#thursday chiming in on a crossword...
mindhowyougo · 6 months
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I am sooo normal about this
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empress-of-snark · 9 months
Wip thursday? 😁
Because I haven’t shared a teaser in a little while, here’s an extra-long one!
“You think she’s hot?”
“Seriously? You realize this is incredibly sexist.”
“Oh, please!” Robin blows a raspberry at her. “You and Chris do it to guys all the time! If I have to listen to you two wax on about how dreamy Rob Lowe is one more time–”
Jonathan quirks a brow and gives Nancy a curious look. “You think Rob Lowe is dreamy?”
“That’s not the point,” she counters, turning back to Robin, “and he’s a celebrity, which doesn’t count. They’re practically paid to be objectified.”
“Whatever,” says Robin with a dismissive hand wave. “We need you to break the tie. I say she’s hot, Eddie won’t make a decision–”
“I’m still deliberating.”
“–and Steve says she’s not because he’s an idiot with shit taste in women.”
“What about Jonathan?” Nancy asks.
Giving an innocent smile, he says, “I respectfully abstained from voting.”
She smiles and bumps her shoulder gently against his. “Good answer.”
The bell over the door chimes as Chrissy finally makes an appearance, completing the set. “Hi, guys!”
As she comes closer, she pauses awkwardly at the empty ottoman right next to Eddie, then chooses to sit cross-legged on the floor by Robin instead. Nancy sees Eddie frown, but is quickly distracted when Jonathan casually says, “Hey, Steve, you’re in the crossword.”
“Huh?” Steve looks up.
She reads over his shoulder. “Yeah, twenty-two down,” she says, pointing to it. “‘Daytime television doctor, blank Harrington’.”
He laughs disbelievingly, snatching the book from Jonathan’s hands to eagerly gape at the clue.
“That’s me! I’m blank Harrington!”
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Thursday-Monday: April 6-10th
That’s a wrap on my week home! A mix of genuine love and deep stress as always. 
Grandad is so old I have to yell for him to hear me, it’s a delicate balance between trying to talk loud enough for him to understand and not just patronizingly shouting at an old man.
Connected soul deep with Rosie. She likes Jack Johnson’s music, made up stories of us being like Sabrina and Zelda, and falling asleep in her stroller. The baby fever is so real. 
Had a nice lunch with Lauren  at True Food cafe, talking about everything from stand-up, to lipstick, to how our parents never gave us any kind of conversation in regards to sex. We also picked up $500 worth of flowers for her church’s Easter celebration. 
Did a crossword with Dad and watched a Jim Jeffries stand up together. 
Forgot to read the book for book club (whoops).
Went to Ash’s for Easter. It’s been forever since I did anything at all for the holiday and forgot how wholesome it is to be around children. Even if the egg hunt turns in to a blood bath, all of the little outfits are to die for. It’s like toddler fashion week. Ash’s backyard is something out of a kid’s paradise, big tractor, fake grass, play houses, a trampoline, a hot tub, a chicken coop, and a canary aviary. It smelled like a farm in the best kind of way, earthy and floral. 
Now I’m back home and I’m relieved. Things are much less chaotic here, from the organization to the non-stop blood sucking relatives. There’s places to do yoga and I returned to my daily jogs. My parents house is a good place to visit (even though I rarely feel like there’s space for me or clean towels), and I love them, but living away has been vital to carving out a place in the world I feel connected to. Right now, I hear wind chimes and the occasionally bird squawk/car alarm. Clothes are in the laundry. I’m home. 
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