#and that he never consented to having a child with athena
aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Hi I have concept questions rate the yandere Greek gods, and who is most likely out of them with sexually assault or rape reader any gender I don’t know it came in my mind after I found out that Ares has never raped a women or man in my opinion that is a really shocking thing coming from the god of war I mean when comes to gods it’s a pretty good standard because I have read about so many sexual assaults in Greek mythology. for example obviously, Zeus is most likely going to force himself on reader he has done it many times and then the other one is Poseidon he did it with medusa if I remember correctly, so he is most likely to do it, and he has done it with other people and then Eros I don’t know why I just think he would do it and Apollo would do it and I actually thought Ares would would also sexually assault reader, but after finding out that he never did with anyone I don’t he would force himself on reader since he has never done it in Cannon fun fact, one of the sons of Poseidon raped his daughter and when Ares found out, he was furious and killed Poseidon son. Hades, this is another god I think he would not force himself on reader. But I’m not sure about Dionysus maybe he would and Hephaestus is another god who would force himself because he did it with Athena if I remember correctly. Aphrodite, maybe you would do it too. Hermes is another god I think he would do it too. What do you think can you Frank them from? Who is most likely to do it to who is least likely to do it and never do it at all.
tw: talk about rape/sexual harassment.
I would say the same ones you mentioned above.
Zeus and this one doesn't even need explanations. Poseidon, depending on the version, is said to have raped Medusa, but this is the Roman version and not the Greek, so it depends on which myth you prefer, but I think he would be able to force himself on the Reader.
Apollo would do it if he was rejected by his beloved, and he wouldn't even think he was doing anything wrong. Eros would also force himself on his darling if he was rejected in a very cruel way, then he would force them to be his.
Although there are no records of Ares forcing himself on anyone, as we are doing a headcanon and I don't work with canon but with the voices in my head, I would say that he could force himself on the Reader. And he wouldn't even need much for that, it can easily be motivated by jealousy, pure lust or just because he wants to mark the Reader as his.
Hephaestus... It's complicated, the reason he tried to abuse Athena is because of Poseidon, in a way. Poseidon became jealous of the closeness of Athena and Hephaestus and incited the god of forging to make unwanted advances on the goddess of wisdom, thinking that she liked him. He never actually raped her, it was more like harassment, but he came on her thighs and a child was born from that. Bizarre? Yes. Would he abuse his S/O? Look, it depends. I think that if Hephaestus was really consumed by obsession, by jealousy, he could force himself on his darling.
Hades would never force himself sexually on his darling. He can kidnap them (and he will), he can lock them up but he will never do anything against their will, sexually speaking. He doesn't want to be like his brothers and loathes it, so he would never touch the Reader without their consent.
Dionysus would do it too. He is delusional enough and the reason he would abuse his darling could be motivated by how delusional he is. The god would be so delusional that he wouldn't even realize that the Reader doesn't want to sleep with them.
Hermes would only do so if he wanted to dismantle power over his S/O. Like, he did that to them because he can, because they are his and that means he can take them wherever he wants and whenever he wants. A form of control and psychological torture, in a way.
I think Aphrodite would be the only one of the goddesses to abuse her darling, but for her, she would not be committing abuse but rather showing how much she loves them. And for her, the goddess of love, also the patron saint of prostitutes, what better way than to have sex with her darling? Even if it's not consensual.
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rosietrace · 5 months
This is a personal rant about my thoughts on Greek mythology retellings, and just the way Fantasy books and the publishing industry is at this point 🧍‍♀️
I have nothing against Greek mythology retellings, or just anything Greek mythology related in fantasy in general!
However, I have certain gripes about the way Greek mythology is portrayed in media, specifically in the way its interpreted in Fantasy.
[ More under the cut! ]
I love Percy Jackson, and I think that Uncle Rick did a wonderful job at expanding the world and making Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse mythology entertaining and easily digestible for young audiences. Genuinely, he does a better job at writing children's books than R*wling could ever be capable of.
However, as much as I can love PJO as much as I do, I still find certain bits of the world building and character writing as... Very hit and miss.
To start, I don't like the way Ares was written in the series. I can understand that it would make sense for his personality to be that way, because he's the God of War and it helps with Clarisse's character development; but I find fault in it because Ares in the myths is nothing like PJO Ares. (He literally killed one of Poseidon's sons because he raped his daughter, Alcippe, and he's one of the only gods who doesn't hump anything that can breathe in air. At least Ares has the courtesy of asking for consent 💀)
The Gods being the reason behind WWII and Hitler being a child of Hades. All I must say.
The portrayal of the Aphrodite cabin
The fact that Athena can have children. Annabeth, pjo fandom at large, I love you are, but you gotta admit it must've felt weird when you first read the books and you find out Athena — the maiden Goddess of Wisdom — can have offspring. Regardless of the reasoning, I still find it weird 😭 (EDIT: I've now just remembered that it was a reference to how Athena herself was created 🤡 I'm a clown)
I get that the Hermes cabin is also the cabin for the unclaimed, but couldn't have Hestia's cabin worked too? She doesn't have offspring, sure, but it probably would've made more sense for the unclaimed to go to Hestia's cabin so that the Hermes cabin wouldn't be so crowded
This isn't really a world building issue, but I think I should bring it up: I'm not saying this against the Kane Chronicles fandom, but... Sadie and Anubis. Why. Like you can't convince me that no one WASN'T weirded out by that.
Less of a complaint and more of a question because I can't remember if the question was answered in HoO or not, but when Percy told the Gods to start claiming their unclaimed children and be more decent parents (as he should, go off king), did that request apply to the Romans at Camp Jupiter too? Because that's gotta have been confusing when the unclaimed kids at CP suddenly started getting claimed 😭😭
I could go on a whole ass tangent about PJO, but that would make this post longer than it needs to be 😭😭 and any of the points might not make much sense, since I haven't read the books in a LONG time
Off to the YA Fantasy segment... Hoo boy.
The oversaturation of Hades/Persephone retellings makes me SEETHE. Why is it always Hades and Persephone why can't it be something else 😭
I just don't like the “modern feminist” retellings of Greek myths in the YA Fantasy genre, in general. They tend to completely miss the point of the original myth, and it's the case with a lot of Hades and Persephone retellings where they try to paint Hades as the good guy taking Persephone away from her control freak mother, Demeter.
Because that wasn't what the myth was about. The myth isn't a love story, at least, not a romantic one. It was about Demeter's love for Persephone and how much she wanted her daughter back after Hades stole her away. Keep in mind, in the historical context of the myth, the daughters of women in ancient Greece never really get to see their mothers after their engagements are solidified.
If they wanted to make a “feminist” retelling of the myth, they'd have it centered around the love Demeter had for Persephone to almost doom the mortal realm to an eternal winter to get her back.
I love the myth of Hades and Persephone, truly, I do. I understand the appeal it has on people, the appeal it has one me. I can see why people adore the myth in the way they do because Hades is one of the better husbands in Greek mythology (a low bar, but my point still stands).
Personally, I blame Lore Olympus and especially the video of the myth by Overly Sarcastic Productions for the way the myth is portrayed in mass media. And I say this as a former LO fan and a fan of Overly Sarcastic Productions 😭
I'd also want to go into my many, MANY gripes about “Crown of Starlight” by Cait Corrain, but in all honesty? I don't think I can properly convey how much I DESPISE Cait and their book. So I'd highly recommend y'all to check out the videos about Cait Corrain by Reads With Rachel, WithCindy, and Xiran Jay Zhao on YouTube if you're interested in going into more detail about the controversies, especially for those who weren't made aware of it.
I feel like the publishing industry just... Isn't good anymore, after Booktok went viral. Reading has been “hot girlified”, and all Booktok seems to ask when they get recommended a book is: “Is it spicy??”
Reading is like fast fashion, now. It's all based around certain popular tropes that that's how books are promoted now. Not for the plot — or sometimes lack thereof — but for the tropes the book has.
The only thing I can thank Booktok for is that they helped me discover The Cruel Prince. And even then, it's marketed as romance on there, when it's a political fantasy with a romance subplot.
‼️ Woah! A secret bonus section! ‼️
I, personally, don't read — nor do I like — Sarah J Maas. (Especially considering the problematic aspects of her storytelling, character portrayals, and is (apparently, correct me if I'm wrong) a Zionist)
However, that isn't to say that I don't like some of the characters she makes. A lot of them have potential, actually! From what I've seen, I think Nesta, Gwyn, Azriel, Eris, Tamlin and Lucien from ACOTAR are the only characters I actually like, based on what I've heard — and seen — on anything in the SJM critical tag on this hellsite.
And while we're at it, let's discuss the elephant in the room with ACOTAR, right? Rhysand.
By all that is good and holy, I hate Rhysand so much and I think I'd hate him even more if I actually READ the books. I don't get why Booktok is so invested in him when Maas retconned Tamlin's character to make him look better as Feyre's love interest.
Also, from what I recall, didn't Rhysand sexually assault Feyre? And he didn't bother to apologize for it, and justified it with his sad tragic backstory??
I can't with y'all, istg 😭 the fact that “Feysand” is apparently a Hades and Persephone retelling too makes me even more mad about it because it isn't even a GOOD retelling. It just takes away what ACOTAR originally was— a Beauty and the Beast retelling, with Feyre and Tamlin as the leads.
Didn't Maas dedicate ACOTAR to her husband because “He would go under the mountain” for her??? BECAUSE IT CERTAINLY WASN'T RHYSAND WHO SAVED FEYRE FROM UTM, I'LL TELL YOU THAT
I think, out of all the series Maas has made thus far, Throne of Glass is the only one I ACTUALLY kind of like, based on what I've heard. Crescent City seems to be too complicated to understand, and even though I've never read it myself, I miss what ACOTAR could've been. (My hope lies with Nesta, Elucien and Gwynriel, at this point)
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poisonpercy · 9 months
I know fandom hates Fredrick Chase (I see you, I hear you), but I feel like there’s a lot of nuance to his character that people refuse to consider. I’m not going to say anything about Annabeth’s recollection of him from before she ran away at 7, because no one wants to hear that, and if I do, people will get mad. But let’s talk about Fredrick Chase.
I saw a post about him the other day, and his character has not left my mind since. Because honestly, I feel so much pity for him. No matter what you say about what type of parent he is, you have to acknowledge that he did not consent to becoming one. At least with other god and mortal relationships, a child is at least a known possibility, even if said child is not wanted (as sad as that is). With Fredrick and Athena, there was no sexual relationship. You would think a biological child wouldn’t be possible, but of course Athena has to have thought children, dropping them off unceremoniously at an unsuspecting mortal’s house just because their intelligence inspired a child.
I don’t know, just imagine having intellectual conversations with a woman and then one day she drops off a baby and says it’s yours despite all evidence saying that it’s impossible. And to top it all off, you never hear from her again.
There’s just no mental preparation whatsoever for Fredrick. It’s not even something he thought to worry about because in what situation does only talking ever conclude with a living, breathing baby that shares your DNA?! It’s just so messed up, and I think people need to consider that aspect of Fredrick before shit talking him.
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thesummerstorms · 2 months
The other thing that I think I would want in an Annabeth Wayne AU that I don't think I've seen so far is Bruce being absolutely pissed at Athena.
It was bad enough with Talia and Damian, but Athena is a literal god of wisdom who should know better AND he doesn't even have the "culpability" of having slept with her.
She one hundred percent saw Batman, tactician of the Justice League, was drawn in by her aspect of the Goddess of Strategy, and proceeded to create a child without his consent, a daughter who she didn't even raise before the child became a weapon.
And like whatever else, however fucked up Damian was by his own training to become a child-weapon, at least Talia loved Damian.
Whereas Athena loves Annabeth in the way a Goddess loves, not the way a Person loves, and I don't think Bruce, whose entire identity is so fixated on his relationship with his own parents, would recognize that as love at all.
And, like, Talia put Damian through a lot of shit. I think Bruce would be angry there too. But when push came to shove, she at least at some point brought him to Bruce because she thought it was in her son's best interests.
Athena actively lead Annabeth away from Bruce and into the streets at the age of seven, which Bruce would never see as in her best interest, whatever Athena's godly perspective is, however badly he reacted after Jason's death, even though he couldn't see (and dismissed the idea of) the spiders and the monsters. She was seven. In the streets of Gotham.
Athena let Annabeth fight a major role in two wars back to back without being there to train her or protect her or love her or even advise her. Athena advocated for the cold blooded murder of the other children who had actually tried to keep his daughter safe. Athena sent Annabeth against Arachne when Athena's children have universally died on that quest for a thousand years.
Athena let Bruce think he had gotten Annabeth killed because of his own inability to handle his grief. Let him think his daughter was dead or worse for years. Would have let him keep thinking that if the Fates didn't have other plans.
And just, in true fashion for all of my ideas on a PJO x DC crossover, everyone really comes out more traumatized than before. This includes Bruce.
Because now he wasn't just used unknowingly for a child just once, but twice. And in both cases he's going to have to live forever with the guilt of not having been able to protect his kids from what their other parent wanted to make of them
(On top of all the ways he has directly failed them and made any complexes worse, of course )
#bruce wayne#annabeth chase#annabeth wayne#athena#pjo x dcu#dcu x pjo#again I have to reiterate that I actually do think Athena loves her daughter#I just think that to a human a god's love is inevitably going to look cruel#because they don't and can't love in the same way#giving your child opportunity for Kleos and sending them to a teacher is a love to a goddess#whereas a human parent might never want their child to fight or suffer at all#and even with Bruce's whole Batman and Robin situation#he a) still felt guilt and went back and forth over it multiple times#and b) he was at least trying to guide them and accompanied them into the field and deliberately tried to give them whatever tools they#needed to be both moral and safe#Athena doesn't see a difference between what she did and Bruce's crusade but he absolutely doe#this post is obviously very much more Bruce's POV of course#Athena would have her own but I am biased#'love the way a goddess loves not the way a person loves' - but Rev aren't the gods people#Not fully#I don't think they can be; they're too vast#Behind their personalities they're all personification#so yes and no but not enough#as for bruce reacting badly after Jason's death#I generally don't think he *hurt* her which I've seen some choose to write based on him hitting Dick#but someone in fic wrote a HC that he blamed her at first bc she knew Jason was sneaking out and didn't say and I took that and ran with it#& after his initial outburst he freezes her out bc his anger scares him & he thinks keeping her at a distance will protect her from that#not knowing that she's already internalized that guilt AND already felt prior to this that Bruce was abandoning her in favor of being Batma
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iwoulddieforienzo · 9 months
I do not like Frederick Chase in the slightest, don’t get me wrong, but I do sympathize with him and other Athena mortal parents. I mean, with the other gods, there’s usually some kind of relationship beforehand - even if it’s just a one-night stand, there’s still some kind of situation that could, feasibly, result in a kid. Dropping single parenthood on someone is an absolute dick move, obviously, with little to no support and a child who will likely die before they hit 25 making the whole deal extra rotten, but there is, if nothing else, the knowledge that what you are doing could result in a kid. Like if you had a one night stand with some lady and a kid shows up on your doorstep then you’re at least aware that this was a possible consequence, even if you don’t know about the god thing.
Athena doesn’t do that. Athena doesn’t date or have sex with anyone. She meets a mortal who she likes the brain of and just… makes them a kid?? With supposedly no prior knowledge or consent from the other party. They have no way of knowing that their 3-hour debate with Some Smart Lady will make them a single parent. What’s crazier is that Annabeth says Athena kids are claimed from BIRTH. Which means they’re attacked by monsters from birth.
So like, imagine you’re a college-aged kid and you meet some lady that you enjoy being around and debating with. You have a nice, solid relationship that sort of resembles a couple but is solidly platonic. She helps you get into University and pass your classes. You have never done anything romantic, and she was very clear on her status as ace/aro (not in those exact words). Then she reveals her status as a God, drops a kid on your front door, tells you that she is yours to deal with and she will NOT be taking her back because she has to be raised by her mortal parent, who is you, by the way, congratulations, (don’t ask how she has half of your genetic material despite never having sex with this woman) oh and also monsters will be attacking her (and by extension, you) literally from the moment she opens her eyes. (They are already open, by the way.) Then she dips, never to be seen again, no child support in sight, and now everyone thinks you knocked up some poor woman who couldn’t handle the pressure. You Did Not. Also the kid is smarter than you and you’re like 23. Like Frederick is an absolute DICK, don’t get me wrong, but I do sympathize with him.
Of course, it’s possible that she informs her chosen mortals about her status as a god, as well as the children they will be receiving. But considering Frederick is said to have begged her to take Annabeth back, this implies that she either didn’t tell him about Annabeth, OR she DID tell him about her, he said no, and then she made Annabeth anyway and forced him to take her even though he didn’t want her. She definitely told him about being a god eventually, but we have no way of knowing if she was upfront about it or waited for who knows how long. (Considering her rrverse personality, I’d assume she’d tell him - and by extent, the other mortals - early on, but there really isn’t any way to know)
….yes I know about Darren and Apollo. Who knows how that went down, honestly. I like to think Apollo at least told this guy about the kid beforehand. I’m curious why he did that in the first place, honestly?? What is it about this Specific Guy that made him be like “yeah I need to have a kid with this dude.” Does he do this to all his male lovers?? Was Darren Informed?? Mr Riordan I have Questions
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jew-flexive · 2 years
frederick chase, legacy
thinking about frederick chase, who grew up in a family that knew about all the things everyone else couldn’t see, not because those things touched them, but because they used to. thinking about frederick chase, who’s a little too strong, sometimes, who’s a little too quick, sometimes, who has a strange aura of power that he didn’t earn but his great-great-great-grandfather did. thinking about frederick chase, who wants to be normal, who is almost normal, who is almost able to ignore the things that have too many eyes and razor sharp teeth and kill children in alleyways--but not him, never him, he doesn’t show up on their radar, not anymore. thinking about frederick chase, who is dizzingly, maddeningly grateful for his own cosmic insignificance because he knows what happens to heroes. 
thinking about frederick chase, nerdy and goofy and gangly and too smart for his own good, but more or less a normal guy once he moves out of his parents’ house. thinking about frederick chase, who graduates summa cum laude studying heroics of the human kind and gets his pick of grad schools and flirts with another TA at three am while they both pretend to grade papers and ignore their research. thinking about frederick chase, who falls in love with gray eyes and sly grins and stubborn pride and shows that by arguing and teasing and fiddling with his glasses and showing off, just a little, just to make her laugh.
thinking about frederick chase, who takes her home to meet his family, only for his sister to gasp and his father to drop his wine glass and his mother to bite her lip and his brother to watch with wide, jealous eyes. thinking about frederick chase, whose blood is almost all red, whose life is almost all safe, whose legacy is almost all forgotten, it’s been so long, who’d almost escaped completely, whose feelings of betrayal are sharp, vicious things. thinking about frederick chase, confronting a goddess, terror and anger making his voice shake, and what that must have looked like, a mortal lecturing the divine, how that must have made athena wonder and plot and plan. 
thinking about frederick chase, who wakes up exactly one year before he has to present his dissertation to a baby on his doorstep with his hair and her eyes who he knows just by looking at her is doomed, doomed, doomed. thinking about frederick chase, who lives off of coffee and ramen and hasn’t showered in a week and still isn’t even twenty-eight, who never wanted any of this, who was never asked if he did, who feels violated and alone and afraid. thinking about frederick chase, who tries to give the baby back because he knows what happens to kids in alleyways when the monsters (or the gods) are hungry and knows he’s not enough to protect her, who’s told he has no choice but to try. 
thinking about frederick chase, who keeps his daughter because none of this is her fault and gods forbid athena take any responsibility for the life she created without his consent, who names her annabeth for favor and oathkeeping and grace, who raises her the best he can even though he’s convinced he’ll outlive her, his clever little miracle child who represents every single one of his parents’ warnings and all the ambitions his brother’s ever sought. thinking about frederick chase, who reads to her and braids her hair and puts her in a playpen with a box of legos while he teaches his classes and comes back to find her building temples and shrines and skyscrapers with her chubby toddler hands. thinking about frederick chase, who knows his daughter is smarter and more powerful than him, who knows exactly what all that wit and strength is meant to protect her from and how little either will matter, in the end. 
thinking about frederick chase, who has every member of his family stolen from him before annabeth steals herself away. thinking about frederick chase, who never once blames her for it, who wants her safe, even if it that means being far, far away from him. thinking about frederick chase, who messes up and says the wrong thing and forgets, sometimes, that for all her cleverness, his daughter isn’t a mind reader and needs to be told that she is precious, that she is cherished, that she is everything he’s ever been afraid to lose. thinking about frederick chase, who doesn’t know how to raise a demigod, only how to mourn one, so he fails, and fails, and fails, no matter how hard he tries, no matter how deeply he loves.  
thinking about frederick chase, who, when given the chance, shows his adoration by brainstorming new building ideas and telling old college stories and making midnight breakfasts and shooting at titans with celestial bronze bullets. thinking about frederick chase, who grows and shifts and tries to see his daughter in real time, not only in those last moments he knows are coming, when she’s that kid in the alleyway and he’s not enough, never enough to stop the monsters from coming for her. thinking about frederick chase, who never once makes his peace with it, but works for the rest of his life to earn his own peace with her.
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Hi! I love your writing and I would like to request a percy jackson x male!reader smut. Where the reader is tall and buff and his godly parent is Zeus. So basically the plot is that percy is always rude to reader bc he secretly like him. So reader one day is really tired of percys by so the reader takes him to the Zeus cabin and roughly fucks percy (with consent of course) percy calls reader daddy. Next day reader is cuddling percy then percy confesses to reader and obviously reader likes him back :) u thought it would be funny if you included a scene in that same day where perce is struggling to walk. Maybe he was with the whole friend group(reader is part of it since he is a child of zeus) then reader walks in without his shirt on for whatever reason and they see the scratch marks on his back, the others put 2 and 2 together and figure out what happened and just laugh about it while reader put an embarrassed percy on his lap. ❤
pairing: percy jackson (18+) x male!reader - son of zeus!reader
warnings: smut → rough smut, dom!male reader + sub!percy, fingering, penetrative sex.
word count: 1.1k
a/n: ahh omg thank you so much bby! hope you like this one ✨🖤
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
requests for the sleepover are open🖤!
request guidelines here✨!
smut night masterlist
it was a stupid, senseless comment, really. but it was still enough to get under your skin.
"percy, can i talk to you for minute please?" you clench your fists, eyes burning through his soul.
"uh, sure?"
the two of you walked, more like stomped, to Zeus's cabin, your chest heaving in so much anger - anger that had been pent up for the last few months. Percy had always made petty, stupid comments towards you ever since you came to the camp. His immaturity really showed through his demeanour with you. You suppose you could understand why - he's threatened by you. it makes sense, you were another child of the Big Three after all.
without a word, as soon as you both reached the cabin, you shove him up against the door. Percy smirks, knowing that he's finally gotten you to react. Contrary to your belief, he liked you. He wasn't 'threatened' as you had put it, but rather unsure of himself. you made him act so different - certainly not himself, that's for sure.
"what now?" percy arches an eyebrow in amusement. You say nothing, but press your lips against his roughly. He sighs into the kiss, tugging you by your stupid camp shirt closer to his chest.
You grab his shirt, mercilessly dragging him over to your bed before pushing him down on it. He chuckles, propping himself up on his elbows while watching you take your shirt off.
"don't just sit there, ocean boy. Strip."
Percy does as you say, quickly tugging his pants down his legs and his shirt over his head.
"what're you gonna to do, fuck me?" he snickers, a playful and mocking smirk playing on his lips. You lean down, arms on either side of his hips.
"see, that's exactly what i'm going to do." Your voice low in a growl. He gulps, eyes widening in shock, fear, excitement. You pull him to the edge of the bed by his ankles, a quick yelp escaping his lips. Percy's legs spread wide for you, his cock twitching in excitement.
your fingers toy at his entrance, dragging it all over his thighs and back down again. His bottom lip pulls into his teeth, his breathing heavy.
"you know it's funny how you've got such a good mouth, that i can shut it by barely even touching you," you ridicule, wanting to tempt him to say one of his snarky comments. but he doesn't. he just whines and rolls his eyes, impatiently waiting for you to finger him already.
His wish is granted, your finger slowly pushing into him. He gasps, but catches it through bitting his lip again. A smug smile plays on your lips, watching as he struggles not to let out a moan. But he fails as you pump your fingers faster into him, adding another finger to stretch him out nice and good for you.
"daddy," percy whispers, hips grinding against your fingers. The petname took you by surprise. you never pecked him to be a 'daddy' type of person.
regardless, you respond, "yes, ocean boy?"
"f...ah," he's cut of by his own moan. "fuck me, please."
You take your fingers out, and before he got a chance to whine at the loss of touch, you thrust into him roughly. He moans loudly, fingers holding tightly on your arms. Building a steady rhythm, you pound into him, letting out small grunts here and there.
Percy on the other hand, was one loud and whiney son of a bitch. He can't control his moans, feeling too enveloped by the pleasure. His hand reach up and claws at your back as he whines and moans out curses.
"fuck, daddy, harder, please," he can barely talk, body too overwhelmed. You comply with his plea, knowing as he asked so nicely. The bed squeaks from underneath percy, banging into the walls as you pound harder into him. His fingers claw harder - you were sure there was going to be deep red marks all over your back that was going to last at least a few days.
You lean up, holding his hips tightly with one hand while the other works at his cock. Pumping him up and down a few times, percy practically sobs in ecstasy. Your hand words harder and faster, wanting to bring him to close the edge. You felt yourself being driven to the edge at his fucked-out state.
"gonna cum," percy pants out heavily, whining and twisting the sheets in his fists.
"let it all go for me, yeah? you've been such a good boy for me."
"daddy, fuck," he moans, his cum spilling over his lower stomach as well as your hand.
"awh that's it, just like that," you coax him as you ride out his high.
The sun shines through the small gap in the curtain. You eyes flutter open, and softly giggle to yourself as you see a sleepy percy curled up next to you. Your arm stretches around his shoulders, pulling him into your chest. He wakes, yawning tiredly but snuggles further into your bare chest.
"morning," he mumbles, soft lips pressing to your skin.
"you feeling okay?" you ask, thumb caressing over his hip bone. He nods, but winces as he tries to drape his lap over your waste.
"last night was fun," percy looks up at you, his pretty sea green eyes flashing sweetly at you. You smile sheepishly and kiss his nose. "i wondered how long it'll take you to finally fuck me."
"oh fuck off," you roll your eyes as the two of you laugh.
"no but seriously. I like you, [y/n]."
"so that's why you've been an asshole!"
"how else was i supposed to get your attention?!" the two of you laugh at his comment.
you meet the others in Athena's cabin, where the discussion about the next quest abruptly stops.
"well well, where have you been, mister? we've got import business to discuss," annabeth says sassily, only now noticing your stood before them without a shirt.
"was getting breakfast quickly," you shrug, sitting down on the floor next to grover. Percy comes in the room, tea in hand for Leo and Piper.
"nice of you to finally show up," he teases. You arch an eyebrow as you notice the way he's walking. it was if he just got railed the previous night.
"oh my god, no you guys didn't!" annabeth gasps, as she glances at the scratches on your back. Piper takes a look at your back, noticing the deep red lines.
Percy's face flushes a deep shade of red, spreading down to his neck. You look at him and send him a wink, pulling him into your lap just to spite him even more.
"i'm going to kill you," he mutters low enough for only me to hear.
"i'd love to see you try, ocean boy."
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feanoryen · 2 years
Stop villainizing Frederick and Mrs. Chase.
Annabeth had a bad childhood because of Athena.
Not the Asian woman with no knowledge of demigods and monsters and was just trying to look out for her little boys. And not the poor young adult who couldn't even afford college so how did Athena think he could afford raising a baby.
Athena also had Annabeth without Frederik's consent and basically forced him to raise her instead of raising the child she decided to will into existence because she's a goddess and can't possibly raise a mortal kid although Frederik never even asked her to have his kid.
Just because Annabeth resents them and idolizes Athena doesn't make them bad people and her good.
Of course, this isn't to say we fault Annabeth for feeling this way, she after all has seen her mortal family at their lowest while she's never seen Athena do anything wrong and Annabeth was also a traumatized child tormented by monsters her whole life which her dad and step mom just couldn't understand, also to no fault of their own.
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wizardysseus · 4 years
bored, bored, bored to tears of how any post about odysseus and penelope draws every chucklefuck who vaguely remembers high school english class out of the woodwork to scream that odysseus cheated on his wife and penelope deserves so much better
it’s easy to criticize odysseus! almost anything he’s done is on the table, including but not limited to ritual human sacrifice, sacking a city, throwing a child off a wall, ordering the deaths of slave women, keeping secrets from his crew and getting them killed accidentally, straight-up murder, and generally lying and swindling everywhere he goes. i happen to like him, which i expect backlash for, because i’ve been in english classes ever. and the most common talking point is........ not any of these; it’s that he cheated. even by people who should know better. anyone with a classics degree could spot the parallels between odysseus in book 5 of the odyssey and the captive trojan women in the iliad, but madeline miller can just call him a cheater and even i'm like “well. she's not the only one,” because it's so normalized.
so, so. i don’t really expect anyone to read this, mainly because the people who would be interested have already heard everything i’m about to say via various private messages, but i wanted to write about the odyssey, and how odysseus has sex with two women who aren’t his wife, circe and calypso. (as well as flirting delicately with nausicaa, which, god, isn’t in the same category at all. i did once read a post accusing odysseus of “marrying a princess,” but it also said he did cannibalism, so.)
i’m not going to spend a lot of time talking about cheating in a modern context vs an ancient one, because i’m not a professional classicist. my impression from reading homer and other greek-myth-based literature like the oresteia is that there wasn’t an expectation in ancient/mythological greece for men to be faithful to their wives (see: how almost every king in the iliad has a concubine). this is just a context clue; another is that odysseus tells penelope about both circe and calypso when they reunite, which ought to indicate that however you read what was going on, they didn’t view it as a dealbreaker. 
but i do have my own read on what’s going on --- i wrote a post about calypso and book 5 here (tw for rape), and the long and short of it is that odysseus does not want to be there, and that this is obvious not only from the bent of the story (which all hangs together on the fact that odysseus is trying to get home) but also from the text. so when calypso keeps him there, “unwilling lover alongside lover all too willing,” that’s rape. like... there are other myths i imagine people get their ideas from, but i just don’t think that part of the odyssey has enough ambiguity to lend much support to the cheating interpretation.
consent with the circe encounter is more complicated, on multiple levels. he sleeps with her primarily because hermes tells him not to refuse her if he wants to see his crew again. at that point, it’s a kind of contractual arrangement: he sleeps with circe and his men are returned to him. sex is an act primarily to keep himself and his men safe. on the other hand, staying with her for a year afterward is apparently willing --- in contrast to calypso, who only swears an oath not to harm him when she's about to set him free, circe swears one from the start. his men are the ones who prompt him to get moving again. i don’t particularly like the term dubcon, but if it ever applies, i would say it’s here.
more than anything, what makes it hard (for me, at least) to assume good faith when people come at odysseus/penelope with the cheating argument is that they’re never just talking about circe. (see, again, madeline miller’s “at least twice” comment), and they refuse to consider that in neither encounter is odysseus in the position of power. 
like, you know, penelope is also not in a position of power with respect to the suitors.
people tend to read odysseus' faithfulness vs penelope's as if that is the central contrast between them. and yes, penelope’s virtue is a huge source of anxiety in the odyssey, and yes, there are double standards, and yes, productive scholarship can come from examining that. i get it. but it isn’t the only or necessarily most interesting way to read the odyssey.
the odyssey is about a lot of things. definitely some of those things are marital fidelity and patriarchy. but one of the other things, for example, is hospitality, and what it means to be a bad host or a bad guest. penelope is at the mercy of bad, powerful guests. odysseus is at the mercy of bad, powerful hosts.
which brings me to what penelope “deserves.” because before you can make that argument, you have to be able to establish her character and what their relationship is based on. and the odyssey draws more attention to the likenesses between them than the differences. they share the epithet “wise.” they’re both full of tricks and lies. when penelope tells the suitors that she’ll pick whoever gives her the most gifts, odysseus hears and laughs to himself about her cleverness (book 18). penelope is the only person besides athena to successfully lie to him (book 23). they react with the same distrust and outward coldness while they test one another. they cry about the same things. they know each other through the same signs.
why is the question what penelope deserves? rooting for penelope isn’t rooting against odysseus; they’re very similar and well-matched people. @whatshouldwecallhomer has a couple of great posts (more concise than mine) on this subject, and particularly about odysseus and penelope’s likemindedness, here and here. ultimately, “deserves” isn’t the point. what penelope wants and values is the point.
but even if you disagree about any or all of this, please consider: you are not the first person ever to realize that odysseus had sex with other women. you’re not gonna be the one to break the news to an odysseus/penelope fan that he’s a bad person. we know. also, don’t be fucking rude on other people’s posts and artwork. “this is nice! if only i didn’t hate odysseus!” is not the compliment you think it is.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
anti LO anon opinions
(1) If i had to guess, the fact Hephaestus was written ok in LO is because of the editor. On their official job listings, one of the editor requirements at Webtoons is to actually aid in if not completely ghostwrite some of the episodes if need be. If i had to bet, the LO editor (the 3rd they're on now btw) had the better sense than to get into more hot water like the r*pe discourse and took over writing him so RS wouldn't make him another villain. RS tends to be a PR nightmare in that regard.
(2) If there’s one thing I find strange about the writing choices in LO (and I have a lot I don’t like) it’s that it pretty constantly tells and shows us Hades is, frankly, the worst king imaginable. He’s violent, he’s entitled, he doesn’t like to be corrected or told he’s wrong. He physically threatens others if not outright attacks them (a paparazzi college student isn’t evil for trying to make ends meet.) when called out on it, he doesn’t see the error of his ways and it’s even worse when Persephone calls him out on it and he just quiets her or they make out to shut her up I guess?
Even people from Hestia to Ares don’t trust Hades and call him cruel, violent, and a bad king. You cannot constantly tells us he’s a bad king and leader and see it as fair and just he remains a king at the end. This wouldn’t be an issue if it weren’t for the fact Smythe keeps framing and excusing him as the most perfect, romantic man ever and sole voice of reason and logic in her universe and who every man should be like and who every woman wants.
He would actually be a great antagonistic love interest, a fun take on H/P as a twisted dark romance of a young woman rejecting her perfect life for the darkness and cruelty of the king of death, but LO has no use for that when its sole purpose is to whitewash him and make them “precious cinnamon rolls”.
Also, going off visual cues, Persephone will be the one to change for HIS wants and lifestyle, not the other way around, so we know he won’t change his ways or even learn, but instead will get everything he wants and then some, only with the slight slap on the wrist that he won’t be able to have sex with his child-like bride half the year. 
Persephone is ultimately rendered a prop in her supposed story. This is not a story of empowering Persephone or giving her a voice, it is a story of excusing and romanticizing a cruel, capitalistic slave owner who really wants to have sex with someone who can pass for his daughter and framing it as a progressive romance.
(3) There’s something very sad in the fact the canon of LO is that Persephone isn't even of Demeter’s blood, but rather is made of clay. Persephone has had all her friendships, any hints of personality, understanding, goals, and even her family ripped away from her so the only thing in her life is Hades and what he wants and what tells her.
In comparison, Hades is given relationships to characters he never had in the myths (his expanded sex life, friendship with Hecate, huge emphasis on Rhea having him as her favorite child, Hera being his lover, even Thanatos to an extent), he gets to keep and even gains status as the implied true heir of Kronos and controller of all the wealth/CEO, and is given more personality and goals than myth gave him.
Despite being the lead character, Persephone is given nothing beyond wanting to be Hades’ wife. Her school work doesn’t matter to her, she has no flaws or complexities, she doesn’t know her own body or powers, her sexuality is based in naivety & only wanting Hades in a narrative that shames other consenting adults, I could go on. She ends up more regressed than myth had her, and Ancient Greece wasn’t exactly as progressive as we are today, while Hades ends up having more love and care put into him.
It shows just how little Smythe cares for the mythology but also the claims of it being “progressive feminism” are all lip service. Persephone is not a character in LO, she’s a prop to self insert on (which would be fine if it weren’t for the claims Smythe is “empowering” her) and make sure people don’t feel bad about shipping a assaulted kidnapping victim with her myth canon uncle and assailant. People have been shipping and writing HxP for decades with no issue and yet LO has twisted them into something even Tumblr (which essentially created it) is souring to.
(4) I dont mean to sound like a prude but why is lo Demeter, Hera and eve Artemis all drawn so cartoonishly sexy? every one of them are all drawn with super exaggerated tapered curves with huge boobs and hips and wearing clothes that are constantly showing off their chests and are dangerously close to showing more than just leg.
they're far from the only female characters drawn like that too. basically every woman has to be drawn with extreme sex appeal. that’s not to say the characters mentioned aren’t allowed to be sexual beings (I personally would love to see hera and demeter, two often prudish mother figures, have the chose to have their own love lives) but it becomes shallow when the only sex hera is allowed is via cheating on her husband with hades (gross, sorry 😂) and demeter being so removed from sex she made her daughter through /clay/ (because making persephone an object is better than just having her being from a single mother/no father mentioned I guess) this once again shows a lack of design or character considerations on Smythe’s part.
while the male characters get more variety (not much, but some) all the women regardless of character or traits are made into more pinups than their own unique beings. That’s not even mentioning the only unique looking woman (Athena) is only that way because she’s depicted essentially as a man. If you have anything bigger than an A-cup, it’s only a matter of time before you’re sexualized. 
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mythologyfolklore · 4 years
101 Greek Mythology head-canons that have little to nothing to do with the “canon”
(These headcanons merely involve my own interpretation of G.M. and the way it’s depicted in my story. It’s okay, if you don’t like them, but please do refrain from nagging into my ears about it, because these are headcanons!)
1. Ares is both Zeus’ oldest and his only legitimate son (Hephaistos is Hera’s son alone, so he doesn’t count). Sometimes he rubs it into his half-siblings’ faces out of spite. The only ones excluded are the Horai (Eunomia, Dike and Eirene) and Athena, because they're (kind of) older and have been born (or conceived) in wedlock.
2. Ares and Zeus have kind of a parental love-hate relationship. Because ... well, it’s Zeus.
3. Athena has a bitter rivalry with both Ares and Poseidon going on. But they do get along sometimes.
4. The Kronides (Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus) have a feeling of reverence towards Athena’s mother Metis. It’s one of the reasons why she’s Zeus’ favourite child.
5. I went with Hesiod’s Theogony on their family tree, so Aphrodite is the sole daughter of the sky Ouranos (or more specifically of his privy parts). That makes her the half-sister of the Titanes and aunt to the 1st-generation-Olympians. Thus she’s the oldest member of the Olympian Twelve (the Dodekatheoi).
6. Aphrodite dresses in pink or red most of the time, but her favourite colour is actually blue. Only Ares, Hephaistos and Athena know this.
7. Every time a god/dess is born, the Moirai (the Fates) and the Protogenoi (primordial gods) come to attend the birth, determine their later life and tasks and grant them the powers required. Most of the Protogenoi typically attend births invisibly, so that only Zeus, Hades and Hekatê can see them.
8. Hera and Zeus have a cold love for each other. They’re still married, because he needs a queen and no one else wants to be. And Hera can watch over the family better this way.
9. Hera is in retirement from being a jealous psycho wife. Now she just gives hell to Zeus, as annoying him is fun, if you can get away with it. Nowadays she’s a bitch for other reasons.
10. Poseidon isn’t the wisest of the three brothers, but he often mediates between Hades and Zeus, when things get bad between them. Over time he has gotten really good at it.
11. The Olympians have three collective no-goes: violation of the laws of hospitality, family murder and cannibalism. For obvious reasons.
12. Hephaistos, Ares and Aphrodite have long moved on from the golden net incident. Hephaistos has divorced Aphrodite and remarried. The three have a platonic affection for each other and joke about the shipwreck that’s Hephaistos’ and Aphrodite’s failed marriage.
13. Aphrodite is secretly a badass. She also has a more of her father in her than anyone could imagine. She keeps it from everyone, because she’s too afraid of what Zeus might do, if he finds out. The only ones who have a hunch are Hephaistos, Ares and Athena.
14. Ares was actually supposed to become a god of vegetation and fertility, when he was born. But no thanks to a curse from Gaia, he got bound to become a god of war instead. He does have green fingers though and secretly likes gardening.
15. Aphrodite had no serious relationship with any other than Ares, but Adonis came pretty close. Ares killed the poor guy out of jealousy, which obviously made Aphrodite upset.
16. Metis still exists. She lives on inside Zeus’ subconsciousness and has born the prophesied son that is destined to surpass Zeus. But they can’t get out, because Zeus placed a seal on his mind, after Athena broke out of his head.
17. Demeter wasn’t actually upset about Persephone marrying Hades. She was angry that it happened without her consent; she’s Persephone’s mother after all. But since things have been cleared up, she gets along with Hades comparatively well.
18. If you make Hestia, Hebe or Harmonia upset, the Olympians will collectively hunt you down and fuck you up.
19. The Greek pantheon is in contact with other panthea. Zeus does most of the international politics.
20. Dionysos once wanted to make it rain wine during Athena’s birthday party. But he messed up the spell and it rained pineapples instead.
21. Ares is possessed by a demon. To be specific by Polemos, the personification and spirit of war itself. It’s one of the reasons why he’s so crazy, but he has learned to deal with it. To him, Polemos is mostly that annoying voice in his head. He can allow the Daimon to take over, but rarely does, because he doesn’t want anyone to know about him and because he fears, that Polemos might harm his loved ones.
22. Hephaistos likes to set people’s hair on fire, if they piss him off.
23. Hermes is a kleptomaniac. Nobody likes this.
24. Ares and Demeter had a one-night-stand once. Their offspring was two serpentine dragons and a warrior, because that’s how hardcore they are. Ares loved his monster babies and was very upset, when they got killed.
25. Hades and Persephone have one of the most functional marriages in the pantheon. Persephone is the boss.
26. Ares’ daughter Harmonia is the only goddess, who has given up her immortality for a mortal husband. She was cursed by Hephaistos, who wanted to get back at Aphrodite, and lived a miserable life, before she and her husband were turned into snakes (in my version it was Ares, who transformed them both). They were sent to the Elysion after finally passing on. Hades allows Ares and Aphrodite to visit their daughter from time to time.
27. Despite being brash and loud, Ares is one of the few gods, who actually get along with Hades. He earned a few points with the King of the Underworld by getting along famously with Kerberos and by increasing his number of subjects more quickly.
28. Artemis is asexual, but in a romantic relationship with Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth and oldest daughter of Hera. Hera only tolerates it for Elileithyia’s sake, as she and Artemis really dislike each other.
29. Apollon used to have a one-sided crush on his twin. It was nothing sexual (he takes her virginity very seriously), but more than brotherly. Artemis knows and was really freaked out at first, but forgave him after learning, that he didn’t want to get creepy. When Zeus found out, he helped him to get rid of that love, and his affection for Artemis returned to being healthy brotherly love.
30. Hermes and Dionysos once tried to prank Hephaistos. His wife Aglaia caught them. They never tried again afterwards.
31. Zeus' mental state alone can affect the atmosphere and weather. If he’s calm or composed, so is the weather. If he’s furious, it’s like a hurricane, even if he tries to keep his temper - the weather just gives away, what he’s feeling. Zeus finds this really damn annoying.
32. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades didn’t draw lots to get their domains. They didn’t even choose them. Their domains chose them.
33. The Protogenoi, aka the Primordials, are to the gods, what the gods are to the humans, although the gods don’t worship the Protogenoi. However, the gods respect some more than others. Like the gods, each Protogenos has epithets given to them by the gods.
34. Each race of deities (Protogenoi, Titanes, gods, Daimones, Nymphai, etc.), has their own language. Only a few of the gods are fluent in all of them. Especially the language of the Protogenoi is often hard to decipher.
35. Aphrodite really hates her father Ouranos. Then again, everyone does.
36. Each one of the Olympians has their own mental issues.
37. Hephaistos was born with one deformed leg, but otherwise would have been able to walk. But after falling off Olympos, his left leg was hopelessly damaged and he needed a crutch. Then Zeus threw him off the mountain in a fit and he’s needed a wheelchair ever since, as crashing into an island has left him paraplegic.
38. Dionysos often gets called “baby of the family”, as he’s the youngest Olympian by far. It irritates him a lot.
39. Persephone wasn’t kidnapped. She went into the underworld by herself, because she was sick of everything and wanted to be alone. And as the underworld is really huge, Hades only found her months later by accident. She stayed with him for a while, they fell for each other and got impulse-married. But when Hermes showed up and explained what was going on in the upperworld, Hades decided, that she had to go back at least for a while. They had a dispute with Demeter and Zeus, arrangements were made, they got officially married and ever since then Persephone spent half the year up and half the year down-under.
40. As the goddess of spring, Persephone brings it wherever she goes. So when she leaves the upperworld, she brings spring to the underworld. However, as the queen of the dead, she also has the tendency of taking the influence of the underworld to wherever she goes in the upperworld. Persephone tans easily and is therefore very dark, when she goes down to the underworld. But the lack of sunlight in the underworld makes her grow pale quickly. Then she goes back up and the cycle starts again.
41. Persephone wears her hair short, because she liked it on Ares, when they first met. When she found out, that mortal women had the custom of shearing their hair as a sign of mourning, she was like: Huh ... what a coincidence. Demeter needed a while to get used to her new hair style.
42. Ares remembers the birthdays of all of his (half-)siblings, even those he hates. It’s one of the few nice things he does for them.
43. Aphrodite usually appears to someone as the type of person they find most desirable (x1000). That applies to mortals and used to apply to the Olympians too, until Athena asked her to choose a fixed shape for the gods, because she and the other virgin goddesses couldn’t see her. Aphrodite found this hilarious, but complied.
44. Hephaistos once grew a beard, hoping he’d would look less boyish and less like his mother Hera, but shaved it off again, because he was sick of it catching fire and sparks.
45. Out of all marriages in the Greek pantheon, Zeus’ and Hera’s marriage is only the third most dysfunctional; it’s surpassed by that of Kronos and Rheia and that of Ouranos and Gaia. Most other divine couples have more or less functional relationships.
46. At some point Aphrodite asked Ares to marry her, but he only knew the disaster that is his parents’ marriage and refused.
47. Poseidon has a tendency to make sexist jokes. Athena finds it really unfunny (so do the other goddesses, but they’re not subject of his bad jokes often, so they grin and bear it). Ares also takes offense at sexist jokes, which pleasantly surprised Athena and Artemis, when they found out.
48. Literally every member of the Olympians is LGBTQ+ in some way (even Ares; he’s heterosexual, but demiromantic).
49. Aphrodite loves pinching Hephaistos’ cheeks. He finds this really annoying, but tolerates it, because resistance is futile.
50. Hekatê is powerful and knowledgeable even for a Titan. The Protogenoi blessed her even before she was born. The premature blessing, plus her father being the Titan of destruction caused a mutation. Her eyes are not on her face, but she has several dozens of them magically floating around her head, like an ever-shifting halo. She also ages throughout the night (she’s a child in the evening and an old woman in the morning) and regresses during the day.
61. It doesn’t matter how much at odds the Olympians are, they will stand up for each other and stick together, when push comes to shove.
62. Apart from the 3 top tier taboos (violation of hospitality, cannibalism & family murder), each Olympian has at least one thing they would never do. Be it because they have suffered it first hand or just because they think it’s wrong and it’s below their standards.
63. Zeus is an early bird. The only others on Olympos are Apollon, Ares and Hermes. The others are either night owls or just constantly sleep-deprived/hungover.
64. Ares has a twin sister named Enyo. She’s been banished from Olympos after the Gigantomakhia for remaining neutral instead of supporting her kin. She’s crashing at his home in Thrace and mostly accompanies him into battle, together with Eris.
65. If Hephaistos was able to stand up, he’d be as tall as Artemis (she’s the third tallest goddess).
66. Hera couldn’t handle Ares, when he was a baby and asked Eris to be his nurse. Eris agreed and became his nurse under the fake identity of Thero. A few years later , he was kidnapped by Titanes at the age of seven. Hera gave him back to Eris to protect him, appointing the goddess of strife to be Ares’ guardian. When he was ten, he heard, that he had now a little sister (Eileithyia) and wanted to go back to Olympos. By that time the war was over, so Eris allowed it.
67. Eris sees the bonds between people as golden strings. She carries a sickle on herself. To damage a bond, she grazes it with the sickle, to destroy it completely, she cuts it. The stronger the string, the harder it is to cut.
68. The duty of Harmonia (Eris’ opposite) is to repair the bonds Eris has cut or damaged. She performs that duty even in Elysion.
69. Hera and Aphrodite have one thing in common: They both look like Japanese horror movie ghosts, before their morning coffee. Zeus and Ares both make sure that it’s ready, when they get up. Zeus because his wife creeps him out like that, Ares because he loves his girlfriend.
70. The Moirai, or the Fates, are daughters of Nyx. Klotho (Spinner) has a childlike appearance, Lakhesis (Alotter) is a matron and Atropos (Inevitable) is an old hag. Atropos is mute and speaks sign language, while her sisters translate what she says. Klotho is paraplegic and wheelchair-bound. Lakhesis is the caretaker of both. They’re usually incorruptible and pitiless in doing their duty, but sometimes a god manages to elicit a favour from them (for a price, of course). The thread of life of each living being is a glowing string coming from Klotho’s white hair. A mortal’s life thread is white, a semi-divine thread is silvery, a divine thread is golden.
71. Zeus never really cheated fate, when he absorbed Metis. He’s fully aware, that one day his reign will end and has everything planned out. He simply doesn’t want to step down just yet. Not even he can go against the Moirai and they never spared him his fate - they only accommodated him by giving him more time.
72. Only the Protogenoi have the power to really alter someone else’s fate, but it comes at a hefty price. For example, Gaia changed the fate of Ares, when she sealed Polemos inside of him and cursed him to become the destructive god of terrible war. This led to the child being captured and tortured by Kronos, who hoped to make the personification of war bend to his will (because he’s evil!). The irate Moirai retaliated by granting the original Olympians and their allies a devastating victory over Kronos and sentenced him and his allies to everlasting torment in Tartaros.
73. The Titanomakhia lasted for ten Olympian years, which by mortal standards is a century. By the time it began, Zeus was already married to Metis, so his siblings got to meet both of their saviors. But when he found out that she was pregnant, he panicked and absorbed her. Shortly after the war began, he married Thémis, the Titanis of divine justice and heavenly order, who had joined his side immediately. Together they had the Horai, but broke up, when she learned of Metis’ fate (i.e. Thémis got outta there, while she still could). Afterwards Zeus married Hera, so their first child Ares was born a few mortal decades before the end of the war.
74. Zeus and Hera are a complicated set of parents: one day they don’t give a crap about their children and the next day they would tear the universe apart to keep them save. The feeling is mutual.
75. Apollon isn’t actually that unlucky in love. His failed attempts at romance are just more well-known.
76. Ares is actually quite intelligent. The problem is, that he’s extremely emotional and volatile, has no impulse control and is really hostile as a result of his unpopularity and the things he has gone through.
77. The four virgin goddesses (Athena, Artemis, Hestia and Hekatê) are all asexual, but Athena and Artemis are demiromantic, while Hestia and Hekatê are aromantic.
78. Although Athena is demiromantic, she has never been in love as in she has never formed an emotional attachment other than Storge (familiar love) or Philia (deep friendship). She would, however be capable of Agape (unconditional, selfless love) or Pragma (enduring, grounded love). What she isn’t capable of is Eros (passionate, physical love), Ludus (playful love) and Mania (obsessive love).
88. The incident with Medusa getting raped by Poseidon inside Athena’s temple never happened. I went with the version in Hesiod’s Theogony: Medusa was a Gorgon from birth and together with her sisters a daughter of Phorkys and Keto, two ancient marine deities. She was the only mortal Gorgon, probably because of a mutation. Her affair with Poseidon was consensual. The rape account is a late one and comes from Ovid, a Roman writer, who wrote his Metamorphoses as a jab against the authorities (the Metamorphoses portrait all mortals as hapless victims and the gods as bigger dicks than the Greeks themselves saw their gods).
89. Most of the gods have lived for ten thousands of years. So even though to us it looks like they have one tryst after another, for them there can be centuries between each affair and the next. Of course, a century is almost nothing to them, but you get the idea.
90. The Olympians are very hypocritical. Nothing new here.
91. Hermes is closer to humans than all of the other Olympians. He is also the fondest of them.
92. Ares on the other hand is extremely misanthropic. Which is unsurprising, because he presides over the darker aspects of war and gets to see the worst side of humanity all the time. He considers it a kindness to make them kill each other.
93. Since Ares is Zeus’ only legitimate son and therefore his heir, he has to perform a lot of duties outside of his function as god of terrible war. The duty he hates most is going through his father’s mail, because nobody likes paper stuff. The upside is the confidential information he gets out of it. The other gods are unaware, how much he knows about his father or how much Zeus actually trusts his son with.
94. Zeus threatens his family to send them to Tartaros every time they piss him off too much. But he would never actually do it, because that would mean locking them up together with the defeated Titanes. And despite everything, he loves his family too much to do this and he hasn’t forgot, what they did to his son.
95. Though he has no qualms doing this with his demigod children, if they murder their sons and serve them to the gods for dinner (you know who I mean), or with trouble-makers, who kill their guests and capture Death itself, or people who harass his wife and children.
96. Aphrodite is fiercely protective of her boyfriend and children.
97. Once Aphrodite and Athena had a yelling contest. It was so terrifying, that the others (except for Zeus, who does this with Hera all the time) hid under the table and huddled together in fear. The two women only stopped screaming at each other, when Zeus told them to calm down.
98. Persephone and Hades have no children, mostly because she only likes children, if they’re dead (because they’re quiet). The only reason she agreed to raise Adonis together with Hades was that she doesn’t trust Aphrodite as far as she can throw her.
99. The scythe Demeter uses to reap her corn is the very same one Kronos used to castrate Ouranos. But the only thing that would prompt Demeter to use it as a weapon is, if her family was threatened (like in the Gigantomakhia).
100. Hera and Herakles buried their strife years before Herakles’ deification; when he helped the gods against the Gigantes and saved her from being assaulted by one of them. This is why she agreed to let him marry her daughter Hebe, after he became a god himself.
101. There is one deity the gods hold more sacred than all the others: Kháos, the Primordial Mist. Ze is the most hallowed of the Protogenoi, the Void that predates creation itself. Zir presence is felt in the invisible air we breathe and seen in the gloom of fog and mist. Ze is the atmosphere encircling the earth.
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theoi-crow · 5 years
hi, dear aela! hope you're having a wonderful day! so, i have been interested in hellenic polytheism for a while now, and i'm trying to separate what is myth and reality/religion. how do they work? do they complement each other or have another type of dynamic? for example, is artemis' hunt purely spiritual instead of physical like it is said in the myths (if that makes sense)? i appreciate your work profoundly, your posts have such a lovely energy! xx
Awwww thank you! Thank you for liking my blog!!! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Mythology was created by people superimposing their own ideas.
For example, a lot of people were the equivalent of Kings back then (the people who ran their own corresponding areas), and to do so they claimed to be the son of Zeus (kind of like medieval Kings whom claimed to be chosen by god to rule). They would also use the misfortunes that came to them as proof because of "Hera's jealousy."
Ancient people like Alexander the great claimed to be the children of Zeus all the time.
Unfortunately because not a lot of people are aware of the fact that Ancient people claiming to be the child of Zeus was more of a political move, they now see Zeus as this rapist who is unable to keep it in his pants when in actuality in ancient times there was nothing more powerful and commanded more respect than saying:
"Follow me and I will lead you to victory for the blood of Zeus runs through my veins."
You also have to look at whose writing these stories and what their biases were. We don't know much about Homer but Hesiod is known to despise women (in his "the works and days" poem he complains about his brother and his wife).
In the Pandora myth he even states there is no worse punishment the gods could have given man than woman. And he goes on and on about how life before women was this beautiful golden age where men communed with the gods.
What I'm saying is you want to be aware of the difference between your own ideas of the gods and the biases of the people writing mythology.
And being aware of the fact that words change meaning over time.
In ancient Greece (we get most of our information from Athens so it's clearer to say in ancient Athens) women were property. Their purpose was to keep the house in order and make babies. Anyone who wanted to marry them needed to get the permission of their father.
If a man had sex with her WITHOUT her father's permission this meant he had "raped" her.
If she had consented without her father's permission it still counted as rape. If she had not wanted to have sex but was married with her father's permission it was not rape.
A lot of these Demi-gods have stories where Zeus never told the father and went on to "rape" the daughter because her father did not know.
The idea of a woman being her own boss was literally impossible unless you were a virgin goddess.
Athena, Artemis and Hestia's choice on becoming virgins wasn't just to say: "I never want to sleep with a man ever again," it was more like "I want to be my own boss." The reason why they work hard to keep their chastity is because if they lose it, they lose their "I'm my own boss" status.
Going back to the meaning of rape changing, as women were beginning to be seen as people, as they were no longer seen as property belonging to a man, the word "rape" evolved to mean "non consensual sex" because in this case, the aggressor did not get permission from the woman (Who is a person now and no longer property).
But a lot of modern people superimpose their modern mindset to these ancient stories.
They don't see Zeus being claimed as a father, they see him as a rapist, forcing himself on these women who are thought to be people when in actuality, this was written at a time where the women had no rights, Zeus did not ask their father because the one claiming to be the child of Zeus (who does not care if people in the future will see his mother as a rape victim because they don't understand how rape worked in the ancient world), is the one that is now running the city and needs to command attention and basically threatening his people that if they don't follow him, he'll tell his dad who is:
The King of the Gods.
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acequeenking · 4 years
Hadestober #3
3) Touched by the Gods - Persephone and Hades’ first meeting. (Persephone/Hades, T rating, mentions of some of the erm, more dubious consent of some of the Greek gods.)
Persephone ain't been the type of girl who is, as her mother would say, a trollop. Not her way, and not her kind. Not that she's one of that other kind, either; the prude-y little cold-bloods like her untie Hestia or sister Athena. No shame for those who are, mind; it's a valid survival strategy out there on Olympus. Lots of gods who ain't too delicate in their courting, lots of gods who ain't too careful about the reputations they shatter. Persephone makes it by mostly staying the hell out of their way. That goes double at the family parties; ma does the meeting and greeting, and Persephone, well she just keeps her head down.
Except of course, that keeping your head down tends to make you run into other gods. Like Mr. Dark and deadly himself, who has, evidently, staked out the table nearest to the wall at this family gathering.
"This seat taken?" She snarks; he raises an eyebrow, and she sees the lines that dust his face. Not that young, him; old enough to be her father, maybe. Hard to tell among their kind. Their father's put most of his power in trying to stop the inexorable war of time against his face. Looks younger than she does. This one ain't that vain.
"No," he says, simply. Scoots a bit back. Inclines his head toward her, doesn't smile. Not in his nature to smile, maybe; probably have to be a bit sour to take on his sort of work.
"Hades," he says, simply, though she knows who he is. He holds out his hand. She takes it carefully, studies it. Heavy hands; worker's hands.
"Persephone," she says. She likes his hand. Doesn't stop holding it. Makes her feel something flip, deep in her insides.
"Demeter's kid," he offers, flatly. She frowns. Clearly he don't feel the same.
"Not a child." She scoots closer more than she should. It occurs to her that maybe she is playing with fire when she looks at his eyes, which spark with a light she hasn't quite seen before.
"That so?" He leans a little closer to her. "Hm. Don't often get up this way; suppose it's possible I've missed a few birthdays." He pauses for a long moment, takes a drink but doesn't take his eyes off her.
"Suppose you did," she snorts. "Must be pig-blind, too, if you can't see I'm grown." Persephone has always had a razor in her mouth, and she is grateful for a chance to use it. He seems to like her sharpness, because he smiles.
"Mighty dark down there, I'll admit." He chuckles. "But a pretty creature like you?" He snaps his fingers. "Hard to miss. You shine." A more blatant flirtation; Persephone runs through her mental file of known facts about him and comes up with not much: not the type of man who flirts often. No gossip from the nymphs, even.
"Creature?" She scoffs into her water. Her haughtiness seems to amuse him.
"Woman," he says, his voice drifts all the way down to the bottom of his register. If it's meant to intimidate her, it doesn't.
"That's right." She reaches over onto one of the many trays floating around the room, grabs an hors d'oeuvre and crunches it between her teeth. He watches it, every bit of his attention focused entirely on her lips.
"Hm." He gives her a smile. It's not something that she thinks that most people would find attractive - it's closer to a grimace than a proper smile, more of a twitch than something natural. "Well. Noted."
"Good." She leans her foot down and deliberately kicks at his feet. He looks down a second, takes a deep breath.
"Am I understanding...?" He says, in his heavy voice. She doesn't say anything, just raises her brow.
"You got a reputation for a lot of things, but I ain't never thought one of them was being thick."
"Damn right." Emboldened, he reaches out, grabs her hand. "You're a force of nature, Persephone," he says, sounding more than a little interested.
"You have no idea," she says, and squeezes his hand tight, feeling her stomach twist in anticipation.
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olympusnerd · 4 years
Zeus VS Aphrodite
Carnal desires.  
Insatiable urges. 
Sensual satisfaction. 
There were many ways to describe the gripping effect of Aphrodite’s power, and the Greecian goddess of all things beautiful and erotic had experienced every kind known to exist. She prided herself on knowing just how to invoke her powers, charm the body, and push mortals and god’s alike to the edge of ecstasy.  
That’s not to say that there weren’t complications with her gifts. 
Sometimes- not all the time, but sometimes- there were those who could be numb to her powers. They would never know the joys of yearning or the tender caresses of a lover. 
Then, as often as light needs a day, there was the other extreme. Those who could filled with such an uncontrollable hunger for flesh that even Aphrodite felt disgusted by the act. 
Zeus was such a man. 
The times Zeus sought after young mortals and goddesses had been insurmountable long before the goddess received the honor of the name Olympian. As the last daughter of Uranus, she was fortunate to make an alliance with the children of Cronus and Rhea just before he and his siblings took down the Titans and Primordial gods alike. With this alliance she was granted a prestigious title: goddess of all things beautiful, sensual and passion related.
But now because of one uncontrollable man she was losing face in her own doman. 
What could the goddess of love do against the king of the gods?
Feeling such a way, of course she would deny the audacious King when he tried his hand at seducing the goddess. 
"I only make love for pleasure, for myself and my partner. You, mighty king of Olympus, seek only your own satisfaction. I won't be used like the other women you play with, and I will certainly not be another victim of your wife's spite. I may tempt married men, but I respect Hera too much to lower myself for you."
Hera, his wife. His poor, poor wife. She had grown resentful over the years for all of his affairs, to the women who received his seed as well as to the children unfortunate enough to be born out of these unions. To the goddess's annoyance, the queen blamed her for her husband's many indiscretions. 
Marriages are so bothersome, Aphrodite thought. Her own wasn't, as Hephaestus learned early on that the goddess would not be restrained by the monotonies of a monogamous relationship, but that sort of marriages only worked if both couples agreed. And though one would suspect she would sympathize with Zeus’s need to let one loose, so to speak, it instead sickened her. 
The love making most of the time lacked love at all. He plowed through mortals and goddess alike, and to her displeasure, he did so either in disguise to trick his poor victims or without consent. 
It enraged her. 
Yet even still, when she inevitably denied the king of gods the satisfaction of bedding her, she was relieved when he didn’t press the matter further. 
The goddess went on about her business without another thought. She refused lovers all the time and she was, more or less, equal to Zeus in this matter. Even if he wanted to take her without her approval, her powers over all things sex related could go just as terribly against him as his thunderbolt against another god. She could just as likely curse him with impotence. 
And he was lucky, she surmised, that she hadn’t already cursed him with a dysfunction for irritating her.
One evening, while the Olympians were all gathered together for a feast- as they did on numerous occasions- food was not the only appetite that was brought up over the food. 
“You’re quite possibly the most sexually appealing creature in all of the universe,” Dionysis complemented, leaving a trail of kisses along the goddess’s foot. “I cannot think of a god, goddess or titan that could even remotely compare to the bliss that lies in your bedchamber.” 
Though Ares and Hephaestus both looked equally annoyed by the comment, there was no argument to be made. Even the goddesses had to concede that Aphrodite was incredibly, unmistakably, insurmountably sexy. 
But one god’s voice dashed the complement like a pest. “I’d disagree.”
All of the heads turned to see Zeus, nonchalantly biting into a fig as if he hadn’t insulted another of his court. “While I’m sure the goddess of love is fine in bed, maybe even sometimes commendable, there’s a far more better sight beneath a man than someone who’s slept around.”
“I beg your pardon?” Aphrodite couldn’t believe her perfect ears. 
Was he joking?
What sort of idiot would make such a joke?
“I’m not saying anything against you in particular, sweet Ditey, I only mean that, well,  nothing you could offer could measure up to the cunt of… well, a young virgin,” Zeus went on much to everyone’s discomfort.
Prudish Hera looked aghast at such words coming from her own husband. Demeter nearly spit out his ambrosia. Hades stared awkwardly at his food like he hadn’t heard. Dionysis, Ares, Hephaestus and Posiedon, all past lovers of the goddess of sex, felt a sting in their own stomachs at the sour words. Even the blessed virgins Hestia, Athena and Artemis were surprised by the abysmal blasphemy.
 Every part of what he said was meant to dig into the sex icon’s pride. 
Fine. Sometimes commendable. Young. Virgin. 
Each one was as sharp as a knife in her gut, but the goddess, never one to shy away from a battle of tongues, only smiled. 
“I’m afraid I would have to politely disagree. While I will admit there is nothing quite like the feel of an innocent young woman, many think the tightness of a virgin cunt is the most pleasure a man can feel. But those people are wrong. The loss of virginity in itself isn’t supposed to be exciting. It’s supposed to be tender. Affectionate. Warm,” she retorted gently to her king. “A woman entering into womanhood is not a moment to be taken lightly or without conscience. The worst sin a man can do, in my humble opinion, is take a girl’s flower without the intention of so much as holding her afterwards. Or to leave her with a child she must fend for alone. Sure, an inexperienced girl can feel good for a moment up until her hymen is broken, but that’s only because some men cannot handle a woman with an appetite or strength that matches their own. They crave taking that innocence and then once they have snatched it up, poof. The desires are gone. They fail to see the potential of a well versed, mature, hungry woman that is fed just the right amount of love and attention. I’ve had sex countless times, with countless men and women. It is a language in itself, the movement of one body against another. Sometimes several bodies. But to me, someone who is truly experienced in the art of love making doesn't need a certain type of cock or cunt to feel satisfied. They create satisfaction wherever their affections are returned."
The room was dead silent, the cupbearer Ganymede not daring to refill the golden goblets in fear for becoming a target of whatever animosity was sure to fly out at any moment.
Zeus, whose face was notably red at the onslaught of pretty words used to undermine his sexual prowess, was just about to speak when Hera instead stood up. "Well this has been an… enlightening course, but I do believe its getting late. I think we'll turn in for the night. Good evening to you all."
When Zeus opened his mouth, the sharp, spiteful gaze of his wife made him rethink. "Yes," he answered through a clenched jaw. "Good evening."  
Aphrodite, not one to be a rude guest, offered her sweetest smile as she and the other patrons rose from their chairs to depart. "Goodnight."
Game. Set. Match. 
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pataphorical · 3 years
Dear Hera,
Today, I celebrate the maiden within you. We’ve always loved flowers, unicorns, and beautiful things…. But not at the sake of compassion or love. As you get older and have children… priorities change. You learned how to survive as a child, and it’s a lesson you’ll never let your kids be destroyed by. You were destroyed. Just for a moment. One breath. Hold.
There are these pots in a faraway land that are made of shattered clay. They fill those spaces with gold, and the way they blend and contrast together make a more beautiful art piece. You are filling your blood with gold. Grace, Honor, and Truth. Together those things will always make a beautiful spirit. Together your intention will flow with golden light.
Tonight I gathered the family together, made a beautiful meal in your name. It was too windy for a fire, but we all lit candles. We smiled. I let everyone just do what they want. We enjoyed each other, and laughed, and played. I got these long ribbons on sticks that the children twirled with, dancing with the wind and their own innate magic.
I never knew…. Peace like this. Love like this. I’ll name my next child Iris. It’s a name loved by both my husband and I. I loved the name Lilac, but my husband loved Iris. While Iris is like the Lilac, a graceful burst and flow of color and scent, it is also the Goddess of the rainbow, and her older sister has always prayed for a sister. A friend. Her room is a shrine to the rainbow. Iris, like Hermes, is a messenger god, though I feel she has a tendency to pick the sweeter messages to deliver. That will be my Iris. Fiona’s Iris. Orpheus’ Iris. Oh, Hera, it is my fondest wish for myself and my husband.
Also, Hera, please accept the sacrifice of my body, for a fucking fourth time, to add the dream sparkle to this marriage. I hate being pregnant. I’m keeping that opinion until I actually get knocked up and the magical baby hormones kick in. Sweet bio drugs, but I’m giving up a lot of things I love that help me cope and stay the beautiful creature you made me. Also, four just makes sense. Also, maybe this time we can work of some ridiculous hair growth. Maybe just a tad wavier? Do I get some choices in the DNA magic pregnancy swap?
In all fairness, I wouldn’t change a thing in my life. You, Hera,  gave me everything I could of wanted, and now I’m daring to dream just outside the dream I never thought I’d make it to. You’ve given me a beautiful, clever mind that can solve most problems, adapt quickly, and process more efficiently. I will keep this mind sharp for you, and my heart will always be in the name of Persephone. She can venture into the darkness for a short while, thrive, but she does need to work most of the other times. Sweet job. Let’s see what I can do to get there.
But, tonight I simply smile, sigh, and breathe in everything I have intentionally created for myself and my family. Tonight, I am proud of myself. I am grateful to have so many clever Gods to learn stories from… I’m finding those stories I learned in school weren’t just for a few laughs. Took me a bit to get here, but everything often does. Do I get to blame you for making me that way? I hope that got a little smile at my cheekiness.
Orpheus has held my hand through everything, and I promise that I will never stop learning. He had to learn so many dark truths about the world, and that’s a steep price to pay for loving me. He did it. Sometimes he grumbles a bit, but I can also be a bit slippery when I want to get away with something.
Neil Gaiman once wrote a comparison between the slick of a girl’s vulva, and that of a minnow. A minnow doesn’t have the scent of a bigger fish, and as a child I remember trying to catch them in the creek with a dark haired girlfriend of mine. I loved her. I loved her so much. She was wild, and confident, and when she laughed the whole world laughed with her. I got leeches that day. We were in the shower, and I thought it was a bit of dirt on my toe. It stuck. It was sucking the life out of me! I fainted. I remember everyone thinking I was being dramatic. Everyone thinks I’m dramatic. You’ve seen history, Hera. You know that drama is more than losing your mind at the sight of a creature that sucks the very flow of your body from you. Without consent. I hate when it’s without consent.
Athena, for that I pray to you sometimes. You gave me this quick mind, and three very clever kids. You want me to keep learning, understanding, absorbing… while these clever little foxes nip at my heels, sabotaging every moment. To be fair, though, they are all magical, beautiful creatures, and my life is lit from within as I watch them journey down this path of life. The kindness of Orpheus and his love gave me everything I needed to become the better self I am today. As usual, I did most of the work, but you made we dryads complex beings. Thanks.
I need to make you an altar. All of my books and I haven’t put any of them in a bookcase. They are strewn around the basement like… memories I don’t want to pick up. I hate picking things up. I’m flexible, I do yoga, but like Cinderella, I want to stab a bitch with a broken glass slipper when they imply I don’t do enough. I do everything. I love doing everything. Worship me like the fucking goddesss I am.
Time to put these wee foxes to bed. Orpheus is a bit tired, and has all the energy drained out of him. If there’s a bit of favor left in my pot, I’d pray for good night for all of us, and whaever sweet dreams we can muster.
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pitviperofdoom · 5 years
That’s so cool! What quirks have you given who?
Minor spoilers for some of the games?
Phoenix: Basically the Psyche-locks. It’s not so much a lie-detector like Naomasa’s as it is a secret detector, so it’ll still work even if people are technically telling the truth or lying by omission. He ignored it for a while because its inherent intrusive quality made it difficult for him to form close friendships, but between Dahlia’s betrayal and his decision to become a defense attorney, he found more reasons to cultivate it as an adult.
Maya: The Feys are an old family that cultivates psychic and esper quirks. Maya’s still a ghost channeler, though for the purposes of this AU, that ability is rare even in her family, and the existence of ghosts isn’t universally known and acknowledged, so it’s something she keeps on the down-low. She shared some of her family’s quirk-training tips with Phoenix, which were a huge help in unlocking his own potential.
Miles: Quirk sharing. The “sharing” part is key; his quirk only works with the target’s consent under conditions of sufficient mutual trust, so he can’t just copy anyone’s the way Monoma can.He was registered as quirkless until his mid-twenties. As a child, his closest relationship was with his quirkless father, and after Gregory’s murder, growing up with von Karma pretty much ruined his ability to get close to anyone. It wasn’t until Phoenix came back into his life that he even realized he had a quirk.
Gumshoe: Quirkless. This contributed at least in part to his loyalty to Edgeworth, though the latter’s belated discovery of his own quirk did little to detract from it. Some people are convinced he has a strength-enhancement quirk, but no, he’s just a big strong guy.
Manfred: Electricity generation. He often activates it as an intimidation tactic, though he almost never uses it directly on people, preferring the satisfaction of having power over others through political and psychological means. It also makes it easier to dodge consequences for unauthorized quirk use. Zapping Phoenix in the evidence storage room boosted Manfred to legit villain status, which was a nice cherry on top of his overdue murder conviction.
Franziska: Beat-for-beat exactly the same as Manfred’s. Unlike him, she actually maintains a hero license on the side, so she can use it legally without resorting to underhanded abuse of power.
Apollo: More of a standard lie-detector quirk. Nothing special, but it gets the job done, and he still has to read body language in order to catch the little nuances. Tempted to make him distantly related to the Tsukauchi siblings.
Athena: Super hearing. Easily mistaken for an empathy quirk because of how she applies it, coupled with her thorough knowledge of psychology.
Trucy: Quirkless. The sleight of hand and observation are all skill, baby.
Anyway that’s what I got! I don’t know a whole lot of the characters atm so I might think of more later. 
It took me a while to figure out Manfred’s, but I really wanted him to have something flashy and obviously powerful, just to highlight his power imbalance with the seemingly quirkless Edgeworth. Then I remembered him tasing Phoenix in evidence storage and went with that.
I also like the idea of Franziska briefly dipping into heroics early on, before being thoroughly frustrated with having to hand villains off to the authorities, and sticking to prosecution so she can personally make sure they end up exactly where they belong. The whip is a holdover from that period. (Izuku definitely knows about her and would absolutely ask her for an autograph.)
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