#though it should be noted that annabeth waited for him to be out of town before she ran away
jew-flexive · 2 years
frederick chase, legacy
thinking about frederick chase, who grew up in a family that knew about all the things everyone else couldn’t see, not because those things touched them, but because they used to. thinking about frederick chase, who’s a little too strong, sometimes, who’s a little too quick, sometimes, who has a strange aura of power that he didn’t earn but his great-great-great-grandfather did. thinking about frederick chase, who wants to be normal, who is almost normal, who is almost able to ignore the things that have too many eyes and razor sharp teeth and kill children in alleyways--but not him, never him, he doesn’t show up on their radar, not anymore. thinking about frederick chase, who is dizzingly, maddeningly grateful for his own cosmic insignificance because he knows what happens to heroes. 
thinking about frederick chase, nerdy and goofy and gangly and too smart for his own good, but more or less a normal guy once he moves out of his parents’ house. thinking about frederick chase, who graduates summa cum laude studying heroics of the human kind and gets his pick of grad schools and flirts with another TA at three am while they both pretend to grade papers and ignore their research. thinking about frederick chase, who falls in love with gray eyes and sly grins and stubborn pride and shows that by arguing and teasing and fiddling with his glasses and showing off, just a little, just to make her laugh.
thinking about frederick chase, who takes her home to meet his family, only for his sister to gasp and his father to drop his wine glass and his mother to bite her lip and his brother to watch with wide, jealous eyes. thinking about frederick chase, whose blood is almost all red, whose life is almost all safe, whose legacy is almost all forgotten, it’s been so long, who’d almost escaped completely, whose feelings of betrayal are sharp, vicious things. thinking about frederick chase, confronting a goddess, terror and anger making his voice shake, and what that must have looked like, a mortal lecturing the divine, how that must have made athena wonder and plot and plan. 
thinking about frederick chase, who wakes up exactly one year before he has to present his dissertation to a baby on his doorstep with his hair and her eyes who he knows just by looking at her is doomed, doomed, doomed. thinking about frederick chase, who lives off of coffee and ramen and hasn’t showered in a week and still isn’t even twenty-eight, who never wanted any of this, who was never asked if he did, who feels violated and alone and afraid. thinking about frederick chase, who tries to give the baby back because he knows what happens to kids in alleyways when the monsters (or the gods) are hungry and knows he’s not enough to protect her, who’s told he has no choice but to try. 
thinking about frederick chase, who keeps his daughter because none of this is her fault and gods forbid athena take any responsibility for the life she created without his consent, who names her annabeth for favor and oathkeeping and grace, who raises her the best he can even though he’s convinced he’ll outlive her, his clever little miracle child who represents every single one of his parents’ warnings and all the ambitions his brother’s ever sought. thinking about frederick chase, who reads to her and braids her hair and puts her in a playpen with a box of legos while he teaches his classes and comes back to find her building temples and shrines and skyscrapers with her chubby toddler hands. thinking about frederick chase, who knows his daughter is smarter and more powerful than him, who knows exactly what all that wit and strength is meant to protect her from and how little either will matter, in the end. 
thinking about frederick chase, who has every member of his family stolen from him before annabeth steals herself away. thinking about frederick chase, who never once blames her for it, who wants her safe, even if it that means being far, far away from him. thinking about frederick chase, who messes up and says the wrong thing and forgets, sometimes, that for all her cleverness, his daughter isn’t a mind reader and needs to be told that she is precious, that she is cherished, that she is everything he’s ever been afraid to lose. thinking about frederick chase, who doesn’t know how to raise a demigod, only how to mourn one, so he fails, and fails, and fails, no matter how hard he tries, no matter how deeply he loves.  
thinking about frederick chase, who, when given the chance, shows his adoration by brainstorming new building ideas and telling old college stories and making midnight breakfasts and shooting at titans with celestial bronze bullets. thinking about frederick chase, who grows and shifts and tries to see his daughter in real time, not only in those last moments he knows are coming, when she’s that kid in the alleyway and he’s not enough, never enough to stop the monsters from coming for her. thinking about frederick chase, who never once makes his peace with it, but works for the rest of his life to earn his own peace with her.
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 24
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Halloween chapter, part 2.
A/N: Yay, an update! I think some of you are gonna be happy about the characters that are being introduced in this chapter... Also lots of Caleo dorkiness (and canon references) in it! And you'll get to see if you were right with your costume guesses :D
Also like I already mentioned last week, this is the last chapter that I have written so far (when I started posting this fic I tried to make sure I'd have at least 7 chapters ready so I wouldn't have to stress about deadlines... and here we are now) so it is possible that updates may slow down a bit, at least if the chapter wants to become long. But I am still /trying/ to keep up with the regular updates the best I can :) So worry not!
Now, enjoy and let me know what you think!! Ps. somehow we’ve managed to pass 50k words already :O
Words: 4040
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
“Hi, you guys!” Piper, who was dressed as Wonder Woman, greeted Leo and Calypso first when they arrived, gesturing for them to come in.
“Hello! I was afraid Argo II had decided to stop working because you guys are late,” Jason the Superman noted as he offered to take Calypso’s coat and put it in a hanger by the door.
“I’m not going to lie to you, Jason, that possibility did cross my mind as well,” Calypso said, casting Leo a meaningful look. “But no, not this time.”
“We’re only 10 minutes late!” Leo protested, checking the time from his phone. “I was busy finishing something… and Calypso took her time preparing herself as well. She probably did her wig for like two hours.” He gave her a not so serious side-eye.
“I did not!” Calypso said defensively. “Yeah, I straightened and combed and braided it but that took me maybe 15-20 minutes so he is highly exaggerating.”
“Don’t worry, Calypso, we know he does that a lot.” Piper smiled at her reassuringly. “Speaking of your wig, though, you look very cute! That hair reminds me of the style you had before my makeover. You’re dressed as the mythology Calypso, right?”
“Yes, I am,” Calypso said, pleased that Piper had figured that out so fast. “I thought it would be fun to be a bit self ironic for once. I haven’t really had a good reason to sew recently so this was a nice excuse to do that as well.” She made a small twirl to show the dress better.
“That dress really looks great!” Piper told her. “I would gladly commission you to sew me clothes; it’s so hard to find anything nice from the clothes stores these days. But Leo.” She turned back to him. “I see someone hasn’t bothered to get a costume. I wasn’t expecting that from you because you’re always so excited about them.”
“No, you got it all wrong.” Leo wagged his finger at her. “I do have it here, but as I told Cal, it would have been too difficult to wear in the car.” He dropped his bag on the floor, causing a loud thud as it hit the ground.
“Alright. Care to give us any hint what it is?” Piper asked curiously. “Seems heavy.” Calypso wondered if this was something they did every year.
“I’m just saying that it’s inspired by some movies that united us three,” Leo noted mysteriously. “But that’s all, you’ll see soon!”
“My mind is blank now,” Piper said. “Jason, what movies have we watched with him?”
“The first one that comes to my mind is Star Wars,” Jason reminded her. Suddenly both Jason and Piper’s eyes widened in realization. “Could it be?”
“Oh no, Leo you didn’t!” Piper doubled over in laughter when it occurred to her what Leo’s costume most likely was. “I can’t wait to see this!”
“I hope you took pictures with Festus!” Jason couldn’t keep his poker face either, and Calypso watched their reactions with confusion.
“Don’t worry, I will show them later.” Leo grinned, unperplexed by Jason and Piper’s laughter. “Now, where can I change?”
Piper showed him an empty room where he could get into his costume in peace, while Calypso started looking around the house on her own. Even though the place seemed rather fancy, Jason and Piper had managed to make it cozier with their personal objects. A lot of them had seen life and were worn but somehow they still fit in with the newer decorations.
As Calypso reached the living room, her focus went to the guests who had already arrived at the party. She waved at Annabeth and nodded awkwardly to Percy. Even though she and Annabeth were friends again, she wasn’t quite sure how she should act near Percy so ‘reserved’ felt the most natural reaction. She couldn’t help but smile a bit, though, when she registered their costumes: Annabeth had a Chiton just like her, although grey instead of white, with some silvery accessories and a beautiful owl shaped brooch over her chest. Perhaps the most impressive part of her costume was the Greek styled helmet that was used in battles and that hid most of Annabeth’s curly ponytail. Calypso was quite certain she was dressed as Athena, the Greek goddess that according to her was the one she identified herself the most with. Percy on the other hand was wearing sandals, shorts, a tropical shirt, and a belt with fishing equipment and he was holding a fishing rod in his hand. Calypso couldn’t quite figure out who he was supposed to be, other than some sort of fisherman.
“Hi,” Calypso greeted them as she got to hearing distance with them. “You guys look nice. You’re Athena, right?” She asked Annabeth. “Matches my theme, don’t you think?”
“Sure does,” Annabeth nodded, eyeing Calypso’s costume. “You look pretty much exactly like how I imagine the mythology Calypso.”
“Thank you. Coming from you it’s a big compliment.” She turned Percy. “I can’t figure out who you are, though. You don’t seem like a Greek god?”
“I am, though,” Percy replied. “I’m Poseidon.”
“Ooh, so that’s why the fishing gear!” Calypso realized. “But I don’t think the Greeks had tropical shirts quite yet.”
“No, you’re right in that.” Percy shook his head, smiling a bit. “But I’m basing this on the version in the Peter Johnson series. That’s how he was described in it.”
“I didn’t know you have read that too,” Calypso said, “But makes sense. Um, the Poseidon and Athena of the mythology hated each other, though. Not that it’s really my business, but I hope you two are doing fine…?” She asked a bit nervously, not wanting to be the reason for their issues.
“Oh yeah, we are,” Percy confirmed immediately. “It’s just an old joke – back when Annabeth and I were reading the Peter Johnson books I used to say Poseidon is my godly parent and Athena Annabeth’s, and that just kind of stuck with us.”
“Alright.” Calypso accepted Percy’s answer, turning her attention back to Annabeth. “By the way, where did you get that helmet? It definitely looks fancier than most of the plastic ones you see at costume shops.”
“My father collects these things,” Annabeth answered, lifting the helmet from her head for a moment. “I’ve told you he’s also a historian, right? Well, one of his friends wanted to make a replica of the ancient Greek helmets with some modern machines and dad bought this from him. I’m not saying this is 100 per cent accurate but it looks pretty cool, in my opinion.”
“It does,” Calypso confirmed.
“You came with Leo, right?” Percy asked then, to which Calypso nodded. “Where is he? I can’t wait to see his costume; he usually goes for something that is way over the top. Last year he was Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon and he had made a Toothless costume for his dog. I’ve also seen pics of him as Iron Man. Yes, with a full iron costume.”
“I can believe that of him,” Calypso chuckled, imagining Leo in the said costume. “He just went to change into his costume because apparently he couldn’t drive in it. He didn’t reveal what he was going to be, but it does sound like something extravagant.”
“I missed his costume last year but I’ll be sure to have a camera ready when he shows up this time,” Annabeth said happily. Calypso was relieved that the conversation was going this well; she hadn’t known what to expect beforehand because this was the first time she was in the same room with Percy since the ‘incident’. Talking with him now, though, made her realize that holding a grudge wouldn’t be smart and he seemed to think the same way.
“I just realized,” Calypso decided to change the topic, “that I’ve never heard the story of how you guys know Jason and Piper. So how did that happen?”
“It’s a funny story,” Percy started, smiling at the memory. “Jason and I used to be the captains of rivaling soccer teams when we were around 16. Well, one time Jason’s team was visiting us but we were playing in an arena that had just been renovated so I hadn’t been there before. I may have been a bit late from our team meeting and I was a bit lost so I decided to ask one staff lady where I was supposed to go. Somehow she got our teams mixed up and I ended up in the locker room of Jason’s team. Some of Jason’s teammates said that my expression was worth seeing when I realized the mistake but I dunno about that. The funny thing was that somehow the same thing had happened to Jason; he had also been late for the meeting because of traffic or something and he had gotten into my team’s locker room. Well, after the game we had a good laugh about it together and ended up talking about other stuff as well and noticed we have a lot in common. That’s how we became friends. When we moved into the same town, we started training together at least a few times a week.”
“Piper and I didn’t learn to know each other until Jason and she started dating a couple of years ago and they invited Percy to some party where I went with him. To be honest, I was a bit suspicious about her at first because we seemed very different but eventually we learned to respect each other’s qualities. And here we are,” Annabeth added.
“Those are some cool stories,” Calypso said. “It seems like a funny coincidence that somehow we all ended up in this city even though most of us are from somewhere else. Like Leo is from Texas, I am from Greece…” “Speaking of him,” Annabeth had to muffle his laughter with her hand, “I believe we are finally getting some answers about his costume.”
“Oh… my gods” was all Calypso could say when she turned to the direction Annabeth was looking at. “You’re really something else.”
Leo was completely hidden inside his costume, but Calypso could practically hear him grinning at their reactions. The costume looked very much like in the movies; golden (just painted, not real gold, because there was no way Leo could afford something like that) plating forming a droid with big round eyes and an ability to speak lots and lots of different languages: C-3PO from Star Wars.
“Holy shit, dude, that looks so real.” Percy gaped at Leo. “I’m starting to understand why you spent so much time in your room the past few weeks.”
“Why C-3PO, though?” Calypso asked once she managed to put her poker face back on. “Does that have some story behind it?”
“Because, duh, it looks cool!” Leo exclaimed with a mechanical voice from inside his costume. “I dunno, ever since I first saw C-3PO as a kid I thought it would be cool to be able to build something like that. And hey, his ability to translate like all the possible languages is pretty neat. Me? I just know 3.”
“Isn’t it uncomfortable in there, though?” Calypso asked. “That thing must be heavy.”
“Sunshine, I’m always uncomfortable. But this was a childhood dream of mine so I sure as heck am not backing off now,” Leo said with determination.
“A stubborn one, aren’t you?” Calypso stated. “Even I have to admit, though, that you have certainly done some thorough job with it. Hey, I should take photos before I forget! You don’t get to see this every day.”
The others dug their phones up as well and for a while Leo just made silly poses while they took pictures, clearly enjoying the attention his costume got. Eventually he started demanding that Calypso should join him for the photos but she was a bit hesitant at first.
Leo argued: “Come on. Greek mythology meets Star Wars? You don’t see a crossover like that every day.”
“Can’t argue with that, I suppose,” Calypso said and went next to him. “Well, do we have some kind of story for Calypso and C-3PO’s meeting?” she asked as Percy and Annabeth waved at them to look at the camera.
Leo considered her question for a moment. “Oh, how about this? C-3PO somehow ends up on Calypso’s island - because duh, Calypso is cursed so she can’t leave the island…”
“You seem to know surprisingly much about Greek mythology, just saying…” Calypso noted while trying to smile for the photos, resting her hand on the metallic shoulder.
“I told ya, Sunshine, you can blame tía Callida for that…” Leo reminded her. “Anyway, I imagine those two don’t really like each other at first because they’re so different but eventually they learn to respect each other’s skills; C-3PO can translate basically any language and Calypso is good at all kinds of handiworks, which is hard for a droid.”
“And? What happens after that?” Calypso asked curiously.
Leo considered it for a moment. “C-3PO doesn’t really wanna leave Calypso’s island but he has galaxies to save with his friend R2-D2 so he has to go but he promises to come get her afterwards.”
“Aw, Leo, that is kind of sweet,” Calypso commented, suddenly aware of the metal arm that had snuck around her waist. “Does he… does he ever return, though? Shouldn’t that be impossible?”
“For a human, maybe, but he’s a droid,” Leo noted. “Unfortunately during a big battle he blows up badly but the ever so faithful R2-D2 collects the pieces and finds someone who can rebuild him again. And boom, he makes it back and lives happily ever after with his goddess.”
“What’s the term you use when you enjoy a fictional relationship a lot?” Calypso asked. “Shipping?” Annabeth nodded at her. “I don’t know, Leo, to me it sounds like you ship those two. Isn’t that a bit weird?” “What, why would that be weird? I’ve seen people ship…”
“I see these two have gotten into a full on nerd mode again,” Annabeth said quietly to Percy while they were waiting for the flatmates to stop their bickering so they’d be able to take the photos. “Not projecting themselves into their characters, right?”
“No, definitely not,” Percy agreed.
Eventually Leo and Calypso stopped bickering and Annabeth was able to take the pictures. Even if Leo was mostly hidden by his costume, Calypso felt a bit self conscious about the fact that these were the first photos of them together. They did a few goofy poses because Annabeth and Percy told them to, but Calypso thought she probably looked more embarrassed than funny in them.
Once they were done, Leo went to Annabeth who was going through the photos and bowed his head a bit to see them better. “Hey, these do look pretty cool! It’s probably just the lighting but here you look like you’re blushing to some funny comment C-3PO made.”
“Show me!” Calypso yelped nervously and took the phone from Annabeth. When she saw it, she could immediately tell Leo was not wrong; she really was blushing. “Yeah, it’s definitely those candles in the background that do it… And I think it’s pretty warm in here, maybe all the people here heat this room…”
“OK, if you say so,” Leo said but Calypso imagined that he was looking at her suspiciously through his costume.
Trying to get the others’ attention to something else, she said: “So, who else has arrived so far?”
“Nico and Will. I think they went to get some snacks from the dining room,” Piper, who had just entered the room, answered.
“Leo told me that Nico is Jason’s relative, but what about Will?” Calypso asked her.
“Will is Nico’s boyfriend. This is the first time we’re meeting him but they seem very good together. At least he seems to have a grounding effect on Nico, and he actually listens to him, unlike most of us. Um, sorry, it’s a long story, one that I should probably save for another time. Nico may be a bit hard to approach sometimes but he is a very nice guy when you learn to know him. Just… been through a lot. I guess like many of us here. But he seems way happier now,” Piper said, and as if on cue, they could hear some distant laughter coming from the dining room.
“We should start a traumatized college kids’ club,” Leo attempted to joke, and the others hummed in agreement. Maybe she did belong to this group after all, Calypso thought. If only they knew, though…
“This just got cheerful,” Percy said, interrupting Calypso’s thought process. “Who’s up for blue candies? Get them before Will and Nico eat them all.”
“I heard that, Jackson!” Nico entered the room without a warning. “No offense to you or your mom but blue candies aren’t exactly my thing.”
“Hi, Nico,” Percy greeted him, seeming a bit flustered after Nico’s comment. “You haven’t met Calypso, right?” He pointed at her.
“No, I haven’t,” Nico took a quick look at her and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Alright, in that case, this is Calypso Astal. And Calypso, this is Nico di Angelo,” Percy introduced them to each other.
“Nice to meet you,” Calypso approached him, but he seemed to evaluate her for a moment before he took her hand.
“Likewise,” Nico said finally. “I think Jason has mentioned you a few times.”
“Oh. That’s nice,” Calypso said a bit unsurely, like every time she met a new person. The lonely years still had a toll on her, and even though she liked spending time with her friends, meeting new people was always a bit nerve wracking to her. “You’re his relative, right?”
“A distant cousin,” Nico answered. “Yeah, our fathers are related, but I have my mother’s last name and Jason has his.”
“I take it your mother has roots elsewhere, based on the last name?” Calypso asked.
“She was Italian,” Nico shrugged. “I lived there my first years too. But now I can barely remember those times.”
Calypso noticed the use of past tense, but she thought it was probably better to not ask about that in the middle of a party. “Oh. I’ve been to Italy a few times. I’m originally from Greece.”
“What brought you here, then?” Nico asked.
“Dad’s work,” Calypso responded in a tone that told everyone she wouldn’t elaborate on that topic more. It seemed to have become a habit to her.
“Anyway,” Leo, who had managed to stay quiet for a surprisingly long amount of time in Calypso’s opinion, stepped forward and cleared his throat. “Nico, a little bird told me,” he looked at Jason, “that your boyfriend is a Star Wars geek. Is that true?”
Nico took one look at Leo’s costume and his mouth twitched when he realized why Leo was asking. “He is, but don’t let him get started on it, or else he will never stop. Besides, he’s not my boyfriend, I prefer calling him…”
“A significant nuisance?” Will showed up from the dining room, carrying a plate full of food. “Don’t mind him, he just warms up a bit slow.”
“Yes, this is Will,” Nico sighed, addressing those who hadn’t met them before. “Sometimes he’s a nuisance, sometimes he can be quite OK. When he’s having a good day.”
“Same back at you, dear,” Will laughed. “Did I hear someone mention Star Wars, though?”
“You did,” Leo said, stepping forward so Will could see his costume better. Needless to say, Will looked beyond thrilled.
“Oh boy, here we go again,” Nico said quietly before Will even had time to comment on the costume.
“Woah, that must be the best C-3PO costume I’ve seen. And yeah, I’ve seen a few so I don’t compliment you for nothing,” Will assured.
“Thanks, man, I did spend quite a while with it,” Leo said, high fiving Will. “Glad someone here appreciates good things.”
“I still hope you’re not one of those fans who have only seen the most recent movies and not the originals,” Will noted.
“Heck, no!” Leo exclaimed immediately. “The original three for the win! Mom and I used to watch them a lot… um, when I was little. She was a big fan. But the newer ones just don’t feel the same.” Calypso had a feeling Leo had almost said something else, but he had changed his phrasing at the last moment.
“You have a pretty good taste,” Will said approvingly. Then he finally realized he hadn’t even asked Leo and Calypso’s names before getting into the geek mode.
“So, who are you two? I already met Percy and Annabeth earlier but I don’t think I know you guys yet.”
“I’m Leo Valdez, and this is my, um, flatmate, Calypso Astal,” Leo introduced. Calypso hoped there was a better word to describe their relationship than a ‘flatmate’ but at the moment it was probably the best and the safest option there was.
“Flatmates, huh?” Will repeated. “How did that happen?”
“I was in a hurry to find a roof over my head so I put in the application that I also accept mixed flats,” Calypso replied. “I didn’t meet Leo beforehand because, um, that would have been a bit difficult to arrange in this case, but it worked out OK.” Calypso noticed Leo was looking at her from the corner of his eye, and she realized she had never even talked about that option before. The truth was that she had had to plan her leaving very thoroughly so her father wouldn’t notice and she had driven to Indianapolis as fast as possible, with no time for second guessing.
“And my flat happened to have a room free because our boy Jason decided to move in with Beauty Queen,” Leo added to that story. “It’s really no stranger than that.”
“Oh, right, someone must have mentioned that you and Jason used to be flatmates,” Will recalled. “I just didn’t connect the dots.”
Jason had apparently finished welcoming the rest of the guests because he joined the group in the living room. “That reminds me, I don’t think I’ve asked you, Calypso, if Leo still leaves his dishes undone and if he has empty milk cartons in the fridge.”
“He used to do that?” Calypso asked with amusement. “After seeing his room that’s not so hard to picture, but no, he’s been pretty tidy in the common area. Although one time he bribed me to do his dishes for him in exchange for some of his food.”
“It was a good deal!” Leo protested. “You didn’t have to cook and you also got to taste some Valdez’ sizzling hot quesadillas so I’d say it was a win-win. Besides, you didn’t seem to have anything against that.”
“Alright, I will admit the quesadillas were pretty good,” Calypso conceded. “But a true gentleman offers them without even asking. Well, other than that he’s been OK,” she told Jason with a playful twinkle in her eye.
“I guess he really is able to change his habits, then,” he replied. “At least when the flatmate is someone he...”
Before Jason had time to finish his sentence, Leo intervened: “Folks, do we really have to be talking about my cleaning habits in front of people I don’t know? The first impressions are important, especially when it comes to Supersized McShizzle!”
“We’re just being honest, Repair Boy.” Calypso couldn’t resist booping his metal covered nose. Apparently she just didn’t know how to not cross the line with this boy, she sighed in her mind.
“Is that all? Where’s the feisty Sunshine I know?,” Leo said in a low tone, so the others could barely hear his comment, coming out almost flirty.
“Shut up,” Calypso answered equally quietly but held her gaze at him.
“Ahem,” they suddenly heard Piper’s voice behind them. “In case you’ve stopped with the flirting, I’d like you to meet a couple of people.”
Calypso turned to see the newcomers and as she recognized the Hunter badges both of them had attached to their shirts, something in her mind just suddenly turned off.
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sherlollydramoine · 5 years
Merry XXXMas
Tumblr media
Warnings: 18+ only. Okay so this gets filthy, but there is also a little bit of fluff...Language, unprotected sex (as always-wrap it before you tap it).
This is unedited so therefore all mistakes are mine.
This is for the anon on @free-rami​‘s page that wanted some XXXMas fanfiction for Rami. Here ya go, whoever you are, I hope this satisfies!
Word Count: 5,272
You weren’t looking forward to spending any time with your family around the holidays, as you didn’t have a great relationship with your family. Your older sister and brother were both very successful at what they did. One was a doctor the other was a lawyer, you know those jobs that are the epitome of the American dream and the respectable jobs that everyone considered “important.” Every family holiday was always the same. Being lectured on how you were the least successful of all of your siblings because you were a hair and makeup artist. Your career wasn’t worthy of note because it didn’t always pay the best, and couldn’t garner you much accolades. That is how your family defined success. 
Or it was until you were fortunate enough to work on a few very high profile jobs and started winning awards for your work. It was on your second high profile job that you ended up meeting your boyfriend. 
Rami was incredibly successful in his field, having won a ton of awards for his work, and your father absolutely loved him. You had successfully avoided having to bring him home with you for family holidays until your mom put her foot down and insisted. You had compromised and both of you agreed to go to dinner at your parents house on Christmas Eve. 
You had your reservations because your sister was a huge fan, and even though she was married that wouldn’t stop her from trying to flirt with him, and you were so nervous about it. Annabeth is quite a force to be reckoned with and has always gotten what she wanted, that’s why she was so successful as an attorney.
You stared at yourself in the mirror as you were putting your earrings on. Anxieties running through your head, all the ‘what ifs’ and years of self-doubt.
“Hey babe, you almost ready?” Rami asked, with a soft smile on his face. You watch his eyes drink in your appearance as he put his hands on your hips to pull you close to him. He rests his head on your shoulder and tightened his grip on you. “I love you, you know that. If you are worried about your sister, don’t be. I only have eyes for you.”
“I know it’s just that-”
“Nonsense” he interrupted, placing a kiss to your temple. His hands at your waist 
“You are the best you know that? I love you so much. I wish we could just skip all the familial obligations we are burdened with today, and just stay here, preferably in bed while we worship each other.”
“Me too. But a promise is a promise. If we didn’t show something tells me that your mother would drive her ass all the way across town and drag us both out of bed.”
You couldn’t help the laughter that escaped you because it was true. If you didn’t show up today she would do exactly that. 
“Alright Rami, I’m done, how do I look?” you ask, as you do a small spin around the bathroom. 
“You look fucking fantastic. I can’t wait to see this dress on the floor later with you under me screaming my name.” he smirked, as he places a chaste kiss to your red tinted lips.
“We are such horn dogs. Animals. Isn’t that what Sami called us the last time he was here? In my defense I was also nearly a bottle of wine deep into the evening, and I have always had a hard time keeping my hands to myself around you. By the way you look ravishing yourself and you smell so good. I seriously want to say fuck it and stay here to fuck your brains out.” you said, as you turned your body to face him, reaching up to run your fingers through his hair. Your hips pressing into his as you reach up to cup his face and capture his lips in a not so chaste kiss this time.
“Mmmmmm…” he hummed, clearly sharing in your line of thinking.
“Yes 'mmmmm’ is right babe. I want you so bad right now.” you whisper in his ear, your hands working their way down his body to cup him through the front of his dress pants.
He lets out a small whimper in response to your actions and his hips slightly buck into your hand and then he smirks devilishly against your mouth before his hand comes down on yours to gently remove your hand from his crotch.
“I know but we really should get going if we want to arrive close to the time we told your mom we would.” he replied, much to your chagrin. 
“Damn. I was hoping I could turn you on enough that you’d want to stay home.”
“Oh trust me baby, I’m really turned on right now, I’m hard as a rock, but a promise is a promise.” he winks as he had to adjust himself in his pants. 
“Ugh. You suck!” you stick your tongue out at him like a child.
He laughs,”Maybe, but you will definitely be sucking on something later.”
And God damn, if that statement didn’t make your panties nearly fly off your body.
The drive over to your parent’s house was bordering on torturous. He told you that you weren’t allowed to do anything about it, but his dirty talk in combination with the sexy natural huskiness of his voice was enough to nearly have you undone. 
“Can’t wait to see your beautiful eyes looking up at me as you suck my dick. Your lips stretched around me with your lipstick smeared all over your face and my cock. To watch your eyes nearly roll back in your head as I fuck you so hard you scream my name. And trust me, you will be screaming my name. I can’t wait to watch your body swallow my cock, to hear your moans filling the room, knowing that I’m the only one that ever gets to make you feel good.”
It took all the strength you had to not cum right there on the seats, your thighs rubbing together seeking some sort of friction.
“Fuck Rami, I’m soaked. We may have to go home just so I can change my outfit.” you whine, hoping that he’ll take the bait and turn the car around. 
“Nice try but it’s not happening.” 
You did the next best thing you could think of to try and incentivise him to turn around. You lift your hips and slide your panties down your legs, they were soaked, and when he stopped at a red light, you tossed them at him. You watch as they bounce of his gorgeous cheek and then land in his lap.
He raises a brow before he turned to you with a smirk,”You’ll pay for that.”
The wetness between your thighs just getting worse, and now you had no barrier to help hide the mess that you were making of yourself. 
“Gahhhh… I want you so fucking bad and you are...ugghhhh!! Why? Why are you so fucking stubborn?” 
His laughter loud as he reaches out to grab your hand. 
“You’ll get over it. A promise is a promise. What makes you think that I don’t want you just as bad right now anyway? I’m so turned on right now, and I really want nothing more than to pull over somewhere and fuck the shit out of you, but that is not in the cards for us at this moment in time. We have somewhere we absolutely need to be and we’re already late.”he informs you as his grip on your hand tightens. 
Less than fifteen minutes later you were pulling up outside your parent’s house and with a groan you force yourself out of the car. 
The inside of your parent’s house was a flurry of activity. Bodies moving in and out of the kitchen and a few kids running amuck in the house. Everyone in your family had already met Rami so there weren’t any awkward introductions that needed to be made. Offering to help your mom in the kitchen she gladly accepted. Rami tagged along just as eager to help even though your mom insisted that he go and hang out with guys.
You had no idea why Rami would offer to help in the kitchen but he follows orders well, so he was allowed to stay. All too quickly you ascertain exactly why he wanted to help so badly, and you kind of want to kill him for it, or at least fuck the shit out of him.
It starts casually as an ‘accidental’ touch here or there, a brush of your hands, but it escalates very quickly to full fledged groping whenever no one else was watching. The front of his body pressed against your back as he used the excuse that he needed to grab a dish out of the cupboard above your head. You seize the opportunity to grind your ass into his cock and he had to bite back a moan. 
His right hand ghosts its way down your body before settling on your hip where he firmly grips it and pulls you hard against him. The little shit has the audacity to begin to subtly thrust his hips against your ass, the reaction your body had to his almost caused you to drop the dish of mashed potatoes you were holding; biting your lip hard enough to nearly draw blood.
He leans down so that his mouth is about a centimeter from your ear, he whispers,”You are so sexy in that dress, I can’t wait to take it off of you in a few hours. I can’t wait to give it to you so good you won’t walk right tomorrow.”
You respond by turning your body around and capturing his lips in a searing kiss, your hips grinding into each others, soft moans leaving both of you, as your hands start roaming all over each other’s bodies. Both of you for a second completely forgetting where you are until you hear a voice that nearly makes your heart stop.
“God damn YN why the fuck would you do that in here?” you sister Annabeth complained.
“Fuck off Annabeth.” 
You pulled Rami closer as you bucked your hips into his, letting out a slightly over dramatic moan, as you continued to dry hump him against the kitchen counter. As it turns out, Rami is all for this game that is being played. Neither of you giving a fuck in this moment who sees what.
His lips find that sweet spot on your neck and you let out a whimper, as he sucks a mark into the tender flesh.
“YN, now everyone will know you are mine, just as I am yours.”
“God you two are fucking disgusting.” Annabeth complained again.
“And why are you still standing there? Doesn’t that make you feel like a perv for watching?” you pointed out. 
Just then your mom re-entered the kitchen and announced that it was time to serve dinner. The three of you were instructed to carry the various components of dinner to the formal dining room, which the three of you did without complaint.
Once everything was on the table and everyone had taken their seats at the table conversation quietly began before your dad had announced that he was going to say a prayer. Everyone held hands, except you and Rami because his left hand was resting on your thigh, his fingers ghosting upwards towards his target.
 His fingers find your core easily, and very quietly he says “fuck your soaked.” Slowly he inserts one then two fingers and starts to really move his hand. Your hips start to move against his hand and given how worked up you’ve been since you’d left home, you had to bite your tongue to stop the moan that threatened to leave your lips. His ministrations were so purposeful and skilled that it only took you a few minutes to feel your orgasm building to you nearly falling over the edge. You were so distracted enjoying the bliss you experiencing, trying not to make yourself obvious,you were unable to hear your father finish up the prayer.
Rami playful nudged you and realized why so you open your mouth, “Ahhh.. ahhh.. Amen.” you half moan, half stutter out.
His fingers still working you so deliciously, your body moments away from orgasm, you lean over and nip his ear before whispering,”Sinner.” His lips boldly find yours in the nick of time because he was able to swallow your quiet cries of pleasure and no one in your family was any wiser, except maybe your sister who looked as if she’d swallowed something bitter.
As dinner progressed and most of the adults were two or three glasses of wine deep, conversations became more interesting. Your sister was trying to engage Rami in conversation and trying not to get irritated with her attempts to flirt, while her husband sat oblivious next to her. He always has this amazing ability to handle everything with such grace, that he is easily able to deflect. Your stomach was full, your body warm with happiness and alcohol, and you start to watch Rami’s mouth when he speaks.
Your body already warm started to heat up, and you had started to rub your thighs together, when a thought popped into your head. He had you undone earlier, maybe it was your turn to repay the favor. 
You scoot your chair closer to Rami’s and you rest your head on his shoulder, his arm automatically snaking its way around you. Your man is so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off of him. The way his jaw and mouth move when he speaks, his ocean colored eyes bright, and his smile. God you wanted him so bad and when he looked down at you, he could clearly see the mischief in your eyes. You attempt to move your body closer to his, and he allows it, as you try to melt into him. 
Trying to be subtle, you start moving the hand closest to his body along his thigh, just feather light touches over the fabric of his dress pants. His conversation never stops as a few of your cousins had some questions for Rami. They were always the same kind of questions he usually gets but he never failed to give them a great answer. He shifts his hips under your hand, as you actually start to massage him through his pants, relishing in the way his body is so reactive to your touch. You just smile up at him, trying to look innocent as you hand finds its way to his belt. Your fingers begin the process of undoing his belt and opening his dress pants, as you slide your warm hand into his pants. He had to bite his lip to stop himself from making any noise as you grip him, sliding your thumb across his slit and coating his cock with his pre-cum, as you slowly move your hand up and down his cock. His hips shift again, as you work him, while wearing a smirk, hoping that he could maintain his conversations. 
His grip on your waist tightens as he fights to keep from making any noise, with your family still milling about, you were working him hard and fast, hoping to make this quick when your mom walks in and announces that it was time for presents.
Both of you let out a frustrated groan, as your eyes meet his. All you could do was shrug as you kept working him, “We’ll be there in a minute mom. Go ahead and start without us.”
Never once stopping what you were doing, your family files out of the formal dining room and gathers in the large living room. Feeling bold since everyone had left the room, you waste no time pulling him completely out of his pants, and begin to really work him. Not wanting to have to clean up the mess you slide out of your chair and onto your knees in front of him. 
He lets out a little gasp of shock as he sits back and watches you work. 
Taking him into your mouth, working him with your tongue as your hands begin to massage his balls. Looking up at him through your lashes you observe him biting his lip, forehead covered in a light layer of sweat, his eyes screwed shut, one of his hands ends fisting itself in your hair as his hips began to buck up, pushing himself further into your mouth. 
“Yessss baby… yess.. M’so close… yess.. Oh god baby your mouth… fuck... im gonna…..“ he cries out, just as you feel his hot cum down the back of your throat. 
Allowing him a few to come back down from his temporary high, you just sit on your knees between his legs, on the hardwood floor of your parent’s formal dining room.
His grip on your hair loosens and you casually stand up smoothing your dress over your hips. You lean forward and capture his lips for a sweet kiss. His hands reaching out for you before he pulls into his lap
“YN, I love you so much. That was hot, and thank you.” he says, his forehead pressed to yours. You wrap your arms around his neck as you just stare into each other's eyes for a few minutes, until your sister Annabeth decides to come barging in and yelling at you to hurry the fuck up.
Annabeth stops in her tracks and just looks shocked before her face screws up into disgust. “Seriously YN?! I can’t believe you, I expected better -”
“You know what Anna-Just shut the fuck up! Just stop! I’ve had enough of your fucking mouth. Just because you are bored with your life, because you did what our parents wanted you to do and didn’t follow your passions, you can stop being a fucking cunt to me. You are one of the main reasons I never come visit. You are just jealous because I followed my dreams, ended winning awards for my talents, and landed my dream man; you are stuck in a loveless, sexless marriage and working a job you have no passion for. For the love of God, just leave me alone. I don’t need your commentary on everything I choose to do in my life. So what, I got horny, and I just sucked my boyfriend off under the dinner table after Christmas dinner, how does my decision directly affect or hurt you?” you spat, trying to keep your voice low. You didn’t want to draw the rest of your family to the dining room.
Anna just looked shocked as she spun on her heel and rushed out of the dining room.
Rami still sitting in his chair with you in his lap, just wrapped his arms around your briefly and murmured how proud he was of you in your ear, the fingers of his left hand coming up to card through your hair, and his right hand resting on your back holding you close. He knew that your sister was always the most critical of you and you had shared with him that you suspected it was just because she was jealous. 
Your mom entered the dining room again and stood observing the two of you. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth before she quietly said, “Look I know you two are very much in love and it is really hard to keep your hands to yourselves, but if you could please get yourselves put back together and join the rest of us for presents. The littles are mostly done opening all their stuff and we’d love for all of the adults to be actually in the room for the gift exchanging.”
As soon as your mom walks away both of you descended into a fit of giggles. You climbing off his lap as he tucked himself back into his pants. You leaning in to help him refasten his pants and belt. Both of you peppering each others faces with small kisses. 
“God baby I want to just say ‘fuck it’ and fuck you right  on your parent’s dining room table.”
“Yessssss…. God I want you to so badly, but you heard my mom. She WILL come back here every three minutes until we join them.”
Once you were both satisfied that you both had readjusted, retucked, and smoothed yourselves out you made one last stop to take a look in the mirror in the dining room for a final check.
“Oh my God Rami my lipstick!”
He just laughs out loud and grabs a napkin from the pile that had been left on the buffet. He gently wipes the smeared lipstick off and even though it may have made the rest of your makeup a little splotchy you didn’t care. 
“Don’t worry about reapplying it right now love. Let’s just get out there.” Rami says with a smile, as he grabs a hold of your hand, giving it a firm squeeze.
Finding that there was only one spot left to sit you told Rami to sit on the couch, while you sat just below him between his legs. Your dad acting as ‘Santa’ and handing out everyone’s gifts while the children ran around playing with their new toys.
After all the gifts have been opened and everyone’s stuff was neatly stacked in piles by the front door, everyone headed back into the formal dining room for dessert. Of course your mom had gone all out, you felt it was partially to impress Rami at his first family Christmas with you; she’d made eight different kinds of pies, two traditional Christmas desserts, cake with ice cream, and a giant bowl of homemade whipped cream.
“Mom that’s enough to feed four times as many people as we have here right now.” you point out.
She shrugs and just smiles, “More for you kiddies to take home and enjoy later.”
You took over for your mom trying to give her a break, serving everyone up their chosen desserts before choosing your own and taking your seat next to Rami. The wine everyone had consumed earlier was really showing now. People’s bodies were much more relaxed, and conversation flowed much easier than it had earlier. Rami had his chair pulled close to the table deeply engrossed in a conversation with your brother, between bites of his dessert. Your chair was angled toward his with your feet currently resting in his lap, as you leaned back barely touching your dessert.
You were resting your head against the back of your chair just watching Rami talk. He’s so animated, especially when he’s really passionate about something, his body really comes alive while he speaks. His hands gesturing wildly as he continues on about whatever, before you feel his left hand come to rest on your calf. 
His fingers lazily drawing little patterns on your skin, which instantly causes your body to shudder, your flesh now covered in goosebumps. His conversation showing no signs of slowing but he does turn his head towards you give you a smile. That smile, the smile, as his fingers continue moving against your skin. You pull your leg away from his body, and he shoots you a look of confusion, before he realizes what you are doing. 
Standing up, you set your dessert plate on the table, and slide your chair across the floor closer to his, your chair still angling towards him. You drape your right leg over his lap this position leaving your body very open to whatever he has planned.
His fingers resume their little dance across your leg, as they slowly make their way up to the apex of your thighs. As soon as they’ve reached their intended destination he wastes no time, his fingers finding your clit, and with a flick you let out a little squeak and nearly fall out of your chair. 
He shoots you a look of mock concern, as he continues moving his fingers. He only stops to pull his fingers away from your clit for just a quick second so that he could adjust his position in his chair, as a couple of his fingers slide their way into your slick folds, his thumb finding your clit again. 
You were biting your lip to keep from letting out a loud moan, as he continues pumping his fingers in and out of you, before he curled his fingers into a 'come hither motion inside of you. Hitting your g spot and instantly sent you over the edge. As you open your mouth to let out a scream, he shoves a forkful of his pie into your mouth. Staring at him in wide eyed shock, you end up moaning around the pie in your mouth, as you clench around his fingers, your orgasm a small but powerful one.
A few members of your family look at your a bit curiously before the little shit opens his mouth instead,”She really likes pie. I can’t say I blame her, it’s really delicious.”
You watch him as he leans forward and licks the corner of your mouth, before he brings his fingers to his lips and sucks his fingers clean.
“Jeez YN, you really are a messy eater, aren't you?” he grins.
“The messiest baby, the messiest.” 
You lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder as he leans down to whisper in your ear again. 
“Wanna get out of here? I can’t wait to get you home and finally out of that dress. I want my cock buried in you within the next hour or I might combust.”
You slowly nod your head as stand up to prepare to start saying your goodbyes to your family. Your dad helping you to carry some leftovers and your gifts out to the car. A few more hugs and kisses later, you two were finally in the car headed home.
“God Rami, I want you so bad. This has been a long afternoon and evening- I just want you to fuck me so bad. I’m feeling insatiable, a little slut just for you.”
His laughter loud in the car as he beams at you.
“I’m feeling the same way my love, trust me though. I’m going to give it to you so good when we get home. Oh, your panties in my pocket, they still aren’t dry.”
Your mouth almost hits the floor as you had completely forgotten about your panties, or rather lack of.
Holiday traffic was surprisingly light and you made it home in record time. That could have been because Rami was driving well over the speed limit and he may have run a red light or two in his own eagerness to get you home so that he can ravish you the way he was absolutely dying to.
He was insistent that at least you bring the food that your mom had sent home with you into the house before you took off towards the bedroom. Since he’s the one that had the food you beat him there, and was in the process of trying to pull your dress off when you felt him come up behind you.
His hands grasped your zipper and slowly lowered it, sliding the straps of your dress off your shoulders, silently watching your dress pool at your feet. Stepping out of your shoes you turn your body to face him. 
“So beautiful,” he murmured, his hands coming up to cup your face. Your lips meet and the kiss started softly but quickly turned into a deep passionate one, his fingers in your hair. Your body always responsive to his, your hands on his hips pulling him closer to you. Feeling his erection straining against his pants, you find your fingers fumbling to undo his belt in your haste to have him fuck you as he had promised earlier in the afternoon. 
He pulls your hands away and sheds his clothing at lightning speed, his cock bouncing as it was finally freed for only the second time today from the constraints of his pants. 
The hungry look on his face had your pussy quivering with excitement as his hands shove you hard causing you to stumble and land on your back on your mattress. You two had had enough teasing today and you were both eager to just finally be able to join as one. 
His body slinking up yours between your open legs, he takes himself in his hand as guides himself to your entrance. Letting out your first unrestrained moan of the day as he slides himself into you until he is bottomed out. He looks down and watches himself disappear into you, before he pulls back and almost completely out of you, then slides himself back into you. His breathy moan was so hot that you involuntarily clenched around him and he hissed. 
“Keep that up baby and I won’t last more than five seconds.”
“God Rami, fucking move. I can’t take this anymore, I just want you to fuck me. Make me scream like you promised.”
He says nothing but he slams himself into you hard and you did scream. His hips slamming into yours hitting your G spot every time, and with each thrust of his hips you claw at the sheets. Rami’s large hands find their way to your hips, his grip bruising as fucks into you at a brutal pace.
Your breath coming in short ragged pants, as you bring your hands up to his neck trying to hold on as he fucks you hard. Your legs acting on their accord have wrapped themselves around his waist, which subtly changed the angle, and you can feel yourself already rushing towards an orgasm.
Incoherent ramblings spilling from your lips as he continues to fuck you, your head thrown back, fingers clawing at his shoulders when you feel that pleasure starting in the pit of your stomach. 
“Ohhhhhh fuckkkkkkkk…..yesssssssss…. Godddddddd yessssss…. Ramiiiiiiii...  I’m gonna… oh fuck… RAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII” you scream as your walls clench and unclench around his cock. 
Screaming his name out, you feel his hips begin to slow as he follows you into O-Town, your name being the only thing leaving his lips, as his eyes were screwed tightly shut. You can feel his warm essence spill into you, his hips still moving as he rides out his orgasm.
You both collapse back onto the bed, chests heaving, tightly wrapped in each others arms. Your right hand coming up to card your fingers through his sweat soaked hair, as your lips find his for a soft kiss, with you both pressed forehead to forehead. 
“God baby I love you so much.” 
“I love you too.” was his response. 
“Merry Christmas my love. I hope you had a great day today, because I know I did.” you smile softly at him your face now buried in his chest, as his fingers run down your back lazily drawing little patterns over your sweaty skin.
“Me too. We still have to go spend Christmas with my family tomorrow though. Are you prepared for that?” he asks, voice tinged with amusement. 
“Well if it is anything like today, I’m sure I’ll be just fine.” you half heartedly laugh out. 
“I’m sure arrangements can be made, though I’m not sure my brother would appreciate it.”
 @mrhoemazzello​ @xmxisxforxmaybe​ @itsme690​ @txmel​ @theultraviolencefan​ @ramimedley​ @r-ahh-mi​ @doing-all-write​ @mezzomercury​
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esquissers · 5 years
                                  ◟ believe   it   or   not   ,   i   am   indeed   a   mess   &   unfortunately   ,   you   are   being   introduce   to   me   sFKSDFJ   .   in   all   seriousness   ,   i'm   cc   ,   nineteen   from   the   cst   tz   with   she   /   her   preferred   pronouns   .   this   is   a   new   muse   that   i've   pulled   a   little   bit   of   inspo   from   other   muses   ,   but   i'm   trying   :)   something   :)   (   not   )   new   !   pip   is   a   cute   lil   nickname   but   she's   ...   not   cool   ,   to   say   the   least   .   pls   LIKE   this   if   you'd   like   to   plot   &   i'll   come   to   you   ,   or   ,   lmk   if   you   prefer   plotting   on   d*scord   !
Tumblr media
                                           stats  /  wanted  connections  /  pinterest
━━ (   jung   jinsoul   +   cis   female   +   twenty-one   )   oi   ,   have   you   seen   philippa   ‘pip’   bae   around   ?   she   lives   in   flat   17   in   bedroom   4   ?   i   was   meant   to   meet   them   this   morning   at   bean   me   up   before   our   lecture   but   she   didn’t   show   .   no   ?   well   ,   shit   .   if   you   do   see   them   ,   can   you   tell   them   i’m   looking   for   them   ?   they’re   a   3rd   year   architecture   student   from   nafplio   ,   greece   &   you’ll   know   it’s   them   because   they   might   just   remind   you   of   gold   framed   glasses   left   in   the   library   ,   playing   the   sims   on   your   laptop   during   lectures   ,   a   wall   full   of   half-finished   pencil   sketches   ,   lemon   water   ,   climbing   onto   rooftops   &   the   dream   of   building   something   better   if   that   helps   at   all.just   be   careful   ,   she   can   be   a   little   machiavellan   ,   hubristic   &   arriviste   sometimes   .   —-   oh   don’t   look   like   that   ,   they’re   usually   erudite   ,   habile   &   tactical   most   of   the   time   .
𝓲.     𝕒𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕘𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥   .
full   name   :   philippa  bae  /  bae  soo  ah  nickname(s) :   pip  ,  suah  ,  pippa age   :  twenty  -  one gender   /   pronouns  :  cis  gendered   female   /   she  /  her  /  hers sexuality   :  bisexual  /  biromantic hometown   : nafplio   ,   greece major   :   architecture inspo  :  annabeth  chase  ,  regina  george  ,  macey  mchenry faceclaim :  jung  jinsoul
fun facts : doesn’t   talk   about   her   dad   but   will   mention   every   chance   she   gets   that   he’s   ex   mi6   ,   can   speak   almost   six   languages   but   doesn’t   speak   any   of   them   ...   u   know   ?   ,   major   abandonment   issues   &   for   what   ,   can   whistle   for   hours   without   stopping   ,   carries   around   multiple   sketchbooks   on   her  person   at   all  times   ,   is   mean  :(   takes   out   unresolved   anger   on   everyone  around   her  ,   got   kicked   out   of   the   library   her   first   year   for   starting   a   fight   with   a   librarian   ,   loud   opinions   ;   mean   words   ,   is   really   good   at   drawing   /   painting   but   only   Sketches   because   painting   is   reserved   for   ‘   pure   inspiration   ’   ,   should   be   an   art   major  but   doesn’t   think   she   needs   a   degree  in   drawing
aesthetic :  drowning   just   below   the   surface   of   an   ice   cold   river   ,   being   unable   to   hear   the   birds   chirping   in   the   morning   due   to   the   irrevocable   anger   ,   breaking   pencils   because   you’re   pressing   down   too   hard   ,   wind   so   cold   it   feels   like   it’s   cutting   into   skin   ,   a   lone   glacier   wandering   the   abandoned   waters   ,   a   forgotten   lighthouse   in   the   wreckage   of   ships   it   failed   to   protect   &   friends   are   family   despite   the   way   you   treat   them   .
𝓲𝓲.     𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕝𝕖   .
mom   doesn’t   get   much   of   an   explanation   ,   why   her   lover   swerves   in   &   out   of   her   life   so   jarringly   .   instead   ,   she’s   given   a   child   ,   someone   that   looks   a   lot   like   the   suave   man   who   visits   every   few   months   from   business   &   tells   her   that   she   loves   her   .   he’s   the   first   one   to   call   philippa   ‘   pip   ’   &   it   only   sticks   because   she   lets   it   ,   even   if   she   hates   the   name   almost   as   much   as   she   hates   him   .
pip   loves   her   dad   ,   maybe   a   bit   more   than   the   upset   mom   who   always   watches   over   her   &   ruins   her   fun   .   dad   ,   he   teaches   her   different   languages   &   how   to   find   a   killer   on   the   big   ,   intricate   maps   he   brings   homes   .   he’s   the   one   to   gift   her   a   sketchbook   &   a   box   of   special   pencils   ,   the   one   to   encourage   her   to   build   a   world   made   of   lead   &   her   imagination   .
he   doesn’t   stay   for   too   long   ever   ,   but   he   always   returns   &   she   always   waits   for   him   dutifully   .   mom   knows   now   ,   but   she   won’t   tell   pip   anything   .   all   she   does   is   make   sure   pip   knows   how   to   fight   dirty   &   how   to   make   sure   her   underhand   stings   .   ‘   women   fight   differently   ,   soo   ah   ,   ’   she   tells   pip   .   ‘   your   dad   –   you’re   different   from   him   .   you   have   to   learn   things   differently   .   ’
there’s   only   so   much   mom   can   put   up   with   .   pip   wakes   up   one   day   to   find   a   note   from   her   mom   (   written   in   korean   ,   the   one   language   she   struggles   with   learning   despite   her   ancestry   )   that   reads   that   she’s   gone   .   she’s   done   &   that   her   dad   brings   too   much   into   her   life   that   she   can’t   deal   with   .   he’s   not   the   man   she   thought   she   loved   ;   &   apparently   ,   neither   was   pip   .   she   wasn’t   enough   for   her   mom   .
pip   learns   quickly   she’s   not   enough   for   her   dad   ,   either   .   thirteen   years   old   ,   multi-lingual   &   left   in   the   world   on   her   own   .   dad   sends   money   &   he   sends   letters   ,   mostly   though   ,   he   sends   empty   promises   .   ‘   i   promise   you’ll   understand   one   day   .   i   promise   i’ll   explain   .   i   promise   i   love   you   .   ’   but   he   doesn’t   show   up   &   he   doesn’t   come   to   collect   .   he   sends   her   a   passport   &   tells   her   to   live   the   way   she   wants   .
online   ,   she   finds   a   good   enough   school   that’ll   get   her   where   she   wants   to   go   in   the   future   .   she   completes   courses   while   running   from   a   past   she   doesn’t   know   anything   about   .   strangers   ask   her   where   her   parents   are   ,   she   learns   how   to   lie   .   men   ask   her   how   old   she   is   ,   she   learns   how   to   con   them   into   working   for   her   .   women   ask   her   why   she   isn’t   love   ,   she   learns   how   to   wage   wars   &   win   .
seventeen   ,   pip   has   spent   time   all   around   europe   on   her   own   .   her   dad   still   sends   money   ,   but   he   doesn’t   send   letters   anymore   .   she   stopped   replying   a   while   ago   ,   but   he   still   signs   the   bank   statements   with   a   heart   .   on   her   ‘   graduation   ’   day   ,   she   gets   a   gift   in   the   mail   –   a   sketchbook   ,   a   box   of   special   pencils   &   a   letter   –   explaining   everything   .  
dad’s   a   spy   ,   he’s   dangerous   &   lethal   &   he   has   enemies   that   don’t   know   of   her   existence   .   mom   was   paranoid   &   abandoned   ,   left   to   her   own   devices   so   she   left   .   he   tells   her   everything   except   why   he   never   came   to   get   her   ,   why   his   life   was   more   important   than   hers   &   why   he   didn’t   love   her   enough   .   she   burns   the   letter   ,   along   with   her   sketch   of   him   .
she   forgets   what   he   looks   like   ,   she   forgets   what   mom   looks   like   &   she   rids   her   mind   of   them   .   eighteen   &   in   paris   ,   accepting   her   dad’s   gracious   checks   (   which   ,   shouldn’t   be   made   on   a   spy’s   salary   ,   but   she   won’t   complain   )   when   she   decides   it’s   time   to   go   back   .   one   year   wasted   ,   she’s   spent   in   paris   drinking   wine   &   bedding   lovers   .  
small   town   ,   obscure   location   &   a   good   reputation   .   larnswick   university   welcomes   her   in   with   open   arms   &   there’s   her   fresh   start   ,   even   if   her   past   will   never   get   away   from   her   .
𝓲𝓲𝓲.     𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟   .
exterior   .   she’s   ruthless   ,   a   wolf   loved   by   a   silent   god   of   war   that   watches   her   fight   battles   .   raised   by   a   silent   war   ,   she   knows   that   in   order   to   get   things   done   ,   she   has   to   make   the   first   move   .   outgoing   ,   courageous   &   always   prepared   ,   pip’s   nothing   short   of   a   monstrous   war   general   ,   comparable   to   hurricanes   that   rip   land   apart   because   it’s   in   the   way   .   blunt   ,   sharp   &   cutting   ,   she’s   no   stranger   to   fighting   dirty   &   hurting   with   words   .   any   words   can   be   used   to   describe   her   ,   except   maybe   civil   ,   or   kind   ,   or   gentle   .
interior   .   lonely   &   a   little   bit   scared   of   an   earth   that   never   wanted   her   .   when   is   it   going   to   open   up   ,   take   her   away   because   she   doesn’t   really   belong   ?   always   the   one   to   end   things   so   she   doesn’t   get   hurt   ,   she’s   never   vulnerable   because   that’ll   end   badly   .   non   committal   ,   it’s   surprising   she’s   stayed   in   this   place   for   too   long   –   she’s   spent   five   years   of   her   teenagehood   running   from   place   to   place   .   selfish   &   cunning   ,   pip   comes   first   ,   because   that’s   what   she’s   learned   to   do   to   survive   .
midway   .   talented   ,   tactical   &   intelligent   .   there’s   a   lot   of   talent   in   her   fingers   ,   the   ability   to   mimic   life   with   a   few   pencil   strokes   .   she   possesses   a   need   to   build   something   permanent   ,   something   better   than   the   life   she’s   lived   &   she   doesn’t   know   why   ,   she   doesn’t   know   if   it’ll   bring   her   joy   –   perhaps   just   buying   a   cottage   by   the   sea   will   fulfill   her   life   .   pip   is   talented   ,   gifted   by   apollo   &   cursed   by   ares   .
𝓲𝓿.     𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟   .
                                 ◟ uwu   ,   tysm   for   reading   this   my   favorite   people   !   all   my   wc   are   on   the   page   linked   above   ,   but   if   nothing   strikes   u   we   love   brainstorming   in   this   house   !   love   u   all   &   can't   wait   to   write   /   plot   w   u   !
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Our Songs - A Solangelo Fanfic
Summary: Alternate Universe. Will was a famous pop singer who has released an album, and some of the singles from that album topped the chart for a couple of weeks. Nico was an indie musician who played guitar and piano and he didn’t really care about what is happening in the entertainment industry. For him, it’s the music that mattered. Not who sang it. One night, probably the stars up above were aligned, or simply it was just fate, but they met.
(Rating: Teenage and Up Audiences || read on AO3)
Chapter 1: The Night They Met
Chapter Summary:  Nico was in the middle of working on a new song in his favorite coffee shop when Hazel called him. Leaving in a rush, he forgot his notebook and left it in the coffee shop. Will found the notebook.
Author’s Notes:
Ever since Troye Sivan dyed his hair into platinum blond, I can't stop thinking about this AU where Will was a singer (and yeah in this imaginary world in my head Will sang Troye's songs). I ended up writing a bulleted list of my headcanon about this idea, at first simply just to get it out of my system (because damn it I have papers to work on!) and posted it here. But apparently, I got quite some responses? So I was like, heck whatever, let's give it a try. And as most of the songs that will make appearances here are song from Troye Sivan, there would be some other songs from other musician/artist.
All the lyrics quoted in this fic belongs to the writer of the songs.
Despite the fact that I have to listen to music whenever I am doing anything, I am tone deaf, I can't sing at all, and the knowledge that I have about song writing process and music industry is next to nothing. So I do apologize for any mistakes and inaccuracies. 
Nico pulled the door and walked in. It was past 9 in the evening already, so there were only a few people in the coffee shop. Jason looked up at him and waved with a smile.
“Hey, Neeks! What can I get you tonight?” He asked as he walked to the register behind the counter.
Nico gave him a half-smile. “Just a medium flat white, please.”
“Sure thing,” Jason nodded as he punched in Nico’s order in the register.
Nico inserted his card into the card-reader and waited until the screen told him to take out his card.
“Okay, it will be right up in a minute,” Jason said.
“Oh, and Nico? I love your latest video.”
“Thanks.”  Nico smiled. He tilted his head a bit to the left. “Do you like the song, or you like that Piper was the one singing it.”
How the red color creeping in into Jason’s cheeks was already enough as an answer.
Jason cringed. “Uh. Both.”
Nico smirked at him. “Really?” He asked Jason, a bit teasingly. “I’ll let Piper know that you like her…voice.’
The blush on Jason’s cheeks was even darker now as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh. Thanks.” Then he straightened his back and smiled. “But really. I mean it. That song is really nice, Neeks. “
Nico’s lips curled up into a smile. “Thanks,” he said. “I really appreciate it.”
“You really don’t want to take it to another level? Seriously, you should try sending your demo tape to some recording companies.”
Nico ran a hand through his hair. It was not the first time he had someone giving him a suggestion along that line.
“Maybe. One day. But not soon,” he said. Truth was, it was not something that Nico was aiming for. At least not now.  He liked music. He liked putting in his thoughts into words, creating a melody that he thought fit with the words. But to be a part where music was heavily industrialized? Not something that Nico was crazy about, to say the least.
“Yeah. But with your talent, I’d say it’s something that you should think about,” Jason said. “Lots of artists started as YouTuber, you know.”
Nico chuckled. “Yeah. Maybe it’s their path.”
To be honest, Nico didn’t really think himself as a real YouTuber. It was Piper, his childhood friend, who first made him upload videos of his songs on YouTube. Piper herself had already had her own vlog channel for a few years. She had thousands of followers, who seemed to enjoy Piper’s various content, ranging from makeup tutorial, her reviews on books or her covering some love songs (well, Piper had a great voice, that’s something that Nico would totally agree, that’s why sometimes Nico asked her to sing the songs that he wrote to be uploaded to his own channel). And whenever Annabeth made a special performance on her video, the number of people who liked the video seemed to increase.
So one day, a little bit over a year ago, Nico sat in his living room, Reyna holding a camera to record him singing and playing his guitar. Even though she complained about how Nico let his hair fell on his face, covering almost half of it, Piper kept on pestering him to upload the video. So that’s what Nico did. He uploaded the video without any expectation, other than hoping that Piper would leave him alone after that.
Piper didn’t.
In fact, shortly after Nico uploaded that damn video, Piper uploaded a new video on her channel, rambling about how she had this awesome talented friend, who just started his own channel, providing a link to his video on the description. And well, Piper was Piper. There was just something alluring about her that made people tend to do what she said.
So people came to check his video. And much to Nico’s surprise, apparently it wasn’t that bad? But to be honest, if it wasn’t for a comment from someone who said that the song that Nico wrote and sang really touched them and made them feel better about what they’re going through, Nico wouldn’t have uploaded more videos. That comment made Nico realize that through his songs that he wrote and uploaded, he could somehow help people without meeting or even seeing them to make them feel better, even for just a little bit. Hey, even just a bit better than nothing, right? And it was a concept that Nico found really appealing.
“It could be your path too,” Jason said.
Nico shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe. One day. But not in the near future.”
He turned around and made his way to his favorite spot in the coffee shop, the one in the corner where he could spend hours just writing whatever that comes to his mind that he thought he could develop more into new songs. Sometimes when he had his guitar with him, he would also record some melodies into his phone.
Nico sat on the comfortable chair, and took out a small black notebook. He brought it with him everywhere as it’s where he wrote his ideas.
“Working on a new song?” Jason asked as he placed a carton cup in front of Nico.
Nico hummed as he wrote a new line that just crossed his mind.
“Good luck with that. I’m sure it will be great,” Jason said.
Nico looked up and returned Jason’s smile.
“Thanks,” he said.
Jason nodded and left him.
Nico bit his lower lip as he stared at the lines that he just wrote. He crossed the word great, and wrote grand instead right above the crossed word.
He got so absorbed in it, and it was his phone going off that jolted him back to reality. He slid his hand on the screen and picked his phone up.
“Yes, Hazel?”
“Nico? Can you… uhm… come over?”
Nico knew that his half-sister only used that tone when something happened.
“Sure,” Nico said, quickly stood up and grabbed his jacket. “I’m in The Oracle now so I’ll be there in like… 15 or 20 minutes?”
He could hear the relieved sigh at the other end of the line as he gulped now-cold drink from his cup.
“Oh, thank you, Neeks. Frank is visiting his grandma in Canada, so I don’t know who else to call.”
“Hm. What happened?” Nico said, already walking to the door.
“Leo had this crazy idea-“
Nico groaned as he threw his empty cup to the bin. He half-heartedly waved at Jason and pushed the door. Of course. Of course it was Leo.
“What did he do this time?” Nico asked as he walked out of the coffee shop.
Will looked up to the sky above him. There was a nostalgic feeling as he looked up, thinking of those good old days back in his hometown in Tennessee, where the sky was bright because of the stars, not because of the lights from neon lamps like here in New York City. Will let out a sigh as he looked around. It was almost eleven at night, but New York City never slept. Sure, it was not as busy as in the daytime, but there were people walking around him, going wherever they were going to, bringing along the stories of their lives with them as they walked.
Will kept on walking slowly, somehow reminiscing the days when he was just a boy in a small town in Tennessee, recording himself covering some popular songs and uploaded them on YouTube.
It felt like it was just last week, while in reality, he’s been here in NYC for almost two years now. Who would have known that one of his subscribers was the daughter of one of the CEOs in a recording company? Who would have known that those videos he uploaded would lead him released an album last year?
Will sighed and stopped in front of a coffee shop. He looked up at the sign, reading the words “The Oracle” printed in purple colors over green background. Will just realized that ever since he moved to his apartment, just two blocks away, he had passed this coffee shop for a couple of times, but never tried to walk in. He peeked through the window. The coffee shop looked quite comfortable, with warm orange lighting. Will checked the opening hours and pleasantly surprised to see that the coffee shop would open until 2 AM.
He walked in to door and walked in. A tall blond guy with a pair of glasses looked up at him from the book that he was reading. He smiled at Will as he slid down from the stool. Will made his way to the register where the blond guy was standing now.
“Hey, what can I get you tonight?”
Will glanced at the name tag that the blond had on his chest, and read it.
Will smiled at him, feeling somehow grateful that this Jason guy didn’t seem to recognize him.
“Can I get a cappuccino, please?”
“Sure,” Jason punched in his order. Will paid for his order, then turned around. He gazed around, trying to decide where to sit while waiting. Then he saw a table in the corner with two chairs that looked comfortable. Without really thinking about it, he made his way there.
Will pulled one of the chairs to sit on it when his eyes caught something on the floor, below the table. Brows furrowing down a little, he picked it up.
A little black notebook. Will sat down on the chair and opened the book. Maybe the owner had some contact information, so he could tell them that they left the notebook here. Or maybe he could just tell Jason then someone left it.
The first page of the notebook was blank, so Will flipped on to the next page. Some words were written there into a couple of lines. Some of the lines were quite wordy while the other only had one or two words. Out of curiosity, Will read the words.
Something funny pulled his heart.
Whoever it was who wrote this, they were a wonderful writer.
It was like a poetry. A poetries that talk about being tired of waiting for something unknown, about couldn’t take the frustration any longer.
Will reread the words again.
Tired of all this waiting Can’t you see I’m bleeding? That I’m barely moving How much can I lose before my time is through? Everybody’s watching e verything I'm doing Am I just a fraud?
Will opened the next page, and found other lines like that. Another lines that really touched his heart.
A part of him telling him that he should stop reading, as it looked like something really personal. But another part of him wanting to read more. And this part of him was much stronger.
Will flipped the pages quickly, and stopped at the last page that held the writing.
He read the lines that written there. Some of the words were crossed out, a new word written above each of them.
Will read it, and felt strangely breathless.
The lines were beautiful.
Will was still having half of his mind on the words that he was just reading when he looked up to where the voice came from. So he was not ready at all to see that the voice came from a guy with black hair with a pair of dark eyes. And dear God, this guy was beautiful.
There was something like a conflicted expression on the guy’s face. Like he wanted to be mad at Will but at the same time, he did not really want to.
“Uh,” the guy pushed away some hair that fell over his forehead. “That is my notebook.”
Will’s eyes darted to the book that he was still holding, then back to the guy in front of him.
“This is yours?”
The guy nodded. “Yeah.”
“These words are really beautiful!” Will blurted out.
The guy in front of him blushed instantly. “Uh… Thanks?” he said, sounding somehow unsure.
“Are they poetries?”
The guy bit his lower lip as he stared at Will, like he was contemplating about what he should think of Will. After one or two seconds, the guy huffed.
“Kind of,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck as he gazed down to the floor. They are actually… Uhm.. Song lyrics.”
Will’s eyes widened. “Are you freaking kidding me? You write your own songs?”
The guy lifted his gaze back to Will and nodded. “Yeah,” he said, half-mumbling.
“Me too!” Will exclaimed excitedly.
The guy arched an eyebrow at Will, and he looked slightly surprised. “Really?”
Will nodded repeatedly. As he pulled his phone out from his pocket. “Yeah. So you know, sometimes the lyrics come to me or sometimes it’s just the melody so I used this app to record…you know… stuff and everything so I can work on them later on,” Will rambled as he fiddled with his phone, opening the app that he was talking about. The guy peeked at Will’s screen.
“Hey! I use that too sometimes!”
Will looked up at him. “You have your stuff with you? Can I listen to it?”
The guy arched up his lips into a small smile. “Only if you’re also going to tell me about your stuff.”
Will grinned. “Sure thing.”
He stretched his hand to the dark-haired guy. “And I am Will, by the way.”
“Nico,” the guy took his hand and shook it. “Nico di Angelo.”
It was almost unfair that his name, di Angelo, really suited him, Will thought to himself as Nico pulled the chair across of him and took a sit.
“So, Nico,” Will said, leaning forward a little. “Do you, by any chance have any recording or whatever for this one?” Will asked, pushing Nico’s notebook towards him, opened on the page with the first lines in that book that Will had read.
“Oh, Stronger? Yeah, let me pull that one up,” Nico said as he fished his phone out from his pocket.
Will watched as Nico fiddled with his phone. He wondered, maybe up there, the stars were aligned. And maybe that was why he came into this coffee shop. Maybe that was why he found the small notebook. Maybe that was why he met Nico.
Additional Notes:
The lyrics quoted in this chapter is from the song Stronger by Fyfe
Likes, reblog, comments or whatever form of feedbacks are highly appreciated because for unknown reasons I feel excited yet really nervous about this fic 
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loisinherlane · 7 years
Title: Types of Love (Chapter 2) (AO3)
Summary: Nico lowered his eyes to his bedspread, suddenly acutely aware that he hadn’t replaced his Mythomagic comforter when he’d moved out of his dad’s house. He’d been too lazy to buy another, especially since his was still perfectly good. His soulmates usually thought it was kind of funny. His romantic partners, if they ever made it inside of Nico’s bedroom, knew Nico was a nerd and expected no less. At this moment, Nico wished he had something a little nicer. His cheeks grew red, stomach fluttering in that pleasant way only Will could give him, and for a moment, he considered the idea that Will might return his feelings.
But he should have known better. They were soulmates. Will just got up and left.//
In a world where romance means less than friendships, Nico falls in love with his platonic soulmate Will Solace and complicates his whole life.
Notes: Forgive me for any errors in this chapter. I didn't have time to edit too extensively with the posting schedule I put myself on. (Why did my dumb ass schedule an update during finals week?) Anyway, this girl is Dying, so I'll just post and disappear for a bit. Hope you guys like it anyway.
Wednesday, December 6th, 2017
Nico didn’t take Jason’s advice.
Well, he didn’t call the Chase-Jacksons. He didn’t know them. He didn’t even know if Jason had mentioned him and his dilemma. It would have been too weird, especially when this was a problem he could solve. All he had to do was get to Will, and things would be fine.
He let Will calm down for a few days more, and then he decided to swing by his apartment after work. That would be fine, he assured himself. He knew Will’s schedule like the back of his hand. He would be home then, and they could have a quick talk, and everything would go back to normal. Will would be his soulmate (nothing else, half of his brain whispered with a sharp longing for the curve of Will’s lips, his freckles, the way his calves stretched when he walked).
The motivation to keep from losing Will entirely stayed strong through the day, and by the time he parked down the street from Will’s apartment, Nico was solid in his resolve. This was what was best. He had to see him. It had to be okay.
Will, Cecil, and Lou Ellen didn’t exactly live on the high side of town like Nico and Hazel. Nico didn’t like to stand outside their door too long, especially with that pale, beady-eyed neighbor of theirs. When he knocked once, he waited five minutes. Then he knocked again. He peeked around the side of the building to the resident parking lot. Will’s car was there. So was Lou’s. Why weren’t they answering? It was only 6:04. Will especially took a while to wind down after a shift. There was no way he would have walked in and crashed on the couch. He was up. Why wasn’t he answering?
Nico lowered his eyes to the peephole in the middle of the doorframe. Oh.
He knocked again. After another minute, the door finally cracked open, and Lou Ellen Blackstone, 5’ nothing, skinny as can be, leaned to block the entrance.
“Nico,” she said, in a tone that she probably thought was neutral enough to keep him from suspecting anything.
“I want to see Will,” he said.
“Will’s not home,” she said. A shuffle from inside the apartment echoed to the door. She glanced back in concern before snapping her gaze back to Nico. “Can I take a message?”
“Since when do you take messages, Lou?”
Lou Ellen raised her chin defiantly. “Since I decided to be nice. Do you have an issue with that, Nico?” She crossed her arms and stretched up. So she was pissed. Probably on Will’s behalf. What the hell had he told her?
Nico clenched his teeth together. “Y ou have an issue with me. Lou, I just want to talk to Will. I don’t think that’s asking for much. Is he really so upset that he can’t even answer the door?”
Lou didn’t answer. She tellingly glanced back behind her.
Nico leaned a little closer to the door. “Will, I’m sorry! But this is kind of pathetic. We’re soulmates. We’re supposed to be able to talk to each other. Are you really going to hide in there behind your soulmates?”
If Lou Ellen had felt any sympathy for Nico, not that she’d shown it, it all disappeared. “What makes you think you have the right to see him right now? Will is not pathetic. You know that you-- You can’t blame him for being upset,” she said.
Nico’s shoulders slumped. “I’m not. I just--” He needed to see him. He needed to fix it.
Lou’s magenta lips stretched into a grimace. “If you didn’t live with Hazel, I’d punch you right now. Good night, Nico.”
Thursday, December 12th, 2013
Nico would be the first to admit he’d fallen asleep in a student lounge before. He’d spent four years at this university, and he’d grown to learn that sometimes the only way to get a decent amount of sleep was to curl up on a couch in a lounge and take a nap during a break. This guy took it to a whole new level. Nico had sat down after his class on grieving had ended, and he’d intended to finish his essay when a stocky underclassman wandered in as well, with a large bag instead of a backpack. He didn’t look at Nico. He didn’t even seem to realize he was there, actually. The guy run a hand through his fluffy blond hair and sat down on the opposite sofa, placing his bag slightly off to the side. He reached in, and Nico figured he was going to pull out some textbooks. That was fine. As long as people were studying quietly, Nico didn’t mind sharing the lounge. But then the guy pulled out a pillow and a blanket, and how did that fit in there? Nico stared blankly at the guy, who suddenly looked up at him.
“I didn’t get to bed until 10 last night. Homework,” he explained. “And then I had an 8 a.m. Mm. Need my rest.” He slumped back onto the couch and was out within seconds.
What the fuck?
Nico went to bed at 10 if he was sick. How could this guy think that was late? And be tired? Why was Nico watching him snore on the couch in the lounge as if it were more interesting than grieving?
Perhaps it was curiosity, or Nico’s innate dickishness that made him start pestering the guy. He tore off the erasers of the crappy pencils they handed out around campus that he always took because he was cheap. They more smudged than erased, so it didn’t hurt to get rid of them. That did nothing to Sleepy. Nico then moved on to tossing the pencils themselves. He’d started stealing Will’s, so he didn’t really need them. That did nothing either. He checked his phone for the time. 10:34. Still twenty minutes before he needed to get up to had to class. Presumably, Sleepy would get up then too. Twenty minutes to see if anything would wake this guy up, then.
It was after Nico threw a wadded brochure on study-abroads that he finally gave up. “God, what are you--sleeping beauty? Do I have to kiss you to wake you up?” he exclaimed, glancing around and realizing the lounge was empty save for them after he spoke. God. If someone had heard that.
“Prefer if you took me on a date first,” Sleepy muttered.
Nico froze, his ears suddenly pink. “You . . . heard that?”
Sleepy nodded, peeking a warm brown eye open. “You spent this whole time throwing things at me. Couldn’t sleep.”
Oh. Oh . Nico was a fucking moron.
Sleepy, luckily, didn’t seem too annoyed by Nico’s actions. He sat up and smiled, a nice smile that made it easy to relax. “I’m Clovis. Psych major. I have an unidentified sleep disorder. It’s difficult for me to stay awake for long periods of time,” he explained.
“Well, now I feel like a dick,” Nico said.
Clovis’s half-smile grew just slightly. “You can make it up to me by taking me out to dinner.”
Shit. Shit, Nico, a guy is hitting on you. Say something. Accept! Get a date!
His mouth didn’t listen to his brain very well. “Could you even stay awake for dinner?”
Clovis paused. “Probably not,” he admitted. “Maybe just treat me to pizza then. We can do it at my apartment. Text me?” He picked up the brochure Nico had tossed and unfolded it, scribbling his number below the email address for the program. Then he wadded it back up and tossed it at Nico’s head before grabbing his pillow, blanket, and bag and heading off down the hall.
Clovis, Nico thought. He was kind of cute. It wouldn’t hurt.
Friday, December 8th, 2017
The Chase-Jackson house rested just outside of the city--close enough to everything they could need, but far enough out that Annabeth had a decent plot of land to develop their dream home. It was very beautiful, Nico had to admit as he walked up to the door. Jason had said Annabeth was incredible, but this was beyond what he’d anticipated.
The welcome mat sat in front of the steps of the porch, and Nico wiped the snow off of his boots before he climbed up the steps and rang the doorbell. It was no wonder the mat was down there. The porch was rather slick. He waited for a few moments, then heard a growing bark and a slam against the door. Muffled voices floated through the door, and a moment later, the door opened to reveal a tall blonde woman and a dark-haired man with his arms wrapped around a large dog behind her. The woman smiled congenially, though she looked a bit ragged, a few curls escaping her ponytail.
“Hi. You must be Jason’s friend. I’m Annabeth. This is my husband, Percy,” she said, pushing the sleeves of her sweater up and gesturing at the man behind her.
Percy beamed, his green eyes bright as his fingers curled a little tighter around the dog’s collar. “Hey! This is Mrs. O’Leary. Sorry, she gets a little excited about visitors,” he explained.
Nico forced a polite smile as he stepped inside and shut the door. “No problem. My dad has a dog a lot like her,” he said. Cerberus might have been worse, as he seemed like he had three personalities. He pulled off his hat and ran his hand over his face in attempt to warm up, ears and nose red from the cold. The house itself was a little warm, and he hesitantly reached to unbutton his coat.
“Oh-- Percy, show him where the coat rack is. I’m going to finish dinner,” Annabeth said. She turned and walked into another room, and Percy let Mrs. O’Leary go. She started to pounce on Nico, but a whistle from her master stopped her. Still, she bounced eagerly, all fluff and paws. If Nico knew these people at all, he’d have reached for the dog because dog . But since this was his first time meeting them, he figured he ought to hold back a little.
“Stay,” Percy ordered before pushing his way in front. “Sorry. Our coat rack is in a weird place. Well, it’s-- Annabeth says it’s more efficient, space-wise, and I just go along,” he explained as he pulled out the contraption she’d built into the house. “She knows best.”
After Nico had handed over his coat, Percy embarked on a tour of the house that illustrated just how little he understood of his wife’s design sense and how much he adored all of her choices in spite of that. The house was easy to navigate (thankfully, as Percy’s directions couldn’t have led a rat through a tube) and absolutely aesthetically stunning. They seemed like the most organized couple Nico had ever met, and they weren’t much older than he was. Nico was unwillingly jealous.
“So you’re one of Jason’s soulmates too,” Percy said as they walked along the stretch above the first floor living room. Nico really liked this place. If he didn’t like living in a townhouse so much, he might have told Percy and Annabeth to adopt him.
“Yeah,” Nico said. “Actually, I’m surprised we haven’t met. I knew he knew you, but he always acted like you lived far away.”
Percy waved his hand. “Well, we did. AB and I, we lived with our other soulmate out in California for some years. Then Grover and his new girlfriend decided to hit the road for a save-the-earth type deal, and Annabeth and I decided it might be time to move back to the east coast. She got a great job, and I found something decent for me. My mom and stepdad live up here as well, so it worked out.”
Nico tried not to react too much at the word soulmate in that context. It was weird to actually acknowledge that Percy and Annabeth were soulmates and in a romantic relationship. They certainly weren’t the first married soulmates Nico had ever met, but he’d never really imagined a romance.
Except for Will .
Percy seemed to notice where his thoughts were leading. “Why don’t we head down to the kitchen?” he suggested. “Annabeth is probably done by now. Or we can just hang out in the kitchen and bug her. Her eyes get kind of freaky when she’s mad. It’s funny.”
They headed down the staircase and turned into the kitchen, where Annabeth was balancing dishes and heading to the dining room. “Perfect timing,” she said. “Help me carry, boys.” Her voice left no room to argue, and Percy immediately reached for the dish that seemed ready to tip, as well as catching a dish that had looked to be perfectly stable. Nico raised a brow but said nothing as he passed those dishes to him.
When the table had been set up and they’d gone through the traditional compliments of the food, Annabeth immediately set her attention on Nico.
“Jason told us a little about your situation,” she said. “Will is his name?”
Nico choked on a carrot. Mrs. O’Leary bounded into the dining room and jumped on his back as if to give the doggy Heimlich maneuver.
“Missus, down,” Percy scolded. He snuck her a piece of meat. Annabeth rolled her eyes.
“Look, I’m not trying to push you or anything, but you did come to talk to us about that, right?” she asked. “Yes, Percy and I are soulmates. Yes, we love each other romantically. And I know we’re the exception to the rule. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you. But you are soulmates. It will work out somehow.”
Nico lowered his fork, eyes on the tablecloth. “I don’t really know what I’m doing here. What can anyone do anyway?” he asked.
Annabeth looked something like an older sister with the way she smiled there. “We can support you. To be honest, I’m kind of glad Jason mentioned you. We haven’t had much time to settle into a social crowd yet. I mean, we know Leo and Piper, of course, but it seems like everyone’s changed so much since we last lived here.”
“That’s because you’re too busy at work,” Percy teased. His voice wasn’t bitter at all. He sounded so proud of his wife, like he wanted to brag to the world that she was the smartest, most talented architect to ever live.
“You love it,” she said as she leaned in for a kiss. Without any ceremony or even noticing that she’d ignored Nico in favor of her husband, she turned back to her guest. “Jason said you’re a mortician.”
Nico tried not to make a face. It wasn’t normally a subject he brought up upon first meeting someone new--at least, not anyone he actually wanted to know--as most people found his profession distasteful.
“I am,” he said.
“Cool,” Percy said. “Do you have any, like, stories of people coming back to life in their coffin?”
“Percy,” Annabeth said, her gray eyes sharp as she looked over at him. “Actually, do you?”
Nico snorted. “It’s . . . not really a common thing,” he said. “I mean, movies would like you to think so, but no. Most of my stories are a little more, uh--”
Annabeth leaned forward. “Tell us,” she demanded.
Nico’s eyes lifted to the ceiling, flipping through memories as if to search for just the right thing. “Right. Well. Once the hearse driver was running late, so he decided it would be a great idea to speed to the funeral home. The body half-fell out of the coffin. That was great to explain to the widower,” he said.
“Yikes,” Percy said, laughing around his spoonful of peas. Annabeth lightly swatted his cheek. He nuzzled into her hand without a second thought.
Nico had seen a lot of romantic couples over the years, but he’d never seen a couple so in sync, so completely comfortable with each other, even when they weren’t necessarily doing anything romantic. The closest any had come was Jason and Piper, who shared a soulmate and had been friends long before they’d added anything romantic to their relationship.
The part of Nico’s brain that couldn’t accept Will had no interest in him wondered how they would have worked together. The rest of Nico wanted to smash that part into bits. He must have been making a bitter expression, as Percy and Annabeth pulled apart, and Annabeth smiled sympathetically.
“I know this may not be the best advice from someone married to her soulmate,” she began, “but you should know you’ll get through it. Your soulmate as well. The important part of having soulmates is that good ones never give up the relationship, not entirely. Maybe he needs some time, but you’ll make it through.”
Percy nodded in agreement, the mirth dying from his eyes. “Yeah. That’s one of the hardest things Annabeth and I had to figure out. We agreed that if anything ever happens, and our romantic relation ends, we’ll make sure to stay together as soulmates. Because regardless of what I feel for her romantically, she is my soulmate. She understands me in a way no one else does, and I don’t want to let her go so easily.”
Disgusting. Nico would have thought those words would have made him even more bitter. Clearly Will didn’t care enough about their soulemateship to let him go so easily. And yet . . . maybe they were right. Maybe it would work out. Maybe it would just take time.
Mrs. O’Leary trotted in from another room, squishing her large body underneath the table.
“Missus,” Annabeth scolded half-heartedly as the dog’s movements bounced the tabletop. Her hands reached to glue the dishes down, though a few food items still sloshed around. She looked at her husband. “Your dog.”
“Isn’t she great?” Percy asked, reaching underneath the table to stroke her head. Annabeth couldn’t fight a smile for long.
As if she sensed who needed her presence most, Mrs. O’Leary settled at Nico’s feet. Her heavy, fluffy head on top of his feet, Nico was sure. Things would work out.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Nico needed to learn how to say no to Will. He really did.
“Let’s go on a double date for Valentine’s Day,” Nico muttered as he shuffled through his closet. “Let’s have this be the first time you meet my new girlfriend. Let’s actually go to a fancy restaurant where you have to dress up and look nice.”
“You should give her a break,” Clovis said with a yawn from Nico’s bed. He’d arrived at the townhouse dressed nicely, but his hair was already coming undone from where he’d fallen asleep on Nico’s bed, wrinkles in his finely pressed clothes. If they had more time, Nico might have had him undress and reiron his clothes, but Nico really wasn’t that concerned when they had to be at the restaurant in ten minutes, and he hadn’t even picked his own clothes yet. “She’s probably more nervous than you. You are his soulmate after all, and you’re kind of hard to impress.”
Nico furrowed his brow as he yanked a button-up off of his hanger, sliding it on over his undershirt. “I’m not hard to impress,” he said.
Clovis stared, warm brown eyes almost burning. “You kind of are.”
“I’m dating you.”
Clovis tossed a pillow in his direction, and Nico dodged, digging through his drawers to find a decent pair of pants. As he finished the base of his outfit, he grabbed a plain red tie, hands making the knot without a second thought after so many years of wearing a tie almost every day in his father’s house. Though he hadn’t struggled at all putting this ensemble together, clearly Clovis had never seen him dressed like this, as he was staring, mouth half-open.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Nico said a little softer, stepping up to his boyfriend and placing his hands on his shoulder. “You know, I would have rather stayed in with you and watched a movie. Or took a nap.”
Clovis shook his head. “We do that all the time,” he said. “It’s not a big deal to go out once, especially for Will. I know how much he means to you. Besides, I get to see you looking nice. It’s not a bad look for you.”
Nico smiled and leaned down for a kiss.
“Nico! Did you fall asleep again?” Hazel yelled from the kitchen. Damn his half-sister and her ever present need to be his alarm. Well, not damn her, Nico amended, pulling back from Clovis to check his hair in the mirror, then helping his boyfriend off of the bed and leading the way downstairs. He would have been late to far too many things for turning off his lip and going back to sleep if she wasn’t such an angel.
“We’re leaving,” Nico said as he walked through the kitchen. Hazel nodded from the kitchen table, her hair in a bun. He patted the bun, and she swatted at him. “Hey, I got you a Valentine’s gift. It’s on top of the fridge.”
“Why?” Hazel asked, looking up from her laptop.
“You like those orange chocolates. And I owe you.”
She smiled. “I know you do. But what are sister-soulmates for?”
At the risk of being too sappy, Nico wrapped his arms around her waist to give her a hug, then lifted her out of the chair and dropped her on the floor. “Bye, nerd. Get your nose back in the book.”
Hazel lifted her head, eyes bright with indignity. She launched herself at his calves, knocking him over. He fell into the chair, side hitting the seat. As soon as she’d had her revenge, she let go, straightening up and dusting herself. “Tell Will I said hi. Keep him in line, Clovis.”
“Will do,” Nico and Clovis said at the same time, entwining their hands and heading out the door.
They managed to arrive at the restaurant only five minutes late, which Nico counted as a win until they walked in and Will’s latest paramour lifted her head, snapped her gum, and said, “We’ve been waiting.” She was dressed in a blood red dress, a sheer scarf thing wrapped around her shoulders that couldn't have done anything to protect her from the cold. At her side, Will looked much more seasonably dressed, a hat covering his ears, a scarf tied tightly around his neck, and the wool coat Nico had bought him for Christmas.
“Things happened,” Nico said. “We’re here.”
“I figured they would. I made the reservation for 7:30, actually, in case you got held up at work,” Will said brightly, though he gave Nico a look that said, “Please tell her that’s what happened.”
Nico glanced to Clovis, who seemed to side with Will. Everyone always sided with Will when it came to Nico’s temper.
They were probably right to do so.
“If you made the reservation for then, why did you pick me up so early?” the woman asked, her dark eyes cold and sharp with her perfect eyeliner.
“It’s . . . Valentine’s Day,” said Will. “I wanted to spend time with you.”
“Great Valentine’s Day, sitting and waiting on your soulmate in a crowded restaurant, where I can’t even hear you speak,” she snapped.
Nico cleared his throat. Will smiled sheepishly.
“Oh, so Nico, Clovis, this is my girlfriend Drew Tanaka,” he said. “Drew, this is my soulmate Nico and his boyfriend Clovis.”
“Pleasure,” Drew said, clearly not pleased at all. Well. If she was going to be a bitch, Nico could be a dick right back.
“Let’s just get our table, yeah?” Clovis said, his hand grabbing Nico’s elbow. Nico settled back down, just slightly, looking over to Will. Will sent the both of them a grateful look.
Once they’d sat down, things didn’t get any better. The table had been set with a red tablecloth and glasses of water, a decently nice dinner by any college student’s standards.
“I don’t see anything good on this menu,” Drew said after skimming it lightly.
Will made an embarrassed expression. “I told you to check it out before I made the reservation,” he said softly.
“You know what I like,” she countered.
“I can’t remember everything, Drew,” he said, brows knitting together.
Shit. Nico leaned closer to Clovis. “They’re about to break up, aren’t they?”
“Looks that way,” Clovis replied, ducking his head and wiping condensation off of his glass.
“We should have stayed home.”
Clovis nudged his side. “Just relax. It’s one night.”
One night might be way too long, Nico thought. When Drew finally decided on a meal, she complained that it had taken too long to get her order. She complained that the restaurant was cold until Will offered his jacket, and then it was that Will’s jacket had cheap lining.
“Drew,” Will hissed, his brown skin rapidly growing a shade of red Nico hadn’t even known he could achieve. His jaw was tight, Adam’s apple bobbing.
“What?” she said. “I am who I am, Will.  You can’t change that.”
“All I asked was that you try to be nice for one night. Nico is my soulmate. I wanted you to make a good impression,” he said, voice growing slightly louder until Nico and Clovis couldn’t pretend they weren’t listening.
“You’re asking me to be someone I’m not.”
“That’s not what I--”
Drew shook her head, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “It was lovely to meet the two of you, but I think it’s time I head out,” she said. She tossed Will’s jacket back at him and strolled out of the restaurant ignoring her (ex?-) boyfriend’s blank stare.
Will looked to Nico and Clovis, swallowing thickly, pressing his lips together until they formed something like a smile. “I’m . . . sorry. This was a bad idea,” he said. “Ugh, and she already ordered.”
“I’ll take it home for Hazel,” Nico said. “She’s been studying so hard. I bet she forgot to make dinner anyway.”
“Hey, no,” Will said. “You two shouldn’t let me ruin your Valentine’s Day. Don't stick around here for my sake. I'll get the bill.”
Clovis smiled. “We weren’t planning on doing much anyway. Let’s just eat and catch a movie or something.”
“And you're not paying. You know it doesn't mean much to me to pay for a meal like this, so shut up and deal with feeling indebted. Or better yet, get over it." Nico's voice softened slightly. "You’ve got to come, Will. Clovis won’t stay awake for me, but he will for someone he has to impress."
“Maybe you just bore me,” Clovis replied.
Will cracked a smile. “If you’re sure . . . .”
“Positive. We want you to come,” said Clovis. Nico smiled over at him. He was a pretty great boyfriend.
Thursday, December 14th, 2017
Annabeth and Percy had said to give Will space. Nico acknowledged that that was a good idea. Nico himself rarely followed good ideas. He last a few days before he felt the urge to try again on his walk to his car after work.
Phone to his ear, his fingers felt cold even through his gloves, and he consoled himself that even if Will didn’t pick up the phone, Nico would at least be able to put his hands back in his pockets, where they’d be nice and warm. Instead, the dial tone faltered, and suddenly, there was something on the other side of the line. Nico’s heart stuttered as well, and he swallowed. After what felt like weeks upon weeks of being ignored (just slightly over a month, if Nico were being honest), he almost let out a sigh of relief. “Will,” he said.
“Hey,” Will said, his voice not as stilted as it had been the past few times they’d spoken. The bit of warmth had slipped back in, his smooth voice as soothing as ever. “Nico--”
“Please let me talk,” said Nico.
Will fell silent.
“You are my soulmate. I want you to know that,” Nico began. “Beyond anything, you will always be soulmate. And I know I’m not . . . super affectionate or anything, but you should never doubt that you mean as much to me as the rest of them. I wouldn’t want to lose one of them any more than I’d want to lose you. And I think it’s a bit fucking stupid to just ignore each other after only seven years. Hell, Hazel’s put up with me for twenty-five. She has first dibs on dumping me.”
For a moment, the line was so quiet, just a ruffle of static from Nico’s breaths and his fingers tapping on the phone. Then, finally, a soft snort echoed into Nico’s ear. Nico knew that snort. Will was laughing.
“I missed you,” he said softly. In spite of himself, Nico’s stomach flipped. He still loved Will, romantically and more.
“I missed you too,” Nico said. “I just . . . .” He couldn’t bring himself to say any more. Words had never been his strong suit, and none of them felt right to explain what he wanted to Will.
Will let out a breath, shaky through the phone. “I’m still not ready to hang out with you all the time, okay? I don’t think you get how I feel, Nico.”
Nico, closed his eyes, digging in his pocket with his other hand for his keys. “Okay,” he said as he unlocked his car and climbed inside, a little warmer for the lack of wind. “But you can try to explain it to me.”
Will was quiet. “Not yet,” he said.
“Can we keep talking?” Nico asked. “I haven’t . . . . How’s work?”
“Work. Really?” Will asked.
“Just talk, Solace,” Nico said, not quite begging. Will indulged him anyway. Sitting there in his car alone, not even starting the engine, no heat on, Nico felt warmer than he had in weeks. He wasn’t going to lose Will. Not completely.
He shifted his phone so it rested on his shoulder, absently listening to Will’s stories of his coworkers as he started the car, before hooking the call to his car’s speaker.
“Cecil and Lou are getting pretty sick of me being home all the time, actually. I think they’ll be glad to know we talked,” Will said suddenly.
Nico paused, eyes glued to the red stoplight ahead of him. “Lou said she wanted to punch me.”
Will faltered. “I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have told them,” he said.
Nico shook his head, though Will couldn’t see him. “They’re your soulmates. You needed the support.”
“Yeah, but--” Will paused. “You’re my soulmate too. It was your business.”
“Until I told you. Then it was yours,” Nico replied.
“Will,” Nico interrupted, “just let it go.”
“. . . I should probably let you go. I need to eat before going into work,” Will said.
“Night shift again?”
Will scoffed. “Yeah. It’s what happens to us newbies. I’ll probably be working New Year’s Eve again.”
“Sorry,” said Nico.
“It’s fine,” Will said. “Hey, I’ll just-- I don’t know when I’ll see you again. Your birthday at the latest, okay? Don’t get mad if we don’t speak until then.”
“Okay,” Nico agreed.
“See you,” Will said as he hung up, not giving Nico a chance to respond.
“See you,” Nico replied anyway, watching as the light turned green. He blinked as he drove through and added, “I love you.”
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sunflowerchaix · 7 years
Come What May
March 4th
       The bell above the glass door chimed as I rushed into the cold lobby of the Holiday gas station. The Seattle air was crisp, which isn’t that shocking to the locals who barely ever see the sun. To them, it is a myth, hidden behind the clouds of rain that they so strongly believe in and hold onto that hope.
           I have lost all hope, every last drop of it. It became lost like a raindrop sliding down a bus window; crashing into a puddle that had gathered on the edge. This particular bus was taking me away from the one that I love; the one that I left behind only because I was scared and I needed to escape.
           Inside the gas station there were four long rows filled with crap that was just waiting to be bought and taken out of this depressing hell whole. Only to be met with an untimely and quite disappointing fate. Kind of like the situation that I have put myself in.
           I flip my long, once blonde and clean, hair out of my face. Before I left on my journey to find myself, I colored my hair to a vibrant blue, but now it’s a sad grey. I used to be bigger than I am now, but not eating properly for three months will make all that weight fall off. I am not the same pretty girl I once knew.
           You see, growing up my dream was to move to Seattle and start publishing my novels. I thought I would have what it takes to become a successful writer, but I didn’t. When I arrived, I was so full of optimism and hope, but it soon came crashing down like that raindrop. There was no place for me to stay and I only had so much money that I couldn’t stay in a hotel for much longer. I quickly ran out of money.
           You may be asking why I didn’t just call my parents and ask for help, but it’s not that simple. When I was seventeen years old I was kicked out of their house. Typical, runaway teen has been on her own because she didn’t follow mommy and daddy’s rules, right?
           Wrong, oh is that so very wrong.
           Instead my relationship and trust was ripped away from my parents all because of my little sister, who I do love with all my heart but I just wish that she would make better choices for herself.
           Annabeth is the baby of the family, and after her birth she quite quickly became the favorite. She is the angel in my parents’ eyes; she can literally do no wrong! But she is a manipulative bitch that got my brother thrown in jail and me living on the streets at the tender age of seventeen years old.
           Our brother caught her smoking pot in her bed room and he was pissed. He was livid because he knew that precious little Annie was going to get away with it. But he decided to try and tell our parents, but before he could Annabeth switched the story around causing my dad’s vain on his forehead to pop with anger. My dad turned my brother in for possession of marijuana and considering my dad is a pretty big deal in my home town; the police booked him with out any evidence against him.
          Corruption at its finest.
           Annabeth ruined our brother’s life forever because she couldn’t stand the idea of having to deal with the consequences of her actions. And he wasn’t gone that long before she decided that she wanted to get rid of me as well. To put me in danger as a minor just so she could be the only child or whatever her motive was.
           It was snowing outside and I had just gotten home from spending time with my then best friend, Chandler. My dad was waiting in the piano room, arms folded and the vain popping out so far that I was afraid that it was going to burst and spill all over the white carpet. Confused, I sat down on the hideous floral couch and looked up at him.
           “What’s this?” He snapped and he held a wrapper in my face. “Why did your poor sister have to find this in her room?”
           I tried to take a look, but he was shoving the wrapper so far in my face that I couldn’t focus on it. “I don’t know, let me look.”
           His face turned beet red. “You fucking liar, you know exactly what it is.”
           “I really don’t dad, I literally cannot see it.” I replied honestly, since he was known for enjoying honesty even though he never believed it when it was voiced.
           Then his olive toned hand met my light pale cheek. “How can you be so incompetent that you don’t know what this is? It’s a condom wrapper!”
           My eyes met Annabeth, who was smirking and she opened her mouth and said; “I also caught her using it with another girl.”
           My heart stopped and my mouth slammed to the white carpeted floor. Our father was now fuming at this new information; him being homophobic he was not having it. I knew then that this would be my last time in the house that I grew up in. The house that I was brought home from the hospital after I was born, the house that was just five minutes from Chandler’s and ten minutes from school.
           “What do you have to say for yourself?” His voice shook the paint on the walls.
           I was dumbfounded. “You cant even use a condom with a woman, they don’t have the parts for it. But I am obviously not welcomed here anymore so I will go pack my suitcase and leave.”
           Being so close to graduation and my birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks, it didn’t matter that I was leaving the house at such a young age. The only thing I feared was where I would sleep that night, because it was the worst snowfall Utah had seen in a long time. Roads were closed and the snow bed was up to my knees.
           I immediately went over to Chandler’s parents’ house, who so graciously took me in as their own that night. They wanted to call and report what happened as child endangerment, which my father could have been charged with that but I didn’t see the point. Exhausted, I fell asleep in Chandler’s arms that night and that was the start of our relationship.
           A month after graduation, Chandler and I found our own apartment that was within walking distance of the community college. We both had plans to go there since it was cheaper and all I really wanted to do was take writing classes to better my chances at making it big. But without any extra help for income, school became expensive and after about a year of living together, I left him.
           I took what money I had in my bank account and in my pocket and just left. Only leaving a note behind and a few things that I couldn’t take with me; I broke his heart. He didn’t deserve that in the slightest, I just up and left him and here I am three months later living on the streets just dying to go back to him.
           I am completely out of money; the only thing I have in my pocket right now is fifteen dollars and an unopened mint I was saving for dinner. Currently I am staying at a homeless shelter until I can get back on my feet. But it’s been a month and nothing is changing.
           Despite not eating or eating very little, my waist has started to expand, so that’s why I am here at the Holiday gas station. Staring at the end of the third aisle at a product that was placed right next to a pack of condoms and a pack of Dramamine; I already knew what this test would tell me.
It takes a moron not to notice.
I grab the box of pregnancy tests and a large bottle of water and head for the bathroom. Once in, I lock the door and I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. My face has hollowed out due to not eating and my green eyes have turned dull. I used to consider myself beautiful, but after these few months I stopped believing that.
Taking a deep breath, I rip open the purple box of tests and chug the large bottle of water. Soon enough, I have to pee like a race horse and so I stick the test down there. I wince as I get a little bit of my urine on my hand and bring the test out of the toilet area so I can see it.
I stare at it for what feels like forever, but nothing changes with it so I take another one just to be sure and then I wash my hands. After all that, I look down at the tests and there it is, the only thing positive I have seen in these two years of being on my own.
“Fuck.” I whisper under my breath.
I was planning on just stealing the tests and the water bottle, but I know the old woman at the counter so I object to that plan. The bathroom door slams behind me and I march up to the front counter, hoping Gladys doesn’t ask too many questions.
Gladys was the first friendly face I met when I got here to Seattle. I am pretty sure she knows that I have no home, but I also haven’t really opened up to her for obvious reasons. But she always makes sure to give me a water bottle and sometimes a turkey sandwich.
“Hey baby girl,” She says with a smile. “What brings you in today?”
I put the opened box of tests and the empty water bottle on the counter. She glances at the box but nothing else, she doesn’t even give me a judgmental look.
“Can I ask what the test says?”
I sigh. “It’s positive, congratulations to me right?”
She smiles and genuinely looks excited for me; “A little bun to brighten your life up.”
“I don’t know about that one Gladys, someone in my situation shouldn’t really be able to bring up a child.” I shrug. “I have a lot to think about, you know?”
She nodded. “I will stand next to you in support in whatever you choose baby girl, you know that. Are you going to tell the daddy?”
The thought of talking to Chandler on the phone causes my gut to fall through my butt. “You know, im not even sure I am even going to go through with the pregnancy.”
Gladys shrugs; “Well, whatever you choose go PP. They helped me with my first pregnancy and the first appointment should be free.”
Ignoring her I sigh and say; “So what’s the damage?”
Gladys smiles; “it is on me this time, but please go grab another large water bottle and one of those sandwiches. Keeping the baby or not, you still need to take care of yourself.”
I do as I am told and leave the gas station.
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bloodofolympus · 8 years
Sticky Note #7: Library AU: You're overdue on this book & I want it so I'm tracking you the fuck down
“You know for a fact that I can't give you that information, Pipes.”
Piper glared at her friend, Annabeth. Her friend works at their towns local library, and when Annabeth told Piper that they got the second book in the worlds best series – The Hunger Games – she had to have it. Unfortunately for her, when she went to pick it up, Annabeth told her someone had beaten her to their one and only copy.
Fast forward three weeks and that jerk still hasn't returned the book. Trying to get Annabeth Chase, the one person Piper knows who would never break her jobs rules, is proving to be difficult.
“It's for a good cause, Annabeth.”
Annabeth raised an eyebrow at her, “If you want it so bad, why don't you just go buy it like a normal person?”
Piper gasped, “And spend money on a book that could possibly turn out to be awful? No thanks.” she glanced around before her eyes landed back on her friend, “What kind of library only has one copy on a popular series?”
“This one.”
“Well, you should order more.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes, picking up a pile of returned books and walking to the computer behind the counter. Piper sighed but followed, leaning against the counter and watching. “What will I have to bribe you with?”
“Nothing. I don't want you to hurt the poor guy -”
“And, I could get in trouble.”
Piper stared at her friend, thinking. What is the one thing Annabeth goes on and on about?  The one thing she would want more than anything? The one thing she could use to get Annabeth to do anything for her..
“If you give me this guys name, I will let you and Percy have the apartment for a week.”
Annabeth froze, looking to her friend with narrowed eyes. “An entire week? Alone? Where would you go?”
Piper smirked, resting her chin in her hand, “Probably Reyna's.”
Annabeth stared at Piper for a few seconds before sighing in defeat. “Fine. But tell no one.”
Piper nodded, “I would never betray your trust like that.”
Annabeth mumbled something under her breath about Piper being a 'manipulating little witch', making Piper laugh. “Promise me you won't hurt the guy. He's nice.”
“He's late.”
Annabeth only happened, “Things happen.”
“His name is Jason Grace. That's all you're getting though.”
Piper leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest and smiling at her friend. “That's all I need.”
Piper did her research on this Jason Grace before making any sort of move. As promised, she was staying at Reyna's for a week so Percy and Annabeth could have their alone time.
Turns out, Jason and Percy go to school together. Jason is... Cuter than she thought. That doesn't excuse the fact that he's late in returning a book that she's been waiting on for forever.
According to his facebook, he has class in just a few hours and she's determined to hunt him down.
Is she creepy? Probably. Determined? Definitely.
It was a few hours later, the time that Jason's class should be over (thank the Gods for Percy telling her that he has that class with him), and she's starting to second guess herself. Is this too much? Is it a bad idea? This is crazy, even for her. She should just send a note with Percy instead of stalking the poor guy.
Of course, she thinks of this as she's standing outside of his building.
“Nope. Not doing this. I'll just buy it or something like a sane person.”
Piper was too busy staring at the ground and talking to herself that she didn't notice the people coming out of the building and she didn't notice the tall blond walking right towards her until they bumped into each other.
“Oh Gods, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going.”
Piper looked up and to her luck, it's Jason. She couldn't help but notice how much cuter he is in person. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts of all but one thing, “Are you finished with that book yet?”
She really didn't mean to snap at him.
His eyes widened in shock, “Excuse me?”
Piper's hands flew up to her mouth, “I am so sorry! I didn't mean to snap like that! It's just that... You got to Catching Fire before I could.” Jason raised an eyebrow, “My friend works at the library and she told me your name, and... Did you know you're late in returning it?”
Jason stared at her, shock and confusion written all over his face. “So... You stalked me?”
Piper dropped her hands, biting her lip and staring at the ground. “Not so much stalking when Percy told me you have the same class.”
“I'm really not sure if I should be scared or flattered.” Piper shrugged and Jason sighed, “But if you know Percy and he trusts you, you can't be a bad person.”
Piper let out a sigh of relief, “Oh, I swear I'm not! Just... Desperate.”
Jason nodded in understand. He glanced at Piper and then the book in his hand. “Sorry it's late. I got busy with school. But.. If you let me take you out for some coffee, we can talk Hunger Games and get to know each other?”
Piper was surprised. She took a step back, tilting her head, “You.. You're asking me out?”
“If that's okay?”
“Yes. Yeah. It's definitely okay.” Piper gave him a smile, “But, I really want to talk about when I can have that book. I'm Piper, by the way.”
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 3
aka Caleo uni AU
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Calypso gets a new friend and notices that maybe her flatmate isn't that bad after all.
A/N: Time to introduce Annabeth! I will slowly be adding more of the familiar characters, in the next chapter there will be more (but who, may that remain a secret for another week).
As usual, thanks to my friend Cris for betaing! And thanks to everyone who's been commenting, know that your comments really have motivated me to continue this fic! Please keep them coming :)
And now, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
Characters in this ch: Calypso, Leo, Annabeth
Words: 1300+
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort (in the future chapters)
Warnings: none
previous chapter / next chapter / AO3
It was the morning of Calypso’s first day at the university. The first week would mostly be orientation, meaning getting to know her fellow students, the professors, the campus, her program and so on a bit better. She was feeling quite nervous because aside from Leo she hadn’t really met other students living in the area yet, and if she was honest with herself, her friend making skills weren’t the best. Due to the circumstances at her home, she had never had a close friend, and her relationships tended to end after a couple of months for various reasons. But this was finally a good chance to find other people interested in the same topics as she was, and she didn’t want to blow it up.
As she was making herself breakfast, her roommate showed up and sat down on a chair next to her, leaning his chin against the backrest. His fingers were tapping against the hard wood of the table like Calypso had already seen them do a few times in the past few days. The boy never seemed to be able to sit still.
“First day in this university, huh?” Leo asked. “You nervous?”
“What do you want?” Calypso asked suspiciously, not answering his question. She wasn’t feeling like opening up about her nervousness to this boy who for some reason made her feel even more restless. It was almost as if his nervous energy was contagious.
“Listen,” Leo started, now looking at her directly and stopping the tapping for a moment. “I know we haven’t exactly started off great, but we’re still going to be living together for a while so I thought we should at least be even. So. I fixed your desk.”
“I don’t want to owe you anything,” Calypso said matter-of-factly.
“You’re not owing me!” Leo exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air for a bigger impact. “I… well, Festus, but it was my fault… broke it so I thought it was the appropriate thing to do. But if you are too proud to…” His voice started to rise a bit. He had not expected Calypso to be that stubborn.
“Okay,” she said, putting her hand on his shoulder briefly to stop his rambling. “I’ll accept it. Thanks. I guess.”
“Not exactly the reaction I was expecting but I’ll accept it,” he mocked her tone and earned an angry look from Calypso. “I was hoping for something more like ‘thank you so much, my favorite roomie, you’re the best!’” To avoid another lash from her, he quickly changed the subject: “Anyway, I also wanted to tell you that we should probably take weekly turns with cleaning the common area, like I did with Jason. I can take this week if you want to.”
“No, I can take it.” Calypso said with a tone that meant this won’t be discussed further.
“Is there anything you can’t make an argument about, Miss Sunshine?” Leo stared at her with frustration while his hands were reaching for the chips from a bag he had left on the dining table the other day.
“You make it rather easy, Valdez. Also, who eats chips for breakfast?” She shook her head with disapproval. “Manners,” she mumbled under her breath before turning to put the milk back into the fridge. “Now, I’d like to finish my breakfast so if you excuse me…”
She took her bowl of cereals and an orange with her into her room and closed the door behind her.
“Don’t forget to get your books for next week, we’re already going to start with…” A professor announced at the end of his long lecture. The rest of his speech was drowned by the sound of the students starting to get up and collect their stuff to leave the class.
“When I signed up for this, I was not expecting them to have full blown lectures on the first day,” a blonde girl behind Calypso noted. Unlike Calypso, who felt overwhelmed by the amount of information she had just received, the other girl seemed almost bored as if she already knew everything they had been told.
“Yeah, me neither,” Calypso admitted, realizing that the girl was talking to her. “But I guess that’s university for you…”
“Right,” the blonde agreed. “Anyway, what’s your name? I don’t know anyone in this group yet but I’d like to change that.”
“Oh! I’m Calypso. Calypso Astal,” she gave the girl her hand to shake. “You can call me Cal, though…”
The other girl took it and shook it firmly. “Annabeth Chase. I’m actually an architect student but I’m also interested in history so I decided to make it my minor subject. I guess that means I’ll be seeing you a lot this semester!”
“Oh, that’s cool!” Calypso exclaimed. “I like drawing too but I doubt I would actually be good enough to design buildings.”
“There’s a lot that you need to take into account when designing,” Annabeth agreed, “but practice makes perfect.” As the girls passed a window that showed them the beautiful old main building of their university, she gestured at it and added: “One day I’d love to design something that will make people stop and say ‘hey, did you know this building was designed by none other than Annabeth Chase?’”
“To be honest, I haven’t thought that far,” Calypso admitted. “This is all still so new to me, I’ve been…” She decided she didn’t want to reveal her home circumstances to someone she had just met so she changed her approach: “well, there’s a lot I still want to experience so I have not devoted myself to just one path yet. I came here because I needed to get away, and history was an easy choice because I’ve always been interested in it. I still don’t picture myself researching the past events for the rest of my life.”
Annabeth nodded understandingly. “I think a lot of people of our age feel that way. My boyfriend… Well, now he’s having a swimming career but we both know that isn’t gonna last forever so I’ve been trying to get him to think of other possibilities for when he no longer feels the passion for competing. But he doesn’t see it the same way, he says I always plan too much ahead. Which I guess may be partially true,” she chuckled and rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, feeling she may have revealed a bit too much.
“Yeah. I like to go with a similar ‘go with the flow’ attitude as well.” In her head Calypso added: ‘because of what happened at home’.
“Anyway,” Annabeth decided to change the topic when she noticed Calypso had gone quiet. “This is a bit of a random question, but are you familiar with this town yet?”
“No, not yet.” Calypso shook her head. “I moved here only a week ago.”
“In that case, would you like me to show around some day?” Annabeth asked, opening her phone calendar. “I’d have time for example tomorrow.”
“Oh, sure, that would be great!” Calypso said. “Definitely beats listening to my roommate’s tinkering all day long.”
“Tinkering? You wouldn’t happen to be flatmates with Leo Valdez?” Annabeth connected the dots. The campus wasn’t that big and he had heard some stories through her boyfriend about one very enthusiastic mechanic.
“Unfortunately, I am. How did you know?” Calypso asked curiously.
“Oh, he has a bit of a reputation here,” Annabeth said mischievously. When Calypso looked at her suspiciously, she added: “I’m just kidding, my boyfriend is good friends with one guy named Jason who used to be Leo’s flatmate. I’ve never met him but I did keep hearing that he was constantly building something in his room. And also, Leo likes making a number of himself so he has put plenty of flashy ads on the uni bulletin boards telling about his mechanic business.”
“I guess I should have known that,” Calypso facepalmed.
“You don’t seem to like him very much, do you?” Annabeth asked, raising her eyebrow.
“Um…” Calypso wasn’t sure why she was revealing all this to a stranger, but it just felt right. “Our chemistry just… isn’t working. We’re very different and…” She tried to think of other reasons for their issues, which turned out to be harder than she expected. She realized that she didn’t really know him yet. “Uh, his dog broke my desk on the day I moved in and I’ve been mad at him ever since. He did apologize but… something about his attitude irks me. I don’t even know what it is.”
Annabeth’s mouth curled up a bit in amusement. She wanted to say that sounded a lot like her relationship with her boyfriend Percy had started. “That happens sometimes. Maybe… give him another chance, though. I mean, I don’t really know him or anything but sometimes the first impressions aren’t the best ones. You haven’t been living together for a long time yet, so there’s probably a lot you don’t know about him.”
“Yeah. You’re right. I feel kind of silly for complaining about that to a stranger. But thanks for listening!”
“No problem! Listen, I should get going now because I have a meeting with some architect friends but I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah! You bet!”
The girls quickly exchanged their phone numbers before separating to their own ways. As Calypso was walking towards her flat, though, she felt a small smile spread on her face. Maybe she had just made her first friend.
When Calypso got inside, to her surprise she found her broken desk waiting for her near her room. Only, it wasn’t broken anymore. She had wondered where it had disappeared after the incident but hadn’t really given it too much thought considering the state of the desk, thinking that Leo might have taken it to a recycling center or something. However, it turned out he had done a lot more than that. The broken board had been replaced with a new one and he had also sandpapered the surface, painted it and varnished it so it looked better than it had looked when it was brand new. Calypso could only stare with an open mouth at the fine job he had done. Once she had finally recovered from the surprise a bit, she yelled:
“¿Sí?” he peeked from his room, not sure what to expect. To his surprise, he saw the first genuine smile he had seen on her face.
“Would you like to help me to carry this into my room?” she asked in a friendly manner, still smiling. Leo took that as a win and agreed to help.
When they were done, Calypso did another thing that surprised both herself and him: she gently touched his arm and said: “Thanks. It looks good. And I mean it.”
“Leo Valdez, always ready to help.” He made a silly bowing gesture that made Calypso snort.
“You know, maybe you’re not quite so bad after all.”
Leo rolled his eyes. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you this whole time,” he said, but there were no ill feelings behind his words.
“Now go before I change my mind,” Calypso said playfully. Leo gave her his signature grin and as he left the room, he felt he had finally managed to crack her cover a bit.
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sherlollydramoine · 5 years
Coming Soon...
An anon on @free-rami‘s page requested some XXXMas smut with Rami. 
This pieces is going to be titled “Merry XXXMas”
Warnings: 18+only, language, strong sexual themes
I’ve been working on it.. and I’m about 4k words into this... so here’s a preview:
You weren’t looking forward to spending any time with your family around the holidays, as you didn’t have a great relationship with your family. Your older sister and brother were both very successful at what they did. One was a doctor the other was a lawyer, you know those jobs that are the epitome of the American dream and the respectable jobs that everyone considered “important.” Every family holiday was always the same. Being lectured on how you were the least successful of all of your siblings because you were a hair and makeup artist. Your career wasn’t worthy of note because it didn’t always pay the best, and couldn’t garner you much accolades. That is how your family defined success. 
Or it was until you were fortunate enough to work on a few very high profile jobs and started winning awards for your work. It was on your second high profile job that you ended up meeting your boyfriend. 
Rami was incredibly successful in his field, having won a ton of awards for his work, and your father absolutely loved him. You had successfully avoided having to bring him home with you for family holidays until your mom put her foot down and insisted. You had compromised and both of you agreed to go to dinner at your parents house on Christmas Eve. 
You had your reservations because your sister was a huge fan, and even though she was married that wouldn’t stop her from trying to flirt with him, and you were so nervous about it. Annabeth is quite a force to be reckoned with and has always gotten what she wanted, that’s why she was so successful as an attorney.
You stared at yourself in the mirror as you were putting your earrings on. Anxieties running through your head, all the ‘what ifs’ and years of self-doubt.
“Hey babe, you almost ready?” Rami asked, with a soft smile on his face. You watch his eyes drink in your appearance as he put his hands on your hips to pull you close to him. He rests his head on your shoulder and tightened his grip on you. “I love you, you know that. If you are worried about your sister, don’t be. I only have eyes for you.”
“I know it’s just that-”
“Nonsense” he interrupted, placing a kiss to your temple. His hands at your waist 
“You are the best you know that? I love you so much. I wish we could just skip all the familial obligations we are burdened with today, and just stay here, preferably in bed while we worship each other.”
“Me too. But a promise is a promise. If we didn’t show something tells me that your mother would drive her ass all the way across town and drag us both out of bed.”
You couldn’t help the laughter that escaped you because it was true. If you didn’t show up today she would do exactly that. 
“Alright Rami, I’m done, how do I look?” you ask, as you do a small spin around the bathroom. 
“You look fucking fantastic. I can’t wait to see this dress on the floor later with you under me screaming my name.” he smirked, as he places a chaste kiss to your red tinted lips.
“We are such horn dogs. Animals. Isn’t that what Sami called us the last time he was here? In my defense I was also nearly a bottle of wine deep into the evening, and I have always had a hard time keeping my hands to myself around you. By the way you look ravishing yourself and you smell so good. I seriously want to say fuck it and stay here to fuck your brains out.” you said, as you turned your body to face him, reaching up to run your fingers through his hair. Your hips pressing into his as you reach up to cup his face and capture his lips in a not so chaste kiss this time.
“Mmmmmm…” he hummed, clearly sharing in your line of thinking.
“Yes 'mmmmm’ is right babe. I want you so bad right now.” you whisper in his ear, your hands working their way down his body to cup him through the front of his dress pants.
He lets out a small whimper in response to your actions and his hips slightly buck into your hand and then he smirks devilishly against your mouth before his hand comes down on yours to gently remove your hand from his crotch.
“I know but we really should get going if we want to arrive close to the time we told your mom we would.” he replied, much to your chagrin. 
“Damn. I was hoping I could turn you on enough that you’d want to stay home.”
“Oh trust me baby, I’m really turned on right now, I’m hard as a rock, but a promise is a promise.” he winks as he had to adjust himself in his pants. 
“Ugh. You suck!” you hollered, sticking your tongue out at him like a child.
He laughs,”Maybe, but you will definitely be sucking on something later.”
And God damn, if that statement didn’t make your panties nearly fly off your body.
@mrhoemazzello @xmxisxforxmaybe @itsme690 @txmel @ramimedley @r-ahh-mi @theultraviolencefan
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I Like Me Better (Chapter 1) - A Solangelo Fic
Chapter 1 - Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end
Summary:  Nico di Angelo could not wait until he started college, so he didn’t have to deal with the stupid social pyramid in high school. Will Solace could not wait until college started again, so he could keep himself busy and stopped himself from overthinking. And they met on a rainy day, where Will was just trying to be nice and Nico had been having a bad day.
Read on AO3
Nico di Angelo could not wait until he started college.
There were only a few things that he hated more than the stupid social life of high school students, where he was of course, at the bottom of the pyramid while the popular jocks were far up there. So when he finally pulled out his car in the parking lot of his new apartment, he was mildly excited.
Just mildly.
Because Nico di Angelo didn’t do those crappy things widely known as emotions.
He inserted his keys. The sound of the door being unlocked was like the first notes of a freedom song. Nico pushed the door open, and saw someone was already there in the common area of the 2-bedroom apartment.
A tall, skinny guy with blond hair turned his head from the TV screen. Once he saw Nico, the blond stood up and smiled at Nico.
“Oh, you must be the other tenant,” he said as he made a beeline towards Nico. “I am Octavian. Pleased to meet you,” he said, pulling Nico’s hand to shake it.
Nico never believed in love at first sight. He believed in annoyed at the first sight. And that was exactly what he was feeling now.
Octavian was smiling at him but Nico could see how fake that smile was.  Nauseating.
Octavian’s fingers were long and thin and felt like overcooked spaghetti between his. Nico pulled his hand abruptly.
“Nico,” he said. “Nico di Angelo.”
He didn’t bother saying pleased to meet you too because no, he didn’t find meeting this guy to be a pleasant experience.
So why bother saying so?
Thankfully, a voice calling from the still opened door saved Nico from any obligation to continue the conversation.
Hazel stood in front of the door.
“We just got here and Frank parked his car next to yours,” she said.
“Oh, that should be okay,” Nico said.
He noticed how Hazel’s eyes moved to Octavian who was standing next to him.
“Oh, yeah,” he said, turning his head to Octavian. “That’s my sister. Hazel.”
Octavian raised an eyebrow skeptically, like he didn’t really believe in what Nico just said. Nico didn’t really care, though. He’s used to getting that kind of reaction.  The contrast between his pale skin and Hazel’s dark one was something that made people ad that questioning look whenever they said that they were siblings.
Hazel also had get used to it too, but of course, she handled it better than Nico. She took two steps forward and stretched her hand out to Octavian, along with a friendly smile.
“Hello,” she greeted him. “Are you Nico’s roommate? I am Hazel, pleased to meet you.”
The smile returned to Octavian’s lips. Still a wide one, still a fake one. And at the border of a flirtatious one.
“Hello, I’m Octavian. And yes, I am your brother’s roommate.”
“Hazel, Nico?”
Frank stood by the door, his bulky figure almost blocking half of the light from the window. Hazel quickly took a few steps to stand next to him. Octavian stared at Frank for a second or two before looked back at Nico. There was a strange, borderline mocking expression in his eyes.
‘Don’t tell me that this is your brother?” Octavian asked.
Nico snorted and shook his head.  “Nope. He’s Hazel’s boyfriend.”
Gosh, how glad he was that Frank was indeed her boyfriend. Telling it to Octavian was like giving him the first warning to stay away from Hazel.
Frank nodded at Octavian as his hand curled around her waist.
“Hello. I’m Frank,” he said along with a polite smile.
There was a strange expression on Octavian’s face as he stared at the couple. But Nico did not waste his time just trying to figure out what did the expression mean.
“Frank, Haze, can you help me unloading my stuff from my car?” he asked. “Come on,” he said walking out of the apartment.
He could still hear Hazel saying we’ll be back to Octavian before she came out of the apartment and trying to catch up with Nico’s wide steps.
“Octavian seems nice,” Hazel said as she took out a canvas bag from the backseat of Nico’s car.
Nico raised an eyebrow. “You think so?”
Hazel hummed. “He looks friendly,” she said.
From the corner of his eyes, Nico could see Frank furrowed his brows, looking a bit skeptical with Hazel’s verdict. Nico snorted.
“First impression is not always the correct one, you know,” Nico said.
“Maybe, but still, my first impression of him is he’s friendly,” Hazel said.
Nico almost rolled his eyes. That’s just how Hazel was. She always saw the world through rose-colored eye-glasses, which was a huge contrast to Nico who always skeptical about everything.
Hazels’ always-positive attitude (that was on the borderline of being too naïve) only made Nico love her even more and protect his little sister from everything, even though they were only half-siblings.
Nico loved Hazel as much as he loved Bianca, his other sister who was now studying in another college.
But still, Hazel’s opinion about Octavian would not change Nico’s.
Will Solace has always liked first days of school. And to be honest, Will liked schools. He liked taking classes, he liked learning something new, and he liked to know that he was on his way to being a doctor.
What he didn’t like was only the pressure of getting good grades.
But yeah, Will liked school. Especially when studying could keep his mind occupied. It’s nice to have some breaks, of course. But long breaks only made Will would spend hours lying on his bed, over-thinking about stuff that he knew he shouldn’t have to worry about. At least not yet.
So Will was happy to get back to his apartment that he has been sharing with Austin since last year, when the two of them were still freshmen. He was happy to come to his classes, jotting down important dates in his planner based on the syllabus.
He was happy. Excited.
It was around 10.30 in the first Monday of classes when he just got out of his first class of that day. Will was making his way to the building where he would have his next class when a voice called his name.
“Hey, Will!”
Will made a 180-degree turn and saw Percy coming towards him. He greeted Will with a wide grin and his green eyes twinkling.
“Hey, Percy! How’s your break?”
“It was great,” Percy said. “I worked in the City’s Aquarium during Summer, and I even had a chance to visit Annabeth in her home in San Fransisco.”
“That’s great,” Will said.
“How about you?”
Will shrugged his shoulders. “It was nice. I went back to Tennessee and had a summer job at the clinic in my town.”
“Great,” Percy said. “Hey man, speaking about job. I was actually looking for you.”
Will raised his eyebrows. “Really?”
Percy nodded. “So, Paul asked me whether you would be interested to work again. You know, if you have the time and you want to?”
Last year, Will had a part-time job in a coffee-shop owned by Paul, Percy’s stepdad. He enjoyed the job. Paul was really nice and the other workers were also great people. It was a bit of juggling with his classes, but he managed. And a bit of extra money wouldn’t hurt, right?
“Sure! I’d love to,” Will said.
“Great. So, can you come to the coffee shop this afternoon to talk things out with him? He said he would be there after work in his office, at around 5.30, until around 8?”
Will ran his fingers through his hair. “Sure. I think I can drop by there at around 6.30, maybe?”
“Cool!” Percy grinned. “I got to run to my next class now. So, I’ll see you around, then?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Percy waved at him before disappearing among the other students.
Will hasn’t walked far away yet when his phone vibrated. He fished it out from his pocket, smiling to see the text from Mitchell, his best friend, asking him whether they were in the same division for the next class. Will replied, telling him that yes, they were indeed in the same division as he continued walking to the building.
First day of the new semester, and so far, it has been great.
Will, was happy.
Author’s Note: 1. I’ve written a few one-shot for the fandom but this is the first time I write a multi-chaptered one. I hope you enjoy it! Any comments and feedback will be highly appreciated! 2. I plan to update this weekly, every Friday. Or even twice a week if my football team treat me well by winning games (kids please don’t do the same mistake like I do, please don’t let a bunch of stupid guys calling themselves football players affecting your mood)
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