shallliveoninsong · 3 months
The general is sighing in exasperation and rubbing his forehead. How did he end up with friends like these?
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monpalace · 1 year
instinctively said oh god because i know it's nothing good coming from you of all people [ /lh ] but please lay them all on me
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
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magicwordorchestra · 1 year
haachama <<33 i want her to take as much time off as she needs
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hauntingblue · 1 year
Insane posting has been going on for a while and is going to continue for at least a week my bad.
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yuzu-all-the-way · 10 months
Official statement from Yuzuru Hanyu - he and his partner have taken the decision to part ways because of constant harassment and stalking by media outlets
Updated with a more accurate translation:
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If I could, I'd throtle all the tabloids, media and people who have caused them so much trouble that they saw divorce as the best possible solution
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
There's such a dissonance to me watching Hobie stans also stan Luke due to Atsv and the Pjo show sharing a debut year.Tumblrinas be like 'Can't stand fascism,hell yeah Hobie!!!*Half a year later*Me and the Pookie,he means well,he said it himself😍😍😍' like babes he was the propaganda Hobie was warning us about.Just stan book!Percy,he's just Hobie in a different font and that includes walking the walk instead of empty groomer words.He also dosen't look like show!Luke but like Hobie too but the Pjo fandom would throtle me for that cause they read the books wrong just like they watched Atsv wrong and won't read Hobie's comics either
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asortafairytale · 4 months
Absolutely hate myself for listening to Taylor Swift's "touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto" song on repeat
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kaleidoscopiccc · 5 months
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hamhamparadise · 11 months
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Pururun! Shizuku-chan 28
This post was released three days ago in Patreon, as a reward for those that are supporting Paradise Hamsubs.
We are back!
We want to apologize for the long break, but finally André is back at full throtle... maybe. Xmas season is coming soon so he will be busy, but at least now he can allocate more time to subs than the last few months.
Hence, we are offering you the first of the (hopefully many) Shizuku episodes to come before year's end!
This episode was rough, the two new characters talk weird and the gags on the second half are, as usual, the achilles heel of our team.
It probably did not help that it was the first thing we worked after the break, so we are still a bit rusty. But hey, it's out and you can enjoy it, so go ahead!
You can watch online or download the episode here: Watch Pururun! Shizuku-chan 28.
Please consider supporting us on Patreon or Ko-Fi!
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blogimine · 2 years
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heliinx · 2 years
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That human-doe is more mixed up than a throtling!
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 years
Between Cracker and Doflamingo who would actually win in a 1v1 fight?
Cracker hands down.
Don't forget Doflamingo was getting THROTLED by a Fourth Gear Luffy:
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Whereas it took Luffy gorging himself to defeat Cracker after 11 hours:
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waru-chan8 · 2 years
Roberto: before jorge gets out of it (the “pool”) I wanted to ask you a question, but from there. What was his maximum time in practices? (Meaning for how long could he hold is breath under water).
Juandi: arround 3 minutes suffering a lot...
Roberto: Around 3 m(minutes) suffering a lot *impressed*
Juandi: A lot, a lot.Once (I think he tries to say)
Roberto: rarely did he reaches 3 (minutes). Jorge Lorenzo, Juandi had said to you before, 3:33. 3 minutes and 33 seconds!
Flo: you are dammed/you are death x2. I feel... I feel absolutely attacked by Jorge Lorenzo and as henchman Juandi. I feel totally attacked They holdid for 3:34 (minutes (Waru’s comment: i not a translation error, for some reason Flo thinks believes is 3:34 minutes even when corrected)) only to screw/mess with me.
Roberto: 3:33 (minutes)
Flo: 3:33 minutes just to screw/mess with me
Roberto: What (time) did you do?
Flo: 3:30 (minutes)
Roberto: Oh!
Flo: No oh, no
Roberto: 3 seconds
Flo: you know it. He didn’t last 3 (minutes), he was around 3 (minutes) he said it. hen why did he hold if for 3:34 (minutes) and not 3:29 (minutes)? Why?
Roberto: laughing his ass off
Flo: Jorge, we are seeing your true self, it’s showing
Roberto: Let’s...
Ana: *laughing her ass off* that’s true, you (Flo) have a point
Flo: it’s true! (about Jorge holding it long enough to surpass Flo).
Mariló: Congrats!
Flo: He old it just to mess with me
Roberto: Jorge Lorenzo come with me
Flo: no, no the world is against me
Jorge Lorenzo: mother of God
Roberto: congratulations Juandi
Jorge: I’m not doing this in my life
Roberto: a big applause for Jorge Lorenzo. 3:33 (minutes) and he comes 3rd in this season (8th in the general ranking) in the apnea ranking. Also come with me because, of course, that means that mathematically we have to add 3500 euros to the Openbank solidarity card. 3500 euros plus the 6000 euros for the winner (male and female) of this night (10/02/2023). We was saying it for the duration of the whole video, I don’t like to suffer, I don’t like to suffer, but he carries it/it’s written in his DNA. At the end... you don’t like to lose
Jorge: Juandi was not extracting/pulling my hand and I was saying, at the 2 minutes mark take my hand, and it was not time, it was not time. And I was saying, I’m suffering
Roberto: before the assessments, what was in your head? This is something I’m very curios about, what where you thinking in the inside?
Jorge: at the end, I had to focus on one circuit. I choose Mugello (Waru’s comment: I want to said that watching this with the audio comments to make the translation easier, it says Montmeló 🙈) that is one of the las circuits I’ve been with the Porsche, this year I’ll race in the Porsche (Exclusive, Jorge returns to race cars), and I tried to do it as slowly as I could. At first I was very slowly as If I was doing it with a 50cc, you know? 6th (gear?), 5th (gear?) lowering very slowly. But when I reached the last part of the circuit, I was...
ROberto: full throtle/full gas
Jorge: I was... how is it said? To
Ana: the contractions
Roberto: nearly hyperventilating
Jorge: no, the contractions
Roberto: ah the contractions
Jorge: the contractions and I had another lap to run/go. It has been really though. As I said before, I won’t do it again in my life. I won’t do an apnea again in my life because I suffered the most with difference and it’s crazy, no? At the end, we have normalized times that for normal people that when I was talking to friends on the phone where telling me 3, 2 minutes something? You are crazy,I can’t even do 1 minute. And the truth is that all the contestants in here we give our everything, and today it was my turn
Ana: Ole to you
Roberto: 3:33 (minutes). Juan del Val, please go ahead.
Juan: it’s what you have just said, I’m totally with you. There’s times where we take lightly the times and it looks like that they are something normal to pass 2 minutes or 3. And then what we say each week, there are contestants and competitors, at your life you’ve been a competitor and then you get in there (the “pool”) and it shows. Congratulations.
Santiago: at the end. At the end it shows that to be the number one in anything, the suffering is important part. Moreover, I imagine Jorge, that he has said, I don’t want to suffer but I don’t want to end below Flo... To get Jorge Blanco (4:13 minutes) no, but I have to surpass Flo. And you made it. At the end the suffering has his price that’ll be a good score
Jorge: thank you
Roberto: by 3 seconds
Jorge: I had Laura (3:40 minutes) but I thought...
Flo: moreover, we ned to say that
Jorge: I gonna let it be (At the start of the show, the show how proud Laura was and that she got the time tattooed on her arm)
Flo: We have to say that he had his coach (Juandi, who is the same coach for all contestants in the apnea challenge) saying we have to get/pass Flo. There was (team) orders in there?
Santiago:They went for that/they went for a catch
Jorge: we could choose the strategy
Flo: what where your orders to Juandi to give you the times?
Rosa: mother of God
Jorge: I told him, without a doubt, we have to win against Flo today
*Everyone laughs*
Roberto: no aces under the sleeve (the expression he uses means to tricks). FLo, it’s over, don’t search for it that you’ll find it
Flo: look I’m not really competitive at all, 0, but just hearing this from Jorge Lorenzo it has given me a boost, si fucking great
Jorge: and it’s the second:
Flo: it’s the second one
Roberto: he is the Rossi of the apnea (Waru’s comment: I’m sorry if you imply that Jorge’s objective is to beat Flo and Flo is living rent free in Jorge’s mind as a competitor, please refer to him as Dani Pedrosa). Let’s see Yélamo (he is a pundit on a political face to face programme on another channel of the same “house”. He also competed for Jorge Blanco as he got injured. He only gives his opinin, he does not cas a vote).
Yélamo: I can say very little Jorge. My admiration, mentality of steel because there’s a breathing technique obviously, but the mind plays a very imporant part . And then Robert...
I do know assessmets is not over, but Yélamo just ask to move the poll to his show to put the panelist in the water to keep them quite. They joke about what would happen. I thought I could pare you from that
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kurai-hono-blog · 1 month
major rant
just going through things, using this as a memo
Today marks me being home from college for 2 months and 2ish weeks. The kind of job i am looking for requires a design portfolio that takes months for ppl to build. I should have built alongside my studies but due perfectionism and motivation issues i didn't. I had about 30% of the content required for the portfolio. and I have been working my way to finishing it. I wont say i have been going full throtle becoz i anticipated this project to be long and didnt wanna loose steam mid way through. They think i am being lazy for pacing myself. But ik there is only so much i can do in a day. Making this portfolio requires a loooooot of learning and relearning.
And during this time, instead of being supportive or understanding they have abused my mentally and verbally EVERY SINGLE DAY. Any and every anxiety, bad thought straight up swear words that they think of- they throw at me. But we live in a society where kids are supposed to stay with their parents till they marry. And after doing alll of this they still expect me to stay with them and take care of them. It just baffles me how my suffering is soo invisible to them. OR how their own pov trumps the sight of their kid crying in front of them.
I just cant deal with having people who threaten to kill me or marry me into an abusive household be my parents. To think these people expect me to give them respect, take care of them till their old age makes me wanna throw up.
Mind you this doesn't come from a place of poverty- we aren't rich but we own our house and have enough income to be comfortable. They just want to compare me to every single person that they know and how well to do they are.
They were gonna buy me a car. They promised me this an year ago but they keep it hostage whenever their is a fight. Which- i dont even want it anymore from their money. It's just it will be tough to buy a car and learn how to drive in a new city if i leave home. But i might just do it.
Anytime i talk about my struggles- all friends and family try to compare it to their own abusive household. Which fine ok everyone has issues. But mine are exagerrated by the fact that i am an only kid. ALL expectations all anxities are magnified becoz all their eggs are in one basket.
i feel soo starved of love, its terrifying if i get it and it's terrifying if i don't
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