
With the unveiling of the new Cyclone, Tumbril wanted to remind you that some businesses require a Class-G license to operate vehicles like the Cyclone. To that end, Tumbril has teamed up with the Department of Transportation and Navigation to provide a direct link to the appropriate written exam to get you rolling.
Get your Class- G commercial Drivers License here!
Image Gallery
About The Concept Sale
The Cyclone is being offered for the first time as a limited concept sale. This means that the vehicle design meets our specifications, but it is not yet ready to display in your Hangar or to fight in Star Citizen. The sale includes Lifetime Insurance on the vehicle hull and a pair of decorative items for your Hangar. A future patch will add a Cyclone poster and then once the in-game model is finished you will also be given an in-game Cyclone mini vehicle model! In the future, the vehicle price will increase and the offer will not include Life Time Insurance or these extras.
If you’d like to add one to your fleet, they’re available in the pledge store until August 2nd, 2017. You can also view a detail of the Cyclone in the Holo Viewer in the Tech Overview of the vehicle page, and be sure to enjoy the Cyclone brochure.
As with every Concept Sale, we will also be doing a Q&A post. There will be a forum thread on Spectrum to take your questions. Make sure to vote for the questions you most want to see answered and we will be posting the dev’s responses next week. Look for the Comm-Link Schedule next week to find out when that post will go up!
What is a War Bond vehicle?
War Bond vehicles and packages are a way to directly support Star Citizen’s continued development. Vehicles labeled War Bond are available at a discount, which is possible because they can not be purchased with store credit from melted items. Standard versions of these vehicles without the War Bond discount are typically offered for purchase using store credits at the same time a concept sale page goes live.
Remember: we are offering this pledge ship to help fund Star Citizen’s development. The funding generated by sales such as this is what allows us to include deeper, non-combat oriented features in the Star Citizen world. All ships will be available for in-game credits in the final universe, and they are not required to start the game. The goal is to make additional ships available that give players a different experience rather than a particular advantage when the final persistent universe launches.
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