#lolita questions
mymlody · 1 year
better alternatives to purchasing from devilinspired
after seeing the 40,000th video of lolitas ordering from sites like devilinspired and my-lolita-dress and seething/coping/fuming/etc, i’ve decided to make a post giving resources for better alternatives if you want to purchase from brands on taobao and receive better pricing and customer service while doing so!
“but why are devilinspired/my-lolita-dress bad?”
they’re not necessarily evil sites that need to be boycotted per se, but they don’t exactly have a high standard for quality control (including selling design and print replicas), price gouge pretty badly, and have had less than stellar customer service, so i thought it would be better to give people resources for smarter purchasing!
here's a 2018 breakdown comparing the prices between the shopping service 42agent and buying through taobao directly
here's a tutorial on how to navigate and purchase from taobao directly without the use of a shopping service/agent
and here is a link to 42agent’s lolita vendor site, 42lolita, which has consistently better brand quality control, lower pricing, and better customer service than DI or MLD
i’ve also crossposted this info to twitter via a thread :)
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projectmayhem-stims · 2 months
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3/34: Rose Lalonde
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crrows · 5 months
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Visited Nanzenji proper this time rather than just looking at the aqueduct and going home. Headdress, cape, heart apron, and skirt made by me. Details in read more.
This set is my child fr. It's so comfy and so cute. Sewing it all was a small journey so I'll split the details in to sections.
I saw the fabric in the shop and knew I wanted to make a skirt out of it. I used the beginners skirt pattern from Otome no Sewing 5 and added eyelet lace for extra fun. The advantage of sewing in Japan is that you can actually find a lot of the same laces that Baby and Meta uses in their designs. The lace here is the eyelet lace Baby uses a lot. The skirt is fully elasticated so it's the most comfortable thing in the world. It makes it so hard to go back to Baby's partially shirred skirts that death grip my waist. My only regret with the skirt is that I should have sewn down the ribbon running through the lace as it likes to catch on things. However, that's something I can do in post too.
The days were getting colder but I wanted to keep showing off the skirt. All my coats are long, so I decided to make a little matching cape for warmth. I traced the pattern off a capelet on an Innocent World coat I own and then adjusted it so it was longer and curved up at the front. The cape is lined with black satin and interlined with thin wool. It's super cute and the wool makes it a little warmer. The front lines of eyelet lace were inspired by Wirehead Shop's designs. I forgot to account for the larger neckhole that the coat capelet had (to account for the giant coat collar) so the one I made tends to shuffle around more than I'd like. In the future, I might add a button closure to the front rather than ribbons, so it fits tighter.
Heart Apron
I fell in love with Meta's old heart aprons with their curved skirt, I thought they added a bit of something different to the usual straight lines of lace you usually find in egl. This apron is a blatant rip off of that, just with torchon lace instead. The heart bib took a while to get right. I spent about an hour drawing the correct heart shape, bought new fabric so the flowers could be in the centre, and then completely changed the heart shape once I'd cut it out. The ties around the neck are a bit of a train wreck - next time I'd just use black grosgrain ribbon. I'd love to try pairing this with a white or black op (or another floral op for full granny curtain pattern clashing), but I'll have to wait for a nice one to pop up on Mercari.
Other Coord Details
Blouse: Baby (Luanna Blouse)
Bloomers: Baby (2005)
Socks: Metamorphose (2023)
Shoes: Doc Martens (90s)
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figurecollection · 1 year
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Raqel Original Character 1/6 Scale by Questioners
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lolitafan1997 · 3 months
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Do you know who this is?
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horrorlesbion · 6 months
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nuzzle · 8 months
hi!! ive been a lifestyle lolita for a couple years now and i have this problem where all my dresses look the same which causes my coords to look the same 😵‍💫,, like how many pink dress with strawberries or bunnies do i need LOL … do u have any advice on expanding ur wardrobe variety? sorry if tht made no sense i js always love ur advice it’s so informative ^_^
hello!! this is a very fun question, and coincidentally it's something i've been experimenting with myself lately. plus i'm genuinely glad to hear you enjoy my take on things!! apologies for the delay in answering, i unexpectedly got a lot of inbox activity today..
i find it's easy to stick with what you know and to find comfort in the styles you enjoy the most.. and while there's nothing wrong with that, i agree that it could sometimes result in coords being a bit repetitive!
if you're finding yourself wanting some change and to mix things up a bit, i have a few suggestions:
the same dress could be presented in so many different ways! taking reference from your wardrobe for my examples.. different ways you could style a pink dress with strawberries or bunnies: in a casual, more toned down way (ex: minimal accessories, low poof petti, shoes that aren't too eye-catching. colors could be more muted to make the main piece stand out more) in an OTT, all out way (ex of heavily accessorizing could be: a bunch of necklaces, bracelets or wristcuffs. maybe a creative hairstyle, or opting for a wig if you wish! a lot of decorative hair pins. i like how double headbows could look in some OTT looks! you could focus heavily on going along with the print and find pieces of the same theme, maybe all strawberries or all rabbits. even both could work at the same time, or a different one for each look!) you could challenge yourself by strongly bringing out one of the secondary colors in the dress. if it's primarily pink, maybe focus on the red of the strawberries or the green of their stems. playing into different elements of the dress could help transform the coord into another substyle completely. the strawberry dress in question could typically be seen as sweet leaning, but you could style them to suit other substyles! (ex: for a country lolita look you could pair the dress with a straw hat and a woven basket-styled bag with strawberries!)
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having a specific theme in mind when putting together a coord can spark a lot of creativeness! i always enjoy reading what the inspiring theme behind a coord was. if you'd like some examples of what some themes could be, baby yokohama uploads entries to their monthly coord contests along with the theme chosen by the entree.
try putting a coord together centered around an item you don't often find yourself reaching for. it helps a lot with making it easier to incorporate it into a coord if you start out with only that item and work off of it!
taking note of how others styled a piece you own by looking at street snaps, magazines, or even social media can be inspiring. it may give you an idea you've never thought of before! sometimes even seeing the advertisements and how the models wore it in the catalogs could help you see it differently.
and lastly, asking other lolitas how they would style a piece you own and hearing their perspective is always interesting! you could even throw them some ideas for a coord they'd like to plan in exchange. generally just a fun way to connect with others!
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anna-neko · 11 months
˚✧˚ lolita fashion themed ask game ˚♡˚
15: do you have an unpopular opinion about the fashion?
Absolutely! and will just repeat what said before: “JSK/jumperskirt” is a dumbass word! yeah yeah, jumpers in UK english are sweaters, and in US english are sleeveless dresses. Japan made-up a rando word while PINAFORE DRESS is right freakin there! (Meta used it in old non-machine translated english site)
but here's a fresh one - I looooooathe the way the Western side of this fashion insists on over-categorizing everything and placing it into very narrow niche boxes. Oh, you're a sweet lolita but this print isn't pastels colored? well, then, you're a bitter sweet! Corset outside the dress and skirt too short? must be ero; no comments accepted! Your petticoat isn't a "paradefloat" full and the blouse too basic: i dub thee "casual" because reasons
which activates every possible atom of a gremlin in my brain, and I start combining everything to create nonsense such as these
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m4chine-g1rl · 4 months
Used to be unlucky-number-4
Used to be lisa-l0vely
I'm just not gonna add a DNI list because let's face it, I can't control who sees my silly little posts and I don't really care who does as long as they don't interact just to argue.
So without further ado,
Welcome to my corner of this hellsite
I post fandom related stuff and am an avid reblogger.
I'd rather not have my stuff reblogged to kink pages and whatnot but idrc. Y'all are in the middle ground.
My current interests will vary, but generally include:
My silly little OCs
Psychocuties (yes I know the creator is problematic, I do not support them. Yes I know the story is probably problematic. I just like the character designs, honestly.)
W.I.T.C.H., mainly the show. (Please interact if you like this. the fandom is basically dead and anything I do find will probably be about shipping discourse 😭)
Artemis Fowl
The Addams Family/Wednesday (I do not ship Wenclair, I deeply apologise)
Winx Club (I haven't seen Fate yet so opinions on that are still processing)
Homer I guess (the poet not the cartoon guy)
Lolita, the book and the movies (and look, everyone likes some Jeremy Irons but you need to know that Humbert is not a good guy at all)
The Wake trilogy (by Lisa McMann)
All the Wrong Questions. on occasion.
From the Red Fog (I doubt anyone on here even knows what that is, but if you do I want to clarify that I just like the silly little art style and I would love to discuss Rwanda as a character)
Happy Scrolling!
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anglerflsh · 1 year
Greetings,I have two questions.
1)Any Russian classical literature you enjoy?
2)Is there any Italian classical literature that you could recommend?
I quite liked reading "The Brothers Karamazov" and "War and Peace" as far as russian literature goes - though on that front I'll say I absolutely hated Gogol's "Dead Souls" and that alone almost made me want to give up on russian lit in general lol
I would say italian lit is hard to recommend without knowing what someone's tastes are... especially since a lot of the things I've read are poetry collections (on that front: Montale and D'Annunzio are my favourite recent-er authors, but the true classics such as Petrarca and Leopardi are never forgotten + for theatre plays I loved reading Goldoni's plots). I did really like both "Uno Nessuno Centomila" and "I Malavoglia", and when I was in elementary school I loved both Calvino and Salgari's works - "Le ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis" too, and the "Decameron", and I still have yet to read "Il nome della rosa" but I can safely recommend that as well.
^ these are from very different genres and centuries, so, I'd suggest looking them up individually and seeing which ones best resonate with your tastes. The only mandatory thing I suggest is the Divine Commedy because I'm predictable and it is that good.
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20dollarlolita · 1 year
I'm sorry you're being treated badly by your lolita meet moderators. They sound like they don't understand that "This person rubs me the wrong way" does not mean "This person is a bad person" and furthermore, their "reasons" for your and your friends' expulsions sound like they were made up on the spot by vengeful middle schoolers in the midst of their first friend breakup. Nobody needs that. You're better off without them.
Thank you. I've really appreciated everyone who's reached out to me and said that this shit going down is absolutely nuts.
To everyone who has been saying that we should just make our own Sacramento comm, we did.
We did, at the suggestion of the moderators of the other comm.
Those moderators suggested it to us twice, about 6 weeks apart.
The fact that we made our own community discord, and didn't call it "unofficial", was then listed as one of the reasons they banned us.
I cannot make this shit up.
(If anyone is in the greater sacramento area and wants to join a lolita community that's moderated by people who give warnings before they ban people, please send me an ask. Once we know that you're actually in sacramento and genuinely interested in wearing lolita fashion, I'll get you the invite link. If you're not in the sacramento area, but want to make and wear lolita fashion, and chat with other people who wear and make lolita fashion, I have a discord for that.)
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pokemonlolitaproject · 7 months
Would a live Q&A ever be something you guys would want? Edit: This has gotten a few responses, would Discord be better for this eventual Stream?
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projectmayhem-stims · 6 months
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Girly Kei for 💒💉 anon!
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sleepdepravity · 10 months
I feel obligated to tell you that I've been reading Astro City and one character makes a reference to a fictional Inherit the Wind musical and it immediately reminded me of your forays into musical history
Ehehe, glad to be The Musical Person for you. But huh, is there a particular reason they chose “inherit the wind” I wonder? It seems like an odd thing to make up, in terms of. Well, okay, I don’t know how deep a cut inherit the wind is, but it seems weirdly specific. If they wanted to reference like a musical that has to do with courtrooms, then I guess there’s not a lot to choose from…Legally Blonde does, of course, and so does Wind in the Willow, Something Rotten…I think Pippin has one, maybe? And the toy trial in Mary Poppins probably counts. But I guess all of those are all very much not serious. Do you think it’s like a throwaway gag, as in the idea of a musical adaptation of such a source material is the joke? Or is it something that somehow relates the themes of the comic, or both?
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doloresdisparue · 1 year
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i think maybe, just maybe, this man was lying all the times he stressed he was the hottest person in existence that every adult woman unfortunately falls in love with.
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night-night-alderman · 11 months
People: We're abolishing gender norms!
Me: Great, so-
People: But you still have to be a muscular woman to be butch, and petite to be femme.
People: Also, you have to look male to be masculine and look female to be feminine.
People: But trans rights, y'know?
Me: ...sure.
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