artificii-in-ceata · 9 months
Out of context panels from the very spoiler filled comics I've been doing lately, part 1
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#1 is one of the best panels/ pages I've drawn and if I did a webtoon in that style I'd consider it very appropriate
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#2 and #3 are Răzvan's POV about his brother haha
#4 is cropped due to spoilers. I promise what he reacted to warrants that face
#5 is the second time in the frame of a single week that I've used the Ezekiel 37 imagery cause I'm going insane crazy insane crazy about it
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I just drew some characters from what is going to be a rewrite of that fanfic from 2019 but as an original work
Since the story took place in contemporary times even the first time around, I decided to place it in Romania because placing it anywhere else felt arbitrary (ie served no """worldbuilding""" purpose at all).
The action begins sometime in 2014/2015 and ends in late 2019 (again, I decided upon this year because that's the year when I wrote the first version)
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Close-ups and details
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Data nașterii: 26 feb 1991
Ocupație: programator, designer web
Hobby-uri: jocurile video (mai ales cele cu împușcături), creerea de mod-uri pentru respectivele jocuri, arhivarea digitală, muzica rock și metal, filmele horror clasice, "dezbaterile" pe diverse forumuri și secțiuni de comentarii
Date of birth: 26th February 1991
Occupation: programmer, Web designer
Hobbies: video games (especially shooters), creating mods for the respective games, digital archiving, rock and metal music, classic horror movies, "debates" on various forums and comment sections
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Data nașterii: 7 sep 1991
Ocupație: contabilă
Hobby-uri: colecționarea de antichități și obiecte de kitsch, moda (gotică, punk, vintage, etc), istoria comunismului, muzica rock și punk, filmele de epocă și documentarele despre criminali, romanele gotice și detective
Date of birth: 7th of September 1991
Occupation: accountant
Hobbies: collecting antiques and kitsch objects, fashion (goth, punk, vintage, etc), the history of communism, rock and punk music, period dramas and true crime documentaries, gothic and crime novels
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Andriy (Андрiй)
Data nașterii: 9 nov 1990
Ocupație: brutar
Hobby-uri: cântatul la vioară, muzica clasică (dar și ce mai aude la radio), festivalurile și competițiile culturale și muzicale, filmele de acțiune și comedie, jocurile video (mai ales multiplayer), plimbatul prin oraș și călătoria
Date of birth: 9th of November 1990
Occupation: Baker
Hobbies: playing the violin, classical music (but also whatever he hears on the radio), culture and music festivals and competitions, action and comedy movies, video games (especially multiplayer), walking around town and travelling
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Data nașterii: 30 aug 1989
Ocupație: logoped, consilier școlar
Hobby-uri: grădinăritul (la bloc fiind, se rezumă la plante în ghiveci, mai ales flori), gătitul, plimbatul prin oraș cu bicicleta, ieșirile și excursiile, romanele și filmele romantice, teatru radiofonic
Date of birth: 30th of August 1989
Occupation: speech therapist, school counsellor
Hobbies: gardening (living in a flat, she only keeps potted plants, especially flowers), cooking, cycling, strolling through the city, outings and trips, romance movies and novels, audio plays on the radio
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Data nașterii: 7 sep 1991
Ocupație: om de afaceri
Hobby-uri: petrecerile de orice fel (în cluburi, acasă, la grătar etc), mersul la meciuri, concerte etc împreună cu prietenii, muzica pop, de petrecere, electronică, ieșirile în natură, pescuitul, înotul
Date of birth: 7th September 1991
Occupation: businessman
Hobbies: parties of any kind (in the club, home, at a barbecue, etc), going to see sports matches, concerts etc with his friends, pop, "party" and electronic music, trips in nature, fishing, swimming
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Data nașterii: 13 mar 2001
Ocupație: elev (ulterior student)
Hobby-uri: istoria antică (mai ales a Egiptului), construirea de machete și rezolvarea puzzle-urilor, colecționarea de pietre, călătoria, cărțile de non-ficțiune (dar și romane fantasy și benzi desenate)
Date of birth: 13th March 2001
Occupation: high-school (and later, college) student
Hobbies: ancient history (especially of Egypt), building miniature models, solving puzzles, collecting rocks, travel, reading nonfiction books (but also fantasy novels and comics)
The relationships between characters:
Mădălina, Tiberiu and Teodora are siblings
Laurențiu and Răzvan are brothers
Laurențiu and Andriy are beloved mutuals online friends within relative visiting distance
Laurențiu and Mădălina get into a romantic relationship pretty early into the narrative
Teodora would absolutely find somebody like Andriy to be her type (and vice versa)
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dianapopescu · 2 months
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10 august: Sfântul Mucenic Laurențiu Arhidiaconul
Sfântul Mucenic Laurențiu Arhidiaconul, împreună cu alți șase diaconi și papa Sixt al II-lea au fost cetățeni ai Romei și au suferit în timpul domniei împăratului Valerian (252-260). https://www.diane.ro/2024/08/10-august-sfantul-mucenic-laurentiu.html
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autumnslance · 4 months
In reference to this post I reblogged earlier, but don't want to muck up UC's activity:
#i think it's more important to see that redemption is in the eye of the beholder #not everybody (characters or real people) will accept the same type or amount of repentance for the same sins #some people might not care at all if the person who wronged them feels sorry; only if they materially repaid their crimes #others can feel the opposite #and either way that's their prerogative #you can disagree with the characters or the fans or the writers about who “deserves” OR has “achieved” redemption and that's okay #because it's ultimately a complex philosophical issue #like i agree with OP!!! but there's media literacy in accepting that not everyone will
I'm going to disagree with many of these tags, especially it being "in the eye of the beholder" and would argue it's more media literate to recognize when a character has a workable redemption arc even if one disagrees they "should" get one. It took me a long time to learn this cuz of how we're usually taught redemption = forgiveness in Western (especially very Christianized, and especially if explicitly raised Christian) culture:
It doesn't rely on anyone but the person seeking redemption.
Yeah, it's the wronged party's prerogative to never forgive, to think the perpetrator's atonement (and/or punishment) is not enough and never will be. Anyone (characters and actual people) who sympathize, and who are on their side, can agree it's not ever enough and that character/person's sins are unforgivable.
And that still doesn't matter to their redemption.
We have an example of a workable redemption arc that not all accept in Final Fantasy XIV with Fordola's situation, through the Endwalker healer role quests. She was raised a collaborator of Ala Mhigo's imperial occupiers, and thought the best way to help her people was to soldier for the empire, becoming their Butcher.
In the Stormblood patches, Raganfrid says he will never forgive her; he thanks her for the aid she gave in the throne room that day, but that's all. And even in the EW healer role quests, their interactions are complicated. He still can't forgive the collaborators, even as he works to reintegrate them into Ala Mhigan society. He recognizes many thought they had no choice. He can't, won't, forget the pain of losing his own loved ones to them. This is stated multiple times.
And others, like M'rahz, Sarisha, and M'naago also struggle, also say they won't forgive...but reluctantly agree they can understand how for the sake of their families, the collaborators felt pushed against a wall, and what lengths have they themselves gone to for their own families? M'naago even scolds Fordola: she doesn't get to give up, she has to keep working--or she dies as exactly what everyone said she was.
Fordola starts out as the one punished for her sins. Through the story, she makes her choices to change and fight and work for her people as a free woman. There are still those who despise the Butcher, and always will. Redemption comes from Fordola's actions, Fordola's choices. Who forgives her and who doesn't can't change that she has changed, and continues to do so.
And in the interest of fairness, for the opposite of Fordola, we have Laurentius. In A Realm Reborn, he collaborated with the empire, selling out his nation. He came out of his punishment wanting a new chance, so joined the Crystal Braves...and immediately fell under Ilberd's sway. While others remained loyal and stuck to their morals (and paid for it with imprisonment or even death), Laurentius went along with all of Ilberd's plans. And in the end, the player gets an opinion in the punishment he and his comrade face, but it's clear from talking to Raubahn there isn't much hope. Laurentius had his chances, but he didn't make any effort to actually change--so faced the consequences.
For Reference for the Healer Role Quests: Garland Tools Healer quest text starting with "Far From Free", and my own saved text in Gdocs (raw, not very organized compared to my later saved/updated docs).
(Nero's the war criminal who...didn't even get a slap on the wrist, he just waltzed into a leadership meeting 15 mins late with Starbucks and has been helping us save the world since. Gaius is the war criminal that went through traumas, saw his privileged preconceptions torn apart, and is starting down that road in the wake of Werlyt to clean up his mistakes and not let his children's sacrifices be in vain. None of these characters "need" punishment to decide to change; some of it simply happens as part of their stories, but they make their own choices and actions toward atonement.)
(Also redemption is usually an ongoing process, which is why "Death Equals Redemption", like how Yotusyu's situation is framed, is so dicey and often unsatisfying; are they actually changed, or they just getting out of putting in that effort to? Nothing indicated Yotsuyu actually cared to change, as sympathetic as she was in the end! But she has her redemptive moment for her fans, and the people who hate/won't forgive her also "win"--the trope is a "have your cake and eat it too" writing cop-out IMO at this point.)
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Six Fanart challenge, Dark Souls Edition
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comparativetarot · 6 months
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The Empress. Art by Laurentiu Gabriel Dumitru.
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astra-xiv · 4 months
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suit meme ft. some of the crystal braves
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mopti-cd · 10 months
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pleased to see you safe
more practice, really everything is practice. took the longest out of anything i've done, thats cool tho i guess. still would be nice if i could be a bit more efficient with basically anything but the fact that i can finish a bigger idea at all is new to me. now time to go back to drawrring people in white voids
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Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans (Belgian, 1811-1888) He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, n.d.
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brimscythes · 3 months
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a commission from @ursidanger an artist ive thought was awesome for 1000 years of my sweet sweet pc of all time law. law my friend from dnd.
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artificii-in-ceata · 1 year
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My hand slipped
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Transcription + translation
L: (ro) I'm dying from so much heat, and it's only June! How are you not hot?
M: no offense, but I told you so about those synthetic fibres
L: well you look good in anything you wear, but I don't think you'll be able to convert me to this vintage fashion thing
M: who said anything about conversion?
(Camera flash)
Tiktoker: (eng) look at these people! It's as if they were a vampire and a time traveller
L: (ro) vampire, did you hear that?! ... wait a second
(Zoom out to their backdrop, with every item labelled accordingly: the background: Romania - Transylvania, trees: shade, Laurențiu: pale, dressed in black, wearing sunglasses, Mădălina: Edwardian fashion)
L: (eng) as a matter of fact, I AM a vampire. As you can clearly see, I'm just trying to spend some time in the park with my wife.
M: exactly. And it's our anniversary: 101 and counting!
Tiktoker: how old even are you guys?
L: (thinking to himself in Romanian) my ice-cream melted. (Saying out loud in English) born in 1891.
M: yeah me too
Tiktoker: did they even have time machines back then?
M: excuse me?! I thought it was common knowledge that the first one was invented in 1895! Kids these days...
Tiktoker: (turning to Laurențiu) and you? How did you even survive in the sun? And do you drink blood?
L: ah, you see... a high SPF does wonders! The conveniences of the 21st century, I tell you! As for blood, let me tell you a secret: I subside solely on caffeine and nicotine and I'm doing just fine!
L: (ro) so much for my Internet anonymity...
M: this was the funniest idea, you're a genius (laughing)
L: and your reference to The Time Machine! Wait, in what year did Dracula take place?
M: 1897
L: I missed the occasion!!
(Both laugh)
//// separate scene //////
(About a year previously)
M: look, I have a perfect vacation idea!
L: "Medieval Fair". I don't know what to say... must I get a costume? I wouldn't imagine myself dressed as a Knight or something...
M: please!!! I'm absolutely going, but I want to take you with me too! I HAVE AN IDEA! You'll like it so much!
(At the fair)
M: I knew you'd love it!
L: (thinking) and with this occasion, I can also be anonymous in photos! Win/ win
On the streets
#be the cryptid you want to see in the world
@ladygobpire @celestial-citrus @possible-cryptid
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patchesenthusiast · 1 year
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i did a something
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ladytanithia · 3 months
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WIP Whenever (06/20/2024)
Tagged by @thequeenofthewinter and @skyrim-forever - thanks, beautiful ladies!
Yesterday I was off work but had lots of running around to do, so didn't have time to post. Besides, I'm still picking away at this guy's clothes. Once I'm done with the detailing on the left armhole of his vest, I'll finally be completely finished. Then I'll probably finish some other WIPs (Athis, Fihada) before moving on to Miranja's mother, Hjalda. Once again, I give you Flavio Laurentius (DILF to certain people 😜).
Tagging @dirty-bosmer @igorlevchenko-blog @lillxart @sunny-d-anomaly @thana-topsy @theoneandonlysemla
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autumnslance · 7 days
FFXIV Write 2024: 17 Sally
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Dark waited patiently as the turnkey unlocked yet another door past the gate. The old sally port had seen much use over twenty years of occupation, and both she and the Resistance soldier ignored the dark stains along the floor and walls.
He led her into the prison to a cell. “Here, ma’am,” he said, standing a few yalms back for privacy.
The Hyur inside looked up, then shrank down into his cot again, not looking at her.
“Well, if it isn’t the Champion’s thug,” Yuyuhase said from the other side of the cell. “I don’t suppose you’ve an offer for our release?”
Dark ignored the Lalafell. She had never liked him, and what she had was not for him. “Laurentius.”
“Don’t,” he moaned. “Go away, I don’t want—”
“I’m here on Buscarron’s behalf.” Her tone was cool and merciless. She took no satisfaction from the pained sound he made, nor how he writhed.
This was a favor to a friend, a mainstay of the Forest who saw to its continued balance and peace. She herself had no consideration or care left for the weak, many-times traitor.
Laurentius heaved himself from the cot with a heavy sigh. His eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot, his skin pale and covered in a clammy sweat. His cheeks were sunken, as if he hadn’t been eating.
Dark’s heart was stone. She was here because Aeryn would take pity on the pathetic turncoat, and perhaps even Yuyuhase, and argue again for leniency. She already had once.
They had made their choices. They had had their chances. If they would not learn, then the natural order was for them to be culled before they endangered more.
As a Forestborn himself, Laurentius ought to understand that as well as Dark did.
She held out the small, dark bottle. It was not the celebratory liquor Buscarron had once set aside, to toast a new life of respectability. It was still finer than this wretch deserved, but she had promised.
“What did he say?” Laurentius hesitantly mumbled as he took it, hand shaking.
“Mostly curses,” she replied. “He is angry, and disappointed. But believes a man should have one last drink before facing his fate. May it be a final reminder of home.”
Dark walked away, ignoring as he began to weep and Yuyuhase threw snide remarks after her, then at his cellmate. The soldier led her back through the sally port, unlocking and locking gates and doors, until she let out a deep breath in the dusty, sunny street of Ala Mhigo.
Bandit kwehed from the hitching post, and she strode over to untie him, mounting up and heading directly for the city gate.
She needed a good, long ride in the wilds before telling Buscarron that the job was done.
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crevanice · 7 months
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A flame from the great swamp.
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