gcldfanged · 1 year
How much blood could the human body hold?
It was a question that he’d asked himself countless times. How much blood did a person have? What injuries would it take to kill them? How would they look as they begged for their lives?
It hadn’t even been planned out, just a lucky guess. Sawing through the carotid artery in Masa’s neck. He was a well built man- Thick with muscles, strong, even a little handsome. His veins were easy to spot, they bulged from the backs of his hands, down his arms, through his neck. His heart was still beating, fruitlessly pumping more blood up to his brain. Spraying out of the severed artery like water from a burst pipe. 
It was warm when it misted his clothing, soaked into the knitted fabric of his sweater vest. Pure white blouse and pleated skirt streaked with red. Loose socks heavy with vitae. He’d never stepped foot into a school building in his entire life. The uniform was little more than a sick parody, a mocking spectacle made to entertain his former owner.
The image of his savior had burned itself into his memory- Tall with auburn hair, steely eyes, and a scar running along the side of his cheek. The tall man stepped forward and suddenly his jacket was draped around Jae’s damp shoulders- the collar smelled like crisp wintry woods his grandfather used to hunt in, herbaceous and green, with just a touch of sweet sulphurous cognac. 
Jae had loved it. The way he looked, smelled, spoke. It wasn’t enough to be like Verdot, he wanted be Verdot. It was a dark desire that coiled deep inside his chest, too ruddy and intense and obsessive to be called a distant dream.
And yet, in this moment, Jae-hyo sees him for what he truly is. He’s just a man- Human. Fallible and flawed. Vulnerable. Selfish. Tragic.
He takes a step forward and rests his hands upon broad shoulders he can now easily reach, and smiles. 
“From now on, I hope every day is a quiet nightmare. I hope that every moment is terrifying and meaningless. And when you do finally begin to take your last breath, I hope it’s somewhere dark and cold without an ounce of warmth or kindness to ease your rotten soul into the afterlife. You’re going to die, pitiful and alone, in complete ruins with no dignity left.”
Jae leans in, pressing his lips to the side of a scarred cheek, lowering his voice to something soft- like a lover might use. Granting his former idol a cold and gentle kiss of death.
“Don’t let me down.”
Rows of empty bottles and glasses form a kind of defensive wall around the former Turk, who currently has his face buried between his crossed arms. He looks like a depressed salary man (albeit with a better suit), having long overstayed his welcome. The employees just look tired and too frightened to ask him to leave so they could go home and pass out, only to wake up and do it all over again.
A black and gold cigarette smolders in a crystal tray, burning down to the ornately decorated filter with a long, cylindrical piece of ash- Untouched and forgotten.
Crisp footsteps echo on a tiled floor, announcing someone’s presence in a manner too obvious and dramatic to be anything than the lofty display it was.
Jae clenches his eyes shut against the dim lighting of the bar top, crushing his forehead against his designer watch and leather gloves. Maybe if he presses hard enough, he might hit brain matter. The alcohol should have long numbed his emotions, fermented his amygdala. 
“Get lost, I’m busy drinking here if you haven’t noticed,” he remarks icily, the effect somewhat lessened due to being muffled. 
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unrequiteddeath · 10 months
Nuts and Bolts
//For the convenience of literally everyone, I have pinned here the nuts & bolts of this roleplay account!  Rules: 18+ NSFW friendly,  Multi-ship, crossover/AU friendly.  Don’t be a dick. Muses: Genesis @unforestalledreturn, Rufus ShinRa @thronelessprince and, Lazard Deusericus @unrequiteddeath (here) About the Mun: 21+, here to chill. If I follow you I am definitely interested in interacting with you and cooking up some plots. DMs are open and you can reach me on my discord! My handle is Yuka Relinquere .
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Nuts & Bolts
//For the convenience of literally everyone, I have pinned here the nuts & bolts of this roleplay account!  Rules: 18+ NSFW friendly,  Multi-ship, crossover/AU friendly.  Don’t be a dick. Muses: Genesis (here), Rufus ShinRa @thronelessprince and, Lazard Deusericus @unrequiteddeath About the Mun: 21+, here to chill. If I follow you I am definitely interested in interacting with you and cooking up some plots. DMs are open and you can reach me on my discord! My handle is Yuka Relinquere . Some things I tag: #visage || Genesis Rhapsodos #ff7 art #meme #headcanon
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
[Four Seasons] In the Cage of Crystal and Greed
Closed Starter for the “Four Seasons” Divergent Megaverse!
Of how Project “S” (now named ���Sephiroth”) and Rufus Shinra first met.
Involved Characters: Sephiroth, 11-12yo ( @ghostofnibelheim​ ), Rufus ShinRa, 15yo ( @thronelessprince​​ )
References: Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-
Settings: Midgar, September εγλ 1992
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Plink. Plink. Plink.
The sound of the solution dripping from the IV bag beside the bed and into the tube that latched on the back of his hand. It was the only way the boy could tell that time existed in this room.
Plink. Plink. Plink.
Too faint to hear through the plastic equipment for most, but not for him. In here, this place with no color that smelled of antiseptic, it was all he could pay attention to. It drilled into his mind, and deafened the only coherent thought he could make.
‘I want to go home.’
Where was home, however? Why did the boy so fiercely believe he wasn’t there already, when his mind drew a total blank about anything prior his awakening on the surgical table?
This place, it was not home.
He didn’t want to be here, but he didn’t know where else to go, either. How convenient for whoever had put him in this foreign room where it felt neither warm nor cold.
Day and night, he sat in bed, and waited. Waiting for something to come to his memory, or for someone to come through the door. He knew he couldn’t open it himself. The ‘Doctors’ made sure to lock it every time. A heavy latch of steel bit fiercely through the door with the command of little plastic cards that they passed before a strange small box attached to the wall right next to it.
He hadn’t tried to ask to go out. In truth, he didn’t really want to talk to any of them. The boy didn’t know anybody here, and he could see the way they looked at him: like something that didn’t belong. Emotions he didn’t know what to name were plain in their faces whenever they came through to approach his bedside. They seemed more at ease when fiddling with the wires and equipment beeping and buzzing beside him, than the boy they were latched onto.
Maybe he was a machine, too. Was this how a machine was supposed to feel? It wasn’t like the IV could tell him anything about it.
Plink. Plink. Plink.
That’s all it said.
He wanted to go home, but how could he find it? This place seemed to be a closed box and torn from all existence. The only thing remotely close to a window was the long mirror on the same wall as the door. Any look the boy would cast to it would be met by an identical one with the same forlorn, empty-eyed expression.
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Little did he know, more than one pair of eyes were gazing right back at him at that very moment.
“There he is, Mr. President. Still alive and in top form, just as I told you. We transferred him last week.” Hojo had a smug grin on his face as he spoke. He was in a good mood today, even enough for his usually slouch and crooked posture to be a bit straighter, making him taller beside his most important investor.
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“He may look a little frail at a first glance, but do not let appearances deceive you. He has yet to hit puberty, besides... But he underwent the mako infusion procedure like it was second nature. Almost no side-effects. A light amnesia, but his procedural memory was not affected in the slightest. He should be ready for performance tests very soon.”
A lot was at stake here. And while the man was still disappointed by the lack of Cetra-like talents in the boy, the prospective of the so-called SOLDIER program interested him. His acquired position at the head of the Science and Research Department left vacant by Gast Faremis was on the line... and he knew he still had competition.
If he could impress the President before the mess of theories Hollander was toying with back in Mideel bore any good fruit, the seat and all the benefits that came with it would remain as his.
And what a promising specimen this one was.
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hiislegacy · 4 years
The entire world was his to do with as he pleased, and his will was stronger than anyone who dared to oppose him. He had his enemies on their knees, begging for all to be spared. At least, that is what he imagined is how it went down. It was a fantasy that he built up in his head, the moment he realized that a massive loss was taken. His power had been halved, as he hovered above the others with his black wing on full display. Those of ShinRa had managed to play the longest game of trickery and waiting.
They used something on him, some spell or weapon, to get him down from the sky. He couldn't be sure on what exactly it was, as it rendered him unconscious within seconds of hitting the concrete below. His dream of controlling all in the world, in the universe, had been abruptly halted. He was not sure on how much time passed between this great failure, and when finally he woke to darkness. Inside a cell, no doubt that is what this was, Sephiroth’s gaze adjusted quickly, but even with his heightened senses he still was not able to make out much. There was something cold pressed around his wrists and ankles, which had him barely able to move much, and more importantly there was something clamped hard around the black wing to keep it from unfurling.
He was uncomfortable, which was a first in a long while for him to be feeling, as he had been free for many years, either through mental bliss that he’s achieved through his connection with Mother, or through physical means. He had been free from the grips of ShinRa, and now? Now, it was unknown. Now, he didn’t care, because he was trying to find a way out of this situation. It wasn’t what Fate had in store for him, he knew that much. This was something unprecedented, something he couldn’t have foreseen, and he would have his answers.
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Patiently, he waited, knowing that someone would come to speak to that which, from all he’s done so far, is one that had murdered the President of ShinRa. If it were a guard, he would easily escape, as his influence would see to that, easily. Though, already he should have been able to free himself from this, but something was... blocking his abilities. It was strange to feel this.
| @thronelessprince​ |
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turkoftheslums · 4 years
send a ▪️ for one way the muse and mun are similar or a ▫️ for one way they’re different!
When I first started this blog, I portrayed Reno as whacky and out of control (as that’s how my thoughts kind of were) and only after receiving my ADHD diagnosis did I realise that the way I see him also fits having ADHD - plus a headcanon I have is that he zones out to focus when fighting seriously and I zone out when I’m concentrating hard.
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omniheim · 4 years
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⟨   unprompted◞    ❛  @thronelessprince​  .   ⟩ //Holy damn-- you made those keychains?? Fuck man, that is pretty lit. Good job! They look fantastic!
thank   u !!!      ;w;   i’ve   been   wanting   to   make   my   own   keychains   for   years   now ,   i’m   so   glad   i’m   finally   actually   doing   it !
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stylish-alastor · 2 years
@thronelessprince || Terrible First Meetings
"You're staring like you've never seen a demon before."
“You could say that.” He paused to wipe the smear of blood off his face. It reeked. “You could also say I am… surprised.”
Whatever the things were that had attacked him were unlike any monsters Rufus had seen before. As such, they had caught him off guard. Blinking slowly, the blonde regained himself.
“…I suppose I am to owe you a favor now?”
“Pff... favors,” Alastor scoffed. “I can’t be bothered to come up with anything for you to return the favor with. Best not occupy yourself with that.”
Despite the initial shock, the man was quick to regain his composure. Perhaps he’d had a few encounters with native creatures not too far removed from these demons, but the details were something the both of them could put out of mind for now. There was a more important question that piqued Alastor’s interest. 
Why him? Lesser demons weren’t like to concentrate their efforts on a specific target, and much less taken to discretion or subtlety. Not unless ordered to.
Curiosity carried him in a clockwise clip as he observed the young blond, gaze roving from head to heel in search of something that would answer his unspoken inquiry. 
“Not that it does you any good to lie, but do you recall any unusual occurrences in the past few days?”
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shinras-assassin · 4 years
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Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
He likes that old time rock and roll. You know the kind of music that soothes ya soul.  
Shout out to @fabulumn
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rp-sephiroth · 7 years
RP - Too fast, too close
( @thronelessprince Hi I read your blog and you look decent. I like the answers to the asks you’re getting. I’ve written with some truly LEGENDARY Rufuses and I’m eager to see if you fit into my collection~? You look like you can write a sharp post! May I invite you to write with me?) 
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If you are accepting roleplays, feel free to respond. If you do not accept them, then feel free to ignore. #AKA WHAT IF THE HIGHWAY CHASE NEVER HAPPENED.) 
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"Mother!" cried the Remnant Kadaj as he jumped after the box Rufus had thrown off the building. As he was falling, he caught Jenova's leaking box. And again: "Mother!" 
A flash followed. Its brightness bounced off the walls, and blinded people two streets away. The person who landed on the street, was someone else. 
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He put his head in his neck and looked up. Above him, Rufus Shinra was about to fall into the nets. That drew out a smirk so hollow that surely his words would have an echo in the street that had grown so very quiet. 
“Good to see you, here.”
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exsiliumductoris · 7 years
NSFW Meme thing. ... Cross dressing? //shot
[blows the smoke from the barrel of his pistol]
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gcldfanged · 1 year
Just because it has come up in the thread between @thronelessprince and I, Jae is not averse to threatening male IDing individuals sexually. 
He was socialized female and experienced many abuses due to misogyny, so he would never go there with someone who identifies as female/femme leaning.
At the same time, his experiences as a victim of the underworld have left false imprints on how he thinks the world operates. He has internalized hallmarks of toxic masculinity such as being averse to crying, not showing weakness, displaying cruelty to gain respect and flaunt power, and objectifying those he views as lesser.
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Zack glanced down at the piece of paper he had in his hand with a raised eyebrow, blonde hair with blue eyes and will likely be wearing a white suit. Hmm, interesting. 
Shinra had put together a blind date night, supposedly to bring about comradeship between it’s employees. Zack of course didn’t care about the specifics, he was just excited because it sounded like fun. At the very least, even if he ended up with someone bad or weird, it was a night out.
Of course, by the sound of the description he didn’t think he had to worry at all! It was Cloud, he just knew it! He was already planning to have a fun night with his best friend, dinner and maybe even heading to the arcade or the movies. Or both!
He approached the cafe where he was supposed to meet his date for the night and he eagerly sat down to wait while he kept an eye out for his friend.
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★: A blog you'd love to roleplay with
ooc: How can I just choose one tho??Gosh, this is hard, since I tend to be shy toward those blogs I'm interested to rp with sooooo I don't dare to mention anyone out in the open, lamo.But once I'm able to be more active here I would like to have more Turk interactions, honestly. And other muses that I feel like Rude can build some sort of relation with (good/bad/complicated).
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chosenrule · 4 years
Verse: It has Been a Beautiful Fight. Still is.
Eventually I shall put this in the verses page, but for now, a hopefully more in-depth description than what I will write later. In any case, this verse is plotted and single shipped with @thronelessprince.
The year is 1986; rising tensions between Wutai and ShinRa spark growing desperation in the former. If it comes to it, this will be a war they know well they cannot win no matter what they throw into it, for the might of ShinRa is far stronger than the depth of their pride. Whispers of a young boy in Nibelheim with strength like no other are carried back to the inner workings of the country, and a plan is hatched: if they can steal away this prize of ShinRa, they may yet rear the dawn of their salvation. And it is with a great deal of espionage, careful planning, and no small measure of luck that they manage to not only abscond with the young Sephiroth, but keep him hidden away from searching eyes.
For years, Sephiroth is raised in the shadows, trained from the time he could hold a blade to use it. Still, he is allowed very little childhood; those who care for him know it is a luxury they cannot afford. However, he is brought up with the beliefs that he is the last of the Cetra, and he who will someday deliver Wutai from ShinRa’s wrath.
And eventually, that day comes. War breaks out while he is still a child, and to preserve themselves, Sephiroth is brought to the front-lines, where he quickly wreaks havoc on the ShinRa troops; though he is but small, none but two SOLDIERs can withstand the force of his blows. And though Genesis and or Angeal are consistently deployed to counteract Sephiroth, he never kills them. He knows he could burn brighter, fight stronger. Perhaps overwhelm them, and remove them, too, as a threat. But he never does; fascination with two enemies stays whatever anger boils inside him.
Thus, the war drags on for another five years. The people are weary, and any and all attempts to take back Project S are met with bald faced failure. But ShinRa knows the dangers of letting their pet run rampant, and so... A deal is struck between the two sides: Wutai’s guardian will marry ShinRa’s prince, so that there may be peace brokered between them -- and the crown jewel of the Science Department returned to his proper place.
Sephiroth is still SOLDIER’s general and a First Class by the start of Crisis Core a year after his wedding. He has already manifested his wing, and displays it proudly at all times, as he considers it to be a gift from Leviathan -- he is thus still referred to as the One Winged Angel. He is, however, legally Sephiroth ShinRa ( which to me, personally, is v v cursed )
To the surprise of many, Sephiroth and Rufus actually get along exceedingly well, and there’s not really any hurdles barring their individual awkwardness and that that comes from them both being late teenagers. Rufus still, however, remains under house arrest and only leaves when smuggled out by Sephiroth.
Angeal and Genesis both eventually become Sephiroth’s best friends; CC follows largely the same timeline. But because of their kindred distaste for ShinRa as it presently was, Sephiroth chooses to help Rufus take over the company, and, after Banora is burned, murders the president. However, as a SOLDIER First Class and SOLDIER’s general, he’s still sent on the mission to Nibelheim, and has the same encounter with Genesis, leading to his week of neurotic consumption of any and all information on the Jenova Project that he can get his hands on, and the following razing of the village of Nibelheim. Instead of instigating a fight with Cloud or Zack, Sephiroth stands near catatonic, staring at the body of his ‘mother’ until Rufus arrives and convinces him to leave with him. Seph doesn’t remember much of burning down the village, nor does he remember texting his husband for help -- but doesn’t deny the former, and eventually finds the text to prove the latter.
Spending an extended period of time trying to piece his mind back together on leave, Sephiroth doesn’t resurface til he’s relatively stable again. ( During this time, Rufus allows limited medical staff to see him, and barely anyone else. Discussions of his husband are quickly shut down with the understanding they not resurface again. ) Despite claims of thinking of retiring early, he returns after Lazard’s death to pick up the pieces left of the office. Instead of Heidegger claiming the position, Sephiroth himself takes it and begins gutting the program. In his wake, it becomes far more humane, though all the more rigorous for the lack of enhancements on its members; he has high standards, and it’s suggested you meet them.
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unrequiteddeath · 4 years
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//@rude-at-your-service the tumblr gods have spoken. Wanna have a beautiful friendship? X3
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