#threats a real fuckin legacy to leave !
quinnfebrey · 2 years
how’d we end up on the floor anyway you say, your dad’s expensive whiskey that we accidentally opened and said fuck it that’s how
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rpstartersinc · 3 years
* 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌  𝟑.
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ why can’t these guys write me a fuckin’ decent part ?! ”  
“ who’re you calling ? ”  
“ oh, y’know what ? I’m sorry, I have the wrong number. ”  
“ wait a minute, I know your voice. ”  
“ i think he’s got a really sexy voice. ”  
“ i can’t believe this. ”  
“ why don’t you tell me who you are ? ”  
“ she’s got a nice little … voice. ”  
“ let’s play a little game. ”  
“ jesus, you scared the shit out of me ! ”  
“ i didn’t mean to scare ya ! ”  
“ come on, open the door. ”  
“ talking about how much fun it’s gonna be to rip your insides out. ”  
“ why do you wanna kill me ? ”  
“ being the best means being willing to do what the others would not. ”  
“ was it worth it ? ”  
“ i assume you’re not here for an autograph. ”  
“ so if we stop making scary movies, what, all the psychos in the world will retire ? ”  
“ i am my own character. ”  
“ we are not in any danger. ”  
“ cue the violins, right ? ”  
“ i don’t mind you never returning my calls. ”  
“ i’m surprised you thought about me at all. ”  
“ do you see a camera ? ”  
“ could i be more popular ? ”  
“ why do you have so many secrets ? ”  
“ it’s as if you don’t exist. ”  
“ psychos can’t kill what they can’t find. ”  
“ everything you touch dies. ”  
“ you’re just like me. ”  
“ i’m not happy that i’m thirty-five playing a twenty-one year old. ”  
“ how the fuck are we supposed to learn our lines when there’s a new script every fifteen minutes ?! ”  
“ brace yourself, all of this is actually not about you. ”  
“ you’re not a detective. ”  
“ ten more murders and we can publish a calendar. ”  
“ very hannibal lecter. ”  
“ god, it’s not the end of the world. ”  
“ that is so easy for you to say. ”  
“ i’ve killed someone. ”  
“ turn on the news. ”  
“ are we safe ? ”  
“ was that a threat ? ”  
“ i’m leaving my legacy. ”  
“ the reason i’m here is to help you so that my death will not be in vain. ”  
“ true trilogies are all about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn’t true from the get-go. ”  
“ the past is not at rest. ”  
“ i work better alone. ”  
“ basements creep me out. ”  
“ so how can i help you ? or do you want me to tell you who you look like. ”  
“ i wanted to make you proud. ”  
“ you don’t deserve to be protected. ”  
“ as if life isn’t tragic enough. ”  
“ you see what i see, day in day out, the violence that people do to each other, you get haunted. ”  
“ ghosts are tough, you can’t shoot ghosts. ”  
“ i think what you saw is real. ”  
“ how do i know that this is you and not the killer ? ”  
“ the question isn’t who i am, the question is: who’s with me ? ”  
“ do you have somewhere we can be … alone ? ”  
“ you follow directions well. ”  
“ now that we’re all here, the party can begin. ”  
“ it��s your turn to scream, asshole ! ”  
“ i’m here to help. ”  
“ put the gun down. ”  
“ why don’t you take some fucking responsibility ? ”  
“ lose something ? ”  
“ i swear i’ll kill you ! ”  
“ i guess we think alike. ”  
“ he wasn’t superhuman, he wasn’t superhuman at all. ”  
“ what kind of movie ? ”  
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boogiewrites · 4 years
No. 9 The Body Ch. 8
Characters: Diego Hargreeves & OFC Eve Corpuz
Summary:  Eve learns more about her powers while on a real date with Diego.
Warnings/Tags: Flirting. Sexism. Threats of violence. Canon Typical. Date. Diego Protecc. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT! If you’d like added to the tags, just let me know. This is a multi-chapter fic.
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The day had started strong for Eve. She was being interviewed by a local women’s club for her transformation from using their services to becoming a respected doctor with a winning reputation. It’d been flattering and put a little perk in Eve’s step admittedly.
She was headed from a conference room, a much easier place to get to for a non-employee than her small office. But the ease for the interviewer was something she quickly wished she’d not cared so much about as she felt eyes on her, walking alone back towards her wing. She didn’t typically have to be around the board member hallways, it was a place most women avoided.
“Evie?” A familiar voice that immediately made her nose wrinkle came from behind her. “Long time no see.” Bryon Gray, a son of a bitch who happened to be a son of a chief of staff. They’d gone through residency together and every woman that had ever met him had quickly learned to avoid him. “What brings you over to this side of the hospital.” He gives her arm a faux friendly smack of greeting and she grimaces.
“I had an interview.” She answers flatly, his cross-fitted, legacy-name body blocked her path as he manspread across the hall and put his hands on his hips as if everything he said were to be stopped and observed most intently.
“Now I know everything going on around here.” He winks and taps his temple. “And I haven’t heard about you interviewing for anything.”
This may come as a shock to you Bryon but you don’t know everything, which is what she preferred to say. But instead, “It wasn’t for a job. I was interviewed for a magazine.” She says with a low brow.
“Oh! Which one? I mean, which ones are even in print anymore?” He laughs. “We talking the big NEJM?” He laughs. ”Oh wait, that was me.” He brags.
“No. It’s called Ms.” she begins to lean to initiate an exit.
“Mrs.? It like a wedding thing?” He asks with narrowed eyes. “I thought you were single.”
“It’s M. S. A feminist magazine started by Gloria Steinman in the 70s.” She wanted to slap herself for trying to defend it. He wasn’t worth it.
“Yeah that’s hot right now, isn’t it? What was it for?”
She sniffs and twitches her nose trying to not have such a knee-jerk reaction to this... jerk. "My work.”
“You are all work aren’t you Evie? Always have been.”
“Well, you know me.”
“I know Dads noticed the numbers you've been managing. Makes sense word would be getting around about an ex-stripper turned doctor who has the least amount of deaths of patients by a landslide would be a feel-good piece.”
She wanted to defend herself. To slap him and tell him to kiss her ass but she knew it would be fruitless. “Next thing you know they’ll be making a Barbie of me for all the things I’m great at.” She decides to retort with praise instead of defense. ”Stripper heels and a stethoscope would be a hell of a combination for accessories, huh?”
He gives her a look up and down. “You sure you aren’t dancing anymore? You’re looking... great by the way. Very… tight.” He motions a squeeze with his hands. More like how old male plastic surgeons do when they explain implants to young girls.
“I’ve been working out.” Another flat response as she clears her throat and begins to move far past him to continue back on her path. “I’ve got to get back to work.”
“Keep up the good work there Evie. Both professionally and personally.” She didn’t need to turn to look at him to know what look he had on his face. It was one every woman had had to suffer at some point in her life.
Eve was determined not to let some silver-spooned dumbass ruin her day. She had much more important things to put her energy on. Like going out with Diego that night. Oh, and saving people. Can’t forget that.
For early spring the air felt heavy and it didn’t help the sour mood that had followed her that day. She had stood too long in the shower, getting pruney, debating on whether to shave above the knee or not. She wasn’t gonna fuck him on the first date. No, she didn’t do that stuff anymore. But was it a first date? She’d known him for months now. Maybe best to not shave to deter her from making any rash decisions.
She’d been particularly mean to herself while trying to find an outfit to wear. She didn’t think she should be so easily frustrated with something like this but she realizes it’s been a long time since she cared about her outfit. Much less fussing over what to wear for a date. As always she played it cool, even when she wasn’t. She was relieved by the few pairs of stretchy denim she had still fit. She wrapped herself up in a black jacket and made her way to the gym in shoes that were nowhere near as comfortable as her usual sneakers. She figured boots with a heel were more low key than pumps. She rolls her eyes and swings her head to shake out the non-productive stream of thought.
“Hey Eve.” Diego’s voice breaks her out of the intrusive thoughts and she gives a smile that doesn’t give away that she’s been in a mood all day.
“Hey, Diego.” She answers in a relieved exhale.
They exchange pleasantries before heading off on foot in the direction of the bar. Her hands kept to the strap of her purse that was across her body. She hadn’t hugged him when she’d greeted him, but should she have? Should she… try to hold his hand? Was that too much? How do you date again? She chews the inside of her cheek.
“You worked today right?” He asked partly to kill the dead air but mostly because he was curious.
“You know I did.” She rolls her eyes and smiles.
“Overnight shift, huh? Have to pull anything out of anybody’s butt?”
He gives a wide boyish smile and she laughs in response. “Not tonight no.” she shakes her head. “What about you?”
“I luckily have not had to pull anything out of anyone’s butt.”
She laughs and gives him and below that knocks him slightly and as he returns to her side he stands closer than before. “Smartass.”
He smiles closed-lipped but proudly.
“Everyone’s always asking me about gross stuff. There are other things to ask a doctor…to ask ME about.”
“Like what?”
“Anything besides butt stuff.” She chuckles at her answer.
“Oh I didn’t think that was where we were going with this so soon BUTT-“
She scoffs and laughs and shoves him again before he comes back at her and smoothly, she must admit put his arm around her shoulders as they walked. “If it’s not then where IS is going?” She gives a playful pause. “Why’d you decide to ask me out?”
“Why’d you say yes?”
“I asked you first.”
“I respect you playing by grade school rules.” He teases before answering.
“What took this from two super freaks helping each other out to Diego asking Eve out on a date?”
“We’re still super freaks.” He corrects. “What do you wanna hear huh?” He gives a cocky nod. “That you’re… pretty? Smart? Funny?”
“I mean it’s a good start so go on…” she smiles.
“I...y’know. You don’t annoy me... all the time.” He shrugs slightly to play it cool. “It’s… easy with you. You aren’t a dick. Well I mean, a real dick. You’re a DICK don’t get wrong-“
“A dick but not a DICK-dick.” She clarifies.
“See! You get it.” He nods his head her way and she feels the sincerity he’s trying to give her in his way. They walk for a moment, the location in sight now. “You not gonna tell me I’m pretty now?” He jokes and hip knicks her before separating for the door.
“You’re very pretty Diego.” She coos as he holds open the door for her.
“That's better.” He bats his lashes and she walks in first, him close and protective behind her.
Diego looks down at his phone with a sigh. “It’s my brother. I have to call him.”
“The serious little one from the gym?”
“ that’s the one.”
“ he doesn’t seem like a patient kind of guy.” She gives a soft laugh to show no hard feelings. “Go on, it’s fine. I understand.” She gives a nonchalant shrug. “If you have to leave just tell me first. Don’t disappear like you’re so good at.”
He gives a quiet, almost apologetic chuckle in response. “I won’t. I’ll be right back.”
Eve takes out her phone to keep to herself and pass the time. Five seemed like a very intense guy. Especially if he was someone that could get Diego to do something he didn’t want to.
“Hey.” She’d heard it already but kept her expression unmoving. “Hey, Girl.”
After the 4th time, it’s clear the guy sat between two friends who looked like they all fell out of the same legacy fraternities, and was not going to stop trying to get her Attention. she turns to meet his eyes with the most indifferent face she could manage.
“There she is. That guy leaves a hot thing like you alone?”
“No.” She answers flatly.
“He...uh, ya brother or somethin’?”
“No.” Another monotone answer
“Ah so is that lucky bastard ya mans then?”
She slowly blinks and takes her time to answer. “Why do you care?”
“I wouldn’t be letting you be nowhere alone if I was your man sweetheart.”
“Duly noted.” She turns back away.
“Oh, a smart one, fellas. You know I like it when they get feisty. What you do baby? You lookin' good as hell. You one of them dancers? Those freaky European girls over at the school?” He laughs and elbows his cohort. “Those broads talk all kinds of smart.”
“I’m a Doctor.” She continues to look at her phone and not engage. Diego would be back soon. And this guy was an idiot.
“Oh! a fuckin DOCTOR bros!” He mocks. “I might’ve listened to my doc if he had an ass like that.”
She sighs and feels her jaw tighten.
“Hey! I got something I need ya to look at sexy doctor. I bet you’ve never seen one like this before.”
“I’ve diagnosed the clap before so I have seen it.”
The guys with him laugh but he doesn’t.
“Why the ones with the smart mouths always such bitches?” He complains with a childish retort. “I was being nice and you gotta go act like that. You’re lucky your so hot sweetheart. Most men wouldn’t put up that shit.”
“Would you put up with it?”
“Fuck no, I keep my woman in line.” He says proudly
“Ah, good. So you can quit talking to me then. Because I’m just going to use words that further confuse you if you keep it up.” She rolls her eyes and keeps on her phone as Diego walks back to the table. For the moment the guy was silent.
Eve excused herself to go to the bathroom, perhaps the beers had gotten to her. Or all the water she was forcing down her pie hole constantly it seemed. Trying to be properly hydrated was hard.
She was still distracted in thought, wondering how much she’d drank in water tonight to know how much she could pour out when she got home. She’d bought a jug with hourly markers because targeted ads worked and it was black matte and had-
Her train of thought is sharply interrupted by a forearm jutting out in front of her path. She looks to the perpetrator and there stands Chad. She assumed his name was Chad. He looked like one, acted like one. And if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...well you know how that goes.
“I saw you walkin' back here in those tight fuckin jeans and was compelled to continue our conversation from earlier.”
“No thanks, dude. I’d like to get back to my date now.” She answers flatly.
“Ya little man’s left sweetheart.” His other arm comes up and her now to the wall back was tense and defensive. Their bodies blocked the small back hallway and she hoped someone would interrupt them soon.
“Then he’ll be right back.”
“He answered his phone and jetted babe.” He tsks. “Yahate to see it. “ a predatory pout comes across his face as he reaches to caress her forearm. “And to a dime like you.” She tenses and noisily exhales. “His loss my gain yeah?” He laughs and she smells a nauseatingly familiar combination of nacho cheese and cheap beer.
“Excuse me...Chad? Is it Chad? I’d like to get back to my seat if you-“
“I’m right here baby.” He smirks and wiggles his jaw. “Face or my cock girl, I ain’t picky.” His hands move to her waist and pull her against him. She didn’t want to make a scene. To let this asshole ruin her date.
“I’m giving you one chance to get your fucking hands off me bro.” She bucks back, deeper voice and glaring into his eyes.
“Mmm, what are you? Where ya mama from eh? You must be a little Latin mami lookityou.” The slurring was beginning to stand out more. He did loosen his grip and she put as much space as she could between them. Progress.
“It’s none of your business and you’re being rude and you’re drunk. You should go home.”
“Only if I’m taking this back with me mami,” he reaches his hand to her ass and before he’s fully grasped she’s shoved him hard against the wall. “Oh fuck yeah hard to get. I’m gonna hold you down and beat that pussy UP.”
“You couldn’t even get hard you needle dicked dumbass.” She straightens her jacket. “Let me say this so you understand. Leave me alone. I am not going to fuck you, you fuckin rapist. You should be ashamed of yourself. I hope your mother's dead so she doesn’t have to see what a piece of shit she raised.” She moves to walk away.
His glassy eyes look a strange mixture of hurt to mad to confused.
“Everything okay here?” A tone she hadn’t heard from Diego before as he stood with a wide stance in front of Eve but eyes on the walking cliche. “You okay?” He asks softer as he flicks his eyes to hers, a hand lightly on her arm.
“I’m fine. This guy is garbage. Don’t bother he’s not worth it. Just another moron who never got to the cognitive thought stage.” She sighs and pats his hand, heading back to the table.
After doing a poor job of acting interested in Diego explaining something about knives, she kept seeing Chad eye fuck her from across the bar. She could feel his eyes boring into her. He kept looking and acting casual otherwise, eating and running and talking with his beef necked buddies. Eve was no stranger to harassment. She was a woman and a woman who worked in the medical field. She’d been accosted more times than she could count. From old men winking and having their dicks out to young men locking her inside of an exam room and not letting her leave until he got what he thought he was owed.
She wasn’t even mad about him anymore, her rage was fueled by every man that ever made her feel uncomfortable. Every creep ass ex, every older man trying to take advantage of her. She felt like her face should be hot and Diego’s words become background noise.
Diego didn’t notice for a while, too excited to talk about a new knife rig he was working on. He looks behind him at the sound of choking and sees the guy that was bothering Eve earlier trying to clear his throat. He notices Eve isn’t responding even when he stands and tries to gasp. He moves to see her still and focused with flickering eyes. Like electricity was behind them. He watched her curiously, eyes set like a lion in the tall grass. He looks back to Chad, now red and holding his throat.
“Eve…” he reaches out to touch her arm and he’s met with a crack of static electricity. She doesn’t even acknowledge him and the guys turning a weird shade of purple. “EVE.” He says harsher and grasps her forearm, feeling the tingle of hair rise on the back of His neck. “EVE! HEY!” he reaches and as Chad's eyes bloodshot he turns her face to him and breaks her focus.
The desperate gasp of air from Chad was immediate.
“Eve… what the hell was that?”
“What?” She blinks rapidly as if she’d just come to.
“He was choking and you were…” he lowers his voice and moves closer to her. Everyone was now preoccupied with Chad. “...using your powers weren’t you?”
Her mouth holds open as her eyes now normal flit back and forth. “I…” she feels it. Something she could identify. A cooling rush in her veins. “I hurt him.” She whispers in shock.
“Yeah, you almost choked him to death. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m… I did that.”
“I didn’t know you could do that?”
“Neither did I.”
Diego and Eve sit back in her apartment after a fast exit. She seemed worried, so he tried to hide his concern. He kept having to reach for her wrist to keep her on track and eventually settled on holding her hand. They hadn’t said much on the walk back. She was coming to terms with a lot and once again they’d fallen back into the roles of helping each other through these secret things only they understood and out of the dating pool they’d tiptoed in successfully tonight.
“Look you can control them, alright? You can control healing and you can control hurting. They’re the same thing. You got carried away. And that guy was an asshole and he deserved a scare honestly.”
He rubs her upper arms and she wipes at her face with a tissue. “I’m sorry for...ruining tonight.” She sighs out with eyes now makeup-free.
“You didn’t ruin it.” He grimaces. “We’ve just… got sidetracked. It happens.” He shrugs and tries to be supportive.
“I’ve had such a bad day, Diego.” She laughs to not cry and meets his eyes. “I didn’t want to cancel because of it and let it win. But I’ve been so sensitive today. I don’t know.”
“What happened?.” He moves to pull her to the edge of her bed.
“There’s just this guy, Brian at work and he was shitty to me today-“
“Brian who?” Diego quickly interjects in such a dramatic way it makes her crack a smile while he remained serious.
“You don’t have to beat him up.” She gives a thankful smile and pats the back of his hands. He takes her hands into his and lays them in her lap.
“If someone's makin' you so upset you lose control I'm pretty sure I DO have to kick their ass.”
“Thanks. Your heart is in the right place. I appreciate it. Seriously.” She frees one hand as he holds tight to her others. “I don’t want to be known as the woman who you can’t talk to because her b- her friend might beat them up.”
“Your what might beat them up?” He teases with a smile.
“Friend. My friend. That’s what I said.” She whines playfully and he smirks. “He’s one of the director's sons.” She shrugs.
She’d just given him enough information to easily find the guy. Not like he wouldn’t have gone through every Brian in that hospital. “Why would he be a dick to you?” He takes her hand back into his and it makes her smile as she looks down at them. He held her hands in a clear expression of his want to protect her. She thought it was very sweet of him. But she didn’t know he had full intentions of beating the white off Brian.
“Sexism mostly?” She offers and Diego gives her a look of impatience.
“I ran into him and he said some things about my past in a tone that wasn’t nice and he’s in general very… sleazy and gives uncomfortable compliments. No one says anything because he’s Knox’s son so...he’s a privileged white dude. That should tell you enough.”
“It does.” He accepts her elaboration. She was quickly learning he was stubborn as a mule when it came to wanting something, particularly information.
“Then the guy at the bar.” She rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, that asshole.” He sighs. “I would’ve decked him but you seemed like you didn’t want me to.”
“I could r done it myself if I wanted. But I didn’t want to ruin the evening.” She emotes dramatically, saying it didn’t matter in the long run. “He was talking to me while you were gone the first time too.”
“Seriously? Eve. Why didn’t you let me knock his punk ass out?”
“Because Diego I wanted to have a nice date with you. Without involving fighting. We can work it out at training later. I didn’t want to…” she groans.
“Okay, okay. I...get what you’re saying. And I think you’re wrong. But I understand.”
“Thanks. Maybe we’ll get it right next time.” She offers with a tired smile.
“Next time?” His smile gives away his glad reaction to the insinuation.
“Yeah. I figured we could go out on another date. Unless you don’t want to?” He feels her hands begin to pull away and he keeps them close.
“No! I do! I do Uh “ clearing his throat, “I mean I’d like that. It’d be..chill”
She snorts a laugh at his recovery. “I’m excited to go out with you again too. Don’t try to play it cool I already know you. I know you aren’t” she teases.
“That’s cold man.” He deflects and they share a nice pause between them. “We’ll go somewhere where no one can upset you.”
“If you’re with me you could.”
“Normally I’d agree. But I don’t plan on upsetting you... You know. I mean it might happen but like...I don’t wanna hurt you. For real.”
“I think I knew that Diego.” She gives him a warm smile and squeezes his hands. “I don’t wanna hurt you either. I’ve gotten pretty fond of you. As much as I hate to admit.”
“I don’t hate to admit it.” He gives a dopey smile and she pays his cheek.
“Thank you for… everything tonight.”
“Was nothin,” he answers cockily.
“You can be really sweet when you aren’t trying too hard.” She says as they feel their heartbeat flip for a moment as they look into each other’s eyes a bit too long for it to go unnoticed.
“I don’t have to try hard with you.” He answers back softly and he sees his moment. She sees the tell of his eyes moving to her lips, that tilt of his head that made him look like a sweet little pitbull puppy.
She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to thank him for everything he’d done for her. Properly. They could both feel the tension between them now. “Diego… I do-“
“Uh yeah, you’re right. It’s not- yeah-..” he stutters in reaction to what he thought could be rejection.
She smiles and rises to go after him as he puts space between them. “I WANT to, Diego I just don’t think right now is the right moment.” She explains gently with her hands to his chest and she yawns. “I’m exhausted from using my powers tonight. I don’t want to be… not giving you 110% if you get what I’m saying.” She wiggles her eyebrows and it knocks his defenses down as intended.
“Oh. Good. You...you’re right.” He chuckles shyly. “I can go now and I’ll see you at training then?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” She offers a hug instead of a kiss and he happily takes it. His temple to her temple for a moment and feeling her let out a content sigh in his arms. “Be careful headed home.” She offers as they part. “Despite everything I still had a good time tonight. For the record.”
“I did too.” He offers before ducking out the door with a “Goodnight. Sleep tight.”
She knew she would thanks to him.
@jaegeeeeer​ @diegos-butt​ @anglovesthis @likedovesinthewnd
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killemwithkawaii · 4 years
Maybe theres something you can do to convince them that you're real? Ask them if theres something you can do to prove it, maybe provide memories from y o u r world in particular. Refer to your world like a video game maybe? Also, maybe kinda put yourself in their shoes. Someone suddenly kidnaps you and claims you know them in other dimensions. Theres still a possibility of threat to them, and it's hard to believe that you wont suddenly change your mind, even if you have good intentions sal. GL ♡
I have, ‘GL’. I’ve told them all about my original universe and filled in the HUGE chunks of the story that were left out of the game, but Mitchie thinks that it’s all ‘fluffy filler fanfiction’.
[Side note: A HUUUGE middle finger to this ‘Steve’ guy for leaving out all of the best moments of my original lifespan and leaving in all my trauma. Bonding with my friends? Pretty much all my memories of my mom? Going to see Sanitys Fall in concert with Larry? My dad and Lisas wedding? Living with Todd and Neil and going to college and living a semi-normal life when a part of me wondered if I ever could? 'Nooo, that's boring! Let’s just show Sally suffering and stabbing people!! Now THAT'S a game!!!' Yeah, thanks dude, way to fuckin showcase my legacy.... 
Ugh, It’s probably not his fault. I don’t even know how anybody in this timeline knows about any of that stuff or about me in general. I should just be grateful that he told any part of my story at all. Mitchie wouldn’t know about me otherwise, and it IS kind of cool that there’s a version of me that’s a video-game character... I’m still mad, though.]
I've asked what I can do to prove to them that I'm telling the truth about everything and how I can make them more comfortable around me. So far, the only thing they can think of is for me to show them my face [even though it was never actually shown in the game?]. I know that they expect me to be some normal-looking guy in a costume, and so getting me to take it off will be some victorious 'gotcha!' moment for them. I'm afraid of how they'll react when I do take it off, and they see that they are very, very wrong. 
I don't think I need to tell you guys that I don't look normal. I never, ever look 'normal'. I look like I always do, which is 'pretty fucked up'. The cult might not even exist in some of the universes where I exist, but somehow, some way, my face always ends up getting shredded or melted or burned or ripped off completely... I haven't managed to make it past my eighth birthday without it happening yet. The scarring might look different, but needing a facial prosthesis is one of my consistencies. This universe isn't an exception.
Honestly, it's worse this time. I don't even know how it happened, or why it's one of the more pronounced deformities I've had... AND this universe is like... weirdly detailed? I don't know how to explain it, exactly, since it looks 'normal' to all of you. There's so many extra shadows and highlights and weird divots and bumps and textures in things that have never been there before, and all of it seems to jump out at you at once. I had more headaches than usual for the first few months I was here because of it. I feel like I look even worse than I usually do, but it's hard to tell, since EVERYTHING looks worse than it usually does... plus, the five-finger thing. That shit is just weird. I'm sorry, someone had to say it. Pinkies are dumb and you cannot change my opinion.
The other times I've shown Mitchie my face, their reactions were all very different, but it all ended up okay, mostly. The difference is that those versions of Mitchie already liked me when they saw it.  This version isn't quite there yet... I'm afraid that, without a little fondness to soften the blow, they'll end up being disgusted when they see me and it will make everything even worse. I know it seems unlikely, since they talk about how cute they think I am and how much they want to kiss me and stuff all the time on the blog, but the face they're gushing over is just a drawing. I don't live up to their fantasy of me. This is real, and I am not cute. At all. Not even close. This shit is gross. I'm gross. Having to clean out your eye socket is gross, being unable to control your drooling is gross, seeing the inside of my sinuses is gross, being unable to eat without dribbling all over myself is gross.... 
They won't be able to look past any of it right now, so I don't want to show them yet. I'm hoping that the stunt they pulled last night will be all the proof they needed to finally start coming around. [Hehe... if not, at least they can't call the eye thing a 'magic trick' any more! That was getting a little annoying...]
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emma-nation · 4 years
Within You - Bloodbound AU - Chapter 10
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Summary: One year after defeating Gaius, the gang has finally found peace… Until a tragic incident awakens the ultimate and most dangerous threat they ever faced.
Genre: Angst/Adventure/Romance
Rating: T - Warning for violence and language
- Sequel to the fics For You, In The Daylight and Without You. You can read all of them here.
- This chapter is my baby and I’m really proud of it. I hope you like it too!
- I probably won’t be around for the next few days (for BB finale included), so please forgive me if I take too long to post Chapter 11.
- My fellow writers: stay home writing your awesome fics.
- Dear readers: stay home reading and leaving your lovely reviews. We love you. Stay safe!
Tag List: @supersphynxsworld​, @lightning-fury​, @spacecarrousel​, @tigerbryn11, @gavryllo​, @annabellewerecorgi​, @whoinvitedalx​, @sheyah​, @imnotdonewiththeelementalists​, @scaryqueenbee, @bigmemesplz, @la-guerra-69, @kamilahsayeed-owns-me​, @morvengarde​, @tephy24​, @iam-the-fuckin-queen​, @voltos9, @scorpichoices​, @leavemeandmyshipsalone​, @jen825​, @andreear17​, @justejuste727​, @aureliaxj, @graceschoices​, @mrskamilxh​, @msuhailey, @zoe6111​, @noodledragon22​, @tigerbryn11, @shanuuh​​, @ilovetaylorswiftforever7​​, @ilovekamilahsayeed​​, @allaboutchoices​​  , @fal-carrington​​  , @scarlet-letter-a0114, @trouble-with-the-curve​​  
In her office, Kamilah tried one last time to dial her brother’s number. Voice mail again. She rolled her eyes.
“Until when are you going to ignore me?” She sighed.
She remembered their last conversation, a few days earlier. It was late night, he knocked her penthouse’s door repeatedly. When Kamilah opened it, Lysimachus was pale as a ghost. His heart was racing inside his chest and his breath shallow and quick, indicating he was in great distress.
“It’s her, Kamilah,” he told, when she forced him to sit down and calm himself. “Rheya’s the First.”
“Brother, she just left my place,” she argued. “I invited her for dinner. I tested her through the day. There’s no evidence…”
“She confessed, Kamilah! Right in my face. She’s not who you think she is, okay? She set up that whole situation with Priya. She threatened to kill Katherine… and me!”
Kamilah sat down and looked deeply into his brother eyes. They never lied to each other. And he was scared, truly scared. In truth, she had never seen Lysimachus so frightened before.
“Brother, I…” she grabbed his hand, unsure of what to say to comfort him. Unsure of what to think. “I’m so confused.”
“Why don’t you believe me?” He seemed hurt. Truly hurt. And especially obsessed to find a manner to defeat the First Vampire.
In the next morning, Adrian called her. An emergency. A vial containing a blood sample from the Tree Of Eternal Life had disappeared from the laboratory. They searched all over the city, in every place it could be. They conducted searches at Priya’s mansion and club, Lester’s businesses and even among their own Clan members. There was no sign of the blood.
Until Kamilah found it by accident, inside the secret weapon storage in her brother’s apartment. Lysimachus swore, once again, that it was Rheya’s doing. But all evidence lead to him. His old card was used to access the safest areas in the laboratory. The employees also remembered seeing him there during the night. The footage from the security cameras had been purposely erased. Everything pointed to one direction, he planned to ingest the blood to become more powerful.
An emergency voting decided it would be better if he was temporarily out of The Council.
“I know you’re going through a lot of stress,” Kamilah told him. “I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but I’m also not saying I am. Just, stay in New Orleans for a few days. Clear your mind a bit.”
“Not even you… my fucking twin sister!” Lysimachus punched a hole in the wall. “You’ll all regret what you’re doing, and especially who you’re trusting. She’s manipulating each one of you!”
Coming back to reality, somebody was waiting for her at the door. Rheya. All those days, Kamilah was monitoring her closely. There wasn’t a single part of her that indicated danger.
“Kamilah?” She asked. “Is everything okay?”
“Absolutely,” Kamilah answered. “Personal issues. And you? Anything I can help with?”
“Actually, I’ve seen something that concerned me. I’ve been receiving threats and I believe they’re coming from the Order Of Dawn. I think they could be coming for me.”
She showed Kamilah some strange messages she received and pictures she took of strangers observing her out of the window.
“Don’t worry,” she assured. “We’ll investigate and grant you some protection.”
“Really?” Her eyes filled with tears and she started to cry. “Sometimes I think it’d be better if I returned to Europe. I never wanted to cause you trouble.”
“Rheya, no…”
Kamilah felt extremely bad for her. She quickly called Adrian and some of her Clan members to patrol the city and make sure no Order soldiers were walking around New York.
Angry, Lysimachus trained alone with a punching bag in his apartment in New Orleans. As soon as he arrived, Garrus checked his mind. Rheya’s presence was beginning to take over the place. With his Fae magic, he was able to remove it. But it was too late, everyone at The Council was convinced he was guilty.
He had to find a manner to stop Rheya by himself. She should have at least one weakness. She wasn’t invincible. Nothing could be. In nature, everything had a balance. An opposite.
“Wow,” a female voice said behind him, “someone’s mad.”
“Katherine,” he turned around, wiping off the sweat from his face with a towel. “Do you know how to kill a bitch?”
“Stake her. Or set her on fire. Assuming you’re talking about the Queen Bitch, Priya Lacroix.”
“Not actually. I’m talking about the First Vampire.”
“Is she truly real?” Her eyes went wide in surprise.
“Why do you think I’m back here?” Lysimachus told. “She caused that situation with Priya and found a manner to put everyone against me, when I discovered her identity.”
“Oh boy, you’re in serious trouble.”
“I know.”
After he showered, they walked around the streets of New Orleans while he informed her about the whole story. Since the Tree Of Eternal Life, the creation of Gaius and Xenocrates to the First Vampire’s return, using of Amy’s death.
“Why Amy?” Katherine wanted to know.
“According to this creepy British cult, she’s her descendant,” Lysimachus told. “And also a Bloodkeeper. What in my opinion, is the major sign of their connection. Their powers seem to be very similar.”
“Have you told all of that to your sister?”
He let out a chuckle.
“Who says she believes me? If Rheya asks her company, she’d probably give her everything in a second. She trusts her with her eyes closed.”
They stopped by the Graveyard Shift for a drink. Nik and Cal joined them and became part of the conversation. None of them had any ideas of what in this world could kill a legendary vampire.
“What do you think her plans are?” Nik asked. “She seems harmless so far.”
“She’s playing cautiously,” Lysimachus told. “Slowly involving and seducing everyone into her game. Soon they will bend to her will or meet a terrible fate. But her main interest… I think she wants Amy. For some purpose.”
“If she’s truly a queen,” Cal commented. “Amy would be her princess. Isn’t it obvious? She wants to share her legacy.”
“A legacy of blood and destruction,” Katherine added. “After that, she’ll probably eradicate the human kind.”
They all stared at each other in silence. None of them had a suggestion that could help.
“Let’s drink while we still can,” Nik suggested.
After he order at the bar, Ivy approached the table bringing their drinks and heard the conversation.
“Well well, a conversation about a legendary bloody creature. My favorite subject.”
“It wouldn’t be, if you met her,” Lysimachus showed them a picture of Rheya on his phone. “Ladies and gentlemen, the real face of evil. Rheya Apostolous.”
“Legendary. Bloody. And hot,” Ivy grinned.
“No wonder why your friends are getting into her so easily,” Cal joked.
“Come on, guys. Yes, she’s gorgeous. But she want all of us dead or kissing her feet. Would you mind helping me to come up with a plan? Something that could end her for good? There must be something. A balance nature created to stop her.”
Ivy was pensive for a moment before speaking:
“Meet me at the library tonight. I think I’ve got something we can do.”
“Does it involve the dead?” Lysimachus rolled his eyes, wondering how many ghosts he’d have to capture. “Or necromancy of any sorts?”
“Yes. I was thinking about… a Ouija board. But better.”
“Here we go again,” Katherine looked at him and sighed.
As a form to protect Rheya, Kamilah requested Amy to follow her to all places. She was more than glad to help, after all she and the Greek vampire had an immense connection.
“So, Amy. How is it going with your psychic powers?” Rheya asked while they were working out together at the private gym in her building.
“I feel great,” she smiled. “Everyday I gain more and more control over them.”
“You not only can enter people’s minds, but you can make them actually experience the memories, is that correct?”
Rheya’s expression suddenly changed. She stopped with her exercises, looking sad, nostalgic.
“Yes. What’s wrong?” Confused, Amy stopped too. She lead Rheya to the nearest bench.
“Would you mind… showing me my family again? It’s been so long. Time is cruel. It has erased my husband’s voice from my memories or the scent of my little daughter’s hair. I miss them everyday and… I can’t barely remember their faces.”
“Of course.”
Amy grabbed her hands, focusing on the depths of her mind. Suddenly she could see both of them standing in an ancient throne room, where Rheya was in company of a man and a little girl.
“At least now I have the evening free to have dinner with you and Iola,” she smiled. “My two loves.”
“Mama, I want to see your fangs again!” Iola asked.
“They’re nothing special…“
“They are! I want fangs like you, Mama!”
“My darling… No, Iola. These are just for me, do you understand?”
Watching the scene, Amy couldn’t avoid feeling emotional. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. For some reason she felt attached to those people. Maybe because of the tragedy she knew that would later separate them. Or even because it made her think of her own family.
When they returned, Rheya’s eyes were teary but she had a smile on her face.
“Thank you so much, Amy,” she hugged her tightly. “It was so good to see my Iola again. Actually… you remind me a lot of her.”
“Yeah, since young age she was exactly like you. Adventurous, fierce and she had a great sense of humor.”
At the same time Amy felt sadness hearing those words, it also caused her unexplainable joy.
“I’m sorry she was taken from you,” Amy lamented.
“Don’t be,” Rheya touched her cheek fondly. “Sometimes life takes something away from you… but it grants you something else in return. Sooner or later.”
Amy went home and showered, but the scene she experienced with Rheya wouldn’t leave her thoughts. Especially her daughter. They seemed to be so close, so affectionate to each other.
That vision triggered inside Amy an intense desire of having a family on her own too. She imagined having a daughter with Kamilah. She’d give her little girl everything her mother didn’t provide her while growing up. She not only would be her parent, but her best friend. They’d share good memories and start adventures together.
She texted Kamilah, asking her to go home as soon as possible. After lunch she was impatiently waiting for her wife. As Amy sat down on the couch, their kitten, Beruthiel, quickly jumped on her lap.
In the first days, Kamilah was reluctant about getting attached to their new pet, considering how short their life-span could be compared to theirs. Now, everyday she’d come home with a new gift for Beruthiel. She was literally treating her like a princess.
They could form a beautiful little family. She, Kamilah, their cat and a baby.
“Hey,” her wife entered the penthouse, “is everything okay? You said you needed to see me.”
“Yes,” Amy wrapped her arms around Kamilah’s neck. “I’ve scheduled a visit to Raines Corporation. You know, only to check how his research is progressing.”
“Oh, what research?”
“The one we can have a baby.”
“Only to check, huh?” Kamilah’s raised eyebrow suggested she already knew what Amy had in mind.
“And get informed on how it would work.”
“Amy…” Kamilah sighed. “I’m okay with adopting a cat but… we’re not in a good moment to consider having children.”
“Why?” Amy wanted to know. “We’re married, with a stable life, I’ve got perfect control of my powers. I see no reason to postpone it.”
“She’s out there. The First Vampire.”
“Kamilah, please… I even stopped having those creepy visions. She’s gone for good.”
“She’s not,” Kamilah’s expression was serious and certain. “I sensed her presence the other day. She could be the one who manipulated Priya’s mind and yours. And besides, there’s also the possibility the Order soldiers could be out there, getting ready to strike.”
“So…” Amy threw herself on the couch, biting her lower lip. “Didn’t you have to discuss this Order issues with Adrian? I could come with you.”
Kamilah stared at her in silence again. Her face suggested she wasn’t thrilled about the idea.
“It’s not the right moment, Amy. It’s not like we’re buying a new video game, it’s a life we’re talking about. I’m not bringing a child to this world, knowing they could be in danger.”
“It will never be good moment right? I mean, you said countless times you never wanted to be a mother and that you can’t stand children.”
Amy stood up from the couch, storming to the front door. She knew it was only another excuse. Kamilah would never give her what she wanted the most. She felt extremely upset and frustrated.
“Amy…” Kamilah interrupted her. “Can we talk about this?”
“No,” she responded, coldly and ironic. “It’s not the right moment.”
Alone, she took her car and drove directly to Raines Corporation. If Kamilah didn’t want to be part of this decision, she’d do it by herself. And in the end, if she still couldn’t accept it… maybe she didn’t love her as much as she thought.
After midnight, Lysimachus and Katherine followed to Ivy’s library. Trusting her was never the smartest or safest idea, but it was the only option he had at the moment.
The library was completely dark, until the very end of the building, where Ivy had prepared a magical seal on the floor, surrounded by candles.
“For heaven’s sake, what is that?” Katherine asked. “Please tell me you’re not planning to take him to the Realm of Death.”
“I considered it,” Ivy said. “But it was too risky, especially because he’s… biologically dead? So I decided to bring the dead to our world instead.”
“Wait,” Lysimachus interrupted. “Who are you planning to summon from the dead?
“The Two Sons. Xenocrates and Gaius.”
Only that name alone brought shivers to Lysimachus body. He hated that man with every fiber of his body being. If one thing he was sure, was that he never wanted to see Gaius again. Not even in spirit.
“Bring Xenocrates. Let Gaius trapped in hell, where it’s his place.”
“Okay, I’ll need to perform a ritual. Mind giving me some privacy?”
“Of course.”
Lysimachus walked to an armchair where he sat down. Katherine followed him. He buried his head in his hands, wondering what could even happen if that ritual went wrong and for some reason Gaius escaped the Realm Of Death and returned to life. By the side of his beloved Goddess, they’d rule the world, exterminating the human kind.
“Hey,” Katherine touched his shoulder, “what’s wrong? You’re shaking.”
“Gaius,” he confessed. “Only the mention of his name it… it drives me crazy. Have you ever hated someone so badly it consumes you, changes you?”
“Yeah, not someone. Something. A monster.”
“He Turned me, against my will. Besides keeping me separated from my sister from centuries. I can help thinking everything he caused in her life was a revenge against me. Even if he’s dead… the part of me he took away is never returning.”
“I can relate. That monster… it took the most precious thing I’ve ever had. And I will never be the same again. Even if I try. Part of me also died that day.”
“Katherine…” Lysimachus looked into her eyes. For the first time she looked open, vulnerable. “You never told me…”
“I usually don’t,” Katherine shrugged, fighting off her emotions. “I think I’m really starting to trust you.”
“Well, that’s a good thing.”
“Not for me.”
They both shared a laugh, when Ivy’s voice called them back. It was time to summon Xenocrates’ spirit. Ivy was voicing some words in an ancient language when the flames from the candles exploded and intensified, almost blinding them with the light.
As Lysimachus opened his eyes again, Xenocrates’ form was standing in the middle of the seal.
“What did you call me here for?” He snarled. "A man can’t even be dead, without being bothered by abominations like you?“
"We need answers,” Lysimachus approached. “About Rheya. You were her First Son, you must know how to end her for good.”
“And why do you think I’d help you? Especially, when you were all responsible for setting her free.”
“They didn’t,” Katherine intervened. “They didn’t set her free. They were only studying the blood, for good purposes.”
“It had nothing to do with the blood. It was… something else.”
“What was it?” Lysimachus asked, intrigued. “We didn’t know. And now, she has started to cause trouble. I need to stop her before the damage spreads.”
“I don’t know what brought Rheya back, otherwise I’d have prevented it,” Xenocrates told. “But if you want to stop her you’ll need to go after her husband, Demetrius. His blood is the only thing that can stop her.”
“Isn’t he dead?”
“Sort of. Rheya attempted to Turn him when he was murdered but it was too late. Her blood transformed him into something dark, without a conscience. A monster.”
“The First Feral,” Katherine concluded.
“His presence brought death to everything around him, including Rheya herself,” Xenocrates continued. “She was weakened by his darkness. So she sent him away.”
“And where is he now?” Lysimachus wanted to know.
“In the Island of Death, somewhere in South Pacific.”
“I’ll find him.”
“You will,” Xenocrates let out a sarcastic laugh. “But you won’t make it back home. The Island will drain all your life before you even get to him.”
“So what do I have to do?”
“My time here is over.”
“No! Wait!”
A strong wind filled the room, lighting off all the candles and the First Son disappeared.
“So what do we do now?” Katherine wondered. “How will we get to the Island?”
“I don’t know,” Lysimachus sighed, frustrated. “He said it drains the life of any living being that approaches it.”
“But he didn’t say anything about a undead being, did he?” Ivy suggested.
In the beginning of the night, Kamilah went to Raines Corporation to meet Adrian and find out if he had any news about a possible invasion of the Order Of Dawn in New York. Amy wasn’t picking up her calls, but she found out she was at the Shadow Den with Lily. Apparently they invited Rheya for a girl’s night.
“Please, tell me she didn’t convince you to impregnate her,” Kamilah took a sip of the whiskey Adrian served her. “I know her, Adrian. She does that puppy dog eyes that make you unable to say no.”
“She didn’t,” Adrian let out a small laugh. “I showed her the research, but explained it’s still a work in progress. And I’d need your DNA too.”
“Good. How would it work anyways?”
“It’s a serum. First, you both must sign a contract. I’ll mix Amy’s DNA to yours and add the blood from the Tree. The three elements together will generate a new life. A new being.”
“Just like that?”
“Not really,” Adrian explained. “After I inject it on Amy’s body or yours, you will have to… conceive the baby, if you know what I mean. Like a regular pregnancy.”
“I see.”
Kamilah swallowed the entire glass of whiskey in one sip, trying to get rid of the stress the thought of being a mother caused her.
“What’s the deal, Kamilah?” Adrian asked, noticing her silence.
“I’m not ready, Adrian,” Kamilah sighed and confessed. “And I don’t think I’ll ever be! I’m 2065 years old. I’ve killed people and burned cities to the ground. How can I become a mother? How am I supposed to raise a child?”
“We’re never ready, but when the moment comes, it’s just magical. You’ll learn to be a mom, Kamilah. Together with Amy.”
She noticed how distant and nostalgic Adrian looked after that talk. It probably reminded him of his son, Charles.
“We’ve adopted a cat recently,” Kamilah changed the subject. “Her name is…”
She couldn’t get used to that name. Something Amy and Lily picked out from one of their geeky obsessions.
“Beruthiel. I heard about her,” a smile returned to Adrian’s face. “I was also told you’ve been using your penthouse security system to observe her when you’re absent. And that you’ve bought her like 10 different collars in a week.”
She only rolled her eyes in response and walked to the window. Kamilah started remembering Amy’s behavior that afternoon. ‘No. It’s not the right moment’. Those words were said with the same coldness and rage as when she was under the First Vampire’s influence, before her Turning. She was about to express her concerns about her dark presence inhabiting Amy’s body, when the emergency alarm of Raines Corporartion started echoing through the entire building.
“What is that?” Kamilah asked, confused.
“I don’t know,” Adrian ran to his computer. “But it doesn’t sound good.”
From the security cameras, they observed as a small group dressed in white marched into the building, inspecting every corner. Searching for something specific. Their clothes and weapons had a military look, like they were soldiers of some kind. Kamilah recognized immediately who they were.
“The Order Of Dawn,” she concluded. “What do we do?”
“I don’t know,” Adrian was completely enraged. “But I won’t be standing here and watch them kill my employees.”
Kamilah followed him outside the office, with her daggers in hand. The Order Of Dawn was known for their skilled and ruthless hunters, who would kill everyone that stood in the way of their mission, humans or vampires.
“They’re at the labs,” Adrian whispered, watching the security cameras from his cell phone. “They’re… torturing them.”
Kamilah glanced at the screen, observing the soldiers holding a blade against one of the scientists’ neck. Adrian hands were shaking in anger. His eyes were dark and distant. She knew it was useless to try to calm him down at this stage.
“Look,” Kamilah pointed. “Two of them are guarding the main hall. We can ambush them and steal their outfits. It’ll make it easier for us to get the rest of them.”
“Good plan.”
They followed to the main hall through the emergency staircase, avoiding to make any noise. Arriving at the company’s entrance, they waited for the right moment to strike. Moving silent and stealth, Kamilah took down one guard while Adrian took the other.
After wearing their uniforms, Adrian checked the cameras one last time. They weren’t in a large group, only 7 soldiers, he counted. He and Kamilah proceeded with their plan, entering the laboratories disguised as members of the Order Of Dawn.
“What are you two doing here?” One of them asked, as he saw them. “You were supposed to guard the door. Raines could be arriving at any minute.”
“He won’t, Kamilah told, approaching the group, ready to draw her daggers.
"How can you be so sure?!”
“Because…” Adrian grabbed the soldier’s neck, breaking it instantly. “He’s right here.”
The remaining soldiers pulled their weapons and circled them.
“There’s six now,” Kamilah looked at Adrian. “Three for each?”
He nodded in agreement.
Kamilah’s soldiers attacked her with their UV flashlights. She looked at them for a second, before rolling her eyes.
“It seems like you haven’t received the latest updates,” she threw one of her daggers right into a soldier’s chest. “UV light doesn’t do a damn thing on me!”
Using her advanced speed, Kamilah dodged their crossbows and retrieved back her dagger. From behind, she stabbed both of them at the same time. She looked at Adrian, holding in his hands the hearts of two of his soldiers, while chasing the last of them. Kamilah streaked in his direction, daggers in hands, going straight for his neck.
“It’s over,” she said as he dropped dead on the floor.
After checking his employees, Adrian offered Kamilah drank some stored blood to recover strength and heal any minor injuries.
Kamilah’s cell phone started ringing. It was Priya.
“I know you hate me. But sending the Order Of Dawn to my club was a slut move, Kamilah!”
“What? Are they in there too?” She shared a concerned look with Adrian.
“Of course…” by the sound, Priya stopped to shoot the soldiers with a gun. “Otherwise, why would I even call you? ”
“I… I’ll send some reinforcement.”
“Those were one of my favorite shoes!” The fashion designer yelled. Panicked screams were heard in the background.
“There’s no need, I think I killed all of them. Wait…” she fired the gun again. “Yes, now I did.”
Adrian was also on his phone. The Order also attacked Lester’s business. With the help of his Clan, he managed to get rid of them.
“Leave one of them alive,” Adrian ordered. “Bring him for an interrogation tomorrow.”
He hung up. Both of their phones buzzed at the same time with texts from several vampires of Jax’s clan. The Shadow Den was under attack, by the largest group of soldiers seem in New York so far.
“Oh no.”
“We have to go,” Kamilah rushed, headed to her car. “Amy is in danger.”
“Another fight?!” Lily questioned, while Amy finished putting on some make-up. Rheya would arrive soon and they’d introduce her to the life in the Shadow Den. “And because you want to have children?!”
“Yes,” Amy answered. “I just feel ready for the next step. I want to start a family with Kamilah.”
“Amy, I’m sorry but it doesn’t sound like you. I mean, you guys have been married for only a year. A lot can change.”
“What are you suggesting? Nothing is changing between us.”
“You’re a vampire now,” Lily told. “There’s so much you may want to experience. You’ll have the eternity to be a mother.”
“Being married to Kamilah, I’ve already experienced a lot,” Amy argued. “We’ve traveled to so many places, she introduced me to a lot of new things, we’ve grown up as couple… it seems like the right moment.”
“Well, that’s your decision to make. But make sure you’re not using it only to mask your past traumas.”
Amy did have a family-related trauma. She always felt abandoned, rejected by her mom. Ofter she’d seek for affection in her friend’s families. The conflicts between them only got worse when she became a teenager. In many occasions, she made her mom cry. Which was enough for her to decided the should follow different paths.
Now she had built her own life away from her hometown. She had a great job, a loving wife and she finally got answers about her mother’s behavior and her origins. In truth, she was starting to understand and even forgive her.
Having a baby with Kamilah had little to do with that. Part of her didn’t want children before because she wasn’t sure she’d be able to be a good mother, based on her own experiences. Now she wanted to break that cycle. She wanted to fix things with her mom, and at the same time, have the motherhood experience herself.
“Hello,” for some reason Rheya was already standing in the living room. “You didn’t hear me knocking, the door was opened so I entered. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”
“Not at all!” Amy smiled, dismissing her thoughts. “We were waiting for you. By the way, that’s Lily. My best friend.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Lily extended her hand. “Very nice.”
“It’s my pleasure, darling. Amy talks about you all the time.”
Amy checked her watch. It was almost time for Liv’s new show to start. Both of her friends had engaged in a conversation. Lily seemed to be nervous around Rheya, panicking and stuttering. She shook her head in denial.
“Hey, you two,” she called. “Let’s go!”
First, they gave Rheya a tour of the Shadow Den. She was impressed by the place, checking all the stores and attractions the community had to offer.
“This place is amazing. A mass of vampires, rejected by The Council, build all of this? Without any support?”
“They did,” Lily told. “We made some improvements and redesigned after we were recognized as a Clan by The Council.”
“And there…” Amy pointed to the male vampire coming in their direction, “is the man behind most of it, Jax Matsuo.”
“Hey,” Jax joined them, briefly nodding at Rheya. “What are you girls up to?”
“We’re headed to Liv’s new show, but before we’re showing Rheya around.”
“Rheya, huh? I remember seeing you at the Tribunal. You saved Priya’s ass.”
“Jax,” Rheya looked deeply into his eyes and grabbed one of his hands. “Your bravery, your strength is like no other. Building this place, protecting your people, fighting for your rights… it’s inspiring. You have my admiration.”
“Whoa,” Jax’s cheeks turned a little pink. “Thank you, but I had help of my Clan members. We were all part of this.”
“I… I…” Lily made some effort to insert herself in the conversation. “I created the Fangbook. A social network for vampires.”
Rheya grinned and grabbed her hand too.
“This is also amazing, darling. An online gathering of all vampires in the world. Your knowledge can serve for greater purposes. You can achieve great things. Never doubt your potential.”
“T-Thank you.”
Amy laughed and patted her best friend’s shoulder.
Together they followed to Liv’s cabaret, finding their reserved seats in the front row. That was the debut of a show she long planned, back when she still a mortal. She looked unusually happy that night.
“This place is crowded,” Amy told Jax, before the lights went out.
“I know, right?” He said. “It’s good to finally see a smile on her face.”
A dancing number started on the stage, Amy was very focused. The music was hypnotizing. She and Lily started to move their bodies in sync to the rhythm.
“Come on, Jax,” Amy shouted. “Join us.”
“In a moment,” he looked serious at his cell phone screen. “There’s something wrong in the tunnels.”
Jax didn’t have any time to leave, as soon as he got up a group of soldiers dressed in white burst through the doors. Amy recognized them from Greece.
“The Order Of Dawn.”
“Everyone take cover!” Jax yelled, as they started to aim and shoot their crossbows at the vampires in the cabaret.
Amy stood frozen in the middle of the commotion, her eyes registering the scene all around her. Vampires attempted to run, or even to protect themselves, only to suffer cruel and painful deaths. There was a lot of screaming and crying, while the Order Of Dawn chanted:
”The Order does not yield. The Order does not sleep. The Order shows no mercy… and leaves no survivors.”
She tried to locate Rheya and Lily but they were nowhere to be seen. A tightness on her chest started to suffocate her.
“Amy!” Jax pulled her out of the way, to prevent an attack with UV light. Considering the desperation of the moment, he probably had forgotten it didn’t affect her.
“Jax,” she returned to her conscience. However, when she looked at the male vampire on the ground he wasn’t moving. His chest had a big burning wound. Tears stated to fill her eyes as she touched it. No vampire would survive an injury of that extent. “Jax, please…”
“Die,” an Order soldier appeared in front of her, with a crossbow aimed to her chest. She fired. Amy stopped the stake midway with her psychic powers.
Looking around, she could see piles of ash all around the club, along with severely hurt vampires, struggling to stay alive. Rage started to consume her. She felt her eyes burning in pure anger.
With a grin on her face, she sent the stake back in the soldier’s direction. Hitting her right in the middle of her eyes.
“What is that?” A group of soldiers came in her direction, as their member’s lifeless body fell on the ground.
Amy could feel their hearts beating. The blood flowing inside their veins. They had no idea what she could do. They had no idea of what she could become. She had the urge to kill them. All of them. She focused, gathering all her power.
“Kill her,” their leader ordered. She jerked her hand, sending all of them flying. The heavy impact against the wall crushed every bone inside their fragile human bodies.
More soldiers came in her direction. She leaped forward. With fangs drawn, she went directly to their throats. Her hands also fought, tearing into some soldiers’ chests and ripping off their hearts.
“Monster! Monster!” They started to retreat and runaway scared.
Amy couldn’t let them get away. Not after what they had done. They deserved no second chances. Only death. By the time they reached the door, she appeared in front of them.
“Leave… no… survivors!” She yelled, mocking their chant. Her hands were engulfed by fire and she send blasts in their direction. She stood and watched while it consumed their bodies.
As they silenced, she closed her eyes. She could sense a couple of human heartbeats coming from behind the bar. Taking Jax’s katana, she slowly walked to them. They barely had any time to scream. The blood spraying from their slit throats soaked her skin and her clothes. She fed herself some of it, before going back to Jax unconscious body.
She kneeled right beside him, placing her hands over the wound. And that’s the last thing she did, before collapsing in exhaustion.
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princesssarcastia · 5 years
The Rise of Skywalker Review
Well, I actually went to see it!  I wasn’t sure that I would, but I’m honestly glad, because now i’ve got thoughts.
The first twenty minutes or so seemed really slapdash and disjointed, like they wanted to set up things for later but didn’t want to take the time to set them up well.  Everything was really rushed and shallow for that period.
But! This movie had a lot of poe-rey-finn interactions which I enjoyed deeply.  Rey and Poe sniping at each other, Finn and Rey being adorably close and caring, Finn and Poe being adorably close and caring.  They feel like they’ve actually spent time together! Excellent.
Leia’s scenes felt a little weird, like they were shoehorned in, but i still miss her so I’m kinda glad for her presence anyway.  Having her train Rey, pick up where Luke left off and push her to the finish line, makes me delighted.  Yes, Leia is force sensitive!!  She trained with her brother!!  She knows how to pass on what she learned!!!  She built a lightsaber!!!!!! excellent. (sidenote her lightsaber was sick.  i loved it. i want one)
I also liked how we got to see some diverse planets and terrain.  did they do their best on that front? no.  would have loved to see some more weird-ass alien planets, or even weird-ass terrain that actually exists in the real world, but they’re deathly afraid of being like the prequels, soooo.
The whole thing with the “sith dagger” and C-3P0′s memory was a shit storyline.  Here’s a magic item that will do everything we need! Give you the location of your navigator thing!! Magically fit against the skyline of the wreck of the deathstar, even though it’s an ancient artifact and the deathstar is constantly battered by incredibly powerful waves on an alien planet! ugh.  dumb.
If that droid from the old shipwreck was gonna have that knwoeldge the whole time,,,,,,, why not just let Rey befriend the droid,,,,,,,,instead of doing a “psych! gotcha!” with C-3P0′s memory. 
JJ Abrams being afraid to give real consequences to the new trio’s actions was shit.  Let them kill Chewie!  Let them essentially kill C-3P0! Or leave it out of the equation entirely!!!  These fake-outs cheapen emotional responses and motivations of the heroes of our story.
and hey, speaking of cheapening shit, why the ever-loving FUCK did they bring Palpatine back.  why.  I hate that.  I hated that SO MUCH IT WAS SO DUMB.  SO.  DUMB.  so darth vader redeemed and sacrificed himself over nothing, huh??  Anakin Skywalker, dumb bitch to the end, couldn’t even die right, because palpatine was fucking alive the whole time.  fuccking hell.  any hey, guess what?? Jedi can force-heal people, too! ha ha ha hahahahaha ha h  h a stupid anakin for believing palpatine had unique force powers and turning to the dark side, when really, it was a light-side power all along!!! (kill me)
(side note: healing being a power of the light and not the dark is thematically better, but uh.  see petty retconning below)
Making Rey his granddaughter is inarguably worse than having her be a true nobody, which was my number one pick.  I might even have been fine with it if she discovered it on her own!! But noooo, we need to have Kylo Ren and Luke tell her who she is.  Oh yeah, they knew who she was the whole time, lol! Isn’t that cute, stupid women having to be told who they are and what their legacy is. 
Which also makes her previous conversation with Kylo in TLJ cheap too! Look, I get it, we all hated TLJ, and Rian Johnson’s choices.  But...having Kylo tell Rey who she is twice, in two separate movies, and tell her two separate things each time, and have it be played straight both times, is just.  so.      dumb.   petty retconning of other people’s work is kind of disgusting.
That being said, in this movie I didn’t feel like Rey’s storyline was about anyone but her.  I mean, palpatine elements for sure, but except for being told whose granddaughter she was, she was basically in control of her own destiny.  I liked that a lot.
Rey’s fight with Kylo on the wreck of the death star? *chef’s kiss*.  Amazing.  Incredible.  Lightsaber duels have gotten so much better and I love them.  somewhere inside me my five-year old self is screaming for joy and picking up her toy lighsabers.  Ridley and Driver have, unfortunately, very good chemistry in their scenes together, and the tension while they fought was so good. 
Poe as a former drug dealer makes me tired.  Poe Dameron, who idolizes Leia and had rebellion pilots for parents, was a drug dealer?? You kidding me?? ugh.
Also, if i’m being petty, I hated the way force ghosts could interact with reality. 
Lando Calrissian!! Lando I love you.  I love you so much.  The idea of all those people coming to the Resistance’s aid is pretty cool tbh, and I liked it.  I liked Lando playing ambassador and politician for the resistance. 
I absolutely hated the ““planet-killing-cannon”“ palpatine’s fleet had.  These fucking,  fan-pandering morons just cannot let the idea of a planet-killer go, can they?  It’s not like a shit ton of ships, the biggest fleet in the galaxy, able to blockade hyper-space lanes and entire planets, would be a good enough threat, oh no.  audiences aren’t smart enough to respond to something that complicated, so we need to make it SUPER OBVIOUS, just like in TLJ.  “the death star but bigger/portable” is dumb.
Finn finding other defectors was so fucking cool, I love that for him.  Also, like, Im pretty sure they were all force-sensitive like he is, which I think is amazing.  Confirming Finn’s force sensitivity was the best decision they made in this movie, tbh. 
The driving problem of this movie was, in my opinion, the exec and creative teams being unable to stick to their guns with Kylo Ren as the big villian.  Twice, people reached out to him for redemption: his father in TFA, and rey in TLJ.  Twice, he rejected that offer, and ascended to Supreme Leader.
But instead of letting him do that, they instead turned him back to the light for little to no discernible reason.  What, his mother dying finally pushed him over the edge?? You kidding me???? He LITERALLY murdered his father in cold blood. i call bullshit. 
And because they couldn’t let kylo be the main villian, they also had to bring back palpatine.  Look man, Adam Driver abso-fuckin-lutely has the chops to be a big bad.  He’s really good at his job, actually, and I believe he could carry the weight of being the scary leader and face of the dark side.  But no, y’all are chicken.
I mean, even though I hated him turning back, driver-as-ben-solo was fucking lit.  He was so good for those, what two minutes?? The tension during his rush to Rey??? Him fucking with the KNights of Ren?? His switcheroo with Rey, the way he nods and bows a little when the Knights all step back, knowing they’re about to get their asses kicked?? Oh my god! It was so fun to watch.  You could tell, even from that much, he’s a cocky little shit, and would have been so fun to watch for three movies instead of three minutes.
Their kiss at the end when he dies?? boo, hiss, no thank you.  Not a fan.  I’ll concede their chemistry as actors, but that was not romantic chemistry between their characters.  nuh-uh no way no how.  gross.
Overall, like a 5/10.  Wildly inconsistent.  I really liked some parts, and enjoyed other parts out of context, and really hated other parts. 
ps— me, watching the ot3 hug Like That™: NOW KISS.
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pastelgrungewrecker · 5 years
Chain[gun] Reaction
Slim Pickens, well he does the right thing And he rides the bomb to hell Yeah, he rides the bomb to hell
He was young, young and full of promise and potential and all those words the recruiter used to soothe the raw wounds left behind by a yellow letter delivered to the front door of a once happy home.
Whirl, young and bright with eyes like sunshine and a crooked smile, signed his name and soul away in memory of his mother- who loved her son more than she ever loved her sky, even thought it was her sky that sealed her fate.
His father watched with dim and dead eyes as his only son, his bluebird boy, packed his bags and hugged him tight.
“I’ll be fine, Pop- don’t worry, I’ll come home, okay?”
He didn’t know, oh he didn’t know how his future would change with this decision- He had no idea the sound of gunfire and the burn of toxic words and liqour would become lullabies as he watched his unfamiliar claws pretend to be gentle.
And it was brutal, and it was cold. And it broke him and remade him and broke him again as he learned to bare his teeth first in a snarl and then in a manic smile he never knew he possessed. And with orders ringing in his ears and bitter apathy brewing in his heart he pushed and pulled and dragged himself over finish lines and end points that seemed to be farther and farther away from him- flagpoles moved once a month, once a week, once every other day.
If he only knew how he’d be betrayed by the system he served, if only he knew how his midday sunshine eyes would be broken and dimmed and warped from their almost childish dubloon wideness into the narrow slices of molten metal sighting down the barrel of a gun.
And his father gave weak smiles with honest joy as his son looked back over his shoulder as he walked with the graduating crowd; looking back with a lopsided grin like an angel with aircraft wings had done once upon a time so long ago and an artisan filigree heart broke when Whirl smiled.
If only the golden son had known he would set with a flash of fire and a comet’s trail.
And then his father couldn’t smile anymore.
Whirl stood solemn in front of the grave, not feeling the pats to his shoulder, the affectionate squeezes to his arm. He refused to look at the pity in officer’s eyes when he declined reenlistment, refused to see the worry in the eyes of his fellow Corps members when he fell silent for hours. Then days.
When he finally could hold his head up, his father’s shop looked back at him  with dusty windows and a door that still creaked if it opened too wide. And so he began to repair- the building or himself, he couldn’t tell.
The feel of gold and silver and platinum between his fingers, the casual catch of his lower lip with his teeth in concentration, the gentle ticktockticktock of seconds and minutes and hours fluttering away like crows from a carcass; a rustle of dark feathers and bluegrey hair in a loose tail down his back.
They called him an artist, they called him a master. They lauded his new work, they cooed over cogs and wheels and carefully designed faces coated in a countdown to the end of days.
He wondered if he would outlive these creations, when his father didn’t outlive his own.
If he only knew he would not only outlive them, but outlive the memory of his father’s legacy as it was laid to rest.
The Dead End, for him, had it’s draws. Dens of debauchery masquerading as bars or ‘spas’ and any kind of company for the right price. Whirl, his hands curled in his pockets, often wondered to himself why the streetlights didn’t glow red like a warning like in all the old holovids his father used to watch from a gilded age.
It was a thrown bottle that let the Devil’s eye turn to him. A thrown bottle, a mocking laugh, the word “coward” slung coldly at him by a face he only half remembered...
And then his knuckles were coated in blood that wasn’t his own. Once again a sneer painted his face, shattered his crooked grin and darkened his sunshine eyes and he released the shirtcollar of his target to watch them hit the floor facedown with a wet sound like old meat on a butcher’s counter. He looked over his shoulder with his eyes on fire.
“Who’s fuckin’ next?”, he drawls out in a voice made rough by silence and mourning in equal measure; a raven’s hiss of Nevermore, a crow’s caw from the gallows.
Something in him gave up on kindness. Something inside of him broke down like clockparts in a housefire and his cogs ground themselves apart as he rebuilt with fistfights and binges, with questionable company of any and all kinds.
“You were an Aerial Corps prodigy.”, mused the Enforcer of the week, “You’d be... useful, to us.”
He spat on the Enforcer’s shoes, squinting through a busted cheek and grinning with a split lip, “Get fucked, fuzzman.”
“It would be wise to show a little respect.”
“Fuckin’ earn it then, pissrag.”
More bruises, more cracked bones and weakened joints. Nineteen and lost, twenty and cracked like church windowglass and he grunted in muted pain as he laid on his back in a bare cell for an overnight in solitary.
He ignored his father’s voice chiming in the back of his mind, asking him what his mother would think.
He ignored the memory of her laughter his mind called forth against his will.
The cell door opened; hours early, at hours questionable, and he turned his head and made a noise of confusion. The medic beside the Enforcer smiled with nothing behind it, empty as Whirl’s eyes had become, and nodded once.
“That’s the one.”
Whirl sat up slowly, curses and vindictive words dancing on his tongue before a heavy fist flashed across his face and slammed his head into the wall the bench-turned-bed was mounted against.
He wouldn’t wake up until he smelled antiseptic- and he’d wish beyond wishing he hadn’t woken up at all.
When he awoke, his vision blurred and swam and his arms burned like hellfire as the numbness in his face flickered like radio static. He tried to speak, to scream, but the medics around him simply frowned and shook their heads as they loosened the straps holding him down.
He was eased up into a sitting position, and told in flat tones he had ten minutes to gather himself and leave the operating theatre.
“Op-erat-ing?”, he rasped out, before he raised his hand to hold his throat; and he froze solid at what answered his movement.
Ragged and matte-dark, hard steel with a three-point claw on the end. Panic rolled over him in tidal waves and threatened to drag him under as he held his new arms out in front of himself and nearly screamed.
They had taken his hands.
He looked frantically around at the passive and disinterested faces around him before he caught his reflection and his raw voice howled out like a hurricane. A blank patch over one eye with heavily stitched lacerations leading out from underneath it. His chest shuddered and hiccuped, and he felt the covered eye burn like fire as the other leaked viscous red in a thin line.
“Do not worry. Once the removal injuries have healed, there will be no more pesky things such as tears or foolish bickering outbursts.”
Whirl looked up. The surgeon smiled as they pulled gloves soaked in blood off their hands. Their functioning, real hands.
“We have fixed you, Whirl- that is your name, correct? We have repaired all of the flaws in your character with science and scalpels.”
That smile unchanging as horror flooded the channels panic had work into Whirl’s soul.
“Once you are healed, of course; then, you will truly be a Model Citizen.”
Whirl flew at him with a snarl, those claws cinched around the surgeon’s throat and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed until the screaming stopped and the doctor’s hands dropped to hang at his sides. Limp, and twitching; and the surgeon gurgled as he was dropped.
Whirl looked up at his reflection one more time before security wardens burst into the room and grabbed fresh prosthetics; ignoring Whirl’s screams and howls as they dragged him out of that sanitized white light.
He was thrown out by three Enforcers, tossed out into the back lot among dumpsters of medical waste and they laughed as he struggled to push himself up to his knees. The sun was setting, his sun was setting, and the sluggish red tears from his remaining eye burned as they trickled free.
He’d learn, later, what was severed and taken. His means of expression burned away and sliced free of his mortal coil. Model Citizen. Emotionless wreck. They knew the way to cage a bird was clip his wings- but they didn’t have to take his ability to cry.
He staggered to his feet, his steps uneven and crooked as he tried to operate with only one half of his vision. He sobbed out for help, he reached out for aid and was met with disgusted looks and threats of further violence and those words chased him and chased him until he stumbled onto the streets that would take him home; take him back to safety and seclusion and softness and-
And fire. And brimstone. And nothing left but a burnt family photo and a pocketwatch from a destroyed desk.
One day, it would be found by a young boy with sunshine eyes. And he’d ask where it was from, and call it beautiful; and Whirl would smile weakly like his father once did to a smiling new pilot and be unable to find the words to explain what it was, what it meant.
Whirl sobbed; on his knees and broken in ways he had no way of knowing yet, he sobbed. He sobbed like a lost child, like a scared boy, like a pilot under fire. He sobbed like a mourning husband and a confused son.
His eye leaked viscous red; there was pressure, there was pain.
And then, there was nothing. There was blank days and a back alley apartment. There was a tiny sting and a heady flight. He was a pilot again, without needing a plane as he stared at nothing and bounced from job to job and came closer and closer to giving up.
And then They found him.
“Sounds like you wanna die.”
“Maybe I fuckin’ do- I don’ exactly look the fuckin’ picture of privileged livin’, do I?”, he snapped.
The man who sat down next to him; dressed in the green of militia’s and murder smiled through his laughter and clapped a hand on Whirl’s shoulder.
“Forty two percent chance you’ll get your wish, kid. And at the very least- you get out of this shithole and three square meals a day.”
“Yeah, and forced sobriety.”
“I don’t care how high you fly or how deep you sink in a bottle as long as you know which way to shoot.”
Whirl looked up, the patch over his scarred blank space slipping slightly, “...A’right, I’m interested.”
“Welcome to the Wreckers; lemme call my ride and we’ll get started.”
And now, years and bullet-shells and nightmares in the future, Whirl stands at a kitchen counter and chokes on air as his lungs seize and fall still. He smells it, that too-clean stench of medical tools and antiseptic and just washed floors and the light is too bright.
Ratchet swears, realizing he hadn’t changed clothes after a day spent teaching the new doctors dropped in his lap by the university (good kids, good hearts, but almost too gentle for the job) and he calls for Perceptor, he calls for Drift.
Whirl doubles over; he gasps and hiccups and screws his eye shut as newer, better, safer prosthetic hands cover ears that still ring like a battlefield song is playing on repeat.
He feels Perceptor’s cold hands on his shoulders, hears Drift call for the dining room light to be “Shut off dammit!” and he exhales a sob.
He opens his eye. There is pressure, there is pain, there’s a crimson dot on the floor like a scope’s laser sight.
He still, after everything, after healing, cannot cry.
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willard-writes · 7 years
BEES, a Glycerin Drabble
< You know what it is. Yet again, the Glycerin train is going, but this is about when she discovered she’s got her iconic parasites. On her first RP blog, I did expand the situation on what happened, but it does get summed in this, so have no fear! >
< you could tell I started to stop feeling it at one point. But I was determined, FOR THE LORE! besides, I like depicting Gasmoxia as a more living and breathing land with various minor characters.>
Waking up from a deep sleep is always a disorienting experience, to gather one's bearings in an instant. Most of the time it's not so bad, waking up in a comfortable bed and realizing one is in their room, but what if the aspect of familiarity was taken away? Sounds of beeping, people speaking, machines whirring, all echoing around one entity.
A low growl travelled through the trunk of a certain insectoid monarch, her albino body still shining brightly, even when against a pale mattress. For a moment, her body felt light, as she opened her eyes and looked in her surroundings, noticing she was in a large pod of sorts, dressed only in leggings that were tight around the segmented part of her legs, and leaving most of her body exposed. As she continued to lay and ponder, a different feeling came into her body. Discomfort. First, she shrugged it off as just her body crushing her wings beneath, but it started to get more uncomfortable... and then it started to hurt. Really badly.
Her body thrashed around, before someone nearby realized she was awake and in agony. A nurse swiftly pressed a button, resulting in something within the pod to shoot some sort of powder, slowing her movements and numbing her body. They apologized, immediately bowing their head. "We weren't expecting you to awaken so suddenly. Doctor Tizanidine thought you'd be pretty out of it for longer, at least a week! We noticed your body was already being launched into activity in only a day, but to recover from such an attack after two days? Well, Tizanidine did say you always were a fighter, Queen Glycerin."
"... Wait, what the fuck is going on?" Her voice sounded rather weak, but she clearly wasn't going to just be quiet. She needed answers. Though, there was an odd buzz-like sound, subtle, but there.
"Oh, oh, sorry, you are probably confused! My name is Eskatamine, I've been assisting with watching over your very swift progress. You were brought in by some guards, they said you passed out on planet Bysala. They were worried that you got into quite the gruesome fight and---"
"Hold on, Bysala? Right, they had that whole declaration of enemyship junk. Not my fault I wasn't going to pay them to be allies just because it's what Cellulose did."
"So you attacked them?"
"Yeah. Assembled an army, and attacked, directly in all their capitals. They were all weak, thinkin' they can just overwhelm us with the amount of bodyguards, but they failed. Pitiful. Some leaders surrendered, some were murdered by me. I remember our last target surrendered, actin' real sweet. He wanted us to all get along, nothin’ bad had to happen!"
"Really? Well, besides for being amazed that you recklessly attacked all of them head-on, there might be a contradiction. The guards said, besides for your collapsed body, there was a broken urn, and that leader dead, covered in his own blood, looking like he was pierced by a thousand needles. Sort of like your hand."
Although it took a moment, Glycerin looked over to her hand, and there were a couple of marks and scratches across it. She was wearing armoured gloves at the time of her attack, how did this happen? The more she lingered onto the nurse's words, she recalled what happened, and every little noise when silent, except for this immense, muffled buzzing.
"It's funny," they added on, "most of the exterior of your body seems fine, no real wounds that pierced your exoskeleton. All of the damage is, well internal."
It took a while for the insectoid to respond, but after one deep breath, her eyes looked back to the other. "Dare I ask what you mean by 'damage' and 'internal'."
"Your Highness, are you sure you want to deal with this now? I don't want to be the bringer of bad news, and you just woke up, and the doctor isn't even---"
"I am your ruler, and you will tell me about a potential hinderance."
"... Pardon?"
"Uh, okay, this isn't easy to explain, but someone did some research and there's this rare Bysalian bug species, khalshari, that almost overwhelmed the planet years ago. The only handfull that were ever captured were kept in an urn, being kept in a low-maintenance state, clinging by a thread to life. One of the leaders has said in an interview that he was keeping them in case research progressed that would tame them, and they would no longer be a threat, but...."
"This has got to be some bullshit."
"Unfortunately, it is not, Your Highness." They brought over a screen, showing an inside view of the queen. Eskatamine proceeded with speaking, giving it only a second for Glycerin to glance at it. "They have already got to work with effectively turning your body into their hive. The doctor says this will probably do some long-term damage to you over time, since I don't think your tissue or organs could recover from whatever it is they are doing. Though, they do seem in-tune with the activity in your brain, which I don't understand, but only time will tell if that's a concern."
The mantis-like alien stared into the distance, completely baffled by the situation. A swarm of pests were going to ruin her, internally. To call it a hinderance is still putting it lightly. She had a planet to rule, she couldn't let herself be brought down by this. "Can't you get rid of them?"
"As I said, they've already got to work with your innards, living and thriving once more. They probably haven't got to have something like this for a while, a new chance at life - though I now just realize you probably don't want to hear that. You probably realize at the cost of them not withering away is going to be your well-being. My apologies, Your Highness."
She sighed, thinking of what she was going to do about this. What if she died? She was just a young adult, and she already felt like she lost it all. No, this couldn't be the end of her legacy! She was going to make sure of it! There was one thing, one permanent thing that would be sure that the Nitros dynasty didn't wither. "Have they done any damage to my egg sac?"
"Uhm, I don't think so. They've tried to puncture it a couple times, I think, but haven't got through or even touched your egg." They took a moment to ponder over her question. "I don't try to get myself involved in the more political side of serving you, and right now you are sedated, maybe even a bit in a state of panic, given the circumstances, aren't able to think clearly... but it would be my professional opinion that now is your best shot to produce an heir. We don't know what this could do to you, after all."
"Good to see someone is thinking around here. Now let me out of this pod."
"I don't have permission to do that."
"You're sedated, you'll end up tumbling out. Not only that, but the pain will come back."
"Then I gotta work through it. You said this is probably my best chance at producing an heir, and you're right."
"P-Please don't put this on me, I don't think anyone will improve of me encouraging you!"
"Then they don't got to know of your involvement. Just shrug it off as a Nitros taking initiative."
"Your Highness, please, you must rest. You shouldn't be conscience right now, you probably haven't even ate for a while."
"... But what if I do eat? Will you let me go then? I might feel better."
Eskatamine sighed loudly. "Fine, fine, just come to me should you be writhing in agony because you shouldn't be out already, alright?."
"Thank you! You must understand, right? Not only do I hold absolute power, but I need to hold onto this power, until it gets passed on, so Gasmoxia doesn't fall to anarchy."
"Can't say I do, but you make it clear I don't have a choice."
"That's right~!" Glycerin chirped. Ready to sustain herself so she could give her lack of family a backup plan, her hand shakily jolted upwards, when suddenly a handful of parasites shot out from her hand, breaking through her flesh. Her shrieking was luckily not powerful enough to break the glass of the pod, and neither was the currently small swarm, and they soon retreated back into their new hive, to restore their power. Leaving the monarch to twitch erractically, every part of her aching.
The nurse walked over to the pod, pressing the button for the numbing powder, watching their leader's body calm down once again. "Do you want to delay on your plans now?"
"just a little." She whispered in response.
"I'll go get you some food, maybe that will lessen the pain. I'm sure the staff has probably been a little bored anyways." They soon rushed off, unsure if they wanted to deal with her for too much longer. They didn't even know how they were dragged into this, damn their superior for not being here this one time! Not to say they didn't feel sympathy for her though, she was panicked, but that was more reason why they shouldn't listen to her impulsive thoughts.
Glycerin was still and quiet for a while, her sounds of breathing intermixed with an echoing buzzing of some insects that also needed to get to work. This was a turn of events, for each and every one of them, and she had to deal with it. There was so much to ponder, what was going to happen to her? What was going to happen to her rule? What was---wait, forget that thought, she just realized she could shoot little stinging creatures out of her hands. Okay, this was a little fuckin' cool.
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survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #7: “Bon Appetite Bitch” - Dani
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Merge time baby, this is where the game starts. My first job is to figure out who flipped in that last tribal, I'm betting on Loris, but if it's John I'd probably understand as well. Regardless it's disappointing because as far as "OG Tribe Lines" it's now 5v5v2, which sucks.
I think I've likely got an ok position at the moment, the real move is trying to make sure I've got an in with a lot of people, and to make sure I find myself in the majority.
Here's hoping my first tribal council doesn't turn out to be my last due to social misplays.
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We merged woo, my streak of never dying premerge continues :D. However, it does feel like an early merge. There's still 12 people left, I have a strong feeling someone ain't gonna make the jury... 👀
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I just noticed im the only Aquarius left woot woot. Game wise, hello, it's merge. I'm finally messaging  people, introducing myself and what not. I'll check in later to list all of the people that don't like me, but for now let's go into this hoping that I'm charismatic
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Ok sooooo...... tribal did NOT go as planned but it still was good because I could’ve gone easily but drew t saved my ass because I saved his last week. we love good karma. Roxy literally forgived me without asking her to and we have merged so I don’t feel that at risk anymore. :) I just gotta keep talking to everyone so my name doesn’t get raised.
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oh lord. You know idk what I’m gonna do yet Because I don’t want to work with pre friends but i don’t necessarily like my tribe either So that leaves me with loris Idk I’ll figure it out
For now, I'll do a hot or not and comments Roxy- NOT. I have to talk to her almost continuously or else she'll think we aren't allies and vote me out. (not that we are allies rn but still) Ci'ere- DECENT. He's nice but replies are sporadic and idk if he wants to work with me. Loris- HOT AS FUCK. my #1 right now, he's p cool <3 John - STEAMING? He is so nice and so cute but he seems close to purple drew. Purple Drew - LUKE WARM. Love the dude, but I am semi trying to avoid pre game friendships. Little Mix Drew- STRAIGHT FIRE. only bc of LM. in reality, more SEMI WARM. it may turn out that each side has a little mix supporter? Drachus - WHO TF KNOWS. I cannot tell if this man is playing me or not. He tells me he can't vote him out, but is that true? We havent been to tribal and he seems to be lying to me about how much he knows. If he really doesnt know all that... he seems like someone I can maybe work with. We've been loyal to the end for each other before. Just keep in mind- I'm not playing for 8th. Emma- queen? She's inactive but a great number for me. We tell each other stuff and she's just precious. Kori- challenge threat, and someone who I want to be my shield. Dani- shes so inactive bruh like what even Dylan- also inactive.
so its 5 revati, 4 auva, 3 zosma. Zosma and Auva have 2 a piece of people who I loved pregame and would consider working with. So who knows? I have a double majority, so lets not be surprised when I'm first out.
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Well, I THINK I'm in an ok-ish spot. I've talked with a LOT of people, IDEALLY the next one gone is Sam just so that I can get Dani more on my side and make it clear that I wanna work with her.
I'm a little salty Altager didn't beat the basic tribe name of Orion... but I'll get over it... eventually...
In other news, I ate a burger today... it was adequate.
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MERGE BABIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm elated to make the merge AND get to name the tribe! Like that's fucking sickening! I'm excited to see what the merge holds for me because that was a rocky pre-merge phase. Like obviously I wasted my idol, blah blah. And like I was an emotional mess like the entire way through. It sucks being the one that has to blindside people and like break hearts- but in the end, that's the way it is. I just love that I'm getting to play IN THE MERGE. Like I rarely ever do that because I am too much of a physical threat (in most ORGs) to be allowed into the merge. So I'm super glad that I get to play in the merge and I just have to put myself in a mindset where I can be carefree and not let the stress of the pre-merge weigh me down!
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Well, The challenge went pretty well I think, not sure if I won or not though, we'll see.
I'm getting frustrated with Ci'ere though. Everytime we talk they take hours to respond, even when they initiate the conversation, and I respond within 4 minutes. My patience is definitely getting tested.
Well, I didn't win the challenge, I was closeish, got all the right constellations. I just kinda, didn't math correctly in calculating my Tiebreaker number... not sure what I even did to reach that number anymore.
Regardless, I just gotta keep the target off of me, get a feel for what others are thinking, and go from there. Ideally Sam or Ci'ere since Dylan who I'm still not a fan of won.
Ci'ere has been making a bit more effort with me, which has me a bit suspicious, so Sam is ideal just to make it clear to Dani that I DO wanna work with her.
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What do people do when they merge? Like this concept is so foreign to me that this laziness is actually nice. Its peaceful and serene. Like my god. If this is the case, why the fuck do I not try to make the merge more often? Honestly, this revelation is so beautiful, I may ugly cry just thinking about it!
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ok no offense but the conflict between dani and ci'ere seems literally so beyond fake i can't even comprehend it. maybe im wrong but like it feels so planned, like dan's funeral or smth.
also ci'ere just like formally asked to work with me which was really sweet so hi. they also spilled some tea about roxy/drew/drew2.0 and how theyve been working together without me so. yoinks. glad i won immunity because i wouldve been so lost
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Man i'm finna make that bitch dani leave, im working my ass off to save ciere and get her outta here since she's HELLBENT on getting us out. No no, you don't do that. Hope you enjoy merge boot and hopefully just missing out on jury :)
So yeah, the main name floating around has been ci'ere. But the thing is, I've been talking with people and dani seems disposable to a lot of people. So i'm tryna convince the people i'm close with to vote her out instead of ci'ere. Because here's the thing, if dani survives until next vote and ci'ere leaves, she's going to be after me. What i'm saying to my crew is that if ci'ere survives, he'll be with us while dani isn't close with like anyone, she just talks to throw names out cuz she sucks at this game. so like, if people really want ci'ere out, it'd be so much easier to simply blindside him next vote if we wanted, because he'd feel so safe. Esp since im 95% sure one of those 2 have an idol, so i'm gonna try my best to either flush it from ci'ere, or blindside the fuck outta dani sending her home packing with it
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suprise bitches after a boring pre merge i am actually playing the game i just need to see which side everyone is on i may use my idol to have my side be on control i could probably be first merge boot before i play yikes! also me and loris are powerful... he has the legacy advantage his mind omg
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I hate this cast. Yell at me for a short confessional if ya gotta.
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Deadass probably setting myself up for failure this vote with going after dani so hard but fuck it idc, didn't have a chance to get rid of her after louise had left and she told toby to get the fuck outta here, and now I do and she's going and hopefully joins him in the vl :) toby this one's for you homie, miss ya lots <3
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W e l l, things have went left here at the Orion camp 😄 I woke up to Andrea & Loris letting me know that Auva 2.0 was after me & that I should play an idol if I had one. Apparently the Auvacados are getting bad vibes from me? However, Dani was the one that made a move against y’all so why am I getting getting ya knickers in a bunch? I previously started laying down the groundwork to have people turn on Miss Dani, but I decided to toss that plan out the window. Last night, Loris told me that John Coffey was the Revati that flipped last round and it’s because he’s friends with Drew H. I’m certain that the Drews, Roxy, & John have an alliance that finalized right before the merge. So that needs to be broken up right away. I went to Dylan, an OG Auva, to let him know that his old tribemates said he was on the outs and they made an alliance with Louise, Dani, & I. He seems to be interested in voting with me, and if he isn’t, then he’s a flop.
Sam called me “babe” earlier & I really cannot with this flirting strategy, but I’m not opposed to it! I guess I would consider him my final 2, but I’d say he’s playing well so I might need to cut him before that hehe.
I don’t like this back and forth running around nonsense, so I’m laying it all out on the table. I exposed the Auvacado 2.0 alliance. I hinted that I have an idol that I really don’t want to use, but I probably will just in case they think I’m bluffing & people don’t target me in the future for it. Apparently this caused people to start scrambling which I’ll have you know is my favorite type of egg. Deviled eggs are good af too 😈
Sam says that we shouldn’t go for Roxy because he has an in with Drew T. & that we should keep Dani the target because she threw out our name. Dani says that John & Kori threw out my name to her. Do I believe her? Not exactly. In the tribe chat when I asked Dani to vote for Roxy, she says that she likes her & would rather do someone else. This is a mess. So right now it’s looking like myself, Sam, Andrea, Loris, Emma, Dylan & Drew T.?
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Why is everyone always going after me what the shit. Its drew t and h fault im like their fuckin scategost I jk I love them but im so annoyed why is the fall out if the shit theyfor do, gets blamed on ne when I havent dine anything loll fuck off
I love u drews tho
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I knew going into the merge that I wanted Ciere out sooner rather than later; and when an alliance with Dani and kori was formed I thought I’d be able to get him out right away. Dylan won immunity which is awesome because he’s easily my favorite right now. Idk what it is about him but we just vibe really well right now. I’m not sure where I stand with old revati other than kori who asked me to be his final 2 the other day. I’m a wannabe puppet master and nobody was taking my bait to vote ciere. Well it seemed like they were until little rat decides to announce that I had an alliance with the Drew’s and Roxy. I went telling everyone the chat is barely even active and we voted together once. As of now the majority is seeming to want Dani and Kori isn’t answering aoooo idk who I’m voting for I kinda still want to do ciere cause I swore to Dani I wouldn’t vote for her, but I also don’t like her attitude all that much tonight. Same old Dani from unifinished business, but I actually was going to have her back. I’m a mess!!!!!!!!111
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WELL BITCH I MIGHT BE GOING. These motherfuckers REALLY want me gone huh? WELL IM NOT GOING OUT WITHOUT A FIGHT. Roxy will rue this day. ROXY WILL RUE IT. She just fucked over her whole damn alliance.
Dani is voted out 9-2-1.
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