#threads | diego
thursdaygrl · 1 month
closed starter for @musingmixtape
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"You're pissed off at me." It was all of a sudden that Diego could see it clearly as they made their way outside of the restaurant, leaving from out the alley to the private parking lot to avoid the few paparazzi that were undoubtably in wait. His hand encircled Vera's arm to stop her from walking, his brows furrowing. "Come on, talk to me. What's wrong? I promise I can fix it. And if I can't I can buy you something more filling than the bullshit tiny plates they served in here." He said, trying to offer the olive branch, so to speak. He loved his fiancé, but he couldn't help but instinctively worry that she wasn't as excited for him landing this show as he wanted her to be.
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teaganweatherford · 9 months
who: Diego Castro @diegoocastro where: The Weatherford Residence
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Growing up in East Haven had given Tegan a bit of a 'head start' on learning about the people in town and what they were good at. It was a trait she'd inherited from her father - always have someone you can contact to help with nearly anything - and while that had stood true for him for several years, the people of East Haven sadly grew older and most of his resources had passed throughout the years. So, since Teagan was now in town, she'd been on the hunt for someone that could help her with some small projects around the house. Nothing too major as she knew her father hated change, but she wanted to do something to surprise him for when he came home; and the first thing on her list was renovating the old shed behind his home. She'd gotten word through the street that Diego was good at helping with this stuff, and after some thought, a few days of playing phone tag and such, Diego pulled into the driveway of Teagan's father's house, and from the front porch Teagan greeted him with a wave. "Afternoon, Mr. Castro." she smiled, taking the few steps off the porch so she was standing in front of him. "Thank you for coming out here; how are you with sanding and painting?" she questioned. "Maybe even complete remodel, but, I think we can settle for just a sand and fresh coat of paint at least."
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hazalxalpman · 11 months
starter for @diegoocastro
location: maple hills park
With Beyza resting still, the last thing she wanted her sister to do was worry about her son, Devrim. So, being a good sister, Hazal decided to meet up with Devrim and Diego at the park. The brunette had packed a few snacks but figured they would take him out for ice cream after he was done playing. "Hey, Diego," she smiled as she approached him at the bench he was sitting. Hazal looked up to spot her nephew, giving him a large grin and dramatic wave before she moved to sit next to Diego. "Looks like he is having a good time."
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parkerxcampbell · 2 months
starter for @diegoocastro
location: access athletics
Parker had been coming to box with Diego since he had taught her a few months back. The stress relief involved in the boxing sessions were something that the brunette had very much needed. When Parker exited the locker room, she spotted him once more. "Ready for that drink?" She offered to him, "I feel like I owe you for all these sessions you've had with me," and certainly a single drink wasn't going to cover it but it was a start.
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emrexerbay · 2 months
starter for @diegoocastro
location: aquatica
Having started dating Beyza officially on Valentine's Day, the man thought it was only right that he continue to get to know Diego. The other was the father of Beyza's son. "They both love the aquarium," he chuckled, watching his daughter Seyda followed by Devrim run up to the penguin viewing window. "I think when we first moved here, Seyda begged me to come here just about every day and it was actually to see Beyza," he laughed softly with the remembrance. "She loves seeing her in the mermaid form."
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coffee-and-uhg · 1 year
Diego Luna in Tank Tops: An Important Thread
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blushdrunks · 3 months
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"you're worrying me, baby. are you okay?" / @whileurmine
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henrybly · 4 months
There had been a number of times when he’d climbed these stairs for other reasons, fueled by a desire to slip his tongue into a certain lead singer’s mouth. With, you know, other appendages also slipping into other orifices to put it crudely. Those times, he’d flirted with the notion that it was a bad idea, which was a sentiment that, right now, he wished he’d given more attention to. Maybe if he had, they would never have been in this situation, Henry pounding up stairwell after stairwell to Diego Rodriguez’s high rise apartment with no idea what he would find on the other side of the door. 
There was a sick feeling weighing heavily in his gut when he realised he could be too late. Not only because the flight here had taken about four hours, but because Diego had definitely got the jump on him and had created about a two hour window separating them both. Two whole hours before Henry had even known he’d gone. 
Breathing heavily, as he rounded the corner and began sprinting up yet another flight, he could still picture the way Poppy’s features had twisted in concern as she tilted her head at Henry and gently told him, “He flew back home.”
Poppy hadn’t seen reason to worry, but maybe she hadn’t heard Diego properly. What he’d said to them. She’d been there though, during sound check when Henry and Diego had been awkwardly sitting at opposite ends of the room, Henry sending furtive glances over to the other man then quickly letting his eyes dart away whenever he looked back. That wasn’t like him at all; Henry was usually direct and to the point, never coy. But he was avoiding Diego, or perhaps Diego was avoiding him. The specifics didn't actually matter, because Harper had of course decided to increase the awkwardness by tenfold and make yet another one of her snide remarks. Truthfully, Henry couldn’t even remember exactly what she’d said, but he remembered watching Diego flinch and Poppy tense up and Michael start laughing as if the whole thing was amusing to him. What had followed had been an argument that Henry had tried his best to stay out of, energy reserves drained to the point of him receiving confused looks from Poppy when he refused to step in and play the mediator as usual. He regretted that now, especially with the image of Diego’s hurt face still playing in his mind, as their frontman stared at all of them - not Poppy, never Poppy - and informed them, “Guess you’d all be better off without me then.”
The words had prompted Henry’s own breath to catch in his throat but all he could do was sit uselessly at his keyboard, frozen, as Poppy sprang into action and chased after Diego. Eventually, he’d had the wherewithal to turn to a cackling Harper and Michael and narrow his eyes at them. 
“You guys are assholes,” he’d said, simply, before getting up and leaving. At least that had shut them up for the time being and he could see the shock registering on their faces as he passed them by. Quiet, placid Henry did not call his bandmates assholes. 
After two hours of pacing in his hotel room and drafting text after unsent text to Diego, trying as best as he could to not think too hard about the other man’s words, he’d gone to find Poppy. 
“How is he?” he’d asked her, expecting her to sweetly reassure him, because he’d managed to convince himself that his worry had been misplaced. That was he was overreacting in an uncharacteristic display of illogical behaviour. All that calm flew out the window when Poppy winced and gently informed Henry that Diego had flown back home. 
At once, Henry’s blood ran cold. He could feel the colour draining from his face as he stumbled backwards, knowing it must have alarmed Poppy when he barely reacted after his back slammed into the wall behind him. Heart racing, he allowed Diego’s last words to play over in his memory again. 
Guess you’d all be better off without me then. 
Diego’s voice shifted a little in his mind. 
You’d be better off without me, Hen. 
He hadn’t said anything to Poppy after that, had turned away from her in a way he’d never have before. And so transpired the next single most anxiety-inducing four hours of Henry Bly’s life. He’d sat on the flight back to New York, picturing Diego alone in his apartment and thinking of all the things he could be doing right now as a man who thought the rest of the world would be better off without him. As he jiggled his leg on the flight, erratic little twitches coursing through his body and probably alarming the pretty air stewardess who evidently recognised him if the way she batted her lashes at him were anything to go by, all Henry could think was that he might be the one to find him. He’d have to be the one to tell Poppy, wouldn’t he? And Diego’s parents?
He’d thrown up in the airport bathroom as soon as the plane touched down at JFK, which was a five minute affair that ate into his time even more. His taxi driver apparently wanted to talk about their music but Henry bluntly ignored him, instead choosing to let his fingernails dig into the palms of his hands until they broke through the skin in bloody, crescent-shaped marks. Remembering how to breathe seemed like an inane thought at that moment, but he tried to focus on that anyway, whole body trembling as he forced himself to reckon with the idea that he’d caused this. Harper and Michael hadn’t. They’d just been pulling their usual shit, but Henry had been the one to push Diego away after the other man had opened up to him, been vulnerable with him. 
Henry had been too wrapped up in not wanting Diego to turn out like Stefan that he’d inadvertently pushed him to, what? Be just that?
Nausea warred with him again. Thankfully, the cab had pulled up outside Diego’s apartment so he didn’t have to fork out extra cash for throwing up over the leather upholstery. Throwing more bills than necessary into the front seat, he climbed out and raced inside, bringing him to the present moment of reaching Diego’s door and hammering frantically on it. 
“Diego?” he shouted, voice cracking. When his knocks subsided, he stood back and waited, unable to keep track of what was seconds and what was minutes, only able to acknowledge that Diego was not opening the door. 
“No,” he whispered, terror clutching at his chest. He reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, unsure who to call first, an ambulance or his own father, when the door swung open and revealed Diego Rodriguez on the other side of it, bowl of half-eaten ramen in hand. 
Distantly, Henry could hear the clattering sound of his phone hitting the ground as it slipped from his fingers. He stared at the other man, blinking rapidly as if to make sense of the fact that he was standing in front of Henry, seemingly okay. Instinctively, his gaze dipped down to Diego’s wrists and there they were, clean and unmarked, albeit adorned with numerous leather and beaded bracelets. But not… cut. Broken. 
A wounded noise left Henry as he took a step back, dangerously close to the stairwell. 
“You asshole,” he managed, voice hoarse. 
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mastcrmiind · 8 months
@mcrcki ; diego and victoria: Characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.
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diego didn't want to be stuck here with her, he wanted to go find bree again and get out. "that's not very helpful." he spoke, glancing up at the food on the tables.
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thefvrious · 6 months
@musemuseum sent 🎄 💋 to kiss bodhi under the mistle toe
Bodhi figured he'd have to beg Diego to come along to the little holiday party Bodhi's boss was throwing, but that was not the case. Color him pleasantly surprised when Diego said yes. Color him thoroughly surprised when Diego shows up on time to pick him up. "Here, I brought you a sweater." Bodhi says, thrusting an ugly Holiday sweater at the other man. The ride is relatively quiet and one of the first things Bodhi does, because he's dramatic as fuck and hung them himself, is drag Diego right underneath one of the mistletoe. "Well?" He says, blinking and grinning. Then Diego is kissing him, and Bodhi melts against him, hand to his chest. "Wow... I don't know what I expected tonight, but it wasn't any of this. You must be desperate for brownie points."
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wesleyxjames · 6 months
starter for @diegoocastro
location: maple hills mall
"Who all do you need to buy for today?" Wesley questioned Diego, opening up the door to the local mall in Maple Hills. Though he tried to get his shopping done early, there were times in which that wasn't always feasible. "I've got a few people on my list, but definitely still have to think of a few ideas for some others," he admitted, as some people tended to be more difficult to buy for, for one reason or another.
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julietaxalvarez · 6 months
starter for @diegoocastro
location: family fun center
Julieta had not seen her ex-brother-in-law for a few weeks now, so she didn't turn down the opportunity when he invited her out to go to the Family Fun Center with his son. Though kids were far from the woman's cup of tea, she had enjoyed the young kid because he was related to Diego. She had Enrique had talked about kids and there had been a time in which she thought she had wanted them, but she didn't see herself with kids anymore. "Hey, stranger," she smiled at Diego as she met up with him outside, "and Dev," Julieta ruffled the young boy's hair gently, "ready to have some fun?"
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demongemz · 1 month
Then we could all just laugh until I cry. ( diego ) @daydrcamings
“I suppose laughing until we cry is something that we can use in this crazy life” Carlos mused he was glad to see more of his original family popping up, he’d missed them so deeply, and with how weird things had gotten with the revel of his birth parents he didn’t want to think about that version of his life at this moment. He wanted to be free to still be Carlos Alvarez for a little while longer. “How are you doing Diego? I’ve missed you”
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parkerxcampbell · 5 months
starter for @diegoocastro
location: energy zone
"Hey, Diego, right?" Parker walked up to the man, thinking that she recognized him correctly from their run in at the gym only a few weeks ago. "I managed to get some rental gear," some things she did buy, figuring it was not as much of a waste as some of the expensive gear, "I appreciate you taking the time to teach me," maybe she'd be able to box some sense into herself at the end of the lesson.
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chessyhoward · 7 months
take me to the lakes // chess & diego
No one ever told you how expensive motherhood was. Never mind the medical bills, the clothes your little one grew out of all too quick, one of the biggest drains on Chess' finances was finding ways to keep her daughter entertained. New to being a Mum and new to New York, Chess had become somewhat of an expert at finding all the things to do in the city that would amuse Hazel, and were most importantly, free. A twenty-year-old Chess had found herself spending hours researching the days they waved admission on various exhibits for children under three, or parks she could languish in for hours with only a blanket and books to keep Hazel entertained. She only felt guilty momentarily as she hurried Hazel past the overpriced ice cream vans.
This was a habit that she'd taken into her mid-twenties. Sure, she no longer had to rely on government programs to feed herself now, but Chess knew what it was like to subsidise a meal with coffee, and had no desire to go back to those times. So Chess and Hazel were spending their afternoon in Central Park, Hazel throwing fistfuls of bread at the ducks while Chess watched dutifully from a nearby bench. Her notebook was currently open atop her lap, jotting down ideas for her latest blog post.
A chill began to set over the park, and Chess pulled her blazer tighter around her, glancing over to make sure Hazel hadn't relinquished herself of her hat and scarf. Instead, she found that Hazel had vacated her spot entirely. Chess jumped to her feet, eyes scanning the surrounding area before relief gripped her heart. Hazel was tugging at the sleeve of a tall man - a stranger! - hadn't Chess taught her better? Running over as fast as she could in her heels, she caught the tail end of her daughter's plea.
" - get my bread, please?" Hazel chirped, all bambi-eyed, her socks slipping down into her patent-leather Mary-Janes. Chess took her hand reproachfully, from where it had been pointing at the sodden bag of bread in the pond. Tugging her little girl against her side, Chess fought not to appear extremely cross.
"Baby, you can't wander off like that." she said, the edges of her voice wavering with anxiety.
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iomadachd · 1 year
@agentkristiweimaer liked for a starter
The wheel decreed: Diego and Kristi
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: { Diego } :
He was pulling his knives free of the body in front of him when he got the sense he was being watched.
Turning slowly, he held up his hands in a gesture of no harm. The woman didn't look like a cop to him, but who knew these days?
"In my defense, would you believe if I told you he tried to kill me first?"
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