#though it leaned more towards Geno hcs lol
skelemira · 3 years
Heya! Could I request some Geno/Reader hc’s? Go as fluffy (or angsty) as you want! >:3
Oooooh my first angst ok I have been on a major fluff kick lately lol so I gotta switch my mindset... but I've got some fluff requests lined up so I'll do the angst ones first so I can switch back to the fluff mindset lol
Geno x Reader Hcs!!
*Geno obviously has some major trauma from the genocide route and living in the SAVE screen/anti-void with only the original Frisk to keep him company (I couldn't remember much of Geno's actual story so I did a quick fandom wiki search). The main problems I can think of for Geno in a relationship are first of all that he would space out. A lot.
*I don't think he would be incredibly mentally present, just because of how much time he spent frozen in the same place, his one thought to try and destroy the timeline. I imagine he had a lot of free time, and not a lot to interact with for hobbies or anything. So I hc he would space out for hours, just trying to pass time until he can try to destroy the timeline. This would lead to him not being very present in the relationship or maybe during a date night he would space out while you're talking.
*I also think he cannot stand quiet. Maybe in some moments it's comforting, because of how overwhelming the world can be sensory-wise, but even then, he probably at least has some gentle music playing. Something varying enough to not let him space out, but soothing enough to let him calm down. I think in those too-quiet moments he would space out and maybe shut down a bit. He would bring headphones everywhere with him (those cute cat ear ones you got him when you learned how he hates the quiet) to try and combat the silence. He likes music with words, but nothing crazy.
*He would not be good at communicating his feelings. At all. He wasn't used to talking about his feelings before the genocide route and he tries to shut out the overwhelming feelings in the SAVE screen. Poor baby is so emotionally constipated and definitely opposed to therapy.
*^^To add onto that, it's not that he doesn't think therapy would help. It's that he thinks he's too mortal after he leaves the SAVE screen and why bother trying to fix himself (his words not my view on going to therapy I am in therapy myself and am very therapy positive but anyway XD) when he's going to dust eventually anyway?
*I'm a bit split on whether he would be overprotective or whether he genuinely wouldn't care what risks you take. Because on one hand, you're all he has. You are the only thing keeping him grounded instead of floating away into the void again (metaphorically). But on the other hand, leaving a place with time frozen and getting to a place where everything is so fast and so utterly mortal.... he would get a sense of what's the point?
*He likes listening to music in different languages. It's mentally engaging to try and figure out what language it is and what they're trying to convey, so it helps ground him a little bit during the silence. You both have youtube recommendations full of music from different countries.
*He likes to experiment with making music, and you help him sometimes with lyrics or with some melodies. He thinks of you as his positive muse. His more upbeat music is always inspired by you. (The darker stuff is him expressing his feelings about his trauma)
*He is very physically affectionate. It's grounding to him and comforting to feel another person, especially someone with skin and hair and so many textures to play with. He loves (non-sexually) feeling you all over, your hair, your skin, your nails...
*He loves head scritches. Honestly who doesn't but when you give him head scritches when you're watching a movie or something he just melts.
*He bounces from hobby to hobby but his favourite ones are yours because you can spend some quality time together while also experiencing a stimulating activity and creating/experiencing something
*He sees people with scars all over his social media, some hating them because they are reminders and some loving them because it means they survived. He chooses to be one of those who (after a long time) loving his scar because it means that he fought and survived. He advocates for body and scar positivity with what little social media presence he has (getting involved in the world of social media that he can't physically interact with reminds him of interacting with a timeline he isn't in so he prefers to meet face-to-face).
Ok yeah I went a bit overboard lol but I hope you enjoy!!! It's been a while since I've written angst, and I think this is the first angsty stuff I've ever done on my tumblr so yeah!
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shoyoist · 2 years
Hi rekhaaa! I was wondering on what are the Tokyo revengers boys' quirks r gonna be if they're in mha!! Any thoughts??
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been a long time since i got over my bnha phase but this shows that i'd enjoy giving tr characters quirks and writing spin offs for them LMAO — not proofread, but i had a lot of fun thinking of these <3 (i did say my inbox is closed for reqs) but if you sent me individual characters that i havent done, i'll answer w/ quirks for them too!! short hcs are fun hehe
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ぞ | hmmm, TAKEMICHI would have the ability to see glimpses of the near future. if he were the protag of bnha, his story would be that he wasted the potential of his extremely useful quirk by choosing to live a plain, ordinary life without aspiring to become a hero. then something absolutely terrible happens, but he gets the opportunity to turn things around for himself and for everyone else, if he goes back in time and claims the rank of top hero and saves the world. op music starts playing and takemichi starts his hero's journey ☆☆☆
ぞ | MIKEY would have the ability to put people to sleep. not just sleep, actually, his quirk enables him to turn people's systems off and render them comatose. if we're talking side effects, he's just sleepy ♡♡ and falls asleep real quick when he gets tired. he's quiet, a little shady but also very sweet, and whether as a hero or a villain, he'd be super powerful and useful <33
ぞ | i'll do DRAKEN a favour and let him have his motorcycle body. he's a cyborg. like genos from one punch man !! he has to get his prosthetic limbs removed and maintained regularly, and needs oil changes LMAO. imagine being the mechanic that takes care of him though <33 or the scientist that creates new body parts and weapons for him.
ぞ | BAJI is like Four Arms from Ben 10 SKHFHKH, he's big and muscley and has four arms. the perfect person to turn to, when you need a good sukuna cosplay. by the time he graduates hero school, he stands at 6'10" ♡♡ and so popular with everyone. holds fan events and meets, is super fun and friendly, good with kids — and he never turns down those calls asking for help bec a cat got stuck in a tree and needs saving LMAO
ぞ | ok ok KAZUTORA would have blood iron manipulation. realistically, your blood doesnt have THAT much iron so this is leaning towards the fictional side — but yeah, he can control your blood (maybe the flow of it out of your body, after a slash?) via the iron in your blood cells. he would be a hero turned villain <33
ぞ | MITSUYA definitely works in the rescue division. he has restoration abilities. i'm not calling it regeneration because it doesnt work on living creatures or people. it works on non living formations and structures, like stone and all. he's one of the front liners of the rescue teams. they locate people trapped under fallen buildings and such, and then mitsuya carefully restores walls and pillars, fixes cracks in the ground, and creates a safe path to reach the people from. he's also really pretty, a good leader, and skilled at providing guidance and reassurance, so everyone has a lil crush on him <33
ぞ | PAH-CHIN would have super strength. he's a lil like sakura from naruto (are there other sakuras? bec i dont know lol) and he would work in rescue, too, but in the opposite way that mitsuya does, i guess. he breaks down obstructing structures like walls and rubble, and paves way towards the people in need of saving.
ok that's takemichi + the toman ot6 but let me think of some more.
ぞ | of course KISAKI has an intelligence quirk. his ability allows him to make foolproof, precise plans that lead him straight to his goal— the catch being that they're only arranged according to his heart's desire. every step of his vision has to be followed out thoroughly to completion, to reach the end goal. however, some steps are incredibly self indulgent (step four: kill takemichi. LMAO) therefore, he's a loner at work, and more of an anti hero type. he does what he wants, how he wants, by himself. unless he met someone that was fine with doing things all his way <3
ぞ | HANMA can speak to the dead. if you come to him with enough grief and longing in your heart, for someone that's dead, he can summon their soul by channeling the power of your longing, and bring their spirit back to the edge of life for a short period of time. he would be a villain with a tragic backstory that's only revealed much later — and he works as the recruiter for his organization, by scouting people with useful quirks that have lost loved ones. "hey kid, if you do this for me and my boss, i'll let you see your sister one last time." that typa beat.
ぞ | i feel like SANZU would have some sort of energy absorption quirk. he absorbs fear. growing up, he was timid and more afraid of others than others were afraid of him, so his quirk was kept in check. however, once he joined the villains' side, he became ruthless — his gruesome murders, skilled escapes and endless number of successful heists make him his organization's beloved poster boy (which honestly only helps people to recognize and therefore fear him even more u_u).
ぞ | SENJU has a camouflage quirk. she's able to change her body to match the colours of whatever she places both her hands against — and therefore, she's part of almost every stealth mission the heroes carry out. she's leader of her division, and gets invited to a lot of workshops and expos — she's got a million fans, and the bnha universe twitter is full of senju stan accounts i just know it !!
ぞ | KOKONOI has charmspeak. it fits him really well — he's an excellent talker, silver tongued to begin with, so when he applies his quirk and slides in, he's able to coax information out of anyone he wants, and get his way no matter what the circumstances. he would've considered being a hero as a kid, but then he gets strung into a villain organization, where he decides to stay.
ぞ | if i mention koko i must mention INUI, who has a shielding ability. he's able to reflect the effect of quirks off him to some extent, giving him some level of immunity to quirk based attacks — and he uses this alongside physical shields provided to him by the hero association's weapon devs, to be both a physical and a mental shield to himself and any one he partners up with.
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