#threema chat
mapplestrudel · 10 days
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"On Monday a new version of the globally unprecedented EU bill aimed at searching all private messages and chats for suspicious content (so-called chat control or child sexual abuse regulation) was circulated and leaked by POLITICO soon after. According to the latest proposal providers would be free whether or not to use ‘artificial intelligence’ to classify unknown images and text chats as ‘suspicious’. However they would be obliged to search all chats for known illegal content and report them, even at the cost of breaking secure end-to-end messenger encryption. The EU governments are to position themselves on the proposal by 23 September, and the EU interior ministers are to endorse it on 10 October. Messenger providers Signal and Threema have already announced that they will never agree to incorporate such surveillance routines into their apps and would rather shut down operations in the EU."
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 2 years
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Schwachstellen in Threema werden behoben
Jammern auf hohem Niveau
Eine Gruppe Schweizer Forscher um den ETH-Professor Kenneth Paterson hat sich die Sicherheitsfeatures von Threema  einmal genauer angesehen und festgestellt, dass sich das Unternehmen sehr wohl um die Datensicherheit kümmert, aber die Anwendung doch in die Jahre gekommen ist.
Weiterhin wird die Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung, die Threema damals 2012 als einer der ersten Messenger einführte, als wegweisend anerkannt. Für bestimmte Angriffszenarien können die Forscher jedoch zeigen, dass für die Sicherheit bei Threema "noch Luft nach oben besteht".
So könnten Angreifer auf die Metadaten der Kommunikation zugreifen.
Bei Zugriff auf die Chat-Server von Threema könnten sie Nachrichten löschen oder deren Reihenfolge ändern.
Grenzbeamte oder Lebenspartner, die Zugriff auf das Smartphone und die Threema-App haben, könnten unbemerkt die Threema-ID exportieren und damit den Account klonen. (Grenzbeamte nur wenn man so blöd ist, den Ausweis auf dem Handy zu nutzen!)
Bei allen 6 von den Forschern benannten Schwachpunkten ist es jedoch nicht möglich, die Inhalte der Kommunikation zu lesen. Dies kann nur passieren, wenn der Nutzer seinen privaten Schlüssel gegenüber einem Angreifer offenbart. Für solche Fälle empfehlen die Forscher eine inzwischen gängige Methode der Absicherung der einzelnen Nachricht mit einem für jede Nachricht oder zumindest in regelmässigen Abständen erneuerten Private Key. Fällt in so einem Fall der Private Key in die Hände eines Angreifers, so können damit keine älteren Nachrichten entschlüsselt werden (Perfect Forward Secrecy).
Bei Threema läuft nun seit einige Monaten eine Überprüfung  der eigenen Sicherheit und einige Beanstandungen wurde auch bereits behoben. Das ging in jedem Fall viel schneller als Verbesserungen in die Verschlüsselung von normaler E-Mail einzuführen. So hat da die Einbeziehung der Verschlüsselung der Betreffzeile Jahre gedauert und ist immer noch "optional". Das ist der Nachteil, wenn kein Unternehmen um seinen Geschäftserfolg bangt, sondern die Open Source Gemeinde sich auf Erweiterungen in einen 40 Jahre alten Standard einigen will.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.nzz.ch/technologie/threema-schweizer-messenger-hatte-schwaechen-bei-verschluesselung-ld.1719543Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3rS Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8271-20230112-schwachstellen-in-threema-werden-behoben.htm
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havnblog · 4 months
When Was the Last Time You Heard Someone Discuss the "Quality" of a Chat App?
Chat apps: Part 1
What constitutes a “good” car? (Yes, “car” — I’ll get to chat apps, I promise!) If I were to answer for myself, I’d split it up into three factors (with one added as a bonus):
This is important, both for the people inside and outside the car!
… but it’s not the only factor, of course.
Size, range, etc. — things you can do with it.
Comfort, and sense of quality
This isn’t about what you can do with it, but how it feels to do them. In a car, this could be sound (or lack thereof), looks, driving experience, how it feels to open and close the doors, and other small, and large, things.
Maybe this shouldn’t be here — but when picking a car, it’s often about getting the most features, comfort, and security for the price.
(“Quality” can also be interpreted as how fast it breaks, which could also be included in the cost of owning the vehicle.)
Luckily, the car market is pretty competitive — so there are plenty of options. And you don’t have to buy the same brand as your friends and family! But I want to compare it a bit to chat apps, and both the market and discussions surrounding them. Because even though most of us use chat apps numerous times every day, I’d argue both the market and discussions are lacking.
To me, it seems like most apps only have one of two value propositions —
even though I’d say all the factors from above applies to chat apps as well: Security (and, the connected, but separate, Privacy), Features, Comfort and sense of Quality, and Price. (The way we pay for chat apps is often with “personal data” and “viewing adds”.)
The first proposition is good ol' “Lock-in”
The “default” chap app varies from country to country — and here in Norway, we’ve made the worst “choice” of them all: Meta’s Messenger. It’s just a very poor product. If we look at the factors, Meta’s ad-tracking business affects its score when it comes to both Security/Privacy and Price. And it’s also severely lacking in both features and general quality and polish. It simply oozes that the responsible company doesn’t feel any pressure to make the product as good as they can. 1
The same can be said about iMessage, which is “the default” in the US, and another service I have quite a lot of experience with. It’s not bad, but compared to the best experiences, it’s thoroughly mediocre. Even though Apple is a giant company, with infinite resources, they only manage to give it slight improvements year-over-year.
The security and privacy is good — even though I wonder what the ratio of end-to-end-encrypted conversations really are, seeing as it’s only that if none of the participants use regular iCloud backups. But personally I don’t really care about that - it’s more than good enough for me!
The quality is also good, but the features are lacking. I’d also say the price is pretty high, as you have to buy Apple products to use it. 2
Am I the only one who’s never heard any good arguments for why people are using these, apart from “it’s what everyone else uses”? I get that the network effect is huge when it comes to chat apps — but still!
The second is “Security!!!”
I assume most people reading this agree that you should always wear a seatbelt while driving — even though it’s a slight inconvenience. However, I also assume most of you don’t wear a helmet during your daily commute. Why not, though? It’s more secure, right? The answer is simple: Because we constantly balance security and comfort/convenience in our daily choices. However, there are plenty of instances where wearing a helmet while driving is a good idea — like if you’re Lewis Hamilton.
I think it’s great that chat services like Signal, Threema, Session and Matrix exist — which have “security” as their first, second and third priority. 3 I have users on several of them, and have zero issues with people needing, or just wanting, to use them! 4 What I do have a slight issue with, is people claiming the increased security makes them inherently “better” than the alternatives. Better for what? In what context? Is it “better” to drive with a helmet just because it’s more secure?
Let me try to be precise: It’s crucial to know how secure the different services are — especially if you have a certain threat model. I also think it’s fine to just find comfort in extra security! I just think we should be honest about the cost, and that it’s OK to look at other factors as long as something’s “secure enough” (whatever that means for you).
I guess I’m just a bit annoyed that the only time people actually discuss and compare chat apps, “security” is the only factor discussed…
Am I really alone here? Have you ever heard “features and quality” being discussed? What are the factors of a good chat app in your mind? And which app/service do you think is the best?
I have my own thoughts on this, which will be Part 2!
I’ve only use WhatsApp a little bit - but it seems to be less bad, even though it also coasts on lock-in. ↩︎
Not just because of the price of these, but the “price” of not choosing your devices freely. ↩︎
I mean, just look at their websites! ↩︎
Many of them also seems like great organisations doing good stuff and deserving support. ↩︎
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namelocals · 1 year
Instant Messenger
An instant messenger (IM for short) is software that allows two or more participants to communicate via text messages. The messages are delivered with an existing internet connection with a delay of just a few seconds.
operating principle
In order to be able to use an instant messenger, users must first install client software on their local computer and register for the service. This distinguishes instant messenger from conventional chat, where users login via a web interface. Users can find other users and add them to their contact list via the user name or the stored e-mail address. Clicking on the name opens a communication window. Text messages can be entered into this. The messages are delivered immediately via a push service if the other user is online.
Unlike a web-based chat, communication in an instant messenger is not public. Only participants who have been explicitly invited to the conversation can read along.
Features of instant messengers
Every instant messenger offers the basic function of sending text messages. In addition, modern clients often provide additional functionality, such as:
Transfer of files (e.g. photos, audio streams, videos)
video chats and conferences
Sending electronic greeting cards
Sending SMS
online games
contact management
Many of these functions can be used free of charge. Depending on the provider, it can also be paid services. There are numerous videos on Skype’s YouTube channel that show what instant messaging services can do today.
Connection to social networks
Instant messengers can be transformed into control centres for various social networks. For example, the ICQ messenger, the social media channels Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Google Talk, Mail.Ru Agent and other services can be connected. In this case, users can also talk to their Facebook friends via Instant Messenger and receive their status updates.
Known instant messengers
Instant messengers can often be used both for the computer and for smartphones or tablets. A selection of well-known instant messaging services:
Whatsapp is an instant messenger that can be installed on a smartphone across platforms. With the Whatsapp application, users can exchange images, texts, videos and sound files over the Internet. This app is often used as an alternative to SMS and is now considered to replace it. In 2014 Whatsapp was bought by Facebook.
WhatsApp Inc. was founded in California in 2009 by two entrepreneurs. Shortly after it was launched, millions of users used the app to send messages over the Internet for free. The company and application name is a pun on the question “What’s up?” and the abbreviation for application.
In the first quarter of 2014, Whatsapp already had almost half a billion users who used the messenger service at least once a month. This makes Whatsapp one of the fastest-growing companies in the world. The innovative technology, the huge user base and the fear of too much competition may have led to WhatsApp being bought by Facebook in February 2014. Mark Zuckerberg’s company paid $19 billion for WhatsApp Inc. In the same month, Whatsapp also started cooperation with the mobile phone provider E-Plus.
The acquisition of Whatsapp by Facebook has raised doubts about privacy among many users of the free app. Many of the users switched to the instant messenger Threema, which was classified as “uncritical” by Stiftung Warentest in 2014. To date, there has always been a discussion about what happens when Facebook merges its data with the data from Whatsapp.
Today it is sometimes assumed that services such as Whatsapp could replace conventional SMS (Small Message Service) in the long term. Even now (as of 2014) more than 17 billion messages are sent daily via Whatsapp. To date, there has been a very simple pricing model that should come into effect after one year of use. After the takeover by Facebook, it remains questionable how long Whatsapp will be able to finance itself without advertising.
Whatsapp works like a classic instant messenger and is based on the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, XMPP for short. The app can be downloaded for all common mobile user interfaces. There is no official desktop version of its own.
The following message types can be sent with the help of the app:
Text: theoretically there is no limit here
Photo files: this data can be sent from a smartphone or tablet via the app interface
Transmission of your own location: Users can send their GPS location to friends via the app
Audio files: Sounds can be exchanged with each other using Whatsapp
Contact data: Users can send their personal data to other users
A special feature of Whatsapp is the option of having your own address book read out on your smartphone. In this way, friends can be directly invited to use Whatsapp together.
Critical voices
WhatsApp has not only been criticized for its data protection regulations since it was taken over by Facebook. Because the service has repeatedly shown itself to be insecure when it comes to data transmission. In addition, data protectionists criticize that the app is allowed to access the phone book of its users and thus stores data without the consent of those who do not use the messaging service. One reaction to the ongoing criticism may be that Whatsapp now wants to work with mobile phone providers and is currently doing this with Base as well.
Use for marketing
At first glance, Whatsapp offers hardly any opportunities for advertisers compared to Instagram or other applications on the social web, especially since the service is currently free of advertising. Nevertheless, there are now and then examples of advertising campaigns that also use the enormous reach of Whatsapp.
Threema is a messaging service for smartphones that is used to send encrypted text messages, photos and videos.
Threema at a glance
Threema was developed by the Swiss Manuel Kasper and published in 2012. For this, he founded Kasper Systems GmbH. Threema is currently available for Apple devices with the iOS operating system from version 1.8.1 and Android devices from version 1.42. The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play. It is chargeable. The price is 1.79 euros for iOS and 1.60 euros for Android devices. There are currently no plans to offer the service for other operating systems such as Blackberry or Windows Phone.
Development of user numbers
In terms of user numbers, Threema leads a shadowy existence behind the big favourite WhatsApp. In April 2014, the WhatsApp messaging service had around 500 million users worldwide. Threema’s user numbers are also increasing continuously but to a much lesser extent. In mid-February 2014, Threema still had around 200,000 users.
After it became known that the instant messaging service WhatsApp had been sold to Facebook, many users switched to Threema because of security and data protection concerns. Within a day, the user base doubled to 400,000 people. By April 2014, it had increased sevenfold and then totaled 2.8 million people. [11]
Message encryption is one of the key features that set Threema apart from direct competition like WhatsApp. The service is based on the open NaCL library, which is an expert-recognized security standard for communication and encryption. The asymmetric 256-bit encryption corresponds to a 3072-bit RSA encryption. It is a so-called end-to-end encryption, in which the encryption is carried out using a private key that never leaves the personal device. In addition, there is a public key that the recipient needs to decrypt the message.
According to Threema, it is not able to decrypt users’ messages because it does not know the users’ private keys. In addition, the messages are only stored in the main memory on the company’s own Swiss servers until the recipient has read them. After that, they are removed from the stores. If no spyware is active on the user’s smartphone, the operator of Threema assumes that it is impossible for unauthorized third parties to read or manipulate the messages.
Security through data protection
Users have the option of comparing phone numbers and email addresses of contacts from their own address book with the Threema database. In contrast to other solutions on the market, however, the address book is not uploaded to the server, only checksum values, which in turn are sent via an encrypted SSL connection. In this way, it is not possible to spy out the contact details. In addition, the data is not stored on the server but is deleted again immediately after the test. With regard to data protection, Threema was classified as “uncritical” in a short test by Stiftung Warentest on instant messaging services in February 2014.
Snapchat is an instant messenger for smartphones and tablets. The speciality that Snapchat is known for is the sending of photos, which are destroyed after counting down a predetermined number of seconds.
Development of Snapchat
Snapchat was released in 2011. The service was founded in Los Angeles, USA, by Robert Murphy and Evan Spiegel. At the end of 2013, the company was valued at $4 billion. In October 2013 it was announced that Facebook wanted to take over the service for a price of 3 billion US dollars. However, Snapchat turned down the offer. Facebook has since been working on developing a competing app called Slingshot, which media reports say could infringe Snapchat’s patent rights. It was released in June 2014.
Snapchat features
When Snapchat was released, the app could only be used to send photos and videos. Since May 2014 there has also been the option of using Snapchat as an instant messaging service and conversing via video chat. A YouTube video from Snapchat shows how the chat works. The special function of Snapchat is the sending of photos that are automatically deleted after a short period of time. Therefore, the platform is often used for so-called sexting, i.e. for sending erotic photos.
Snapchat is available for smartphones and tablets running Android or iOS. Both the installation and the use of the app are free of charge.
Snapchat has repeatedly come under criticism in the past when it became known that the photos are not actually deleted over time, but can no longer be accessed via the app. However, the photo files are stored in the memory of the smartphone or tablet. Here they can be searched for and read out. There is also the option of taking screenshots of the images within the app and exporting them in this way.
Snapchat also attracted negative attention in early January 2014 with the report that hackers had gained access to Snapchat’s databases. The data of 4.6 million registered users was retrieved and published on the internet. On January 9, 2014, the operator released an update for the software that was intended to patch the security hole.
Importance of online marketing
The Snapchat company has around 26 million users in the USA and, according to estimates, there are already several million in Germany. The vast majority is between 13 and 25 years old, with almost three-quarters of the users being female. Snapchat can be used by businesses as an extension of their social media portfolio. To do this, however, users must first be won over as friends for their own channel. This is usually done through advertising via other social media channels, for example by promising the target group great special offers, vouchers or exclusive advance notices. If the company has generated a certain readership on Snapchat, the platform can be used for advertising campaigns.
More instant messengers
In addition to these three instant messengers with a large number of users, there are also other services with far fewer users, for example, the following:
ICQ: free service for PCs and smartphones from the Mail.ru group, available since 1996
Skype: available for PCs since 2003, now also available for mobile devices, free use, also suitable for companies; Integration of MSN Instant Messenger since 2013
Yahoo! Messenger: available for Windows, Linux, Solaris Android and iOS devices, offers text messaging, voice calls, webcam, games and photo sharing, compatible with Windows Live Messenger
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM): proprietary instant messenger originally only available to AOL customers
Windows Live Messenger (formerly MSN Messenger): Messenger service from Microsoft, which has been offered since 1999; no longer available since integration with Skype in 2013
Jabber: the first client for the XMPP protocol, contact with users of other instant messengers is also possible via Jabber
Google Talk: existed since August 2005 and was an instant messaging system from Google; was retired in May 2013 and replaced by Google+ Hangouts
In addition, there are so-called multi-protocol clients that can combine several profiles from other messengers in one piece of software. Examples include Miranda IM, Trillian, and Pidgin.
Importance of instant messengers
Instant messengers are now being integrated into numerous other services, including social networks such as Facebook. e.g. Facebook. For this reason, pure instant messengers for the computer are being pushed more and more into the background. The surveys as part of the annual JIM study by the Media Education Research Association Southwest clearly show the drastic development. In 2008, more than 70% of the young people surveyed stated that they used instant messaging services daily or several times a week. In 2013, there is a similar emphasis on online communities such as Facebook. Instant messengers, on the other hand, have dropped to a share of 13 percent.
However, the counterparts for mobile devices are gaining in importance. The well-known WhatsApp service alone was able to more than double its user numbers from 200 million in April 2013 to 430 million in January 2014 within nine months.
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#Instant Massenger
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#Social Media
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wunderbon · 2 years
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bssitsworld · 2 years
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techniktagebuch · 4 years
November 2019 und Dezember 2020
Und wenn man doch mal in einen anderen Messenger umziehen würde?
Im Juli 2018 gab es in der Techniktagebuch-Redaktion eine Umfrage, wer eigentlich welche Messenger täglich nutzt. Falls dabei rauskommen würde, dass Facebook gar nicht mehr – wie im Gründungsjahr des Techniktagebuchs – der Messenger ist, bei dem “sowieso schon alle” sind, könnte man ja vielleicht ohne Umstände umziehen, so war die Idee. (Falls jetzt jemand einwenden möchte, dass schon 2014 keineswegs “alle” bei Facebook waren: Das Techniktagebuch war damals und ist immer noch so gedacht, dass sich nicht nur Supertechnikcheckerbunnys beteiligen können sollten, und das heißt, dass auch der Einstieg in den Redaktionschat ein möglichst niedrigschwelliger sein sollte.)
Ergebnis der Umfrage von 2018 war aber, dass es einen solchen Standardmessenger nicht gibt. Weil der Facebook-Messenger ein bisschen ärgerlich ist, aber nicht sehr, dauert es weitere anderthalb Jahre bis zu einer konkreten Abstimmung, ob wir vielleicht woanders hinziehen könnten.
Diese Abstimmung findet auf Vorschlag von Lukas Daniel Klausner im “Systemisches Konsensieren”-Verfahren statt. Bei dem Abstimmungsverfahren mit dem sperrigen Namen geht es darum, nach einer Lösung zu suchen, mit der alle am wenigsten unzufrieden sind. Da man mit einem Messenger sowieso bestenfalls weniger unzufrieden sein kann als mit anderen Lösungen, passt das Systemische Konsensieren ideal zu unserem Problem.
In der Abstimmung vom November 2019 stehen nach vorheriger Sammlung sieben Chats zur Auswahl: “Facebook-Messenger weiterverwenden wie bisher”, Slack (kostenlos), Slack (bezahlt), Discord, Threema und WhatsApp. Alle Abstimmenden können pro Vorschlag null bis zehn Punkte vergeben, wobei null hier bedeutet “Ich habe keinen Einwand gegen diesen Messenger” und zehn “Dieser Messenger ist für mich unannehmbar”. Es gibt ein Dokument mit den Eigenschaften der Messenger und verschiedene Testchats an den neuen Orten.
Fünfundzwanzig Techniktagebuchautorinnen und -autoren beteiligen sich an der Abstimmung. Außer im Facebook-Redaktionschat haben wir in einer Facebook-Durchsagengruppe denjenigen Bescheid gesagt, die gar nicht oder seltener im Chat sind. Diese Gruppe gibt es aus demselben historischen “bei Facebook sind schon alle”-Grund wie den Chat, und so erfahren ziemlich sicher diejenigen, die sich inzwischen von Facebook abgewendet haben, gar nicht erst, dass sie sich an der Umfrage beteiligen könnten. Es gibt aber auch keinen anderen Weg, auf dem wir diese Leute kontaktieren könnten, oder jedenfalls keinen praktikablen.
Am unbeliebtesten ist die bezahlte Slack-Version mit 193 Punkten, gefolgt von Threema mit 188, WhatsApp mit 157. Telegram ist etwas weniger unbeliebt (91 Punkte) und die kostenlose Slack-Version, bei der man keine Chatlogs bekommt, schon fast konkurrenzfähig mit 73 Punkten. Die Option “Facebook-Messenger weiterverwenden wie bisher” ist mit 65 Punkten die am wenigsten unbeliebte, also machen wir das.
Im Dezember 2020 stimmen wir ein weiteres Mal ab, denn Chatnutzungsgewohnheiten ändern sich ja auf relativ kurzen Zeitskalen, und vielleicht gibt es inzwischen irgendeine neue Mehrheit? Es gibt jedenfalls mehr Abstimmungsmöglichkeiten: Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Slack (kostenlos), Slack (bezahlt), Discord, Threema, WhatsApp, Signal und Teams.
Diesmal beteiligen sich nur noch 14 Personen an der Abstimmung, deshalb sind die Zahlen kleiner, das Ergebnis ist aber immer noch ungefähr dasselbe. Am unbeliebtesten ist das bezahlte Slack (128 Punkte), gefolgt von Threema (117), WhatsApp (108), Teams (93), Telegram (92), Signal (82) und Slack kostenlos (68). Discord liegt mit 60 Punkten jetzt am nächsten am Facebook Messenger, der sich mit 57 Punkten knapp weiterhin durchsetzt.
Ich dokumentiere diese beiden Abstimmungen nachträglich zweieinhalb Jahre später, denn obwohl es bestimmt viele Meter Chatlog* zu den Vor- und Nachteilen der Alternativen gibt und es sich eindeutig um Gegenwartstechnik handelt, haben wir damals nichts aufgeschrieben**. Und ich werde auch schon wieder ganz müde bei der Vorstellung, in die Chatlogs hinabzusteigen und mir die vorgebrachten Gründe pro und contra irgendwas anzusehen. Eines Tages raffe ich mich dazu vielleicht noch auf, aber bis dahin ist hier jedenfalls schon mal das Ergebnis festgehalten. Eine neue Abstimmung gab es seitdem nicht, aber wir sollten wohl mal wieder.
* im internen Redaktionschat
** im öffentlichen Techniktagebuch
(Kathrin Passig)
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blubberquark · 4 years
PSA: Switch to Signal Today
After WhatsApp announced they would be changing their TOS, my relatives asked me, the resident computer guy, what other messaging app they could use.
My recommendation: Switch to signal.
Recommend signal to friends and relatives.
I recommend Signal (https://signal.org) wholeheartedly. It has all of the features of WhatsApp, it has encrypted messages, encrypted group chat, and encrypted voice and video calls. It uses your phone number to set up your identity and your phone’s contacts to find other people on signal, so you should not have trouble setting up Signal as a replacement for WhatsApp.
If you have been living under a rock, here’s what happened: Facebook will soon start using the contact data of WhatsApp users to complete their data collection for Facebook profiles. Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you and all your WhatsApp contacts will be added to the Facebook “social graph“.
Signal is it is run by a well-funded American non-profit started by Moxie Marlinspike. The code is open source and has been thoroughly tested and audited. They don’t collect or sell personal data, and they don’t show ads.
There are other apps that may be more appropriate for certain use cases, but Signal covers all of the WhatsApp use cases. I run my own NextCloud Talk instance, which is a more than adequate replacement for Zoom, but not for WhatsApp.
Of course you can tell people to use Jabber/XMPP, matrix.org, threema.ch (open source and reasonably secure, but an account on there costs money), a DHT-based instant messenger (like Tox), a self-hosted rich internet chatroom (like Rocket.Chat), or a federated social network. You can tell people to use an onion-routed super-secret messaging system, or a completely decentralised social network, or  handwritten HTML on their own personal web space.
These may all be good ideas, and they cover many different use cases.
But none of these are a drop-in replacements for WhatsApp. Signal is a drop-in replacement for WhatsApp, and it is free. If you want your whole family to switch away from WhatsApp, a paid service might be a hindrance. If your uncle uses WhatsApp to talk to his friends in his darts club, a paid app like threema might be a tough sell, because you have to convince your uncle that his friends will spend their money on that app, too.
Now is the perfect moment to switch your friends and family from WhatsApp to Signal.
And once we‘re done with that, we can think about replacing Slack, Skype, Zoom, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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bondwalker37 · 4 years
7 Best Apps for Secret Texting (2020)
Are you still using apps like WhatsApp and Facebook? If you are using them, let me warn you that you might risk your privacy and personal data using these apps. Despite their claims of being safe, they have been compromised many times in the past few years. So, if you don’t want to compromise your privacy and personal data, then I suggest you use a secret texting app.
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When it comes to secret texting apps, there are hundreds of options available in the market, and it can be very tough to select a single app from them. So today, we are going over 7 best apps that you and your friends can use for secret texting.
Signal Private Messenger
Signal Private Messenger is one of the best private messenger apps in the market. Using Signal, you can communicate with your friends instantly. You can also create groups on the app. The app also supports HD voice and video calls. Besides this, the app comes with built-in privacy-preserving technology that keeps your conversations secure.
Viber Messenger- Messages, Group Chats & Calls
Viber is another great Secret texting app in the market. It is a fast, simple and secure calling and messaging app and supports end-to-end encryption. You can also open a group chat in the app and add up to 250 members in it. The unique feature of this app is its secret chat option which allows you to set a self-destruct timer for every text you send. Once the text has been read by your friend, the text gets deleted automatically.  
Telegram is another popular secret texting app in the market. The app has more than 500 million downloads and over 400 million active users. Using the app, you can chat with your friends, create a group chat for up to 2000,000 members, and do voice calls with your friends. It also supports self-destructing messages like Viber. Additionally, you can also make GIFs with the app. The app is entirely free and does not have any in-app purchases.
Threema is a mobile messenger app that puts security and privacy at his topmost priority. The app allows you to keep your data protected from hackers, third party developers and governments. It can also be used anonymously. The app supports end-to-end encryption and keeps your conversation private and secure.  You can also use the app on your desktop. The end-to-end encryption secures all your communication, messages, voice calls, group chats, files, and even your status too.
KakaoTalk is a fast and multifaceted messaging app. It can be used to send messages, photos, videos, voice, location absolutely free. The app comes with end-to-end encryption and allows you to keep your conversation secure and private. Using the app, you can easily communicate with your friends and family in any part of the world. Besides this, the app is available on almost all major platforms like Android, iOS, Mac OS, etc.
Wire -Secure Messenger
Wire is an encrypted messaging app that is a perfect solution for organisations and businesses that want to keep their communication secure as well as private. The app is also recognised by IDC. The app encrypts all the user data, and this data is protected under European privacy laws. Besides this, the app can be used for chatting, sending files, and for doing voice calls.  
Wickr Me
Wickr Me is another famous private messenger app. Using the app, you can chat with your friends, create groups, share files and do voice calls too. Every message you send in the app is encrypted with end-to-end encryption. Additionally, the app does not require any phone number or email id for registration, and it also does not store any data from your address book on its servers. The app is very reliable and also has a self-destructing messenger feature like Viber and Telegram.
I’m Bond walker . I’m a web developer living in New york. I am a fan of technology, a publisher of guides at Blogstar design, and programming. You can read my blog with a click on the button above.
Source:- 7 Best Apps for Secret Texting (2020)
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how to write on video on android (1)
Video Tutorials title> To delete a direct message, click the message and choose Delete. All conversation participants can send direct messages to the group. All group members are shown all messages, even if the members do not follow each other. If you buy something on the linked website, we receive a commission. If German is defined as the preferred language in the browser, German is used, in all other cases English is used. The various sessions are saved in the app, where they can be removed at any time. A session password can be set to use Threema Web without scanning a QR code every time. The security of Threema Web can be found in the Cryptography Whitepaper.
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# 2: Lollipop Screen Recorder
With this specialization, we achieve high sales prices on the market because we address a large number of interested parties through our sales channels. So we can find the right buyer for your property in a short time. Experience a real service provider with heart and mind for real estate. We love and live what we do and this gives our work an exceptionally high quality. First tap on «Restore backup», then on «More options» and finally select «Data backup». After entering a freely chosen password, Threema creates a backup and saves it in the Threema / Backups folder.
We will also register an OnClickListener for the add button and thus react to user input.
This makes it possible to use Threema completely anonymously without having to disclose private data. li>
The shortcuts program is Apple's in-house automation app and is therefore well known among iOS lovers.
So we can find the right buyer for your property in a short time.
What distinguishes Threema Web?
To display the chats again, select «Show private chats» in the menu of the chat list and enter the PIN. If none of these languages ​​is supported, English will be used. Unlike most other instant messengers, your identity at Threema is not linked to a phone number. When using Threema for the first time, each user is assigned a randomly generated, eight-digit Threema ID (consisting of letters and numbers). This Threema ID is your unique address at Threema. You have the option to edit your photo before sending your message. In this article, you'll learn more about advanced photo options. The viewer also includes the option to edit documents. This function can be activated in the settings, but it is still in the experimental phase. In principle, every app can be started from the Task Manager in window mode, there is a new button next to the close symbol. The display size of the app then changes, which can then be further scaled and moved freely on the display. Like individual chats, group chats are encrypted end-to-end at Threema. For privacy reasons, groups are not managed on our server, but only on the devices of the users involved. There are various simple key combinations for smartphones and tablets that allow individual images to be captured in a matter of seconds. You only have to use apps to create videos, so-called screencasts. But even in this case there are very simple applications. Capturing pictures on Android is one thing.
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winportables · 2 years
Portable Threema For Desktop is one of the most secure instant messengers in the world.Threema ensures end-to-end encryption of all types of messages, including text messages, voice calls, file shares, and group chats. It even encrypts status messages so no one can keep track of what and when you post. Messages can only be read by the intended sender and recipient. Groups and distribution lists allow you to send messages to multiple recipients at the same time. The management of the group is strictly decentralized. Aside from the group members, no one, not even Threema, knows who the group members are. Using the messenger, we can share files, locations and even multimedia content. In addition, we can make calls without revealing our phone number. 7/8/8.1/10/11English available216.12MB 
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 2 years
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Chatkontrolle muss gekippt werden!
Druck auf EU kommission weiter erhöhen
Seit einigen Monaten kämpfen wir für die Rücknahme der Chatkontrolle in der EU. Die Nachricht vor 2 Monaten lautete:
Liebesnachrichten, Urlaubsfotos, Familien-Chats: Jede Nachricht wird mitgelesen. Geht es nach der EU-Kommission, könnten bald Polizei und Justiz dauerhaft auf unser Handy schauen; selbst bei verschlüsselten Messengern wie WhatsApp, Threema oder Signal.
Inzwischen gibt es zumindest bei der deutschen Innenministerin ein Umdenken. Frau Faeser hält die anlasslose Überwachung unser aller Kommunikation nun auch nicht mehr für die Lösung. Das reicht aber noch lange nicht.
Digitalcourage macht uns in ihrem letzten Newsletter auf diese Tatsache aufmerksam:
Soeben öffentlich gewordene interne Dokumente zeigen: Beim Durchsuchen privater Chats auf illegale Inhalte rechnet die Kommission mit einer Falschch-Positiv-Rate (False Positives) von 10 % – und nimmt das einfach in Kauf. In der Realität würde das heißen: Chatnachrichten mit Urlaubsfotos der Familie am Strand, heiße Liebesbekenntnisse eines Pärchens, Flirtversuche zwischen Teenagern – solche intimen, völlig legalen Nachrichten und Fotos würden millionenfach zur Sichtung auf den Tischen von EU-Beamten landen. Und es würde auch heißen: Es wird eine Infrastruktur geschaffen, die auf unseren Smartphones unsere Nachrichten und Fotos analysieren und an eine Behörde weiterschicken kann.
Was mit diesem Wissen anzustellen wäre, ist sofort klar, weiter Digitalcourage:
Man braucht nicht viel Fantasie, um sich vorzustellen, was Regierungen damit noch anstellen könnten: zum Beispiel auf beliebige unerwünschte Inhalte scannen, um politische Gegner ausfindig zu machen. Aber keine Sorge, das kann nicht passieren, dafür hat die Kommission schon eine Lösung parat: „Missbrauch von Technologie zöge Strafen nach sich.”
Mitlesen und Zensieren
Nach den Plänen der EU-Innenkommissarin Ylva Johansson sollen Unternehmen verpflichet werden, die privaten Chatnachrichten ihrer Nutzer.innen zu durchleuchten und gleichzeitig will sie  erweiterte Uploadfilter einrichten und Netzsperren bei den Internetprovidern durchsetzen. Das wäre nicht nur das Ende unserer Privatsphäre, auch die freie Meinungsäußerung bliebe auf der Strecke.
Auf dem Weg zum "nationalen Internet"?
China hat es vorgemacht, in dem dort bestimmte Inhalte aus dem Ausland geblockt werden, die EU hat es nachgemacht mit der Sperrung russischer Sender auf den Astra Satelliten und (bisher vergeblich) im Internet mit der Abschaltung von rt.com. Russland hat sich revanchiert mit der Sperrung deutscher Sender. Gestern ist nun auch die Türkei mit im Spiel und hat die Deutsche Welle (dw.com) sowohl sendetechnisch als auch im türkischen Internet blockiert.
Privatsphäre und freie Meinungsäußerung retten
Deshalb ist es umso wichtiger, den breiten Protest gegen die Chatkontrolle weiter voranzubringen. In den letzten Wochen gab es Protestaktionen und den zivilgesellschaftlichen Aufschrei bis vor das Bundesinnenministerium. Bundesfamilienministerin Lisa Paus (Grüne) berichtet öffentlich, dass sich im Ampelkabinett an diesem Punkt alle einig sind, von Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) bis Bundesjustizminister Marco Buschmann (FDP).
Und nun? Damit ist der Plan der EU nicht Geschichte.  99 Grundrechtsorganisationen haben die EU-Kommission in einem offenen Brief dazu aufgefordert, das Überwachungspaket mit der Chatkontrolle zurückzuziehen. Das Präsidium der FDP und die Bundestagsfraktion der Linken haben sich dieser Forderung letzte Woche bereits angeschlossen. Es wird langsam Zeit, dass auch die EU-Kommission einlenkt.
Man kann sich nur immer wieder an den Kopf fassen, wie überhaupt Politiker, also hinreichend gebildete Menschen, auf die Idee verfallen können, systematisch fehlerhafte Kontrollinstanzen zu implementieren, die zu Zehntausenden von "False Positives" führen werden aber das angebliche Problem überhaupt nicht tangieren. Das irrste Beispiel war vor 10 Jahren von der Leyens Zensursula Gesetz - warum muss man alte Fehler immer wieder auf höherem Niveau wirderholen?
Wir bleiben dran !!
Mehr dazu bei https://digitalcourage.de/chatkontrolle und die Petition von Digitalcourage https://digitalcourage.de/blog/2022/chatkontrolle-appell-bundesregierung und alle unsere Artikel zur Chatkontrolle https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchart.pl?suche=Chatkontr&sel=meta
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3on Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8068-20220702-chatkontrolle-muss-gekippt-werden.htm
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A person who helped my family out in a crisis has posted on her Facebook that she has a place to stay in California and can pay for a ticket there for anyone who lives in a state that has banned abortion, needs an abortion, and doesn’t have the money to travel to a place where abortion is accessible.
That person has given me permission to post her contact information.
Her name is Sophia Kovaleva. Here is a link to her Tumblr and here is a link to her Facebook page.
In bold is contact information copy/pasted from one of her Facebook posts:
[ETA: if out of state abortions are illegal in your state, YOU HAVE TO USE SECURE CHANNELS!
Best ways to contact me:
Threema: 9H4MUSUS
Signal: +1 (302) 415-4176
Voice/video calls over these (or other) apps are preferable to text due to side-channel attacks.
Failing this, WhatsApp (+1 (302) 415-4176) or secret chats in Telegram (@KoSonya) or even in FB Messenger (kovaleva.sophia) could be an option, but they require so much side-channel mitigation that it's easier to just get Signal. Again, calls are usually a better idea.
If you absolutely have to rely on carrier services, ***ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY DO NOT TEXT!!!*** CALL!!! SMS is the absolute worst way to discuss legally sensitive matters, possibly even worse than leaving a comment under a public Facebook post. Calls are bad too, but they have at least some chance to go unnoticed if you aren't a person of interest already.]
She and her partner are very nice people; they let me and my mother stay at their place for months when we had to leave our home because of a violent neighbor.
If you need what she's offering I hope you have safety and success.
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itfirmsusa · 2 years
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techniktagebuch · 6 years
11. Juli 2018
Messengergebrauch Mitte 2018, eine unrepräsentative Umfrage
In der Techniktagebuch-Redaktion wird immer wieder mal darüber geredet, dass man mit dem Chat vom Facebook Messenger wegziehen könnte. Diese Diskussionen bleiben naturgemäß fruchtlos, jeder hat zwar eine Meinung, wo es besser wäre, aber keine davon war bisher mehrheitsfähig.
In letzter Zeit nervt der Facebook Messenger noch ein bisschen mehr, man kann oft keine Links posten, und Workarounds für das Problem scheint es auch nicht zu geben.
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2014 lautete der Grund für die Entscheidung “da sind eh schon alle”, aber ist das überhaupt noch so? Im Traum erscheint mir ein Doodle, in dem man abfragen könnte, ob vielleicht längst alle am Techniktagebuch Beteiligten täglich einen ganz anderen Messenger nutzen, und zwar alle denselben, so dass die Umzugsentscheidung leicht fiele.
Noch während ich der Redaktion vom Traum berichte, hat Markus Winninghoff die Umfrage schon gebaut. Von links nach rechts, in keiner besonderen Reihenfolge:
Facebook Messenger
Google Hangouts
In der linken Spalte stehen die (hier anonymisierten) Abstimmenden. Kaum jemand hat weniger als drei Messenger im täglichen Gebrauch. Die gelben Häkchen haben bei unterschiedlichen Personen unterschiedliche Bedeutung, zum Beispiel “Nutze ich phasenweise täglich und dann wieder gar nicht” oder “Zwar täglich, aber ungern” oder “täglich, aber nur lesend”. Die eine Person, die angibt, überhaupt keinen Messenger zu nutzen, bestätigt diesen Sachverhalt im Facebook Messenger energisch, ihr Ankreuzverhalten bildet also wohl eher einen angestrebten Idealzustand ab.
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Der Facebook Messenger liegt weiterhin vorn: 36 von 39 Redaktionsmitgliedern nutzen ihn täglich. Das könnte allerdings auch – methodische Schwäche der Umfrage – daran liegen, dass man ihn eben fürs Techniktagebuch braucht.
An zweiter Stelle steht WhatsApp mit 33 Nennungen. Zu WhatsApp umziehen will allerdings auch niemand wirklich dringend. Dort sei es nur auf andere Art schlecht, und die Nutzung am Nicht-Handy ein bisschen zu umständlich, das scheint einigermaßen Konsens zu sein.
15 Leute nutzen Slack täglich. Slack ist allerdings in der benutzbaren Version kostenpflichtig. Felix Lorenz wendet außerdem ein: “Mancher möchte z. B. auf der Arbeitsoberfläche Slack auch nicht unbedingt das TT.”
Telegram wird 14 Mal genannt – für mich ist das überraschend wenig. Ich hatte es weiter vorn vermutet, aber aus keinem bestimmten Grund, sondern nur, weil es in meinem Alltag eben eine wichtige Rolle spielt und mich bisher nicht genervt hat.
Inzwischen haben alle Übung im Nichtdiskutieren eines möglichen Umzugs, so dass das Thema schnell wieder vom Tisch ist. Mein Vorschlag, da die Umfrage zwölf Messenger enthält, einfach jeden Monat einen anderen zu verwenden, stößt auf höfliches Schweigen.
(Kathrin Passig)
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