#thread: evelyn
Sailor hadn't seen her mom in a very long time, at least that's what she thinks anyways. She's lived in DC so long, it's hard for her to remember being anywhere else. But she still missed her mom. So as soon as she realized she was near, she went looking for her. She gasped as she found her, wrapping her arms around her. "Mom! I've missed you. It's been so long since I've seen you!"
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jacksbaker · 3 months
starter @evelynshq-- black cat cafe.
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"you look different today."
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judcmatthcws · 6 months
"I understand that it's Christmas and therefore places are going to be playing Christmas music, but... Can there at least be some sort of variation in there." Jude groaned, very close to hitting his head off the surface in front of him multiple times. "I have heard the same song in different variations at least five times now and I've been here just a little over half an hour."
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ghosthierophant · 1 year
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Everything Everywhere All at Once (Daniels) / We Were Meant To Be a Gentle People (Dao Strom)
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yandereforelorn · 9 months
URL song tag game
tagged by the wonderful @nsfwitchy ! :3 aughghghhg 15 songs... rolls up my sleeves.
RULES: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
Y - Your Love is Not Enough (I'd Like Some Cool Shit Too) by Tom Cardy A - As You Cry by The Hush Sound N - Narrow Your Eyes by We Might Be Giants D - Dragonball Durag by Thundercat E - Enlacing by Clipping. R - Rivers is a Vampire by Bear Ghost E - Egoist by Paseri Onuma F - Find my Way from Legally Blond Musical O - Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience R - Ready To Die by Andrew W.K. E - ENTER: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO FAKING YOUR DEATH by Jhariah L - L To The OG by Kendall Roy Love Crime by Siouxsie Sioux O - OMORI from... OMORI! R - Rose and Jane by The Correspondents N - Nature by AJJ
tagging: any of my followers who would like to do this! and... @suchlostflame @boydykedevo @jamesbranwen @itshomobirb @coiled-dragon @marshmellowtea @nerochinchin @hexea @gallantblade @sociallyanxiousdragon @cupcake--knife (don't feel pressured if you don't want to! :3)
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rosietrace · 5 months
My face every time Eve is mentioned
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aquamanandfriends · 7 months
Perfectly Timed [Evelyn/Mia]
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Evelyn sat with the lights off, her laptop open and a glass of wine in her hand, when Mia walked in. It was rare for their timing to match up, or for Evelyn to be home before Mia, even when Mia had night shifts. "I got Chinse food is just a few minutes out," she said her eyes still skimming the document. There was no logical reason that she could have timed out dinner but she didn't think to explain yet.
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ofxenigmas · 1 month
Where: Ira’s home who: the class of 2008 survivors - @illucides, @oh-the-hcrrcrs, @ungxards.
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There existed a place that held solitude mixed with an allure for her, a place where secrets seemed to linger in the whispers of the wind. Or perhaps it was merely a meeting ground, chosen by some unspoken agreement. How long had it been since they last gathered? Years, it seemed, since their paths crossed, their conversations now distant echoes. Evelyn found herself taking a seat since arriving to Ira’s home .The other survivors would be coming soon. "Interesting how time moves forward and yet, takes you back."
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evydraws · 1 year
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Ariadne, Deconstructed
The myth of Ariadne, the minotaur, Theseus, and the labyrinth is well known.
Her tale ends in tragedy, abandoned by Theseus on the shores of the island Naxos - in some versions she dies there, in others, she catches the eye of the god Dionysus.
Classical paintings depict her desperate in her abandonment. For this piece, I wanted to show a different version, focusing on her role in the defeat of the minotaur instead, and twisting that on itself again. “Heroines” of Greek myths so often get swallowed whole by fate and whims of gods and men, but here, Ariadne is in control of her fate and decisions.
First in a triptych, acrylics and gold leaf on cradled panel. Original can be found here.
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the-cosmos-withinus · 6 months
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Shadow Puppets AU - the Deadwardian Era
A little while ago I mentioned that Bragi and I had finished the part of the RP that takes place in the Deadwardian Era, and I wanted to do a little special something for it, so have a poster, we've been writing this since late April so it's too long for Tumblr's character limit, here is a Google Doc with a summary of the events in the thread, too
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hypnoticfever · 7 months
continued from here
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evie was glad to hear they would go, meaning he would leave with her. however, the idea of him not so easily dropping it had her stomach twisting in knots. he might wait a day before bringing it up again or he might push it the second they were alone, but she knew he would and it caused her to sigh. “how come when i want to drop something, you don’t let it go, but when you want to drop something, you give me hell for pushing?” shaking her head, evelyn pushed along and picked up her pace a little, moving them along until they were out the backyard, through the house, and outside of it to walk along the sidewalk. “let it go, jett.”
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Sailor couldn't help the excitement when seeing her mom. She'd been alone for so long, and now she was finding her family. She beamed as she walked up to her, unable to stop herself from hugging her. "Mom! Oh I've missed you."
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rotisseries · 10 months
I'm so unbelievably susceptible to the famous secret relationship trope it's unreal actually
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anouri · 2 years
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Evelyn Waugh, from Brideshead Revisited (1945)
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ghosthierophant · 1 year
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Everything Everywhere All at Once (Daniels) / We Were Meant To Be a Gentle People (Dao Strom)
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animationadventures · 2 years
That moment when you realize we were probably supposed to get a whole Wittebros backstory episode like Gravity Falls “A Tale of Two Stans”, but it had to get cut because of the shortening and we had to settle for Masha exposition hayride instead.
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