#though most of those were written by people of colour so not a 100% overlap with my situation
yardsards · 2 years
i think one of the most evil aspects of fundamentalist evangelical christianity is how it (and the general culture of those who follow it) encourages parents to treat children
first off, it treats having children as something EVERYONE should do, regardless of if they actually want and are capable of raising said children. in more extreme cases you get shit like the quiverfull movement, wherein couples are encouraged to have as many children as physically possible
and then, those children are referred to like they're their parents possessions, like they are just objects their parents were "gifted" with by god. they're not treated like their own human beings.
AND a core tenet of their religion is that humans are born inherently sinful. they think newborns, who can't even fully control their bodily functions yet, are automatically full of sin. an infant's crying for its basic needs to be met is seen as a sign of their inherent selfishness
a parents' main goal is supposed to be to "purify" that child's soul by any means necessary, the child's actual wellbeing is secondary to "saving their soul"
and, of course, free thought is discouraged in favour of obedience. they believe in a hierarchy: child < wife < husband < god. if you are to disobey the one above you, then you are considered to be disobeying god himself- even if the thing your parent or husband is commanding you not to do is not a sin in of itself. "honor thy father and thy mother"
and again, parents are taught that the best trait for a child to have is *obedience*. obedient to their parents and obedient to the church and scripture
parents are taught to force that obedience by corporal punishment. physical abuse (and yes. "spanking" is abuse. if you disagree then, well, i'm sorry that someone convinced you that raising a hand against someone so much smaller and weaker than you is anything short of abusive) is ENCOURAGED
in fact, if you DON'T hit your kids, you are seen as A BAD PARENT, who is failing to properly "train" their child, and who is dooming their child to a life of wickedness, sin, and suffering ("he who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." or, put more simply, "spare the rod spoil the child")
parents are told to ignore their own despair and revulsion towards the idea of harming their child, and to hit them anyway. hit the kid and ignore the voice in your head that says hitting kids is wrong. remind yourself that this is for the child's own good. remind yourself that this is god's will.
you're also supposed to remind the child that you are hurting them for their own good, because god commands it. teach them that people hurting them is a good thing.
and many suggest that after you beat them, give your child comfort (comfort from the distress caused by being beaten by you, who is supposed to protect them from harm) and to give them affection (to drive home the point that hurting them is how you show love). which, if you know about the cycle of abusive relationships (tension, violent incident, reconciliation, calm) then you can see how this is pretty much a mirror image of that
it's fucking evil
look up the book "to train up a child" if you want to see this taken to the extreme. even many fundamentalists thing the methodology is too extreme, but they generally agree with the ideology/principles behind it
#eliot posts#exvangelical#abuse cw#christianity cw#religious trauma cw#my parents weren't even that religious compared to some others i knew#but they had thoroughly absorbed the abusive ideologies peddled by that specific belief system#i was only beaten a dozen or so times that i can remember#my sister had it way worse#but even still. it fucked me up#wooden spoons still make me uncomfortable tbh (i also got the belt or the hands but the spoons were the worst and most common)#i still get a little bit afraid that people are gonna hit me when they're really mad at me and i shut down#sidenote: even outside of religion‚ beating children is extremely accepted in rural appalachian culture#and there's just. a lot to disentangle with that#i'd read some pretty good pieces about like. unlearning abusive ideals that were normalized in your culture#whilst not like. fully rejecting or belittling every part of your culture even the good or harmless stuff#though most of those were written by people of colour so not a 100% overlap with my situation#cuz y'know. we don't have racism against us just for being ''rednecks'' or whatever#but we do have our own smaller cultures that have formed outside the mainstream because of geographic isolation and bc poverty#but it's not the exact same situation#SIDENOTE my parents never rlly did the comforting me after beating me thing and were very blatantly beating me out of anger#so i kinda benefited there cuz there wasn't that level of manipulation so i realized it was wrong of them pretty early on#i didn't know it was abuse but i knew it was cruel
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heavyonthecost · 6 years
fatamoru snippets dump #5: nsfw edition
Pardon me for these but someone’s gotta suffer these beside the anons. Only the first three are explicit, really, but the rest also contain (Reincarnation-setting) less vanilla kinky stuff so figured it’s safer to group them together. This one also has something that isn’t Yukipauline... just the first one, though.
(#1, #2, #3, #4)
(Content notes: infidelity, menstrual sex, rape roleplay (setup), light D/s, knifeplay, (consensual) snuff)
(Prompt: fingering, 300 words, Maria/WHG. Contains infidelity)
“Poor Madam. Your husband can’t be bothered to visit you, let alone touch you like this…”
Maria inserted a third finger, causing the Madam to to arch her back, repeating the same words, “Darling… I’m sorry…”
“You really don’t have to be, Madam. It’s his fault for neglecting you this badly.” Maria made the most pained expression she could. “I’m sorry I can’t be a better replacement for him…”
“It’s - not your - fault…”
“Tell me, Madam,” Maria said, keeping her fingers moving. “How can I touch you like he did? How did he use to run his hands over your body?”
“That… I… don’t know…”
Maria paused. “Has it been so long that you forgot? Or… have you never…” When only heavy breathing came in answer, Maria let out a loud gasp - an exaggerated reaction, but on some level the surprise was genuine. “Oh, Madam, how pitiful!”
The sudden speed-up of Maria’s fingers jolted her eyes open. “Maria, wait -”
“Please leave this to me, Madam. You can just relax, you deserve as much after all you’ve been through.”
A few more thrusts, and Maria could feel a tightening around her fingers, the Madam’s body trembling against her own. Between her breathing, Maria could vaguely make out the name of the master of the house escaping from her lips.
Maria marvelled at the result of her handiwork - pale skin flushed with a colour almost as red as those eyes behind half-closed lids, long flowing white hair strewn across the bed, the wetness covering her own fingers - and tried her best not to smirk in satisfaction. Sure, what she just did wasn’t strictly required for her plans - the rift between them was growing beautifully already. But what was a little bit of fun to be had with such a lovely, unsuspecting lady?
(Prompt: weird fetishes, 300 words. Contains menstrual sex, written pre-Defectives so the characterisation might be kinda wonky)
Usually, sex was something he only partook to humour Pauline, as part of his “good lover” act. But sometimes, the times he would be in her town would overlap with those times for her, and it made things... different.
“...I mean, we’re already here now, but… are you sure you really want to do this again?”
“We don’t get to meet often as it is. It’d be a pity to let this ruin it.”
With his face between her legs, the scent of blood wafting from her filled him with - not arousal, perhaps, but a sort of excitement nonetheless. Not as much as smelling freshly drawn blood dripping from his sword, but still enough to get him breathing more heavily, his heart beating slightly faster.
“You don’t want to do it?”
She cast her gaze aside, and then back at him. “I… do. I want to make the most of our time together too…”
He stuck his tongue forward to catch a drop of blood that was about to drip down, and as soon as the metallic tang spread in his mouth, he instinctively pushed further, his tongue sliding into her, searching for more. He pushed back the urge to sink his teeth somewhere, drawing more blood and maybe even a scream - but the urgency in her moans, pleading for more, was a close enough substitute to push him onward.
Pulling out, he licked upwards, over all dried traces of blood, and he felt her fingers grasping onto his hair, heard her hitched breathing interspersed with his name. He repeated the motion some more, at which her legs locked around him, and he could feel her whole body trembling from where her thighs pushed against him.
He wondered if there was a good way to strategically time his next visit.
(Prompt: Blasphemy, 100 words)
The Archangel in the stained glass leered down as she violated her vows behind the pews.
He’s a stranger to this land, he couldn’t be expected to understand all of our customs and beliefs, she told herself, but of course he did - he had never shown any intention of laying his hands on her until she made it clear in everything but words that she wanted him to - and her guilt grew from trying to frame him for her transgressions.
Trembling under his touch, she wished that she wasn’t Marie, everyone’s beloved Saintess, but just Pauline, a normal town girl.
(Prompt: kink negotiation, 300 words. Contains rape roleplay (or the setup thereof, rather))
“Do I really have to tie you up?”
“It’s important to set the mood!”
Yukimasa still only frowned at the rope. “I’m still not convinced hurting -”
“Pretending to.”
“- you before it’s time is a good idea.”
“It’s only pretend. And who knows, maybe having an outlet for your tendencies like this can help you last longer.” Realising the possible double meaning of her words, Pauline quickly added, “I mean -”
“Before I kill you, right?”
“...yeah.” Even she surprised herself with that ‘come kill me’ deal, but they’d since established that they were both kinda weird, after all. Soon, she felt ropes rustling against her wrists, gradually tightening around them.
“Is this enough?”
She tried pulling her wrists apart - and found little resistance. “I could probably break out of this.”
“Good. So you can stop me if needed.”
“But we have the word for that! And you can’t say you’re pretending if you’re not even trying.”
“...all right.” Through a frown, he re-tightened the ropes. “Why are you going this far for me?”
“What if I say… it’s not just for your urges?”
Throughout everything, this was the first thing to cause Pauline to blush. “The books I used to sneak from my mother’s collection were… inspirational.”
“...I see.” Times like these, she was thankful for Yukimasa’s stoic disposition. Finished with tightening the ropes, he stood upright. “And now I have to get out of the room?”
“Yep! Building the atmosphere is important.”
He took a step away, but quickly turned back. “You will stop me if needed, right?”
“...if you really feel like killing me in the middle, I don’t mind letting you?”
“Don’t.” The answer came firmly. “Stop me if I try to. I don’t want to kill you yet.”
She smiled. “If that’s what you want, then.”
(Prompt: submission, 100 words. Contains light D/s)
“Is this too tight for you?”
“No, just right.”
Done adjusting his collar, she straddled his kneeling form, one hand holding his leash.
She herself was his chain, his tether. But the collar, the leash served to emphasise that. She grabbed his jaw and pushed her thumb between his parted lips, running it across his teeth. “You’re not to bare these teeth against anyone else, okay?”
She smiled when he nodded, then tugged on the leash until her collarbone was right in front of his eyes. “Go ahead.”
He sunk his teeth into her skin, drawing blood and a moan.
(Prompt: your favourite kink, 200 words. Contains knife+bloodplay)
“Can I try it out too?”
Yukimasa stayed still, bloodied knife in hand. “Why?”
“I want to know what it’s like.” Pauline brushed a finger against the still-bleeding cuts on her chest, ones he just left. “What, you can deal it out but not take it?”
“That’s not it,” he said, glancing away. “Someone like you shouldn’t know about -”
She pushed a finger against his lips and pried the knife away with the other hand. “Weren’t you the one who called me not so normal after all?” She pressed the edge against his chest and blood flew out, bright red flowing onto his skin, onto the blade, spilling onto her hand. If she were to forget what it was, forget the slight hiss of pain she heard from him when the knife cut into his skin, and just focus on the vivid colour as she smeared it across his chest with her hand - perhaps she could see a part of what he enjoyed so much about this.
“I told you, right? I want to be the only one to understand you.”
She pulled him in for a kiss, the slick of their blood mingling together between their pressed bodies.
(Prompt: knife day, 200 words. Contains (consensual) snuff)
“You don’t look scared.”
Most people would with a knife pointed at them, but Pauline managed a smile, albeit a wistful one. “I knew this day would come. I proposed it, after all.”
“And you have no regrets about that?”
“...I did want to grow old with you.”
“You can run away now.. Find someone else to grow old with.”
She shook her head. “It won’t do if it’s not with you.”
She stood in front of him, unwavering, about to let him have what he’d always wanted - and so he did, plunging the knife into her gut. Her eyes shot wide open, mouth open in a voiceless scream as blood spread across her clothes; her hand brushed up against his face, neither pushing him away nor refusing him. He pulled out the knife and stabbed again, and again - to see her death sooner? To see more of her pain, or shorten it? - and before long, her hand fell down, her whole body going limp in his arm.
It was done, One of his wishes fulfilled, the other never to come true again. He ran his fingers across her face, closing her eyelids and lips.
She was beautiful in death.
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benditlikebedford · 7 years
Halsey && Matty
Okay, so this is going to be long so I’m going to put it under a read more BUT I just want to say that I don’t have sources for most of this because it’s from Halsey’s old tumblr that she deleted and other stuff (screenshots, pictures, etc.) I’ve had saved on my computer for agessss so I don’t remember where I originally got them. But also a lot of this stuff, like the lyric analysis, just came from my own brain and the fact that I’ve seen way too many interviews of the 1975.
SO first things first. Halsey and Matty were friends with benefits (NOT dating... just friends that hooked up a lot) for ?? a period of time. I’m not sure when it started or when it ended but I’m thinking it ended around 2014 based on when they stopped appearing in pictures together.
Halsey has written three songs that I am 100% certain are about Matty, and there’s two others that I think MIGHT be about him but I’m not certain.
Generally speaking, Halsey has said in interviews that Matty was a huge influence on her writing and even helped write some of her songs.
So the first song, and most damning one, is Colors.
“Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so. You said your mother only smiled on her TV show.”
This is obviously about Louis (Matty’s younger brother) who’s lowkey a shithead but I love him so much and Matty’s mum (aka my mum that I WORSHIP) Denise. Denise has had depression and she’s also on a soap so that’s where those lines come from.
“You’re only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope. I hope you make it to the day you’re 28 years old.”
I’m sure you know by now that Matty loves weed. But this was also written long before ILIWYS era so we all know that during that last stretch of touring Matty was just very unhealthy and unhappy and tired. (And I’m so glad that’s no longer the case.) The second part is because he was 25/26ish at the time and loads of famous people die of suicide/drug overdose at/before age 28. Matty gave her a slight dig on twitter on his 28th birthday which I made a post about here lol.
((Less obvious, more of an assumption, but I think the “tearing through the pages and the ink” has to do with the fact that matty’s always on that damn typewriter and typewriters can be very wasteful since if you mess up you have to start completely over hence the tearing through the pages and ink.))
“Everything was grey, his hair, his smoke his dreams and now he’s so devoid of colour he don’t know what it means.”
After the beloved undercut/side shave from circa Girls MV, Matty’s hair actually grew back in grey so that’s that part. His smoke, oh gee, does Matty smoke? I don’t think he does? (lol) And also I’m pretty sure the so devoid of colour thing is about the fact that Halsey was with Matty around the time that everything they did was in black and white.
“You were a vision in the morning when the light came through. I know I’ve only felt religion when I’ve lied with you.”
Later in this post I’m going to talk about the poems that she wrote about Matty on her old tumblr and she LOVES to talk about waking up in the morning with him. Like. LOVES to talk about that. Also y’all should know Matty is always calling sex the closest thing to religion he’s ever felt. (Also? Grammar question, does anyone know the answer? Is it supposed to be lied or laid? I think it’s supposed to be laid.)
���You’ll never be forgiven until your boys are too.”
Matty is extremely reliant on the boys (George, Adam, Ross) he can’t really do anything without them sort of thing here.
Okay now let’s talk about Strange Love. My analysis for this one isn’t as intense as Colors don’t worry haha.  
Basically this entire song is about media being fascinated with Matty and how he’s a literal sex god. The whole “Everybody wants to know if we fucked on the bathroom sink, how your hands felt in my hair, etc. etc.” is about people wanting to know about their relationship as he gets more famous.
The most interesting part about this song though is the “We wrote a story in the fog on the window that night, but the ending is the same every damn time.” 
Matty, for whatever reason, has a fascination with writing in fog. You see in in both The Sound and in the Somebody Else music videos. 
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I couldn’t find a gif of the part where Matty writes the rectangle on the car window in Somebody Else but he does it there too. 
Halsey also talks about his fog writing obsession in one of her poems aka THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING EVER WRITTEN and we’ll talk about that later don’t worry it’s coming. 
The part about “the ending is the same every damn time” is how Halsey wanted their hook ups to end with something more, with a real relationship, but they never did. 
So the last one I want to go into detail about is EXTREMELY important and that’s Is There Somewhere. 
So in the Room 93 Commentary Halsey talks about how the whole album is about a couple (her and Matty) in a hotel room “sharing a moment”. She says that “Is there somewhere you can meet me” was the text message frequently exchanged between her and the person the song is about (Matty) and how basically they always ended up meeting in a hotel room. Some other interview (don’t remember which one sorry guys) she says basically the same thing about the texts BUT she adds a super damning detail about how the texts were exchanged when “this person” (Matty) and her were both on tour and if they ever overlapped they’d send that text. 
As for the song itself, it’s just... so obviously about Matty. Some very telling details are “dancing in your tube socks” and the part about his crooked teeth.
“And I try to refrain but you're stuck in my brain and all I do is cry and complain because second's not the same.“
So right now you’re probably like ?? Halsey was a sidechick ?? Matty was cheating on someone??
NO (okay at least that’s not MY OPINION. Some people think he was cheating on Gemma with Halsey but I don’t have enough proof for that, and considering how crushed Matty was when he broke up with Gemma I really don’t think he would’ve cheated on her. Also I don’t think the timeline adds up (again, based on my research) I think Halsey came after Gemma, sort of as a placeholder for the loneliness he felt. WHICH i’ll talk about later.)
I think Halsey is referring to the fact that she’s second to the 1975. This period of Matty’s life right after the self titled came out and they started working on ILIWYS was HUGE for the band. More likely than not, he was putting most of his time and energy into the band and he wanted to focus on that more than on having a serious relationship. Halsey obviously wanted a serious relationship. 
Basically Halsey gave herself away big time because she posted this picture on her tumblr and captioned it “93″. Girl. 
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BUT IT ONLY GETS BETTER FROM HERE. Halsey wrote SO MUCH poetry about him. Way too much for me to put all in this post but like, just for reference here’s two:
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This one talks about how much she loves waking up with him in the morning (told yall). and obviously those DAMN CURLS. 
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and yeah this is also about him lmao matty damn that boy
As for THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING EVER WRITTEn okay get ready because its a lot its super long but
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I lost one here I must’ve deleted it accidentally a long time ago but I don’t know where to find it again :( 
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okay so
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There’s a ton of religious metaphors, which is obviously such a Matty thing I mean, come on. She also mentions his black jeans, his staple back in the day, his socks are mentioned again, as is the whole window fog deal. She talks about drugs, sex, him being a fucking nerd with the way he talks AND the most interesting like “we fight about where the chord change should go” which is about him helping her write music, which she talked about on her tumblr as well (again, the tumblr is deleted and I don’t have a screenshot of that but I remember it) something like “Matty influenced so much of my writing”. 
Okay, so the last thing we’re going to talk about now is something I haven’t ever seen anyone else mention but it’s just ?? so obvious to me ??
She’s American (in my educated opinion, this is all guessing) is about Halsey.
So, let’s start with one of the very first lines “Synthetic apparitions of not being lonely”
Y’all come on. This is about one-night stands. It’s something made up (synthetic) that only lasts for a short amount of time (apparition) and they make you feel less lonely, only for one night. Pretty sure this is about Halsey and their “is there somewhere” meetings. ALSO THIS IS WHY I don’t think Matty was dating Gemma at the time because he was LONELY whenever he was with Halsey. Also she said somewhere, I think in the same place where she mentioned Matty influencing her writing that they met up, while they were both on tour, to get rid of loneliness just for the night. (but the way she said it was so much more poetic than me lol)
EDIT;; this is what i was talking about with “simply a friend to fill a king sized bed”
The whole chorus is about how she doesn't see how there’s any issue with their relationship and is focusing on all the superficial aspects (them being socially relevant, his teeth). You can see this in real life as Halsey is at events constantly and the 1975 rarely are. 
"She calls on the phone like the old days expecting the world.”
I’m 90% sure this is about Halsey hitting Matty with a “Is there somewhere you can meet me text.” within the last like two-three and he has to be like “We don’t do this anymore.” 
Also, as far as I’M aware, Matty was never in a relationship (I.E. hooking up more than once) with someone that was American other than Halsey. Gemma was British and Taylor Swift DIDN’T HAPPEN GUYS. 
Also New Americana was her most popular song at the time that ILIWYS was being written so. 
THERE YOU GO GUYS. I think that’s everything I’ve got BUT if I think of anything else I’ll make some edits or post something about it. I want to know what you guys think, if you have any thoughts or opinions or anything you want to add so slide into those dm’s or that inbox anytime and I’d love to chat (about this or anything else tbh!)
xoxo valarie
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astrotranslations · 7 years
[AJU★Interview] Group ASTRO, "AROHAs Are Our Hearts, Let’s Run Together Forever"
Boy group ASTRO (JinJin, Cha Eunwoo, Moonbin, MJ, Rocky, Yoon Sanha), who are turning 2 this year after debuting February last year, successfully wrapped up their first solo concert last month. ASTRO are not rushing but instead taking their time to find their own colour and place, the results they have achieved are fairly worthy of the attention.
ASTRO met up with us at Aju News located in Jongno-gu, Seoul, last 2nd in the early morning for our interview. Members Cha Eunwoo and Moonbin, who had ahead of them their ceremonial pitch for the game between LG Twins and Lotte Giants later that day, made pitching gestures and attracted gazes for being their cheeky selves. ASTRO have stolen the hearts of their fans with their diverse charms but off the stage, they are no different from their peers of the same ages.
How would ASTRO, who are now into their 2nd year since debut, evaluate their promotions thus far?
JinJin: The scores differ with each person but based on my standards, I want to give us around 60 points. I think 60 out out of the full 100 is average (laughs). I’m satisfied and thankful. Before debuting, we had pre-debut activities through several projects but seeing how people are recognising us a little and how slowly more people are coming to see us, I think we’re receiving a greater reaction than I had expected.
Cha Eunwoo: Um.. 70 points for me! 60 points is too stingy. We still have a long way to go but within 2 years of our debut, we held a solo concert which was my personal goal and I think the 6 of us have done well together. We also have our Zepp Tour in Japan ahead of us.. I think we still fall short for the (remaining) 30 points (laughs).
ASTRO held their first solo concert for two days on the past 15th and 16th. It was a concert that was achieved in fairly quick timing.
Moonbin: As we were preparing for the concert, I was half worried and half excited. We didn’t have a lot of ments and it was packed with so many stages. We prepared a total of 22 songs. We’d perform 4 songs then say our ments.. We were putting on stages one after another so it was hard physically. A concert is where you communicate through performances so I was worried if we could actually do well. But those worries went away when we started. I was proud seeing the robongs (name of ASTRO’s official lightstick) when we did our ments here and there (smiles). I think the bond we share with our fans has gotten stronger after holding the concert (smiles).
ASTRO are not powerful or flashy. Instead, they are being evaluated as 'slowly growing'. You can tell just by how they have a Japan Zepp tour ahead of them this month. Also, they realised for themselves how they have grown as they held their concert. In particular, they were also nominated no.1 for 'BABY'.
Rocky: I really felt so many things during our concert. I’ve always hoped for it. I thought the solo concert we dreamt of was something far away but having been able to actually hold one, it made me realise, "So we’re finally greeting the day where we hold our own concert." We’ve only talked about being nominated for no.1 and never got close to it until now so it made me think that if we work harder, than better results await us.
Moonbin: Woah.. it’ll be really nice if we won no.1 (laughs). JinJin hyung will probably cry buckets. Hahaha. He talks the most since he’s the leader so what’s gonna happens if he cries (laughs)?
I could tell how humble they were about being evaluated as a boy group who has achieved the most attention grabbing results amongst the groups which debuted last year.
Yoon Sanha: We’re not popular but.. (laughs). I think good results followed after because we worked hard on releasing and promoting albums last year. That means a lot of people are showing us their love so I’m thankful (laughs).
A confirmed Japan Zepp tour on top of a solo concert, even being nominated no.1. It seems as though all their dreams have been fulfilled but as expected of ASTRO, they say that seeing capable junior groups debuting after them becomes their own stimulus.
Moonbin: Idol groups keep debuting after us so whenever I watch stages, I notice how there are juniors who are doing well. Rather than feeling uneasy, I’m always motivated. It makes me think that I have to work harder. And I learn a lot watching our seniors. Whenever our promotion cycles would overlap, there are a lot of times where I feel how amazing they are when it comes to certain aspects.
ASTRO, who are walking along the right path as a team, revealed their eagerness towards individual schedules. In member Cha Eunwoo’s case, he is actively appearing on various variety programs and even dramas with his perfect visuals that are labeled 'face genius'.
In particular, he participated in the recently concluded KB2 variety drama, 'The Best Hit', and is firmly boosting his public recognition.
Cha Eunwoo: It’s a production where I’ve learnt a lot. I thought that I only had passion but actually trying it, there were parts I was worried about and also parts I looked forward to. But I earnestly prepared myself in my own way and enjoyed myself, I think I worked hard because I was praised for being diligent and doing well. It was indeed tiring since filming overlapped with my promotions but I think I did well because it was fun (laughs). I really learnt a lot from my seniors and I’ve become greedier than I was before. If the opportunity arrises then I want to participate in a different production that will leave me another hit (laughs).
I listened to the desires Cha Eunwoo and the other members had towards their individual schedules.
Rocky: I want to act and go on variety shows. I watched Eunwoo hyung acting and it seemed like a lot of fun. I wouldn’t mind even a small role as long as I’m acting (laughs).
JinJin: I want to compose songs. I’ve written several melodies through self-studying. I dabbled with tropical house which is the same genre as 'Baby' and pestered the company after our concert ended. So Rocky and I are currently receiving lessons for song composition. Until the day we can participate in album, we’ll quickly practice (laughs).
Yoon Sanha: I want to DJ for a radio. Haha. Reading stories from listeners live, listening to their concerns, etc.. I really want to be one. If I become one then won’t I be the youngest radio DJ (laughs)?
Moonbin: I want to try acting as well if I get the chance. A youth drama like the 'School' series. Also I want to set up a cafe later on. Hahahaha.
MJ: As for me, musicals! I think it’s really charming how you can freely express dance, acting and singing on stage. I want to show that freeness and also express myself.
ASTRO who had bright smiles on their faces just talking about their own dreams. The fans who let them exist, what do they mean to ASTRO?
Rocky: I think of them as my dream. There’s the connotation of dreaming together. Pre-debut, having fans just seemed like a dream to me but now that I have AROHA (fanclub name), I’m really happy. Holding various meanings, I think of our fans as my 'dream'.
MJ: I think of them as my heart. You can’t do without your heart. Because it has to beat for your whole life. Our fans are to me an existence that’s like a heart which has to beat (T/N: run) next to us forever.
Alongside their fans who are like their hearts they cannot live without, ASTRO’s beginning starts now. When they return after successfully holding their Japan tour, they will be spending busy days for yet another comeback. They will be running even harder in order to meet their domestic fans again through a new album by the year end.
Cha Eunwoo: (Our goal is) Becoming like our role models Big Bang, DBSK and HI5HLI5HT. Also I hope that one day we become a group that someone wants to take after. I like all three seniors and I hope we can mirror their strengths and become a team that has our own aura and our own colour. Big Bang’s carefreeness, DBSK’s individuality and HI5HLI5HT’s live skills or their energy on stage, we’ll become cool singers who posses all those three attributes.
Source: http://www.ajunews.com/view/20170807081433256
Translations by @99pmh​ Take out with full credits
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