#thread: arkin
jacksbaker · 3 months
starter @arkin-oconnell-- golden hour lounge.
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"hey, stranger! it’s been a minute, huh? what have you been up to? how have you been? hell, where have you been?"
0 notes
tatixsolis · 2 months
Starter type: Closed @arkin-oconnell Location: Around the booths
Though some of her time in NYC was a wash, it hadn't all been bad. Perhaps the oddest thing to come out of it was her friendship with Arkin. She hadn't seen him beyond the occasional "hey, how are ya?" convo on the street and the odd text, so she hoped the flower fest would be a good chance to actually have a decent catch up. When she spotted the blond, she immediately threw a hand in the air and waved it around wildly. "Arkin! Hey! It's been forever!"
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aurorabayrpg · 5 months
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here's the moment we've been waiting for- our valentine's day blind date pairings! we had 58 characters submitted, so there's 29 pairings!
please remember that these obviously do not have to end in a whirlwind romance! the dates can end up just being two friends having a free meal, can end in a disaster, can have someone else bailing, or maybe can spark something real! the point of it all is to have fun.
the dinner will be held at Neptune on Friday February 16th in game, but threads can begin as of tomorrow! the dates can also bc hc'd as well, all we ask is that everyone paired please speak with your partners and decide on the outcomes together! we don't want anyone feeling left out or dejected.
again, this has been randomized! (with tweaks to make sure no one is paired with themselves and to avoid large age gaps) so as wild as some of these pairs may be, we hope you all have fun with it!
Benjamin Hyun and Sebastian Torres
Elijah Seok and Delilah Carreño
Eric Kang and Zehra Ozdemir
Charley Morello and Noelle Driscoll
Baz Howlett and Nelson Quinn
Maisie Lenny and Scott Kulkari
Emerson Cassidy and Noah Atwood
Aiden Stevens and Ramsey Rivera
Blake Michaels and Buddy Wells
Valeria Ortiz and Cassius Banks
Kalina Slater-Horne and Atticus Cortes
Blair Harris and Aubrey Carson
Eleanor Andersen and Ziggy Kyeon
Valentina de Luca and Angel Rojas
Arabella Park and Stevie Sharp
Leo Larson and Sterling Levin
Darcy Anthony and Aiyla Kucuk
Melanie Hart and Denver Scott
Alma Khalif and Uly Flynn
Maura Cortes and Paxton Brady
Gabriel Haddad and Cherry Koch
Arkin O'Connell and Aurelia Cavendish
Rebekah Danvers and Cyrus Al-Zahid
Maverick Liu and Sola Adisa
Eden O'Connell and Lucy Driscoll
Hinata Ito and Nikki Keaton
Cricket Campbell and Mack Montgomery
Lorelai Lewis and Lola Mi Tran
Ariel Davis and Roxy del Rosario
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warden-whinges · 2 months
Blog staus: active
☎️ rat: talk shit get kissed - brojob
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> Harry doesn't talk much, is violent, controlling, and is in his late 30s to early 40s.
This means, do not expect him to be nice to you.
> Sexulaity is unlabled and his pronouns are he/him.
> Mix of the og film and the 2009 remake.
> No NSFW stuff allowed (ex: detailed intercourse, masterbation).
Rp blogs we run: @dennis-denies , @mark-mumbles , @heelshire-hollers , @warden-whinges , @arkin-announces , @patricia-preaches , @quentin-questions
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> Talking: "talking"
> Actions: actions
> Mod Speak: 》 mod speak 《
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> adult
> it/its/itself
> gay/queer/faggot
> inhuman/holy being
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> askbox - asks
> thread - threads
> ☎️ rat - mod post
> ☎️ rat reblog - mod reblog
> warden whinges - general posts
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quentin-questions · 2 months
Blog staus: active
☎️ rat: relax, relapse - get scared
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> Asks are open to whoever.
> This blog is for friends and the mod to roleplay. Others may not join (for threads) unless talking with/asking the mods. We have the right to decline.
> Dms are closed to the public and will remain that way. Please send an ask. If you are able to chat through dms (somehow), please only use it for questions or roleplay setups. Our main blogs are much more suited for chatting and interests.
> On the blog, Quentin is described as: sleep deprived, constantly drinking energy drinks, autistic, depressed, having hallucinations, and easy to distract. Their sexuality is unlabled and will remain as so. They uses he/they pronouns.
> Quentin's age in the movie is 17. However, on this blog, they are between 18-20 as in DBD, they have stated all their characters are adults. This Quentin is a mix of movie and DBD.
Rp blogs we run: @dennis-denies , @mark-mumbles , @heelshire-hollers , @warden-whinges , @arkin-announces , @patricia-preaches , @quentin-questions
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> Talking: "talking"
> Actions: actions
> Mod Speak: 》 mod speak 《
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> No spam. This is a place to have fun, not to stress us out.
These relate to the same question or text in the askbox.
> No pregnancy or birth (mpreg included). Mod finds it extremely upsetting.
> No NSFW or anything sexual. Dates, flirting (fake or not), hand holding, cuddling, etc are fine. Keeping it semi-SFW is the goal.
> [Optional] Delete old/previous reblogs when doing long roleplays to find easier and not clog the blog.
Many of these, friends know. This is for those pesky anonymous asks who want to be weird. Optional means just that. They are not needed but preferred. Your choice is fine either way.
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> adult
> it/its/itself
> gay/queer/faggot
> mentally/physically unwell
> divine/holy being (sometimes a rat)
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> askbox - asks
> thread - threads
> ☎️ rat - mod post
> ☎️ rat reblog - mod reblog
> quentin questions - general posts
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nooneandeveryone · 3 months
Y'know what's funny?
I started this Dishonored/Thief crossover fic, and there hasn't been any porn yet. I'm about 6k words in and nobody has fucked anyone.
Rest assured, if I continue, some fucking will occur.
But my brain is super obsessed with blending the canons as seamlessly as possible. Not a single thread out of place.
Anyway, I wrote a bunch of explicit Arkin/Asa to offset it. I'll post it later, don't worry.
Not sure if I will release the Dishonored/Thief one... I don't want my excitement dampened by a possible lukewarm reception. Maybe if it's finished? Or I could try to avoid checking AO3 after posting. I don't know. I've worked really hard on it. I'm afraid I'll inadvertently kill all my joy.
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patricia-preaches · 5 months
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> Blog Status: 》active《
> ☎️ rat: 》chainsaw - graveyardguy《
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》 General 《
> Asks are open to whoever.
> This blog is for friends and the mod to roleplay. Others may not join (for threads) unless talking with/asking the mods. We have the right to decline.
> On the blog, Patricia is described as: manipulative, having perfectionist tendencis, constantly tired (anemic), religious (delusions), and a bit motherly. Her sexuality is unlabled and will remain as so. She uses she/her pronouns.
Her delusions make her belive she is judge, jury, and executioner for "God's punishments" despite not believing in Him. She simply twists/warps (unintentionally) His teachings in her mind to follow The Beast's (24th alter) motives/goals.
> Dms are closed to the public and will remain that way. Please send an ask. If you are able to chat through dms (somehow), please only use it for questions or roleplay setups. Our main blogs are much more suited for chatting and interests.
Mod knows about the issues with the films and only likes the characters/alters shown. We know about how it being portrayed in the film was wrong/laced with misinformation. This blog is ONLY for the alter, Patricia, and she is treated as if she is her own person despite living in Kevin's body with 23 others, and will have "the light" at all times. The body is a male's and will stay that way here, though her demeanour, clothes, speaking, and actions are her own.
Rp blogs we run: @dennis-denies , @mark-mumbles , @heelshire-hollers , @warden-whinges , @arkin-announces , @patricia-preaches , @quentin-questions
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> Talking: "talking"
> Actions: actions
> Thinking: thinking
> Mod Speak: 》mod speak《
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》 Rules 《
> No spam. This is a place to have fun, not to stress us out.
These relate to the same question or text in the askbox.
> No pregnancy or birth (mpreg included). Mod finds it extremely upsetting.
> No underage or "pro-ship" type of things are allowed. Things will stay strictly platonic if a character is under 20 (or age is unknown).
> No NSFW or anything sexual (as in sex between both characters, masturbation, or highly triggering topics). Dates, flirting (fake or not), hand holding, thirst asks,, cuddling, etc are fine. Keeping it semi-SFW is the goal.
> [Optional] Delete old/previous reblogs when doing long roleplays to find easier and not clog the blog.
Many of these, friends know. This is for those pesky anonymous asks who want to be weird. Optional means just that. They are not needed but preferred. Your choice is fine either way.
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》 Mod Info 《
> adult
> it/its only
> gay (mlm)
> mentally/physically ill
> tags mod posts as: ☎️ rat
> very busy with work and hyperfixations
> holy/divine being (sometimes even a rat)
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》 Tags and AUS 《
> thread - long roleplay
> ☎️ rat - mod post
> askbox - answering asks
> 📺 - Stu/Patricia (romantic)
> patricia preaches - all patricia's posts
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pheita · 5 months
garnet and poppy!
Hi @writernopal, I am really vibing hard with these two because you hit the elemental things of "The Dragon's Warrior" *takes a long calming breath*
GARNET - Are there gods?
Yes, there are gods. The only one who got named yet is the moon goddess Anande, who is also the goddess of beginnings and ends, who is the one who guides the souls from one plane to the other. She is there when a child is born, and she is there when someone dies.
The dragons call her the Silver One because they believe the thread of life is as silver as the moonlight.
How many gods will be there in the end, I don't know, I am still worldbuilding this part.
POPPY - What historical event does every student learn about?
*pushes my glasss up my noses like an old scholar*
The event everyone learns about is also the one crucial for the story.
Centuries ago, the continent was ruled by the council of the kings. Those kings were from all species and instead of waging war against each other, the council was called to sort things out and help each other. Depending on where you are, it is called the Golden Age or the Flourishing Age.
Things broke apart when a dragon prince and a human princess should marry at the wish of the dragon king because the prince and princess grew up together and were fond of each other. To the dragon king, it was a natural thing to strengthen the bond with their human neighbors.
The human king on the other side reacted badly because he already promised his daughter to a young dwarven king in exchange for a trading contract.
After receiving no reaction from the human king, the dragon king called for the council to sort this issue out, but the council didn't react to his call.
When the day of the wedding of the human princess and the dwarven king came to be, the dwarven king marched with his men through the dragon king's territory without further notice to reach his soon-to-be wife.
The dragon king saw this as a hostile action and deemed the dwarf and the human were allied against him, so he attacked the dwarven king and later the human king.
After this, the council broke apart and split into two sides, fighting teeth and bone against the other, which ultimately would mean the downfall of the dragon kings and queens of the old. No dragon survived this war that raged over the whole continent. So today, only their remains in the ground tell the story of times when dragons roamed the earth and the remaining kings descendants still fight till this day for the lost kingdoms to be theirs.
Well, that is the story of how Emersyn knows it, how every human, dwarf, and elf learns it who was born after the war. But Arkin and Asterlayna will be the proof dragons still exist and have a different story to tell about all this, since they got told to slumber back when all this happened.
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mark-mumbles · 2 months
Blog staus: active
☎️ rat: cocksnatcher - brojob
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> Mark is cold, violent, controlling, and is in his late 30s to early 40s. He also wears his pig mask most of the time.
This means, do not expect him to be nice to you.
> Sexulaity is gay and his pronouns are he/him.
> No NSFW stuff allowed (ex: detailed intercourse, masterbation).
Rp blogs we run: @dennis-denies, @mark-mumbles, @heelshire-hollers, @warden-whinges, @arkin-announces, @patricia-preaches, @quentin-questions
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> Talking: "talking"
> Actions: actions
> Mod Speak: 》 mod speak 《
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> adult
> it/its/itself
> gay/queer/faggot
> inhuman/holy being
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> askbox - asks
> thread - threads
> ☎️ rat - mod post
> ☎️ rat reblog - mod reblog
> mark mumbles - general posts
> 💉 adam/mark (romantic apprentice au)
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0 notes
arkin-announces · 3 months
Blog staus: active
☎️ rat: stalker - punkflower
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> Asks are open to whoever.
> This blog is for friends and the mod to roleplay. Others may not join (for threads) unless talking with/asking the mods. We have the right to decline.
> Dms are closed to the public and will remain that way. Please send an ask. If you are able to chat through dms (somehow), please only use it for questions or roleplay setups. Our main blogs are much more suited for chatting and interests.
> On the blog, Arkin is described as: having PTSD, constantly stressed, tired, grumpy, and a bit distant. His sexuality is unlabled and will remain as so. He uses he/him pronouns.
> Arkin is 32 years old. (Josh Steward was 32 in 2009 so we are basing Arkin's age on that.)
> It is canon that Arkin has said "faggot". Mod is a fag with swag so Arkin may end up saying it.
Rp blogs we run: @dennis-denies , @mark-mumbles , @heelshire-hollers , @warden-whinges , @arkin-announces , @patricia-preaches , @quentin-questions
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> Talking: "talking"
> Actions: actions
> Thinking: thinking
> Mod Speak: 》 mod speak 《
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> No spam. This is a place to have fun, not to stress us out.
These relate to the same question or text in the askbox.
> No underage or "pro-ship" type of things are allowed. Things will stay strictly platonic if a character is under 20 (or age is unknown).
> No pregnancy or birth (mpreg included). Mod finds it extremely upsetting.
> No NSFW or anything sexual (as in sex between both characters, masturbation, or highly triggering topics). Dates, flirting (fake or not), hand holding, thirst asks, cuddling, implied sexual shit, etc are fine. Keeping it semi-SFW is the goal.
> [Optional] Delete old/previous reblogs when doing long roleplays to find easier and not clog the blog.
Many of these, friends know. This is for those pesky anonymous asks who want to be weird. Optional means just that. They are not needed but preferred. Your choice is fine either way.
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> it/its/itself
> adult (2002)
> gay/queer/mlm
> mentally/physically unwell
> divine/holy being (sometimes a rat)
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> thread - threads
> ☎️ rat - mod post
> ☎️ rat reblog - mod reblog
> 🚬 - Arkin/Adam (romantic)
> arkin announces - general posts
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dennis-denies · 4 months
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Blog staus: active
☎️ rat: guts - graveyardguy
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> Asks are open to whoever.
> This blog is for friends and the mod to roleplay. Others may not join (for threads) unless talking with/asking the mods. We have the right to decline.
> Dms are closed to the public and will remain that way. Please send an ask. If you are able to chat through dms (somehow), please only use it for questions or roleplay setups. Our main blogs are much more suited for chatting and interests.
> On the blog, Dennis is described as: having OCD tendencis, constantly stressed (Patricia's religious delusions), delusional (hallucinations), and a bit distant. His sexuality is unlabled and will remain as so. He uses he/him pronouns.
Mod knows about the issues with the films and only likes the characters/alters shown. We know about how it being portrayed in the film was wrong/laced with misinformation. This blog is ONLY for the alter, Dennis, and he is treated as if he is his own person despite living in Kevin's body with 23 others, and will have "the light" at all times.
Rp blogs we run: @dennis-denies , @mark-mumbles , @heelshire-hollers , @warden-whinges , @arkin-announces , @patricia-preaches , @quentin-questions
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> Talking: "talking"
> Actions: actions
> Thinking: thinking
> Mod Speak: 》 mod speak 《
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> No spam. This is a place to have fun, not to stress us out.
These relate to the same question or text in the askbox.
> No underage or "pro-ship" type of things are allowed. Things will stay strictly platonic if a character is under 20 (or age is unknown).
> No pregnancy or birth (mpreg included). Mod finds it extremely upsetting.
> No NSFW or anything sexual (as in sex between both characters, masturbation, or highly triggering topics). Dates, flirting (fake or not), hand holding, thirst asks,, cuddling, etc are fine. Keeping it semi-SFW is the goal.
> [Optional] Delete old/previous reblogs when doing long roleplays to find easier and not clog the blog.
Many of these, friends know. This is for those pesky anonymous asks who want to be weird. Optional means just that. They are not needed but preferred. Your choice is fine either way.
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> adult
> gay/mlm
> it/its/itself
> mentally/physically unwell
> divine/holy being (sometimes a rat)
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> thread - threads
> ☎️ rat - mod post
> ☎️ rat reblog - mod reblog
> dennis denies - general posts
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heelshire-hollers · 5 months
> Blog Status: 》active《
> ☎️ rat: 》guts - graveyardguy《
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》 General 《
> Asks are open to whoever.
> This blog is for friends and the mod to roleplay. Others may not join (for threads) unless talking with/asking the mods. We have the right to decline.
> On the blog, Brahms is described as: aggressive, manipulative, having autism, constantly tired, sounding monotone when talking, and anemic. His sexuality is unlabled and will remain as so. He uses he/him pronouns.
> Dms are closed to the public and will remain that way. Please send an ask. If you are able to chat through dms (somehow), please only use it for questions or roleplay setups. Our main blogs are much more suited for chatting and interests.
> This is the same mod from the heelshire-speaks blog (now deactivated). Mod took a step away after its health started to go downhill. It has since recovered a bit and can now come back to roleplay happily with friends (previous and new).
Rp blogs we run: @dennis-denies , @mark-mumbles , @heelshire-hollers , @warden-whinges , @arkin-announces , @patricia-prates-blog , @quentin-questions
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> Talking: "talking"
> Actions: actions
> Thinking: thinking
> Mod Speak: 》mod speak《
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》 Rules 《
> No spam. This is a place to have fun, not to stress us out.
These relate to the same question or text in the askbox.
> No pregnancy or birth (mpreg included). Mod finds it extremely upsetting.
> No underage or "pro-ship" type of things are allowed. Things will stay strictly platonic if a character is under 20 (or age is unknown).
Reminder that Brahms is 28 years old.
> No NSFW or anything sexual (as in sex between both characters, masturbation, or highly triggering topics). Dates, flirting (fake or not), hand holding, thirst asks, cuddling, etc are fine. Keeping it semi-SFW is the goal.
> [Optional] Delete old/previous reblogs when doing long roleplays to find easier and not clog the blog.
Many of these, friends know. This is for those pesky anonymous asks who want to be weird. Optional means just that. They are not needed but preferred. Your choice is fine either way.
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》 Mod Info 《
> adult
> it/its only
> gay (mlm)
> mentally/physically ill
> tags mod posts as: ☎️ rat
> very busy with work and hyperfixations
> holy/divine being (sometimes even a rat)
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》 Tags and AUS 《
> ☎️ rat - mod post
> thread - long roleplay
> askbox - answering asks
> 🦇 - martin (romantic au)
> 🥩 - johnny (unknown au)
> 🪓 - winnifred (romantic au)
> 🕊 - christianes (unknown au)
> 🍵 - jersey devil/vex (unknown au)
> heelshire hollers - all brahms' posts
> 🐑 - Carrie (best friends through all aus)
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arkinobrienrp · 3 years
Starter Call
Arkin O'brien
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I'm taking one thread. If you want to RP with Arkin, read the blog rules and send a message to plot something.
(I reserve the right to approve the thread)
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slash-em-up · 5 years
Sanctuary: The Collector x Reader
A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE TO YOU ALL!!!! Why not start the holiday off right with some slasher goodness?? This is a holiday gift for the lovely, amazing, cursed, CCO @voorheehees LOVE YOU KAT!!!
You had no idea how things had gone so wrong so fast.
Asa had awoken you from a deep sleep, looking like he’d just walked through hell to come find you. He was covered in small burns and favoring one leg as he quietly told you to pack a bag and get to the car as quickly as possible.
The chilly December air nipped at your fingers as you were hustled into the old green Buick, quietly asking the stiff man at your side where the dogs were.
Asa didn’t respond, which was enough to tell you that your canine companions would not be joining you on your journey.
The car smelled strongly of smoke and the tang of iron blood; and you took another long look at Asa as he fiddled with the radio, quickly finding a local news channel before starting the car and driving away from your quiet neighborhood.
You opened your mouth to ask for an explanation when the newscaster mentioned the Argento – you were immediately and entirely focused as the story (or some version of it) was laid out in unemotional reporting.
The fire, the bodies, Arkin O’Brian, and the masked serial killer who’d been threatening the city… thought to be dead in the blaze.
Your gaze returned to Asa, finding his jaw clenched and his knuckles white on the steering wheel.
“Asa, I..”
You were brusquely interrupted.
You closed your mouth, turning away to stare out the window at the cars speeding past on the highway.
“Where are we going?” You softly inquired.
It took a moment for Asa to answer, his voice uncharacteristically rough when he did.
“My family had a cabin on a lake about two and a half hours from here. I still technically own it. It’s as good a place as any to lay low for awhile.”
It didn’t feel right for you to be the pragmatic one in your relationship; but you had to ask…
“Won’t people wonder where we went?”
Asa let out a small chuckle that was anything but humorous.
“I was planning on taking you there this week anyway. For Christmas. Myrtle and Hiram promised to check our mail.”
That was… unexpected. Though you’d been together for well over two years now, you had yet to celebrate any holiday’s together. Asa had expressed his disdain for the seasonal celebrations on multiple occasions (especially Thanksgiving for some reason he refused to share); scoffing at your happy recollections of family Christmases and Easters.
So to have him plan something like this was unanticipated in the extreme – and you knew that were the final circumstances surrounding your swift departure different you’d be giddy at the prospect of sharing the Yuletide with Asa.
The early morning sun was covered by grey clouds, and the first drifts of white snow began to fall gently as you curled up in your seat and fell back into a fitful slumber.
You woke up in a bed you didn’t recognize.
The momentary panic this brought you quickly abated as you discovered yourself wrapped tightly in Asa’s large winter coat, and saw both your bags sitting by the gigantic picture window against one wall.
With a sigh, you leaned back and surveyed your surroundings – they were quite frankly atrocious if you were being completely honest.
Not the bones of the room - high wood beams and a small fireplace giving the space the potential for coziness; but the décor had clearly not been updated since the 60’s, and every surface you saw was covered in a thick layer of dust.
‘Something to work on tomorrow…’
Shuffling noises from the nearby ensuite drew your attention, and you could see Asa through the cracked door, shirtless, clad only in his boxers, gingerly dabbing some type of ointment on fresh pink burns that littered his torso.
You watched quietly until he picked up a needle and surgical thread, moving to sew together a slice on his midriff.
Quietly crawling out of the warm bed, you pulled his coat closer around your body as you stepped into the bathroom.
Asa looked up at you without comment as you surveyed the damage done by his eventful evening.
Burns covered knife wounds, both small and large and one eye was beginning to swell with what you suspected would be quite an impressive shiner by the next morning. His jaw was likewise beginning to show signs of bruising; and you had to hold back a sympathetic wince, knowing he wouldn’t appreciate your pity.
“Let me.”
You took the needle from his hand, noting that he’d already stitched up a small puncture above his knee – that must have hurt like a mother fucker.
He did no more than sigh as you quickly pulled the thread through, neatly closing the wound, before wrapping it in soft gauze and surgical tape.
Surveying your work with a critical eye, you were surprised when a large hand rose to wrap itself in your hair, pulling your head down to rest against Asa’s. Forehead to forehead you stared into his jet-colored eyes, trying to make your gaze say what your mouth wouldn’t.
‘I’m glad you’re alright. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I need you. I love you.’
Asa closed his eyes and shivered, feeling the weight of the day come down on him all at once. He rose slowly, still holding you close, and walked you both back to the bed.
He was out like a light the second his head hit the pillow; but you stayed awake. Watching the bruised face of the man you couldn’t help but love soften in sleep.
The future was more uncertain than it had ever been before for the both of you; but you knew that whatever happened, you’d face it by his side.
Asa slept through the day, and into the next evening.
You’d taken it upon yourself to make the old cabin a bit more habitable while you waited for him to wake.
The snow, which had begun falling in earnest when you’d poked your head through the god-awful puce curtains that first morning now coated the forest and nearby lake like frosting.
You were eternally grateful that Asa’s bug-out supplies held a large selection of canned goods, otherwise you might have starved or needed to brave the treacherous roads in search of food. An ancient tea kettle served it’s purpose well enough, and after a thorough dusting, you sat contemplating the winter wonderland outside the window, hands curled around a steaming mug of earl grey.
The fireplace crackled with burning wood as you made every effort to warm the large living room – age and disuse making the electric heater give a sad splutter before wheezing out a small gust of warm air, barely enough to feel – thus, a fire, and several layers of thick blankets had become your best friends as you rested on the couch.
The coffee table in front of you held the spoils of your cleaning endeavors- two worn photographs of the cabins former residents.
It was easy to see where Asa got his looks from – he’d grown from a small, chubby boy into the spitting image of his father. But what you were most interested in was the mousy woman and three slender girls standing to either side of Asa and his father.
The contrast between the two pictures was startling – the image of the whole family showed a bleak, unsmiling group – the large man who’s face Asa now bore grasping the shoulder of his wife and son perhaps a bit tighter than he ought, while the three young girls (Asa’s sisters?), stood straight backed, and wide-eyed.
The second was a picture of just the children.
The sisters and Asa were scattered about on the same couch you now inhabited; gathered around an old board game. One of the girls looked like she had been caught mid-laugh, and the other two were smiling widely as well. The tiny boy who would grow to be the man resting upstairs was standing, arms thrown up in what you could assume was victory – looking like the very picture of youthful innocence and joy.
“That was the last time we stayed here.”
You gasped in surprise and whirled in your seat, finding Asa standing a few feet behind you.
“I’m sorry… I found them while I was dusting… I…”
He waved from your apologies, coming to sit next to you with a low groan, clearly still feeling the impact of That Night on his body.
Asa lightly ran a finger around the corners of the picture of himself and the girls, a small smile quirking the corner of his bruised mouth.
“It was always… good… when we were here. Father spent most of his time out in his workshop, so we’d be left to amuse ourselves. This was the first time I’d beaten Erin at Monopoly.”
You didn’t want to interrupt this uncharacteristic peak into Asa’s past; but you couldn’t help but ask;
Asa nodded.
“My oldest sister. Erin, Patricia, and Clara.”
“They were very pretty.”
Asa snorted. “No, they weren’t. They looked too much like mother… but they were smart.”
His fingers glided over to the second picture of the entire family; mouth thinning into a firm line before he turned the image over – revealing handwritten text.
‘The Emory Family: Giles, Anne, Erin, Patricia, Clara, Asa – 1976’
He leaned back into the couch, lost in thought, and you took the opportunity to scoot in a bit closer to his side.
You wrapped an arm through his and leaned your head against his shoulder, smiling a bit as you felt his gaze turn back to you and huff in amusement.
Threading your fingers together – being cautious of his bruised knuckles, you squeezed his hand affectionately.
“Thank you for bringing me here.”
“We’ll go back to the city in a week – wait for things to die down again and start over…”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.”
Asa made a questioning noise.
“I mean, even if things hadn’t all gone to hell, you were going to bring me here, to your family’s cabin, where you have good memories… for Christmas. That means a lot to me.”
The large man next to you said nothing, always awkward and uncomfortable when things became emotional.
He cleared his throat.
“I’ll shovel the driveway tomorrow morning … there should still be a pine farm close by if you want to go pick out a tree…”
You grasped his head gently between your hands and planted a soft kiss on his lips, cutting off whatever else he would have said.
“That sounds perfect. Now come over here and hold me before I freeze to death.”
Asa did chuckle at this, and returned your smile with one of his own as he pulled you in closer to his body, rubbing your arm through the blanket.
You both turned to quietly watch the snow fall, hiding you away from the world and it’s worries for just a little while. No matter what came in the future, you knew you’d hold this Christmas close to your heart.
Just like Asa had known in his youth, sometimes all you needed to make the world seem less bleak was a little sanctuary.
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It's rare for a television show to get its first Emmy nomination in its fifth season, but sometimes voters are late to catch on to a good thing. Building on its loyal fanbase, Schitt’s Creek has been on the receiving end of a Netflix bump after the streaming platform first debuted the series in 2017 (each season airs first on the CBC in Canada and the Pop network in the U.S.). It also helps that creatively, Schitt’s Creek continues to hit new peaks, injecting heart and humor into a simple fish-out-of-water premise. The Rose family lost all their money in the first episode, forcing them to move to a town that was purchased as a joke, but the emotional riches continue to pour in with each passing year.
Dan Levy co-created Schitt’s Creek with his comedy icon father Eugene, but the younger Levy has been showrunning in a solo capacity since the second season. As a triple-threat, Levy has three shots at an Emmy nomination in writing, directing, and acting. Competition in the Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy category is stiff: there's last year’s winner Henry Winkler for Barry, previous Veep victor Tony Hale, Tony Shalhoub (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), Tituss Burgess (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), Andrew Scott (Fleabag), and Alan Arkin for The Kominsky Method. There is an argument to be made that David Rose is the lead character on his show, but as Schitt’s Creek is very much an ensemble comedy, so it makes sense from a name recognition point-of-view to submit his dad in that category.
As David, Levy wears his emotions on his black-and-white designer sleeve, and all over his expressive face. A ball of skittish anxiety with a dating history that is “one bungle after another” (as per his mother’s description and David’s many horror stories), his relationship with Patrick (Noah Reid) has evolved into one of the best love stories on TV. Queer romances on sitcoms are typically chaste, with fleeting moments of intimacy and non-existent PDA. However, this is not the case in Schitt’s Creek, a town that Levy purposefully wrote as homophobia-free. They are able to serenade and smooch in public, with Levy explaining to Esquire, “To be able to present a love story that's without fear of consequence was something that I wanted from the very beginning.” As a result of this union, David has let his guard down after realizing he is someone who deserves to be loved, which builds to a beautiful moment in this season’s penultimate episode.
“The Hike” is Levy’s submission for Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series, an episode in which Patrick’s planned proposal hits many snags along the way before leading to a swoon-worthy declaration of love. Initially, David isn’t particularly enamored with the great outdoors as he can’t track his eBay bid and his backpack is heavy. But when Patrick has a nerves-induced meltdown and injures himself, David swoops into caring mode. A few seasons ago, David would’ve turned around at the first opportunity, now he is piggybacking his boyfriend up a mountain. Other contenders in this category include last year’s winner Amy Sherman-Palladino for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Bill Hader for Barry, the Big Bang Theory finale, and the returning Veep (which is likely to reap quite a few Emmy nods for its final season).
While the four-ring proposal — to match the silver rings David has worn since the first episode — is the crowning moment of “The Hike,” the B and C plots are just as strong, mixing the signature heart and humor of Levy’s vision. A health scare for Johnny (Eugene Levy) and Alexis (Annie Murphy) prepping for her trip to the Galapagos Islands with Ted (Dustin Milligan) open up new avenues for Rose family drama and growth. This is a tear-inducing episode for the characters and audience, as Stevie (Emily Hampshire) has a very visceral response to Johnny’s trip to the hospital. This vulnerability from Stevie is a thread that runs into the season finale, “Life is a Cabaret.”
Taking on a stage and screen musical classic like Cabaret is no easy feat, but a move this bold is perfect for Moira Rose (Catherine O’Hara). This is only Dan Levy’s second time behind the camera, co-directing with Andrew Cividino — the Christmas special was their first joint Schitt’s venture — an audacious move that more than pays off. David’s perfectly planned engagement announcement goes off the rails when Stevie goes “missing” pre-show, but Dan is not David and he flawless executes the staging. Giving us front row seats to the revival of the year, the camera sweeps across the auditorium during “Wilkommen” making sure we get to enjoy this very different side to David’s butter-voiced beau. When it comes to Stevie’s big Sally Bowles number, aside from a few reaction shots, the focus is entirely on her as she belts out an emotional “Maybe This Time.” If only we could see the whole musical.
As with writing, returning winner Amy Sherman-Palladino and Veep are in the mix. But Dan Levy isn’t the only Emmy comedy triple-threat as Natasha Lyonne and Bill Hader could also get recognized in three different categories for Russian Doll and Barry, respectively.
Schitt’s Creek was nominated earlier this year for a Critics Choice Award, and more recently by the Television Critics Association. And just last week, Dan Levy won the MTV Movie/TV Award for Best Comedic Performance. So the show is certainly benefiting from a surge in viewers who've  discovered the series on Netflix (I am one of those late adopters). In March, Levy announced that the show's next season will also be the last, choosing to go out on a high note. Emmy voters shouldn’t wait until then to nominate Dan Levy in at least one of these categories.
June 24, 2019
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 100+ Uyghur faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Durnyam Mashurova (1943) Uyghur - writer and poet.
Dilber Yunus (1958) Uyghur - singer.
Gulimina Mahamuti (1978) Uyghur - pianist.
Dilnaz Akhmadieva (1980) Uyghur - actress and singer.
Angela Chang (1982) 1/4 Uyghur, 3/4 Hakka Chinese - singer, actress, and tv host.
Elmira Saydullaeva (1983) Uyghur - dancer.
Zarina Altynbayeva (1985) Uyghur - singer.
Sharofat Arabova (1985) Uyghur, Tajik - filmmaker.
Nadi (1986) Uyghur / Belarusian - actress and model.
Madina Memet (1987) Uyghur - actress.
Mahire Emet / Mayire Ametjan (1987) Uyghur - actress, singer, and dancer.
Wei Ni (1987) Uyghur - actress, singer, and model.
Rehmtulla Bahargul (1988) Uyghur - actress, singer, and model.
Parissa / Palizhati (1989) Uyghur - model.
Nina (1990) Uyghur - tv host.
Dilinuoer (1991) Uyghur - model.
Dilireba / Dilraba Dilmurat (1992) Uyghur - actress.
Gul Nazar / Gulnazar / Nazha / Coulee Nazha / Guli Nazha / Gulinazha Baihetiyaer / Gülnezer Bextiyar (1992) Uyghur - actress and model.
Aziguli Nijiati (1992) Uyghur - actress and model.
Aida Ilimova (1992) Uyghur - dancer.
Krishna Shroff (1993) 1/4 Uyghur, 1/4 Gujarati Indian, 1/4 Bengali Indian, 1/4 Belgian - model, filmmaker, and sports coach.
Dilyara Gasitova (1993) Uyghur - singer and beauty queen.
Aliya (1993 or 1994) Uyghur - model.
Sabina Azimbayeva (2000) Uyghur - model and Miss Universe Kazakhstan 2018.
Mona Arkin (?) Uyghur - actress, model, host, and dancer.
Parwena Dulkun (?) Uyghur - model.
Dralla Aierken (?) Uyghur - actress.
Zulpya Kurash (?) Uyghur - singer.
Senever Tursun (?) Uyghur - singer.
Mireayi Memet (?) Uyghur - Miss China 2013.
Parida Mamut (?) Uyghur - singer.
G Masurova (in cyrillic: Гульсанам Машурова) (?) Uyghur - singer.
Lil Em / Nawukere (?) Uyghur - rapper.
Paziliya Gulam (?) Uyghur - singer.
Aliemi Adi (?) Uyghur - actress.
Shereen (?) Uyghur - model (Instagram: shereeeen).
Amangul Sidik / Amangul Sidiq (?) Uyghur - singer.
Nurnisa Abbas (?) Uyghur - singer.
Indira Bilimova (?) Uyghur - singer.
M Kenzhiyeva (?) Uyghur - actress (instagram: kenzhiyeva_m).
Dilnar Abdulla (?) Uyghur - dancer.
Aytulan (?) Uyghur - singer.
Rena Abdulkarim (?) Uyghur - dancer.
Hoshur Qari (?) Uyghur - singer.
Mareta (?) Uyghur - model.
Mai Ziyan (?) Uyghur - tv presenter.
F - Athletes:
Shahrizat Hallilova / Shakhriza Khalilova (?) Uyghur - boxer.
Memtimin Hoshur (1944) Uyghur - writer.
Jackie Shroff / Jai Kishan Kakubhai Shroff (1957) Uyghur / Gujarati Indian - actor, model, and producer.
Tohti Tunyaz (1959) Uyghur - writer.
Abduweli Ayup (1973) Uyghur - poet.
Arkin Abdulla / Erkin Abdulla (1978) Uyghur - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Perhat Khaliq (1982) Uyghur - singer-songwriter.
Nëghmet Raxman (1983) Uyghur - tv host.
Ablajan Awut Ayup (1984) Uyghur - singer.
Apaerjiang / Aparjan Tursun (1988) Uyghur - actor.
Hamza Kashgari (1989) Uyghur - poet and columnist.
Tiger Shroff / Jai Hemant Shroff (1990) 1/4 Uyghur, 1/4 Gujarati Indian, 1/4 Bengali Indian, 1/4 Belgian - actor.
Mi Re / Merxat / Merxat Yalkun (1991) Uyghur - actor.
Ju Lai / Kutilai Jurat (1994) Uyghur - actor and singer.
AThree-Arslan (1994 or 1995) Uyghur - rapper.
Xahriyar Abdukerimabliz (1997 or 1998) Uyghur - model.
Wumuti / Tursun Umut (1999) Uyghur - singer and dancer.
Manny / Syo Dong Chung / Xiào Dōngchéng (2001) Uyghur - kpop idol.
Äskär Memet (?) Uyghur - singer.
Mahmut Sulayman (?) Uyghur - singer.
Aire / Air (?) Uyghur - rapper.
Payzulla Polat (?) Uyghur - singer, guitarist, and drummer.
Abdulla Abdurehim (?) Uyghur - actor and singer.
Omerjan Alim (?) Uyghur - singer.
Abdulaziz Hashimov (?) Uyghur - singer.
Nurali (?) Uyghur - model.
Adil Mijit (?) Uyghur - comedian.
Jurat.TT (?) Uyghur - singer and guitarist.
Majun / Max (?) Uyghur - rapper.
Abdukarim Abliz (?) Uyghur - comedian.
Omar Akhun (?) Uyghur - musician.
Ericana Asker (?) Uyghur - orator and comedian.
M - Athletes:
Adiljan Jun (1967) Uyghur - former basketball player.
Adili Wuxor (1971) Uyghur - tightrope walker.
Parhat Azimat (1976) Uyghur - former footballer.
Ruslan Baltiev (1978) Uyghur, Russian - former footballer.
Rouzi Maimaiti (1983) Uyghur - former snooker player.
Ju Reti (1983) Uyghur - former snooker player.
Ilhamjan Iminjan (1986) Uyghur - footballer.
Abduwali Ablet (1987) Uyghur - footballer.
Maimaitituersun Qiong (1988) Uyghur - boxer.
Yehya Ablikim (1988) Uyghur - footballer.
Bari Mamatil / Bari Mohamedali (1989) Uyghur - footballer.
Dilmurat Batur (1989) Uyghur - footballer.
Maitjiang / Mirahmetjan Muzepper (1991) Uyghur - footballer.
Nizamdin Ependi (1991) Uyghur - footballer.
Exmetjan Ekber (1993) Uyghur - footballer.
Ötkür Hesen (1993) Uyghur - footballer.
Memet Ali / Shewket Yalqun (1993) Uyghur - footballer.
Abudushalamu Abudurexiti (1996) Uyghur - basketball player.
Dzhamaldin Khodzhaniyazov (1996) Uyghur - footballer.
Ilzat Akhmetov (1997) Uyghur - footballer.
Anwar Memet-Ali (1997) Uyghur - footballer.
Shirmemet Ali (1997) Uyghur - footballer.
Abduhamit Abdugheni (1998) Uyghur - footballer.
Ye Erfan / Erfan Hezim (1998 or 1999) Uyghur - footballer.
Abdurahman Ablikim (?) Uyghur - boxer.
Abdushkur Mijit (?) Uyghur - boxer.
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