#thought he had dress shoes or something but no they are 100% black chucks. lost my mind abt it
astral-schools · 1 year
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best part about deciding the lemuria music is diegetic is getting to imagine the old one going absolutely crazy on the brass for the heap soundtrack
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daisyxbuckley · 5 years
Madness Chapter 5
A/N: WOW Its been a bit since I updated this. I have been HEAVILY on my Mitch Rapp bullshit but I am getting the muse back for this. Going to post the rest of the chapters up tonight, then tomorrow you guys get book two! Also if you wanna be tagged in this story tell me! 
Description: Calliope Kane never meant to get caught. But when she did she was sent to the ground to help The 100. Now that she’s here, will she survive?
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@cxddlyash @stiles-o-dylan24 @dylan-obrien-fanblog (Tagging yall so you can see another side of my writing lol)
Calliope's eyes flew open as she felt herself being shaken awake. Looking around, she noticed Octavia's face with a small smile in front of her. "Cal you need to come see this." Octavia said running out of the tent.
Forgoing her pants and shoes in a hurry, Callie ran out of the tent and to the crowd that had gathered looking up at the sky. Most were in various states of undress as they were all woken up or were about to go to bed. Looking up at the night sky, the redhead saw what everyone was looking at. One single streak of light was flying down after entering the atmosphere. It was too small to be a drop ship, but it was big enough to have supplies.
"Octavia..you know what this means." Callie said smiling at the girl. "It means we need to go." The brunette said nodding back. Callie turned around to head back to her tent when she ran right into the bare chest of the last person she had wanted to see.
Steadying her arms, Bellamy looked down at Callie as she got her bearings and stared up at him. His jaw clenched when he noticed the bandage on her neck,a reminder of their ordeal that had happened hours earlier. He noticed that she was half dressed and moved to say something when he noticed her eye catch who had walked up behind him.
"Wow Bellamy, that's like what the fourth girl you've had this week? You should open a brothel." Callie said rolling her eyes and stepping back. Feeling Octavia come stand next to her, Callie crossed her arms and tried to keep a blank face.
"Everyone is ready. We should head out." She said with a determined look on her face. Bellamy shook his head as he started to go back to the tent. "No. We wait till dawn, it's too dangerous right now." Callie saw his sister move in front of him as she stopped him from heading back to his tent. "Bellamy it cleared the ridge. Anyone within a 40 mile radius saw that come down. We need to go."
"No, what we need to do is keep people alive. I said we wait till morning." He snapped back at her while he stalked off. Callie looked at Octavia and shook her head, knowing it was a lost cause. Heading back to her own tent, Callie noticed Belamy sneaking out of his tent before vanishing into the dark.
"Now what are you up to, Blake." She said quietly to herself as she headed back to her own tent. Grabbing her jeans, Callie threw them on and laced up her boots before grabbing her jacket and knives and heading out. Running into Octavia, Callie had to put her hands on the girls shoulders before she fell over.
The brunette looked Callie up and down and raised her eyebrows. "Where are you off to in a hurry Ms. Kane." Octavia said with a laugh. Looking towards the area of the words her brother vanished into Callie sighed. "Your brother left. I'm going after him." \
Callie looked at Octavia while she rubbed her eyes and groan before looking around. "God I knew he was going to pull some shit like this. I'm coming with you." Calliope shook her head and held her hand out. "No way. I need you here to make sure chaos doesn't come down on us all because of his bad choices. It will be quicker for me to catch up with him anyways." The redhead smiled down at the girl before stepping back.
"I'll bring him back. Can't promise it will be in one piece, but I'll bring him back." She said laughing as she headed off into the woods.
Bellamy was stomping through the underbrush, trying to push the thoughts of what he was going to find from his mind. He knew as soon as that ship came down that he needed to get to it before anyone else, but he also saw the look on Callie's face when he said they wouldn't go till morning. She knew it was a lie, yet did nothing to stop him.
He knew this was stupid. He should just turn around and go back to camp, what was he going to do, kill whoever was in the pod and take the radio? Bellamy shook his head while walking trying to avoid the tree branches that were hanging down. He could barely shoot Jaha let alone another person.Finally coming across the pod that had landed he ran over and opened the door. Realizing that someone was in it, Bellamy thanked whatever god was out there that they were knocked out. Cutting the wires from the radio, he chucked the device into the water and started heading back to camp.
Callie had caught up to Bellamy about two hours after leaving camp. Once she caught sight of him she stayed back a little bit because she didn't want him seeing her, though he seemed like he was in a world of his own. Realize this was the only time she was going to get to talk to him, Callie stepped out.
"Bellamy." She yelled watching him tense up and turn around. A look of worry flashed across his face as he saw her come closer and Callie wondered what the hell was going on. "What the fuck are you doing? You tell us to wait till morning then you decide to take a nightly stroll in the woods." Callie said crossing her arms at him. "You know how dangerous it is out here yet you didn't think to ask for some help?"
"Go back to camp Cal. It's not safe." Bellamy said before turning around and walking in the other direction. Callie had to stifle a laugh as she grabbed him arm making him look at her.
"You can NOT be serious right now. You lie to all of us about waiting till dawn and then you go off on your own and now you have the nerve to tell me it's not safe?" The redhead said with a shocked look on her face. "You have been lying to all of us and its time that you finally started telling the truth."
Bellamy groaned rubbing his hands over face before letting out a yell. "God Calliope why are you so fucking annoying?" He yelled at her. "You seriously can't leave things alone can you. What I'm doing is none of your damn business how about that." Bellamy said stepping closer to her.
Callie crossed her arms and shook her head. "Well it's kind of hard to mind my own business when you keep lying to me and to everyone else at camp." Callie ran a hand through her hair before her hands rested on her hips. "What did you do that you're so terrified of whatever is in that pod."
"I shot Jaha."
Bellamy spoke so low that Callie almost didn't hear him. "Excuse me? Did you just say you shot Jaha?" She said her eyes going wide. That can't be true. She had JUST talked to him before she was loaded into the drop ship. "Wait..is he dead.." She whispered to him trying to spook him. Shaking his head, Bellamy closed his eyes.
"I don't know. I just shot him and ran..it was the only way I could get on the drop ship Callie. I had to protect my sister. I couldn't let her come down here alone." He said pleading to her. Bellamy knew she knew how much he cared for his sister.
Callie's hands went to her head as she tried to steady her breathing and backed up against a tree. She honestly had no clue what she should say to his admission as she never thought that he would do something like this. She couldn't get any words out though because at that moment a familiar blonde head crashed through the bushes.
Stomping over to Bellamy, Clarke pushed him as hard as she could with a look of rage on her face. "Where is it." Bellamy gave the girl a smirk as he caught his bearings.
"Hey princess, taking a walk in the woods?"
"They are getting ready to kill 300 people up there." Clarke said her voice raising. "Your people. We need the radio to stop them."
Bellamy shook his head, the grin falling from his face. "I don't know what you're talking about." Clarke let out a scream of frustration before turning back to him. "Bellamy they are going to kill them if we don't let them know that we are down here."
"Wait Bellamy. Like Bellamy Blake?" Callie had looked away from the scene that was unfolding till she heard an unfamiliar voice. Looking back over, she noticed a short girl with long dark hair clinging to Finn. "They are looking everywhere for you." The girl said with a smirk.
"Wait why?" Clarke asked turning back to Bellamy, finally noticing Callie standing behind him. "He shot Chancellor Jaha." The black haired girl said shrugging. She caught Callie's eye for a second before turning back to Finn.
"So that's why you took the wristbands. All that whatever the hell we want shit was just so you could save your sorry ass." Finn said. Bellamy muttered something as he started walking away. Callie sighed and turned to follow him when the brunette girl streaked past her.
"Hey shooter, where's my radio." The girl yelled as Finn tried to get her attention. "Raven wait."
"Get out of my way." Bellamy muttered as he tried to go past her. Raven stood her ground though and kept going. She was stubborn, Callie had to give her that. "I should've killed you when I had the chance." He said stepping close to her.
Callie was about to speak up and say something when Raven yelled first. "Well I'm right here. Why don't you finish the job." Before anyone could react, Bellamy had Raven shoved up against tree and she had her knife pointing at him.
"You guys enough!" Callie yelled coming forward. Walking over to where Raven and Bellamy were, Callie sighed. "Bell, let her go. Now." Bellamy sighed finally letting the girl go and turning to the group.
"Jaha deserved to die. You all know that." Bellamy said. Callie could see a pleading look in his eye and felt sorry for him.
"Look, he's not my favorite person but he isn't dead." Raven said to Bellamy's shocked face. "You're a lousy shot." She said shrugging her shoulders.
Callie stepped forward and placed a hand on Bellamy's arm. "Don't you see what this means..you're not a murderer. You did what you needed to do to protect Octavia. Any of us in your position would of. But you have to tell us where the radio is so we can help."
Bellamy faced Callie and wanted so bad to just believe her, trust those beautiful green eyes and know that everything was going to be okay. But he knew it wouldn't "It's too late." He said slowly pointing towards the river.
The group looked for over an hour before Finn yelled that he found the radio. Pulling it out of the water, Clakre hurried over to Raven as she sat down and tried to see if it could work. "Do you think we can use it?" The blonde asked as Raven chewed on her lip.
"Probably but it's going to take at least a few days to dry the parts out." Raven said "Dammit." Came out of her mouth as she tried to figure out what to do next.
"300 people are going to die because of you. Are you happy now?!" Clarke yelled at Bellamy. Callie laid her hand on his arm to try and keep him calm. Before anyone could respond Raven spoke up.
"Wait, they just need to see that we are down here right?" Clarke nodded not knowing where she was going with this.
"I have an idea." Raven said smiling.
"We have to get these flares ready to go and launched in the next few minutes or we are going to be too late." Callie said to Clarke as they watched the kids get everything loaded up to go. The bonfire they built was going high and the homemade rocket launchers were almost ready to go. Callie had to hand it to Raven, she was a smart girl. She just prayed this would work.
Standing by as the delinquents lit the flares off, Callie couldn't help but admire how pretty it looked. Feeling someone come up beside her she didn't look over. "Do you think they can see it from up there? " Bellamy asked
"I hope so..do you think you can wish on this kind of shooting start." Callie asked laughing a bit looking at Bellamy.
"I wouldn't even know what to wish for." He said throwing a smirk towards her. "What about you?" Callie just shook her head and looked back up at the sky. Her wish didn't matter anymore.
Callie was tossing back and forth when she heard her tent flap open. Looking towards the opening she saw Bellamy with tired eyes coming in. He looked surprised that she was looking back at him. "You're awake."
Sitting up, the girl brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "Well yeah, trying to sleep when you're worried about 300 people who might die is kind of hard to do." Callie said quietly. Bellamy seemed like he was going to say something else before clearing his throat.
"Have you seen Octavia? I haven't seen her since we got back to camp." Callie's eyes showed some panic when he said the girl was missing. Getting out of bed, she quickly grabbed her pants and shoes and threw them on.
"Come on. I'll help you look for her." The redhead said putting her jacket on and moving her hair out from inside it. Bellamy looked a little shocked that she was so willing to help him. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Octavia, so don't get any ideas." She said walking out of the tent.
When they searched the whole camp, Bellamy and Callie had to face the fact that the brunette girl wasn't there anymore. Gathering around the kids that were up, Bellamy faced everyone. "Listen up! My sister has been out there alone for 12 hours. Everyone arm up..we aren't coming back without her." Callie looked over and saw Clarke had come up beside her. Going over to the pile, Callie grabbed the axe and made sure her knives were with her. Feeling Bellamy come up beside her, Callie looked up and him and became confused at the look on his face.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked her as he put a hand on the axe she had. "I"m getting ready to go with you. Duh." She said with a small smile
Bellamy shook his head making her put the axe down. "No. Out of the question. I don't need you out there for me to worry about too." He said staring at her. Callie stood up straight and looked at him. Cocking her head to the side she stepped a little closer to him.
"Well, well, well. Is the great Bellamy Blake actually worried about me?" She asked quietly. "Better be careful Blake, people might think you have a heart." Callie stepped so close to him that her lips brushed ear. Beallmy tensed up as he felt the pressure from her hand on his arm and all of a sudden he wanted nothing more than to take her behind the drop ship and press her close to him. But he had a job to do, and he didn't want to have to worry about both Callie and Octavia.
"You're not coming with Calliope. That's final." Bellamy said harshly as Callie looked at him with a shocked look on her face.
"You should know by now that I don't take orders from anyone. Least of all you." She said backing up. Picking up the axe she started walking towards the party that was leaving. "You coming?" Bellamy sighed and grabbed his bag as they headed out. This girl was going to give him a heart attack one day.
Callie was heading out to the gate when she noticed everyone looking up at the sky in awe. Turning, her heart dropped as she saw hundreds of shooting stars streak across the blackness. "It didn't work..." She said softly as her eyes filled up with tears. Bellamy looked over at her and raised a brow at her words "A meteor shower tells you that?"
Shaking her head, Callie looked at him with a tear sliding down her face. "That's not a meteor shower. It's a funeral..hundreds of bodies being returned to the earth." She looked back up at the sky and watched it more. "This is what it looks like from the other side." Callie saw Raven march up to Bellamy shoving him as hard as she could, and he let her.
"This is all YOUR fault. If you hadn't trashed my radio they would of still been alive." Raven said yelling. She was pissed and Callie couldn't blame her. "This is your fault." The girl looked like she had been about ready to punch him when Clarke came up to her and put her hand on his shoulder.
"Raven, that's enough. He knows what he did...so he needs to live with it. But right now we NEED to get that radio working before they sacrifice anyone else. Can you do that?" Clarke was trying to distract the girl, but Raven's eyes still held hatred for Bellamy. "Raven. Can you do it?" Clarke said again her voice raising. Raven nodded as she went off towards the dropship. Callie watched her leave and knew how upset she was. The girl was upset too, but she knew that they had a job to do. Looking towards Bellamy she shook her head slightly and started heading towards the gate.
They had been walking for about 45 minutes before Callie got separated from the rest of the group. She had thought she heard something and stopped to check it out and when she looked back, everyone was gone. "Fan-fucking-tastic." She hissed to herself. This was the last thing she needed since she knew Bellamy would never let her live it down. Before she could get her bearings, Callie heard screaming and yelling. Knowing it was the group she was with, the girl started to head towards it when she was grabbed from behind.
The hand around her waist was firm and Callie found herself not able to move as another hand went around her mouth. Trying to fight against it, she found it was useless as she was drug even further away from her friends.
They had walked for about 20 minutes before Callie noticed he was leading them to a door that was hidden by the forest. When they entered, the Grounder finally set her down Callie was looking at the inside of what looked like an underground cave. Hearing a gasp and someone crashed into her, the redhead finally realized who it was.
"Octavia. What are you doing here? We have been looking everywhere for you." Callie said wrapping her arms around the younger girl. Pulling her back, Callie checked her over quickly to make sure she was in one piece and finally looked around and saw their captor. He was a tall, burley dark skinned man who watched the two girls from the corner not saying anything. The redhead quickly shoved Octavia behind her. She noticed that her weapons were left in the woods, but she didn't need them. At least she hoped she didn.t
"Callie...Cal wait. He doesn't want to hurt us." Octavia said quietly looking out from behind her. The girl looked down at the brunette with confused eyes. "Think about it...I wasn't chained up. Nor were you. He helped us." Octavia said stepping out from behind Callie and walking slowly over to the man. "Right...you don't want to hurt us?"
Callie looked around a bit and tried to come up with a game plan. "We can't stay here Octavia. We have to get back to camp.." The man shook his head trying to get her attention. Callie looked at him and watched Octavia with him. "I don't think it's safe right now Callie." She said slowly. "Right? It's not safe." The man nodded once before standing up. Heading to the door Callie saw what he was doing.
"Fine..go make sure its safe and we will wait here." Callie said slowly. Watching him go back up and out the hatch, she made her way back to Octavia. "Girl you have GOT to stop giving us heart attacks like this." She said laughing slightly. Octavia grinned and hugged the girl back hard. It was good to see someone that she knew. "Well what else am I good for?" the brunette said laughing.
Calliope slid down the side of the wall and brought her knees up to her chest. "I don't think he will be back anytime soon so we might as well get some sleep." She said patting the floor beside her. Octavia went and sat down next to her as Callie wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. Though Callie drifted in and out of sleep, she never actually fell asleep. She didn't know how much time had passed when she heard someone at the entrance of the cave.
Looking up, Callie noticed it was the man that had returned and she sighed, hoping that this meant they could go back to the camp. Before she could say anything though, someone had come up behind him and knocked him out cold.
"Bellamy." The redhead said looking at him. The brown haired boy looked a bit shocked to see her there, but his face turned to relief when he noticed that both she and his sister were okay. "How did you find us?" Callie asked him.
"Followed him." Bellamy said looking at the man that was unconscious on the ground. Octavia stood up as she walked over to her brother. "We should go before he gets up." She said as he pulled her into a hug. Letting her go, Bellamy shook his head.
"He's not going to wake up." He said going over to him. Callie knew what he was going to do and she started to cry out when Octavia got their first. "No Bellamy stop. He helped us, if he wanted to kill us he would of done it already." She said trying to stop him.
Callie walked over to the unconscious man while the siblings argued and noticed Finn over there as well. "I'm glad to see you're alive Callie. Bellamy about lost his mind looking for you." He said grinning over at her. Rolling her eyes, Callie leaned down with him to check him out. Before she could respond to him though, Callie saw the Grounders hand twitch and knew he was awake. Before she could warn Finn, the man was up and had his knife out. Finn pushed her out of the way as the knife was lodged into his chest.
"Oh my god! Finn." Callie said running over to the boy that had fallen. Hearing the commotion but focusing on Finn, Callie grabbed Jaspers hand as he reached towards the knife. "NO! We need to leave it in otherwise he could bleed out." Looking over and noticing that the Grounder was knocked back out, she locked eyes with Bellamy. "We need to get him back to Clarke NOW."
Getting back to camp, Callie directed Jasper and Bellamy to take Finn towards the drop ship. Running in after them, Clarke was running around and Raven had tears in her eyes. "Callie wouldn't let me take the knife out." Jasper said looked at the redhead. Clarke nodded looking at Callie and they exchanged a look.
"No that was good." The blonde said looking down to assess the wound muttering to herself. Callie ran over to Raven and wrapped her arms around her. When Clarke looked up with wide eyes. "Raven, I need to talk to my mom." She said ordering some people to get supplies for her.
Raven shook her head with fear in her eyes. "There's still no radio." She said looking around the group. Callie put her hands on Raven's shoulders and made her face her. "Raven, if we want Finn to survive then you NEED to get that radio working. If anyone can do it you can." Raven had a look flash across her face before she shut it down and nodded. "Jasper, Monty come help me." She said running over to where the radio was. "Clarke, Callie make sure he stays alive."
Callie nodded heading over to Clarke before seeing Bellamy and a few other guys bringing the grounder in. The girl locked eyes with him and Bellamy shook his head before leading the grounder up to the second floor, effectively locking Octavia out. Seeing the girls face, Callie looked at Clarke to see if she could step away. The blonde nodded as Callie walked over Octavia.
As she reached her, Bellamy came back down the ladder and started heading out the door, but not before his sister was on him.
"You need to let him go. He's done nothing wrong! I don't think he was trying to hurt me. He saved me Bellamy, he saved Callie too. You're just too stubborn to see that." She said trying to get him to face her. Callie followed them outside and noticed that the rain had started falling down like a waterfall.
"That's the problem O. You DON'T think. They killed three of our people today, and if you didn't stop me from killing him then Finn wouldn't be in there dying right now." Bellamy yelled. Callie saw the look on his face and knew nothing good would come from him being this angry.
Octavia looked enraged. "STOP blaming me for YOUR mistakes. I wanted to leave, if we had then Finn wouldn't be in there dying. Everything that has gone wrong is because of you." The brunette started walking towards her brother stabbing his chest with her finger. "YOU got me locked up. YOU wanted me to go to that stupid dance and YOU got mom floated." Callie had stepped forward to pull Octavia back but the girl fell from her grasp.
"No. Mom was floated because YOU were born. She chose that. I didn't have a choice." Bellamy said lowly. "My life ended the day you were born." Callie saw the girls body go rigid when he had said that. Locking eyes with him, Octavia spun on her heel and started to walk away when Bellamy grabbed her. "Where do you think you're going?" He said as he drug her back towards the drop ship. Octavia screamed at him the entire way trying to fight him. Callie turned back towards the fence for the camp and sighed. So much was going on and she didn't have time to figure it out before Bellamy grabbed her arm and turned her around.
"Get inside the drop ship. A storm is coming."
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milkte-aa · 5 years
" deal breaker! " (myg x y/n x jjk) 001
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📍tags/genre ;; angst, satire, demon!au, prince!au.
📍summary ;; many many years ago, an ancestor of yours made a deal with two demon princes and never paid his debt. the demons, who lay dormant, have awoken and want their prize. and as a blessing and a curse, the prize is you.
📍author's note ;; the story is a bit mature, so chapters that don't have gore, violence, or smut, are still best for 16+ readers. but, of course, read at your own expense.
📍to find other chapters search #db-jjkmyg
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"Come on, Jungkook! We don't have all year!!"
That loud voice resonated throughout the large, victorian styled manor. The dark hardwood floors were just a clean and shiny as they had been left, back when the victorian era was on the rise. It was a tragic day, when the manor was left behind, and that day would always be remembered as the day when the demons lost the great war. The two demon princes, who resided within this manor had fought and the front lines, and were forced into dormancy when they lost.
The heavy sound of footsteps could be heard at the home's entrance from deep within the many halls. Approaching every so calmly, Yoongi knew his call had been heard.
He gazed into the round mirror next to the coat rack that lay in the manor's entrance hall, fingertips brushing lightly over his cheek and jaw. The last time he'd seen his own face, was over 130 years ago, and there had been a long and deep cut that split his face in half diagonally. It was strange that they woke up, let alone come back completely unharmed or scarred. It left Yoongi to wonder why he was returned to his original state? Why wasn't his black hair matted with blood? Why was his skin left smooth and clean and not cracked, cut, and burned? Why was Jungkook so unhurt as he? He was greatful that his lover was back in the correct mental state, but why was it so?
"Weird isn't it? That we look brand new?" A chuckled rumbled across the entryway, taking Yoongi's attention away from his silvery reflection. He looked to Jungkook, the tall and handsome boy he'd had as a companion for centuries.
Yoongi nodded, looking back towards the mirror for a moment. He watched himself, quietly staring into his dark eyes. Jungkook cleared his throat in an attempt to get the other's attention, "So, hyung, why did you call my name?"
Jungkook had shoved his hands into the pockets of his blazer, with a coy smile on his face. Depsite them having come back so 'new', they were still wearing the same clothes. Black blazer's and slacks, dress shoes, and decorative silk shirts with matching chokers. Silver and gold adorned their fingers and ears, matching the outfit and the era they had left behind.
"Ah yes, we have some unfinished business to conclude." Yoongi turned again to the younger male, "Sadly, that war interrupted us."
Jungkook tilted his head. He was tired and confused, and quite frankly it took a second for him to even recall the very war that took place. But he caught on, remembering the crippled old man that had begged them to cure his only child of an incurable disease. They had done so, with promise that they would be able to collect whatever prize they wished from him when they returned—whether it be riches, land, or a soul. He nodded.
"Is there any prize to collect?"
Yoongi licked his lips. "I believe so. I looked into while you took a nap. The current family isn't rich, so I think we'll be collecting a soul. Unless something else takes our interest."
Jungkook liked the idea of a prize, even though the last thing he could remember was losing a great battle. Souls meant servants. Servants meant things getting back to normal.
Yoongi approached his companion, placing a palm on the younger's cheek. He still saw the condition Jungkook used to be in. The beaten and swollen image lingered in his memories. "I'm so happy you're okay..."
Jungkook smiled, setting his own hand over Yoongi's. "Mhmm, me too. Now, let's go get our well earned prize before it runs away."
"Yes, let's."
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Your ancestory had always been a mystery to you. It felt like living in fog, and only ever seeing what was closest to you. You never met your grandparents, as they were all dead before you were born, and so you could never ask silly questions about what wars they lived through or where they grew up. Your parents wouldn't talk about it much, especially after their divorce when you were thirteen.
Though, despite all that you didn't know, there was always one thing that remained clear—your family was cursed.
The story was simple; over 100 years ago, a man in your family made a choice. Would he save his daughter from death or would he let her go and end her suffering? Despite what his little girl had wanted, he chose to save her from the clutches of death, and looked everywhere for the cure. But no books held the answer and no doctor had the time. He had lost hope. That was, until the man was approached by a mysterious creature and offered a deal. He took it without much thought, not caring to ask what the creature was or where it came from. Because of that, his ancestors believed him to have cursed the bloodline— due to making a deal with something that has yet to collect its end of the bargain.
If the family really was cursed, then maybe that would explain why you felt like nothing ever went right. All through highschool, you made mediocre grades and never seemed to impress your parents while simultaneously managing to never make any long lasting friendships. During the year between highschool and college, you had gotten fired at almost every job you took for extremely stupid things. And now, in university, depsite having finally made some good grades you're knee deep in student loan debt. You could hardly pay bills as it was, and soon enough the bank would show up a take you shitty car and even shittier apartment.
But what could you do about that? Nothing, really. Life is just a series of miserable mistakes and regrets, with the only promising goal being growing old and retiring right at the age when freetime is uncomfortable and impossible. Yeah, life is shitty. Life was so shitty sometimes, that it made you wish that the deal your idiot ancestor made would come back and haunt you because then maybe life wouldn't be so painfully drab.
Though, your catch yourself in that thought because demons, or monsters, or fairy tales weren't real.
Ring ring ring!
The distint chime of your cellphone rang at you from your bedroom, gently calling you to answer an important phone call.
"Who is it at this hour? Its almost 10 o'clock..." You pulled yourself up from the old cushions of your hand-me-down couch, eyes briefly passing over the screen of your tv, which flashed with commercials at the moment. With quick steps, you reached your bedroom, which wasn't really that far away at all, and managed to reach your phone before it quit ringing.
Nothing could be heard from the other end, thought you were certain someone was listening to you.
"Who is this? If you're trying to sell me something just do it already and don't waste my time."
Nothing again, and with that you hung up— people these days were rude over the phone too. You huffed, turning your phone off and chucking it on the bed with a soft thud. Through your annoyed attitude, though, a strange feeling of coldness swept up your spine. It swarmed your brain, filling your mind with a ice so black and dark that it stopped you from thinking for a moment. But it faded, as it some sort of fire or heat had burned it away. Strange, you thought, and then you snapped back into reality.
The tv show you were watching echoed in the distance.
You walked quietly back to the living room, gazing down at your index finger and grumbling at the chipped blue nail polish as you did. You hardly paid attention to your surroundings in this moment, and ran into the couch, slamming your toe against its hard bottom.
"F-fucking hell! Bitchass couch, always in my fucking way!" You yelled out, squeezing your eyes in pain as you reached down to hold your throbbing toe.
A soft sound eerily similar to the clicking of tongue of teeth could be heard, and then...
"Well that wasn't a very ladylike set of words." The low grumble of words jerked you out of your pain, your eyes wide as the shot up to see a man sitting on your kitchen counter, his legs crossed calmly over one another. He was cold. That very coldness you'd felt just before you left you bedroom.
"W-who'er you?!" You scrambled backwards, nearly falling your ass in the process. "How'd you get in my house?!!"
The man chuckled, cleary amused with your prey-like display. His dark gaze raked over you slowly, and his tongue peeked out of his lips for a brief moment. He had black hair, brushed out of his face to show a subtle bit of the pale skin on his forehead. The rest of him was pale, all except his eyes and hair... and the oddly Victorian outfit he wore. "Who am I? How'd I get in? Those are your questions?" He scoffed, "Mortals... You never cease to amuse...."
He trailed off just as you looked to your left, spotting a large black dog towaring over your couch and gazing at you. It looked like a hellhound, but there was something oddly human about it. At closer look, the dog had black horns atop its head and rows of razor sharp teeth and a two-pronged tongue. Its tail swung around carfully, like a snake.
The man on your counter spoke again, "I am a demon, little girl, older than your bloodline and nearly as old as religion itself. This here is my friend, who decided to appear in this form rather than a human one...."
You scoffed, definitely by accident. The reflex in you to pass off stupid claims as symptoms of a low IQ. You regretted this immediately.
The man showed you his teeth, a flashy way to tell you to know your place. "I'm serious, girl. You can stand there all wobbly kneed a pretend that you don't know, deep down inside what we are, but I see right through you." He looked to the dog, that looked back at him and let out an impatient whine. "But... I will be kind and tell you the story, so that maybe then you'll show us some more respect."
You blinked several times, a feeble attempt as waking up from this nightmare. Demons? Imposible! Such a stupid idea. These are just figmants of your imagination. Maybe your family was cursed; but it would be cursed sooner with insanity that it would with demons.
"Once upon a time, during the Victorian Era, a young girl suffered from a bad case of of some very mysterious disease. Her father wanted her to live so very badly, and sold everything he had to find her a cure. But no doctor could care to help, and no witch had a practical solution. He poor, little girl was dying and each day the pale horse grew closer. But, one day, he found himself in the presence of two strange creatures that he passed off as extremely smart hellhounds. Whatever they were, he made a deal with them, selling his soul for his daughter's life. The 'creatures' were nice, and decided to wait until the man got to live a happy life with his daughter before they came to collect his soul and his life. But, those 'creatures' got caught up in a war and were left dormant for over 100 years. And now, they need to get paid for their kindness..."
You could out two and two together, you were mental, the 'deal' your ancestor made was real and it was with this man here and his... dog?
"So that's not really a dog?" You pointed to large mass of dark fur that starred at your with red eyes.
The man shook his head, "No, that's my partner-in-crime Jungkook. And I'm Yoongi. Glad to see you've found your common sense, little girl."
"So, um, Yoongi, what do I have to do with this deal? You can't possibly be here for my soul, I didn't make that stupid deal..." You tried to calm down, but it was difficult to say the least. You were starring death and its dog, er, friend in the face. Who could stay calm during that?
Yoongi looked to his friend, nodding subtlety before he adjusted his hair with a heavily jeweled hand. "I hate to tell you this, but a soul is hard to get once its dead, not unless we were there to grab it. But as I said, its been 100 years, and your great great great grandaddy is probably deep within the inferno. Jungkook and I hardly have the time to find him."
"So, you're going to kill me?" The wind outside your apartment's front door howled, a sign of an on coming storm before it happened. You could almost taste the rain in the air.
The room was silent for a moment, giving your thoughts time to catch up to the situation. You've been acting like this were a real situation. As if! Demons aren't real. Neither was magic or curses ir any of that other mumbo-jumbo. To even believe it for a second would make your insane. Maybe you were. Maybe you were in some sort of looney-bin hospital strapped to a white table and screaming like all hell was loose.
Then, the more fake than real, Yoongi spoke up. He cleared his throat, hopping gracefully off of the marble countertop. The slender man approached you, peering into your fearful and confused face before looking to his hound-shaped companion. The hound thing nodded.
"Hate to break it to you sweetheart, but we can't kill you just yet." Yoongi seemed pleased, a hidden emotion swimming in the dark pools of his eyes. "Remember that war I mentioned? Yeah, well it drained us of our power, and now we can't do something as simple as collect a soul."
Crazy, stupid, gullible girl! This isn't real! Stop responding to your hallucinations!!
You shook your thoughts away, saying nothing to Yoongi at all. He was definitely talkitive and would more than likey continue speaking on his own.
".... So, girl, that means that you're coming with us and will stay under our watch until we're strong enough to do such."
And so he proved you right.
"You don't believe me do you? You think your just a normal, everyday psycho broad who dropped her marbles somewhere and can't find them." Yoongi chuckled. "Do you want to know something? If you were dreaming or imagining this, then you wouldn't be able to feel pain or taste things. And I do recall you jamming your toe not too long ago."
Defiantly, you looked up at him, meeting him eye-to-eye in a show of boldness. "That doesn't prove anything. I could've started hallucinating between then and now. God, look at me, I'm giving into this whole brain fiasco and talking to you! And you're not even real!" You laughed, making this possibility of madness grow.
"Oh how amusing! I, the wonderfully boring and dull, Y/n, have finally gone absolutely insane. I see demons and hellhounds! What's next, fairies and unicorns? Will I begin to preach that I have seen God's true fac-" Your babblings were halted by the most violently pleasant burning sensation, accompanied by the feeling of lips against yours. The mouth against your's was soft, gentle even, with not a hint of malicious intent. You gave in, melt into the touch the snaked around your body— your demon has kissed you.
The moment didn't last long, though you wished it had, because suddenly your bottom lip seared with pain and the taste of blood filled your mouth. Those soft lips tugged themselves away, leaving you with a bloody lip.
"You bit me!" You accused, touching your fingertips to your lip. Yoongi licked his lips, an remnants of your blood disappearing. He grinned.
"Better yet, you would've liked that pain if I kept on with that kiss."
"Why would you do that?" Your ears and cheeks burned with embarrassment. He had done that on purpose, to prove some point more than likey. But the fact that you felt it—his lips, the pain—it meant that-
"This is real. I am real. So is, my very annoyed friend over there." He gestured calmly to the hound who was scrunching its face up, a low rumble emitting from its throat. Your eyes darted back to Yoongi, who was still smiling. "So, sweetheart, are you going to give in and come with us willingly or is he going to drag you?"
You added it all up in your head. Demons, hellhounds, broken deals, war, soul stealing, and ownership. This was crazy... but real. Maybe. The mind is tricky. You contemplated locking yourself in the bathroom and waiting for them to leave, but Jungkook would definitely tear the door down and rip you into ribbons. You could go with them too. Its not like you would be leaving much behind. Your poor parents would be so torn up about it if you just went missing out of nowhere.
Yoongi still stood relatively close to you, so you backed up a bit before you spoke. "I'll go with you, but... let me pack a bag and write a note in case anyone comes looking. Alright?"
You were insane, this was insane, but you had no real choices.
Yoongi nodded, satisfied with your response. "Alright, but hurry. We don't have all year."
And with that, you scurried to your bedroom with two pairs of knowing eyes burying themselves into your back. What had you gotten yourself into, Y/n?
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theotherackerman · 3 years
Invisible String
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong to Attack on Titan.
Eren is back in the white room, alone.
"Hey! Founder Ymir but not! I talked to her! She remembers! You probably already knew that," Eren shouts into the abyss.
"Why are you yelling?" A voice calls. It was unlike any voice Eren had ever heard. The musical laughter that unscored the voice caught him off guard.
"Because I can't see you," Eren scoffs.
"You can't see me most of the time but yet I see and hear you. You're starting to overthink things, Eren."
The room shifts.  They are back at the bar. The entity taking the form of Founder Ymir is back behind the bar, shaking a drink.
“Do you drink, Eren Jaeger?” she asks as she grabs a glass and pouring the contents of the shaker into it.
“Sometimes,” he replies.
She pushes the glass towards him. Eren takes it and drinks. It tastes like rubbing alcohol or at least what Eren thinks rubbing alcohol would taste like. He coughs.
“I can’t seem to get it right,” the entity replies before sighing. “Why don’t you tell her what happened in the past?”
“What good would that do? She’ll just think I’m a monster,” Eren mutters.
The entity reaches across the table and presses a finger to Eren’s head again.
The memories come flooding back.
The rumbling.
The children scream.
So much blood.
So many innocent lives.
He’s forced to relive it again.
But the memories slow.
Mikasa finds him.
The smile on his face. He knows this is the end. She’ll end his life. She’ll be a hero.
Even if she only sees him as family, it’s enough.
But the feeling of her lips on his before she raises a sword.
It is not a kiss between family or friends.
He feels it.
She loves him as much as he loves her but he has to die. He’s destroyed over half of the world.
The memories stop and he’s back in the bar.
“She loved you then, enough to do what she had to. She set you free. Set Ymir free, broke a curse.  Then she mourned you for the rest of her life. Now you're just going to let her suffer again?" The entity returns to dumping liquor into a shaker.
"Who are you? What are you? Was that your real voice I heard earlier?" He asks as pushes the horrible drink away.
"Real is subjective. This is happening right now in your head but it's real. I'm a friend. A very bored, in need of chaos, friend. Also I am a sucker for a good love story. Two star crossed lovers given a second chance? It's art in reality. This time around, I just want to see you happy. That's all."
"That entire speech wasn't helpful. Can you...just tell me your name?”
“But where is the fun in that? Fine. I was once called Lore, at least in my female form.”
“What do you really look like?” Eren asked.
“There you go with that real and really. None of that matters. I chose whatever form suits me at the time. Sometimes I’m human. Sometimes I’m an animal. I have to say, Founder Ymir...isn’t close to what I look like. It’s just easier to be someone the person knows sometimes. But I suppose we’ve got past that now, haven’t we?”
The entity snaps its fingers and changes shape.
Instead of Founder Ymir, a tall woman with long black hair in a green dress stood in front of Eren. Her skin was extremely pale but not sickly. It was the eyes that got Eren, there seem to be flames in them.
“Oh, right. The eyes freak people out. Let me fix that,” the voice from earlier has returned. With another snap of the fingers, her eyes change to an almost golden color.
“Lore, you said?” Eren asks.
“Hmm...it’s been a while since anyone has called me that but for now, it’ll do. It’s been a while since I’ve been in this form. Why am I so tall? Ugh and these shoes….why did I wear heels? It’ll need adjusting but it’ll do.” The entity...Lore...holds her arms out checking out her body. “Alright, enough of that. When are you going to talk to her again? Are you truly meeting her tomorrow?”
“Yes, I am. I don’t know. I don’t think I slaughtered eighty percent of humanity is a great opening line,” Eren mumbles as he began to absentmindedly play with the liquid that was left in the cup that he had shoved away.
“You do have a point there. How about something from old life...something happy...there were not many of those moments...were there?” Lore began adding ice to the shaker this time. “Hmm….think on that. Your alarm is about to go off and I haven’t finished my drink. Think on what I said. Something happy.”
Eren’s alarm goes off.
Mikasa can't sleep.
She tosses and turns for hours.
There is no rest for her.
"This is ridiculous," she mutters to herself.
Why can't she sleep?
Why did she fall earlier?
Is the man from her dreams truly real?
Or is she slowly but finally losing her mind?
She's not sure.
All she knows is that being with Eren makes sense.
Mikasa has always felt a strange protectiveness over Eren.
Well, past Eren.
She hated the lessons in class about how evil Eren was. He had done horrible, awful things but couldn’t any of them easily become a monster? Wasn’t that what Eren did? It wasn’t excusable but neither was what Marley had done either. None of it was excusable.
Regardless of what her classmates had thought, history was not black and white.
It was clear that her feelings about past Eren had come from him sharing the name with her soulmate.
Mikasa sighs.
She looks down at her wrist. For a moment, she swore she saw a tattoo on it before it disappeared.
She was losing it.
Clearly, when she had fallen to the floor, she had hit her head and lost her mind, at least that’s what she blamed it on.
She didn’t know when she had fallen to sleep but she heard a pounding at the front door.  She groans as she gets out of bed and makes her way to the door. She looks out the small hole to see her sister on the other side of the door. She sighs as she unlocks the door and opens it.
“I heard what happened,” Gabi says as she barges into the apartment. “Are you okay? Also, there was a boy? Did you get a boyfriend and forget to tell me?”  Her younger sister sighs as she crosses her arms across her chest.
“That’s really what you’re angry about, isn’t it?” Mikasa teases her.
“No...well, maybe."
"He's just a new friend I made. He lives downstairs. He's my neighbor "
An easy explanation instead of Oh He's the boy I've been dreaming about for years but never met and he's my soulmate.
Mikasa sighs.
"That's so boring! Here I was hoping for something interesting!" Gabi exclaims.
"Sorry. You know me. I just paint and wait tables," she shrugs.
"Well. I just stopped by to see you. I have class in an hour. Call or text dad. He's worried."
Mikasa nods and Gabi leaves the apartment.
Mikasa takes a moment to breathe. Things were getting strange.
She wasn't sure what was real or if this whole situation was a part of something else.
But it made sense.
Her defending of Eren Jaeger
The dreams.
But how were they all happening?
What the actual fuck was going on?
Mikasa sighs.
She's exhausted.
But sleep evades her. She paints for a few hours to get her mind off of things.
She decides to go back to bed after the colors all start to blur.
She dreams of him.
His hands are her hair.
His shirt was discarded.
His lips on hers.
She can't stop touching him and tracing his body with her hands.
She wants this just as desperately as he does.
But there's a problem.
She has no idea what she's doing.
She's twenty three and she's never even kissed someone else.
But the way Eren is touching her.
His hands are pulling at her shirt.
He pulls away from her.
"You're so beautiful," he tells her with a grin that melts her heart.
Her face goes red.
Then there's a look of confusion on his face. "Fuck! It's actually you. Not just dream you."
"Is this a dream you have often?"
He sighs. "Sometimes. It's just...I didn't….I mean...well...fuck."
"What is this place?" She asks finally as she looks around at the aurora borealis that surrounds them. The stars that stretch out across the dark night sky.
"I think it's the bond between us. I don't know. I didn't completely understand paths to begin with but this is not that. This is…..something."
"Was I okay?" she asks.
He's confused
"The kissing. Was I okay?"
He smiles, "yeah. You were okay. Just don't think I'm a pervert if I would have known it was actually you, I wouldn't have. You barely know me. And while I remember other versions of  you, I don't know this one."
He sighs and the scenery changes. They're back at the beach. Eren sits in the and fidgets with a piece of driftwood for a moment before chucking it away.
Mikasa just watches.
"It wasn't bad," she tells him when she finally decides he has suffered enough. "I enjoyed that."
"How much did you love me?" She asks after a moment.
He stares at her.
"More than you'll ever know or understand,” he answers.
It's a lot for her to take in but somehow she knows none of it's a lie.
They stare at one another for a good moment.
"My alarm is going off. I should go," he says and he disappears from the place.
Eren wakes up in the real world.
He sighs as he swipes the alarm on his phone up.
He wants nothing more than to run upstairs to see Mikasa.
He'd see her a 100 times if he could.
But she probably needs her space. She'll need to process this first.
Eren has the unfortunate memory of their lives together.
Eren meets them all sooner or later, h is friends from his previous life.
His friends that he had destroyed the world for.
But Mikasa was different.
Eren didn’t know how that made him feel.
“Eren!” Armin calls from the other room, pulling him out of his thoughts. “I’m going to my afternoon classes. Probably won’t be home until late.”
“You finally going to ask Annie out?” Eren asks as he runs a hand through his hair and leans in the doorway of his bedroom.
“Maybe. I don’t know. Either way, I won’t be home until late.”
Eren just simply nods as Armin makes his way out of the front door of his apartment.
What is Eren going to tell Mikasa?
Hey. I was in love with you but you said we were family and while I wanted to run away from all of our problems with you  but I had to destroy the entire world instead to keep you safe. I told you to move on and fall in love with someone else but you didn’t and now we’re both here?
That sounds ridiculous.
He can’t tell her that.
Why does she believe him so easily?
Because she had been in those dreams too.
And then the dream this morning…..
There was nothing more he wanted to do but be physical with her. While they had spent that time together in paths….he could only imagine what fully having her would be like.
He needs to stop thinking about her like that.
Armin never asks about why Eren doesn’t date or doesn’t show interest in anyone.
Eren hasn’t told Armin who he is or who Armin is. Or how Annie is that Annie.
He can see all of their past lives.
His past.
But none of it matters, if he rights his mistakes with Mikasa.
He’ll take a cold shower.
Then he’ll go upstairs and pray she doesn’t see him as a pervert.
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