artificii-in-ceata · 3 months
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The kids and their grungy dad
He is 25, the twins are under 1yo and Teodora is supposed to be 4yo but I guess she looks about 6yo ish here
Tried my best to make this actually look like the 90s haha (this is supposed to be 1992)
The anatomy was a Struggle but I'm pleased with the poses and composition and especially how the babies look.
Notable Details
Teodora is wearing knockoff hello kitty socks
Tiberiu is wearing a baby bonnet in the style that I've seen in my own baby photos, and especially my older cousins' baby photos
The kids are wearing very colourful clothes/ onesies (tried to contrast the drab apartment background)
Popcorn walls if you look really close
Virgil is holding Mădălina and she Stares at him very intently, grabbing at his hair
Teodora sits in the same pose as her dad
The white t-shirt with the red sleeves + wide brimmed jeans (Teo's jean overalls are a much brighter in color)
The beach ball
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I just drew some characters from what is going to be a rewrite of that fanfic from 2019 but as an original work
Since the story took place in contemporary times even the first time around, I decided to place it in Romania because placing it anywhere else felt arbitrary (ie served no """worldbuilding""" purpose at all).
The action begins sometime in 2014/2015 and ends in late 2019 (again, I decided upon this year because that's the year when I wrote the first version)
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Close-ups and details
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Data nașterii: 26 feb 1991
Ocupație: programator, designer web
Hobby-uri: jocurile video (mai ales cele cu împușcături), creerea de mod-uri pentru respectivele jocuri, arhivarea digitală, muzica rock și metal, filmele horror clasice, "dezbaterile" pe diverse forumuri și secțiuni de comentarii
Date of birth: 26th February 1991
Occupation: programmer, Web designer
Hobbies: video games (especially shooters), creating mods for the respective games, digital archiving, rock and metal music, classic horror movies, "debates" on various forums and comment sections
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Data nașterii: 7 sep 1991
Ocupație: contabilă
Hobby-uri: colecționarea de antichități și obiecte de kitsch, moda (gotică, punk, vintage, etc), istoria comunismului, muzica rock și punk, filmele de epocă și documentarele despre criminali, romanele gotice și detective
Date of birth: 7th of September 1991
Occupation: accountant
Hobbies: collecting antiques and kitsch objects, fashion (goth, punk, vintage, etc), the history of communism, rock and punk music, period dramas and true crime documentaries, gothic and crime novels
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Andriy (Андрiй)
Data nașterii: 9 nov 1990
Ocupație: brutar
Hobby-uri: cântatul la vioară, muzica clasică (dar și ce mai aude la radio), festivalurile și competițiile culturale și muzicale, filmele de acțiune și comedie, jocurile video (mai ales multiplayer), plimbatul prin oraș și călătoria
Date of birth: 9th of November 1990
Occupation: Baker
Hobbies: playing the violin, classical music (but also whatever he hears on the radio), culture and music festivals and competitions, action and comedy movies, video games (especially multiplayer), walking around town and travelling
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Data nașterii: 30 aug 1989
Ocupație: logoped, consilier școlar
Hobby-uri: grădinăritul (la bloc fiind, se rezumă la plante în ghiveci, mai ales flori), gătitul, plimbatul prin oraș cu bicicleta, ieșirile și excursiile, romanele și filmele romantice, teatru radiofonic
Date of birth: 30th of August 1989
Occupation: speech therapist, school counsellor
Hobbies: gardening (living in a flat, she only keeps potted plants, especially flowers), cooking, cycling, strolling through the city, outings and trips, romance movies and novels, audio plays on the radio
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Data nașterii: 7 sep 1991
Ocupație: om de afaceri
Hobby-uri: petrecerile de orice fel (în cluburi, acasă, la grătar etc), mersul la meciuri, concerte etc împreună cu prietenii, muzica pop, de petrecere, electronică, ieșirile în natură, pescuitul, înotul
Date of birth: 7th September 1991
Occupation: businessman
Hobbies: parties of any kind (in the club, home, at a barbecue, etc), going to see sports matches, concerts etc with his friends, pop, "party" and electronic music, trips in nature, fishing, swimming
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Data nașterii: 13 mar 2001
Ocupație: elev (ulterior student)
Hobby-uri: istoria antică (mai ales a Egiptului), construirea de machete și rezolvarea puzzle-urilor, colecționarea de pietre, călătoria, cărțile de non-ficțiune (dar și romane fantasy și benzi desenate)
Date of birth: 13th March 2001
Occupation: high-school (and later, college) student
Hobbies: ancient history (especially of Egypt), building miniature models, solving puzzles, collecting rocks, travel, reading nonfiction books (but also fantasy novels and comics)
The relationships between characters:
Mădălina, Tiberiu and Teodora are siblings
Laurențiu and Răzvan are brothers
Laurențiu and Andriy are beloved mutuals online friends within relative visiting distance
Laurențiu and Mădălina get into a romantic relationship pretty early into the narrative
Teodora would absolutely find somebody like Andriy to be her type (and vice versa)
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klarmis · 6 months
I'm late as always, but... happy birthday, Jim 💓💫
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notfernintheslighest · 2 months
favorite part of star trek the original series is seeing Spock make an ok joke that everyone laughs at the appropriate amount, except for Jim, who laughs way too long. like the only reason for him to laugh that long is to stroke Spock’s ego enough that he’ll get to stroke something else too.
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qu333n-b333 · 2 months
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the-crooked-library · 3 months
I love accidentally typing “I love jim” instead of “I love him” like ok we get it mr spock
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pencagil · 9 months
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paying my respects to the patron saints of shipping and fandom culture
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suki-na-kumo · 20 days
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\The original idea that inspired the art belongs to Zephirum!!!\
Well, I just can't help thinking that Wanda and Cosmo can't resist kissing for at least an hour! And the poor boys have to put up with it)
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star-trek-shallot · 4 months
[During the events of Journey to Babel]
Kirk: We need a doctor!
Sarek, nudging Spock: That should've been you.
Spock: Not now, Father.
Sarek: Not asking for a computer scientist, are they?
Spock: Father, seriously, there is a medical emergency happening right now.
Sarek: Why don't you save the patient as a PDF and see if that helps?
source: @delahuntagram on X
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dinoserious · 1 month
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completely average family unit
(the snake is Elpis; shes been floating around for a bit but ive never posted her before! she gets picked up by tiber during Baz Break after her mother is killed, she is early teens in "canon" and is sized down here for the visual, she is taller then this. it was just gonna be tiber n elpis b4 i got attached to lycaon+tiber dynamic)
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artificii-in-ceata · 1 year
Midnight sketch time. Some outfits that just came to me
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Laurențiu with that heavy metal swagger
Mădălina's shirt has text in Romanian, literally "the lead caskets were sleeping profusely". It's from a very well known (in Romania) poem Plumb (=lead, as in the metal) by George Bacovia.
Tiberiu in a jock jacket because yes. Mmmmm I love how his hairstyle ended up
Andriy being colour coded as Ukrainian because he literally is lmao hope that helps
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kugelfische · 1 month
" twinkle, twinkle, little earth.
how i wonder
what you're worth . "
(Leonard Nimoy Presents Mr. Spock’s Music from Outer Space (1967))
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stumblngrumbl · 8 months
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mechadeath · 7 months
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wizard-amulang · 1 year
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Amok Time for AOS Renaissance Zine 
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