#throne of glase
mrs-jamesbbarnes · 2 years
I’m reading the Throne of Glass series. I read books 1-4 and while I was waiting on Empire of Storms from the library, I started The Assassin’s Blade.
I’ve seen nothing about it but people saying it was boring. Okay then why have I cried like SIX TIMES ALREADY? I spent books 1-4 thinking of Sam as some nameless wimp from Aelin’s past and now I don’t want to start the last bit because I DON’T WANT SAM TO DIE. It doesn’t matter that I know Rowan is out there. I DON’T WANNA READ IT.
(Also that little appearance by disguised Dorian and Chaol had me giggling with glee.)
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nerdismindecor · 7 years
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Game of Thrones silver tumbler set of 2 found at Think Geek.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
( Im going to be dramatic but- ) I wanna see the chaotic dark side of Vinh and Sarge.🔪🔥...I want to see them bent on raising hell itself 👀 Show me the goddess of stolen fire and the prince of broken glass in thier true form! ( plus pls tell us how they would act like ♡ )
idk if u meant overblot versions, but !! you have No Idea how fast i dropped everything to draw this
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it seems something has happened to our two most ethereal students?beneath the cut! because i like to ramble 👈😎👈
Overblot Sarge Glase - Morbid Seraph
In this form, Sarge is considerably less happy-go-lucky. He’s thrown his carelessness to the wind. He’s done lying to himself and to everyone around him - he’s bitter and exhausted. He’s absolutely angelic in this form, but at what cost? His truths come with no extra playfulness, his words are sharp and cutting and there’s no semblance of pity to them.
It’s something like a final struggle before defeat for Sarge, what point was there in fighting? He’s a rather extreme fatalist in this form. He's sure of it, no matter how he plays his cards - he’ll be alone in the end, whether or not he’s the one left standing or if he’s the one bleeding out onto the floor, that’s simply how his fate goes.
He doesn’t care much for anyone in this form. They mean nothing to him, if anything, they’re like bothersome little ants. What’s the harm of crushing a few ants? It was meant to be. He’ll show you how you meet your fate.
this is kinda built up and on sarge’s backstory, that of which i have not properly introduced yet, but let’s just say that he’s been tossed around a lot in his early life. he is raised as an orphan in a church, and because of his rather beautiful appearance and strange eyes - they basically worshiped him on a pedestal, as something more splendid than just a regular human boy. he’ll be a saint, an angel on earth…! however, he’s still processing the grief of losing his family, as a sickness claimed many people from the village he is from; the church’s mishap in raising him was pushing it all onto a fatalist mindset. this was very much ingrained into sarge.
'they were meant to fall to the sickness, that’s simply what the gods have willed.’
he grew to love a sickly girl who continuously visited the church to pray - they became swift friends, and when he asked what it was that she always was praying for - she’d simply say she was waiting for her prince to save her. but there came a day when she no longer came in to pray. the priests tried to console him, but it was fine, wasn’t it? people die - she wasn’t exempt from it. after all, it was fate - this was his fate. this was always his fate! to be the one to witness it all, and the one to be alone in the end.
Overblot Vinh Torch - Indomitable Empress
Arrogant and unforgiving aren’t usually the words that people would use to describe Vinh, but in this form, that’s exactly what she is. She’s pragmatic as always, however there’s an undeniable intensity to her that burns as viciously as her cold fury. She may still use polite words and have the same unwavering face, but it does nothing to detract from the harsh and demanding nature that she has now. She’s not particularly sadistic, however that does not mean that she lets just anybody off the hook; she has goals and she’s willing to pull a number of strings in order to get where she needs to be, as a proper ruler should.
This is something like a violent upheaval after the defeat for Vinh. She’s had to bare her throat too many times, she’s been used too many times before, and she’s absolutely sick of it. Now it’s her turn to be the master. She's power-hungry and won’t tolerate being underneath anybody else’s foot for any longer. Proud, abrasive, and assertive - she also doesn’t take very kindly to any challenges to her authority. 
She is no longer the weapon of the gods, nor is she a tool for humanity; she’s the fierce iron-fisted queen who’s come for her rightful throne above those who could hardly stand without her power. That is her will, nobody else’s. 
the chains and wing attachments were mainly call-backs to prometheus, but also they could be taken as vinh’s pursuits, in their own right
.i.e. prometheus is chained to a rock and is mauled everyday by an eagle VS vinh breaks her chains and seeks her own freedom. hooray, character design!
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thefoodcorner7-blog · 7 years
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Blue Ice, ❄️🍹 dieser Cocktail aus dem ewigen Eis bringt Abwechslung in die kalten Wintertage.  😋❄️ Auch wenn ich die Serie "Game of Thrones" noch nie gesehen habe, erinnert mich dieser Cocktail immer wieder daran. Oder an den Feuerkelch mit den blauen Flammen aus Harry Potter. Auf jeden Fall ein Hingucker. Geschmacklich passt er hervorragend zum Winter. 📝👇🏽 Zutaten für einen Blue Ice Drink ❄️60ml Ananassaft ❄️30ml Blue curacao ❄️30ml Vodka ❄️30ml Kokosnussmilch ❄️Crushed Ice ❄️Kokosnussraspel 🥤❄️👇🏽  Zubereitung Alle Flüssigen Zutaten zusammen mit dem Eis mixen. Rand eines Glases befeuchten und in Kokosraspel tunken. Den Drink ins Glas geben und geniessen. 🔞❗️ Alkoholhaltige Getränke sind immer behutsam und mit viel Vorsicht zu geniessen. Alkohol Konsum ist in jedem Fall sehr bedenklich und schadet deiner Gesundheit erheblich. Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren sollten komplett darauf verzichten.  ❗️👇🏽❗️ Schau dir unbedingt meinen Artikel über Alkohol und dessen Auswirkungen auf meinem Blog an. Link ist hier: https://www.thefoodcorner.ch/2018/01/21/alles-was-du-über-alkohol-wissen-solltest/ . . . #got #gameofthrones #harrypotter #gobletofthefire #feuerkelch #ice #blue #ice #blueice #cocktail #winter #drink #alkohol #alcohol #eis #blau #kokos #kokosnuss #coconut #delicious #party #nightout #nightlife #bar #barkeeper #shaker #trinken #foodblogger #foodblog #thefoodcorner (hier: Buchs, St. Gallen)
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