#thunderbirds 65
riallasheng · 2 years
Squiddo's Ask Game
Got three asks while I was out giving my brother's car a jumpstart and tow with my truck, so answering them all together ^^
(I do hope that is acceptable tumblr manners, my apologies if doing so is rude)
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I'll be doing my usual 'Lady Penelope, TOS, 04 film, TaG' for each question ^^
Under the readmore because LONG (as in I crashed the editor six times long!! XD)
teapotteringabout's first, as I recieved those first^^
12) If I could delete a episode/scene, which one would I pick and why Lady Penelope: *laughs* you'd think that'd be a TOUGH one, as I like pretty much ALL of Penny's adventures and stories in her comics and novels... BUUUUUUUUUUUT... I hate the 'Penelope as a Young Adult' comic run (for multiple reasons. I hate that we jump from the 2050s / 2060s to the 1960s. I hate that Mrs Petherton and Spider are gone as they were REALLY GOOD characters. I hate that Penny goes from a rich girl to a 'middle class' girl, becuase her being rich IS a factor in who Penny is. I hate that her being a SPY and goign to go to SPY SCHOOL was dropped. I hate that Penny has a total personality change. I just DO NOT LIKE the run, so it's what I'd cut TOS: Probably Thunderbird 6, even though I do like several scenes in it. Or if it remained it'd undergo a heavy enough re-write to basically be no nevermind / in-name-only. I used to have a fanfic rewrite of it that made it TinTin focused, her deciding if she wanted to remain Support or become Active Rescue that I wrote back in the early Naughts, but it sadly was lost over the years and I've not had anything resembling the time to try to rewrite it ^^;; If not Thunderbird 6, then probably the novel Ring of Fire as it was a very disappointing conclusion to the novels. 04 film: Hm. Oddly a tough one. While there are scenes I dislike, I usually can see WHY the scene is there and/or it's important for the plotline or character arcs, OR it's a case of good concept but poor execution. *ends up spending several RL minutes going over scenes I dislike and realizing that 'crap, no, that's needed for the plotline / character arc / concept is sound'* Y'know, I'm gonna do something odd here. 'What is a big plot element that you'd change to teh point that the original plotpoint is dropped / replaced'. And the answer to that is use the rumor that in the first draft of the film, Jeff was recently gone, lost on a rescue, and SCOTT was the one in Jeff's role... struggling to keep IR going, dealing with recent grief, and trying to keep his mid-teen brother safe for as long as he could. (I do wonder if TaG used this old rumor / idea on purpose or if it was just a coincidence) TaG: Either of the Sally episodes ^^;; And this one isn't even that I dislike Sally, or at least 90% of it is not that... I just ended up disliking the episodes by themselves plotting / story wise. I dislike several things in the EMP episode, but the standout THERE was actually Sally's 'save one life' speech becuase while that's a noble sentiment... FATE. OF. THE. WORLD. and BILLIONS of lives depended on the bad guys not getting away with the device, Sally had NO IDEA that they didn't have it, and she should have told Virgil to go after the bad guys while on-site rescueers or she herself saved the one life (that's actually the scene that made me start actively disliking Sally rather than being neutral on her, although there are other scenes that added to it). As for the other episode... I've yet to run into an example of 'the support team uses the machines and solo saves the day while the rescue team is unavailable' that I liked, and this one is no different.
14) A headcanon I love, dislike, and have a neutral opinion on. Lady Penelope: Love: Penny's mysterious former-spy father is actually a retired Agent 21. The ages line up, and canonically the Agents change their name both when they JOIN and when they RETIRE, and Agent 23 looks so simular to Penny that people constantly think 23 ***IS*** Penny and use her bio picture as a picture of Penny. Dislike: That Penny is disdainful or even dislikes Parker. She canonically and directly states how much she respects and likes him in her novels and comics, and while she sometimes is at odds with him, that respect and like remains. Neutral: That the reason Penny has a fear of mice and rats is due to one of her earliest spy missions going wrong and her spending time captive in a mice/rat infested cell that left her with psycological and physical scars. ...Plus, to be frank, MOST PEOPLE were scared of mice and rats at the time. They were a real problem and in some cases danger to people. There's a reason that the REAL villain in Lady and the Tramp is a rat, and it going after the baby is something that could and DID happen IRL. TOS: Love: (oh so many XD) Let's go with an odd one. That Jeff has been friends with Wilbur Zero, Sam Shore, and Charles Grey since childhood, the four still being friends even into current times. All four know and respect that there are secrets each has that they can't talk about and must actively protect, and they do their best not to investigate or even help support / protect it if the need arises. The other three are certain that Jeff is FINANCING International Rescue, but they don't realize that the Tracys ARE International Rescue. Dislike: I don't like the 'Gordon doesn't actually get along well with his family' headcanon. I don't know if it's still a thing, but it was something that cropped up on occasion in older fanfics and zines and BOY do I dislike it. Neutral: Alan's astronaut training was done at WARP (WSP in canon, I changed it to WARP - world astronautical & rift patrol - so it stood out from the OTHER WSP - World Security Patrol, and WASP - world aquanaut security patrol). This one is neutral because to me it seems likely to the point of being near canon ^^;; 04 Film: Love: That there is a missing scene once all is said and done and they're safe on the island and Alan is being congratulated by Jeff when you suddenly hear a "ALAN!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY BIRD!?!" off camera from Scott when he finally gets a chance to check One over becuase One got put through the wringer a bit XD Dislike: That Fermat is Brains' CLONE. Why is THAT the 'only' option?! Why is that the FIRST option!? Why is 'Brains was with someone and they seperated or the woman was lost, perhaps in the same accident that killed Alan's mom' not what people assume? (actually if you want some terror fodder... look at how Fermat reacts to WOMEN compared to how he reacts to MEN, because that is nearly textbook for a young teen abused by a woman / mother.) Neutral: The Tracys don't mind people filming the Tbirds because there is no way to STOP THAT with cameras being as readily available as they are, and they always wear the disguising helmets we see Virgil wearing during the Oil Rig rescue when outside the Tbirds so their identities are protected. TaG: Love: That IR has actually only been back at full operation for a short time frame, as there likely was a solid chunk of time where Scott was the only one old enough to be on rescues (John could have easily been on comms the whole time, but Virgil would need to have been in his late teens at minimum to take up the duties required for Two. Same for Gordon. Kayo seems to have been MIA until fairly recently, Alan only JUST started rescue work, and there is no indication that Sally was ever involved in rescue work.
Dislike: That TaG Gordon was in WASP (and actually that TaG Scott was in the Air Force). Gordon's, at best, 18 or 19, when tag starts , and the youngest you can enlist at is 17... and that is with guardian permission. the catch is Gordon's been an active member of iR for well over a year given all dialogue. Thus there's no TIME for him to have been in WASP. TOS Tracys are all 19 (Alan) and up, they've all had time prior to IR for pre-existing careers... the TaG boys don't, esp with the 'iR has ben a thing for over 8 years' Neutral: The reason the world seems so 'at peace' is actually narrator bias. The tag Tracys are all to a man pacifists and are attending rescues... the world is not as peaceful and perfect as they think it is, because they are to one degree or another protected from it.
Now I answer Alex's question!!
15) which protagonist do I think would make a good villain? (The answer may surprise you!! XD)
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Oooh I forgot i had these pics. Found the perfect cars for my thunderbirdsau while at a show early this summer
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vintagelasvegas · 2 months
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Thunderbird Hotel, 1948
Timeline of Thunderbird, Silverbird, and El Rancho
'46: Marion Hicks and Lt. Gov. Cliff Jones purchase property for a planned Nevada Ambassador hotel on 3/11/46. The property was bought from Guy McAfee, Art Ham, and J.K. Houssels who had planned a hotel called Casa de Oro. Sale price is rumored $85,000.
'47: Officers of Thunderbird are a Las Vegas and Los Angeles group, Hicks, Jones, V. Sayer, J. Lane, P. Wagoner, J. Wells (Reno), and J. Kozloff. Hicks as builder. Construction begins on 46 acre lot in Oct.
'48: Thunderbird opens 9/2/48. 107 rooms, 75-foot observation tower. Signs by Graham Sign Co (RJ 8/18/48).
'53: Hicks builds the spin-off Algiers Hotel.
'58: renovation, adding new second floor over casino framed in rectangular box, new porte-cochère. New signs by Western Neon (RJ 11/24/58, RJ 12/24/58).
'59: “Thunderbird” logo changed, road sign replaced in Fall.
'61: road sign moved to the front-center of the hotel, fire-shooting stick added to both birds.
'62: new road sign and pylon.
'63: Thunderbird Downs quarter horse track opened, Oct. 5 (RJ 9/24/63).
'64: Sold to Del Webb Corp in Sep.
'65: 700-ft horizontal “Thunderbird” sign by Bill Clarke/Ad Art installed over the south rooms in Jun. (RJ 6/10/65); road sign & pylon replaced with one road sign and new neon bird.
'72: Sold to Caesars World Inc.
'73: Blue/green sign painted zigzag red/orange in summer.
'76: Sold to Tiger Investment Co (Thomas, Mack, K. Sullivan, et al), leased to Major Riddle in Dec.
'77: Reopened as Silverbird in Jan.
'78: Thunderbird signs replaced by the 190-ft sign/porte-cochère designed by Raul Rodriguez for Heath, built by AdArt. (RJ 3/29/78)
'81: Closed in 12/3/81.
EL RANCHO, '82-'92
'82: Sold at auction to Ed Torres in Feb; renamed El Rancho in Apr (RJ 3/18/82, 4/7/82). Opens at El Rancho 8/31/82.
'87: Tower addition.
'92: Closed Jul. 6.
2000: Tower demolished, Oct. 3.
Other sources include: New Hotel To Be Built.” Las Vegas Review-Journal, 3/13/46 p1; Vegas as Playground. Review-Journal, 7/31/46 p5; Construction Started. Review-Journal, 10/28/47; Thunderbird Hotel. Review-Journal, 8/29/48; Martin Stern Jr. profile by P. Michel. UNLV Libraries, archived 3/10/2004.
Photos: (1) Postcard c. 1948. (2-3) Undated aerial photo of construction, by Las Vegas News Bureau. Radio station KENO west of the Thunderbird site. (4) Undated, during construction. Photo taken from the observation tower, by Las Vegas News Bureau. (5) Same models as the color postcard, from Union Pacific Railroad Photographs (PH-00043), UNLV Special Collections & Archives.
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bluujae · 28 days
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Marauders Era, baby
Strap in, I tried to keep it to the need to know basis only, but there's still a lot bc I like to ramble
Meet the family, House Malyx
House Malyx is a house that brings dread.
“Oderint dum metuant.”— Let them hate, so long as they fear. The family motto.
To carry the Malyx name was to “bear a weight greater than God and gold”, if one believed in such things. They're dark artists. Their blood entered this world with the bearings of Hell, natural born sorcerers. A gift and an eventual curse. Due to their mixed blood, Malyx have a tendency to live longer than most, although death finds them as easily as anyone else in the end— And when it does, their flesh gives way to dreadful revisions of what once was. They become secrets to be kept behind the locked and charmed doors of their estate, buried deep under the floorboards.
The current state of the house holds ten members, including two wives who married in and two brothers who were brought from a separate arrangement. At the head of House stands Amaris Malyx, hailing at 142 years old but only looks about 65 at most. Her only husband passed when she hit 100. Between them, they had one sole son. Vesemir Malyx, who hails at 120 years old though only looks to be in his 60’s and married to his wife Wilhelmina, with 3 children. Two boys, one girl. The oldest was Ciro, who has yet to marry and shows no signs of attempting any time soon. Nyathera the middle child has proven, thus far, to be too wild for any true suitor but she has countless admirers. Then the youngest, Ambrose is the only child who’s married. Having settled down with the previously divorced Irina, who brought two sons with her; Morvan and Dimitri. Eventually conceiving a young son with Irina, now the youngest heir— the pride and joy of the house. That’s me :)
My father, uncle, and aunt are all at varying ages in their late 40’s early 50’s. Within the next decade and some change, their physical appearances will slow in aging.
Back in America, Vesemir had been a Wampus and Wilhelmina a Horned Serpent. Ciro and Ambrose had both been Thunderbirds, while their sister Nyathera had been a Wampus like their father.
In Britain, Irina had been a Gryffindor while her two boys had been sorted into Slytherin. Then I, while in America had been a Horned Serpent. When transferred to Hogwarts I’d been sorted into Hufflepuff— much to the amusement of both brothers.
House Malyx moved from America, where they truly come from is unknown.
Ambrose Malyx’s reputation came from how quickly he scaled the ladder of the MACUSA, becoming one of their best aurors, specializing in hunting down Sieges and dark wizards. The fact remained, Ambrose took after his now retired father and brother. He was and is one hell of an auror.
Earning enough of a reputation that he was headhunted for a position under M.O.M. He agreed to be a temporary fill in overseas for some time, where he met Irina. When it was time to go back he brought her with him. The two proceeded to be married and for the first 13 years of my life I was raised in America. When my mother grew homesick, my father packed us up without a second thought and moved the whole family to Britain— well known by that point for giving in to his wife’s every whim. Thus, I transferred during my 3rd year. In the meantime, my father clawed his way up and became Head Auror.
We’re picking this bad boy up at the beginning of 6th year.
The only real last thing to note is that House Malyx’s ‘psuedo-immortality’ isn’t, or wasn’t, really a known subject outside of America. However, there was a collision of two revered families when they briefly came into contact with House Black. At the time, Amaris was 120 meeting a 23 year old Orion Black. You can imagine the horror and fear when she turns back up 22 years later looking no different and with three generations under her.
And if anyone is wondering who the S.P is in this skit— There’s three iterations of this, so depending on which one I’m currently running it’s either:
James Potter
Sirius Black
Regulus Black
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vintage1981 · 3 months
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Anderson Entertainment Reveals Covers for UFO & Space: 1999 Novels from James Swallow
Anderson Entertainment is publishing two novellas by New York Times bestselling author James Swallow.    
Jamie Anderson, managing director of Anderson Entertainment, acquired world all-language rights to the novellas directly from the author. 
Swallow said he was “a lifelong fan” of company founder Gerry Anderson’s TV shows such as “Thunderbirds” and “Stingray”. 
The two novellas, Space: 1999 The Armageddon Engine and UFO Shadow Play, are new stories set within the worlds of two of the biggest live-action Anderson properties, “Space: 1999” and “UFO”.  
Both novellas will be published on September 13th 2024 for Breakaway Day, the annual celebration of the 1975 series "Space: 1999". The books will be published in a limited-edition hardback and paperback, with e-books to follow at a later date.
Swallow said: “Growing up, ’Space: 1999’ and ’UFO’ were a big part of my sci-fi landscape, and so it’s been great fun for me to revisit these characters to tell some exciting new stories. Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s creations are unique, retro classics and I’m thrilled to be teaming up with Jamie and everyone at Anderson Entertainment for this new era of adventures.”  
The New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author has written more than 65 novels including tie-ins, thrillers and video games. 
Anderson said: "We started to publish non-fiction titles in late 2021, and since then we’ve been working with our partners at ITV Studios to create new stories based on these amazing TV shows. Working with James has been a real pleasure. He’s a genuine fan and we’re sure that they’ll appeal to long-time as well as new readers. We have much more to come."
The two novellas by Swallow will be available for retailers to order wholesale from Gardners as well as direct from Anderson Entertainment.   
About the author
James Swallow is a New York Times, Sunday Times and Amazon #1 bestselling author of over fifty-five novels, an award-winning, BAFTA-nominated scriptwriter with millions of books in print worldwide. He is the creator of the Marc Dane action thriller series, and has written for franchises such as Star Trek, Tom Clancy, Marvel and several high-profile videogames. He lives and works in London. Find him online at www.jswallow.com   
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hififotos · 1 year
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65 Thunderbird
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gremlins-hotel · 11 months
dude the planes are fucking badass i'm hella jealous you got to go!!! what did you see???
oh dude lemme tell ya,,, we were hyping ourselves up for wings over houston for a whole month. but now you've activated my tism so let's see...
we walked to our seats in the middle of an astounding father-son duo doing aerobatics in 2 extra 330s;
another aerobatics performance in a plane i did not hear/didn't recognize, but it looked similar to the others;
static c-17 globemaster & kc-135;
a static navy p-8 poseidon (the military boeing 737-800);
static mq-1 predator aerial drone;
we caught glimpses of the mig-17 and mig-21 before they were sent home, so we didn't actually get to see them see them (we were distraught over this);
the eurocopter mh-65 dolphin (coast guard);
both a static f-35a & a demo by another f-35a (the a being the air force version) which was awesome! that girl thunders something fierce. we got lucky enough to hear it howl;
several t-6 texans, a boeing super stearman, the t-34 "mentor," the t-28 trojan, the bt-13 valiant (aka the "vibrator"), and several other smaller trainers;
the tora! tora! tora! demo group (t-6s dressed as the famed japanese a6m zero, a p-39 aircobra, a p-40 warhawk with flying tigers livery, and a b-25 in the place of a b-17);
the b-17g "yankee lady," which was a HUGE hit with me. they didn't even need to announce her. the fucking moment i saw her vertical stabilizer taxiing down the runway i whipped around to fucking pog at my friends;
two different b-25 mitchells (the j variant) & the pbj-1j "devil dog" (the marines version of the b-25);
the c-47 skytrain "that's all brother" (who i've seen twice before); this warbird has a fascinating story;
a p-51d mustang (who then did a heritage flight with the f-35a);
the me-262 schwalbe, aka, the first jet fighter ever put into service (germany);
an a-1h (ad-6) skyraider, which was basically one of the last propellor-based aircraft in the navy before the jet age;
the usaf thunderbirds in their f-16 fighting falcons, which were loud, screaming, gleaming, and amazing. i could never do those fucking close formations and passes they do! jesus...;
a static f-100 super sabre, which looks lovingly like a catfish and i love them a lot, the f-4 phantom ii, and an a-4 skyhawk;
some static displays from nasa: the b-57 canberra and t-38 talon
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harperbrynne · 8 months
CC2 Reread:
She went rigid as she read the Bright Hand’s screen: Rigelus Power Level: 65%. (Pg750)
This makes me picture a bigger being controlling them. I guess because I can easily imagine someone charging them up like one would an iPhone.
But they could also easily be corrupted Thunderbirds or Starborn. Or maybe even controlled and corrupted.
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tournament-of-x · 1 year
The Tournament of X
The 4th Quarter of Round 1 has concluded, and with it, Round 1 as a whole! While the losing contestants from this quarter will be sent to the Hole, the following contestants will move on to Round 2:
Wolverine (87.6%)
Thunderbird (84.8%)
Cerebra (51.6%)
Polaris (87.7%)
Xilo, First Defender of the Broken Land (55.2%)
Aurora (92%)
Hope Summers (67.3%)
Artie Maddicks (72.8%)
Magik (74.8%)
Anole (66.9%)
Healer (65%)
Siryn (93.4%)
Spyke (56.4%)
Exodus (60.1%)
Speed (92.2%)
Lourdes Chantel (52.8%)
Nightcrawler (98.5%)
Meggan Braddock (55.9%)
Callisto (79.5%)
Forge (72.6%)
Cable (72.9%)
Cassandra Nova (54.6%)
Wind Dancer (51.6%)
Tempus (87.5%)
Destiny (83.1%)
Rockslide (66.5%)
Mystique (89.5%)
John Greycrow (68.9%)
Vulcan (51.2%)
Escapade (70.7%)
Prodigy (89.3%)
Dazzler (59.6%)
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moonwatchuniverse · 1 year
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1953-2023 “ 70 years USAF Thunderbirds “ In 1953, after deactivating the “Acrojets” due to the Korean War effort, the US Air Force activated a new aerobatic flight demo team named the “Thunderbirds” after the mythical creature  known by many American indigenous cultures. The team flew subsonic F-84G Thunderjets. In 1954, the USAF turned to Rolex to provide the team with good pilot wrist watches and Rolex suggested their revolutionary designed 36 mm stainless steel Turn-O’Graph 6609 with rotational bezel. However, after a long duty tour with the demo team, many pilots were issued a Gold Datejust version. Rolex aligned themselves with the Thunderbirds in their promotional materials, and nicknamed their Datejust Turn-O-Graph the ‘Thunderbird’, placing the team’s emblem directly on the dial at six o’clock position. Between 1955-1957 NASA astronaut William Pogue was Thunderbirds team member and wore his Gold Datejust during NASA training for Apollo & Skylab programs. This photo shows US Air Force Captain Herman Griffin wearing a Gold Datejust 6605 during the 1958 season... 65 years ago! (Photo: USAF)
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micoc84 · 2 years
Comics Euro+
Adv of Tin Tin (1929)-G.Remi, Caster, Snowy, Haddock, Thomson Winnie Pooh (1926) - Milne, Methuen, Robin, Piglet, Tigger Wallace Gromit (1982) - N.Park, Feather McGraw, Shaun Sheep Asterix (1959) - Goscinny, Dargaud, Vital, Obelix, Getafix Paddington Bear (1958) - T.Bond, Henry Brown, Aunt Lucy Babar Elephant (1931) - Brunhoff, Rataxes, Celeste, Basil Gaston Lagaffe (1957) - Franquin, Bubulle, Cheese Peter Pan (1902) Le Morte d'Arthur (1485) Lion Witch War (1950) Spirou Fantasio (38), Beano (38), Blake Mortimer (46), Lucky Luke (46), Tiger (54), Dappere Dodo (55), Gaston Lagaffe (57), Smurfs (58), Boule and Bill (59), Commando (61), Thunderbirds (65), Arthur (66), Bluecoats (68), Whizzer and Chips (69), Warlord (74), Roy of Rovers (76), XIII (84), Thomas Train (84), Pingu (86), Tootuff (92), Serial Teachers (97), Teletubbies (97), Bob Builder (99), Peppa Pig (04) Romeo Juliet (1597), Robinson Crusoe (1719), Beauty Beast (1740), Pride Prejudice (1813), Frankenstein (1818), Oliver Twist (38), David Copperfield (50), Alice Wonder (1865), Heidi (80), Treasure Island (1881), Jungle Book (1894), Dracula (1897), Wind Willows (08) 39 Steps (35), Hobbit (37), Pippi Longstocking (45), Lion Witch Wardrobe (50), Casino Royale (53), Charlie Chocolate (64), Mission Impossible (66), Clash of Titans (81), Harry Potter (97)
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riallasheng · 2 years
For the headcanon game, how about:
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
Fandom/character(s) is up to you.
Thank you!
Doing my usual 'several' here ^^
Under the readmore cause BIG XD
Fireball XL5: ☯ Likes - the headcanon that we can toss anything / everything we 'learn' about Steve's family and past in the Flying Zodiacs out the window because not only is that a dream episode... it's VENUS' dream. Which means I get to keep the Century 21 comics canon that Steve's dad was Agent S / Agent Seven of the Universal Secret Service XD ☯ Dislikes - (that Zoonie exits XD) Nah, nah... in all honesty I can't think of a headcanon that I really dislike at the moment? ♥ - The aforementioned 'Steve is the son of Agent S which... well, okay that's actually canon. Hm. Ah. Pulling off the headcanon that Agent 21 and Agent 23 are Penny's parents - the headcanon that Steve is good friends with Penny, and is her big brother in all but blood.
Stingray: ☯ Likes - the headcanon that Marina is actually a bit older that we realize, as Terran years are actually shorter than Marine Years like they are for all other time measurements, and thus Marina is actually ~22 years old, not 19 ☯ Dislikes - That Troy is an idiot or an asshole. He's a solid, heroic and good guy, darn it all. He's got the people skills of a concussed beta fish, but he's actually smart and does his best to help people with no thought of reward. ♥ - Fisher has mostly mended the bridges between himself and his father, but the situation between himself and his mother is horrendous, to the point that his parents divorced over it and Troy actually punched the woman out when she attempted to attack the hospitalized Fisher after the ‎Exocoetus crash (that only Fisher, Gordon, and Holden survived)
Lady Penelope: ☯ Likes - That FAB 1 was rebuilt from the Rolls Royce Penny's father used into it's current 'form', using blueprints for Supercar that Penny managed to stop Steelman from getting on her first real spy mission. Penny was able to ensure that all blueprints were destroyed, and a few weeks later she was given the last set of blueprints by Zizi and Jimmy as thanks for her actions. ☯ Dislikes - That Penny 'isn't really that good of a spy'. Penny is a freaking FANTASTIC spy and she's got the comics and novels (and audio plays) to prove it! XD ♥ - Penny is actually the daughter of Agent 23 and Agent 21. ^^
Thunderbirds 65: ☯ Likes - That the birth order is Scott, John, Virgil, Gordon, Alan. And that Brains (going off the 'actually a teenager' bit of semi-canon) was actually legally adopted by Jeff when Brains was ~15... and that Brains' REAL surname (Hackenbacker is an alias darn it all XD) is Walter, thus giving the show six of the Mercury Seven in the siblings ☯ Dislikes - Except when it's just good fun / joshing (ie when the person saying it is beign sincere) the headcanon that Brains actively dislikes the Tracys ♥ - Both Jeff and Ruth fell into some nasty depressions when Val (Lucille... I've been using the name Val for her for decades XD) and Grant died in the avalanche, and Scott had to step up into the parenting role, as well as doing his best to help his father and grandmother, as a result for a few years. Ruth came out of the depressive spiral first, but it was still 2 years after the event, and Scott had pretty solidly locked himself into the role and even at 15 was stubborn enough that Ruth couldn't really dislodge him, so she just did the best she could to let Scott be a normal teen instead of an adult. Jeff got out of his spiral about a year later
Thunderbirds 04: ☯ Likes - That the helmet we see Virgil wearing during the oil rig rescue is actually standard and USUALLY the boys wear them whenever they aren't in the Thunderbirds so no one knows their identities. (The windows can also be 'polorized' into essentially one way windows and that is the default setting... but this CAN be turned off to allow people outside the craft to see inside ☯ Dislikes - ...hm. Actually can't think of one at the moment ^^;; ♥ - The Belagants are not actually Malaysians by race, although they were all born in Malaysia. Kyrano's father was from Uganda and his mother was british. Onaha's mother was from India and her father was Filipino. The Hood shares his mother with Kyrano, and his father is unknown.
Thunderbirds are Go: ☯ Likes - That iR used to be like TOS IR in that they only responded to the rescues that no one else could do, the current 'suicide run' is RECENT, only two or so years old. ☯ Dislikes - That the tag boys have the same histories as the tos boys... that is that Gordon (who is only 17 or 18 years old so far as I know) served in WASP, and Scott served in the air-force. With iR being a thing for at minimum 9 years prior to the start of the series and Scott involved with iR off the bat (and Gordon's age and involvement for a few years prior to the start of the show) there just isn't a way for the tos pasts / military histories to have occured. MAYBE Scott served for a short while, but Gordon couldn't have given recruitment ages. ♥ - That Penny's father was basically sir Jeremy Hodge from TOS in personality, appearance, etc
Captain Scarlet 67: ☯ Likes - That Scarlet and Brown were not actually dead at the time of their mysteronization, resulting in their odd behavior compared to other Mysteron Agents. (Also, Black was not killed / is not dead and has not been mysterionized, he's just being controlled by the mysterons and is still in his original body) ☯ Dislikes - That Black is a willing ally to the Mysterons instead of their first victim. ♥ - got two that I really love for family. XD Dianne's older brother is Roger Lyon from the Lady Penelope comics (he took up a false name when he joined the secret service and was born Robert Simms) Grey and Black (who both lost their parents in the Atomic Conflict and were sent to America to be raised by someone there) were actually raised by the same man - Grey's godfather, Black's uncle - and the two consider each other to be brothers.
new Captain Scarlet: ...oddly THIS is the hard one XD I don't have a lot of headcanons or know a lot of headcanons for nCS, despite being a longtime fan of it. ☯ Likes - The Mysterons of this universe aren't having a 'War of Nerves', they're just trying to cause as much terror and suffering as possible, toying with humanity before they kill them, and the reason we see the threat levels ramping up in severity as the series goes on is the Mysterons getting pissed that Spectrum keeps STOPPING them. (the og series seems to have rules that the Mysterons must follow in their war of nerves... always informing Spectrum of the next attack, only attacking something / someone once, etc) ☯ Dislikes - That Blue is an idiot. Yes, he is a bit gung-ho and impulsive, but he's DAMNED smart and more than fast enough on his mental feet to get himself out of situations he might get himself INto ♥ - annnnnd I'm stuck ^^;; sorry, I HAVE family headcanons, but I am blanking on them at the moment
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
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I posted 7,676 times in 2022
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#rainbow 6 siege - 411 posts
#sgtnicoloff - 160 posts
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#rainbow 6 - 35 posts
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#so wait if he's descended from aliens and is associated with neptune in some way... does that mean wamai is that universe's aquaman? xd
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Made this for Twitter, realised I forgot to post it here. Nothing special going on, just a Spetsnaz bbq! If you’re wondering why Fuze is missing, maybe they’re waiting for him... or it’s because it was for a question of what 2 ops you’d invite for dinner, and I snuck an additional one making Tachanka the chef 😄
84 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
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See the full post
102 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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I have no excuse for this, your honor, I just... I love him
107 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
A high-res image of Harry’s new board just dropped, and I’m gonna analyse and transcribe as many of the notes as I can. There are parts I couldn’t decypher, so if you want to zoom in the image yourself and help me fill out the blank, I’d me more than grateful!
Under a cut cause it’s going to be a really long post.
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The yellow post it above everything else says: The most practical application of my skills is to determine who works best with who. I eliminated interpersonal friction as best as I could so we can move forward efficiently.
We see that some of the names in the teams are circled in red, probably the ones who cause interpersonal friction... with the team leader, I assume? Below, I’m gonna detail the operators in each team, followed by the text on the first note (written by Harry, presumably), and at the end the text of the note under the picture of each team leader (this one signed by Zero).
Thermite’s team
Kaid Gridlock Tachanka Fuze Kapkan Buck Sledge Ash Oryx Thorn Goyo Amaru
Harry’s note: Some profiles are best suited for high-risk missions, and I’m not one to keep people from their calling. [REDACTED] is the cavalry - caution thrown to the wind get the job done at any cost
Zero’s note: Trace is motivated, and he’s seen more explosions than most, the years have been good to him despite going through hell and back. This squad needs to be led by a bad motherfucker
Hibana’s team
Thatcher Alibi Blackbeard (in red) Mute Dokkaebi Jäger Echo Jackal Blitz Maestro Kana/Flubber (hint of a new operator?) Mira Rook
Harry’s note: Members of [REDACTED] are the careers. A wide range of skill sets can be adapted to any scenario. They can lead their own missions or they can assist one of the other squads as required
Zero’s note: Imagawa is a (??) soldier and a fantastic leader. She’s been a reliable player in the past. I think it’s time we put her connections to good use and I’m sure she’d agree
Doc’s team
Lion (in red) Clash Montagne Twitch Nomad Bandit Frost Ying Castle (in red) Thunderbird Melusi
Harry’s note: A humanitarian unit was an idea I had a long time ago and I’m glad to have found a (??) that fits the bill. [REDACTED]  will be perfect for sensitive operations where collateral is not an option.
Zero’s note: Illegible
Caveira’s team
Maverick Vigil Zofia (in red) Lesion Valkyrie Glaz Nokk Warden Iana Mozzie Zero Flores
Harry’s note: Every good organization needs a covert espionage unit and for us it’s [REDACTED]. Caveira’s team is the best in the world at infiltration, surveillance, intelligence and elimination.
Zero’s note: Illegible
See the full post
170 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
There’s been a lot of talk about AO3 and censorship lately, due to one of the candidates to the OTW board. And I realised I have very strong Opinions:tm: about censorship and the freedom AO3 stands for.
Censorship is not a solution. It doesn’t work and it’s not even easily agreed upon where the line should be drawn. What some people might deem as immoral or reprehensible is not the same others will consider so. For example, you and me can agree that sexual stories about minors turn our stomach, yet other people would also include LGBT+ content there, even the sfw ones, and others might decide that any sexual content at all is immoral. So, how do we agree about what to ban, when nothing of it is even illegal?
because let’s be honest, it’s all fiction. As in, not real. Things like incest, rape and pedophilia are illegal irl, but not in fiction. Cause they’re not harming anyone. Really. You can find it disgusting, I certainly do, but I also recognize no person, no actual human, is harmed in the making of those stories. Because they’re made up and about made up characters. I won’t seek it out, and if I see someone making that kind of content I will most probably avoid them/block them (without harassing them), but they have the right to create any kind of fiction they want.
It always baffles me how readily understood that is when it comes to murder and violence in fiction. Nobody thinks that someone who writers murder mysteries or procedural shows really wants to go out and kill people. However, as soon as it’s about sex, people are up in arms ready to believe that those make believe scenarios are an indicative of someone’s real desires. Why is that? And since we’re on the topic of double standards: why are people clutching their pearls about fanfic, but literature gets a free pass, more or less? You go into a library and you’ll find lots of books with shocking and distasteful topics, including those that contain pedophilic content (like Lolita, to put a famous example), incest (Game of Thrones, among many others), rape, murder, etc. But they want me to believe that fanfic, the medium with severely impaired social acceptance and magnitudes smaller reach, is the actual problem that will “normalize” those ideas? Nah fam, I smell a moral panic, and people finding fanfic writers easier to bully into submission. Because this is all about controlling what forms of creative expression are deemed acceptable. Fanfic IS a form of art, popular art if you will, but still art. And by virtue of how AO3 is designed, it’s ridiculously easy to never see the kind of stories that you find objectionable.
Tags are a wonderful thing. I can specify what I want and what I don’t want in my story results when searching! Tags are the author being responsible and giving due warning. Especially the “dead dove: do not eat” tag, it lets you know that the content of the story will have questionable content, proceed at your own risk or keep scrolling. Same as the “chose to not use archive warnings” that one is a warning in itself that the story might contain triggering/upsetting content, and it’s the prerogative of each reader to decide whether they’re comfortable continuing reading or not. Ultimately, it’s all about taking responsibility for one’s decisions. People who are in favor of censorship in AO3 either don’t know how to control and curate what materials they access, or feel entitled to everyone else taking their morals into account instead of taking responsibility for their own experience in the archive.
None of the stories on AO3 is illegal. Fictional stories are not illegal, not even those dealing with unsavory topics. The archive makes people agree to continue reading whenever you click on a story with a certain rating (or without any rating at all, just in case!), so the reader is giving their consent to continue reading, they’re making an informed choice. Same as with the tags. They’re there, they’re a warning. If someone reads the tags, finds them displeasing and still continues reading, that’s on them. If I find a story with tags about rape/non-con, for example, I keep scrolling. Cause I know I will find the story displeasing and upsetting. The people clutching their pearls and going “but think of the children!” are, mostly, people who refuse that responsibility and ask the world to accommodate them and their morality. And then throw around words like pedohilia and accusations of “kiddie porn” careleslly, watering down the seriousness of such accusations. No, an explicit fanfic of twin, underage siblings going at it is not CSA. Cause there’s no real children involved in it. It might be disgusting for a lot of people (me included), understandably, but you can 100% avoid reading it and interacting with the people who write those. 
Finally, let’s not forget the recent history of fandom spaces, shall we? LiveJournal and Fanfiction.net both had purges of content, after some campaigns for censorship gained traction and popularity. So now everything relating to certain topics is eliminated! Well, except that also includes communities of support for survivors of sexual abuse (it happened in LJ). Well, except that the people pressuring for censorship weren’t happy with the gay smut either, so a lot of LGBT related stuff is now also gone! (happened both in LJ and ff.net). Except, in some countries anything sexual at all, is frowned upon, so why not ban that too? Censorship supporters will always move the goalposts, forever shifting their aim whenever they accomplish something. Because it’s easier and more comfortable to make others conform to their standards than accepting some artistic expressions will be uncomfortable to some people. And trust me, none of them will care if the dark fic in question was written by a survivor of similar experiences trying to cope with their trauma or raise awareness, or if it was done simply for titillation or to safely explore different scenarios in fiction. And the topics that were banned in those websites didn’t disappear at all, they just weren’t properly warned for/detailed in the summaries, so anyone could stumblre upon them by accident. The complete opposite of what happens in AO3.
AO3 was created by people who lived through those censorship events in different fandom spaces, as a response to it. To seeing whole communities and swathes of fan content being unceremoniously deleted overnight. AO3 is an archive and an online library, not a social media platform. It’s a safe haven for anyone to host their fan creations, but that doesn’t mean it’s a safe space as people understand the term in other platforms. In AO3 you make your safe space by using the tags. Because that is the only real way we can have a safe haven for EVERYONE. 
The thing about freedom of speech is that sometimes, you have to defend things you dislike (that, I repeat, are legal in this case), because experience has shown time and time again that as soon as you give an inch to the censors, they take more and more. And today they’re up in arms about “pedophilic fanfics”, but once that is done? It might be all nsfw content, it might be trans related content, it might be something else. But it will happen. 
4,391 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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vintagelasvegas · 9 months
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McCarran Field on opening day, December 19, 1948, with an air show of military aircraft. Photo by Las Vegas News Bureau.
• ‘20: First flight. Randall Henderson piloted a Curtiss “Jenny” to Las Vegas, landing south of Las Vegas, 5/7/20.
• '20: Anderson Field. Las Vegas’ first airport, designed by Robert Hausler and named after the property owner, opened 11/25/20. Location: southeast of present Sahara Ave & Paradise Rd. • '25: Leon & Earl Rockwell purchase Anderson Field from Hausler; renamed Rockwell Field. • '26: Western Air Express (WAE) launches airmail route utilizing Rockwell Field. The air strip is closed in '29 after purchase by Leigh Hunt.
• '29: Las Vegas Airport built by “Pop” Simon, present location of Nellis AFB. • '33: Simon sells Las Vegas Airport to WAE; renamed Western Air Express Field. • '41: City of Las Vegas buys WAE Field Jan. '41; dual use facility becomes McCarran Field, and Las Vegas Army Air Field. • '48: McCarran Field relocates to Alamo Field. • '49: Las Vegas AFB reopened Jan. '49 at the former McCarran Field/Las Vegas Army Air Field site. Renamed Nellis AFB in '50.
• '33: Boulder City Airport, dedicated 12/10/33. Later replaced by nearby Boulder City Municipal Airport ('90-present).
• '41: Sky Haven Airport. From '59-65 known as Thunderbird Field. Ralph Englestad bought and sold to City of North Las Vegas, who renamed it North Las Vegas Air Terminal. Howard Hughes bought, '67. Sold to Clark County, '87. Renamed North Las Vegas Airport.
• '42: Alamo Field est. by George Crockett south of Las Vegas, present site of Harry Reid International (LAS Airport). • '48: The new McCarran Field (LAS Airport). Clark County purchases Alamo Field, opening new airport 12/19/48. Alamo Airways, and Alamo Airport in name, continue operations at McCarran Field. • '63: Field terminal (T1) opens at McCarran, 3/15/63. Airport gateway relocated to Paradise Rd. Alamo Airways continues operating at the original Las Vegas Blvd location. • '67: Hughes Terminal at McCarran. Howard Hughes buys Alamo (airport and airline) in '67, and Air West in '70. • '68: McCarran renamed McCarran International Airport (LAS). Renamed Harry Ried International Airport in 2021.
• '45: Ranch Club Airfield. 1700' unpaved runway at Nevada Ranch Club, in the area of present of S. Arville St between W Desert Inn Rd and W Flamingo Rd, circa '45-48. • '46: Sky Corral Airport. Located west of Last Frontier Hotel; air strip approximately the path of present Interstate 15 at Desert Inn Rd. Closed by '49.
• '70: Sky Harbor Airport. Founded by Arby Alper. Present site of Henderson Executive Airport.
Sources: D. Lamb. “North Vegas Seeks Thunderbird Field.” Review-Journal, 8/25/65; “Southern Nevada Enjoys Long Aviation History.” Review-Journal, 6/11/98; J. Przybys. “Airport Museum.” Review-Journal, 10/1/2000; “History of Nellis and Creech.” Aerotech News, 12/21/2018; Paul Freeman. Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields: Nevada: Las Vegas. Accessed 6/23/2004.
Below: Senator Pat McCarran at the gateway of the original McCarran field in North Las Vegas, dedicated 3/15/41. The 25-ton pillars were moved to the new McCarran field in 1948. (Nellis Air Force Base Photograph Collection, PH-00028, UNLV Special Collections.
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mitchbeck · 2 years
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By: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - Despite Louie Domingue's repeating his season-high 42 saves, the Hartford Wolf Pack lost 1-0 to the Springfield Thunderbirds on Quinnipiac grad Matt Peca's glove-high game-winner. Dylan Garand posted a scoreless 65 minutes against Hershey, making the Pack 2-7 in shutouts this season. The lone Pack shootout goal was by a defenseman, newcomer Adam Clendening wearing jersey #5. In overtime, the Pack displayed a strong PK after Matt Robertson was penalized on a Will Bitten clean breakaway. The Pack had three blocks, and broke-up two plays, and Domingue, was solid on the delayed penalty situation on Robertson, while making a beautiful right pad save on Hugh McGing. He had three strong late OT saves on a stick save on Adam Gaudette, Matt Kessel, and Martin Frk to keep it scoreless. The Pack got a solid bid to win early in OT by Will Cullye. In the third period, Domingue was strong, made early saves on Gaudette, leading scorer Matt Highmore, who was just sent down by the St. Louis Blues, and Mathias Laferriere. McGing and Kessel tested Domingue. Steve Santini had a quality shot with Mikhail Abramov in front waiting for the rebound. Zac Jones followed with a good stick stop on Santini on his next shift. The Pack’s Bobby Trivigno, Ryan Carpenter, and then Libor Hájek tested Springfield goalie Joel Hofer in the last five minute overtime. In the final minute, with 45.7 seconds left, Hofer stopped Abramov. Cullye had a good chance as time expired in regulation. The second period saw Springfield mount some sustained offensive zone pressure. First, Carpenter had two shots five seconds apart in the first three minutes. He was left muttering to himself and six minutes in Cullye tested Hofer. Springfield Frk, Mitchell Hoelscher, and Peca were in on Domingue. Matt Rempe was in front and was pushed away by Griffin Luce (Salisbury School). Dmitri Samurukov had a quality shot at Domingue. Karl Henriksson, made a smart defensive covering the left point as Carpenter had two shorts five seconds apart in the first three minutes, left muttering to himself. Karl Henriksson made a quality defensive play at the left point, preventing any Springfield breakout and keeping the puck in as Hájek pinched in. The first period felt like a training camp period with the Wolf Pack, as they have had seven players traded over the last 72-hours all finding new addresses. Finding chemistry was going to be tough. Not changing was captain Jonny Brodzinski. At 3:40, the Pack had the first quality shot on goal in a scoreless first period. Matt Robertson from the left point. Hofer stopped Rempe on the Springfield doorstep. At 10:03 the Pack tested Hofer with their tenth shot on goal. Both teams had a powerplay chance, and neither registered a shot on goal. Domingue made a save at 12:57 and at 14:23. Newcomer Jake Leschyshyn had a chance with 1:50 to go in the period. Riding a four-game winning streak, and enduring having their lineup changed during the week. the Wolf Pack were ready for an all-important three-games-in-three-days weekend. The first two games are on the road. On Friday, they head twenty minutes up the road back to Springfield and then an hour South to Bridgeport to meet the Islanders on Saturday. Then, they have a Sunday mid-afternoon clash with the Charlotte Checkers at 3 pm at the XL Center. LINES: Cullye-Brodzinski-Pajuniemi Gettinger-Elson-Carpenter Trivigno- Fritz-Jake Leschyshyn DiGiacinto-Henriksson- Rempe Jones-Hájek Emberson-Robertson Scanlin-Adam Clendening Garand SCRATCHES: Joe Lockwood (healthy) Cooper Zech (healthy) Wyatt Kalynuk (unavailable in transit) Anton Blidh (unavailable in transit) Ben Tardif (healthy) Patrick Khordorenko (season-ending shoulder surgery) C.J. Smith (hip area surgery done for the season) NOTES: Bridgeport's top goal scorers Simon Holmstrom and Otto Koivula were recalled by the big Islanders. They returned Arnaud Durandeau, a notorious Pack killer for the past three years. Winger Collin Adams was recalled from Worcester (ECHL). Calgary Wranglers (AHL) recalled ex-Pack defenseman Tyson Helgesen and ex-Sound Tiger Calder Brooks from Rapid City (ECHL). Goalie Jon Gillies (Salisbury School) goes from Tucson to Cleveland. Hamden’s Jonathan Quick was traded twice this week, first from LA to Columbus, and then Blue Jackets moved him the next day to the Vegas Goldne Knights. Quick (AOF), who won two Stanley Cups with Los Angeles has struggled this year. He was pulled in New York despite two of the three goals not being his fault, and his visible annoyance was shown by the 37-year-old exiting on TV. He flew back with the team at the end of a road trip to LA and then was told he was traded to Columbus. Nick Bonino (Farmington/AOF) was traded from the San Jose Sharks to Pittsburgh. Vladislav Namestnikov, the son of ex-Pack Evegeni “John” Namesnikov, now a Maple Leaf scout was traded from San Jose to Winnipeg. Ex-Pack Sammy Blais who was just traded to St. Louis. He signed a contract extension. Ex-Pack goalie J.F. Berube was recalled then sent back to Charlotte by Florida. Adam Erne, (North Branford) was called up from Grand Rapids by Detroit. Pete DiLiberatore (QU) was recently sent to Savannah (ECHL) by Henderson and was dealt by Vegas to Wilkes Barre/Scranton. Fellow former Bobcat Chase Priskie goes from Rochester to San Diego. Kevin O’Neil (UCONN/Yale) was cut loose by Colorado Eagles (AHL) released from his PTO, and heads back to South Carolina (ECHL). The team also had ex-Pack goalie Keith Kinkaid, who just traded and recalled by the Avalanche. Luke Evangelista was recalled from Milwaukee by parent Nashville. Ex-CT Whale Mike Pelech of the Atlanta Gladiators (ECHL) is officially now the second all-time leader in assists in ECHL history, recording three on the road in Savannah, GA, Thursday night. Former UCONN forward Jordan Timmons was dealt from the Reading Royals (ECHL) to the Kansas City Mavericks (ECHL). HARTFORD WOLF PACK HOME Read the full article
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vintage1981 · 3 months
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Anderson Entertainment buys two novellas from James Swallow
Anderson Entertainment is publishing two novellas by New York Times bestselling author James Swallow.    
Jamie Anderson, managing director of Anderson Entertainment, acquired world all-language rights to the novellas directly from the author. 
Swallow said he was “a lifelong fan” of company founder Gerry Anderson’s TV shows such as “Thunderbirds” and “Stingray”. 
The two novellas, Space: 1999 The Armageddon Engine and UFO Shadow Play, are new stories set within the worlds of two of the biggest live-action Anderson properties, “Space: 1999” and “UFO”.  
Both novellas will be published on September 13th 2024 for Breakaway Day, the annual celebration of the 1975 series "Space: 1999". The books will be published in a limited-edition hardback and paperback, with e-books to follow at a later date.
Swallow said: “Growing up, ’Space: 1999’ and ’UFO’ were a big part of my sci-fi landscape, and so it’s been great fun for me to revisit these characters to tell some exciting new stories. Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s creations are unique, retro classics and I’m thrilled to be teaming up with Jamie and everyone at Anderson Entertainment for this new era of adventures.”  
The New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author has written more than 65 novels including tie-ins, thrillers and video games. 
Anderson said: "We started to publish non-fiction titles in late 2021, and since then we’ve been working with our partners at ITV Studios to create new stories based on these amazing TV shows. Working with James has been a real pleasure. He’s a genuine fan and we’re sure that they’ll appeal to long-time as well as new readers. We have much more to come."
The two novellas by Swallow will be available for retailers to order wholesale from Gardners as well as direct from Anderson Entertainment.   
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