#though snily here are platonic as that's the way i see them
fanfictionroxs · 4 months
A Flower and a Bird
Longer version posted on AO3
And if I tell you all that Eileen used to give Lily and Severus lessons on Gobstones? That Severus found them ridiculous, but Lily delighted in the foul smelling liquid the stones spat out? That Eileen and Lily would gang up against Sev on those very rare quiet moments and snigger as he sputtered with the nasty smell all over him? What if I told you that Lily never grew impressed with Quiditch like James and Sev because she had already fallen in love with Gobstones? That James once curiously asked her how she was so good at it and she told him about Sev's mother teaching her. What if I told you Eileen and her still corresponded even after everything, that Eileen apologised to Lily for failing to teach her son... everything, it seems. That she asked Lily to, if not protect, then at least not kill Severus, should they come face to face on the battlefield. What if I told you that Lily promised Eileen this, but wondered if Sev would afford her the same consideration. And Eileen laughed at even the thought of her son hurting that sweet girl (and isn't that what she thought about Tobias and oh how that backfired). What if I told you that Severus confessed to his mother what he did as she was still absorbing the news of Lily's death whose words come back to haunt her. And she looks around the silent house, missing the tyrant that used to haunt it thanks to the brave mad girl who smashed his head in trying to stop him from hitting Eileen ("Don't tell Sev, please! Just say he ran away or something!"). A gift in return for the marvellous set of Gobstones Eileen had gifted her. And she looks at her son, the boy who killed the girl he should have cherished, and for the first time she sees only his father.
What if I tell you Eileen leaves Cokeworth that day, leaves Severus because she cannot even look at him without seeing Lily Evans in whom she always sensed the wish for reconciliation. She leaves the country where prejudice seeps in every corner, corrupting and killing her son and her daughter.
What if I tell you years pass and Severus dies, but Eileen lives on in Japan, making a home for herself among the mountains where she plays Shogi with muggle men and women, and Gobstones with the magical folk, running her little vegetable noodle shop. Her son is gone, finally reunited with his friend and four decades have passed where Eileen has healed the scars from her marriage, from the endless wars, from the family that couldn't accept her views, from the loss of the children she loved so very much.
What if I tell you a couple stumbles into her shop, the blonde among them looking worse for wear, yet on the path of healing like her. What if I tell you his husband tells her of finding a cure for the family curse ailing his love. What if I tell you she congratulates the exhausted men on their successful adventures. What if I tell you as the men leave, the dark haired man introduces himself to her, abashed at having forgotten his manners in his exuberance to share his happiness.
"Albus Severus Potter, ma'am," he shakes her hand with a wide grin.
Eileen looks into Lily's eyes, at the last vestiges of Severus and smiles.
"Nice to meet you, son."
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A list of my favourite fictional grey characters (not in order) SPOILER ALERT!
Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time)
There is a reason why Regina is called «The Evil Queen» She was pure evil. A murderer, a kidnapper, a rapist, how could I like her? Well it wasnt before season 3 I started to like her. It took a lot of time. And I suppose I will never fully love her after she raped Graham for...years... and murdered people - children when she was a tiny bit frustrated. I would even say that she is irredeemable. And I thought her redemtion arc was unrealistic in the beginning, and for God’s sake, she should not have been crowned The Good Queen in season 7. But she tried to change so hard for Henry, she tried to redeem herself. Tried to be a good mother for a change. She saved multiple lives and souls. She didnt completely redeem herself, I must admit it. But she tried so hard and I feel like she deserves something from that. She eventually became a very good mother, even though it was a little late since Henry was already 12 when she became one. She was still a bitter bitch and blamed innocent people for unfortunate things that happened to her (Zelena, Mary Margaret, Emma) but by season 7, she became something more than that. She became half good. Grey. And even though she didnt completely redeem herself, she came close. Also, I love her sassy personality, she should be crowned The Sassy Queen, not The Good Queen.
Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon A Time)
The Dark One who after 7 seasons became one of the greatest heroes in OUAT. The man who was known as the village coward because he ran away from the Ogre War and was too afraid to fight for his wife became one of the bravest men. Like Regina, he was a murderer. He was super manipulative with all his deals and the «all magic comes with a price, dearie» thing. He manipulated people into getting themselves killed. Before he became The Dark One, he was a good man with a pure heart. But the power of the dagger took over him and his heart was all black. He was power sick. He always wanted power, but not for selfish reasons. He felt like he needed power to protect his son Bealfire/Neal and his wife Milah, but when he took that power, the darkness came over him and he, after time, became evil. It wasn’t before he met Belle French his heart showed a little bit of light. As he said, she was his light in an ocean of darkness. Their relationship was problematic and selfish in the beginning. He manipulated her into thinking he changed (which you know i detest *cough* James Potter) Rumple loved power more than he loved her, at least in season 4. He too often chose it over her, until season 6 when he started to properly redeem himself. His redemtion arc took over 300 years but it came in the end. His love for her changed A LOT. In the other seasons, his love was unhealthy and selfish. But in season 6 and 7, he changed a lot. This time it wasnt only for Belle, but Gideon too. They helped him let go of power and in season 7, he tried so hard to get rid of the dagger and the power so that he could live a normal life with his family. And after Belle died, he didn’t return to the dagger or the dark side. He helped the good side to defeat Drizella and the other villians in that season. He even became a father figure to Alice. And in the end he sacrificed himself to save Killian’s (Nook) life. And he got reunited with Belle. He is the most interesting character in OUAT, no doubt there.
Sawyer/James Ford (LOST)
Sawyer is without a doubt one of my fave characters from LOST (after Charlie and John) in his background, he was a thief and manipulated woman to believe he loved them, just to take all their money. (Maybe except Cassidy, since he fell in love with her later, but he still manipulated her AND got her pregnant) He’s a real asshole. Buuut - then he became an entirely different (and better) man. He meets Kate Austen and I feel like his love for her changes his character. In the beginning he was a bit of a perve with her (i mean, walking straight towards her completely naked...) he doesnt develope much in the 1 season, but later (beginning in the 3 season) he becomes quite selfless and protective. In season (was it 4? I dont quite remember) he falls in love again with Juliet Burke, and heeeeell, she was good for him. He also developes a nice relationship with Claire Littleton (platonic) he becomes protective of her. He attemts to comfort Hurley after Charlie’s death. In the rest of the seasons he is the born leader. He puts the team before himself (like when he sacrificed his chance to escape the Island) and in the paralell universe he is absolutely the best.
Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
Okay, no he’s not exactly a grey character since he’s a lot more dark than light, but I love him too much to not put him here. Differently from the other character I’ve mentioned above, Heathcliff doesnt have a redemtion. He died an awful person. He abused and manipulated a lot of people. Before he became this asshole, he was a much better person. He was an ass to those who deserved it (Hindley, That bitch deserved to die so young. Edward was a kind man, but I don’t like him, sooo... nevermind) The way he treated Isabella was sickening and awful, she had every right to leave him and take Linton away and hate him. I Don’t like Isabella, but she never deserved to be treated that way. His love for Cathy was unhealthy, but it was true and he would do so much for her. (They kinda remind me of Snily, so ofc I ship it) Heathcliff went through so much trauma in his life and never recovered. After Cathy died, he was practically dead too, then he killed himself years later. His life made me cry for days, especially the ending. He is such an interesting character with so many layers.
Ulrich Nielsen (Dark)
(Before I say anything, I haven’t finished the entire show yet, so this is gonna be short and probably not 100% correct)
To be honest, I don’t like Ulrich at all as a person. I look at him and I see a fully grown up man with no remorse for what he did to Regina as a teen. He cheated on his wife with a woman he didnt even love. He tried to murder a CHILD who hadnt done anything wrong (yet) because he thought he was going to kill his brother and son in the future (okay, i get why he did it. He was desperate to get Mikkel back and the whole time-tarvelig thing was extremely stressfull) BUT HE COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING A LOT LESS HARMFULL TO PREVENT EVERYTHING TO HAPPEN. Despite this, i love him as a character. He is so interesting and there are times were I have to remind myself why i dont like him. He is brave and intelligent and... so fucking hot as a teen.
Hannah Kahnwald (Dark)
(Again, havent watched the whole show yet)
This girl is MESSED UP. When she was fourteen, she accused Ulrich of being a rapist, which is a very serious accusation and then blamed it on Regina who she knew was a victim of Ulrich and Katharina’s bullying. She is a home-wrecker, and when Katharina found out about Ulrich cheating on her with Hannah and confronted her, Hannah blamed it on Ulrich and said he pressed her and that she wanted it to end, but he refused or whatever, i dont 100% remember the conversation. But she was also a very good mother to Jonas and she was so sweet to Mikkel/Michael. She is a bitch, so much that its impossible to not like her.
Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Saved the best one to last. The guy my whole account is about, ofc he’s on this list, and ofc this is gonna be the longest text.
This guy is a complete asshole. Always has been, always will be. He bullied Harry and Co (mostly Harry and Neville) he was a bitter and sarcastic bitch. He used to be a follower of Voldemort. Even in his youth he had a lot of flaws. We all know he became the bastard he was due to childhood trauma, mental illnesses and manipulation. I believe he had depression, grief and PTSD. At least in his 20’s he was suicidal, and I believe it remained like that til the day he died, because he had no one to help him or give him support. He turned to the dark side in an attemt to make his life better (as many members of gangs do) but he only stayed like that for two years, which is extremely impressive if you know what kind of person Voldemort is. As a 21 year old, Snape was a very different person from what he was as a 38 year old. If he was the way he was as a 38 yr old when Lily, James and Harry was in danger. First of all, he wouldnt start to try to save Lily by asking Voldemort, he would have went straight to Dumbledore, probably with his own brilliant plan on how to save them. Second, he wouldnt hesitate for a second to save James and Harry to. In canon, he needed to have a personal reason to save them, which was Lily’s feelings I believe. As a 38 yr old, he risked his life to save people he hated (Lupin) This is a great character developement. He went from being a selfish bitch, to become a selfless asshole. He was that kind of person who did anything in his power to protect someone, even if that person had nothing to do with winning the war and had nothing to gain himself.
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