#thread : zarina
exmcrtis · 7 months
closed starter for: @callofthxvoid (zarina)
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"i can't wait to get this stupid thing off of me. the fabric rubs at my arm weird and then i'm adjusting all fucking day. this 'being injured' thing? it's for the birds." halley spoke with a heavy sigh, her good arm tugging at her bad arm despite the shooting pain she felt in her shoulder. she wasn't good at having limited mobility, but tucking herself away somewhere with her older sister seemed to be the perfect distraction. when life felt like it was being thrown into a container and shaken up, she knew that being around zarina would put her at ease.
"anyway," she muttered now, turning to her sister with an almost keen smile. "i know huntsville is in shambles right now, but i think we could both use some sort of healthy distraction. do i dare ask you to catch me up on your life?"
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gemkun · 2 months
@zorkaya ↬ continuation.
      ⸻       it   eludes   him   greatly   ,   why   there   had   been   a   need   to   plant   a   bodyguard   at   his   side.   briefed   ,   he   had   been   ,   but   upon   their   deliberation   ,   there   had   never   been   an   opening   for   veritas   to   opt   out   of   this   bewildering   decision.   it   was   clear   ,   the   arrangement   had   been   necessitated   prior   to   his   direct   involvement   ,   but   he   was   not   one   to   quarrel.   if   this   assembly   was   a   requirement   ,   so   long   as   his   work   remained   undisturbed   ,   and   his   duties   without   interference   ,   then   this   introduction   of   a   protector   would   not   be   challenged.
  as   evident   presently   ,   where   she   stations   herself   before   him   ,   elegant   in   manner   and   conduct.   but   he   had   expected   this.   after   all   ,   he   was   not   to   be   assigned   an   individual   he   was   not   familiar   with.   her   spiel   ,   is   a   similar   matter   ,   though   unlike   a   salesman   ,   she   is   not   selling   a   product   or   material   good.   for   the   scholar   would   exit   the   room   without   delay.
  with   folded   arms   ,   a   single   limb   raises   ,   extending   a   joint   to   splay   fingers   in   enquiry.   whilst   his   sights   glue   to   her   person   ,   as   if   to   pierce   behind   the   accessory   that   shields   her   entire   disposition.   but   what   relationship   with   a   bodyguard   would   there   be   if   their   groundings   were   not   amicable   ?
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  ❝   you   seem   to   have   a   penchant   for   one   already.   ❞   solidifies   his   observation   ,   verbalised   to   root   in   surveying   minds.   ❝   i   do   not   have   any   partiality   to   any   particular   titles   ,   though   ,   as   i'm   sure   you   know   ,   ❛   doctor   ❜   is   what   many   default   to.   ❞
  and   although   the   gaps   in   their   status   are   wide   ,   with   their   current   established   positions   ,   it   is   an   aspect   of   refinery   that   postulates   that   he   too   ,   should   query   her   moniker.
  ❝   miss   sokolova   ,   if   i   may   call   you   so   ,   before   we   officiate   this   formal   arrangement   ,   do   you   have   any   pressing   questions   ?   and   please   ,   consider   them   carefully.   i   simply   loathe   banal   enquiries.   ❞
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backmaskcd · 8 months
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closed event starter for @callofthxvoid (zarina)
It wasn't exactly fair to say that Finch had been avoiding Zarina; however, he hadn't really tried to go out of his way to talk to her, either. Sure, they'd exchanged pleasantries and all, but Finch usually found one reason or another to skedaddle rather quickly out of sight. She had a very intimidating presence, and coward was a fantastic label for Finch - if he could avoid any sort of confrontation or scolding, he would.
"Hey - um, cool costume." He offered her what he hoped wasn't too nervous of a smile, kicking a little at the street. "I was wondering if maybe, you hadn't taken one of the hayrides yet?" Being friends with Knightley, in Finch's eyes, meant he owed him the attempt at getting to know Zarina, even if it wasn't anything that had been asked of him. "And maybe would want to. With me, I mean."
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zorkaya-moved · 3 months
what I learn: my women are here to make rath's sampo go insane or face dangers or both
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lxvenderhxzehv · 11 months
Where/when: Ren Fair day 2/Main street Who: Z and Teddy (@callofthxvoid)
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Teddy knew enough to know this was a bad idea. He should have just done what he should of and told Kirby how he felt. However now he felt like he was in too deep. He had agreed to meet Z at the Ren fair on the seconded day. He was already tiring of his costume to begin with. He had made a mental note to just wear pants tomorrow to give him self a break. When he saw Z he smiled and bowed "Good Marrow fair maiden!" He said with a chuckle he stood back up "Thou art looking.....hot." He continued to smiled stupidly. But he wasn't lying Z had gone all out, she did look really good.
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closed starter for @ofdyinglights (zarina) location: wherever it is z works
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"You'll never guess what I got gifted to me again," Akira sighed as she entered Zarina's work space, letting out a tired sigh as she slid off her ring, preferring to be unglamoured when the pair hung out. "I swear, I need to start lying about what kind of elemental I am, maybe then these will get more creative."
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fcwnfairy · 5 months
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@ttdvaipelasombra comentou 🍃 para um starter.
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"alô, bom dia! eu gostaria de falar com o senhor... sombra." fawn demorou um pouco mais do que gostaria para ler o nome na folha de papel em mãos, apenas porque queria ter certeza de que havia entendido certo. sombra? que tipo de nome é esse? "me chamo fawn, sou veterinária no pet care bear e o senhor smee o deixou como contato de emergência." a voz demonstrava calma, típica de um profissionalismo que a fada fazia um esforço para ter quando o assunto eram animais, mas, no fundo, ainda se sentia insegura com o contato. a única fada que se aproximou de piratas acabou sendo sequestrada, como poderia confiar em um? "estamos esperando a volta dele há horas e, como não apareceu e nem avisou nada, gostaria de saber se você pode intermediar o contato. ou buscar o bichinho."
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callofthxvoid · 1 year
WHERE: Main House, Romero Property WHO: Wren Romero ( @containatrocity )
Zarina had overslept. She had managed to get up before Mal, but she had still stayed for longer than she had planned; and that was accounting for the fact that she now wouldn't have to navigate having breakfast with the man. Getting dressed, she pulled her bed-tousled hair into an artfully sloppy bun on her head, before leaning down to give him a quick kiss goodbye. "Good mornin' sleepy, I'm heading out," she said with a playful smile, throwing in a wink for good measure. "Thanks for last night."
As she made her way to the front door, she realised that she was a little sad that she wouldn't be getting her smoothie. Not sad enough to stay for longer than needed and risk running into The Kids, given that she already had to account for the time it would take to give Brute pets before he stopped blocking the door, but sad nonetheless.
Of course, she should have known that on the one day that she took a little too long to make herself scarce, his daughter would be getting home earlier than usual.
"Uhm, hi," Zarina greeted, stopping in her tracks and looking for all the world like a deer in headlights. "You must be Wren. I've heard so much about-" She paused, only now seeing the absolute atrocity that was the young woman's new haircut. She had never met her before, of course, but she'd seen her around enough to know that it didn't used to look like that. "Oh my god. What happened to your hair?"
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scryptids · 4 months
location: enchanted escape room
closed starter for: @ofdyinglights (zarina)
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"i always find these places to be so boring and easy to solve." asli's voice came out in a gruff tone, shoulder bumping gently against zarina's as she met her near one of the clues. the irony of the situation was that visiting the escape room had been asli's idea entirely, a fleeting thought that it could be fun currently proving her wrong. now they were stuck and it was her fault. with a sigh, asli leaned against a nearby table, her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised. "don't let me pick the activity next time. 'kay?"
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hellarchived · 2 years
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exmcrtis · 8 months
location: the park
closed starter for: @callofthxvoid (zarina)
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laid out on a blanket with her eyes focused on the sky, halley felt herself smiling softly. things had felt like they wee falling apart lately, like the ground she stood on was at risk of giving out at any moment, and the only thing holding her steady was her older sister. zarina was her happy place, the one person that she could tell every little thing to without feeling nervous in the process. at this point, she was even contemplating moving into the commune just to be closer to her. but halley was also working on not being completely impulsive, which is the only reason she still lived in town.
"that cloud looks like a bunny," she muttered, a hand lifting lazily to point out the fluffy rabbit in the sky. "and the one next to it? well, that one just looks like a butt."
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goofproof · 2 years
who: @piratefxiry​ where: house of mouse 
It was a slow night at work which meant Max was using the valet stand as his own personal drum set. He was humming the beat of some Led Zeppelin song that was stuck in his head again. Getting distracted was one of his specialties and this time he was on a roll. After getting a little carried away and making the stand tip he was quick to grab it, pulling it back up into place. That’s when he also noticed the girl standing in front of him and he straightened his posture. “Uh, you didn’t see that. Totally didn’t happen.”
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wheresmyinvite · 2 years
who: @piratefxiry​ where: grub & pub 
After getting off work late there was absolutely no way she was going to make dinner for herself. On top of that she wanted a drink, no, she needed one. Having so many grubby hands touch her the only way she knew to burn off their stench was with alcohol. As she sat at the bar, working through a plate of bar nachos and a margarita someone took the spot next to her. Company, the last thing Mal ever wanted but at least she was pretty. She was more forgiving then, though also always having an envy she couldn’t explain for those who were beautiful. “Seat could be taken, you know,” she said offhand to the girl now beside her. “Since you didn’t care to ask.”
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lxvenderhxzehv · 11 months
Where: The Diner who: Teddy and Z (@callofthxvoid )
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How could Teddy have been so stupid. He felt more dumb than when he was younger. He just could never get it right. He had made his way to the Diner. Hoping some comfort food would help him clear his head. When he had looked to his usual booth it was almost too perfect. There she was sitting there in the booth that always seemed to bring him comfort now harboring the person he needed to talk to but also didn't want too. He made his way over and smiled kindly at her "Hey Z..." He slipped into the other side of the booth "Listen, i wanted to apologize for the last time we uh..." He trailed off "Anyway, I wasn't in a good place honestly and I'm sorry I brushed you off after..." he shrugged "I don't drink often because I'm an ass when I do."
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vainglcry · 2 years
who: zarina & isobel ( @rcnaissancewrites ) where: outside an old london home
If she is being completely honest, Zarina isn’t exactly thrilled to be in London again. Sure, she’d spent a nice few years in the city a few decades back, but really, the world is too big and too bright to waste her life in these crowded grey streets. But, she supposes, if she’s going to find her way back to dreary England, it’s only fitting that it’s for the woman who convinced her to dream bigger than the small mountain town she’d been born in in the first place.
The letter had found her in Barcelona and, really, she maybe should’ve been more surprised that even after all these years she could still be tracked so easily, but Isobel’s family has been around far longer than Zarina’s scant handful of decades. She’s long since grown used to being found by them--by her--even when she is unfindable to the rest of the world. So when she’d returned to her villa and found a note that simply read, Find her, she hadn’t asked questions. Zarina knew the drill: she’d search for her and Isobel would let Zarina find her, and for some reason she’d listen to her when her siblings were met with only silence. She tries not to think too hard about it. Of course, she had a nine hour long flight to do nothing but think about it, but oh well.
Hidden in the shadows of an arched doorway, Zarina’s fingers drift over the edges of the paper she keeps tucked in her pocket. The edges are worn already; even if they’re not in Isobel’s own hand, they’re still a connection to her, still something tangible tying them together after all this time of Zarina trying to stay away. Even from across the street, she hears the cue she’s been waiting for: the sharp, distinct snap of a neck. She doesn’t give herself time to think; in the blink of an eye she is across the street, inside the building, facing blood and carnage and her. In another blink, she is pressed close against Isobel, all-too-familiar curves never quite as distracting as the glint in her eyes. Hand pressed tight to the other woman’s throat, Zarina cocks her head. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”
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huntsvillehq · 11 months
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The last day of the Faire, the sky was overcast, with rumbles of thunder in the far distance. As Mayor Nat stepped up to the podium set up in front of town hall, a small crowd gathered to hear the announcement. She proceeded to declare Pandora Flowers as the winner of the costume contest, and withdrew the sword to present to the winner of the tournament, Morgan Vovk.
Before she could, though, Quinn Buckley from the commune ran up on stage and grabbed the microphone from the podium.
“Listen! You have to listen. This, all of this, is because of a being far greater than us! It sent the creatures from the woods to test us! To separate the weak from the strong. It judges us because it wants us to be ready before it reveals itself. We have to listen! We have to—“
Sheriff Henry attempted to take the microphone from her, but she struggled against him, still shouting into the microphone.
“It’s real! I felt its presence! Those that listen will be saved!”
Thunder rumbled, closer than before, much closer. A loud crack of lightning illuminated the sky, blindingly bright. Beyond the clouds, briefly visible in that split second, loomed a shape, unrecognizable and massive, both bulbous and gangly. As quickly as it appeared it was gone, and what remained was the sizzling body of Tristan Wilde, struck by the lightning. The sky opened up, then, as thunder boomed directly above, and rain and hail pelted the town.
“It’s there! You all saw it! It’s real! We have to submit!” Quinn wailed, as Henry attempted to pull her off the stage. “I can prove it! I can walk amongst them untouched! I’ve been chosen! You can be chosen too!”
Her cries fell away in the deafening downpour, and those that had gathered scattered to find shelter in the nearest buildings. Whether or not they saw something or, if they did, if they believe what they saw, remains to be seen.
The storm raged on through the night, as the creatures wandered the streets unperturbed by the rain and hail. The lights of the town flickered and then, as lightning staggered across the sky, everything went dark.
(Those that ran to find shelter found themselves stuck for the night. Below you’ll find the (randomly selected) groups. You can choose for your characters to have seen the shape in the sky, to have not seen it, or to have seen it and not believe it.
Everyone can continue/finish their event threads, as all this took place on the final day of the Faire (the 29th). You may also time-jump threads, headcanon threads, or make new threads for the plot drop. The event officially ends on August 5th, at which time please do not make any more event starters, however you can continue all threads until completion.)
Town Hall
Aslan “Dodger” Ozdemir Bocephus “Beau” Romero Birdie Tilton Cain Barlowe Eagan Connolly Emma “Em” Dunford Evangeline Cruz Falco Romero Fletcher Cole Helena Theriot Hex Sif-Sidon Jessica Sinclair Kirby Louis Ryan Nickleby “Nick” Dalton Ocean Quinn Odette Abbott Olivia Hart Poppy Sarasa Prudence “Pru” Wheaton Ransome “Rance” Slade Saffron Aubert Scout Garcia Sierra Nevada Starlynn Flowers
Fire Station
Absinthe Capone Arachne Arthur “Arty” Drake Conrad Greene Corvin Delancey DJ Cruz-Dutton Harlow Cole Hawthorne “Hawk” Romero Izan Castillo Katarina “Rini” Roberts Lachlan Ramirez Logan Ferguson Lorcan Hara Luciana “Lucy” Rivera Mercy Wainwright Pandora “Andy” Flowers Phoenix Romero-Sawyer Rainn Scott Reggie Alson Ricardo Reider Ruben Hobbes Samantha “Sammie” Thompson Sebastian Keane Tae-Hyun Cho Theodore “Teddy” Collins Zain Madan
Police Station
Andrew Richardson Antonio “Toni” Estrada, Jr. Celia Ortega Elijah Atkins Emrys Rosser Finn Cunningham Halley McGillivray Hunter Hilton Jahi Karim Jane Doe Jareth Reid Kestrel Sideris Lincoln Abernathy Luke Matthews Mateo Suarez Morgan Vovk Pascal Mendoza Quinn Buckley Salem Salazar Vincent Lewis Violet Beauregarde William Monroe Wolf Lykaios Zachary Ryan Zarina West
Huntsville Bank
Alexander “Xander” Garcia Cabell “Cab” McCay Cassius Romero Catherine Wayne Christopher Winters Briana Ryan Dahlia Cruz-Dutton Frances “Frankie” Wallace Gabriel “G” Westfall Genesis “Sissy” Boone Harvey Langston Josie Reigh Mallard “Duck” Romero Mason Greene Maya Rae Mylene Karimi Raj Aiyangar Raphael Knightley Riley Saunders Sandra Quispe Sare Holmes Sasha Medvedev Spencer Holmes Valeria “Val” Moreno Wylie Bateman
Post Office
Avery Cowling Benjamin Cade Bowie Bardot Bram Williams Carter Behrens Cassandra “Cassie” Slade Eilana Kapur Freya Atkins Guillermo “Mo” Reyes Jasmine “Minnie” Sinclair Lennon Davies Leo Brockton Liam Jefferson Matthew Walker Mia Vazquez Monet Vogel Nathaniel Dawson Ondine Konar Paloma Ortiz Reed Hendrix Silas “Cyan” Canne Tari Park Wren Romero Xavier Cade Zoë Clark
Huntsville Library
Artemis Hayes Axel Addams Calloway “Cal” de la Luna Casey Nestor Claire Forbes Clara Jones Finch Sanders Floyd Blackward Hank McGillivray Iniya Beckett Ivy Oberon James “Jamie” Brennan Jeconiah “Jack” Abbott Jett Liu Kieran “KB” Barnes Michael “Mikey” Beauregarde Nicolas Garcia Parker Russo Peter “Rusty” Craven Peyton Wilson Reza Kogoya Roman Forest Rosemary “Rose” Felton Sicilia “Lia” Flowers Tamaraa Jillian “Jill” Adler
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