#those kinds of ss are also just my constant mood lol
sea-buns · 11 months
hi new mutual :D!! love that your pfp and header are just intrepid heroes getting their worlds rocked
hiiiii :D
tyvm! we got so many good screenshots of people in various states of despair in trw and it's always my favorite thing hehe
feel free to dm me whenever if you ever wanna chat! the few mutual interactions I've had there have been lovely so I'm always down for more <3
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aminah-hime · 7 years
So I’m a bit bored today, so I decided to answer 45 questions for lolitas! I got these from Livejournal, so if anyone knows the original source, feel free to tell me!
1. Please tell us your Hand Name (name that’s used ONLY in internet.) and hometown. PinkyMaggie! I’ve rarely had the experience of someone calling me by Maggie since my real name is in my description ^^” And my hometown is Miami! 2. About how long is your history as a Lolita? Two years and a half! Oh how time has passed! :O 3. What first motivated you to do Lolita fashion? I really liked the overly cute style of it which was something I never saw before! It’s also my first step into fashion! 4. After knowing Lolita fashion, have you had any time-gap or resistance till you actually started to be Lolita? Definitely! I discovered lolita when I was 13, but only started wearing it when I was 15. 5. Please define your Lolita style as much as possible. (eg. gothic Lolita, sweet Lolita, white Lolita…. Etc). I wear sweet lolita, from OTT all the way to casual! I prefer Angelic Pretty and mainly prints from 2010 and earlier. 6. About how many Lolita friends do you have? I have a few lolita acquaintances, but no one who I’d call a friend yet ^^” 7. What is the best thing about doing Lolita? It gives me a way to express myself in ways I could never imagine! While lolita is seen as a fashion with “little variety” because of its rules, there is still a ton of creative ways to wear it!  8. Conversely, what's the worst thing? I think the drama and hate that’s in the community is what brings the fashion down. I’ve seen people who want to start wearing it get turned off due to sites like cgl and Behind the Bows. 9. Which Lolita Brands do you like? Angelic Pretty!!!! That’s an easy answer! ^o^ But I also like Metamorphose and Moi meme Moitie as well. 10. What was the first Lolita item that you’ve owned? While Bodyline’s Bunny Cinderella skirt was the first lolita piece I ordered, the Squirrel Party JSK in pink was my actual first lolita piece I owned in person. 11. What is the “must have!” Lolita item? Petticoats!! A good one at that! It’s really looked over, but it’s vital to lolita! 12. Do you wear drawers? An odd way of saying bloomers, but I don’t. I just wear plain short shorts under my dresses ^^ 13. Do you have any favourite Japanese music? Ohhh gosh is there a lot ^^” Malice Mizer is the band that originally got me into lolita, but I also love Lareine and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu! 14. Where do you particularly visit as Lolita? Now I don’t really go out much both in lolita and in general, so I’d say to meets and conventions. 15. About how many times per week do you dress as Lolita? I rarely do, but I’d say once a week when I’m in the mood. 16. Please tell us about one embarrassing episode from the time when you were just beginning Lolita. Well the first time I wore lolita, I decided to do a bittersweet coord with Squirrel Party for Halloween. It ended up with me wearing a black Walmart blouse underneath with really cheap black accessories. And I didn’t have a petticoat! I went to school wearing it, and the kids there kept asking if I was trying to become Japanese. 17. What's hairstyle and color that you think Lolita would suite the most? I don’t have a preference with color as long as it isn’t neon, but I love pigtails! Specially the ones Maki tends to wear. 18. Have you ever thought of stopping Lolita? The reason? I don’t think I have, but I really hope I don’t! 19. Please tell us your heart's bible as a Lolita. (anything like a book, magazine, CD, idol...) Gothic & Lolita Bible! Mainly those from around 2006-2008. They feel so nostalgic to me despite not being from that time period. 20. Do you own a doll? Tell us your feelings about her intensely! I used to own Blythe and Pullip dolls, but I sold all of them ;-; I hope I can get the AP collabs with Pullip and Blythe dolls again. 21. What kind of make-up do you wear when you wear Lolita clothes? Pink eyeshadow with black eyeliner and false lashes, pink blush, and pink lip gloss. I’ve just started wearing make-up, so it isn’t much ^^” 22. Have you ever secretly changed clothes in a train station bathroom on Lolita day-out? Nope! 23. Are you composed when doing Lolita all by yourself? I’ve gone out in lolita all by myself and I would say so. I just pretend that I’m the only person there. 24. How much do you spend in your Lolita clothes& accessory monthly? I’d say around $200? I like to sell a lot of my stuff as well, so it’s a constant flow of money. 25. What is the most expensive Lolita thing you've bought so far? How much was it? My first release Sugary Carnival JSK and headbow in lavender all together, including shipping and SS fees, came to $250, so pretty much retail price. 26. So far about how much has the expense been for Lolita goods? I’m going to say $2,000...which really sounds like a lot for being in lolita for less than two years and being a student. I certainly know that a big chunk of that money came from my internship last summer. 27. Lolita outfit really costs money. How do you raise money to cover the cost of Lolita? Like I said before, I sell a lot of my stuff in exchange for newer lolita purchases. My old doll collection was worth around $300-$400, and I put all the money towards lolita. I had a summer internship last year where I earn quite a bit of money in a month (around $1,500). Thankfully, I’m doing the internship again this summer, so I’ll have even more money! :D 28. Have you ever bought from an online store? If so, please tell us its good and bad points and some advice for the future. If not, please tell us why not. Yep! All my lolita is from online shops! The good thing is is that you can find pretty great deals for cheap brand. The downside is that I haven’t experienced walking into a lolita shop in person. 29. Even if you sort of want to keep it a secret, please clandestinely tell us about a private manufacturer that is the best. I literally do not understand this question, so....NEXT! 30. Is there a brand and/or an item that you think, "I could never get it! But I unreasonably want it!"? AP’s Carnival in sax! I highly doubt I’d ever be able to get it because it’s so rare and expensive ;-; But then again, I have found some pretty rare lolita pieces for a cheap price. 31. What do you think about people who only do Lolita at music-lives or cosplay? You can really see the date of this question lol. I’ll assume this will be for lolitas that only wear it to conventions, and I don’t have a problem with it. Some people just don’t have the opportunity to wear it out. 32. From what age to what age is it acceptable to do Lolita? Do you think that there's a state in which someone must graduate from Lolita? (you can answer as ‘never graduate’) You can start lolita at any age! I started fairly young, and there are lolitas who are younger than me! There are also lolitas who are pretty old as well. If the person feels like the time is right to quit, it’s ultmately their own choice. 33. Is there a Lolita fashion or behavior that you think "I don't want Lolitas to do this!" about? Never talk behind someone’s back while pretending to be their friend...*cough* most embarrassing behavior *cough* 34. Is there something you think "Lolita has to be this way!" about? Uhh not really. I mean the only thing I can think of is the rules. Every fashion has its own rules, even if they can be bent. You wouldn’t wear jeans and call it lolita, but you get away with not wearing a blouse. 35. While doing Lolita, has something changed from earlier than you did Lolita? I think the amount of Bodyline and offbrand has drastically increased. Now that I know how to find secondhand AP, I’ve been wearing it a lot more lately. 36. Do you go to school/work as Lolita? My school has a uniform policy, but I wear it whenever I can! 37. Do you wear Lolita clothes as casual wear? Sadly, no ;~; 38. Do you have a boyfriend (or husband)? Do you understand each other? Nope! I’m a single potato~ 39. What do the people around you think of your doing Lolita? Do they accept it? Yeah for the most part they accept it. My friends think of it as cosplay, though, no matter what I say ^^” 40. What Lolita has impressed you the most up until now? Ohh boy....Takulu, Maki, Kaya, Lunie-chan, Princess-Peachie, Lovelylor, Shelbycloud, Mintyfrills, and a TON more! 41. Have you ever made your own Lolita clothing or/and accessories? If so, what was the best item that you’ve made? I’ve made my own accessories! The best thing I have made was a cute, pastel bracelet with a mint star charm ^-^ 42. If you have an ideal Lolita outfit or coordination, please tell us. I like have 2-3 color combinations in a coord (like pink, sax, and lavender). I really like cardigans and a poffy petticoat. Really cute, fluffy pigtails with a headbow + hair combs is also nice. Matching accessories, socks, and shoes obviously!   43. Is there a motif that you think “this is a symbol of Lolita”? The classic bell/a-line shaped dress. Petticoats have always been a defining factor to lolita for me. 44. Would you want to dress your children as Lolita? I’m going to be honest and say that I would love to! Only if you choose to, though. 45. What's your image of the ideal Lolita? Someone who truly enjoys their clothing and are happy inside and out!
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