#thx bye ♥
fourfuckinghorsemen · 2 years
Okie 🤧 just letting uk that you are my fav rp blog and kinda the only active rp blog i follow. The rest are all dead lol. thx . Have a nice dinner. Bye
(awwww thank you anon ♥ that's very sweet of you 😭)
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kfanopinions · 2 years
[MARK] face to face - lyric imagine
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Word Count: approx. 2.030k Pairing: Mark x Fem Reader Song: Face to Face by Ruel
LOOKING AT YOUR PHONE A warmth comes to your cheeks. For a month you've been messaging someone by the username: xmarksthespot. Just seeing their name popping up on your phone brings a smile to your face. Whoever they were they were amazingly charming. Never have you had someone who seemed to know what you were feeling and thinking.
It was like he was able to peer into your soul and help you deal with some of your personal problems. When you had a terrible break up with your ex-boyfriend, he was there for you. When your dog needed surgery, he was there for you. No matter what was going on - the good and bad he was there for you.
It was like he was able to peer into your soul and help you deal with some of your personal problems. When you had a terrible break up with your ex-boyfriend, he was there for you. When your dog needed surgery, he was there for you. No matter what was going on - the good and bad he was there for you.
"[Y/N]!" Your co-worker calls to you. "It's time for your break."
"Okay, thanks."
You put away the last bag of chips onto the shelf before stretching your back. Another day of restocking shelves at your local market and another day of searching for a proper lunch. Heading outside into the fresh air a wave of relief comes over you.
Trying to decide between pizza, subway, or to grab a salad back inside the grocery store - you post a picture of yourself looking quite confused, with a question of: 'what should I eat?' followed by a poll on your Instagram.
Getting a few suggestions of pizza and subway from your followers, a particular DM captures your attention - the user, xmarksthespot.
xmarksthespot: why don't you ever pack a lunch? 😂
[you]: never seem to have time before i leave for work ☹️
xmarksthespot: there is an amazing japanese restaurant a few blocks away. if you have time i highly recommend it. i was there the other week with a few friends and it was amazing.
[you]: i'll check it out! thx i know i'll love it ♥ you have great taste 😉
xmarksthespot: ☺️
[you]: okay, well i'll let you know how it was later bye 😘
THAT EVENING YOU UPDATED your Instagram with plenty of pictures of your lunch, thanking personally xmarksthespot for his amazing suggestion. Just as you were preparing to go to sleep a *ding* came from your phone. Thinking only the usual that xmarksthespot was sending you a message you gleefully plop down on your bed - grabbing your phone.
xmarksthespot: glad you enjoyed it. if you ever need recommendations i'm always here for you.
[you]: how about for tomorrow, i have a feeling i won't be packing a lunch xP
xmarksthespot: try the italian restaurant down the street from the japanese place. it's fancier but who doesn't want a good plate of spaghetti?
[you]: thx! btw i don't believe i've asked...what is your name?
xmarksthespot: my name is mark.
[you]: ok, i get it x"mark"sthespot...clever...very clever...
mark: i try to be ^^
[you]: anything going on in your life? i'd love to return the favor for all the times you've helped me
mark: hmm...nothing in particular is going on. i do have someone in mind that i'm interested in but not sure if she'll like me.
[you]: i'm sure she'll love you! you've been soooooo kind to me these past couple of weeks. if you're like this irl then she's an idiot if she doesn't like you.
mark: "..."
Just then a ring on your doorbell breaks you from your conversation. Going to your door your ex-boyfriend holds a bouquet of roses in his hand, a box of chocolates in the other and if those two cliches weren't enough - a boombox playing some sappy song straight out of an 80's romance movie played as he spoke to you.
"Babe, I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to hurt you at all, I was just going through a hard time and I took my frustrations out on you. What I said doesn't reflect how I truly feel. I've tried to give you your space but I can't keep myself from you anymore. Please, take me back?"
"You've got to be kidding me." You stare shocked.
"You know that I love you, right? That I would do anything for you. What happened last month...look I wasn't thinking when I told you I didn't want to be with you. I was dealing with my boss who's a dick and I just -"
You cut him off. "Please, save the excuses. You can't yell at someone in front of people that you hate them and you're done with them, then proceed to leave the restaurant throwing a tantrum like a child and expect that person to take you back."
"I'll do anything please just give me another chance."
Shaking your head you close your door slowly telling him that you can't deal with him at the moment. The night ruined and your mood heavily drained until the familiar ding of your phone grabs your attention.Rushing back to your room you grab it seeing Mark had sent you a couple of messages.
Mark: she doesn't even know i exist. i just wouldn't know how to talk to her. any suggestions?
Mark: you still there...?
Mark: did I overstep I'm sorry...
Quickly firing away a few text in hopes to not lose your savior you tell him what just happened.
[You]: when she sees you i'm sure she'll notice you right away. your beautiful aura will shine through
[You]: maybe try some small talk to break the ice. i know that's not ideal but i bet that'll work!
[You]: sorry about ghosting...my ex showed up with a bouquet of roses, chocolates and doing the 80's boombox thing outside my door -_- I can't believe he did that...after what he said to me...
YOU DIDN'T HEAR FROM Mark the rest of the night. Figuring he went off to do something you stare at the roses your ex gave you. The idea of getting back with your ex has crossed your mind plenty of times this past month. You had been together for over six years. He was your first everything. At the 8th grade dance he kissed you before your dad opened the door and caught him mid-kiss and it was magical. 12th grade, after you came back from the prom to his place - his parents away for the weekend, you shared your first intimate moment together. Again, another magical moment. How can you just forget all of the good times you've had with him?
Was it even possible to put those memories into a box and label it your past in order to move on? As if an angel heard your thoughts your phone goes off.
Mark: are you going to go back to him?
[You]: do you think i should?
You send him a picture of the flowers and chocolates with a huge question mark over the picture.
Again he goes silent.
Feeling like he wasn't going to answer you back for the night you turn off your phone and allow it to charge.
THE FOLLOWING TWO DAYS have been exhausting. Mark has gone silent and hasn't answered any of your messages. He's certainly read them but why he wasn't answering them you didn't know. Work was the same routine dealing with customers and restocking the shelves. Things just became boring. Talking to Mark brightened your day and you didn't even know him.
Another three days pass and still no sign from Mark. You gave up messaging him after the third day and decided to leave him be. Perhaps he finally talked to that girl he was interested in. A deep pout settles on your face. It was strange. You've never met him and yet you feel so connected to him. Not talking to him for this long makes you feel nervous and on edge.
Your phone turning on ever five minutes to see if somehow despite the fact you have your sound on - you may have missed a message, only to be shown you haven't. You put your phone in your back pocket and stand up. Grabbing the next crate of can goods you see a young man walking down the aisle.
He had a black furry jacket and a black beanie, ripped denim jeans, and with a long baggy t-shirt. He was quite cute as he came closer. Trying not to stare to much you look down at the crate and fiddle around making yourself look busy.
"Uh, excuse me," the young man clears his throat.
You look up startled and point to yourself. "M-Me?"
He chuckles nodding, "you are the only one here."
"Uh, y-yeah...d-did you need something?"
"I was just passing by and I can't help but wonder, are you this person..." he holds out his phone showing your Instagram account.
"Yes, that's me. How did you..."
He smiles and puts his phone in his pocket. "I thought that was you. Well, it was nice to meet you." He smiles but there is something laced behind that smile that has you feeling uneasy but at the same time giddy.
"Nice to meet you too..."
He walks away from you chuckling to himself and when your brain registered what happened you went to the end of the aisle and looked around hoping that you would see him and ask how he knew you and how he found you. When you couldn't see him at all you brought out your phone and opened Instagram.
Suddenly a message pops up making you jump where you stood.
Mark: sorry I got busy. maybe it would be best to find someone new? meet anyone interesting?
[You]: actually...
You scan around the store smiling.
I did meet someone interesting. Someone who follows me on here. By any chance...
You leave it open ended.
Mark: By any chance? What?
[You]: Was that person...you?
Mark: "..."
You waited for him to reply back to you but it seemed like the dots indicating he was typing started and stopped again and again. Almost as if he was thinking about what to type but changed his mind.
Mark: We should meet face to face properly...
"Don't you think?"
A voice behind you makes you jump. Turning around you see the same young man who you just talked to. Gulping as he smiles shyly you ask the question that's been burning at you.
He raises his arm and scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, it's me."
"I, uh...how did you know I worked here?"
He looks at you like you were stupid. "I believe you told me plenty of times that you worked here. Plus, we knew that we lived in the same area. I just...I wanted to apologize to you for ghosting. I didn't mean to I just -"
"It's fine!" You squeak. "I figured that it was because of that girl you were interested in. Did you find out if she likes you?"
He takes a tentative step closer to you, "I'm not sure. I haven't told her I was interested in her yet. I guess the quickest way to find out is to ask now. Don't you think?"
Blinking at him your head tilts in confusion. "Now?"
"[Y/N], I know we've only been talking for about a month but I...I like you...and I wanted to tell you that a while ago but didn't want you to get weirded out or anything and I just...I like you."
"The girl...sh-she's me?"
He nods keeping quiet.
You walk up to him closing the distance between the two of you. Without speaking you wrap your arms around him pulling him into a tight embrace. This is what you wanted to do for so long. You wanted to meet Mark, to hug him, to talk to him in person. You knew that whoever was behind that account was a sweet person and one you wanted to meet badly.
Closing his arms around you he pulls you in closer. "So, is that a yes to liking me?" He asks.
"Yes, it is."
"And your ex-boyfriend?"
"I've already thrown out the chocolates and flowers and properly declined him." You pull from just enough to look at him. "I'm [Y/N], by the way. And it's a pleasure to meet you, Mark."
*soooooo I hope that you enjoyed this! this is my first time doing something like this and it was interesting to take a song and make it into a story. ahhh i hope that it was good ♥ thank you so much for requesting this, it was so much fun!*
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cutiepit-3 · 2 years
WOW! Found again the URL of yr cool blog! ♥♥ all these superSEXY young guys showing their sweet pits! Thnx for sharing this hot stuff! Bye! pinco pallino
👍 Thx man! Welcome back!
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sunnyshiftyy · 2 years
Update <3
Hi you guys!! I am currently suffering through Hot Girl Exam Season™ so bear with me as i try to get stuff up! I wanted to wish everyone a happy pride month, and also good luck with you exams if you have them.
I also wanted to state that i’m always open to suggestions and feedback on any of my work, so you can drop some of the alfabet organized into sentences in my asks if you want :) (or comment/message me that’s fine too)
I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been interacting with my posts, i notice you! And i always get so happy when i get just a single like because that means it made someone happy and that’s my goal!
I’ll be here (cause i’ll never leave)
Ok thx bye! ♥
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hq92 · 3 years
saw your tags on the one post and LOVE the comparison - quick! more Mass Effect characters as Gravity Falls character (if you want) k thx bye ♥
Thank you! But I can't take credit for coming up with that tag, it came with the post when I found it and I had to reblog 😅
But if we're comparing GF characters to ME characters, Garrus is about as suave with Shepard as Dipper is with Wendy (Except it actually works for our favorite Turian) 😂😂
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dollofdeath · 8 years
Military Men -- A Rewatch of JG Ep 1
Originally for this Joker Game rewatch, I was going to just redraw scenes I liked because I thought I didn’t have anything to add meta-wise or analytical-wise. But as I was reading JGfiles’ rewatch (which is super interesting! Do read it if you have the chance), I remembered the one thing that always stood out to me -- and it’s not necessarily confined to this episode -- is the dynamic between Sakuma and Odagiri. I don’t think it’s quite strong enough to call “parallelism,” but I think there’s something intriguing about having Sakuma, a soldier overseeing the spies, within the same space as Odagiri, a former soldier turned spy.
A bit of a disclaimer here but I’m not too well versed in regards to the historical context of the setting which may lead to shortcomings in my analysis. Anyways, without further ado, here I go! (•̀ᴗ•́)و
Right from the beginning, we know that Sakuma isn’t like the spies at all. Unlike them, he’s a trained soldier -- taught to follow Imperial ideologies with unwavering belief. As portrayed through his dynamic with Miyoshi, his beliefs clash with the spies’ and lead to the predicament Sakuma finds himself in later in the episode. One would think that these men have no common ground with Sakuma, that there’s no understanding between him and them. But as learned from the character biographies, Odagiri was once part of the military. Already, this sets Odagiri apart from the other spies and draws a similarity to Sakuma.
If the spies are considered anomalies of society, Odagiri can be considered an anomaly of an anomaly. While he’s an independent thinker honed by his spy training, he isn’t quite inhuman as the other spies are (as shown in episode 12). I’m probably treading on headcanon territory here, but I think that he’s a bit more sympathetic to Sakuma due to this.
Let’s start with the first (and only) scene Sakuma and Odagiri interact, which is the Joker Game -- or the poker game as Sakuma is initially led to believe.
I love imagining everyone in D-Agency and Sakuma as one big happy family as much as everyone else does, but I’m sure the reality is that they toyed with Sakuma to amuse themselves (perhaps saying that they bullied him is a better way to phrase it) and the Joker Game was one way they did it. Even Odagiri is in on it, though I think he may feel a bit bad about it.
Because, after all, it’s Odagiri who tells Sakuma that his loss wasn’t due to the way he played, but the way he and the others worked against him.
I believe it was never the spies’ intention to let Sakuma know about the Joker Game. Maybe they wanted him to figure it out himself, maybe they just wanted to be dicks towards him, maybe some kind of mix of the two. Regardless of the reasoning, I think Odagiri telling Sakuma about the Joker Game was something he did out of his own volition and was never part of the plan. Sakuma was about to leave and it felt like a last minute choice to tell him. And maybe it’s just the way the shot is angled combined with Odagiri’s typically stoic expression, but he almost (just almost) looks concerned. 
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And to me, it seemed that the other spies were... annoyed about having to explain things to Sakuma and don’t even take him that seriously, treating him like he’s some sort of dense child.
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(miyoshi’s face screams “oh my god this dumbass” while hatano is judging sakuma lololol)
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(kaminaga and amari: lmao ok bye)
So back to the point: what did Odagiri have to gain from telling Sakuma about the Joker Game besides advancing the plot? Nothing really. Had he not done that, the status quo would’ve remained and Sakuma would’ve gone back to bed in ignorance. But perhaps he wanted an easier conscience and maybe in a roundabout way, he wanted Sakuma to learn a lesson he needed. 
As an aside, something I find interesting is that when Yuuki is talking about how the spies will live in solitude doing their jobs, we’re given shots of all the spies. Odagiri is the only one by himself, which I suppose can symbolize him not being like the others. Not only that, but the way that he’s seated is different.
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Odagiri is facing towards the spies, away from Yuuki as Sakuma was just a few moments ago from this particular shot. In fact, in this shot, he’s the only one facing completely towards the audience (Amari is kinda too but like he can still easily look at Yuuki and Sakuma) and I wish I had some deep analysis to give you guys about this, but all I can come up with is “yeah, he’s different” haha yeah orz. Or maybe none of these don’t mean anything at all lol they were just something that caught my attention.
Anyhow, from thereon, Odagiri’s interactions with Sakuma are more indirect, if not nonexistent (which is a shame, but I digress).
The next time Sakuma and Odagiri are together is during the search of John Gordon’s house. While there’s no interaction between them, we see that Odagiri is standing directly behind Sakuma. It might not mean much overall, but this just really strikes me. They could’ve chosen literally anyone else to be behind Sakuma and they went with Odagiri. I’m not quite sure how to put my thoughts about this except that I think it’s rather poetic how the former soldier is standing behind the military man (literally and possibly figuratively).
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(Presenting my super crappy editing skills haha anyways)
The next interaction isn’t much of an interaction, but more of how Odagiri reacts to Sakuma as opposed to the other spies. As Sakuma faces the prospect of actually committing harakiri, we get a very quick pan of all the spies sans Miyoshi. The fact that this shot happens so quickly gives us the impression that every single one of the spies is smirking at Sakuma, mocking him and his beliefs that lead him up to this point, which is probably how Sakuma himself feels no doubt. 
However, if one looks closer, Odagiri has a different reaction than the others.
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It’s rather difficult to see this on tumblr so here’s a link to the bigger picture. Since we’re focusing on Odagiri, I’ll just share the closeup on him.
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I won’t say that he definitely isn’t smirking because I think it can be argued that he is in his own way given his stoic nature. But the point is that the other spies have a pronounced smirk, whereas Odagiri’s lips are closer to a flat line like he’s not as amused at this spectacle as the others are. Even Fukumoto, who is also portrayed as serious, has a more noticeable smirk than Odagiri.
Just to further illustrate my point because the more I look at this screencap the more I feel like I’m deluding myself into seeing a smirk, I placed a straight line across each of the spies’ mouths from corner to corner. Odagiri’s lips resemble -- if not perfectly fit -- the line while the other spies have a noticeable curve.
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Here’s a link to the bigger picture and here’s a closeup of Odagiri:
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this is probably the most extra thing i’ve ever done i apologize
Perhaps this doesn’t mean much as well, but I think it’s Odagiri’s sympathy towards Sakuma showing up once more. Due to the circumstances of the situation, he can’t do anything to stop Sakuma without raising suspicions (not only from Gordon, but his fellow spies as well). All that he can do now is watch as Sakuma tries to find a way out of this situation or die trying. Unlike the others, he doesn’t seem too interested in seeing the latter play out.
And that... is about it -- for both episodes 1 and 2. I don’t think we ever see Odagiri and Sakuma interact ever again after this (which is unfortunate, but alas).
Admittedly, this is a one-sided dynamic given the little interaction that they have and when they do it's Odagiri towards Sakuma and never vice versa. It's probably due to story reasons as there wouldn't be much conflict if the focus was on Odagiri and Sakuma as opposed to Miyoshi and Sakuma and that's fair. As much as I wish Sakuma and Odagiri’s dynamic was explored more, I appreciate subtle relationships like this and know they have their place within the story and for what it is, I think it plays its role well. 
To conclude, I guess I’ll just throw my bits of headcanon. I can see Odagiri keeping his distance from Sakuma as a way to distance himself from his past (which we'll see doesn't work out for him in episode 12) but he allows himself moments of sympathy to support Sakuma in a way. He understands where Sakuma is coming from, so he’s easier on him than the others are. Of course, maybe things really Aren’t That Deep and I care too much about fictional characters, but ah well hehe
(Also if anyone is interested, I wrote a fic some time ago exploring some of the events of episodes 1 and 2 through Odagiri’s perspective, focusing on his thoughts on Sakuma (basically this analysis in fic form haha). You can find it here! ehehe shameless advertising)
Thank you guys for taking the time to read all this!! And thank you JGfiles for giving me the opportunity to put all of my thoughts about this into one coherent post hehe╰(*´︶`*)╯
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