#Natalie chase
hadesisqueer · 2 years
“Percy Jackson's old classmates probably were like «wait what the fuck» when they saw he was the subject of a national manhunt” okay but Annabeth was there too and she probably appeared on security footage. Do you think anyone from the Chase family watched the news and saw her. Do you think Natalie saw her and was like “why is my 12yo niece with a fugitive what the fuck”
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somnas-writes · 8 months
Hc that the Chase family is so hot that the gods have to fuck them
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
So I was reading your Athena & Apollo headcanons and it made me think of a hc to help fill a (very mild but infinitely frustrating) plot hole in the books! (Well, plot hole is stretching it, it’s not even a plot dent, more like a detail inconsistency that affects Literally Nothing but it has driven me crazy since I read mcga)
The detail in question: Why are all of Athena’s kids blonde and (possibly) curly-haired, when Annabeth is said to get her hair from her dad and Athena has never actually appeared as a blonde? (Aside from that time in Sea of Monsters but tbf that was a hallucination so possibly not accurate). It’s bothered me for a while, because Athena doesn’t Do romance and therefore it wouldn’t really make sense for her to have a Type, right? Why would someone attracted to mortal’s intellect care about their hair color? I guess I just figured she’d been blonde for a while and decided to go brunette later, but the “dumb blonde” stereotype has been around for a long time, having been especially prevalent since the ‘50s, and I can’t imagine Athena to want to be seen as anything less than the smartest person in the room.
But then your hcs got me thinking… we know that Athena is very proud, but she’s also deeply insecure. Like, “she got made fun of for playing the flute One Time by two goddesses known to be bitchy that she already did not get along with and threw it into the woods with a curse and refused to pick it up again (until Apollo coaxed her to)” insecure. And she doesn’t have very many friends, does she? Apollo’s kind of all she has, other than mortals, but her relationship with mortals is that of a devotee and a god. Reverence is not the same thing as connection. But Apollo, who is in a similar boat to her, makes connections so easily! Even at his worst, he makes people like him against both his and their will. Even his relationships with his devotees were… well they were messy lbr but they were also very genuine, most of the time. There was something more, there.
So, all this rambling to say: what if the reason Athena’s kids all look so similar is because Athena chose to look like Apollo? I don’t think she chose to act like him, but. I dunno. Maybe she thought mortals would like her better if she looked more like her pretty, popular brother. She’s always had to listen to people, mortals and immortals alike, praise her brother for just about everything while she had to fight for even a scrap of respect. Maybe she thought she could absorb at least a little of that something that makes people genuinely like him. That something that draws her to him again and again. Maybe it’s like armor, pulling on her brother’s face. If they don’t like her, it’s not because it’s her, right? Apollo’s been driving everybody crazy lately, anyway… (and yet, he’s still more beloved than her…)
And that ALSO feeds into my preexisting headcanons about Apollo looking like a Chase, which is fun!! (I think his modern godly form looks more similar to Magnus but Lester has a face/hair texture that is really, really similar to annabeth’s! So when he bashes the two forms together he makes the two of them look even more like siblings because he’s basically a bridge between the two of them, lol. But his old godly form looked strikingly similar to Annabeth in a lot of ways… hmmmm.)
Anyway it’s kind of a convoluted hc and once again falls into the “Apollo is the specialist little guy in the WORLD” mindset but I!!! Just like it!!!! When siblings are weird and messy!!! And admiration gets mixed up with jealousy and genuine affection is twisted by circumstance and time!!! And identity issues!!! And loneliness!!! It’s latching on to someone and having them be your whole world when you know that you’re just a small part of theirs!!! AUGHHH. Weird fucked up Olympus dynamics my belovedddd
I never noticed this before, but this explanation seems Interesting👀
And don't worry, this fandom basically goes "AND THIS IS WHY APOLLO IS [insert description here" ALL the time XD
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medievalatkinson · 9 months
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the mom reminds me of kate mckinnon in ghostbusters
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thesmallestpotatto · 10 months
Things I think Natalie Chase has said to/slash in front of baby Magnus
I'm so sorry, I've told him not to bite other kids. Don't worry, he's already had rabies so your kids probably fine.
In my opinion, dirt is a lot less tasty than mac and cheese, but you do you
Don't make me tie you to the fence post again.
Believe me, I want to pay for the dentist less than you want to go, but I would love to see you make it to 25 with all your teeth
No, of course! Don't wear your jacket. I'm sure hypothermia would go great with that shirt
Only people who learn how to read get to use the carving knife
That racoon is not your friend and when you come back with scratch marks I will laugh at you.
When I was his age, I'd only had chicken pox once, so this is new taretory
I know he's misbehaving. He's upset that I won't let hom sleep outside in November.
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nepobabyeurydice · 5 months
Context: A few months ago I made a post mentioning my idea for this, and it’s picking up some traction. The event would involve parents of demigods & magicians, including the gods, and insight into to their thoughts about their children. This is in the vein of my anticlea series which focuses on the parents of demigods. I’ve noticed this is a very niche but popular space and I’d like to fill it out. There would not be a sideblog created but an Ao3 collection would be made and works would be grouped together like that. I would also be reblogging any other type of submission and making it a featured tag, although the tag #riordanverseparentsweek would be where it all should go.
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avocadoearthworm · 1 year
i am convinced that the chase family is cursed - Like think about it; Natalie, randolph, Randolph's wife, Magnus and Randolph's kids have all been killed by a mythological being (I think Randolph's family were ,I know they were killed on one of Randolph's expeditions to get the sword so in a way they were)
And those that currently haven't been, if we ignore annabeth's Stepmum and step brothers, have been involved with the gods and it was said at some point that the chase family has been attracting gods for generations so either they're cursed to attract the gods attention or the fates just hate them.
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madamevandeleur · 1 year
POV: The mom fit
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handshakinglove · 2 years
Magnus losing it
I’ve seen peeps in the fandom saying that Magnus never went properly batshit crazy. Which is valid, he deserved to after all he went through, but also he did break down at one point. I feel like people forget about the scene right after he wakes up in Valhalla where he actually properly grieves his mother (and yes is pissed he has muscles). My man punched a hole in a wall and flipped and broke furniture. Which mirrors Alex’s reaction to being dead which is rly interesting but anyway.
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somnas-writes · 8 months
The Chase family (Fredrick, Natalie, Randolph, Magnus, Annabeth) have the worst resting bitch face ever.
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silentstudiosyt · 1 month
"What if Magnus was raised in the Greek world-" WHAT IF ANNABETH WAS RAISED IN THE NORSE WORLD??
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cotver · 3 months
He is 100% left handed and has to do the little L thing to know which way is which
Very light sleeper due to living on the streets before
Can fall asleep instantly if he’s in his own bed (he doesnf have one anymore, Valhalla doesn’t count. He wants to go home, he misses his mom.)
Hates coffee. (No explanation)
Ties his hair up halfway during any of the Hotel’s games
Uses the cheapest most atrocious shampoo (no conditioner) before blitz got ahold of him
He had a pet rock named after the rock on Sesame Street (Rocko-Rokko? idk how to spell it) when his mom was alive
His mom was a gentle parent and raised him in a very respectful way
Magnus unconsciously clings to older figures due to his lack of them when he was younger (After his mother 🪦, obvi)
It takes him takes a while to fully memorize and learn new things through repetition with breaks
He forgets things if he learns them too quickly/practices too much in a short span of time
He can go a long time without sunlight- longer than the average human.
His eyes can adjust to different brightness’s 14.57% faster than most people.
He subconsciously taps his hand on his knee whenever he’s thinking
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merf8 · 3 months
My mom and I had s pact-which sounds creepy, but it really wasn't. She made me promise that when she died, I'd have her cremated. I'd scatter her ashes in the woods of the blue hills. If I died first she would do the same for me. Neither of us liked the idea of being embalmed, turned into some chemically stabilized exhibition, then buried in a box. We wanted to be in the sunshine and the fresh air and just kind of dissolve. I hadn't been able to keep my promise to my mother. Now I was getting exactly the kind of funeral I didn't want. My eyes watered. "I'm sorry, Mom."
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mallorykeen · 2 years
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nepobabyeurydice · 1 year
the chase family makes me go ‘oh what levels of fucked are you to make the gods attracted to you’
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