heartfelttickles · 11 months
any umbrella academy tickle hcs? 🥺
Hey anon! Hope you’re having/ have had the best day! So sorry this is a few days late, my brain went blank and I have no clue why aha. Hope these are good headcanons!
Feel free to share any other H/Cs in the comments :)
- not massively ticklish but has certain spots that get a big reaction out of him.
-Not a Lee often as he’s usually called in to pin someone in order to help other Lers and can easily escape holds himself.
-worst spots - neck, back and feet
- again not massively involved in tickled bc he’s mostly the one holding but on the rare occasion he’s not on pinning duty he’s actually a sweet Lee.
- Has a perfect balance of being very teasy but also caring and asks if the Lee is okay (though he rarely gets a coherent answer).
- Main target is Diego, Allison and five when they’re being annoying around him and Klaus bc well… he just outright asks 😂
- will never admit it but is deathly ticklish
- Anywhere will turn him into giggling mess but pinch is stomach or hips and he’s done for
- Will squirm, thrash, buck and everything in between to try and get away from the tickles (even the air tickles)
- Mostly gets tickled by Lila but occasionally gets tickled by Luther or Allison
- Gets flustered ridiculously easy and absolutely, under any circumstance, cannot take teases.
- Cannot say the T-word
- Worst spots: stomach, hips, ribs, underarms
- Absolute menace
- That’s all that needs to be said tbf😂
- Absolutely relentless, knows everyone’s worst spots
- targets his Lee’s top two spots at the same time if he suspects they have so much as breathed on one of his knives
- Tries to tease but stutters as he flusters himself despite being the Ler
- Still can’t say the T-word
- Targets Luther, Klaus and Five
- Like Luther she isn’t massively ticklish but has certain spots that really get her.
- Giggles when the Ler gets close to a bad spot and then cackles when they finally hit the it.
- Can take teases and is bratty back to the Ler.
- Can say the T-Word but depending on the spot, it can make her more ticklish - borderline hysterical
- Worst spots are - neck, ribs
- ruthless…..
- Watches all tickle fights from a distance and has a mini notebook full of tips and tricks to make each of her siblings beyond hysterical
- Will wait for her turn patiently, as though she’s saying to the other Ler’s “is that all you’ve got? Watch this”
- Loves to target Luther, Diego, klaus and Viktor (also loves to tickle Five but he blinks out of the room before she can get close enough)
- let’s face it, he is 100% a Lee and isn’t ashamed to admit it
- Loves the feeling of being tickled and seeing the joy on his siblings’ faces when he’s being absolutely wrecked
- Will purposefully annoy each sibling for a day in the hopes they’ll tickle him in retaliation
- begs to stop when his Ler gets a death spot but will sulk for hours when they actually stop
- High pitch cackles from the get go wherever he’s tickled but absolutely screeches when someone closes in on his armpits.
- Doesn’t get flustered by teases, he sassily retorts and then pays the price for it.
- Can absolutely say the T-word
- I like to think that when no one will tickle him, he accidentally brings Ben to life and Ben tickles him- occasionally using the tentacles to either pin his flailing arms or tickle his stomach.
- Worst spots : armpits, neck, feet, stomach (Everywhere?)
- A cute Ler honestly
- Loves to wreck his siblings but can tell when they reach their limit and understands that it everyone enjoys it as much as he does
- Asks if he took it too far, every time his siblings turn massively hysterical
- Loves to target Five when he’s being a grumpy old (young?) man
- Will purposefully make Ben “real” again just to absolutely wreck him when he’s being annoying
- Forgot he was ticklish until he time traveled back to his siblings
- “Absolutely hates being tickled” he will convince himself and try to convince his siblings but deep down they all know he likes the affection and touch after so many years….. he will take it to the grave before he admits it though
- I like to think that his ability to Blink is either completely gone when tickled or he blinks all around the house as he can’t focus (but taking his Ler with him unknowingly).
- Is deathly ticklish which comes as a nostalgic surprise to his siblings as they forgot how ticklish he was before he left
- Has a very wheezy laugh but will absolutely scream and cackle when someone tries to tickle his knees.
- Cannot take teases at all
- Will growl through the laughter when he’s teased
- Will turn bright red in seconds
- Very very very easily flustered
- Will 100% turn into a man possessed and will try everything to get his Ler off him.
- Worst spots - Knees, thighs, feet, neck ribs (but honestly everywhere)
- will often roll his eyes and read a newspaper when his siblings have a tickle fight
- However he will always get revenge on the person who tickled him
- When he does he’s ruthless
- Depending on who it is, his empathy changes - viktor he’ll take it easier on but Diego will absolutely get wrecked
- Will tease his Ler but will cringe at himself for doing it
- Will torment his Lee by blinking from one end of the room to the other - gradually getting closer and closer to the Lee before finally tackling them to the ground
- When he’s tickling he’ll reminisce of his younger Days before he left.
- Favourite people to target are Diego, Viktor and Ben (when he possesses Klaus or when Klaus brings Ben back to life for a few minutes)
- this lil cutie omg
- Adorably ticklish everywhere but his stomach will get him squealing and falling in and out of silent laughter
- Was often the victim of tickle attacks as a kid (and let’s face it, now Klaus can bring him to life, it’s like nothing has changed 😂)
- The BEST laugh - literally so bright and bubbly, contagious and will legit make everyone smile (even Five)
- Will kick and squirm at every chance he gets
- Cannot say the T word or handle teases
- He gets flustered waaaay too easily
- On the opposite end of the spectrum, Ben is an absolute menace of a Ler
- Will take any opportunity to wreck all of his siblings
- As a kid he wouldn’t get much chance to be a Ler but when he did, his lee didn’t stand much of a chance
- Wrecked Five in one of their old training sessions and Fuve has held a grudge since
- Will tease his relentlessly and can say the T-word whilst being a Ler
- He loves to tickle Klaus and Five
- not the most ticklish but still surprisingly more ticklish than most would think
- Has a very hiccupy laugh which turns into a full, bubbly belly laugh when his worst spot is targeted
- If someone tries to tickle him he will internally panic, so much so that he just doesn’t have the instinct to move out of the way of the Ler
- Will try to push the Ler off but not hard enough to make much of a difference in their tickling style
- Will start off as a steady stream of giggles that rise in pitch and then full blown belly laughs when his sides are squeezed.
- Legs will drum into the floor and he will try and squirm but kind of just accepts his fate
- Has the biggest smile on his face throughout the whole thing
- Can take teases (kind of?) and can say the T-word
- Worst spots are Sides, ribs and neck
- another sweet Ler
- Very gentle and kind of hesitant to do rougher tickles for a while
- Can tease so well and get his Lee flustered easily
- Will always say stuff like ‘I’m barely even touching you, how can you be this ticklish?’
- Loves to target Five and Allison
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amazingmsme · 2 years
A Strange Thing To Miss
AN: I know this is late, but damnit I’m gonna finish this! Midterms & homework set things back, but I hope to get the next 2 fics out real soon. Here’s everyone’s favorite ghost bro being cheeky & facing the consequences. Enjoy! 
When Klaus turned around to grab the butter from the fridge, he wasn't expecting to see Diego standing right there. He jumped, clutching his chest with one hand, spatula gripped tight in the other.
"Goodness, Diego! I swear, we need to tie bells on your shoes, you can't just sneak up on people like that!" he mildly scolded, retrieving the butter from the fridge for his grilled cheese.
"Sorry. I need to ask you something," he explained, crossing his arms. Klaus looked at him expectantly, excitement in his eyes.
"You need to ask me something? This ought to be good," he scoffed in amusement. Diego rolled his eyes.
"Shut up man, I'm serious."
Klaus schooled his features and gave him his attention. "Okay, I'm listening."
Diego looked at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Is uh, is Ben messing with me? Be honest."
The question completely caught him off guard, causing him to flip the grilled cheese out of the pan. "Oh shit, one sec," he mumbled, picking it up by a corner and dropping it back in the pan. He looked at Diego, who was studying him intently now. "Funny you should ask."
"It's a yes or no question Klaus."
"Yes, okay? He said he's bored. He misses messing with you guys."
Diego didn't know what to think. The idea of a ghost, any ghost even if it was his brother, unsettled him. For the longest time he didn't want to believe Klaus. He didn't want Ben to be stuck here, wandering lost in the afterlife. He didn't want that for his brother. But he was here, and Klaus was taking care of him in a way. And he was still their Ben. A smirk found it's way onto his face.
"Heh, figures."
"Why, what'd he do?" Klaus asked, amusement clear in his voice.
"He uh, he messed with my knives."
"Uh oh," Klaus ooed childishly, earning a smack to the back of his head.
"I'm serious man, it wasn't funny. I went to the bathroom and came back literally a minute later. All my knives were balancing on each other with the tips pointed at me. Freaked me the hell out, and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something to worry about."
Klaus was impressed by his brother's apparent ability to manipulate the material world, especially since he made a fuss any time Klaus asked him to do something. He chuckled, a wide grin firmly in place. "Wow, he's getting creative."
"Well tell him to knock it off? I'd rather just see him or feel a hand on my shoulder to know he's there. Not- that."
"Why not tell him yourself?" he asked, sliding the sandwich from skillet to plate. The question caught Diego off guard and he shifted uncomfortably.
"W-well I don't really know where he is, or if he's listening, and besides, you said he's bored. I uh, shouldn't ruin his fun, y'know?"
"I'm a little shocked. You're going soft," Klaus mused, taking a large bite of the grilled cheese. His eyes rolled back and he hummed in delight.
"Excuse me?"
"The Diego I know would never let Benny boy get away with messing with your knives, even if he is dead." He spoke in a deadpan, resting a hand on Diego's shoulder. He brushed him off.
"The hell are you talking about?" he snapped, not sure what Klaus was getting at.
"Do you really not remember the brutal punishments you'd dish out to anyone who dared touch your precious knives?" he asked. Diego rolled his eyes.
"Brutal is a bit, dramatic, don't you think?"
"But you agree I have a point." Diego had to give him that one.
"Yeah yeah, whatever."
"Would you like to get him back?"
Now that got his attention.
When Klaus and Diego walked into the library, Ben didn't spare a second glance. He couldn't fathom why either of them would be there, but he currently couldn't care less, nose stuck in a book.
Only when Diego waltzed right up to the table in the corner he was sat at, did he think something was amiss. Even though he couldn't see him, Ben shifted in his seat and eyed him carefully. Diego shot Klaus a look, earning a nod of confirmation.
"Hey Ben. I know you're here, or at least Klaus says you are."
Ben immediately looked at him, hanging on his every word. It'd been far too long since his other siblings addressed him directly. He realized it was a strange thing to miss.
"Your knife trick was pretty good. You got me man," Diego said, a proud smirk tugging at his lips. He held his hand up for a fist bump. Ben let out a surprised chuckle, reaching out to bump their fists together. He didn't expect his hand to actually make contact, and he looked over at Klaus, his own hands glowing blue.
"Thanks man."
"Don't thank me yet," Klaus said cheekily. Ben was about to ask what he meant, but Diego snatched him by the wrist and pulled him into his lap. Ben blinked in surprise; it all happened so fast he barely knew what had happened.
Diego grinned evilly at his brother. "You seem to have forgotten the consequences for messing with my shit," he growled, wasting no time and dug his wiggling fingers into Ben's tummy.
He was rewarded with a surprised squeal, followed by loud, carefree laughter.
"Diegohoho nohoho! W-why?" he choked out between growing hysterics. He'd always been fairly sensitive, but the lack of this particular sensation over the years meant a major shock to his system when he finally felt it. It was just as maddening and torturous as he remembered. And just as fun.
"Because I don't want you thinking you can fuck with my knives whenever you want. And, honestly, because this is fun as hell," he teased, vibrating a clawed hand on his stomach. Ben thrashed in his lap, shrill giggles and snorts filling the air. He reached up, hiding his face in his hands.
"Oh no you don't," Diego mused, drilling his thumbs in his armpits to make his arms come crashing down.
As Ben was sent into further hysterics, he realized just how much he missed this. How much they all had missed this. And what a strange thing to miss.
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st4rrmii · 3 months
In my hc Ben absolutely has 6 scars (three on each side) on his shoulder blades/shoulders from the monorail incident send tweet
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toweroftickles · 1 year
This three-sentence fic was requested by @trrickytickle >:)
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“Heheh-Haha Hahuh…*gasp* Huh-Huh HA-Ha, that’s not fahair!!” Ben Tennyson giggled uncontrollably and struggled to run forward, nearly tripping into the grass as he wrestled with his cousin.
“Ah!! S-stop touching me, you….d-hohork! Hngk…Heheh Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha!” Gwen poured out a barrel of angry laughs too.
The Tennysons constantly tried to one-up each other in any nonsensical challenge they could devise (a footrace across the school soccer field for example), but both played dirty, and aggressive tickling was always an effective cheat code.
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phobiaoftickles · 1 year
ok so you PWOBABLY know who it is (starts with an L.... ends with an iya) but I spy a certain something on your fandoms list 😀😀 this is just a prompt (general, not rlly any specifics 😭) BUTT 🍑 if it is possible could you write some original series lee!Ben with ler!Gwen I'm like I FEEL LIKE A HOBO BEGGAR FOR ASKING BUT TYSM FOR PUTTING UP W ME (I'm @trrickytickle )
Gwen the tickler
Second day having this acc and there’s alr a request? You best beilieve I’m going to do this.
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Summary: Ben is being a nuisance scaring his cousin using multiple other morphs, little did he know Gwen will get her revenge!!
“Ben!! Get over here right NOW!!!!” Gwen ran after Ben after the last 5 morphs he did, popping out of no where infront of his cousin, acting like a villain, scaring the shit out of her, then morphing back to his regular self, laughing about it. And Gwen had enough.
“Uh, kids? Don’t be too reckless, don’t want you loosing an eye, and explain to your parents on how you managed to lose said eye.” Max just finished baking a batch of cookies, in which Gwen and Ben looked at the burnt cookies in disgust and continued their horse play.
Gwen went another way, in which her cousin didn’t know exsisted, and cut him off, tackling him and taking his braclet off so he won’t try to morph and get out of this very tickly situation.
“D’aw! Damn it, Gwen, can you please let your lil cousin up? For the sake of our friendship??” Ben mustered up the biggest puppy dog eyes, but it turned out to be ineffective, as Gwen didn’t give two shits.
“You’re gonna learn not to mess with me, Benjamin~” Gwen pinned his arms above his head. For someone to beable to morph into these strong monsters, he’s pretty weak. “I know something you’re terrified of the most…”
“And that is?”
“Gwen’s tickle attacks!” Gwen put Ben’s arms in one hand and teased him with the other, wriggling above his armpits.
“No!! GWEN PLEASE DON’T!! I promise I won’t scare you again, you have my woRD!! AHHAHHHHH STOP!! Don’t you dare Gwe-AHAHAHAHAH!! GWEN!!!” Ben screeched as the red head finally descended on his ticklish under arms.
“Sorry, friend, but you need to be taught a lesson on MANNERS!!” She scratched and scritched all on his armpits, going down to his sides, and wrecking them.
“Ahahahahah!! Please, stahahhap! Gwen! Please!” The transformer writhered from side to side, unable to get out of the red head’s grasp, so he decided to panick even more.
“Nope, don’t think I will.” She pushed his shirt up to his ribs, exposing his bare tummy. “Ooo~ this looks really ticklish, Benny, is it ticklish?” She tried it, tracing his stomach with her index finger, swriling around the navel, but not quite dipping in.
“*Snrk* no-NO!! It-It’s not… Gw-Gwen, st-stop, please!” Ben, out of his control, arched his back up towards Gwen’s finger.
“Wow~ look at this cute belly button, just iching for me to swirl my nail in the tiny hole, scratching the walls, and pinching the oustides of it.”
At this point, Ben was already red faced, crying, and panting. He was morbidly ticklish, and he hated it because of how vulnerable he is. Him and Gwen would always get into tickle fights, and he would always end up losing, so this? Not surprised Gwen could pin him down with a flick of her wrist.
“MAX!! UHUHUHUNCLE MAX!!! HEHEHEHELP ME OUT!!! PLEASE!!” To his horror, his uncle was passed out, watching tv, with milk in hand and cookie halfway in his mouth. He was not waking up to anything!
“Too bad Benny, he’s already passed out, good luck next time… or not~” She swriled her finger in, but instead of light tickles, they were rough ones.
“Oops, sorry, got a lil carried away, now… where else should I target?” She examined his torso, looking for the next spot and poising her hands on his hips, tapping her fingers.
“No where!! Gwen, quit. It! Please!! Just stop.” The morpher tried to reason with her, doing puppy dog eyes, pleading, but once Gwen gets in a bad mood, there’s no getting out of it, unless SHE’S satisfied.
“Nope, this’ll teach you a lesson.” She scratched his hip indents with her thumbs, and scratched the sides of his hips with the rest of her fingers.
“DAHAHHAHAHAMN!! GWEN PLEASE, I HATE BEING TICKLED!! STOHOHOHOJOP!!!” He writhered side to side, but with his arms bound, and his cousin on his waist, he can’t really do much.
“Duh, that’s why I’m tickling you. This will teach you a lesson, there’s no point in liking being tickled, if you’re not gonna learn anything. Now suffer.” She moved down to his upper knees, squeezing her life out. Boy was she mad.
“GAH!! STOP GWEN!! AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I’VE LEHEHEHEHARNED MY LEHEHEHESSON THE MOMENT YOU PIHIHIHINNED ME DOWN!” Ben was kicking his legs, so Gwen moved down to sit right above his knees.
“‘Stop Gwen, just stop, please’ No, I’m not going to, until I’M satisifed! You even lost me a date bc you want to be stupid and morph into one of your globby things, scaring him OFF!!” With the last word, Gwen used her sharp nails to squeeze above his knees instead, and that really got him on his feet.
“AHHHHHHHH…. ST-STAHAHAHAHHA!!—— NO!! GOHOHOD FUHUHUHUC-“ Ben didn’t know what to do, he was getting light headed, had to piss, was about to pass out, and he didn’t know how to make her stop.
“Wow~ this keeps you on your heels, huh? Sucks.” Gwen continued her torment on his knees.
“Oop- sucks.” She continued, practically pericing his skin with her sharp nails.
“GWEN!!! FUCKING STOP! I’M SERIOUS!!!” Ben, being angry, mustered up enough strength to push her off.
This shocked her, bc no matter how mad he got he could never push her off like that. “You ok, Ben? I think I went a little overboard, huh?”
“YOU THINK?! A LITTLE?! Gwen, when somebody tells you to stop, no matter why they want you to, if they tell you to STOP, you fucking do it. You don’t continue. God, I’m going to bed.” Ben walked off, wiping his teary eyes from his face.
Gwen sat there in disgust in herself, she really went overbaord today, she’ll apologize when sbe sees her cousin tomorrow.
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
hi so. uhm. I know requests are closed but I have bad memory problems and know I probably won't remember this if I don't send it in now so I'm just leaving this here for you to find later. again, apologies. blame my stupid brain jaja. anyway yeah uh sorry this is so long now its awkward uh I just wanted some kylo ren headcanons please? he's my favorite and there's literally 0 tickle content of him anywhere so I'd really appreciate it. <3
hey there! i accept headcanon requests pretty much always (so long as they're in one of my current fandoms), but prompt requests for fics are closed. so you're good! im also team memory problems. it's part of why i'm away from here so often. so i empathize <3
let's assume this is a zuko-esque au where they rehab Ben like a particularly troublesome shelter cat and he's able to regain the trust of everyone else. Like Finn's arc but more hardcore considering *gestures to Kylo's backstory lol*. HCs under the cut!
okay first off...he has a really nice smile. when he smiles with his teeth, his eyes crinkle at the corners. his whole face warms and he kinda ducks his head. naturally this means he would rather be executed than ever allow a living soul to see it
his laugh sneaks up on him. he's all about maintaining control and composure but unfettered joy always just blows past his defenses. He's a "HA!" and then silent, muffled laughter kinda guy <3
idk why but i feel in my spirit that if he giggles, he hiccups. its rare for him to giggle but i think he gets stuck in it and its cute.
part one of ben rehabilitation project: getting this guy some normal clothes. he starts dressing more casually. he's still like an awkward, angry duckling, but he seems much more approachable. He washes his hair (poe sources good curl care for him to get some volume back in that mop)
For the first while of defecting to the Resistance, he's sorta a dark shadow. Doesn't talk, doesn't leave his room, etc. But as he does start to follow Finn, Poe, and Rey around, he does notice their closeness. The casual touch. He envies it.
It takes a little while, but slowly Rey starts including him in on jokes. Finn and Poe are slower to forgive, often making jokes at his expense, but...Ben's treacherous flares of temper start to subside. He gets used to quietly listening and smiling but knows better than to assume he's included. Shadowing them becomes a gift.
Ben's not sure when Poe and Finn start talking to him and acknowledging he's there, but he absolutely does notice Poe jabbing him in the ribs for not 'paying attention'. He passes it off as being startled but he can feel Rey's mind hovering at the edge of his own, keen as ever, like Ben Solo I Know What You Are (ticklish)
Finn, Poe, and Rey deliberate for a week about how exactly to go about this (Ben gets cagey. why are they whispering?) and eventually Poe is just like. look. i've got credits on this. you ticklish?
i am team 'Ben goes completely red when flustered'. just top to bottom imperial red. Poe asks him this and he turns into a fucking tomato. gives the world's most unconvincing no. and it is Rey who (very gently) proves him wrong, thus opening the floodgates to bully him over time.
Ben gets used to Poe's arms thrown over his shoulders, Finn leaning on him, or Rey tucking herself into his side. He literally never gets used to the tickling fingers seeking softness he thought he'd long crushed away
he gets very good at paying attention to a briefing while slapping way/wrestling with Finn, Poe, AND Rey's hands. laser focused.
Ben is usually a teasing voice on the sidelines when the trio gets up to tickly shenanigans, but i am a HUGE fan of Poe getting comfy and talking shit and Ben just looping his arms under Poe's and holding him for Finn and Rey to go to town. To win Ben's favor is to win a tickle fight. Finn is very good at this. Ben sides with him bc its the funniest option (and Poe's dramatic, betrayed gasps are the best).
He is so good at reading people and so specific in teasing. Such a scary ler but also very funny? He's very deadpan and witty. It's always unexpected. his parents really shine thru in him when he's up to mischief
Rey and Ben engage in long distance Force warfare that literally always ends in one of them slumped against the wall giggling. Finn learns to manipulate the Force and things get wild lol
Ben's palms are ticklish. I know this to be true.
He is fucking impossible to take down. Finn, Rey, and Poe have to tactically coordinate to ambush him. He's got a sixth sense for their bullshit. But! once he goes down he just kinda deflates. One person is the designated 'hold Ben's wrists' guy bc he always tries to hide his face
big fan of Ben giving Rey piggyback rides. Rey is a spider monkey to me. 50/50 Ben starts tickling her knees or Rey starts tickling his ears and they both collapse
love the idea of these four always being physically connected. esp since Ben is the tallest (i think). hes taking a nap and the trio just panini presses him into the mattress. their dogpiles always end in laughter or the best fucking naps ever. sometimes both
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creepy-feathers · 2 years
[Zero]: I was living my life under the impression that the shriek of a dying chimp couldn’t just come out of a dude’s mouth so effortlessly.
[Zero]: Then I tickled Ben.
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august-anon · 2 years
Sunlit Tattoos
TickleTober 2022, Day 2: Drawn On
Fandom: IT movies
Ship(s): Benverly (pre-relationship)
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Bev/Ler!Ben
Word Count: 649 words
Summary: Bev is already planning out some tattoos for when she grows up. She asks Ben for some help.
[ao3 link]
It was rare that it was just the two of them. Usually it was hard to get away. There were only so many places the Losers felt safe enough to hide, odds were that you’d find at least one other person there.
But somehow, not today.
Because today it was just Ben and Bev, reclining in the late summer sun, the familiar stink of the quarry clogging up their noses. Ben leaned back against a tree, watching Bev as she doodled on one of her wrists, dappled in the sunlight that breached through the foliage above. She stuck her tongue out when she was concentrating. It was cute.
“What do you think?” Bev asked some time later, thrusting her wrist out in Ben’s direction from where she laid on the ground.
He took the offered appendage gingerly, helping hold it up so her arm wouldn’t get tired. He twisted his head to look at her finished product: a wolf on a little howling up at a full moon, sketched out all small to fit on her wrist the way she wanted.
“That’s really good!” He said, shooting her a grin that he hoped was more genuine than nervous. “I really like it.”
Bev smiled at him and took her wrist back holding it above her head to examine her handiwork. “It is pretty good, isn’t it? I think I’ll get it tattooed when I’m old enough.”
Then, she shot him a more sly grin. Pulling herself up into a sitting position, Bev shuffled back until she was leaned up against the tree with Ben, the two of them pressed together from shoulder to hip. She thrust her pen into his hand and held her clean wrist out to him.
“Your turn,” she said.
She rolled her eyes with a smile, pushing her unmarked wrist into his other hand. “Draw me a tattoo, New Kid. Come on.”
“O-oh. I dunno, Bev. I mean, isn’t Bill really the other artist here?”
She nudged his shoulder. “Come on, Ben. You wanna be an architect, don’t you? Maybe I’m looking for something a bit more geometric for this next one.”
Ben worried at his lip. “Are you sure?”
“Positive, dummy.”
He took a few moments to think, and then Ben brought the pen down on her skin as delicately as he could, starting to sketch out a shape. Bev hummed as he worked, and slowly, her fingers started to curl up into a loose fist. Then, at a particularly light stroke, Bev gasped and jerked her wrist in his grasp. Ben immediately let go, pulling the pen away as fast as possible.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“I’m fine, Ben.” Bev huffed, shaking her head with a small smile. “It just tickled a little, that’s all.”
“Oh. Sorry.” He scratched the back of his head. “I can stop, if you want?”
Bev laughed. “How am I supposed to get the tattoo if you don’t finish it?”
“Are- are you sure?”
Bev offered up her wrist once more, an easy smile on her face. As he reached for it, she pulled it back for a moment.
“Just… not a word to the others, alright?”
Ben smiled, drawing an X over his heart with a fingertip. Bev’s smile grew into a grin as she gave him her wrist, and that grin lasted all throughout the rest of his sketching. 
In fact, he was even lucky enough to catch a few giggles when he was drawing in the right places, Bev squirming next to him while trying to keep her arm still. Ben made sure to work extra slowly in those spots. You know, so he wouldn’t mess up. It had nothing to do with wanting to hear her laugh as much as possible.
Ben would draw her a thousand tattoos if it meant he got to hear it just a little longer.
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gaby-wolf · 2 years
Tell them I'm here
I just started season 2 of umbrella academy (yeah I'm behind on the series) and I wanted to write a tickle fic with klaus and Ben. With lee klaus and ler Ben, in which klaus doesn't tell his siblings that ben is with them and ben decides to get revenge by tickling klaus' sensitive spots
Word: 3245
It had been a few days already, late a few days in the sense of a day, that the Hargreeves family had found each other again thanks to an Apocalypse. But it had already been a few short hours since the Hargreeve siblings had settled into the apartment of the recent acquaintance of five.
After these few short hours, Allison decided to add a subject of conversation
"And Ben was with you when we were apart that question was obviously for Klaus, who was the only one to see it thanks to his power, Klaus looked up at Allison with a face of fake sadness, of course.
"Unfortunately the dead cannot time travel."
Ben instinctively looked up at his brother with a face meant to say, "Seriously?" At the same time Klaus just wanted to piss off Ben, a bit like every time Ben upset Klaus and the latter resented him but not enough to hate him to death just enough to piss him off.
Ben approached the chair where Klaus was sitting, leaning on it to warn the curly man of the ghost's presence.
“Seriously Klaus? Faced with Ben's ironic question, the older one looked at him smiling and output a "Yes" To then refocus on this kind of family reunion
After a few minutes glaring at his brother, he had an idea of ​​Vengeance in the back of his mind, well it's been a good ten years or more since Ben hadn't done that to him and besides, it's weird that he didn't. Hadn't had that idea earlier, when he found out that he and Klaus could touch each other. He approached Klaus' chair leaning in his ear
-Are you sure you don't want to tell them I'm here Klausy?
- 100% safe benny boy
-very good.. "
After his words Ben pricked the sides of Klaus, the latter jumped letting out a high-pitched cry and Ben sneered at his reaction and decided to continue on this line, the others found this scene rather amusing. Klaus squirming in his chair and letting out cries for some reason, after a while Ben decided to change places and went to his stomach to scratch his fingers on it. Letting out laughter and stifles from Klaus continuing to squirm in his chair tapping his foot on the floor "Ohh come on klausy, just tell them I'm here and I'll stop~
Ben expected Klaus to say Ok to stop the tickle attack but when faced with the "N-HONO-OHAHAHAHA" Ben let out a smirk that only Klaus could see The younger then removed his hands from the curly man's stomach, Allant instead attacking his armpits causing Klaus to squirm in his chair laughing hysterically sticking his arms to his sides trying to protect his armpits. “HEHEH-HEHEPLE-EA-EEAASEEHEHEE Please continue? Oh but okay! » With Ben teasing, Klaus blushed instinctively shaking his head from the squirming Klaus fell to the ground chuckling trying to hold back his laughter as best he could Ben strode past him across the chair attacking the back of Klaus' thighs with light, feathery tickles leaving Klaus in his giggles. Seeing the curly boy begin to hiccup and cry slightly, Ben knew Klaus had reached his limit and decided to stop with a smirk.
"In my opinion it's no use telling them about it the way I destroyed you, they probably know I'm there Klaus still lying on the ground breathed heavily and quickly managing to say between two sniffles
-You will pay for that...
-oh..I'm so scared.., but between us we can't really deny that you didn't like it because you could have told me to stop but you didn't Said Ben with a sneer
-Shut up!!" With these words Klaus threw a pillow on Ben the latter crossing the younger
________________________________________________ Yeah, I made a total of 3245 words as you could see at the very beginning and I'm super proud of it and with this fanfic I like the idea that Klaus after that will often annoy Ben in this way so that Ben tickles him because he likes it even if he doesn't dare say so And yes it's been a long time since I wrote (Lack of motivation) But I had in mind to do a headcanon on the Chucky series or on umbrella academy where if you have other ideas for series or proposals you can make a request
Kiss <3
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wileys-russo · 11 months
i thought of a PERFECT lessi fic. so r is a teacher and one of her students have a cute crush on her. lessi notices the little gifts she’s getting and gets jealous
school yard crush II a.russo
"-alright that's the bell and i will see you all tomorrow. make sure to be sensible and smart when walking home or by the road please year three!" you called out after your students as they filed out one by one, chattering happily that the day was finally over.
"miss?" you looked down to see one of your boys was requesting your attention, hiding something behind his back. "yes ben?" you gave it to him as he shuffled from foot to foot. "this is for you bye!" he handed you a folded piece of paper and raced off out of the room causing you to laugh.
watching to make sure all of them made it out safely you returned to your desk, having some homework to mark before you could head home hopefully before five.
taking a seat you opened the letter, a smile growing on your face as the boy had scrawled a poem using the letters of your name to compliment you. "so cute." you chuckled, taking a photo of it and tucking it away in your desk.
"lessi? you home?" you called out a few hours later as you let yourself in, not having seen her car in the driveway. dumping your bag on the counter you noticed a heart shaped note stuck to the fridge indicating your fiancé had headed to the market to grab a few things.
unsure when she'd left or when she'd return you headed off to shower, ready to wash off the day and get comfortable to continue the marking you'd not yet finished.
stepping out of the bathroom and into your bedroom you could hear music and smell the inevitable scent of the blondes cooking signaling she was home. changing into her arsenal travel top and a pair of shorts you made your way toward the source of the alluring scent.
"hello you." she saw you before you reached her, stirring something in a pan as she sent you a beaming smile. "hi baby." you kissed her gently in greeting before clinging to her tightly, feeling an immediate sense of calm settle over you as the two of you shared an embrace.
"you smell lovely." the striker mumbled as she rubbed your back and kissed your cheek, the two of you stepping away from one another. "it's this new body wash, it's caramel scented." you yawned, rounding the bench and settling yourself on a stool.
"when did you get that?" alessia asked curiously, moving to chop some carrots as she kept a watchful eye over what was already on the stove. "one of the kids at school gave it to me, i tried to give it back but he started to cry and i felt too guilty." you admitted with a sheepish smile.
"mm teachers pet? every class needs one." alessia laughed, sweeping the carrot off the board and into the pan. "no i think he has a crush, it's quite sweet really." you chuckled, alessia's smile disappearing at that. "should you be encouraging that?" she questioned with a small frown.
"i'm not encouraging it!" you chuckled as your fiancé simply hummed. "alessia russo are you jealous of an eight year old?" you teased with a grin, the blonde sending you a glare over her shoulder. "no." she grumbled with a frown.
"my love i mention that my name's gonna change once i get married like every five minutes. i'm not leaving you for him less." you laughed at the question.
"i'd also be marrying you in prison if you did." alessia retorted as you clicked your tongue in agreement. "look its harmless babe. i'm sure his parents got the body wash anyway, you know very well they have no issues trying to bribe me to pay their kids a little extra attention. and you have no issues eating the chocolates that follow!" you smiled standing up and moving to hug her from behind, poking her very ticklish sides as she squealed and grabbed your hands in hers.
"he did write me a little poem today though. you know you could take some tips from this kid i don't see any love letters from you!" you teased, placing a few gentle kisses to her neck. "i leave you notes in your lunch all the time!" alessia protested with a huff.
"yeah that say things like 'property of future mrs russo' or 'reminder that you have the best fiance in the world'." you laughed with a roll of your eyes. "they make you smile do they not?" alessia raised an eyebrow as you had to agree.
"then you're welcome."
"mm so romantic." you smiled, the blonde pecking your lips before you removed yourself, grabbing your phone and waving her over to read the poem from today.
"i guess that's a little bit sweet." alessia admitted with a sigh, stealing another kiss and returning back to the stove.
"what's cookin good lookin?" you questioned as you slid your laptop out of your bag, placing it down in front of you and moving your bag to the floor.
"beef ragu." you could have moaned at the answer, instead sighing happily as alessia chuckled at your obvious excitement.
"if food is the way to the heart you could have asked me to marry you the first night you cooked for me and i'd have said yes." you grinned, flashing your wedding ring at her as she sent you a wink.
"come on come on come on, i want butts in chairs within thirty seconds or we'll do extra math all afternoon instead!" you warned playfully as your class took their time dawdling in from their morning break. though at that threat they sprinted in and hurried to sit down making you laugh.
"it's quiet reading time to calm down a bit, everyone go and grab a book please!" you encouraged, gesturing toward the bookshelf on the back wall.
"why did you get us to sit down if we had to get up again to get a book miss?" one of the girls called out with a groan. "because i can! now off you go." you waved, taking a seat at your desk. focused on the paper in front of you you jumped slightly as you glanced up and found a pair of eyes much closer than you thought.
"these are for you miss." ben thrust out a handful of flowers and weeds, messily tied together with a hair tie as dirt showered down on your desk making you wince. "did you pick these out of the garden buddy?" you asked to which he nodded with an eager grin.
"okay. i think we need to have a little chat." you smiled, standing to your feet and gesturing for him to follow you outside. "3C my listening ears are on, so keep reading and no silly business or its times tables for all!" you warned seriously before stepping out of the classroom and partially closing the door.
"how come you brought me those flowers ben?" you started gently as the two of you sat down on the bench outside your classroom. "because my dad gets my mum flowers." he answered matter of factly as you bit back a smile.
"okay. so you got them for me because..." you encouraged for him to finish your sentence. "you're really pretty, like my mum." he again answered confidently. "now ben that is very sweet, but you know you and me aren't like your mum and dad." you started softly.
"i'm your teacher, so we have a special relationship but not like the one your mum and dad have. i am always here if you're feeling sad or upset or confused or angry or if you just need to chat, and i'll always do my best to help you. but i already have a fiancé, and i love her like your dad loves your mum." you continued, the boys face falling slightly but nodding along.
"and she gave me this ring which means that we promise to only love each other like your dad loves your mum. one day when you're ready and a lot older, you'll find someone like that too! but you have to stop getting me things okay? its very thoughtful but i want you to only think of me like a teacher or a friend, okay?" you finished as ben nodded.
"now you and olivia are pretty good friends right?" you diverted as he confirmed. "so why don't you go and give her the flowers? because you can give best friends things like that too to make them smile! just not teachers." you clarified as the boy let out a small oh and nodded quickly.
"alright. thank you for listening! back inside you go." the smile returning to his face as he raced inside you let out a sigh, taking a moment to collect yourself and return, clapping a pattern and grinning as all your students clapped back.
"only me!" you perked up as your fiancés voice rang through your shared home, a thump as she tripped over on the way in making you grin as she hurried to the kitchen.
"welcome home clumsy." you greeted her as the blonde returned and wasted no time flopping her taller form down on top of you. "how was dinner?" you asked, running your hands through her hair, alessia having gone out with a few of her team mates after training.
"it was lovely. missed you though!" she pouted as you kissed it away, having declined her invitation in favor of lesson planning. "brought you some leftovers. have you eaten?" she pushed herself up to hover over you as you shook your head with a guilty smile.
"baby it's nearly nine thirty! no more work, i'm banning it." your fiancé scowled, closing your laptop expertly with her foot and hauling you up to your feet. "those are for you too." she kissed your cheek and nodded to a bunch of flowers on the counter as she moved to heat you up some food.
"oh lessi, they're gorgeous. thank you!" you smiled softly in appreciation as she placed a bowl into the microwave. "are these just because i told you about ben today?" you teased, having called the striker during your lunch break to fill her in on your conversation.
"no! they're just because i love you." alessia defended, moving to press her body into yours and bury her face in your neck as you hummed with a chuckle, the taller girls lips beginning to mark a trail down the column of your throat as she pushed you a little harder into the counter.
"maybe it had a tiny bit to do with it...but just a tiny bit!"
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amazingmsme · 2 years
I Know You
AN: October is finally here! You know what that means! Happy tickletober! Here’s day 1: anticipation. 
It was official, the world was coming to an end. Again. But this time, Ben was there. Like, honest to God physically there. And now that he was sufficiently drunk, he was much nicer and more affectionate. Klaus was slumped over the bar, looking at Ben with love and fondness in his eyes. Ben caught him staring and smirked.
"What gives? Do I have something on my shirt?" he asked, a tipsy smirk on his face. Klaus chuckled and shook his head.
"No, nothing like that. Juuust thinkin'," Klaus drawled, hiding the corner of his smirk behind his hand.
Ben leaned over to rest his head on his shoulder, and it was so much like the old Ben that it hurt. "About whaaaat?"
"I know everything about you, but you know nothing about me." Ben scoffed and shoved him away gently.
"Bullshit, you know nothing," he deadpanned, taking a swig from his glass.
"Oh but I do. You prefer ice cream over cake, and your favorite flavors are cookie dough and carrot cake, respectively. I know you've always wanted bunk beds, and you'd beg Dad to let you get one but he said no every time." When Ben opened his mouth to interrupt, he held up a finger to stop him. "And don't try to tell me you never wanted one. I know that's a lie."
Ben scoffed, seemingly impressed. He crossed his arms, looking him up and down. "Not bad. What else?" he asked, propping his elbow on the table to rest his chin in his hand.
"What else? Benny, I could literally go on forever."
"Well we only have a few hours left, so you better be succinct," he teased. Klaus snapped his fingers and pointed in his face.
"That's another thing about you. You're so scholarly, it got on everyone's nerves. Well, except Five and Viktor, but they're eggheads so it doesn't count. You always use these big, flamboyant words when normal ones work just fine. Because I know you like to rile people up while pretending to not know what you're doing," Klaus said matter of factly.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Ben said, arching a brow. Klaus gave him a knowing look. Ben held his gaze for a moment before they both broke down into a giggle fit. "I think you know me better than I know myself," he joked.
"That's because I probably do. You only wear 100% cotton socks because anything less is cheap and subpar. You're secretly afraid of the Horror, but you keep it to yourself so you don't worry us. Have you even told any of the other Sparrows?" Klaus asked hesitantly when he saw the shellshocked look on his face. Ben blinked a few times to shake himself out of it.
"Fei knows. Knew, I guess I should be saying." He sounded dejected, and his shoulders sagged just a little. Klaus couldn't have that. That was the exact opposite of what he was trying to do.
"Hey, no sad sulky Ben. This is our last night, we gotta go out with a bang baby!"
"Oh we'll go out with a bang alright," he sneered. Klaus winced. Not his best phrasing.
"Not the words to use in this situation, I admit. But I also just happen to know the perfect remedy for that sour face," he quipped, reaching over to pinch his cheeks. Ben swatted him away, but he was at least smiling again.
"Yeah? And what would that be?" he slurred, taking another drink.
"You just so happen to be quite ticklish," he said smugly. Ben's drunken smile vanished from his face, replaced with a classic deer in the headlights look.
"That's where you're wrong?" he quickly denied. Klaus giggled, reaching out to poke his side.
"Is it?" he teased, not bothering to hold back his grin. Ben was smiling just as much, maybe even more so.
"Yeah. It is." It was a challenge in every sense. A dare for Klaus to test his knowledge, and an open curiosity on Ben's part. They locked eyes, flinching with each sudden movement the other made. They had entered a stalemate. When Klaus would get too close, he'd cover his belly with his arms and let out a shy, nervous giggle.
"Stop," he insisted with a goofy grin.
"But why would I do that? Especially when I know your tummy is your worst spot," he proudly proclaimed. Ben's eyes widened comically.
"You don't know that." Oh but he did. And Ben knew he did.
When Klaus faked an attack, fingers wiggling in the air, he was already giggling like mad.
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saturnzskyzz · 4 months
This is mainly a ficlet until I write more of the actual fanfic about this show.. I have so many ideas, it's insane.
Family reunion
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Lee: Ben
Ler: Bumpy
Ben reunites with Bumpy. As both were excited to see each other, bumpy couldn't help her excitement. Let's say that Ben gets a tickly warm welcome.
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・divider credits・
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"Ah! Bumpy! I can't believe it, haha!" Ben says, excited to see his Dino friend, running around the open field not far out from Sammy's place.
Ever since their rescue from the stranded island, the gang had been off to do their own thing for a while. But since they all collectively decided to live on the island, where work was made to get the island "dinosaur free" in a safely manner, they've been collectively working on themselves, and what they were wanting to do and pursue for the rest of their lives.
But since the hunt; Ben, Darius, and soon Sammy, will have to get on the road before the "hunters" get to them.
As much as Darius and Ben were in a hurry-still hadn't told Sammy because of her cut-in small talk. They were dragged into seeing Sammy's surprise out back, near her little farm area.
And a surprise it was!
"Ah! Ahaha, Buhuhumpy! H-hohohold on now gihirl!" Ben giggled. He lightly tried to bat away Bumpy's face as she muzzled into Ben, who was currently laying on the floor due to Bumpy pushing him over in excitement.
"Awee! Look at them! I've never seen Bumpy happier until this very moment!" Sammy said, squealing in excitement. She stared at them in awe, filled with happiness that the two were finally reunited. It's been hard trying to get Bumpy all the way out to her home, but luckily she had managed.
"Wow! H-how did you do it, Sammy?! This is amazing!" Darius said, looking at her with a shocked expression.
"Oh, it was nothin'! As long as our dear friend is happy, there ain't no story to tell." Sammy said, smiling her worries away.
Bumpy made a sound of happiness, as she dug more into Ben's neck and chest, still trying to get the excitement wiggles out of herself.
"Ehehehaha! Ihihi'm hahahappy to sehehee you tohoo, buhumper cahar!" Ben gave Bumpy some loving pets to the head, as he tried to signal Bumpy to let up on the nuzzling because of how ticklish it was for him.
"Ohohokay girl! Thahat's ehenough- plehehease!" Ben tried to wiggle out of her grasp, momentarily causing his beanie to slip off his head-but it seemed that she wasn't letting up anytime soon. She knew that Ben was happy in this moment, and if her nuzzling is signaling her any sight of happiness from Ben, then she continued.
When Ben figured out that Bumpy wasn't letting up anytime soon, he settled to just wing it out until Bumpy was satisfied.. Unfortunately he doesn't think that's going to happen anytime soon.
As for Sammy and Darius, taking in the wholesome scene, they were both astonished by how happy the two seemed to be. Almost like they haven't seen them this happy in a long time..
"Ihi don't think I've seen bumpy this happy to see Ben before.. Nor have I heard that laugh from Ben in a looong time!" Darius remarked, showing a bit of empathy. Sure, they've had their fun before, where Ben would let loose and be himself, but it wasn't the type of happiness that he's been known to see as for when Ben is around Bumpy. He's really got a soft spot for the dinosaur..
"Guhuhuys, ahaha lihihittle help,, plehehease?!" Ben asked, overwhelmed of the situation now. He kicked his legs to accidentally show how much the nuzzling has gotten to him, as he still tried to get Bumpy to stop with the affectionate Nuzzling as he seemed that laying limp wasn't actually going to do anything.
"Ohokay! Okay! C'mon Darius, let's help the poor soul out of his ticklish agony." Sammy said, jogging up to Ben and Bumpy.
"Ohon it!" Darius halfly shouted out, now jogging up to them as well.
. . .
If you want to be tagged in any chaos theory fics, let me know! :]
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
Ugh i love your writing 😩🙏
Heres an idea? An s/o who is secretly embarassed by the height diffrence between her and ben. Not ashamed embarassed😩😩😩😩
I didn't know if you wanted to be taller or shorter than BEN, as he is pretty short, like maybe 5'2"-5'5", so i can imagine youd be a little embarrassed, BUT ALSO imagine trying to talk to him and having to look alllll the way down there??? Anyways, i decided to do both!
Also, thank you for the compliment, friend!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Being embarrassed of your height difference with BEN
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Honestly, BEN doesn't even notice your embarrassment
He's always been one of the shortest members of the manor, only really being taller than the small children
So he's pretty used to being short, and doesn't think it's different from talking to anyone else
But when he notices how hesitant you are to look down at him, thats when it hits him
"Babe, im down here" he says with a chuckle
"Sorry" you mutter with an embarrassed tone and a laugh, finally hanging your head to look at his tiny self
God, you feel like a giant when you look at him
He of course, notices your discomfort
"What's wrong with you? Why's your face making that shape?" He asks, mimicking your embarrassed expression with his own
This makes you laugh a little, but you still avoid looking at him as best you can
"I dunno. I just feel really...big. you know, height wise?"
"And you're ashamed of that?" He asks, genuinely shocked
You nod meekly, making him take your face in his hands and look into your eyes "you're joking. Do you know what i would give to be as tall as you??"
You laugh again, moving your face away and making BEN pout
"Oh. Noooow you're laughing" he continues jokingly
He stands on his toes and kisses your cheek "i love your tall self, even if i do have to get a stool to kiss you"
The laughter starts up again, only being interrupted by BEN giving you kisses on your face
Oh my god, imagine being shorter than BEN??
He genuinely couldn't believe it the first time it was pointed out
He non-stop teases you, of course
"So, is the soil healthy, worm?"
"Oh my god go away BEN"
He's not really into babytalking someone he has romantic interest in, because he thinks it's weird
But he does babytalk you just to poke fun at how little you are
"Awwww does the little baby need a nap? Little baby's getting cranky"
"Leave me alone BEN, I'm not that short!"
"Oh, is the little baby ticklish? Are they? Are they? Are they?" He asks repeatedly as he tickles you mercilessly
"BEN!! Leave me alone!! You're so dead!!" You squeal, trying to wiggle out of his grasp
After he's satisfied, you are well out of breath and still kind of laughing from the ridiculousness of it all
He presses a quick kiss to your forehead before stretching and exclaiming "shit, that really was exhausting. Remind me to never have kids. I can't do this everyday"
You giggle at his silliness and grab the collar of his shirt, bending him down to your height and kissing his pointy nose
Yeah, just lots of teasing from him in general
If you want him to stop, just say so and he will
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bluebladefluff · 4 months
Chaos theory spoilers!!! You have been warned!
TW // Swearing
I just finished Jurassic park chaos theory! And I have SO MUCH to say! So many parts made my jaw drop to the floor! Even though kenji’s father was an ass hat he didn’t need to die! But the way he protected his son that gave him points back!
Now at the end! That crazy raptor lady didn’t due, how did she not die? She got hit by a truck! I swear she is a doll, a creepy porsolin doll
BROOKLYNS NOT DEAD! That bitch faked her death but lost an arm??! and I hate it AND love it at the same time! Dose she even care about the others at this point?! Why was she buying dinosaurs?! What is her motive, is she working with that Nublar guy! Or with Kenji’s father before he died? It’s crazy to think about whatever she is trying to do, why?! I didn’t see anything sketchy about Brooklyn in camp Jurassic but mabye I wasn’t looking hard enough?? I was on my seer the whole time and I GENUINELY thought she was dead but SHE IS NOT!!
Also Ben is ticklish? I absolutely love him so much, bed had a grospert and is such a sweet boy, is he faking about his girlfriend or is he serious?
Thank you for listening to my rant/Ted Talk
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st4rrmii · 3 months
The People have Spoken, here are my absolutely Baseless Ben Headcanons
(Cut because theres a lot)
-Has lower back dimples
-Is generally a "Will listen to anything" person, he started as a lil hater but eventually caved and realized that being a hater isn't fun (sometimes)
-Had a bunny growing up named Freckles
-His comfort food is his mom's homemade lasagna, she's make it for him whenever he had a bad day and it always makes him feel better
-Started going to public school after getting back to the mainland, but didn't really make any new friends because he was a hisser
-Can't grow facial hair, like the odd times he gets a stray hair but he's never been able to grow a proper beard or even mustache
-Not used to his height like, at all. Consistantly smacking his head on things.
-One of his favourite artists is Michael Jackson, and his favourite song is Dirty Diana
-Went for like a year with no clothes that fit him after his growth spurt, had maybe 2 pairs of pants he filtered through and any shirts he had fit him like a crop top. Brooklynn eventually caved and took him shopping for more clothes.
-Can secretly actually sing but like no one knows because whenever he sings in front of anyone its just for fun and therefore not his best work
-really good at chess???
-has freckles like everywhere, didn't have as many pre-nublar but they got 'worse' after the island due to the sun
-has a birth mark on his right hip that looks like a malformed heart
-(stealing this from a moot) likes bug shaped food like gummy worms and such
-Will eat out of a boot but won't touch vegetables with a ten foot pole
-The first time he broke a bone was after he got back to mainland and was playing with Bumpy, she knocked him down and he landed wrong and broke his pinky. Sammy does not let him live this down, ever.
-Daddy issues
-Can deal with bugs but has major arachnophobia, will freak out over a tiny spider. Would be horrendously fucked if Wu decided to make giant spiders.
-Spends a lot of time on his hair
-Used to be a mattress on the floor type of guy, luckily his dorm had a proper bed with a frame when he moved in (though prefers the floor mattress, tbh)
-Diagnosis cocktail I fear
-Gotten a little better at drawing with Yaz's help, though only at drawing dinosaurs, still not great at drawing humans
-Tried going to a bar with college friends for his 21st birthday, left the second an older woman started flirting with him
-has mimicking stims, will mimic things other people say or quotes he hears, was stuck saying "Ugh, as if" for months after Brooklynn made him watch clueless
-Says he's good with scary things but is the friend that clings onto whoever hes closest to in haunted houses
-Learned how to use a gun after nublar, doesn't carry or anything but he does have that skill in his back pocket if necessary
-Will buy literally anything that reminds him of Bumpy
-Terrible texter. Like absolutely ass.
-needs sound to sleep, as well as at least a little bit of light
-Sucks at math tbh
-Is the only one of the camp fam who's still ticklish, which makes him very vulnerable at times
-Lowkey king of puppy eyes
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siremasterlawrence · 2 months
Hijacked: Biker Gang
Ben took for a ride on his motorcycle to get a private moment away with me before my career kicks in and he lands in a sort of an odd area. It is beautiful because of the lushes green grass growing stronger in the moment of it all and he sets up his picnic he prepared for me.He sets the towel on the floor quickly filling up the entire canvas area of it with piles of food as he looks up at and and invites me to sit with him.He takes my hand in his as he leans down to me placing his lips on my hand and slowly kissing toward my neck and sucks it deep and with so much passion.I laugh a bit shoving him up as I admire him as the guy that I transformed from the utter beginning to serve me in the longterm and I snap my finger. I watch as his eyes roll back into both of his eye sockets closing in on him and his head drops to his chin as he is open to serve me only. I crawl up growing closer to me as my ears are press onto his ears as I blow air into them and he squirms a bit feeling ticklish in everything. I slip my lips to the side kissing his cheeks sliding down to his neck as he is moaning out of control and I knew I hand him once more. I wake him up as he gives me another kiss and we begin to make out like crazy and we know it all changes at this moment.
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“Who the hell are you? Why are you on my land asshole?” This strange man came with a biker jacket.
“Oh Sorry! Let me explain if you would look at me please.” I state.
“Speak up! Hurry it up!” He says annoyed.
“You can trust me”
“I don’t know but”
“You already do”
“Stare into my eyes “
“You want obey “
“I do”
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“I am your Master”
“Sir Yes Sir”
“Will you serve me?”
“If you wish “
“I am your God”
“My everything “
“You can feel it in your body”
“Erupting your soul”
“Consuming him”
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Tom the leader of the biker cannot be able to help himself falling to the ground because he is under my spell. I love you my mouth forms his words to see his cock suddenly shoot upward pointing at me. I point to it as he freaks out covering it as he fell to his floor, he can no longer deny his one destruction.
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The next thing I am aware of a second biker is driving up unsure of what he is seeing a sen came after me. He jumps upward at me he leaps into the air taking me in his hands as we drop and he began to fight me in the longterm. Tom and Ben jump into action in a stunt grabbing me as he pins me to the wall and then he threw this guy to the side. “Will you do as I say focus on me, and tell me your name bitch. Do not attempt, resist and fight me because I am in your head and I rule over you.”
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“I am Austin”
“You are breaking you “
“You have no idea”
“Why are you doing this?”
“The two of you get work”
“Let me go!”
“Fuck you”
“Strip it off”
“Play with him”
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“Make it squirm”
“I own you “
“Accept it”
“You will address me as Master”
“Yes Master”
“Answer me Sir Yes Sir”
“Embrace it”
“Enjoying it?”
“Oh God!”
“I’m yours”
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The biker speed into the highway as they are riding, making crazy sounds as they are howling lien crazy and I am in love. All three of them can’t help but have a happy smile that is crossing his face as they feel it on hot making his face cool. The motorcyclesroar like an insane wild animal demanding to be mine as they park and I hop off my bike. We enter Toms house to find a young sexy as fuck guy named Tyler staring me down to my soul and I snap my finger as Tom approaches him and knocks him out.
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“Excellent guy! Good job”
“Hold him down”
“Help me”
“Let me go”
“Release me”
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“Shut your mouth”
“You love me”
“No! I …”
“Sat it”
“I love you “
“I bet it is everything to you “
“I am your life “
“Yes Master”
The end
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