#thread length
royalarchivist · 7 months
Ironmouse: Part of the reason why I love this server so much is because everybody's so nice. Everyone! Like, every single person is super nice! And it's like- it's like, genuine nice, it's not like fake niceness. [...] I've literally talked to almost everybody at least once like outside of the QSMP. We've talked on Discord, people regularly check in on me, we get in group chats and we play games like outside of the server... You don't really find that sort of connection all the time with people.
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Ironmouse recently talked about her experience on QSMP, and how kind all the members are. I'm posting the entire conversation instead of cutting it up like I usually would because I really enjoyed hearing her thoughts on the server.
[ Subtitle Transcript ]
Ironmouse: Honestly, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I did. He's so nice, he's so- he's always been super nice to me. He's been so nice, I– part of the reason why I- I love this server so much is because everybody's so nice. Everyone! Like, every single person is super nice! And it's like- it's like, genuine nice, it's not like fake niceness. You know how sometimes like– you always hear like, "Oh yeah, you know–" when–
Ironmouse: Whenever you like, join like a new thing, right? Whenever you like join like a new thing, you always worry, 'cuz you always think: "Oh, are the people gonna like me? Are they gonna be nice to me? What if- What if- you know, what if this, what if that?" But everybody like genuinely was nice when I first came by, and everybody has been so nice to me– not just in the game, but outside of the game, and–
Ironmouse: Something special about the QSMP is like... People wanna be your friend like outside of the game? Like, I've literally talked to ev– almost– almost everybody at least once like outside of the QSMP, like... We've talked on Discord, people like regularly check in on me, and like we get in group chats and like we- we play games like outside of the server, and it's just like... You don't really find that sort of connection all the time with people? You know what I mean? It's very– it's very not common when you go on like, a content creator-like server or stuff like that, you know? You'll get like one or two people that you get close to and stuff, but like... Everybody is SO nice, and everybody's been so nice to me, and I can't tell you how many people like, wished me– not just like wished me happy birthday, or like wished- said, "Oh, you know, hap- Merry Christmas!" dadadada, it's like genuinely like... Asked how I'm doing, and like talk to me, and like... Just like– I dunno, it's just like so- so- it's so wonderful. Ironmouse: Like, I get that with VShojo a lot, like– we're all like besties, and we all like talk all the time, but I feel like it's different, 'cuz like VShojo– we're VShojo, we're like– we're our own group, but this is like... You know... You don't expect this sorta thing when you get invited to like be on some- be a part of something, you know? And it's- and it's been so– it's been so wonderful and everybody's been so GENUINELY nice to me, and I- I appreciate everybody on the server so much, and they're just some of the nicest people that I've ever met ever, and it's just–
Ironmouse: It just warms my heart, and I'm just really– really like, thankful to be a part of something so great, and something so positive! Because like, everybody's so supportive! Like– the time when like, I didn't like– I- I- I had a moment where it's like I– do you guys remember in December when I- I was not around a lot? And like, I had to take breaks and all this stuff and it turns out it was like the concert stuff? They all like would message me regularly, like, we would all keep up with each other, and we would all talk. And I remember telling them about like, how much stress I was under, and like all the- all the pressures of the concert and stuff, and– and they were cheering, and- and- and they were just so... so kind to me, it was just so– so sweet, and- and you know, I was in a group chat with a- with a few people, and they were all just so excited and- and- just super nice, and- and very- very sweet, and it's just– and it's just very– I'm sorry if I'm rambling! It's just...
Ironmouse: I dunno! I- I- I just enjoy being here, and I enjoy hanging out with everybody, and... it's just nice to meet really good people. You don't really find that. You don't find that sort of thing all the time. Don't get me wrong– it's not like I haven't met a lot of good people, like– I just feel like this whole like, my whole like– Ever, like– My streaming journey, I've just been nothing but surprised at the goodness of people? Don't get me wrong– I've met assholes and sht like that, and I've met- I've encountered some people that are NOT so nice. I'll never like, talk about it or whatever because that's their thing, and I'm just gonna do my thing and I don't wanna like, you know, spread any type of stupid drama or whatever the fck, but like... I'm just always surprised about how– how incredibly nice people are, and how genuine a lot of people are, and it's... It- it's just nice, especially since like– You're used to coming from like, a certain background and a certain like, environment where it's like, you've met a lot of like fcked up mean people in your life, and you've just been around a lot of like fckery, you know? So when- when you're around stuff that's NOT fcked, it's just like, "Woah, this is crazy! Is this- is this how life is supposed to be?!" And it's just- it's just really... it's really- it's really nice. It's very nice.
Ironmouse: Yeah, it's very refreshing, that's why I- I enjoy hanging out on here, everybody's just so nice to me. And it's not just like being nice just to be on-stream, it's nice off-stream, on-stream, friendship on-stream, off-stream, it's- it's just- it's just so- it's- it's- it's wonderful. It's wonderful. And I just have to say like... man, I'm just really thankful that like... it's crazy that like I got invited to be on here and I'm just really thankful that, you know... Quackity like, reached out to me and he's- he's just been nothing but nice, everybody- everybody's just so kind. Everybody's so nice. This is something truly special.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 5 months
If you're interested in textile art, please understand it will not end at one of the arts. Interested in weaving? There are many different types, so now you're learning about the culture these styles come from, and with that comes learning about their clothing. Now you're interested in learning how to sew clothing, and much of it has some kind of embroidery. So you do research and see how beautiful it is, and different types of embroidery exist. You decide to learn embroidery and get curious about lace because often they're seen together.
Prepare for a journey and get real good at organizing. You'll soon lose space because of supplies and tools.
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eyestoanotherworld · 2 months
{Continuing from here.}
"I don't really know what they have here." {Sulfur thinks for a moment.} "Anything barbeque would be nice? I'll take just about anything at this point, though. As long as it isn't a texture nightmare, yeah?"
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ifindus · 8 months
can I ask for some söta bror angst/drama? (it could be about any historical event)
You know I'm weak for historical shit 😩 How about the Siege of Fredriksten in 1718?
The siege was carried out by Swedish forces at a fortress in the south of Norway, in a city bordering Sweden. It took place during the Great Northern War where Denmark-Norway and Sweden fought against each other and Sweden made many plays at Norwegian territory. Norwegian forces held a stand at Fredriksten fortress and resisted several Swedish attacks and an army of 40.000 men through 24 days when the siege was called off after the Swedish King was killed by a shot to the head while inspecting his troops. This event was also the cause of huge Swedish losses in central Norway where another invading army was forced to turn around after the death of the King, freezing to death in the Norwegian mountains.
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toburnup · 11 months
cushion | by adure
Steve is crammed on the couch with three other people, high out of his goddamn mind, when Eddie Munson saunters over and decides that his lap is going to be his spot for the night.
steddie | 2.1k | explicit
[read on ao3]
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blacksun4ever · 2 months
The anger that had gone from him had ignited in her with his sarcastic response, her calm expression morphing into a furious one and she said sharply, "Impudent!" at the same time as her tiny foot connected with his ankle. @third-daughter
"Argh! You little-!" Ichigo jumped and exclaimed in pain. He had gotten kicked right in the shin. After jumping on one foot for a moment, holding and rubbing his ankle with both hands, he glared at her with a growl and began to yell. "What is wrong with you!? I'm tryin' to pour my heart out here and you kick me in the shin!! Gah!" he couldn't help but be honest at this moment, cause he was either going to tell her honestly or just walk away. This was getting too frustrating.
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flowercrxwned · 2 months
Second Chances @lettherebemonsters
She normally didn't watch the exterminations when her former husband went to Hell once a year to kill their children. One, because it was so painful to see her babies slaughtered and two, because their poor souls had nowhere else to go but to her and the safety of Purgatory. She was quite busy soothing them and letting them roam free in this grey wasteland of nothing, only her to keep them company.
But when she saw that Adam had bumped up a second one for the year her attention was grabbed. She sat on the concrete ledge her fountain, peering into its depths as they attacked a certain building. Her heart quaked, she had a terrible feeling.
That feeling proved to be true when her love, her companion that she was made from, was stabbed and died there on the unforgiving ground of Hell.
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"NOOOOO!" She screamed, simultaneously with one of the other angels. Her hand reached out instinctively and disturbed the cool liquid, turning the image into nothing but tiny waves bouncing against the edges of the pool.
In grief and disbelief she knew what was to come next. His soul would go where all souls who didn't belong in Heaven or Hell went, to her. But she couldn't wait for it to appear here. She had to carry him personally. This was not the way she wanted to see him again.
She opened a portal to the spot where the group of Sinners had left him, looking down at the face of the only man she had ever loved.
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"Come now, my love. I'll take good care of you. At least we'll be together again, even though I know that's not what you wanted."
She bent down to take his soul but somehow it never released itself to her. She looked at his body, confused. Then it started changing, horns growing where it had been on his mask, skin changing to a greyish color, eyes turning from gold to red. He stirred and she stood above him, only staring.
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Sorry About Your Window - starter for @xluciifer
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Roughly a week and a half ago, Rick Sanchez's beach day vacation was ruined. All he wanted to do was GO out, relax, maybe fuck around with some of the locals in a totally different dimension, on a completely different planet.
Only to get the dimension number wrong and end up in the wrong place, at the wrong time--with that dimension being Hell, specifically. And to also get held up there against his will like a stupid hostage for like what, 10, 15 minutes? All to answer some stupid questions like an interview by the proclaimed 'King' of Hell himself.
Goddamn Lucifer--who, by THE way, was NOTHING like his own dimension's Devil, but STILL managed to similarly be a thorn in his side all the same.
He was pleasant enough. Didn't try to hurt him. And if the King of Hell wasn't so bad... SURELY the rest of the inhabitants wouldn't be, right? Perhaps there would be something worth plundering and pilfering for the interplanetary trading posts throughout the dimensions he hits up.
Big fucking mistake, he found out, as when he pretty much landed in the Pride Ring, specifically Pentagram City, all eyes were on him. They could smell him a mile away. Which wouldn't have been an issue if there weren't so many of them, and they weren't so fucking... rabid. The crowd of eight turned to maybe roughly twenty to twenty-five strong.
In the midst of portaling out and trying to bail on this mission, he'd been socked in the face by a demon four times his size, easily knocking him on the ground. He remembers ringing in his ears, but most of all, he remembers the CRUNCH of the portal device underneath the feet of the lawless mob all surrounding him.
A quick press of a button on his person creates a shockwave blasting everyone back to stun them works like a charm, giving him the time he needs to gather the scraps of his gun and book it.
Rick could hold his own decently well, and does, killing a handful of Sinners that just didn't know how the FUCK to keep their goddamn hands to themselves by the use of his gadgets and weapons while simultaneously being on the run, with no other option looking to be somewhere OUTSIDE of the city.
About maybe roughly thirty minutes of being chased by some of the flying types of demons (and a generous number of non-fliers on foot), through various methods of extended arms and legs, go-go gadget rocket ski shoes, and his own cybernetically enhanced limbs carrying him across this clearly godforsaken city, he catches glimpse of an unmistakable structure--A mansion. It's absolutely nothing like what he's seen throughout this Circle of Hell thus far.
Call it intuition, call it instincts, call it thinking on his feet, call it whatever you want, but the scientist makes the absolute executive decision that he's going to jump through one of those nice pretty stained glass windows on the first floor.
And he does.
When he gets within a few feet, he immediately covers the gap, taking to the air and covering himself protectively in such a way that only a FEW fragments of the glass stick in him when he makes contact with a loud, unmistakable
and finally, a
of his body hitting the floor.
Rick can only groan as he winces, face twisting in pain. It fucking hurts.
He's going to for SURE feel that on his back tomorrow. He has yet to open his eyes. And a part of him doesn't want to, under the potential premise that he's not entirely free yet of the mob chasing him.
But he knows he has to. So he does.
Hopefully the person owning this place isn't here. But if he has to deal with them too, then so fucking be it.
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writermuses · 4 months
Duke followed his boss, Andrew, up the stairs to the floor where the elevator was stuck, an EMT panting behind them as they lugged up their own gear. "What's the plan? Are we sure the elevator won't drop or start moving?" Duke asked as they set down their packs, the EMT backing up to keep out of their way. Yeah, two of the team are working on the power portion of it, another two are making sure the cables above aren't the reason for it getting stuck. They'll let us know when it's safe to get pull 'em out, but we can go ahead and pry the doors open. With that, Duke used the key to open the doors and then pulled out the elevator polls and rope. He could hear the chatter of the employees behind him, but it was Drew talking to them, calming them down, and reassuring them that they would get them out safely. Logan, can you pass me a bottle of water. "Yeah, Cap."
The last thing he expected when he turned around was to see the love of his life waiting for him to save her. "Finley?" There was just enough of a gap to crawl in and out of, the elevator stuck between floors, definitely not enough to see all of her. There was only one place he wanted to look, her hand. Immediately his chest tightened, somewhat masochistically wanting to know if she was already married. As he crouched down and passed her the water, his eyes moved to the face of the man stuck with her, wondering if this was the guy. You two know each other? Drew's question hung in the air and he locked eyes with Finley, letting her answer that.
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closed starter for @erstwhles
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savingthrcw · 5 months
@bucketofdrugs asked for a starter!
It had all begun when the Ghoul had turned around the corner to buy a few supplies, and Lucy had asked a frantic woman what was wrong. It had ended a few minutes later with several raiders bleeding on the ground, some people missing limbs, the market burning, the yao guai coming from outside the border to eat, and a knife in the very same spot Moldaver's raider had stabbed her; though she had managed to find a rifle, for once, and had given up on pretending she couldn't shoot.
Also, the frantic woman was thanking her profusely for reuniting her with her child before running away, through people screaming and looking for weapons or to loot all over the place. She looked at the Ghoul, wavering but knowing she had to keep moving away from the yao guai before removing the weapon and using a stimpack. "I think-I think it could have gone worse, if you really think about it."
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transmechanicus · 5 months
Me, having dinner: Wow this sure is a delicious meal ^-^ !!
My lip ring, stealthily unscrewing one of its caps: May i perhaps suggest an extra ingredient…?
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morgandekarios · 9 months
batstarion tucked into naviidi's neck under the hood of the cloak he embroidered for naviidi
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bogkeep · 2 years
someone on a podcast i listen to said most comedy tiktoks have funny concepts but go on for so long they become unfunny. i can't unsee it now, the timing really does matter so much. and i don't want to romanticize the vine days because all we're left with now are compilations of the Most Iconic Vines which isn't the full picture, but on the other hand. they really are so iconic. watching a really good vine compilation truly makes me appreciate the power of editing, distillation, of the punch, of the snappiness,
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aletheialed · 4 months
Right now, wine glass in hand and staring vacantly into the dark corners of the room in which he dwells - Barok can't help but think about his brother. To think about Klint during hard times, the man who he's always admired so much, has always come naturally to him - but it can't bring him any comfort now.
The truth is, Barok doesn't know what he should feel more betrayed about. The fact that the brother he'd wanted to emulate all his life was nothing but a killer, who's actions resulted in the ending and ruining of so many lives, including Barok's own? Or... is it that, until the very end, Klint was too afraid to share that horrible truth with him, even when that fear allowed him to be controlled into committing the most heinous acts imaginable?
It makes him want to laugh with a bitterness he hasn't felt in years. It makes him feel ill; desperate and angry and like a fraying rope about to snap. Perhaps it's sinful, and a sign of Barok's own weak character, that Klint's lack of trust in him might be what hurts the most. Had he thought Barok would break under the weight of the truth, and sought to protect him from that fate? What's worse is that Barok doesn't know how he would've reacted deep down. What's the scarier thought - that Barok would've turned away in despair and been unable to carry on just as his brother feared, or that he would stand with Klint, perhaps even turning a blind eye to his crimes...?
...There's no point in thinking about it now. But if he doesn't think about Klint, then there's no shortage of other things to take his place at the forefront of his mind. Such as the true identity of the Reaper, and how Barok had been complicit in his crimes for the longest time - allowing himself to be used and manipulated like a puppet on a string, even when he didn't see the full extent of it all.
His whole life, these past ten years in which he thought he'd endured so much, all for the sake of the people of London... what were they all for?
When he hears the knock on the door, it's tempting to ignore it entirely - he barely has the energy to stand, anyway. He doesn't know who it could possibly be, considering everything, but... in the end, he rises like a man possessed, and finds himself walking to open the door as if in a trance. What he sees when the door opens is the last thing he expects.
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"Mr... Naruhodo...? You... pray tell, what are you doing here at this hour?"
@tenacquity ( starter! )
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pastafossa · 1 year
Ok. TRT business and a question, cause I need feedback from readers at this point.
First: the final chapter of the Raven What If fic should be posted this week, I'm about done editing it. The bigger, much more important question: So I have a potential chapter for tomorrow. I've been worrying and fretting over posting it, not because I think it's bad, but because it's short by TRT standards, currently around 2k words, and it both frustrates me and makes me feel weirdly guilty at the thought of dropping what's so much less than my usual. I'm used to being able to write longer chapters, being able to squeeze everything I want into them, and I have a literal outline of this goddamn chapter that has this good stuff in it and I know what needs to be written. I can see it right there. The movie is playing in my head just fine. But the truth of it is, my writing is slow at the moment thanks to post-covid brain fog. I'm checking in with my doctor, I've started taking specific supplements (which I'm hoping to see results from in the next few weeks), I'm clawing my way back bit by bit, but I continue to write slowly, mostly because I either can't focus or I have to stop every few sentences to struggle with a word I can't remember. It's incredibly frustrating. The thing is though, at least I *am* writing, which gives me hope. But this is where you - the readers - come in. Because right now we have two possible paths for updates going forward for a bit. Option 1: Longer gaps between our usual chapters. If we go this road, it'll take longer but as I chip away, I'll eventually have the full planned chapter, which I'd post. This would be a chapter closer to what we've had most weeks for the past oh god like 2 years. At current speed I'd drop it in a few weeks, and then hopefully the next one would come a little faster, until eventually we're back to our usual. So basically, you'd get your big chunks when the updates do come, and the same natural endpoints and arcs as before. Drawback is obviously the time between updates, so you won't be fed as often (though I'd try to find things in my editing folder to clean up and drop, like the Raven fic).
Option 2: Shorter chapters but more regular updates. If we go this road, we'd be back to weekly updates of our adventures with Matt and Jane. There'd just be less than usual for a bit and then, hopefully as I improve, you'll see the word count begin to climb back up. So in this case, you'd be getting a weekly dose of TRT, the usual fluff and angst and action, but the catch is less overall to read (likely individual scenes rather than multiples), and potentially sudden endpoints/more cliffhangers as I 'end' at what was outlined as a scene change.
Which way I go will mostly depend on ya'll tbh. I think I can make either work, since I've managed to start writing a little again and I really, really am hoping the supplements help. But since this'll potentially alter the update schedule we've had for years, I wanted to see which you'd prefer.
So, Option One - longer gaps but long chapters - or Option Two - shorter chapters weekly. Which would you prefer?
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only just processed that luca added the flames to the colander helmet...implicitly b/c of alberto’s “also i added flames” dream vespa design alteration...
#like evidence afterwards that someone was paying real attention even when at the time the other party felt ignored / tuned out....So sweet.#which also my audhd life experiences like. if i learn anyone ever absorbed anything i said it's like oh whoa living large lmao#anyways the point is it only occurred to me the other day lol. like i'd noticed the flames but just didn't piece anything else together#i Love how many like. threads & details you Can piece together like that but are just kind of quietly in the bg otherwise#and fun how everything luca needs for the race is definitely like Somewhere Underwater...colander fell in the sea...bike by the sunken boat#god knows what color situation i fumbled my way into here. so the classic spin of just like Also there's more stripped down versions#who knows if i'll like do more of a full color approach version. they can't stop you. nor stop you from just posting lineart#or stop me from going off the walls w/their tail lengths lol#luca#luberto#lucalberto#😚😚😚#fish freckles you are everything to me...#eta not me forgetting to save the [solid bg color]less pngs as transparent....i was up all night#didn't help w/the color selecting that i'm bad at anytime lol#ok hopefully now they're actually transparent#smhhh now i've realized i forgot a little line to indicate webbing betwixt alberto's fingers there#not as big a deal as how i ALMOST forgot to include any of their arm/leg fins. i'll fix it if i do the [full coloring] deal lol. imagine it#yet another eta: occurs to me i could've made alberto purpler & the bg blue. well;
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