#those two people he dated being the Puppet and Circus Baby
Dating SL characters headcanons/scenarios
~Circus Baby~
-You met Baby just like you would in the game. She wanted to lie to you by saying she would help you, in reality she just wanted to use you. But, she began to like you more and more, and so she decided to spare your life.
-You and Baby got to know each other, and eventually started to date. You would return the pizzaria and bring flowers for Baby each time. She would always love spending time with you, though she can be a bit bratty.
-Baby might have a relaxed and comforting demeanor, but she is actually very strong-willed and intelligent. She cares deeply for you, but has a challenge showing it. Not to say that she doesn’t show it at all, she often helps you with decisions, encourages you fulfilling your passions, and even occasionally buys you things online.
-You and Baby don’t get to spend much time together since she’s usually trying to spare you from dying, and there isn’t much time to conversation. But sometimes, the animatronics are rented out for about three hours. In this time, you and Baby do things like crafts, playing board games (especially Totopoly and Take the Test if you like those), and simply talking to each other about things you enjoy.
-Circus Baby always guides you and make sure that you are safe from other animatronics, however, she badly wishes that she could see you more often and spend time with you rather than having your life on a line. She sometimes makes small things for you out of metal on the walls, they are poorly made, but they always brighten up your day.
-In all honesty, you and Baby’s relationship is not the best. Since you two have a hard time communicating with each other, you can’t really work out your problems. But in the end, you two work out your problems and continue to love each other. Your relationship is pure and playful, and you two are frequently smiling together.
-In the end, you decided to buy Circus Baby so you could free her soul. Her soul was freed, but she decided to stay with you in a human form. You two also decided to bring the Bidybabs, and you adopted them as your children. Their names are Baily, Beck, Bentley and Blythe :)
-You would have met Ballora through your job as a security guard. You went blind into the job, and as you crawled through her gallery, you heard her beautiful voice. You figured it was someone else working in this department, and so you two began to talk. She wanted to tease you and play with your emotions, but she began to grow fond of you, and you grew fond of her.
-Each night you would go to Ballora gallery. One night, however, she revealed that she was really an animatronic and emerged from the shadows. You two continued to love each other anyways.
-Now, Ballora is very graceful and elegant, but she can be tough when she wants to. She likes to tease you a little bit, but she is generally caring and loving.
-You two both love dancing, so you frequently have conversations about this. (If you don’t like dancing, maybe you two both talk about something like singing, acting, or painting!)
-Ballora is very caring. She always helps you when you are feeling down, and by help, I mean she puts you in a realistic situation. “Can you do something about it?” She will ask, “then do something about it! If you can’t, then what are you worrying for?”
-You and Ballora have a functional, loving, and graceful relationship. You two are always there for each other, and love listening to one another.
-When your job was finished, you were very sad to leave Ballora. But, what you didn’t know is that Ballora’s soul decided to come back home with you. Now you two are happily together, and continue to love each other.
~Funtime Freddy~
-You were a technician sent to the pizzeria. One night, you had repair an animatronic named Funtime Freddy. After you fixed him, he woke up and began to thank you. You two began to talk, and you decided to buy the animatronic.
-By the time you two got home, you already knew each other very well. You two managed to become good friends, but it was only afterwards that you realized your feelings and went on a date. And so, you fell in love with each other, even though it was a very strange relationship. (Of course, Bon-Bon the handpuppet is just a puppet in this).
-In all honesty, Funtime Freddy’s a little bit crazy. And by a little bit, I mean a lot. But that’s what you love about him, you find him fascinating and unlike anyone else you’ve ever seen.
-You guys surprisingly have a lot in common, even if it’s not exactly the same thing. You’re usually trying to impress or understand the other. And you guys love playing video games, of course.
-Believe it or not, Funtime Freddy actually really cares about you. However, whenever he tries to do something nice for you, it fails miserably. But, you appreciate the effort.
-You and the marshmallow bear have a good relationship. Truthfully, many things go wrong, but you two manage to work it out together with little effort. One of the struggles is that you two can barely have a serious conversation, so you continue to work on this. But overall, the relationship is exciting and lovely.
-Now, although Funtime Freddy decides to remain an animatronic, you two spend your lives together with little problems other than the inevitable ones. And so, you two continue to love each other.
~Funtime Foxy~
-You were hired as a photographer for the new children’s pizzeria. Your goal was to take a photo for an advertisement of Funtime Foxy, after all, they are very fabulous. After snapping a few photos, Funtime Foxy broke character and ran up to you asking how the photos turned out. You were so startled that you fainted.
-You didn’t remember much after you fainted. You woke on a lit up stage. Funtime Foxy was right by your side, and you began to ask many questions. You weren’t so startled after hearing their story. You found out you were declared dead, and Funtime Foxy wanted to stay with you for a bit. You two got to know each other and fell in love.
-Not going to sugarcoat things, Funtime Foxy is sassy and demanding. The only exception is when Funtime Foxy is around someone they are unfamiliar with, in this case, Funtime Foxy will be super shy and barely say anything. The only time Funtime Foxy turns this personality around is when they are with you and/or their SL crew. When this happens, their true diva side shows
-Somehow, you find yourself having to spoil Funtime Foxy quite a bit. However, don’t be alarmed, because they do the exact same. Funtime Foxy will often send you expensive jewelry, set up romantic dates, etc. Sometimes you honestly feel awkward! But besides all the fancy stuff, you and Funtime Foxy usually talk about your love for acting and writing, (if you don’t like these things, maybe about a show you both like?)
-Funtime Foxy demands a lot from you. But in return, gives you the world. They absolutely love you with all their heart, and would do anything to make you happy and treat you like royalty.
-You and Funtime Foxy fight quite frequently. But almost every argument ends with a kiss. You two can turn a storm into a rainbow, and you manage to work out most of your problems. Your relationship is romantic and respectful.
-Apperantly, after you were declared dead, your items were being sold online! Funtime Foxy managed to buy back all of the stuff, totally not with the business’ money (maybe that’s why we’re broke...) In any case, you got all of your stuff moved into the backstage area, and you and Funtime Foxy decided to spend the rest of your lives here. Of course, sometimes you go out to visit people, and they think they’re dreaming, but at least you’re not stuck in a pizzeria your whole life.
Those are all my headcanons/scenarios! Thank you for reading!
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Circus Baby Steps
Many thanks to @ryukodragon for help with the title!
It’s good, sometimes, to admit to one’s own mistakes and grow from them. It’ll help inspire other growth.
As much as it annoyed Ven that he would wander off while the artist was still in need of awareness to work on his commissions, Vincent insisted on going to check on the digital ghost living with Meera. Ever since the two of them opened the new Freddy's Pizza at the old location, Lucian had been acting oddly agitated. Vincent would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't worried despite the other swearing he wouldn't intentionally go after children.
Old habits die hard, after all.
So here he was at the pizzeria, walking around and past people who shivered slightly at his passing. Where was Lucian?
"Three, and two, and three, and four...."
Vincent blinked, hearing the other man's voice softly muttering not too far away. He looked around quickly, searching for the electric blue color of the digital ghost. Where was he? Would he be in the Circus Baby body, performing on stage? Vincent glanced towards the cheap wooden stage, mouth twisting at the sight of the stationary trash can with the balloon 'head'. No, Lucian would stay away from that mess. Despite his current choice of 'vessel' being built much lighter than his previous forms, Baby's figure would be counted as too heavy for that stage to support.
Baby was in the shop, anyway, being upgraded for easy switching of outfits and accessories.
"And five, and three, and three, and two...."
Vincent followed the voice and finally spotted him, the blonde leaning forward almost lazily against the counter of the pizza order station near the buffet bar. Ah, that's why he was overlooking him; the digital ghost had the ability to hard-light himself, appearing solid and 'real' to interact with the world and be seen by living people. In that instance the only blue on him would be his clothes as his skin and hair returned to the color Lucian had in life.
As Vincent headed over, sidestepping a child that ran by in happy screams, Lucian blinked slowly, then scowled.
"One. Puppet, get 'em."
An animatronic that looked eerily similar to the Marionette popped out of a gift box near the stage and floated along, targeting the lone child Vincent avoided walking through. He stopped and watched in concern, wondering what was going on. The Puppet continued floating along, following the lone child around like a puppy until the child's mother caught up and collected the kid.
The Puppet promptly turned away and floated back to the gift box. Vincent raised an eyebrow at the scene and looked back towards Lucian in time to see the man breathe a sigh of relief. "That happen often?" he asked and Lucian scowled again.
"Not as much as you're thinking. What do you want?" he returned irritably. Vincent shrugged, making his way to the station and exerting just enough force to be able to lean against the wall by the opening without falling through.
"How's business? This place looks pretty bare budget still," he asked instead, dodging the question. He wasn't sure himself what he wanted, or if he did know then he didn't want to face the knowledge just yet.
Lucian wrinkled his nose in answer. Vincent sighed softly; small talk wasn't going to work today. He looked the other man over, studying him a bit more. After making that mistake some time ago, he was determined not to let it repeat.
The blonde looked equal parts bored and tired, green eye glowing faintly as his gaze tracked children around the dining area. Now and then Lucian would look towards the stage, frowning at the sight of the cheap 'animatronic' attraction. Suddenly, Lucian's gaze snapped to him and Vincent jumped a little in surprise, eyes widening as his face heated up from the attention.
"Que estas haciendo?" the blonde grumbled, squinting at him. Vincent fidgeted; the context was easier to understand than the words.
"I just wanted to check up on you," he admitted with a slight shrug. Lucian gestured at the dining room flippantly.
"Everyone's still alive. You're welcome." His tone was both sarcastic and resentful, and Vincent winced. "Just admit you don't trust me around anyone. I'm tired of you pretending you're a better person just because you don't have anything to regret doing." Lucian shifted in place with a huff, lifting his arms up to rest his chin on his hands as he continued watching the crowd.
He wasn't entirely right; Vincent regretted holding his grudge against Lucian tightly enough that he lashed out at the digital ghost after he'd expressed regret for his crimes, apologized for his actions, and actively tried to atone for them. It made his attempts to repair relations between them so much harder, as Lucian internalized the fighting into a far deeper self-hatred.
"I didn't come to start a fight, Lu-," Vincent began quietly, cutting himself off at the sharp glare Lucian directed at him. Right, right. He had objectified himself to the point of rejecting his name. "Digi. I'm not here to fight. I just wanted to see how you were doing."
Lucian gave him a distrustful look before sighing and folding his arms back down on the counter, shifting in place again. "I'm fine. You can leave now," he replied and waved a hand at Vincent as if to shoo him away.
He frowned, still watching him carefully. Lucian leaned more onto the counter, as though making it bear more of his weight than usual. "You know," Vincent began cautiously, fidgeting with his fingers as the other man looked back at him impatiently, "there is something I regret doing, if I need to be honest."
Lucian raised an eyebrow and tilted his head the slightest bit. Interest, that's good. Vincent breathed a small sigh of relief; he was listening, not blocking him out, a step forward.
"I regret not accepting your apology that day, at your sister's grave." He thought back to that day, to the look of pain and regret in Lucian's expression as he knelt by his younger sister's gravestone. Where had his empathy been, that he refused to recognize those emotions as genuine? "After seeing what you did to help Miss Corbett in that facility, I should have given you a fair chance when you said you wanted to make up for your crimes. I didn't, and I'm sorry for that."
There was silence between them after that. Vincent studied his shoes as the moments ticked by, watching the light of the pizzeria play over the shiny black leather. Children ran by in happy squeals, pizza and cheap prizes in their hands. For all the worries about the Freddy's name bringing bad luck onto the place, it seemed like the restaurant was actually doing well and was safe for everyone.
Likely it helped that the only mobile animatronics in the place were Helpy and Baby, both of them created by Jeremy.
"Tired," Lucian suddenly said with a faint clearing of his throat. Vincent blinked, lifting his head in confusion and looking aside at the blonde. The other man shifted a bit more on the counter, arms folded on the surface. He looked faintly indifferent, gazing over the dining room with his usual bored expression.
"Excuse me?" Vincent asked. Lucian gave him a mild glare and a huff.
"You asked how I was feeling. I'm feeling a bit tired," he returned with a shrug.
"Oh!" Vincent blinked again, "That's... okay?"
Silence again, a bit awkward but it felt lighter. He wasn't sure what to make of that. At least he got a more honest answer to his question so... small victory there?
"And, uh, good... good job... there," Vincent added haltingly, managing a strained smile as Lucian gave him an incredulous look.
"For what?" the digital ghost asked. Vincent gestured vaguely towards the diners.
"Keeping everyone alive?"
Lucian narrowed his eyes and Vincent began wondering if he messed up in reminding him of his earlier words. After a long moment, Lucian sighed heavily, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
"Este pinche pendejo quien me hace dueles en la cabeza," he muttered, pinching the little space between his brows in exasperation. Vincent laughed a bit nervously; some of the words were familiar enough in context that he could tell he was being talked about. "Por que me fastidias cuando siempre quiero hacer mi trabajo en paz?" Vincent smiled again, wide and still very strained with uncertainty. Would it be better if he just left? "If you're going to stay around and look at things like you're about to shit your pants," Lucian finally snarked at him, "then the least you can do while here is let me borrow some of your energy to keep from passing out. I've been in solid state since this morning."
Vincent stared at him for a moment, then broke into another wide smile, far more genuine than the others. "Yeah, I can do that," he agreed cheerfully and reached out as he leaned back more casually and comfortably against the wall.
"Hey, don't hold my hand like that! We're not dating or some stupid thing! Not on my shoulder, you're too close! Just... put your hand on my arm, okay? There! You get all handsy with me like you do with your little boyfriend and I'll smack you with the pizza pan. Why are you laughing? Is something funny? Tch, mira me con este pendejo loco...."
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