#throught provoking art
vampirehowl · 1 year
if we are ok with me being completely honest my dream version of this upcoming barbie movie is written and produced by david lynch and werner herzog in addition to the current use of White Couple Weekly. do i think that this would probably end up in a murder/suicide? yes. but thats a risk im willing to take in the name of Barbie
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idol-trickster · 2 years
💧 - How would your muse react to losing a best friend? How would they cope?
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"A best friend...? I never really had any."
He thought a moment. Was that really true? He had co-workers... but he never considered them best friends. Why? Because in his career, work came first. Relationships had to have a marketable benefit, which meant faking being friends. Sometimes you could almost forget it was fake though... but that made you weak, vulnerable, and distracted; dangerously letting you create someone who knows how to use you.
There's no doubt that being in the fog was the most indulgently selfish thing Jiwoon had in a long time. Killing does have a way of isolating you emotionally from others... or maybe it was instead the byproduct to cope from isolation.
"I guess... I'd just move on. I'll miss them, but missing them won't bring them back. Instead, I'd rather do something with what I learned from them. If they were important, there will be plenty of things which will remind you of them, find ways to honor them, and eventually, you can replace the space they left."
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
Dino Survival Game?
So a while back I changed my profile pic to a Tanystropheus, and alot probably wondered what that was about. For awhile now I had an idea for a video game, and it bothered my long enough I started makeing (poorly drawn) concept art for creatures.
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Will this game ever be made, I honestly don't know. I don't know alot about game design, but the idea won't leave me. Two years ago I didn't even know the ttte fandom existed, and now I've writen dozens of fanfics and drawn nearly 100 locomotives, so I can't predict where this will end up.
The current working title is THE PEAK.
You awake on the shores of a island in a strange sea, the landsacpe dominated by the towing mountain the makes up the island. As you progress throughout the game you will learn to domesticate the various creatures found on the island and the surrounding ocean, fight bosses littered throught the world's biomes, and learn the lore of the strange world. The games is adventure/survival, with a heavy emphasis on exploration.
Tanystropheus is one of the first creatures you encounter. A marine reptile from the Triassic period living on the shores you awake upon, these creatures love nothing more than to fish. Skitish in temperment, they must be approached slowly, when approached the animal will begin to shuffle nervuosly. Pausing and allowing the creature to calm before appoaching further will slowly gain its trust and will eventually allow the player to join the Tanystropheus in its fishing spot. One sitting with the reptile, feeding it fish will allow it to be domesticated.
If allowed to fish, domesticated Tanystropheus will share some of its catch with the player. This is not only a useful source of food in the early game in the form of fish, but occasionally it may find pieces of armor of tools in its fishing to give to you.
But not all the inhabitants of the shores are so friendly, Monolophosaurus stalk the sands of the island.
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These therapods are light and agile, and rely almost entirly on ambushing their prey. If spotted during its stalking, it will often back down rather than risk a fight. This gives the player a chance to offer it meat, and earn its trust.
Once domesticated, the Monolophosaurus is a light and agile mount. A quick way to travel, although you must travel light. Loyal combanians once tamed, Monos are very social and are happier in trios or more.
For those wishing to transport more than just themselves, Parasaurolophus is the largest creature to be found on the shore line. These hadrosaurs are strong and fast, and lone monos steer clear of these powerful creatures.
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Parasaurs can be domesticated with the seaweed or kelp, a favorite treat for the herbivore. For players willing to risk the waters to get these, Parasaurolophus can provide much needed protection in the forests beyond the island's shores.
Speaking off the seas surrounding the Island, The mysterious Sea Serpent is a gentle giant unless provoked, and locals on the island believe one of these creatures was the one to pull you to shore. Adults are massive creatures, capable of crushing ships in their coils if provoked.
While only rumors exist of a way to befriend the adults, the juveniles swimming in the shallows are easier to please, even if it will be a long time indeed before they reach adulthood lengths.
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Okay, so those were some of the creature ideas and designs for THE PEAK. I really need something better than MS Paint to do these concepts. But, for now thoughts?
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shakingthestars · 5 years
The problematic conclusion of the Rise of Skywalker – a “whitewashing” of the Skywalker legacy ?
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Art by  kasiopea-star-wars
Nearly two months after The Rise of Skywalker came to theaters, I have finally found a way to express my throughts about the conclusion of this galactic journey. As a new Skywalker trilogy was announced years ago, I remember not feeling thrilled by the idea of a sequel, asking myself what would be the added-value to the story for an arc that started and ended with Anakin Skywalker. Yet I remember feeling pleasantly surprised by how promising The Force Awakens (TFA) was in introducing the characters, playing on their dynamics and setting up the family dramas : a stormtrooper taken away from his family ; a scavenger waiting for the return of her parents ; an heir rejecting his birth name ; a family desintegrated by a repeating tragedy. The Last Jedi (TLJ) felt refreshing by bringing the family drama to a higher level, deepening the heroine/antagonist dynamic and paving the way for a refined sight of the Jedi philosophy. As much The Rise of Skywalker (TROS) has its entertaining moments as a standalone, I couldn’t help feeling growingly unconfortable about this movie as a conclusion of the Skywalker story.
Why Return of the Jedi (ROTJ) originally felt like a satisfying conclusion of the Skywalker story…
Among the several reasons why TROS fails to deliver a satisfying conclusion to this 42 years old arc, the very last act of the franchise stands out as strangely  dissonant with the rest of the entire story. Let’s have a look back at the original ending set up by  Return of the Jedi (ROTJ). Far from being my favorite Star Wars movie because of the Jabba the Hutt sequence, ROTJ never failed to get me emotional by the way it beautifully concluded the Skywalker arc. Beyond the joyful atmosphere around the galaxy and the celebration of the victory on Endor, the last sequence sets up a powerfully emotional ending because it’s all about healing the wounds through reconciliation :  reconciliation of a man with himself, reconciliation of a father with his son but also reconciliation of a fallen Jedi with the old friends he once betrayed. Thus, as sad as Anakin Skywalker’s death may be, the outcome of his tragic life is counterbalanced by what we get to experience on screen with the characters, from his funeral scene to the appearance of the Force Ghosts.  Everything is synchronized in a way that enables the viewer to feel that the hero of the OT, Luke Skywalker,  has now completed his journey to find himself, can let the past behind him and move on to build a brighter future surrounded by his « family ». At that point, this conclusion left  me as the viewer with the satisfying feeling that the Skywalker arc is complete, bringing me back to my initial question : what was their story worth to continue for ?
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…that left the Skywalkers with an unresolved family business
Yet, when we meet the Skywalkers again 30 years later, it appears that the family has completely imploded : a fallen son enrolled in the ennemy camp, the parents separated, the uncle exiled on a planet far far away. TFA introduces the viewer to a family tragedy that repeated itself with a kid targeted by a master puppet for his “mighty blood” in order to follow his grandfather’s footsteps. We learn from the canon novel Bloodline as well as TFA make it clear that neither Leia nor Han ever forgave Vader and very much feared that their only son would take after him: “We’ve done everything we could have done. There’s too much Vader in him”. As impressive as his sacrifice might have been for a 1983 viewer, Vader’s redemption was the result of a sudden turn for the sake of one person, an action that neither Leia nor the Galaxy got  to witness, making Anakin only an unsung hero of the victory against the Empire. His sacrifice didn’t enable any reconciliation of his daughter with the dark side of his legacy, paving the way for the tragedy to repeat with his own grandson. As unsettling as Luke’s characterization may have been in TLJ, the attempt to kill his own nephew in his sleep suggest that he probably wasn’t as reconciled with his father’s legacy as he thought. In other words, the wound healing through reconciliation set up in ROTJ was uncomplete and left door open for the tragedy to repeat, which leads to consider the importance of Ben in the sequel trilogy of a family arc that has been told over 42 years in 9 episodes :
-        A son who witnessed his slave mother dying in his arms
-        A mother who died in childbirth from a broken heart
-        Husbands and wives who losed their respective partners
-        Parents who lose their daughter
-        Kids who got separated from their parents
-        A nephew who witnessed his adoptive parents getting killed
-        Fathers who died sacrifying for their sons
-        An uncle who died apologizing to his nephew
-        A son who lose his mother after she sacrificed for him
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"As I once fell, so falls the last Skywalker”
Named after Ben – “You’re my only hope” – Kenobi, Ben Solo represented the hope that at least a Skywalker could finally make it through darkness. He was not just the only descendant of the Skywalker family. He was also the bearer of all the abuse, pain and tragedies that this family has been through since his grandfather himself was targeted by their sworn ennemy: Palpatine.  Thus, he is the recipient of all the wounds that didn’t heal properly within the family, making his manipulation by Palpatine, his feeling of rejection by his parents and the murder attempt by his uncle all the more tragic. The fact that Ben – and the Galaxy – was kept ignorant of the family connection with Vader certainly didn’t help, making him from early age an ideal target for the revenge of Palpatine: “I have been every voice you have ever heard inside your head”. People may argue that the outcome is okay since there will be no Skywalker descendant for the tragedy to repeat one day and that Rey  will ensure that  their legacy lives on by carry on the name. That Rey deserves to be part of the Skywalker legacy through her personal achievements is unquestionable. However, she is not the bearer of the tragedy that has plagued the Skywalker family for the viewers to witness over 9 episodes. Although her backstory is heartbreaking to say the least, TROS doesn’t let the viewers  time to feel the depth of her own tragedy adding to the fact that we didn’t get to relate to the tragedy of the Palpatine family over  long-run. Even if Rey shoudn’t be reduced to her bloodline (which was the risk of making her a Palpatine through), didn’t Palpatine achieve what he wanted in the end ? People may argue he lose since his own granddaughter will carry on the Skywalker name as a Jedi. However, if his personal revenge against the Skywalkers was to end their bloodline, then he definitely got what he wanted after being the cause of most of their tragedies:
-        He predicted Padme’s death, which he brought Anakin to provoke
-        He wanted Anakin’s death, which happened through his sacrifice  for Luke
-        He wanted Han’s death, which he brough Kylo to provoke
-        He wanted Luke’s death, which indirectly happened through his sacrifice 
-        He wanted Leia’s death, which happened through her sacrifice for Ben
-        He wanted Ben’s death, which happened through his sacrifice for Rey 
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The problematic execution of Ben Solo’s redemption
From the moment TFA had Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren commit a parricide, the question of his redemption was at the heart of his character arc. Beyond the passionate discussion about whether or not he should have lived given his dark actions, it’s the way he was treated in the last act that doesn’t feel right put in the bigger context of the story. It is legitimate that Rey was the one person to ultimately take down Palpatine, all the more so that she is revealed to be a Palpatine descendant. Yet, the role in which Ben Solo was relegated during the final battle on Exegol doesn’t feel right within the framework of the entire arc. The Skywalker descendant – as bearer of the family tragedy – got to stand barely 5 seconds against the abuser of his family, only for his body to be used as a mean to resurrect Palpatines, grandfather and granddaughter. Worse : the entire set up for the Force dyad in the ST was made useful for that sole purpose : draining the Force energy of the Skywalker to death so that the Palpatines could live on. Even if the last Skywalker was meant to die anyway, why giving him the same redemption as his grandfather, knowing that this redemption path only reconciled one person – Luke – with the dark side of the Skywalker legacy? Why having him sacrifice for the sake of only one person instead of putting him in front of a dilemma that would have required to overcome the evil voices once and for all for the greater good of the Galaxy?  Why having no witness of his ultimate inner struggle instead of letting the Galaxy finally know what was behind the darkness of both Skywalkers grandfather and grandson ? I am aware that this is easy to critisize directing choices once the movie is out but based on all what was demonstrated above I believe that the Skywalker family would have deserved that their only descendant had a more active part in overcoming their abuser once and for all by overcoming the darkness he planted in them.  In my ideal scenario, Rey would have taken down Palpatine all alone in her badass way all alone but there would have been an ultimate twist. The remaining fleet would have been programmed by Palpatine to execute the last order,  from a signal sent from a dark artifact on Exegol for all the Galaxy to witness in horror. The only way for someone to desactivate it would have required to overcome his/her darkest struggles within, which would have been a meaningful way to confront Ben with his family tragedy, the dark legacy of his grandfather and his own dark actions. I would have loved the idea that the evil voices put him in front of a dilemma and that his grandfather finally helped him to take the right decision based on his own fateful experience:  choosing between saving  a loved one from her death state or saving planets from destruction for the greater good. There were several meaningful scenes that could have foreshadowed this kind of scenario. Instead, TROS gave us the same redemption as ROTJ :
-        A short-term redemption path 
-        A sacrifice for the sake of one person
-        No witness of the good action other than said person
Yet, disappearing to never be seen, mourned or mentioned ever again...
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 A whitewashing of the Skywalker legacy
The ending scene of the Skywalker franchise takes place on Tatooine with Rey burrying the Skywalker lightsabers in the sand as a funeral, which is meant to enable her – and the viewer – to move on peacefully. According to Lucasfilm VFX supervisor Roger Guyett and screenwriter Chris Terrio, no Force ghost of Ben was created because “when you see Luke and Leia there, it’s about the Skywalker legacy”. For a movie that was supposed to tie all 9 movies together, the Prequel Trilogy (PT) doesn’t seem to exist as if the Skywalker story began with the Original Trilogy (OT). We get to see Cloud City and Endor after the final victory but no shot of Coruscant & Naboo. The family tragedy begun with the separation of the twin but the grooming of their father and the death of their mother doesn’t seem to be part of the traged. The Skywalker lightsaber is primarily presented as Luke’s lightsaber as if he was its original owner. What is canonly established through is that the Skywalker story began with a slave boy named Anakin Skywalker who was believed by the Jedi to be the Chosen One, which made him the target of a Sith named Palpatine, which led to a long-run family drama in the middle of a never-ending battle between the dark side and the light side. Given the importance of his fall to the story and how it fed the family drama beyond his death, his absence in the sequel trilogy is surprising, aside from a very discreet line to Rey : “Bring Balance as I did”. Shouldn’t Anakin have guided his fallen grandson too instead of helping only the granddaughter of his sworn ennemy ? More problematic is the way the family drama is resolved with the ending of TROS. While the family was split at the beginning of the ST, TROS doesn’t care to show the healing of the family wounds, except for the memory scene between Solo father and son. The reason why this scene is the most powerfully emotional moment of the movie in my mind is precisely for its ability to symbolize the reconciliation of a man with himself and a son with his father. Yet, the ending scene is only about reuniting the all in the white Holy Skywalkers who have never “sinned”, giving the unconfortable impression that the Skywalker descendant was disposable because he wasn’t worthy to have any place in the Skywalker legacy contrary to the heroine. After all, the original script of Duel of the Fates by Colin Trevorrow had Luke telling his nephew “You are no Skywalker”, as if the Skywalker legacy wasn’t made of both darkness and light and Luke himself didn’t contribute to this with his own mistakes. Although TROS is more subtle in its approach, the difference in the handling between  Anakin Skywalker and Ben Solo’s redemption after their death is telling:  kept a guarded secret by the person he saved; not even mourned by the only person he bonded with; not even shown alongside his family. Dead or alive, his treatment on screen left me as a viewer with the unconfortable feeling that the Skywalker family as a whole wasn’t reconciled with the dark side of their legacy. Which brings me once again to the same question: what was their story worth to continue for?
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Excerpt of the canon novel Bloodline
The purification of the heroine
Let’s talk now about how Rey ends her heroine’s journey compared to where she began. That journey was announced by Maz Kanata already in TFA: “The belonging (family) you seek is not behind you (birth family), it is ahead (found future)”. She was introduced  as desperate to find a place to belong because of her feeling of loneliness, which never incapacitated her ability to be a strong independant woman who knows how to handle herself.  Yet, her heroine journey alone on Tatooine where she takes the Skywalker name looking at the Binary Sunset under the watchful eye of the Skywalker Twins as Force Ghosts. Some may argue that she will be okay since she found a family in them and her Resistance friends, which is true to some degree but  uncomplete through. However, the ending looks out of place with a key character missing in this scene, whether he was supposed to be dead or alive: Ben. Although it was important to show in TROS that Rey was well surrounded by a supportive entourage (as a constrast to Ben before his fall), the ST established that the deepest emotional connection she had was with Kylo Ren/Rey.  I wouldn’t allow myself to judge those who find Reylo abusive and/or questionable because of his actions but I personally don’t think that the outcome of TROS is a feminist as it was meant to appear by having the heroine as a strong independant woman free from any romantic involvement . The ST makes it clear all along that although Rey obviously suffers from abandonment issue, she is more than capable of handling herself, know by herself what is right or not and decide conciously what (who) she wants for herself.  Some people may disaprove the very idea of “Reylo” for valid reason but claiming that the kiss came out of nowhere doesn’t make sense when one look closely at their interactions all along the ST. TLJ shows that the hand touch she initiated is the decisive moment where she gets to see what the viewer finally get to see only at the end of TROS :  the true face of Ben Solo, without the mask named Kylo Ren behind which he hid himself. From this moment on, my understanding is that Rey perfectly knew how to dissociate the person from his persona, thus her disenchantment in the Throne Room while confronted to his unwillingness to let go of his dark persona. With Rey shutting the door of the Millenium Falcon to his face, TROS could have made their dynamic an unrequited villainous crush afterwards. Although this is what it looks on the surface, the visual subtext tells a different story, which is a huge reason that makes their interactions so compelling to analyze. On Pasaana, Rey is shown staring longingly at little kids, sadly confessing that she has no family (despite living with the Resistance and her friends for a while) and being in deep thought at that moment. Barely 2 seconds after enter her dyad to renew his hand proposal. Of course, different interpretations can be made about this scene. I would argue that the chain of events in a matter ofminutes is meant to convey a specific message if one accept the idea that the hand proposal is metaphorically a marriage proposal. The ST sets the record straight through that despite her attraction to him Rey always rejected Kylo Ren and his entitled behavior while making heart eyes to Ben Solo and the selfless person she knew he was deep inside through their bond. The core of their unresolved business in TROS is all about him being desperate to know why she wanted to take his hand while being frustrated by her refusal to acknowledge it and her being desperate to hide the reason why she didn’t take it while being frustrated by his refusal to acknowledge who he really is. Both lied to themselves and each other out of fear of being rejected and disentchanted again. Thus, the tension rising until a confession that changed everything : “I wanted to take your hand, Ben’s hand”. Rey chose consciously to kiss Ben only once she was sure that the mask had definitely dropped and he had renounced to be someone else than who he really is.  Although Kylo Ren was chasing Rey, she was always the one who set the rules and initiated willingly any further step in their relationship and only when she felt he was his true self with her. This teaches an important lesson  – especially to teenage boys  – that you don’t earn the feelings of someone (no matter what feelings he/she has for you)  by hiding yourself behind a virile persona  and/or showing off toxic behaviors in order to impress said person. In other words, the love triangle was always between Rey, Kylo Ren and Ben Solo from a  female gaze perspective: it’s Ben who was presented as “object” of desire all along.  Yet, the choice that Rey willingly makes – and the desire that goes along with it – is taken away from her as if it was decided at her place that Ben Solo was never the right partner for her anyway.  After three movie setting up that the heart of her emotional journey was with him, the fact that he is totally erased from screen after – and despite – their love scene looks like a puritan attempt to purify the heroine from the sin she has committed.  Worse, she ends her journey where she began:  on a desolated sand planet, sliding innocently the dunes, wearing the same all white costume and an adopted child under parental watch. In a nutshell: pretty much like Luke at the beginning of his hero’s journey.
Rian Johnson:  “ The hand touch is the closest thing we’ll get to a sex scene in Star Wars”
Luke Skywalker (deleted line): “You’ve opened yourself to the dark side for a pair of pretty eyes”
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Tatooine: an iconic place...of desolation
Although Tatooine may appear as a logical choice for the ending scene, the intention to recreate the atmosphere of the iconic scene from ANH falls flat in the context of TROS but also in the context of the whole franchise. According to Chris Terrio, the point was to fix the original sin of the franchise, which was the separation of the Twins by tying the lightsabers together like newborns. Did it make sense through to burry them on Tatooine ? Based on the Prequels, the Skywalker/ Palpatine arc has its roots on Naboo, when a Queen was forced to flee in order to meet the Senate representative of her home planet on Coruscant but met a slave boy from Tatooine on her way. Naboo may have been a less iconic choice for fanservice but in regard to the heartbeat of the Skywalker story, this is where Anakin and Padme’s love story blossomed, where Padme planned to give birth to their babies, where she is now resting forever: “Ani I wanna have our baby back home on Naboo”. Wasn’t the original sin that these kids were separated from their parents and all of them never got reunited ? Yet, Padme’s babies - and her husband by extension - were metaphorically burried on the very planet where Luke was never supposed to end up had the family tragedy not happened, where his father grew up as a slave, where his grandmother had a painful death, where his adoptive parents were murdered, where his sister was enslaved, where his brother in law was imprisoned, where he himself never wanted to return. Yet this is also this place that was chosen to end Rey’s heroine journey.  She ends up being the spiritual heir of the Twins, especially the Jedi that Leia would have become by her brother’s side had she not chosen romantic attachment over that path. In general, the ending sends the message  that romantic love and children only cause destruction while preventing parents from achieving their ambitions.  Padme and Anakin’s love created destruction through the immiment birth of the Twins ; Han and Leia’s love created destruction through Ben’s upbringing, only to have their sacrifice rewarded with his death and his sidelining of the legacy. Terrible message for teenagers  that no matter the selfless acts you do, you still deserve to be forgotten or even replaced  with someone more worthy if you lose yourself following the wrong way because you were a problem from the start. On a sidenote,  DLF probably failed to get people invested in the new characters, precisely because most of the characters and their interactions turned out to  feel superficial, interchangeable and disposable on the long run. Jahnnah was introduced to Lando in the very end for no particular reason, except maybe baiting the fans with future added-materials about a potential father/daughter dynamic. Finn and Rose kissed in TLJ? Let’s have her sidelined, Finn friendly tapping her shoulder, telling her to stay away and choosing the company of someone else in the next film. Zorii asked Poe to come with her? Let’s have her refusing to be with him, barely hours after their conversation. Rey and Ben kissed before he died?  Let’s have her flying out of Exegol with fanfare, happily reuniting with her friends and paying tribute to the Twins without showing an once of interest in the fate of her dyad.  In general, the movie leaves the feeling that  there is no deep sense of belonging for anybody and that they all are pretty alone despite forming a big "family" of friends on the surface. The ending feels even more out of place knowing that Rey’s journey was never meant to parallel Luke’s, who only wanted to become a Jedi like his father and ultimately became one. It was never the motivator of Rey’s journey to fight for a higher cause by becoming a Rebel or a Jedi in to follow the footsteps of a loved one and/or a mentor. Yes, she accomplished great things and it is absolutely right to enable her to fulfill any ambition she wishes to accomplish in the future. However, it is not because she had simple human needs too  that they were unimportant and meant to diminish her character. Let’s go back again to this Pasaana scene where we are reminded of the core of her heroine’s journey: “The belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead”. Of course, that could be interpreted in retrospect as a foreshadowing that she will take a new generation of Jedi as Rey Skywalker continuing the legacy of Luke. But again, the directing choices suggest otherwise: why showing her staring at 1-2 years old babies instead of 9-10 years old kids? Why suggesting that she may not have a family at that point but that she will have this possibility at the end of her journey? More important: why suggesting through the hand proposal that Ben Solo is the one through with she is meant to have a family ? Although her thoughts ain’t explicit, the chain of events suggests an underlying desire: marriage proposal, forming a family, having babies. Yet, Ben and Rey finally coming together resulted in a kiss of death and her ending like a virginal nun metaphorically burrying the kids she’ll never have with him. Terrible message for girls from a female gaze perspective that no matter how heroic she was and all the harships she went through, she is not allowed to get the belonging she chose willingly (contrary to most male heroes). Terrible message in general that  the wants openly expressed by women never really come true in Star Wars: Padme never got her babies back home on Naboo; Leia never got her son back home alive; Rey never got the home she really wished for with Ben. Even if Ben was meant to die like Jack Dawson from Titanic (given the few parallels used by TROS), his total absence after his death feels incredibly wrong, especially given how the only person whom with he bonded emotionally appears indifferent on screen to his fate. This closure on Tatooine without him rubs the viewer from witnessing the definitive healing of the family wounds but also from the feeling that the heroine can move on peacefully with her life: fulfilling her goals, being surrounded with her friends and why not  raising a family until she’ll be ultimately reunited with Skywalkers in death. Thus, a tragic ending like Titanic where you are aware as a viewer that Jack and Rose technically can’t be reunited in the afterlife feels strangely  more uplifting than the ending of TROS where it’s technically possible that Ben and Rey get reunited someday. What is shown on screen is what remains enshrined in the mind of the viewer. An ending scene on Naboo with Ben (alive or dead)  would have given a different vibe, reuniting metaphorically all Skywalkers (except Shmi Skywalker-Lars) in the same tombstone and symbolizing the family reconciliation: a husband with his wife; parents with their twins; a nephew with his uncle; a son with his mother ; a father living in his son’s heart since his death. Beyond that, what more meaningful message for Rey Palpatine than choosing the Skywalkers on the very planet where her own grandfather came from like Padme and began tormenting the Galaxy and her family ? Alas, the conclusion of the franchise shows the heroine  ending her journey alone on a desert planet, her birth family dead, her found family decimated, without her lover and her friends to be seen, surrounded by robots and ghosts…but with a cool name as consolation prize! 
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cyberrriot-blog · 7 years
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Cyberrriot is back with some brand new Autumnal art! Check out http://fembotmag.com/ for some throught provoking paintings, poetry, and much more!
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juice-la-blogs-blog · 8 years
Provoking Art Experience In 5 Hidden Art Galleries To Discover
Contemporary art is easy to follow when it is mainstream or of infamous history.  Under the radar, Los Angeles has become a mecca for emerging and establish contemporary artists today. L.A.'s contemporary art scene is a hidden subculture for the art scene sophisticated who are looking to explore new realms of art innovations.
Throughout history, the arts have been form a escape or a window into worlds that may be known only by the artist, in reflection to their perceived reality of their society, to express views of it and ideas for solutions. The renaissance worked in this way and influenced major changes of modern day Western society and culture.
Some progressive works being created are from artists who produce work known as art installations. Where canvas is an open space and the objects of focus are three dimensional and sometimes in motion. We encourage for you to explore interactive contemporary art through art installations and see how this form of are transcends the experience of wall art appreciation into a more interactive experience that taps into the hidden imagination of your own self.
As a child, my imagination often searched for the secret cabinet, the magical seashell, the hidden passageway that was a gate or a key to some place far away where there was adventure, something meaningful and exciting that was waiting for me.  As I grew older, I learned to subside these feelings by finding ways to sync them with the reality of things today, secretly still searching and learning how to now find the secret gardens, wishing wells, and sea of stars in hidden locations and scenarios throughout Los Angeles County.
 Looking for an escape, or to see the world through a different pair of eyes to expand my understanding of differences between myself and others, realizing how contemporary art has become another form of communication for people to express themselves freely and colorfully without judgement, and express common human emotion in reflection to the world that is surrounding for us to understand in a more humane approach versus logically.  
Honor Fraser
The current Exhibition is of Kenny Scharf with a series titled Blox and Blax where wall art becomes 3 dimensional and colors and images are of a an abstract pop imagination. He makes the world contained in his work comes out for a public event and interactive showcase. Honor Fraser is a world a realm of imagination of intellectual creatives who utilize the open spaces of the gallery as their complete canvas and set new limits of imagination coming alive using strategies of object focus, process driven, and research base.
http://honorfraser.com 2622 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90034  
Blum & Poe
Blum & Poe is the hidden doorway to another world. From the outside the building seems very plane. A grayish, cream colored industrial looking building against the California clear bright blue skies gives an obvious yet overlooked curious invoking invitation. The life within the walls challenges participants to stretch the imagination and create stories out of the abstract creations of familiar shapes and movement that are put together into unordinary collaborations.  What we discover at the end of the tour is the artist's real motive was to utilize the imaginations of the people to paint his ultimate master pieces with throught provoking works to create a story within our own minds from what is being received in each display. View the work that is outward used to create within at their current exhibit of works byKishio Suga.
http://blumandpoe.com 2727 S. LA CIENEGA BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90034  
Freedman Fritzpatrick
Walking in the Freedman Fritzpatrick is journeying to abstract visuals that shares harmony between space, color, and object focus of the more darker side. This gallery is a place of inspiration for your own creativity. Each piece seems to have a gravitational force for suppressed imagination waiting to be extracted from our minds. See the works of thought provoking artists both local and international whose installations includes its followers to making them apart of the bigger picture.
http://freedmanfitzpatrick.com 6051 Hollywood Blvd, #107 Los Angeles, CA 90028  
Ghebaly's Gallery
Provides the escape from reality into a an atmosphere of friendly and fun. This art installation venue takes objects and images of a familiarity and then stretches them with imagination not limiting its' completion to be contained on a canvas. The art work takes over the floors, walls, and ceilings. Objects of focus spill out of the canvas and become alive in the Ghebaly Gallery. As the artists feature fearlessly do not hold back expressions and figments of their imagination, to inspire creativity and putting life into it. Rather being entertained by the performances of others, you find yourself being entertained within yourself in your explorations in the minds of such artists. The experience is the feeling of being the object of focus in a giant pre-prepped canvas.
   Intro Art Gallery and Chef's Table
There is a hidden hole in the wall in North Hollywood that leads you into a wall to wall art gallery whose focus is viewing a long 24 seat dining table. Intro Art Gallery and Chef's Table is a unique interaction with art and art culture with combining both fine and culinary arts fused into a whole experience. An enchanting experience and experimental. A combination of ambiance with your personal palate as part of the masterpiece over a 12 course dinner paired with wine serving as an urban escape. This venue is meant to partake in with others and becomes an art interaction that is fulfilled by being a shared experience. A unique way and memorable way of viewing receiving art by being sharing it with others.    
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