#threater class
coffeelovinggayidiot · 7 months
We finally picked a play to perform for theatre class!!!!!!!!
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guiltburdened · 2 years
I’m going to try and see Wakanda Forever tonight, after my probation class ends. It starts at 7:30 so I have 15 minutes to get to the theater after it ends. It’s like four blocks away. Better eat first, because movie threaters mug you at gunpoint for candy and food.
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jojosbizarreocblog · 2 years
Keisuke (JJBA OC)
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Name: Takogami Keisuke Age: 22- at time of death Headcannon Voice Actor: Kaito Ishikawa (Japanese); Micah Solusod (English) DOB: June 17th, 1983 Residence: Tokyo, Japan (orignally); London, England Occupation: Student Sexuality: Gay Relatives: Takogami Koari (Mother); Takogami Nagao (Father); Takogami Seiji (Older Brother); Takogami  Namie (Sister In Law); Takogami Taku (Nephew); Takogami Kumiko (Niece); Takogami Yukihiro (Younger Sister) Background: He is a senior student from Japan who comes from the wealthy Takogami family who ran the mega rich food corperation, Takogami Zaibatsu. Despite coming from a life of wealth, it wasn't easy due to the high restrictive life style he lived. His parents emphasized living up their expectations and becoming a pride of the family. Even though he wasn't the heir to the family, he still had to keep a model citizen in their eyes. As he grew up, he discovered he might be attracted to men but kept it under wraps to not be seen as a disgrace in his very traditional family life. He kept himself in the closet until college where he fell for Sean a fellow student where they began to date until his parents planned to arrange a marriage after he left college. With a heavy heart he broke up with Sean saying he had to do this for his family which left them on bitter terms. He felt depressed and miserable throughout his junior year until Lorenzo came into his life as his drama/threater professor and became a positive figure who gave him the encouragement about his sexuality and how to handle his family. However, this wouldn't last when Lorenz0 was murdered by a mysterious figure and he felt lost again. That was until Guiletta came into his life and they both bonded on what Lorenzo meant to them. He then got equated with the other campus students who were apart of the drama/threater classes: Gwen Royce, Summer Chan, Otis Brown, Mannish Baby, and most of all Aaliyah Jones. He came to be seen as their big brother figure and looked up to him. He would eventually lose his life fighting against Ian Chan and his forces while also telling the others to tell his family about who he truly was and say sorry to Jean. Personality: He is a studious model student who wants to help his fellow classmates succeed and does what he can to look after them. He tries to encourage good study habits and helps them as a tutor. Despite the perfect image, he has internal doubts about himself due to his parents high expectations and really wonders if he will ever truly live up to their standards. As a result he often makes decisions that can hurt himself and others, like his break up with his ex-boyfriend. It is why he held Lorenzo in good regards because he felt for the first time someone wasn't going to judge him for the way he was. He also is very protective of the younger guys, especially the girls since he has a little sister who was very encouraging towards him and he really misses at times. Due to being very studious as a student, he tends to spout out facts about certain plays. Despite keeping up a positive outlook at times, his inner turmoil can come out at times and he can't really hold it anymore. It also comes out when he feels really stressed and can't keep up a happy facade. It is something that he has had to learn to do in order to keep up apperance with his parents' expectations. He also shows dedication to threater/drama because he often times at homes feels like he's playing a part for his family and want to express his true self. At heart, he truly does love his family and want them embrace everything about him. And loves the support he gets from the younger classmates he has. He is also very health concious and makes sure to eat well and gives people healthy but tasty snacks at times. Stand: Teriyaki Boyz Power- B Speed- B Range-  C Durability-C Precision- C Potential- B A magenta colored rain cloud with pink eyes that can produce ink of the same color that can make all types of constructs from weapons to entities. He can also make those constructs self-destruct on command. He also can spell out words and make pictures. * His favorite food are octupus and squid dishes. * He gets along well with Porcia, Lorenzo and Giuketta's daughter. * He is a good cook, especially with Japanese dishes. * Big fan of old school British rock bands. * Sean and him used to be roomates before the breakup. * He is originally from Morioh. * He was originally going to study culinary but changed his mind when he really wanted to follow his passion instead of his family business. Created through picrew.me/image_maker/624388/c…
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donaldduckau · 6 years
Unlucky lucky spy romance Au part 2
He meet Elizabeth again multiple times even her coming to see him. At first it was just to talk about subjects in the classes we took but changed with time becoming more about our hobbies,beliefs even favourite things like movies, books or animals and discussion about them.
Donald asks Elizabeth a question during study night, " what's your favourite type of story" Elizabeth thinks about the question going through every story she remembers even her mother's stories of being a spy, she replies " I think adventure stories mainly add in some romance" winking at Donald to get reaction. Donald blushes at this and nervously gives his answer rubbing his arm " i think adventure stories about sea my type of adventure but I love reading about the journey they take in that adventure with all the things they see in it I love that " Elizabeth hesitates before answering she was expecting an answer of " I like action story's with the hero saving the damsel " with some pick up line but his answer was was something she couldn't describe why but loved it so she " I like reading about the journey in stories too " smiling at Donald discussing further on what makes good adventure story.
Donald view
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It was near the end of college and he was going to go with his sister to adventure with his uncle scrooge so he decided to ask Elizabeth out before he left for his uncles. he realised he develop crush on her after 4 months of just having conversations with her as she made them so enjoyable for him someone that rarely talked to people because of his voice. He walks towards the library as he arranged study night with her to ask her out.
Elizabeth view
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It was near the end of college and she had a crush on Donald, she didn't plan to have crush until after training but here she was deciding to ask Donald out after having conversations that were fun to discuss as no one else she meet but her mother could make her focus on a conversation before growing bored. So she planed everything on what she was going to say to him at the study night.
At study night. Elizabeth and Donald both look nervous each too scared to ask the other out. Donald is stunned to ask Elizabeth out a duck that's wows him whilst Elizabeth forgotten on what she was going to say as she asked him out so both of them just rush out what they were attended to say at beginning. Donald face red sprouts out"Elizabeth will you go out with me " whilst Elizabeth stands still like statue speaks " Donald will you go with me" . Both are quiet processing what the other said " she / he asked me out " they quickly say "yes". Donald excitedly asks Elizabeth "do you want to see a spy movie and discuss why it falls apart" Elizabeth jokes " you know me so well " as both walk towards the threater.
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lol-jackles · 7 years
Hi! Totally unrelated to Jensen but I saw somewhere you acted before (?) so I was wondering what do you do Im still in high school and like ik it's hard but I really love it and it's a passion of mine, so like how do you start your career? how do you find auditions and stuff? Or just Any tips you could give me would be cool. Thanks in advance and have a nice day!!
Theater classes, I can’t stress this enough, take as many as you can - acting, movement, voice, writing, improv, anything and everything that can help your acting.  If you don’t like that class, find a different one.  Acting classes are everywhere.  Find teachers you like, take other classes they offer.   Most students are not actors but civilans trying to gain confidence in public speaking or learn to improv to improve their required socializing at work events.
See as many shows as you can afford, if theaters sell standing room tickets buy those.  Read EVERYTHING - plays, books, script writing, genres.  Hit up your local libraries if you can’t afford to buy or download books.  Books and plays by Tennessee Williams, Shapespear, Arthur Miller, Eugene O Neill are must reads.  Find monologues you like and practice them until you can say them in yours sleep.
Zoom in on a threater you like and nicely elbow your way in by volunteering as usher or build sets or make costumes, talk to the artistic director and producer, anything to get yourself invovled with that threater.  Find out when the season auditions are by asking your acting teachers, colleagues, and friends if they know of any upcoming projects. Backstage also have list of auditions and casting calls.  That monologue you can say in your sleep, use it at many different theaters at their seasonal auditions.   Here’s a list of agents in the Backstage call sheets database.  If you want to go into screen acting, look up all the local agents, managers, casting directors, etc, and meet as many as you can.  First, ask questions.  Learn what you can from them.  Eventually, you will get signed.  Then you’ll be auditioning.  Your agent will find you auditions but you should also find auditions on your own (I had a realtor but I found the house I wanted and then she arranged the paperword).  Go out for as many parts as possible.  Even if you don’t get cast, you’re getting your name out there.
You don’t have to go to Los Angeles or New York, there might be a movie or TV show coming to your town to film.  Contact your city’s film commission to find out how to be an extra on set.  The best way to learn what it’s like to be on a set is to be on a set.   You will see first hand how much waiting goes on during a film shoot.   If the waiting bores you to death, then you might want to think twice about doing this for a living.   You will spend majority of your time auditioning and looking for work so you’ll need to have a flexible survival job that lets you take time off to audition and if you book work.  Yes most actors are waiters, but few of my fellow actor friends were writers and editors and even book agents.Lift weights, do yoga, take dance class, do whatever gets you into the kind of shape a director thinks people want to see in the often sexualized roles available.  You have to love acting and want it.  You have to be willing to put a lot of work into it, only to rejected because you’re too young, too old, or too tall, or too short, or too plain, or too hot, or too creepy or…  the list never ends.   Roll with it and move on.  If you can’t do that, you’re in trouble before you begin. 
Don’t join a union until you are getting a lot of union work. Because once you join a union it will become very different to get non-union work.   
Beware of scammers.  NEVER pay someone to audition you for a role.  AVOID agent who expects monthly or yearly fees.  Agents should only get a cut from your paid-gigs as commission.  NEVER sign a contract without getting it checked with an entertainment lawyer (thank you cousin Michael).  DO NOT fall for advertisements saying shows like “Empire/ Supernatural/Big Bang Theory, etc are conducting auditioning classes for $1,000 and participants are gauranteed a role in the series”.  When auditioning for a role in an independent film, BEWARE of producers or directors expecting you to pay them to play a role. 
You will get a script within 24 hours of the audition, so you don’t have a lot of time but you must memorize the script and prepare a fully developed character.   If you ever watched audition tapes on You Tube of people who booked parts, they look exactly like they do in the final film.   So again, you only 24 hours to prepare a camera-ready character.
Make bold choices and embrace your individual perspective that makes interesting, compelling, and completely different personalities.  That will make you a captivating performer.  The more confidently you use yourself as a canvas and let the context of the scene be spoken through your own emotional repertoire and point of view, the more compelling and interesting you are to watch. The most captivating actor is the one whose next movement, facial expression, or line reading is unpredictable. Nothing is more interesting than watching someone behave in such a way that you never know what they’ll do next.   That is the difference between Jeff Bridges (unpredictable) and Beu Bridges (reliable).Actors not only have to be good at acting, but also good BUSINESS person, without excpetion.   Actors treat their careers the way a lawyer or doctor nurtures their practice.  They have a brand, a product (their ability to tell stories), customers (directors and producers) and they how to market themselves (get auditions), they know how to sell themselves (execute those auditions), and they know how to collect their money and hire salespeople (agents and managers) to bring them more business.
Good luck!
Also, if you book a gig even as a day worker, take advantage of the craft service table and ignore the PAs snidely calling you “props that eat”.
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framefreakstudio · 5 years
Interview with Erin Shin: Concept Art, Character Designer & World Building
Erin Shin is a Concept Artist, Character Designer & World Builder. She’s a student of the Art Center College of Design, she’s worked on the visual assets for the games “Sankofa” and “Hippo Time” got a scholarship in Nickelodeon’s Pitch program where she worked with their staff and to pitch a show called “Wrestlemania”.
(Be sure to watch the video interview below!)
Erin Shin has also worked as a concept artist for JM Animation Studios in Seoul, South Korea and created 12 anthropomorphized designs of Chinese folk heroes as well as 4 Chinese scholar characters and she’s currently an intern at Super 78 creating concepts for VR Threater experiences in Silverlake, California.
Click to view slideshow.
You can check her website and all her work here: ErinShin.com ArtStation Her Instagram Her Twitter Her Linked In
Interview with Erin Shin:
(Click the play button to watch the video interview above)
Click here to watch in a new Tab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNr71MkdL0U
In this Episode, You Will Learn:
Erin Shin’s Story
Why you should never stop studying
How to be a successful freelancer
How to work for big studios online
Tips for social media
Did You Enjoy This Interview? Let Us Know On Twitter!
If you enjoyed this interview, please let Erin and I know on Twitter by clicking on the link below:
Click here to let us know you loved the show!
Now it’s Your Turn!
Got questions or any advice or thoughts you want to share about this interview or anything you learned that helped you on your way to become a better professional? What’s one thing you can take from Erin Shin’s Journey? Please feel free to share in the comments section below!
Thanks so much for watching the interview with Erin Shin, I truly appreciate YOU!
Until Next Time!
The post Interview with Erin Shin: Concept Art, Character Designer & World Building appeared first on Frame Freak Studio.
from Frame Freak Studio https://ift.tt/2zsKd53 via https://ift.tt/2fNRIgQ
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framefreak2d · 5 years
Erin Shin is a Concept Artist, Character Designer & World Builder. She’s a student of the Art Center College of Design, she’s worked on the visual assets for the games “Sankofa” and “Hippo Time” got a scholarship in Nickelodeon’s Pitch program where she worked with their staff and to pitch a show called “Wrestlemania”. [smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/framefreakstudio/interview-erin-shin” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” hashtag=”Animation #Podcast” twitter_username=”FrameFreak2D” ] (Be sure to watch the video interview below!)
Erin Shin has also worked as a concept artist for JM Animation Studios in Seoul, South Korea and created 12 anthropomorphized designs of Chinese folk heroes as well as 4 Chinese scholar characters and she’s currently an intern at Super 78 creating concepts for VR Threater experiences in Silverlake, California.
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You can check her website and all her work here: ErinShin.com ArtStation Her Instagram Her Twitter Her Linked In
Interview with Erin Shin:
(Click the play button to watch the video interview above)
Click here to watch in a new Tab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNr71MkdL0U
In this Episode, You Will Learn:
Erin Shin’s Story
Why you should never stop studying
How to be a successful freelancer
How to work for big studios online
Tips for social media
Did You Enjoy This Interview? Let Us Know On Twitter!
If you enjoyed this interview, please let Erin and I know on Twitter by clicking on the link below:
Click here to let us know you loved the show!
Now it’s Your Turn!
Got questions or any advice or thoughts you want to share about this interview or anything you learned that helped you on your way to become a better professional? What’s one thing you can take from Erin Shin’s Journey? Please feel free to share in the comments section below!
Thanks so much for watching the interview with Erin Shin, I truly appreciate YOU!
Until Next Time!
Interview with Erin Shin: Concept Art, Character Designer & World Building Erin Shin is a Concept Artist, Character Designer & World Builder. She's a student of the Art Center College of Design, she's worked on the visual assets for the games "Sankofa" and "Hippo Time" got a scholarship in Nickelodeon's Pitch program where she worked with their staff and to pitch a show called "Wrestlemania".
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rojpoj-diary · 7 years
Blog Entry #15
Hello, today was amazing, it was one of the best days I have had this year. Since we have no school tomorrow today is the last day then we have Spring Break! WOOHOO! So anyway the school day was ok, as we were finishing the decor for the Rally and the MORP dance, we were tying three balloons together to put on a balloon arch, well I tried anyway. I got the first two tied, but shortly after it either almost immediately became undone or it became undone when I tried tying the 3rd one. And need I remind you I made around 5 attempts before I gave up, those balloons hate me or something. I tried them right, the crisss-cross then the tie, it is so basic but fuck me right. Anyway at the end of 5th period Neko was doing a cheap Russian accent and I told Maddie so I walking up to him and explained to him how Russians pronounce the W like a V and that your tongue should be more flat as that is how slavic speakers talk apposed to the romance language speakers who’s tongues are more upward. He tried getting me to do an accent and I said Slavic with a Russian accent and he loved it, as Maddie, David and him her walking out of class together he told them how I schooled him on pronunciation and jokingly said he should take classes from me, lol. So after school I head towards the Rally as it was today and a surprising amount of people came and loved it. Cool enough Amanda was coincidentally sitting behind me. The rally was great, I had no idea the Mr. Bassy knew how to play the drums and so well I might add, him and Molly played them so well. Molly is becoming really well known in Solano and is getting a lot of support, I am so proud of her. Afterwards I walked to Mr. Riley’s room for no real reason, Cesi came in to get his keys to get into the little threater to get her keys and told me the set up for MORP was at 5:30pm so as I leave the front door I and walk told the walk area, I turn around and Amanda is there and we talk about the MORP dance being at 7pm and how I needed to be there at what Cesi said was 5:30 but come to find out was officially 6pm. She offered me a ride and I was debating with her on how I could get a white shirt for the color run where we throw powdered paint at the runners on a path. During this conversation, I noticed Sophia was walking behind Amanda by several feet and i asked why she was at school and she said she was looking for someone and I totally should have used that chance to give her a hug but it did not cross my mind like usual. Sarah comes over soon after and we just talk about random stuff like medication for horses and make up, like my cover up I use for my acne. She leaves after getting picked up as she was waiting for a ride. So then I proceed to call my mother to see if she had the car so I could go to the store to buy a shirt but she didn’t and said she would look for a shirt. But I took Amanda up on her kind offer to go to Michael’s to buy a white shirt. Her car was messy but so are most people’s cars. So anyway we get there and look at the large white shirts as the last time I bought a blue there in medium size it barely fit but the large white looked too big, but the medium surprisingly looked like it would fit. So as we are in line I offer to buy her candy as she was looking at them but she declined the offer, and soon after she notices Lawson and Stephen walking down to the shirts so I told her to so turn around so they don’t notice us as my plan was to buy the shirt and sneak up on them but we weren’t fast enough and they got in line and noticed us so we walking over to them and Lawson was holding a black shirt and a white shirt which I wondered why but did not get a clear answer besides for the dance. Stephen asked if I am going to his and Beth’s party tonight but I decline as I am not a party person, I wouldn’t know most people there, and the fact my home is a police state and my parents would never let me go to a party let alone one late at night. So we leave and she drops me off but before I get out of the car I give her a thank you hug and then go inside my home. Mother and my older sister Nina had apparently found a white shirt actually and mother got a bit upset that I bought one but to be honest I bought it because I did not think they’d actually find one, besides the new one was better. So after listening to some music I take a nice warm shower to get clean for the dance. I worse my green converse, the new white shirt and my black jogging pants. Mother put some cover up on my face for my acne. Father dropped me off at 5:29pm so I was very early. I said Hi to Maddie as she was with her orchestra friends. I knock on MS. Sullivan’s door to see what the official time was as my text to Melissa was not replied to. She said it was officially at 6pm and that I could hang out in her room but I declined the offer and said I wanted to walk around. After walking around for a couple of minutes I return to the quad only to meet up with Cassidy, Biane, and some new girl who’s name escapes me. They had Starbucks and Cass was sad as she said she should have gotten something for me but I said it was fine. I did appreciate the thought though. SO we start getting to work by going to the gym and seeing what’s what, then we go the little theater to look for the posters, we looked int he back stage and we couldn’t fine the light for like 5 minutes until Cass found it down the starts leading to the music room. I am not used to being in the back stage so it was new to me, what we thought were old posters from the MR. GQ event they we thought we could use, turned out to be for something else that escapes me, so we look for the posters on the other side. There is this little stairway down that leads to this little storage space but it also has an elevator for wheelchairs, what was funny was that Biane didn’t see the handle for the space so Ms. Sullivan jumped the gate only for it to open on her, we all laughed hard because she thought it was locked for some reason. I soon after came up with the idea to check the Student Counsel Storage room which Ms. Sullivan gave me credit for for having such a great idea, anyway we find the posters and the boxes painted as Rubik’s cubes and stereos in there. I grabbed all the “stereos” but they were too tall stacked up for the door so Cass helps me when her and the new girl walk in and see me struggling and the new girl grabbed the big Rubik’s Cube and we all walked over to the gym. And the a bunch of Link Crew people arrive to help out. Lauren also does too and we all start putting up posters. Lauren, Cassidy and a few others hang out the Mr. Riley’s room for a bit so Lauren could do her make-up and we talked about how I have never been to Dutch Bros or Chick Fil A, and everyone one is surprised. So Lauren starts talking about how her and Cass should bring me to to those places some time. Including the other small chatter it was fun, then we get back to the gym to do posters and I mention how my dad gets me clothes from the dumpster sometimes because he likes dumpster diving and from his work randomly and she was shocked and hilariously said he should see a doctor. She also comically asked if I wanted to move in with her lol. She kept saying how she would teach me how to yike when the dance started and I was my usual uncomfortable self about such odd activity, she also intentionally made me feel uncomfortable to be funny but acting like she was going to yike on me, she said it was easy to do, which is true. So then we go back to the room so that I could get tape for the posters but there isn’t any more so I give up and when we get so Lauren could get her hair curled, which Cesi did, and I said how I couldn’t do it because I didn’t want to burn her as I have never had practice and would need someone who who tolerate burns without slapping me or a wig bust to learn how. Lauren asked if I wanted to be one of those hair people but I said no, I just wanted to learn how as it’s a nice skill and that my mother also said it would be a good idea as girls like a guy who can do hair. She then asked out of no where if I was ever going to tell my parents that i liked girls and I said that my mother may be accepting but the rest of my family wouldn’t be. Cesi said I should tell my mother. I told them how I have to bottle in how I feel and how it’s slowly killing me on the inside emotionally. They were very supportive and how it must feel terrible. Lauren said if she was a lesbian that her parent’s would eventually accept her. Sarah came in and Lauren told her the fact that  I liked guys. Link crew peoples were fine to tell, plus I trusted Lauren to tell the right people even though I was so nervous that she was telling others about it but she was speaking softly and I forget her justification. But anyway it made me feel so great and motivated me to act more myself and be more confident about liking guys. Lauren again offers for me to live with her which I just found so sweet. Cesi is such a cool person by the way, the room isn’t the same without her. So after her hair was done, we all compliment Lauren’s now wavy hair. And then we start getting work on stuff, I and two other girls make new posters for the ticket sales because the last poster was messed up, then we got the paint powder out and threw it on eachother. I was just caked in it but I loved it, my whole body was covered. So when the color run happened everyone switched between different colors to throw and it was so much fun. I started out helping Cesi with the blue but then switched to other colors independently. The runners loved it and it lasted until 8pm, so about half an hour. Then the dance started but it took a while for most people to show up. Selena had to use the restroom so I took over the scanner but did not know how to use it so I did wrist bands while Sarah did the scanner with Lawson watching. Selena and the others never came back. I called Amanda as to know when she was showing up and she said she just left her home. When she called me I was too busy putting bands on people’s wrists to answer it but it was fine as she just went in and waiting for me with her friend. I then had Lawson cover for me so I could go in. Now I never did dance but with one of the songs Amanda kept making me crouch when the song said to go low. I don’t know how to dance and so it frustrated me that she kept saying go with the flow but there is no flow to follow as my arms and ass are too shy to express themselves. So i sort of give stood there while being touched and pushed by a bunch of people who were dancing and walking past. I felt so uncomfortable yet happy that I was at least hanging out with Amanda. I kept leaving to get water or fresh air as it was humid in there and hot. After a few times of leaving I start feeling incredibly sad that I can’t dance I felt like an idiot for doing nothing. Lauren wasn’t there to teach me anything and Amanda didn’t show me anything so I spent a few minutes in the bathroom crying at the fact I am trying to act normal and was failing. So i get out and get some fresh air before going back in, and after hanging out with Amanda for a couple of minutes I go to get some water and Selena grabs my hips like she was yiking on me and I panic and turn around quickly only to hit my head on the rim of the metal. And so i leave and I tell Mr. Riley how it essentially smells like B.O. and bad choices, which he relayed to Kalvin and Ms. Sullivan who also found it funny and said it was so true. I and still remember how loud Mr. Riley laughed, it was funny. Anyway as it was reaching the end of the dance my mother and sister call me to see when the party ends and tell them 10:30pm and that there is also clean up, to which they essentially did not understand between each other. My mother as going to call Alex to pick me up since father was going to bed. And at this time, Mattie left because he didn’t like a lot of dancing and so Lauren looked a bit sad, and I tried to cheer her up but it didn’t work. Anyway when she heard about my dilemma, she offered to drive me home since she couldn’t that one time it was almost raining but she was late for work so she couldn’t give me a ride but luckily for me it didn’t rain on me. It made me very happy. So then I call my mother to tell her the news and she said it was fine. So then we all started to clean up. I also called Amanda to tell her I was sorry that i left at the last several minutes because Ms. Sullivan asked me if I could check to see if the dumpsters were open which they were and then we told each other good night. Soon after Cassidy, LJ, and I move a table to the little theater and Lauren asks me if I am going to the Prom to which  said yes and she gets all excited and I tell her I am going with Maria and Amanda. I also told her that my sister was going to help me rent a tux and she says “aw” and goes all goo goo about thinking of me in a tux going to prom with two girls. It was funny ad made me happy. So after we were dismissed Lauren and I head to her truck while Cassidy went to her car so she could follow Lauren so after I was dropped off they could get some food. I wish I could have gone along, I have $20 in my wallet but my parents wouldn’t have let me out later than that dance. So anyway I tell her the usual directions, straight down the road, lake a left at the fork then turn left at the 7/11 and it’s the apartment complex with the cross on it next to the big ass tree. She drove into the driveway of the next apartment complex by accident but it was fine because that one was a path that went around easily, vs having to turn around in the small parking lot of my complex. Anyway since the fence is basically missing I just walked over after saying thanks and good night. In hindsight I should have given her a hug but I was too happy about what transpired today. I’ll give her one next time I see her. So anyway I get inside my home and take a shower and stuff then I text her thanking her for the ride, and now I’m off to bed early on a free night, because my legs are damn sore and my lower back hurts like fucking hell. So good night, great story wasn’t it? Lol, see ya. I’ll leave you with a picture of the dance.
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this lesson was research lesson with historical and help us with choreographic approaches with our group choreography! 
this lesson we recapped on our homework which was to research judson church Threater and we also looked at what post modern dance was too!
 i was late for the lesson which wasn't really good of me, so for next week my target is to not be late! Also i missed they got a 10 minute task to research given practisers i got given Steve Paxton, but leah my peer did it for me!! best girl!! after this we got up and used one of the practisers approaches, which was improv so we did a lot of improv within in the lesson. with us being given these tasks it helps us to create material and give us ideas and approaches to use in our own choreography. Before we did improv they had to share the research with everyone about our practitioners then take the findings home and create a leaflet and present to the rest of the class.
the improv task was pretty good! i loved it! what we did was started off with a simply walk then windy our tutor would add a simply gesture into it then we started to create a piece. Half way through we stopped and did a what worked, what didn't work and what can we do to improve on it the picture shows this above. it worked great!
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