shesthespinstersimmer · 10 months
Maybe one more night… or two (2)
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ESMERALDA: Licha & La Llorona are ready when you are, Jude!
JUDE: Thanks, Es!
LUPE: You look so good, Tia Thalli!
THALLI: Yeah? ( To Tialoc: ) Maybe we need to have Jude come back when you win the crown. Right, mi hijo?
CARMEN: It's getting cold, Imma grab my coat.
LICHA: Remember - you a bad bitch and none of these other chicks got nothin' on you.
THALLI: Aye - get on with it, Licha. Jude's been at this all day.
LICHA: I'm just hyping her up. Sounds like your wife' need some more compliments, Herman.
CARMEN: Leave my baby alone, Licha. Hurry up and do what Jude tells you so we can eat.
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mahvaladara · 11 months
Dragonkin issues
Vhalar: Yes. Dragons brush each other's tails when they are interested and available. Khal'Lil: -hiding in his covers- OH MY TIALOC, DRAGON OF STORMS! I WAS GROPPING HIS ASS WITH MY TAIL THE WHOLE TIME AND YOU ONLY THOUGHT TO TELL ME NOW?! Vhalar: I thought you knew, the amount of times you have 'brushed' your tail against his sword sheath, I honestly thought you were trying to lead him on. I mean, elves and humans don't have tails, but he carries a big ass sword so I guess it could count. He had no sword on, so ass... Khal'Lil: YOU MEAN TO TELL ME I HAVE DONE THAT BEFORE?! Vhalar:... Yes. Khal'Lil: That's it! I am going to cut my tail off!
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emperorbubblegum · 2 years
On a positive note Tialoc's ascensions all fucking slap and the modern one did in fact get in
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mechanimereview · 1 year
Kamen Rider Amazons and Ultraman X Episode 12
I think this is one of the few weeks where I think that Amazons was better then X. I say that because X usually fleshes out its ideas a bit better or it just has a lot of fun where Amazons feels a bit too edgy at times or trying to push drama too hard. Not in a bad way, but in a somewhat frustrating sort of way.
But Ultraman X just had a lot of things going on. I say that because it introduced a lot of things at once as a mid point episode it felt too busy. Not Incomprehensible, just busy. Suddenly X and Daichi has to fight over a connection after just plain losing and Daichi being sick. Plus, there is a villainness now and Nazuna can connect to Gomora. Plus, X got a new power with rainbow power. So it feels like we need to take some time to figure out all of this and I not it will honestly.
Amazons however has that drama of it being the last exterminator mission. The last one before it becomes the last day that Amazons will infect the city and the last time Haruka can say anything to the family that housed him for some long before he just leaves or dies. Then there is Jin who just wants to die after all things. Tialoc is cominc and at the end, Haruka is barely running away from it with Mamoru after the last mission ever. Man, I felt so many things here.
Once again, a good pair of episodes and I am very late.
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racefios · 2 years
Baltimore Lions
The Seattle rain king, chasing beauty in the realm of night,
She can never come home again, must remain in Heaven.
Soundgarden, Love's Like Suicide.
Listen to the lion rattler shake, he smiles and walks among them.
He ran from them once, in the streets of Baltimore.
Close on his heels, he leapt
Into the company of strange companions with guns.
They had shining teeth-and he lost all of them.
They played a game of poker once.
By chance, he knew some things about powder and pack.
"I have a breast plate. Knock, knock."
Aim here, instead of here.
He knew the odds, but,
Always, what are the chances?
She said she needed to become a receptionist.
He could not pay for anything.
She brought him groceries and other pleasing things.
He said, no, stop that.
Black and white people,
Don't be too rude when she asks about your momma.
She may drop that purse, only a single time, and wait.
If you pick it up and hand it to her, that's enough.
Try not to be too bad, she's good enough.
Twisted sheets, baby.
A kid named "Money" wants to move into the neighborhood.
There is some grass and a few deciduous trees
That turn black in October and whisper through the telephone lines.
That's enough snuff.
Lions in the doorways, block captains, dealing smack,
Cannot hide from the policer cars.
"Do you party?", they sigh, dying for some decent conversation.
"No, thanks. Just knock if you need anything."
He has some soul food cooking on the kitchen stove,
His mother, raised on a ranch in Missoula, Montana,
Congratulates him on taking good, country care of himself.
He thinks about horseback riding and misses home.
Somebody steals his pickup truck.
Next, his wallet is stolen by a homeless veteran.
The fear in his lizard brain cracks into a siren in his head,
And everything plunges into the realm of night
Once again.
Where is the goddess of flowers?
She came here once from the Philipine Islands,
She seemed cute, gave him a pair of children,
One white, one black.
The door knock only happens twice
Before he turns everything inside out,
Fearless and searching, how come
They keep bringing groceries and practically starve themselves?
He wrote poetry once, and said, "here."
She lost it all and was so frequently apologetic.
He never did miss her much, until he realized,
Every perfect being gets hit by a boomerang at least once.
These things keep repeating themselves,
On and on without any sacred, breakthrough realizations.
Tialoc, try to sleep.
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turtle-hurtle · 7 years
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Tialoc Cumulo the Serf of Storm An ExtrEmElY frIEndly trOll thAt fIghts fOr lOwblOOds. He found sermons etched into the walls of the Cave hive he resides in. His lusus is a 10ft tall fruit bat. He is often seen as a big brother figure by his friends. His favorite food is strawberries.
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supersonicart · 3 years
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Andrew McIntosh, “God Shaped Holes.”
Currently on view at James Freeman Gallery in London is artist Andrew McIntosh’s solo exhibition, “God Shaped Holes.”
In “God Shaped Holes” Andrew traces a link between the fascination for exploration and the need to address the grander mysteries of life through reference to mythical structures from antiquity. One of the central paintings of the show is a monumental interpretation of the Tower of Babel, reminiscent of Renaissance painters such as Tobias Verhaecht or Pieter Brueghel the Elder but depicting the tower as an enormous termite mound, suggesting that no matter the smallness of a life and its labors, the urge to reach for the Heavens is a basic instinct, fruit of divine design. In accompanying works, a mobile home opens up to reveal an ancient feline temple inside, with a statue of the Egyptian cat goddess Bastet seated in the centre. A separate caravan affords glimpses into the catacombs of the Colosseum, while smaller caravans become the unexpected hosts for Easter Island Moai or the monolith of Tialoc from Mexico. All were once constructed as a means of making sense of the spiritual wilderness, only to then become mysteries themselves over time.
The landscapes Andrew uses also articulate the excitement of exploration, by being the place where discoveries can be made and answers found. His caravans find themselves deposited in misty Northern scenes reminiscent of Friedrich or Hammershoi, and in lush Renaissance vistas taken from Botticelli. The second pivotal work in the show is a giant Highland panorama, peppered with glowing orbs of light like supernatural fireflies as if alive with supernatural energy. It echoes Albert Bierstadt’s paintings, especially ‘A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie’ (1866), painted to spark interest in the promise of California. But in Andrew’s work the location is non-specific, and is rather a purification of the excitement that such prospects present. Entitled ‘Are we nearly there yet?’ it captures both the grand ambition of forging paths into the unknown, whilst also recognizing that there is something intuitive, almost childlike but nonetheless profound, in the need to explore and discover.
In this context caravans become the perfect vehicle for immersion into mystery. The motif of the caravan has long featured in Andrew’s work; they were a recurring presence in the Highlands of Scotland where he grew up, which explains their toy-like character in his paintings. But caravans appearing in the most unexpected and hostile environments demonstrate how they are vessels that enable pioneering and survival. They act as the perfect symbol of human hardiness and the intrepid desire to explore, an instinct that exists no matter how small or humble the being.
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kinitular · 5 years
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(via Jawatan Kosong Tialoc Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2019 - Kini Tular)
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andrearrrrr · 3 years
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The Aztecs were in great fear of him and sacrificed human beings to him to win his favor
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shesthespinstersimmer · 10 months
Maybe one more night… or two (1)
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LUPE: So? Were you able to change the flight?
CORA: Thankfully, yeah. Jude needs a little bit of a break; she's been grinding really hard.
LUPE: She does seem tired.
CORA: She's been taking gigs left and right; now that I know she was planning to fly everyone out, I understand why.
LUPE: I still can't believe she did that. She really loves you.
CORA: I know. Now I gotta figure out how to make some money so I can start spoiling her.
THALLI: You wanna stop for a while? Maybe you should take a nap.
I always look like this when I'm shooting. Plus, I think I'm still digesting last night's dinner.
Let's keep going; we're almost done anyway. You look fabulous, by the way.
THALLI: Gracias! I feel like my mom dressed like this.
JUDE: That's the idea. Is Tialoc ready?
He was born ready. Weren't you, baby?
What do you need us to do?
JUDE: Just interact with him like you normally do; pretend I'm not here.
THALLI: (To Tialoc:) ¡Muy Guapo!
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Finn
Finn has 6 stories at Gossamer. She’s one of those authors where you read one story, keep reading, and then finish them all and want more even as you’re happy for all you just read. Maybe you’d like to start with One Time (MSR with 3rd party POV) or Tialoc’s Time (post-Rain King). Big thanks to Finn for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Yes and no. Yes, because it’s so long ago that I watched the show and wrote fanfic for it, but no because even where I live in Australia it’s showing on TV again and where there’s interest in a tv show, fanfic follows. I actually wouldn’t know if anyone still reads anything I wrote though as I abandoned the email address I used for xfiles fanfic at least 15 years ago as it was getting too much spam, so if people are commenting from reading I’d have no idea.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
I loved it!  It was my first experience of writing creatively and having an audience respond to my writing. I also made some friends online who wrote xfiles fanfic too, and was able to visit them when I traveled from Australia to San Francisco, LA, Atlanta and New Orleans back in 1999. I still stay in touch on Facebook with another fanfic writers of the time.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
I’ve had to think about how I can answer this question as it was so long ago! Possibly mainly email, and posting on message boards.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
Definitely the dynamics between Mulder and Scully, and also that it was one of the first shows of the time to take the unexplained and paranormal and treat them seriously, which was also a different take on the themes on TV at the time. I also liked the darkness and slight edginess behind it prior to the latter seasons being shot in sunny LA.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
Other than the obvious answers of the show and reading other fanfics and wanting to tell my stories, it was another fandom, Lois and Clark. That was the first time I’d read fanfic and while I wasn’t inspired or ready to try Lois and Clark fic, I was at a different point in my life when xfiles came around so I gave it a shot.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Non existent!  I haven’t read or watched it for years now. I’m not even sure I saw all the last TV season as I felt the show changed too much and what drew me originally to the show and fandom had long disappeared.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I did write fic for Merlin for a few years and I still get feedback through on email for that each week even though it was about 7 years ago. Finn1013 on fanfic net or AO3 if anyone is interested. But I don’t write any longer, there’s not been anything that has sparked my interest for ages. Creativity I’m more into sculpture and visual art and play around with that medium instead.
(Posted by Lilydale on March 23, 2021)
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tlaquetzqui · 4 years
(Continuing) if I remember correctly it was the god Tialoc that demanded regular child sacrifices specifically
Huh, you’re right, they did do that more than I’d thought. But that’s still only seven children a year, compared to dozens and dozens of youths in the Flower Wars—and hundreds or even thousands when a great temple was dedicated. (Though the 80,000 figure for the rededication of the main temple in Tenochtitlan is almost certainly propaganda—their own, they thought it made them look impressive—given it would require the efficiency of an industrial slaughterhouse.)
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emperorbubblegum · 2 years
I hope Tialoc gets her cute little modern get-up that Big Brother Tez put together for her as an ascension
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cassiopeiasara · 7 years
15: kiss in the rain | grace x frankie
Full disclosure I’m hella nervous about this but here goes a first attempt at there two (also on ao3):
When Bud was six, he took tap lessons. Frankie didn’t remember much since he only lasted a year but she held onto the vision of her little boy who would grow up to be so serious; laughing with complete abandon, his eyes big and bright when he mastered a combination. That December when her mother died, she hid herself in her room, curled up in a ball, not being able to fathom a world without her.
One day it rained so hard it woke Frankie from one of her naps and she heard music coming from the living room. When she entered, she saw Bud just outside the door with a yellow umbrella concentrating harder than she’d ever seen him and humming along to Singing In the Rain. He slipped in a puddle and try as she might to feel sympathy for him, it just made her laugh. Bud pouted as he looked up but it didn’t last long before he just shook his head and smiled. Later he said, “I missed your laugh, Mom.” It gave her a break, an ease, a healing.
Brianna reached for Frankie the first time during a thunderstorm at the beach house. Grace was in the kitchen, promising cocoa while on the phone with work. Frankie was always intrigued by Grace’s little mini-me as she’d never seen a child so hell bent on proving her strength. It seemed though that severe thunderstorms were Brianna’s Achilles heel and she leapt into Frankie’s lap during a loud clap of thunder.
Frankie smiled at her. “Aren’t scared are you, kiddo?”
“No,” said Brianna as she clutched onto Frankie for dear life.
Frankie patted her head, surprised when Brianna didn’t move from the display of affection. “You know, there’s not much to be scared of, Tialoc is just blowing off some steam.”
Brianna knitted her eyebrows as she looked up at Frankie and loosened her grip. “Who is that?”
“An Aztec rain deity, silly. Don’t they teach you anything in those fancy private schools?”
Brianna shrugged. “Not really but I did learn how to tie Brian Fullman’s shoelaces to his chair so he won’t chase after me anymore.” She dropped her small hands from Frankie’s arms but stayed in her lap.
Frankie nodded. “Well I can see where that’s helpful.”
When the rain cleared a while later and Brianna moved from Frankie’s lap to her side, Grace let out a curse as she slipped on a small puddle near the door. Frankie and Brianna laughed at the same time until Grace pinned them with a glare.
“Oh no,” whispered Brianna and Frankie just knew a Grace rant was on its way but to both of their surprise, it didn’t come. She just huffed and went back into the kitchen to see what was keeping Robert.
(Years later, Frankie would learn that Grace, so unused to being a source of joy for her daughter, would bend every once in a while to see Brianna smile even if it came at her own expense.)
From then on, Brianna allowed Frankie’s hugs and often initiated a closeness that followed them the rest of their lives. It gave Frankie the closest thing she had to a daughter.
The first storm upon Frankie’s return from her stay with Jacob gave her something she’d felt but never hoped for. Grace was wrapped up in her beige cardigan pacing Frankie’s studio and mumbling something about time away and realizations and it was hard for Frankie to get a handle on it.
“Give it to me straight, honey. Unless you’d like to do it some other way.” Frankie laughed at her own joke but it died when she looked up into Grace’s terrified eyes. Frankie twirled her finger in the air like she was rolling back a tape. “Rewind, say we try it again?”
Grace took a deep breath and tightened her cardigan. “I’m saying I have feelings for you, Frankie. Romantic feelings.”
A clap of thunder sounded, startling Grace and causing Frankie to remember all the other big moments rain paid witness to in her life.
“We should probably run to the house.” Grace paused in the doorway. “Frankie, are you coming?”
Obviously the only thing to do in that moment with Grace in her doorway after revealing how she feels, was to pay homage to the rain gods/goddesses by pulling their gift of Grace close with her lips soft and ready against Frankie’s own. Grace let out a surprised “oof,” before she wrapped an arm around Frankie and brought up a hand to her hair. It was messy, wet (the rain mostly) and oddly rushed but it was the best first kiss Frankie had in forty years. 
They were soaked by the time they made it in the house, too distracted by this new layer to their relationship but Frankie couldn’t help but connect it’s appropriate place in the transitions of her life. Also Grace in a wet shirt was definitely something she needed to see more often. Frankie smiled at the thought as she took a towel from Grace with a wink and a promise of things to come. 
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hey this is a new fantroll ask blog! you can send in some questions to any of these kids and they’ll do their best to answer! (click for their names btw)
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mcsbsystemssdnbhd · 5 years
MCSB Microsoft Project 2010 Engaged in Large Scale of Participants
On Friday, 20th December 2019, MCSB conducts a full day training for a group of 15 participants presented by Tialoc Sdn Bhd.
The training being held in our training room in our office MCSB Kuala Lumpur. All the participants has been equipped with a notebook installed with Microsoft Project 2010 software.
Our training was professionally arranged and carried by certified trainer, Mr. Yee Peng Choon who is also a Microsoft professional certificate holder and PSMB certified trainer.
Committed in delivering our objectives, the training module covered a range of beginning to intermediate level. From basic to structural handling on project timeline, milestone, tagging, inserting image and publishing, this training provide the vital idea on the project start up.
In order to ensure the training will be carry out in conducive manner, we in MCSB Systems provide the best facilities to accommodate every single participant.
Each of them receive training material(handouts and laptop), training voucher and well-prepared rooms with good air ventilation and display settings.
Need to know more on our training facility?
Email us your inquiry at [email protected]
The post MCSB Microsoft Project 2010 Engaged in Large Scale of Participants appeared first on MCSB.
from MCSB http://www.mcsb.com/mcsb-microsoft-project-2010-engaged-in-large-scale-of-participants/ via IFTTT
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