#thx u fren :D
here to drop some real shit
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Regarding safety, I 🔒 my twt out of fear so yea, stopped interacting w lots o folks n frens to this day. Thn fandom on twitter is deadass terrifying :'v
Im imagine hav having t constantly watch yer step lest yu piss off some rando joyless fucc who is stalking yer account and takin ss to call you out over some imaginary misdeed cz how dare u not comply w western morals or whatever flavor of outrage we feeding on.
...and u dnt even have 10 fllwrs
U were a rando nobody gettin piled on
Anyways, regarding if ts Gon be a series
It I is men mentioned n the notes tht is a project made w some someone else, lots of deets alr already planned out, the the th only th thing missing s actually writing it d down he he he
And s not the on only series planned :D it'll take more than some rando joyless fucc to stop me frm writin'
Think that i don't have anything else t say
So, I'll be around creating alongside u n me me group of frens whb soemhow jet kept me sane
Thx again, fr listening
Cz u made a difference :'D
Yeah, it's... unfortunate.
The reality is, open and honest communication would solve all sorts of problems and avert all sorts of blowups. But the point is that both sides have to be willing to have the conversation. And that's very rare, as you saw.
All we can do is take one day at a time and one situation at a time. And be the best person we can be to those around us.
That said, I understand completely the concern going off anon and unlocking your account. And honestly, if you aren't ready to have the public see you and what you do, then you do what makes you feel safe, boo. I support you either way. (You can always slip into my DMs, tho <3 You are welcome at any time.) And those friends that have kept you sane? You hold them close. Those kinds of people are hard to come by. I can speak from experience. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for mine. I owe them more than I'm willing to say.
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On to funner things! I am SO very happy to see it's going to be a series!! The initial concept is already unique and fun to see and expanding on the idea would be quite the adventure, I can already tell! I'll be lurkin on it in the shadows~ Wait'n to see what's next. ;3
Keep dreaming, creating and being you, boo!
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just-jammin · 11 months
well if a fren (which is u) recs ube, how can i NOT try it at some point in my life am i right? /gen
srsly though if i ever do get my hands on ube im gonna try it 😊 besides the textyre looks funnnnn
also no probs on collegeg, hope its fun for u!!!!
hell yeah, that’s what i’m talking abt dude!! >:D
and thx, college has been really REALLY pog yeh!!
with the price of quite a big amount of activities ack— ;w;
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payspersonal · 7 years
Tag Game: Alphabet Soup Edition
Tagged by: @loser-dot-com thx again fren
Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A: Age- A teenager
B: Birthplace- In the U.S.A.
C: Current Time- 8:36 P.M.
D: Drink you had last- Coca-Cola
E: Easiest Person To Talk Too- My dad or grandmother
F: Favorite Song- If You Do by GOT7 
G: Grossest Memory- My dad dropped a bowl on my foot and there was so much blood
H: Hogwarts House- Ravenclaw & Slytherin
I: In Love?- With food and my bed, yes.
J: Jealous Of People- I was jealous today because this girl [one of Amanda’s best friend] started smiling [maybe flirting] with Amanda and BOIIII. I was ready to attack.
J: Killed Someone- In my mind, yes.
L- Love at first sight or should I walk by again? I’m probably listening to my music and reading, so like you should probably sit down and save your time or hit my arm.
M: Middle Name- Mackenzie
N: Number of Siblings- I have one little brother and my brother is a demon, not a brother. If you knew what he was like, you’d agree. My little brother IS SUCH AN ANGEL I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. 
O: One Wish- For Amanda and me to date
P: Person You Called Last- My mom
Q: Question You Are Always Asked- Idk?
R: Reason To Smile- My little brother
S: Song You Last Sang- R.I.P 2 My Youth by The Neighborhood
T: Time You Woke Up- 2:30 A.M.
U: Underwear Color- No thank you
V: Vacation Destination- I really don’t know??
W: Worst Habit- Biting my lip
X: X-Rays- I’ve only gotten an ultra-sound because I’ve had a serious stomach problem that’s affected me for the past 4 years, but no X-rays.
Y: Your Favorite Food- I can’t choose just one
Z: Zodiac Sign- Capricorn BROO
I tag: Whoever wants to do this
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beefstew252 · 7 years
wassup my loves! i was tagged by @davidbowie69​ (my bestest roommate of 43 yrs graciass) to do this thingy
a - age: 15
b - birthplace: Michigania
c - current time: 10:58 am
d - drink you last had: waterrrrrrrr stay hydrated
e - easiest person to talk to: @davidbowie69​ mi bestest amiga aka george
f - favorite song: ewwww all of the songs me gusta musica mucho
g - grossest memory: my entire life tbh
h - horror yes or horror no: horror idk im scared but its fun to see people deal with my scared lil butt
i - in love: constantly agahwqhupogjpodj
j - jealous of people: mhm all da time tbh
k - ok thx for the insightful question i love sarcasm
l - I am also a toad my lovely >:D
m - middle name: M night shamalamadingdong
n - number of siblings: 2 nasty brothers one old and nasty and one smol and nasty
o - one wish: *Mr evil voice* ONeE MILlioN DoLlaRsssSssS
p - person you last called: no one everyone h8s me (but it was the BB caroline from down south)
q - questions you’re always asked: why r u like dis??
r - reason to smile: i love camp aww and my frens who actually like me back and also i have a lil plant and its cute its name is slink hes da best
t - time you woke up: eww like 7 in da mornin cuz i have stoopid drivers eddd
u - underwear color: umm RAINBOW?!?!?!
v - vacation destination: UR mom jkjkjkjk i mean probs mars or anywhere around the world tbh
w - worst habit: eww probably being unlovable
y - your favorite food: all of it but seafood and broccoli tbh and also mushrooms and olives eww
z - zodiac sign: cancer llike the crabbbb
i tag putin and balaga and also MARC FROM CAMP
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sunbvrnt · 8 years
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ok i did this last year but i never chose my list for some reason??? so im doing it once again (dont hate me ah)

[also i just hit 20k so !!!!! thank you soooo much frens!!!! still confused how and why u guys follow me but i love u (yes u) sososo much]

~ must be following me!!!!! :-)
~ reblog this post as many times as u want!! { likes only for bookmarking }

~ dont delete the text or self promo!!

~ be supa dupa nice
🌻  PERKS 🌻

~ a wonderful new (or old) friend!!!!! i mean this isnt rlly a perk bc you all are my friends but i mean heh

~ endless reblogs/queues/promos from yours truly

~ a spot on a hella great favourites page that i have yet to create YEET
~ follow my instagram! @sunflowuhr

 ~ reblog/like some of my posts!! show me loOooOve

~ similar blog styles :D

~ talk to me!! i absolutley LOVE talking to yall about anything honestly so be my fren thx hehe
(I will notice u big time if u talk to me)
~ tag me in dog posts LMAO or just tag me in ur posts with #sunbvrnt !!!
dont really know how many blogs ill choose, but we’ll see how many reblogs this gets!!! reblog away my bubs, will choose when my heart desires 💛🌻💞
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fairlyfloraldreamer · 8 years
56, 57 and 59 (i hope you have a nice day)
56: if I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
okayokay so that’s a hard one cause i would want to meet way too many people. but well i guess @fampairka my lovely fren would be my choice. 
57: what do I think about most?
i actually have no idea…i’m a overthinker so i basically think about everything all the time…so probably about unrealistic things that are never going to happen
59: do I have any strange phobias?
bunk beds tbh :D
thx for the ask my fren i hope u have the best day
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twenyone · 8 years
adrienne! thx fren !!
Afraid- The NBHD
Don’t Panic- Coldplay
R U Mine?- Arctic Monkeys
I Will- The Beatles
Electric Feel- MGMT
Nothing’s Over- Young the Giant
Never Let Me Go- Florence and the Machine
Every Other Freckle- alt-J
send me your name for a playlist
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so you (some specific people) know how i talked about a peperoncino cookie as sunny au in a specific reblog? i drew an emotion chart for him like a month ago and decided why not post it right now
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might do an omori / dream world version soon idk im working on a cauliflower variant as of right now :P
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