#thread; max & xiao
w0lf9an9 · 8 months
— (@irrwicht liked for a starter!)
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"I'm looking for something." Max stated, hands tucking into his pockets as he stared down the other in the darkness of night. He had a bad feeling about this - analyzed it from all sides and admitted it was dumb. Getting involved with the Roppongi Six was stupid. But he was desperate, yearning to try to find something to break this curse of his. "Can you help me find it?"
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xiaoluclair · 2 years
🥹 😍 My precious, beloved Xiao, if you’d be so kind as to indulge me:
4. A gentle hand holding the other’s neck while staring into their eyes
for you? anything at all 😘
When he is four, his maman places her hands on his shoulders and says, "We never, ever hurt people. Ever." Behind her, the girl he was fighting with glares at him from around the tissue pressed to her face and makes a shape with her hand, like a number one. It does not feel like a number one; it feels meaner. Still, he nods, “Sorry,” and feels the soft stinging dig of thumbs against his purpling neck, a kiss on his forehead. I am proud of you.
The first time he wins a championship race is no record. "There will be lots of those," laughs his brother. There will, he thinks, when he is older but still young enough, and Lorenzo grips him with joy and his fumbling hands as they hug. He is still sweaty and sticky but his brother does not seem to mind as he holds by his collar and squeezes against his back, I am proud of you.
An unequivocal thing, he thinks, is when someone twenty and none says, "We did it, papa." A breath. "I signed." When hands reach, but not too far, not too free, and he takes them or perhaps they take him. When skin rests against skin, salty and wet and painful, and a person's touch exists against someone's nape and replies, I am proud of us. I am proud of you.
He is seventeen, twenty, twenty and one. He is eighteen and nineteen and twenty and two, twenty and three, and so on and so on. He is sat on gravel and against fibreglass and staring at the stars, reaching up and around and feeling for his own throat. Pressing into his own fingers, the warmth of his skin and throb of his pulse great and grieving and alive under his thumb. He is whispering, I am proud of you.
Infinite. Stretched across space and time, unravelled to thread and bone and blood. Red stains his lips, his clothes, the tips of his sight and sore fingers. He stumbles into its halo, catches his breath. Glances up to something blue and gold and hurrying towards him, reaching. It finds his nape, a drape of hot skin beneath as their helmets bump and his visor is pushed up to shining eyes. It takes his name, his number, his dream, plucks it right out of the sky and writes it somewhere on a thousand pages in a thousand books in a thousand versions of history. It holds him gently around his neck and squeezes. I am proud of you, says Max. I am proud of you, I am proud of you, I am proud of you.
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weekinethereum · 6 years
May 3, 2018
Ethereum News and Links
Vitalik published shard fork choice POC, “a fork choice rule-based mechanism for how sharding can be bolted on top of the current ethereum main chain, with a specialized random beacon and shard block times of <10 seconds” (source with lots more)
Prysmatic Labs: sharding update
More VB: Cross-links between main chain and shards
Latest Casper standup
Justin Drake: Plasma chain for offchain gas payments
VB: Optimistic cheap multi-exit for Plasma
Kelvin Fichter: Reliable exits of “limbo exits”
Swarm POC3 released ahead of their summit in Ljubljana next week
 Stuff for developers
State machine testing with Echidna
documentation for Chanterelle, FOAM’s Truffle competitor in Purescript
Proof of concept for a trustless ethereum mixer using zksnarks
Writing a dominance assurance contract
Set up a light geth node for 35 bucks
Detecting batchOverflow (and similar flaws) using Mythril.  Or you can watch Bernhard’s conference talk
Geth v1.8.7 - fix for archive nodes exceeding 1 tebibyte
web3j v3.4.0 with dynamic gas support
“is live on mainnet” section
p2p video streaming platform Livepeer’s alpha release live on mainnet.  See also Reddit thread.
Dharma live on mainnet, though in closed beta for bug bounty
KnownOrigin ERC721 marketplace live on mainnet
Reversible ETH with Silverwire live on mainnet, with a 5 gwei gas subsidy.  Similar to Tabby from BlockCat
Next cohort of Ethereum Foundation grants
18 Ideas for 0x Relayers in 2018
b0x margin trading is live on Ropsten.  Their contrast with dY/dX and Lendroid
Practical Plasma game examples from Loom
PoA sidechain bridge launches May 10th for tokens
Truebit April research update
ConsenSys Academy is developing a Coursera class
Open Source Money will BUIDL the Open Source Ecosystem
Infura: 15,000 registered devs, over 6 billion daily API requests, moving 1.6 petabytes monthly
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance releases architecture stack
Governance and Standards
Hudson Jameson and Nick Johnson talk current Ethereum governance process.  Or check Dan Finlay’s flowchart of EIP process. Also summaries of the EIP0 breakout sessions.
Aragon’s road to decentralization: minimum viable foundation
Discussion on ERC948 about a subscription standard
EIP1052: proposal for new EXTCODEHASH opcode
EIP1051: Arithmetic overflow detection for the EVM
ERC1056: Lightweight identity
Project Updates
Jaak launches music rights database pilot with Warner Music Group, Warner/Chappell, BMG and Global Music Rights
Brave growth stats: now over 2.2M monthly active users, 75% mobile (where it’s a must use).  If you don’t use Brave yet, here’s my referral code.
How to Launch a Newsroom on Civil
Q&A on the Cellarius universe
Kyber Network to rebrand and also “facilitate ICOs”
localethereum adds 22 payment methods worldwide
Spankchain review of 1 month of beta
The Kauri stack
RightMesh video demo (2 mins)
A deep dive into Golem architecture
Hoard building an NFT exchange on OmiseGo.  The FreeMyVunk idea lives.
An update to the OmiseGo roadmap
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks 
Zaki Manian on Hashing It Out
Linda Xie and Avichal Garg on YC podcast
Zero Knowledge podcast does intro to zk proofs.  So meta.
Text interview with Christian Reitwießner
A video walkthrough of Status Incubate
Podcast with Max Stein from Balanc3
Podcast with Nick Johnson on governance
Brian Fabian Crain on the other side of the mic with Software Engineering Daily
Two reputation-like take on TCRs: layered TCRs and graded TCRs
Matt Lockyer on use cases for ERC998 composable NFTs
Livepeer’s “MerkleMine” token distribution method
Cofound.it’s Actionable Research, a product-market fit tool.  Also their Q1 report
FOAM white paper
Wendy Xiao Schadeck: how to efficiently distribute tokens
Russia wants to become a leading geographic hub for blockchains, and Paul Vigna reports that perhaps American regulators want to help them.  SEC and CFTC folks are meeting May 7 to discuss their approach to this space.
Joe Lubin: Ether is not a security and regulators understand that
Cosmos is “85% of the way to launch.”
Brave WSJ op-ed: The Internet’s ‘Original Sin’ Endangers More Than Privacy
GoldmanSachs to trade Bitcoin futures
Is Coinbase creating a centralized or decentralized financial system?
Next episode of HBO’s Silicon Valley is named “Initial Coin Offering.” Maybe the only surprise is that it is this season and not last.
Sergey Brin’s 2017 letter: “boom in computing . . . stemming from . . . the GPU-friendly proof-of-work algorithms found in some of today’s leading cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum.”
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
May 3-5 -- Edcon in Toronto (livestream)
May 7-11 -- Swarm Summit in Ljubljana
May 10 -- Fluidity Summit on finance (NYC)
May 10 -- CryptoCup opens for World Cup predictions
May 11-12 -- Ethereal (NYC)
May 15 -- Kleros sale
May 16-17 -- Token Summit (NYC)
May 17 -- Blockchain, Accounting, Audit, and Tax conference (NYC)
May 17-19 -- Melonport hackthon in Zug
May 18-20 -- EthMemphis hackathon
May 19-20 -- Hacketh (Warsaw)
May 25 - 28th -- EthBuenosAires hackathon
June 1 – Blockchain for Social Impact Conference (Washington, DC)
If you appreciate this newsletter, thank ConsenSys
I'm thankful that ConsenSys has brought me on as an employee and given me time to do this newsletter.
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Editorial control is 100% me.  If you're unhappy with editorial decisions, blame me first and last.
Shameless self-promotion
Here's the link to this issue: http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/173550464688/may-3-2018 Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
I also have an Ethereum podcast on the Bitcoin Podcast network.
This newsletter is supported by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.
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thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, December 9th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Elder Dragon: Ventuswill*
Masked Man (Matai)
Agate [Hiatus until December 23rd]
Alicia [Hiatus until December 23rd]
Angela [Hiatus until November 27th]
Bianca [Hiatus until December 21st]
Dia [Hiatus until December 21st]
Elder Dragon: Ventuswill [Hiatus until December 23rd]
Iluka [Hiatus until December 23rd]
Iris Noire [Semi-Hiatus until December 9th]
Kross [Hiatus until November 29th]
Mark [Hiatus until December 21st]
Pam [Hiatus until November 29th]
Pete [Hiatus until December 6th]
Pia [Hiatus until December 23rd]
Sara [Hiatus until December 9th]
Sharron [Hiatus until December 21st]
Sofia [Semi-Hiatus until December 9th]
Wayne [Hiatus until December 21st]
Abigail [Hiatus ended this week.]
Bo [Hiatus ended this week.]
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus
Elder Dragon: Fiersome [Hiatus ended this week.]
Elder Dragon: Terrable
Elliott (SV) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Iris (SoS)
Karen [Hiatus ended this week.]
Lumina [Hiatus ended this week.]
Maerwen [Hiatus ended this week.]
Marlin [Hiatus ended this week.]
Rick [Hiatus ended this week.]
Sabrina (TLV)
Harvest Goddess (Marina)
Harvest King
Xiao Pai
Yuri (Phillip)
Minori - Dropped due to failure to report back in after hiatus ended. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
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getgamez · 5 years
The Endless Journey
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.ugb-a0b2342 .ugb-video-popup__wrapper{max-width:1774px;border-radius:0px;background-color:#1b2838;background-image:url(https://getgamez.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/The-Endless-Journey-free.jpg)}.ugb-a0b2342 .ugb-video-popup__play-button svg{fill:#ffffff !important}.ugb-a0b2342 .ugb-video-popup__wrapper:before{background-color:#1b2838;opacity:0.3}.ugb-a0b2342 .ugb-video-popup__wrapper:hover:before{opacity:0.6}.ugb-a0b2342.ugb-video-popup{margin-top:-7px !important}@media screen and (max-width:768px){.ugb-a0b2342 .ugb-video-popup__wrapper{max-width:400px;height:200px !important}} Game Overview In this puzzle game featuring a 19th-century world where steam interlaced with magic, a magician named Valjean set foot on a journey of atonement with the mechanical puppet “Cosette” he made. On their way, they meet 4 animals in a fairy tale town who are going to be musicians in Bremen… A puzzle game originated from the classic Grimm’s Fairy Tales is about to start! “The Endless Journey” is a fairy tale based puzzle game which will require you not only to use tools to solve the puzzles but also to choose the appropriate characters to help you with tasks. Of course, there will be characters who will be slackers. Discover 2 possible solutions for some puzzles; explore side-missions increasing intimacy level with your favorite character! 44 elaborate stages designed by senior designer, Mao Xiao Quan 3 songs and more than 10 BGM tracks specially composed for the game by independent musician TetraCalyx. Voice artists including YUKIri, Hanser,Lengquanyeyue, and Ajie accompany you throughout the journey, and performed in the theme song. Mr. Valjean: Wandering around the world for secret reasons. The former genius magician has now become an optimistic guy with little directional sense and unreliable talents who lives on good machinery skills Cosette: A puppet made by Mr. Valjean, which seems to have demonstrated his real competence. It is pure mechanical driven without the use of a magic core. Eponine: A doll made from cloth, cotton, thread, and a human soul, which can more or less remedy the fallibility of Mr. Valjean. Screenshots for System Requirements OS: windows 7 Processor: 1.4GHz Memory: 1024 MB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 600 Series Storage: 1000 MB available space Sound Card: Built-in Sound Card Read the full article
0 notes
topkhojworld-blog · 6 years
After many leaks and rumors, Xiaomi has finally announced the flagship Xiaomi Mi Max 3 smartphone. This is a successor of Mi Max 2 and arrives with several improvements. Here is the full detail of Xiaomi Mi Max 3 price specifications, features, and availability.
Xiaomi Mi Max 3 Price Specifications
Xiaomi Mi Max 3 Price
The Xiaomi Mi 3 comes in total 4 variant according to RAM and Storage. So the 64 GB storage + 4 GB RAM and 128 GB storage + 4 GB variants are priced at 1,699 Yuan (~$252) and 1,999 Yuan (~$296) respectively.
On the other hands, the 64 GB storage + 4 GB RAM and 128 GB storage + 6 GB models carry price tags of 1,699 Yuan (~$252) and 1,999 Yuan (~$296) respectively. The Mi Max 3 will be available for buying through multiple platforms in China such as Xiaomi Home, Gome, Suning, Xiaomi Mall app, Tmall, Jingdong and other online and offline stores from July 20. The Mi Max 3 will be available in Black Stone, Deep Sea Blue, and Dream Gold color options.
However, Xiaomi is also expected to announce the higher version of Mi Max 3 at a launch event today evening at 7:30 PM in China. Xiaomi President Lin Bin updated on Weibo that it will be announcing “one more thing” at the event. At the event, he may announce the release date of Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer Edition.
Specifications of Xiaomi Mi Max 3
The Xiaomi Mi Max 3 comes with a 6.9 inches FHD+ (2160 x 1080 pixels) display with the aspect ratio of 18:9. According to Xiaomi, the Mi Max 3 offers a screen-to-body ratio of 85.19 percent. Thr display comes with increased brightness by 19 percent and 50 percent higher contrast. It also offers 17% more color gamut. Because of a large screen it also offers split-screen and picture-in-picture features.
  A Snapdragon 636 SoC powering the Mi Mix 3 that delivers 40% better performance than SD625 (Mi Max 2). The SoC consumes less power and delivers smoother and better performance while multitasking. Its chipset is coupled with 6GB RAM, 128 GB storage and 4GB RAM, 64GB storage. For higher graphics gameplay the Mi Max 3 offers high frame multi-core multi-threading. It also offers gaming features like a game toolbox, one-click acceleration, screen and video capture as well as quickly reply on WeChat.
For photography, the smartphone 3 features dual rear camera setup of 12-megapixel + 5-megapixel AI camera with a pixel size of 1.4μm. The cameras also come with dual PD dual-core focus that offers faster and accurate autofocus. Its AI driven rear cameras also offer better low-light photography. It has also support for up to 206 kinds of scene detection, object recognition, on and portrait shots.
While on the front there’s an 8-megapixel selfie camera with a dedicated soft-light LED flash. Its AI selfie camera can capture selfie shots with bokeh effect. You can see the camera samples below, released by Xiaomi:
Rear Camera Sample-1
Rear Camera Sample-2
Front camera sample-1
Front camera sample-2
Other features and battery information of Xiaomi Mi Max 3
It offers dual speakers for stereo sound output while watching movies and enjoying games. For security, the smartphone offers a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner as well as face unlock feature. The smartphone has supports of microSD slot, 4G VoLTE, dual-SIM support, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS, USB-C and 3.5mm audio jack
The Xiaomi Mi Max 3 runs on Android 8.1 Oreo with the latest edition of MIUI. The latest MIUI offers Xiao AI voice assistant. The Mi Max 3 packs a 5,500mAh battery that offers 2 days of battery backup on a single charge. Its standby time is one month, massive.
READ MORE: Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer Edition launch on July 24 with translucent glass back
Moreover, the battery has support for Quick Charge 3.0 that allows it to gain 71% of battery in an hour. Xiaomi also includes a reverse charging feature. So it can be used as a power bank for charging other devices like phones, smartwatches, Bluetooth headsets.
  Xiaomi Mi Max 3 comes with 5,500mAh battery; Price and specifications After many leaks and rumors, Xiaomi has finally announced the flagship Xiaomi Mi Max 3 smartphone. This is a successor of Mi Max 2 and arrives with several improvements.
0 notes
mrblazey · 7 years
NIME 2017 - Personal Highlights
I’ve just returned from my first NIME Conference (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) and wanted to make a record of some of my favourite parts, mainly for my own future reference, but also in the hope that it might be useful to other musicians/makers/researchers.
NIMECraft Workshop – Exploring the Subtleties of Digital Lutherie
Associated poster presentation - http://homes.create.aau.dk/dano/nime17/papers/0074/index.html
Getting thrown into group-based instrument making at 8.15 on the Monday was a great way to get started and meet a good chunk of people. The workshop started with a discussion on how the finer points of ‘digital lutherie’ (Jorda, 2005 - http://mtg.upf.edu/node/449 ) can be disseminated effectively – NIME papers tend to focus on technical details and developments at the expense of all the finer details and artistic choices that go into the look and feel of a finished instrument. My group got a bit sidetracked talking about the differences between making instruments for yourself vs. for other people; for example, when making for yourself you are likely to be happier to put up with material or programming flaws because you know the causes and how to get around the problem. You are also likely to test and problem solve individual aspects of the disassembled instrument, as well as incorporate programming and building developments into a tight feedback loop with your own playing/testing. This approach can afford to be quite haphazard and based on junky/recycled aesthetic and materials, whereas making for other people involves more craft and more engineering – you need to be confident that the instrument can withstand heavy handedness and that a stranger can operate it easily without your help/presence.
After the discussion we got on with modifying prototype DMIs (based on Bela boards) in groups, using a nice big mix of materials and adhesives. One great thing about this workshop was that we all started with a pre-programmed simple instrument. This meant that less tech-savvy folk like me could focus on fun ways to physically modify and actuate the instrument, but those who wanted to could get into the programming side as well – either way, everyone ended up with a working instrument and no one was left stuck at the programming stage. Another great thing that emerged was the way that various groups chose to work together – my group split into two pairs and made one instrument per pair. Some divided the instrument into four sections and worked on one each. Another approach was to think in terms of the ‘whole animal,’ with one group requiring all members at once to play the instrument effectively.
This Digital Lutherie thread is still being followed by Bela and Queen Mary University of London so keep an eye out on their twitters etc if you would like to take part in something like this.
Designing a Multi-Touch eTextile for Music Performances – Maurin Donneaud, Cedric Honnet, Paul Strohmeier.
One thing I really liked about these guys was the open-source mentality – there was no academic hoodwinking or holding cards close to their chest, but rather a big emphasis on this being something that you can do yourself, including links to all the resources and materials you would need to do so ( https://etextile.github.io/resistiveMatrix/ ) ..not that I experienced any of this hoodwinking at NIME – pretty much everyone was very open to chat about their work and swap info, influences and experiences.
Self-Resonating Feedback Cello: Interfacing gestural and generative processes in improvised performance – Alice Eldridge, Chris Kiefer.
A big intention for Kalimbo has been to streamline all the elements of my performance ecology (acoustic instrument, effects, synths, samples and controls) into one object that does not require the player to remove their hands to manipulate effects etc. The Feedback Cello is a good example of an instrument that does this very well. The inclusion of a speaker and transducers in/on the body adds another dimension of feedback, with the added possibility of manipulating the audio between pickups and speaker with analogue or audio effects, or even another musician’s setup, as they did during one of the concerts with Thor Magnusson. They have also used it as a kind of resonating effects unit for live coding sets, adding some rich physicality to a sound world that can risk being a bit too ‘in the box’.
Fragile Instruments: Constructing Destructable Musical Interfaces - Don Derek Hadad, Xiao Xiao, Tod Machover, Joseph Paradiso.
Some people say that laptop or electronic sets can be too clinical or stark and therefore err towards chin-stroking appreciation and away from more abandoned enjoyment. Xiao pointed out that this probably stems from the expense and associated preciousness of all the equipment involved. Guitars can be expensive but they are readily available, especially to the high profile musicians who have famously smashed them to bits. This paper demonstrates a great method for bringing some destruction and danger into electronic performances. Some people questioned the authenticity of this danger, as the bits being destroyed were basically a proxy for the actual expensive, precious bits of equipment, but I still found the sentiment inspiring. I’m hoping to start work on a performance approach wherein the building of a performance ecology is integral to the performance, in a way that provides an instant narrative as well as legibility of form for the audience. I had already envisioned the deconstruction/disassembly of the ecology as a good way to end the performance, but after this paper it seems so obvious that smashing it to pieces would be way more engaging and fun, not to mention cathartic!
Gibberwocky: New Live-Coding Instruments for Musical Performance - Charles Roberts, Graham Wakefield.
While I have enjoyed quite a few live coding performances by this point, I’ve always seen it as something other people do, rather than something that would benefit my own practice. One reason I have felt this way is that I know from years of experience how to get the kind of sounds I want from certain equipment and software. Some purists might not agree with the approach afforded by Gibberwocky, but during the talk I had a definite lightbulb moment of “I could use that!’ Basically it enables you to easily tie in coding instructions with existing programs like Max or Ableton. For example, I might have a synth that I like to use, knowing that automating 2 or 3 parameters will have a pleasing effect. With Gibberwocky, this could be set up in a generative/algorithmic way. I’m yet to try any live coding, so I don’t know how experienced coders would feel about this approach, but it certainly seemed like something I would like to try out.
Current Iteration of a Course on Physical Interaction Design for Music - Sasha Leitman.
I think this paper is well worth reading for anyone that teaches in the realm of sound art, digital instrument design or any kind of digital creative practice. These areas tend to be approached by people from very different creative backgrounds, with different intentions and most importantly completely different base levels of technical knowledge. The main thing I took from this paper as useful to my own teaching was Sasha’s approach to dealing with this – students are first given a quiz on technical knowledge, complete with answers and directions to online resources which will allow you teach yourself how to get them. This is followed up by another quiz without the answers and finally, depending on individual weak spots, further help and one-on-one tuition to level the playing field.
MM-RT: A Tabletop Musical Instrument for Musical Wonderers  - Akito von Troyer.
Again, connections with my own past and future work made this instrument stand out for me. Part of Kalimbo’s appeal is the less-than-deliberate control system – you may not be able to create precise rhythms for drums or melody, but you can navigate soundscapes and ’find’ beats through gestural exploration. MM-RT also promotes an exploratory approach, but using sounds from physical materials. My upcoming work with the performative ecology building is going to involve individually controlled, non-quantised motorised percussion and un-synced tape loops. Akito’s demonstrations mainly involved short rhythmic loops, but he cited john cage’s generative works as an influence, and when talking to him at his demo he did say these kind of generative polyrythms are possible with MM-RT. The legibility of form is also a big factor in how engaging this instrument is, as the audience sees you pick up various objects and materials and inevitably gets drawn into how each one is about to sound.
Design for Longevity: Ongoing Use of Instruments from NIME 2010-2014 - Fabio Morreale, Andrew McPherson.
I have been developing Kalimbo entirely as a tool for my own performance. However, along the way, a couple of people have asked if they could have one. This is an exciting prospect but got me thinking about what would actually be necessary to allow me to hand one off to someone else and expect it to work. This paper looked at just under 100 instruments presented at NIME, before whittling these down to a tiny handful that became commercially available, regularly used in performances and sold to the public. This, along with the discussion from the digital lutherie workshop and lots of useful feedback from my demo session, gave me the inspiration to develop the instrument into something worth selling on, as well as a pretty good set of blueprints of the requirements to make this a possibility. If you make DMIs and would like them to be successfully sold on to the public, definitely read this and learn from what has worked or failed for others.
SALTO: A System for Musical Expression in the Aerial Arts - Christiana Rose.
Scoring choreography of any kind to music, or writing music for any piece of choreography, is bound to include matching up sound and movement in perfect timing (not always, but often enough…). The approach in this paper allows you to use the performers’ movements, along with things like muscle strain and speed etc., to trigger and generate sounds directly. It’s almost as if the compositional structure is given to you for free, just leaving you with sound design choices. Lots of scope!
Cyther: A Human-Playable, Self-Tuning Robotic Zither - Scott Barton, Ethan Prihar, Paulo Carvalho.
Not too much to say about this one apart from it sounds great and works great – the robotic capabilities are very versatile and dynamically expressive, and the design elegantly places all of the robotic workings beneath the strings, leaving the playing surface completely open to a human performer. As mentioned above, my own work so far is heavily tailored to me being the performer, whereas this instrument can be played by various people to get drastically different results, as demonstrated in the Expressive Machines Musical Instruments concert on Wednesday; Ben Taylor used live coding to generate patterns that would be impossible for a human to achieve, whereas Scott Barton incorporated a lot more human interaction and extended techniques in collaboration with the robotics.
Sounding Architecture: Inter-disciplinary Studio at HKU - Álvaro Barbarosa, Thomas Tsang.
Beautiful, large-scale sculptural instruments based on architectural designs.
Live Coding YouTube: Organizing Streaming Media for and Audiovisual Performance - Sang Won Lee, Jungho Bang and George Essl.
Quite a practical, technical paper and not something I’m likely to use myself, but included in my highlights because Sang’s performance on Wednesday with multiple jabbering Donald Trumps was brilliantly terrifying.
Design Considerations for Instruments for Users with Complex Needs in SEN Settings – Asha Blatherwick, Luke Woodbury, Tom Davis.
Asha was in my workshop group when we discussed how instruments intended for people other than yourself need to be self-explanatory and hard-wearing, particularly in SEN settings where explaining how to use an instrument and how not to break it can be difficult.
Robotically Augmented Electric Guitar for Shared Control - Takumi Ogata, Gil Weinberg.
Really cool looking instrument, and again, judging from my observation of a few demo participants, really versatile from player to player. I also really liked the drum sequencer style of the control program, complete with randomiser for a nice variety of precision or chaos.
I think most of these were filmed, as was my own performance, but they aren’t yet online. I’ll add links when they are available.
Anthony T. Morasco – Listening – Composition based around a very cool homemade piano-toll/music box and soprano singer.
Hans Peter Stubbe - Spatial Piano - Improvisation where the disklavier acts like a second player, reacting to player input.
Sabina Hyoju Ahn - Breath - Amazing performance where sound, light and visuals were generated and controlled with Sabina’s breath, using DIY circuits and a lighting rig made from e-waste that looked like a mini post-apocalyptic city scape.
D. Andrew Stewart and Sang Won Lee - Disappearing: Live Writing – Stream of consciousness typing, generating sounds and seamlessly evolving into beautiful visuals and minimal beats.
Matthew Steinke – Robotic Musical Performance - All of the robotic performances were impressive but this one had the most charm in my opinion. Musically engaging, visually reminiscent of Victorian tinny automatons and with great collage-y visual and audio snippets.
(EDIT - excerpt here - https://youtu.be/f8KkhRJ2Ltc )
Sang Won Lee, Jungho Bang and George Essl – Live Coding YouTube - What’s more terrifying than Trump? Lots of Trumps. Turning them into elements of a piece of music helped take the edge off...
Jeff Snyder – Ghostline - Four performers have their movements tracked by webcam, interacting with an on-screen ‘ghostline’ to trigger sounds. Visualisations and sonifications merge and shift over time in a composition where the sights and sounds are merged perfectly.
Yemin Oh – Time Discontinuum - The sound and video of a piano performance is recorded over one minute. This material is then fragmented, repitched and replayed along with the live performer as his movements across the keyboard dictate how the original material gets regenerated.
Jonghyun Kim – Vehicle Music – Noisy, cheeky and fun. A radio-controlled car generates synth signals through its movements, parading around the performance space between occasionally smashing into cymbals, drinks and most importantly a loud, distorted guitar laying in the centre of the space. An older performance can be seen here  - https://vimeo.com/36848457    
There were a few timing clashes with my performance, sound check and demo, and I opted to prioritise late night concerts over early morning paper sessions so I did miss a handful of talks and performances. I’ve also focussed on things that related to my own work and/or inspired me the most so this list is by no means comprehensive but still, plenty of inspiration for me to be getting on with. Overall, NIME was an amazing event full of great people and I really hope I can be part of the conversation and return in the future.
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, October 14th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Amir [Semi-Hiatus until October 7th]
Bado [Semi-Hiatus until October 12th]
Dia [Semi-Hiatus until October 11th]
Cecilia [Semi-Hiatus until after check]
Charles [Semi-Hiatus until October 12th]
Clorica [Hiatus until October 22nd]
Elise [Semi-Hiatus until October 12th]
Harvest King [Semi-Hiatus until after check]
Iroha [Semi-Hiatus until October 11th]
Jamie [Semi-Hiatus until October 7th]
Kai [Hiatus until October 19th]
Leon [Semi-Hiatus until October 7th]
Ludus [Semi-Hiatus until October 12th]
Luke [Hiatus until October 22nd]
Margaret [Hiatus until October 22nd]
Marina [Semi-Hiatus until October 12th]
Mark [Semi-Hiatus until October 11th]
Molly [Semi-Hiatus until October 7th]
Popuri [Hiatus until October 19th]
Russell [Hiatus until October 19th]
Sam [Hiatus until October 27th]
Sharron [Semi-Hiatus until October 11th]
Sebastian [Semi-Hiatus until October 7th]
Soseki [Hiatus until October 19th]
Vaughn [Hiatus until October 19th]
Vishnal [Semi-Hiatus until October 7th]
Xiao Pai [Semi-Hiatus until October 7th]
Alex (SV)
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus
Elliot (SV)
Lily (SI)
Harvest Goddess (Sephia)
Wizard (Gale)
Beatrix - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Holly - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Kiel - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Lillian - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Ying - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Kamil (blog changed)
Witch Princess (Nessa)
1 note · View note
thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, August 19th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Elliot (SV)
Alicia [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Amber [Hiatus until August 31st]
Ann [Semi-Hiatus until August 10th]
Ash [Hiatus until August 30th]
Bado [Hiatus until August 27th]
Bianca [Hiatus until August 27th]
Charles [Hiatus until August 27th]
Claire [Semi-Hiatus until August 6th]
Clorica [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Dia [Hiatus until August 27th]
Dorothy [Hiatus until August 26th]
Doug [Semi-Hiatus until August 6th]
Dylas [Hiatus until August 27th]
Elise [Hiatus until August 26th]
Frey [Hiatus until August 19th]
Fritz [Semi-Hiatus until August 10th]
Gabriel [Hiatus until August 19th]
Hiro [Semi-Hiatus until August 10th]
Holly [Hiatus until August 28th]
Iluka [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Julius [Hiatus until August 19th]
Kai [Hiatus until August 26th]
Kamil [Hiatus until August 19th]
Kana [Hiatus until August 19th]
Karina [Hiatus until August 26th]
Lillian [Hiatus until August 28th]
Luke [Semi-Hiatus until August 7th]
Margaret [Semi-Hiatus until August 7th]
Mark [Hiatus until August 27th]
Maru [Hiatus until August 19th]
Minori [Hiatus until August 26th]
Muffy [Hiatus until September 2nd]
Pia [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Pico [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Rock [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Rod [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Rosalind [Hiatus until September 2nd]
Sabrina [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Sephia [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Shara [Semi-Hiatus until August 10th]
Sharron [Hiatus until August 27th]
Sofia [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Sonja [Hiatus until September 2nd]
Witch (Vivi) [Hiatus until August 19th]
Witch Princess (Nessa) [Hiatus until August 19th]
Wizard (Gale) [Hiatus until August 31st]
Yuzuki [Hiatus until August 19th]
Alex (SV)
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus
Lily (SI)
Xiao Pai
No one was dropped by us this time around!
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Elder Dragon: Terrable
3 notes · View notes
thepelagoislands · 6 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well--- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, March 30th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Amanda (Ella)
Iris Blanche
Witch (Vivi)
Emiko [Hiatus ends after check.]
Haley [Hiatus ends after check.]
Ivan (RF) [Hiatus ends after check.]
Alex (SV)
Elliot (SI)
Felicity (ANB)
Iris (SoS)
Julia (RF)
Lily (RF)
Marian (RF)
Masked Man 
No one was dropped by us this time! Great job!
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Xiao Pai
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, May 13th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Piece of Pie B&B or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Felicity (RF)
Wizard (Gale)*
Carl [Semi-Hiatus until May 15th]
Fritz [Semi-Hiatus until May 15th]
Hinata [Hiatus until May 13th]
Hiro [Semi-Hiatus until May 15th]
Minori [Semi-Hiatus until May 8th]
Rock [Hiatus until May 8th]
Sebastian [Semi-Hiatus until May 4th]
Selphy [Semi-Hiatus until May 4th]
Sofia [Hiatus until May 8th]
Will [Hiatus until May 8th]
Yuzuki [Hiatus until May 26th]
Elder Dragon: Terrable
Lily (SI)
Witch Princess (Nessa)
Xiao Pai
Elliot (SV) - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Rod - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Joe (RF)
2 notes · View notes
thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, July 22nd!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Piece of Pie B&B or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Witch (Vivi)
Andrea [Hiatus until August 1st]
Angela [Hiatus until August 2nd]
Ayame [Hiatus until August 2nd]
Brodik [Hiatus until August 1st]
Charles [Semi-Hiatus until July 21st]
Bado [Semi-Hiatus until July 21st]
Dirk [Semi-Hiatus until July 22nd]
Jamie [Semi-Hiatus until July 20th]
Kiel [Semi-Hiatus until July 22nd]
Leia [Hiatus until August 1st]
Leon [Semi-Hiatus until July 20th]
Pandora [Hiatus until August 1st]
Popuri [Semi-Hiatus until July 16th]
Raeger [Hiatus until August 2nd]
Rod [Semi-Hiatus until after check]
Russell [Semi-Hiatus until July 16th]
Sephia [Semi-Hiatus until after check]
Soseki [Semi-Hiatus until July 16th]
Xiao Pai [Semi-Hiatus until July 20th]
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus
Elder Dragon: Terrable
Harvest Goddess (Sephia)
Lily (SI)
Witch Princess (Nessa)
Wizard (Gale)
Alice - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Luke (TLV) - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Marlin - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, April 29th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Piece of Pie B&B or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Xiao Pai
Aaron [Hiatus until April 27th]
Bo [Semi-Hiatus until April 21st]
Dorothy [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Elise [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Eve [Semi-Hiatus until April 21st]
Hinata [Hiatus until May 13th]
Jamie [Semi-Hiatus until April 2nd]
Kai [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Micah [Semi-Hiatus until April 21st]
Mikoto [Hiatus until April 27th]
Minori [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Natalie [Hiatus until April 30th]
Nina [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Rock [Hiatus until April 28th]
Sebastian [Semi-Hiatus until April 20th]
Selphy [Semi-Hiatus until April 20th]
Sofia [Hiatus until April 28th]
Terrable [Semi-Hiatus until April 21st]
Wayne [Hiatus until April 27th]
Will [Hiatus until April 28th]
Witch Princess (Nessa) [Hiatus until April 28th]
Joe (RF)
Lily (SI)
Elliot (SV)
Abigail - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Ann - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Ellen - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Gill - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Harvest Goddess (Sephia) - Dropped due to failure to report back in after hiatus ended. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Joe (MM) - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Lily (RF)
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 8 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, April 1st!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Piece of Pie B&B or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Aaron [Hiatus until April 12th]
Angela [Semi-Hiatus until April 1st]
Ayame [Semi-Hiatus until April 1st]
Daachan [Hiatus until April 12th]
Dia [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Dorothy [Hiatus until March 26th]
Elise [Hiatus until March 26th]
Harvest Goddess (Sephia) [Hiatus until April 1st]
Louis [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Kai [Hiatus until March 26th]
Mark [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Mikoto [Hiatus until April 12th]
Minori [Hiatus until March 26th]
Natalie [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Nina [Hiatus until March 26th]
Nori [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Raeger [Semi-Hiatus until April 1st]
Sharron [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Veronica [Semi-Hiatus until April 1st]
Wayne [Hiatus until April 12th]
Elder Dragon: Terrable
Joe (MM)
Joe (RF)
Lily (RF)
Lily (SI)
Witch Princess (Nessa)
Wizard (Gale)
Charles - Dropped due to failure to report back in after their hiatus ended. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus - Dropped due to failure to report back in after their hiatus ended. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Harvest King (Ignis) - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Kross - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Xiao Pai -  Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 8 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, March 18th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Miyako or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Joe (RF)
Alice [Hiatus until March 15th]
Ann [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Aquaticus [Hiatus until after check]
Charles [Hiatus until after check]
Dia [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Dorothy [Hiatus until March 26th]
Elise [Hiatus until March 26th]
Ellen [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Gretel [Hiatus until March 21st]
Henry [Hiatus until March 21st]
Joe [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Julius [Semi-Hiatus until March 9th]
Lest [Hiatus until March 15th]
Lillian [Hiatus until March 21st]
Lily (SI) [Semi-Hiatus until March 6th]
Louis [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Luke [Hiatus until March 28th]
Kai [Hiatus until March 26th]
Margaret [Hiatus until March 28th]
Mark [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Minori [Hiatus until March 26th]
Mistel [Semi-Hiatus until March 9th]
Muffy [Hiatus until March 15th]
Nina [Hiatus until March 26th]
Nori [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Paolo [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Reina [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Rosalind [Hiatus until March 15th]
Sharron [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Witch Princess (Nessa) [Semi-Hiatus until March 9th]
Elder Dragon: Terrable
Harvest Goddess (Sephia)
Lily (RF)
Wizard (Gale)
Harvest King (Ignis)
Xiao Pai
Kasey - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Rod - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 8 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, March 4th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Miyako or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Elder Dragon: Terrable
Xiao Pai
Aaron [Semi-Hiatus until February 28th]
Abigail [Semi-Hiatus until March 3rd]
Alice [Hiatus until March 15th]
Ann [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Aquaticus [Hiatus until March 3rd]
Charles [Hiatus until March 3rd]
Daachan [Semi-Hiatus until February 28th]
Dia [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Dorothy [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Elise [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Ellen [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Gretel [Hiatus until February 24th]
Henry [Hiatus until February 24th]
Joe [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Kross [Semi-Hiatus until after check]
Lest [Hiatus until March 15th]
Lillian [Hiatus until February 24th]
Lily (SI) [Semi-Hiatus until March 6th]
Louis [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Luke [Hiatus until February 28th]
Kai [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Margaret [Hiatus until February 28th]
Mark [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Mikoto [Semi-Hiatus until February 28th]
Minori [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Muffy [Hiatus until March 15th]
Neil [Hiatus until February 28th]
Nina [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Nori [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Paolo [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Rachel [Hiatus until February 28th]
Reina [Semi-Hiatus until March 14th]
Rick [Semi-Hiatus until March 4th]
Rosalind [Hiatus until March 15th]
Sebastian [Semi-Hiatus until March 3rd]
Sharron [Semi-Hiatus until February 26th]
Harvest Goddess (Sephia)
Harvest King (Ignis)
Lily (RF)
Wizard (Gale)
Witch Princess (Nessa)
Claire - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Doug - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
0 notes