rosileeduckie · 9 months
Not So Fast-Travel
No matter the genre or universe, there's always someone in the middle seat of the car.
Yasha and Caduceus find a way to pass the time while traveling, and their friends join in the fun. First piece (yes, on day three; it's practickly tradition for me:) for Tickletober 2023
Critical Role/Mighty Nein tickle fic. Warnings: none.
Word count: 2,928
She may have grown up in the wastes of Xhoras, but Yasha could find little love left in her for her home. Sure, the cities to the north had been fascinating to explore for the first time, and traveling with the odd bunch that was the Nein made any place entertaining, but the wastes were just as dull and dangerous and endless as she remembered, not to mention her backside was starting to get sore from the endless ride across the bleak plains. Maybe she was biased, but anyone who'd suffered a long rocky upbringing and then one ass-numbing journey on those wastes was justified in finding them bleak.
At least she had a good riding companion. Not that any of the party would be bad to travel with. Still, Yasha was glad she'd lucked into sharing a beast with Caduceus. The firbolg was fuzzy and warm, which gave Yasha all the more reason to keep her arms wrapped around his waist to keep from flying off the back of their beast. With both adventurers' armor pieces lashed to the saddle, Yasha could rest her cheek against Caduceus' back without his usual beetle green chest plate clocking her in the nose, for which she was grateful. His heartbeat was steady beneath her ear, and she could every so often hear vibrations from when he would softly hum or croon in his deep voice to their moorbounder. If said moorbounder's loping gait wasn't so tumultuous, Yasha might have fallen asleep. She didn't blame Clarabelle, though. Hopefully the huge cat-thing was enjoying the exercise.
It had taken a bit for Yasha to become comfortable with Caduceus. Part of it was due to her own solo journeys apart from the Nein, making her miss some of the voyages they'd all bonded more deeply on, even though they'd embraced her back into their midst each time as though she'd never left. But it was also how kind the firbolg was. Yasha had only met one other person with so warm a heart, and she had a hard time trusting that another person so good could cross her path. Through his relentless kindness, he'd worn down her walls, and his courage and wisdom helped her see how genuine he was. Yasha respected that. He was also very warm to sleep next to in the Nein's camping bubble, which Yasha was privy to where the others were not for complaint of Caduceus' snoring. Yasha didn't mind. The thunderous sound was comforting to drift off to. 
"Doin' alright back there?" Caduceus asked, his easy smile visible as he looked over his shoulder. Yasha's hands were folded over his middle, but the firbolg, though thin, was a full head taller than her. Yasha adjusted to look up at him, resting her chin on his shoulder blade and tipping her head back to meet his eye.
The barbarian hummed affirmatively, closing her eyes and offering a tired smile. "Could use a cupholder."
A chuckle rumbled through Caduceus' chest that made Yasha's jawbone buzz, and her smile softened into something fond. "I'll see after this adventure if we make enough to get a few improvements for our saddle, sound good?"
"Yeah. Just think, we could have tea on the road."
"Ah," Caduceus said, grin beaming as he urged Clarabelle onward to keep pace with the rest of the group. "That'd be nice."
Yasha turned to rest her cheek once more on Caduceus' back. The view this way hardly varied enough to interest Yasha, the sky the same ever-dark and clouded and the scraggly scrub grass silhouetted and whistling in the cold late season wind. It was a relief, then, when Clarabelle charged forward, catching up and keeping pace with the two larger moorbounders and giving Yasha the colorful view that was Jester and Fjord atop their bounder. Ironically, Fjord looked green, his arms clamped tightly around Jester's waist and his face buried in the  back of her neck. For a moment, Yasha wondered if the half-orc had somehow gotten seasick from the lumbering, racing stride of Yarnball, Jester's mount, but when Fjord lifted his head, Yasha could see that his features were twisted in embarrassment—brows furrowed and newly growing tusks exaggerating his lower lip as he pouted—rather than nausea. Yasha's wondering then wandered to whether what had flustered Fjord was Jester teasing him or just her inevitable closeness from their riding positions on a single moorbounder, and apparently such musing was easy to read from her soft chuckle because Fjord caught her eye and glared. Meanwhile Jester's smile was just beaming, her shoulders wiggling delightedly and her tongue poking out between her fangs.
At the encroach of sharp-tongued Zemnian, Yasha shifted to rest her other cheek against Caduceus' back. To her left, she could now see Caleb and Beau atop Jannick, the largest moorbounder among the group's. A moment later, Yasha saw Nott, popping her head out from where she was evidently sandwiched between the two humans. Beau's arms, folded and resting on Caleb's shoulders, served as a crown for the disgruntled goblin that boxed her small frame in. Caleb had hardly finished chastising the pair over his shoulder before Nott sent an elbow sharply and bodily backward into Beau's abdomen. The movement jostled both women and nearly unseated them, Beau balancing herself by gripping fistfuls of moorbounder fur on either side of the trio's saddle and Nott flailing for purchase by clawing at Caleb's coat and hanging on tight. Caleb swore again, Nott pulled sour faces, and Beau only laughed. At the sound and the grin Beau threw her way, Yasha prayed briefly and gratefully that Caduceus was too busy driving to notice how her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks warmed beneath her dark eye paint.
"It seems you have some problem passengers, Mr Caleb," said Caduceus, and the wizard huffed.
"Nothing escapes your notice, Caduceus."
Nott relaxed her grip in favor of crossing her arms the moment she had reclaimed some semblance of balance. "PassenGER," Nott said, speaking to the firbolg cleric but with a squinting side glance toward Beau. "I'M not the one causing problems. And how could I be, when I'm the size of a carry-on?"
Beau rolled her eyes and replied with a shove that squished Nott's face into the back of Caleb's coat. "Maybe if you'd quit SHIFTING—"
Before the monk could say more, Caleb, seething to the point of smoke nearly coming out of his ears, barked over his shoulder, "If you won't BOTH behave, I swear I'm feeding you to Jannick the moment we stop to camp for the night."
"See, Cad, Yasha, here's the thing," said Beau, swinging her leg over so as to ride side-saddle and politely face the pair she spoke to and less politely lean an elbow on Nott's head and anchor a hand on Caleb's shoulder. "When we left the city, I, very honorably and fairly, called dibs on not having to sit in the middle. It's Nott who's got a problem with that and making it everyone else's problem."
"I wouldn't have any problems if you'd stop SQUISHING me!" Nott whipped her head back to hiss at Beau and grinned smugly when the monk flinched back momentarily. Only to hiss all the more when Beau stubbornly hugged her tight and pinched her ears.
Caduceus chuckled and turned forward once more as Clarabelle, evidently done with the bickering noise, took a few pounces further ahead of the pack. 
Yasha turned back with a smirk as Nott yelled. "No, Caduceus, Yasha, come on! We need an impartial third party! Ow--! Make Beau switch seats with me!” 
The two women launched back into bickering, and Caleb’s shoulders hunched all the higher until he swore at them and yanked his mount’s reins, prompting Jannick to offer an irritated and deep meow to the collective complaints department. 
Caduceus’ ear flicked toward the sound, and Yasha’s attention was drawn from the squabbling caravan. It really showed how dull the journey had been that Caduceus’ ear, of all things, was suddenly so fascinating a sight to Yasha. But she could hardly nitpick at the odd--at any--entertainment.
Unlike Yasha's which were close to her head and small and rounded and pale, Caduceus' ears were more bovine in nature, long and droopy and covered in thin grey fur (the backs were, anyway, that she could see). They looked soft, and it was not the first time she'd thought so. She may have developed a bad habit of pinching her friend's ears to get their attention. At least, it had always worked on Molly, and, though she hadn't tested it nearly as much, it seemed to be equally effective on the Nein, certainly on Beau and Caleb. Height posed a challenge with some of her friends, so, while she could physically pick up Nott if she needed her attention, Yasha hadn’t given Caduceus many ear pinches. He didn’t annoy or ignore her enough to give her real reason to. They had poked and elbowed one another in the past if they needed to rise quickly from a contented, quiet snuggle, but that was mutual. Yasha didn’t think she annoyed Caduceus. She certainly hoped not, but would have fully understood if that changed after what she was about to do. Lifting her hand, Yasha curled her index finger and gently ran her knuckle along the back of Caduceus’ ear. Yup, she was just deciding, downy and soft as a baby angel’s wing–when Caduceus jolted, twitching forward with a huff. Yasha drew her hand back and furrowed her brow. Huh.
“Don’t tell me,” Caduceus chuckled, looking over his shoulder at her, “you came up with an even better improvement for the journey than a cupholder?”
“Maybe.” Yasha crossed her arms on Caduceus’ back and rested her chin atop them, tilting her head slightly to one side to watch his face. “Are your ears ticklish, Caduceus?” she asked, a crooked smirk rising on her lips.
From her vantage point, Yasha could easily see Caduceus’s mouth tighten into a pinched smile–and, he didn’t blush like some of the other Nein but, Yasha swore she saw tiny flowers begin to bloom in his long pink hair–before he scoffed. “I have siblings,” he sighed, turning to face the road ahead but grinning. “I know there’s no right way to answer that question.”
“Sure, there is.” Yasha’s ears didn’t twitch, but she could still hear when Caleb’s swearing grew louder, either closer or snappier. “You could threaten to feed me to Clarabelle.”
Caduceus snickered and said again, “I have siblings. You’d have to do a lot more than tickle me to annoy me enough to where I’d threaten that.”
Yasha grinned, uncrossing her arms and holding her hands up behind Caduceus’ ears. “I can accept that challenge.”
She didn’t attack right away for two reasons: the first was because she didn’t want to be too mean to Caduceus, in general but, because he was driving, and the second was because she had a funny thought she wanted to test, and doing so would only build up the butterflies of anticipation. (In her earlier life, she hadn’t had much experience with comforting and playful touch, but since finding family in the Nein, she’d become something of an expert in receiving and giving it. And maybe wielding its effects as easily and sharply as her sword.) Moving carefully as she could while on the back of a lumbering beast, Yasha moved her index fingers at a snail’s pace toward the back of Caduceus’ ears, keeping out of his periphery and just shy of actually touching him.
Her head was still tilted to one side as she said, soft and lilting, “Caduceus~”
His left ear flicked back toward her voice, only to brush against her waiting fingers. Yasha grinned as Caduceus flinched forward and gave his head a little shake. When he returned to his previous posture, Yasha didn’t let suspense prolong; she traced her first and middle finger down the length of Caduceus’ right ear. Said ear swatted at her like she was a buzzing gnat while the ear’s owner ducked his head and snorted.
Some combination of boredom and hearing that adorable sound ignited something in Yasha–a fire of mischief, a blazing villainous streak, what have you–and was definitely to blame for her becoming the worst traveling companion for the following few minutes.
Yasha rested the heels of her hands against the base of Caduceus’ skull and, gentle but unyielding, fluttered the tips of her fingers along the back of his ears. She took care not to hold too tight if Caduceus needed to hunch forward and out of reach, and the gentle half-giant tensed under her hands but didn't actively pull away. His body seemed to want to, instinctively, but–because he knew Yasha could be very stubborn or because he also needed some diversion to lighten up their tiresome trip and maybe because he didn’t mind her tickling all that much–Caduceus held firm against that instinct, and, if he couldn’t help but duck his head, he rounded his back to curl closer to her and stay within reach. Maybe such a feat of willpower was possible because his ears weren’t his most ticklish spot. Yasha’s little demon flared up again inside her, and she grinned, fluttering her fingers a bit faster. Caduceus might have been in for a bit of trouble if he ended up next to Yasha in the camp cuddle bubble that night, because she was absolutely going to be searching him for spots that would make him laugh so loud that the Nein would wonder how they ever complained about the volume of his snoring. As of yet, his laughter was quiet, huffing breaths through his nose and the occasional, adorable snort.
“Doin’ alright up there?”
Caduceus groaned, and, when he looked back to glare at her, she could see how big and gritted his smile was.
Though the little demon in her longed to, she didn’t push further. She wanted to be his traveling companion again at some point to get to play this game again, after all. Slowing her fingers, Yasha rotated her hands so she could reach the spots on either side of the jaw that always seemed to carry tension for her, and she pushed her thumbs gently into those points. Caduceus hummed, then coughed up a squeak when Yasha’s fingers curled into his hair, her nails gently scratching his scalp. Her heart seizing momentarily at how cute the cleric was, Yasha thumped her head against his back. How had their journey suddenly gotten so much shorter and so much longer so fast?
Yasha lifted her head at the sound of a delighted squeal–Caduceus’ ears also flicked toward the sound, and she dusted her fingertips along them–and looked toward it, finding Jester and Fjord having loped up alongside them. “Yasha, that’s such a good idea!” Jester clapped. “This trip was taking forever. A tickle fight would definitely pass the time!”
The tiefling wrangled her reins into one hand and reached behind her, fingers splaying and curling dramatically as she grabbed at Fjord’s side. Fjord wasn’t having it. Apparently, however Jester had been teasing him the rest of the journey, he was ready to have equal footing and even, since he had both hands, the advantage. He grabbed her wrist with one hand, smirking, “A fight, huh?” His other hand shot under her arm, fingers wiggling, and Jester crumpled against his chest with a burst of bright, happy laughter.
“Don’t even think about it!”
Yasha looked to her other side, and, sure enough, Beau and Nott were grinning at one another behind Caleb, whose glower now featured a prominent flush and arms pulled tight to his sides.
“It really is a good idea!” said Nott, snickering as she watched Fjord and Jester play atop an oblivious moorbounder. “And I’ve got another one.” She grinned toothily at Beau. “Let’s put Caleb in the middle.”
“Nein–” Caleb snapped, but Beau had already wedged her hands under his arms and lifted him out of his seat enough for Nott to scurry under and claim shotgun.
“Why didn’t we think of this sooner?” Beau exclaimed, hooking an arm around Caleb’s waist to keep him pinned to her front and to prevent him from accidentally squirming himself off of their riding beast from what Beau’s other hand was doing, stuffed underneath the book holsters on his ribs and fingers surely digging in mercilessly, judging by the sudden shriek of cackling, swearing laughter from Caleb. “It’s been a long ride for everyone; our drivers could use a break.”
“But don’t break him,” Nott giggled, taking up Jannick’s reins. “Hyah!”
Their moorbounder leapt forward with an eager yowl, making Nott and Beau join Caleb in wild laughter. “Thanks, Yasha!” Beau called over her shoulder, beaming, and Yasha fought the urge to bury her face in Caduceus’ back again.
Having satiated her own appetite for mischief and inspired enough playful chaos for the moment, Yasha gave Caduceus’ ears a little pinch each and then ran her fingers through his hair, weaving pink braids. “I know you said you won’t feed me to Clarabelle, but I haven’t annoyed you so much that the cupholder is off the table, have I?”
Caduceus chuckled, leaning back into her touch as he urged their beast forward to keep up with the rest of their silly little group. “Nah.” He turned his head to smile down at her. “But you’re driving next time.”
42 notes · View notes
thebest-medicine · 9 months
Day 6: Chase
Tickletober 2023 - Critical Role - Mighty Nein C2 - lee!Caduceus
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
A/N: Based around the bone flute prank scene in C2E96. I love the Clays so much. Caduceus sneaks up on Calliope and blows the flute super loud, startling her into the pool of water she’s sitting beside. He bolts, laughing, and she chases his ass down and gets him. [read on AO3]
Words: 681
The moon casts a dim light overheard as Caduceus creeps up quietly, padding through the grass toward the temple. As he approaches, he sees a figure sitting at the edge of the pool of water just inside, a soft glow emanating from it. A blink to adjust to the diluted colors of the night leads him to correctly spy exactly who it is. Just who he was looking for. Calliope. Today had been the first day in nearly a decade he’s seen her. Too much time had passed. 
Calliope watches the water contemplatively, her toes dipped in the pool. 
Caduceus takes a few more slow steps toward her, praying to the Wildmother for a silent landing of each foot. 
As he approaches, he can see her holding the crystal in her hands, glancing it over before looking between the pool and the temple structure above. She sighs heavily.
Caduceus gets closer, as close as he can, so slowly, so quietly, and pulls the bone flute from his pocket. 
Calliope begins to whisper an almost silent prayer, her toes curling in the water.
A loud, sharp, chilling tone fills the temple, emanating from a foot or so behind her, and Calliope shrieks in surprise. She jolts forward, straight into the pool of water.
Caduceus grins to himself, putting the bone flute back in his pocket before turning to run.
Calliope’s soaked form fully emerges from the pool, taking in her surroundings with wide eyes. She clocks him, slamming her fists into the water. “Caduceus!” She takes the crystal she’s been holding and chucks it at him.
He bolts back the way he came with a laugh. Knowing he doesn’t stand much of a chance outrunning her, he gets to the entry of the temple and skids to a stop. “I got you something!” He barely gets the words out before cold, wet arms are wrapping him up and the full force of his sister tackles him to the ground. He can’t keep the smile off his face, laughing as he goes down. 
“You little shit!” Calliope growls as she pins him on his back. “You know, I was gonna thank you! Was!” Cad chuckles up at her, holding out the flute. “Oh, it’s all coming back to you, huh? Like nothing’s changed.” 
He smiles back. “Yeah, heh, like I said, I got you a gift.”
Her nostrils flare as she fixes him with an even more annoyed look. Her hair is dripping as she gets herself on top of him and pins an arm out to the side. Then, oh shit- she starts tickling, trying to find the sensitive spots between his waist and armpit. 
Caduceus breaks into full laughter, grin wide on his face. “Ahaha- oh nohohoho- dohon’t! Hahaha- wait- Calliopehehehehe aha- wahahait!” He pleads between laughs when she digs into a particularly sensitive rib.
“I don’t know about that. Apparently, I have been waiting a long fucking time.” She counters, smug smirk evident in her voice. “So, if this is how you’re gonna be, it seems I have quite a few years worth of tickling the snot out of you to catch up on!”
Caduceus cackles and kicks out behind her. “I- hehe- I missed you toohohhoo!” His free hand clutches the bone flute and tries to curl around to protect some of the sensitive spots. 
Calliope reaches up and tickles along the shell of his ear. Caduceus makes one of the highest pitched noises that has been heard from him in decades. When his breath comes back to him, he’s already conceding. “Okahahahay- okahahay, I give! Ahaha- Callioppehehe plehease!”
She rolls her eyes and lets go of his arm. Stepping back and offering her hand to help him up. He takes it, smile still wide on his face. He passes her the bone flute and begins pestering her about using it to prank Colton. They nudge shoulders, laugh and catch up as they walk back over toward the pool. Mid-sentence, Calliope trips him off balance and pushes him into the water.
It was good to be around family again.
25 notes · View notes
thelavendersquid · 11 months
Love Persevering (Tell Me How You Feel)
@amazingmsme and @thebest-medicine - The wait is over! Thank you both for your encouragement to write this fic!!!
Summary: Fjord wants nothing to do with the tickle fights his friends keep starting. Yet he can't help but be drawn to the subject and the memories it brings…
The Mighty Nein talk about feelings and process their grief for Mollymauk through the ticklish love language they all share.
Some grief and light angst but mostly tooth-rotting fluff.
My contribution to Mollymauk Week: Day 4 - Joy
Words: 7,028
AO3 Link
Sequel to No Words Needed but can also be read as a standalone
What is grief, if not love persevering?
Jester’s fingers scurry up Caduceus’ sides and he’s laughing immediately, stumbling sideways towards the tunnel wall and holding his hands up in a poor attempt to block her. Jester follows after him, laughing along as Caduceus’ back hits the wall and he throws his head back, squeezing his eyes shut tight and giving in to his laughter. He gives up trying to bat Jester's hands away and instead focuses on coordinating himself enough to retaliate - jamming his hands towards her armpits and wiggling as best he can possibly manage. His efforts are rewarded by a flinch backwards and sudden giggle. Caduceus can barely focus through his own giggles but he pushes forward, pressing his advantage, and feels Jester pull back slightly, succumbing to giggling.
Caduceus opens his eyes and finds her dancing from foot to foot, trying to escape his fingers without actually moving away. He laughs in an entirely new way, never stilling his fingers as they poke and prod up and down her torso and wiggle under her arms. Jester yelps and falls forward - throwing her arms around him and face planting into his stomach as she dissolves into full-out laughter.
That’s unexpected and Caduceus flinches as she does this, chuckling. Then he wraps his arms around her, pulling her in closer for a hug - as his fingers scribble up her back.
Jester shrieks. Heh. That trick always got his siblings too.
He feels Jester’s fingers pinching up his back just then - as she laughs into his stomach, which might be even more tickly. He’s laughing again.
Jester clings on tighter as Caduceus starts laughing - and he can’t let her win at hugging of all things, so he grips onto her even tighter in return. It’s a bone-crushing, tickly hug that has both of them laughing too hard for words. Caduceus can’t remember the last time he's laughed this hard and he’s reluctant for it to ever end.
Nonetheless, after a few moments it does - he slows his fingers and gently pulls Jester away so they’re facing each other. He squeezes her shoulder, still grinning ear to ear. “That was fun.” Jester beams back up at him. Caduceus looks up at the others - most of whom are looking distinctly uncomfortable. He gives them an easy grin. “You should try it, it’s a lot of fun.”
Jester spins to face the group too, looking delighted. “Yes! Oh Beau-oh! Are you ticklish?” She springs towards Beau, fingers wiggling and a downright evil grin on her face. Caduceus chuckles.
Beau, eyes wide as saucers and looking panicked, holds up her hand. “Wait, wait, no. I’ve got Caleb duty, I’m doing this, I’m busy.” She gestures frantically to her other shoulder, where Caleb’s hand rests.
Jester’s eyes travel up his arm to the glassy-white eyes indicating Caleb is watching them through Frumpkin at the moment. She turns back to Beau. “Alright fi-ne, but I’ll get you later.” She flashes Beau a grin which leaves Beau looking like she's seen a ghost - but with the faintest grin tugging at the corners of her mouth in return.
Jester spins towards the others. “Fjord! What about you?!”
If Beau looked panicked, Fjord looks downright horrified as Jester’s gaze lands on him. “Me? I, ah -“ he coughs and clears his throat, trying to bring his voice back down from where it seems to have leaped up an octave. “I don't have any idea what you’re asking.”
Jester has closed the gap between them with frightening speed. She flashes him that dangerous grin. “Yes you do. Fj-ord, I already know you’re ticklish!” And quick as lightning, her fingers scuttle up his stomach.
Fjord chokes on a gasp and reaches frantically for her hands. “Ah - Jester wait!”
Jester does not wait and Fjord fails to catch her hands, which means she continues wiggling her fingers over his stomach and up towards his ribs. She’s watching his face for any reaction.
It comes. Fjord sucks in a deep breath and clamps his mouth shut, biting down on his cheek.
Jester pouts at this and sets to work even harder. Her fingers poke and prod into the spaces in between his ribs. This has Fjord bending double and turning desperately away from her. Jester grins and flows with him. And Fjord can’t hold back a snort - which turns quickly into hearty chuckles he can’t manage to stop.
Jester laughs in delight and worms her fingers even higher, towards his armpits. Fjord splutters and dissolves into raspy laughter. “Jehehhehhehster ST-hahahahaha-stop ahahahahaha - STOP IT!”
Jester laughs along with him, following as he turns away from her even further. She glances over her shoulder, fingers still wiggling their way beneath Fjord’s armor. “Cad! Come help me!”
Caduceus is watching this with a slight frown spreading across his face. “Hmmm. Hold on a minute. Maybe you’d better give him a break.”
Jester catches something in his tone and turns around to face him. Her fingers on Fjord’s sides slow but don’t still entirely. She gives Caduceus a slight frown and he raises an eyebrow at her and nods towards Fjord. Jester turns back to look at her victim. Fjord is twisted as far away from her as he can possibly be, bent double trying to hide his face, tense as a board, and laughing through gritted teeth - clearly trying to stifle his laughter with little success. Behind the laughter he looks distinctly unhappy.
Jester’s frown deepens and she pulls her hands away. Fjord jerks away from her the moment he's free, turning so his back is to her. Jester blinks and drops her hands to her sides. “Fjord?”
Fjord is biting the inside of his cheek as hard as he possibly can to stop his chuckles. He coughs to clear the last of them away before growling over his shoulder. “Give me a minute. Go find someone else to torture.”
Jester's face falls. She turns to give Caduceus a sad look. He gives her a worried frown in return.
Fjord coughs a few more times for good measure. He can feel every eye upon him. He can also feel the heat rising up his neck. Ugh.
With a shake of his head, Fjord straightens up and turns to briefly face the group. His face is composed. “Come on. Let’s go.” His accent is firmly back in place and he stalks off down the tunnel, leading the way.
Fjord can hear muttering behind him as he walks away but he pointedly ignores it and walks on. Then - footsteps. And there’s Beauregard walking next to him, staring. Fjord glances over at her and she raises her eyebrows. Fjord clears his throat and gives a shake of his head, looking away quickly. Beau doesn’t say anything, but Fjord can feel her gaze locked on him.
Caleb, feeling Beau start walking again, drops back into his body. He blinks a few times to clear his eyes and looks around at the others with a frown. The energy has shifted so dramatically in such a short period of time. Caleb catches Beau's eye and raises his eyebrows at her. She gives him a shrug in return. Caleb frowns but stays quiet.
Jester stares after the others with a dejected look. She turns to Caduceus, who has collected his staff from where it was tossed aside. He gives her a sympathetic look, and slowly the two follow after the group, trailing behind alongside a confused-looked Yasha and Nott.
And so the group presses on in tense silence.
It's several weeks before Fjord brings it up again. They’ve been busy, thankfully, and he hasn’t had time to let it occupy his mind. And mercifully, Jester and Caduceus have always left him out of their now-becoming-frequent tickle fights and ambushes on unsuspecting members of the Nein. The fact that Fjord makes a quick exit - or at least looks away awkwardly - whenever such events take place probably helps.
But he still can’t help but notice things.
It's not until the group is settled into their rooms at the next inn that Fjord says anything. The quiet night allows him far too much time to think, and he finds himself looking over at Caleb - who is definitely not asleep, Fjord can tell that much from his unsteady breathing.
He takes a deep breath and rolls over to lie on his back, staring up at the ceiling. A cough to break the silence, then - “Caleb? Can I ask you something?”
Darkvision allows Fjord to see Caleb visibly jump at the sound of his voice. He turns his head to face his roommate. “Ja, of course.”
“Do you like being tickled?”
There’s a spluttering sound from the other bed and Fjord sits up, alarmed - just in time to catch sight of the wizard in the middle of choking on his own spit. Caleb sits up too, coughing. He’s careful not to look at Fjord. “Ah. I’m sorry. I was not expecting that, is all.”
Fjord nods. Caleb coughs again and brushes an arm across his mouth before sliding back down into his bed. Even in the dark Fjord can see his face is a good two shades darker than before. This does not discourage him from continuing to press.
“I only ask because I’ve seen Jester get you several times now and you’ve never told her to stop or to knock it off, so-“
“Have you tried telling Jester to knock it off?”
Fjord chuckles. “Fair.”
Caleb gives him a hint of a smile, then turns away as it fades and sighs. “I….ah….” He trails off into silence without finishing the sentence.
Silence hangs between them for a long moment. Both staring at up the ceiling without a word. Finally Fjord breaks it. “I don't care, by the way. But can you tell me why? What about it do you like? It’s torture. How can you like it?”
This is met with a slightly strangled sound, then silence. Fjord shifts in his bed to look over at Caleb. The wizard is staring, wide-eyed, up at the ceiling.
Fjord sits up again, looking worried and regretting everything. He shouldn’t have brought this up. “Forget I said anything. We don't have to talk about it.”
Caleb does not respond, just continues staring at the ceiling. Fjord watches him worriedly for a moment, then slowly slides down into his bed. He can feel his own heart racing as he stares up at the ceiling himself. What was he thinking? Of course Caleb doesn't want to talk about it, neither would he if someone brought it up like this - in fact isn't that what Jester did when she grabbed him and reminded him what tickling felt like in the first place? And didn’t he react just as badly? Why would he think this would go any differently? Caleb didn't deserve this. How stupid and insensitive of him for dragging him into it.
With a swoosh, Caleb throws his blanket back and leaps out of bed. Fjord jumps. He pushes himself up. “Caleb?”
No response. Caleb swiftly crosses the room, pushes open the door, and steps out into the hall.
Fjord throws his own blanket back, his feet hitting the floor. “Caleb!”
Not even a glance in his direction. Fjord hurries out of the room. Blinking as his eyes adjust to the light in the hall, he sees Caleb knocking on the door next to theirs.
There’s a creak and the door opens. A sleepy-looking Caduceus stands in the doorway, blinking blearily at them. He takes in the sight of a frenzied-looking Caleb standing in front of him and a confused and scattered Fjord a few steps behind. His face shifts into a soft smile, and he pushes the door open and steps back to let them in. Caleb steps inside and Fjord, not seeing any reason not to, follows.
Caduceus shuts the door and follows behind them, rubbing his eyes. Across the room on the other bed, Yasha is sitting up and looking worried.
Caleb is standing in the middle of the room. He’s fidgeting with his coat and staring at the floor. “I am sorry to wake you both up, I don’t mean to be a bother…”
Caduceus just waves a hand. “Nah. Never a bother.” He waves towards the ground, gesturing for them to sit, before turning away to start making tea.
Yasha is already getting out of bed. “You’re not a bother, Caleb. Do you want some privacy?” She’s sheathing her swords and looking ready to leave.
Caleb shakes his head. “Nein. No. Stay, please.” He drops to the floor, sitting propped against Caduceus’ empty bed.
Fjord, for his part, stands in the middle of the room with his arms crossed. Caduceus turns around, carrying cups of tea. He hands one to Fjord before lowering himself down to the floor, sitting cross-legged and leaning against Yasha’s bed, gesturing for Fjord to join him.
Fjord reluctantly sits down across from him. Yasha has joined Caleb, the four of them forming a little circle in the middle of the bedroom.
Caduceus hands out tea. “So.”
Caleb takes his with both hands. “Danke.” He takes a deep breath. “Ah, I came here because Fjord was asking me about, ah…ti-“ He cuts off abruptly and looks down into his cup.
Caduceus takes a sip of his tea, waiting patiently. Caleb stutters and then trails off again, face growing darker.
Yasha is wearing a confused frown. “About what?”
Caleb takes a deep breath and tries again. “About ti…about kitzlen.”
This time both Yasha and Caduceus look confused. “What?”
Caleb takes a long drink of tea. Fjord sighs, rubs a hand over his face, and speaks up. “I was asking him about tickling. It’s really not a big deal, I shouldn’t have brought it up, let’s all just go to bed and not worry about it-“
He’s cut off by Caduceus’ sudden clarity. “Ahhh.” His expression has cleared into another soft smile.
Yasha’s face clears too and she leans back against the bed again. “Oh.”
Caleb looks surprisingly relieved, despite his face being about five shades redder than usual. He nods. “Ja. That. He asked me about ti…ah, that, and I would like to talk about it, but I…ah…I needed a mediator.”
“I don’t know what that is,” Caduceus says. “I can listen to the two of you talk if that’s what you want, though.” He takes another sip of tea.
Caleb nods. "That is exactly what I would like, thank you Caduceus.”
Caduceus gives him a smile. It's too full of knowing for Caleb’s liking and he looks away quickly. Caduceus’ smile widens.
Caleb takes a deep breath before heaving it back out in a sigh. He’s still staring down into his cup. “I - I do like kitzlen - ah, tick..tickling…Fjord.” He glances up at Fjord - who is staring at him in something like disbelief - before immediately going back to looking at his cup. “It’s a nice, ah, break. Like being inside Frumpkin. Or when I Polymorph. It’s nice to not have every single thought racing through my head. You know?”
Fjord nods slowly. He does know about racing thoughts. Beside him, Yasha is nodding too.
Caleb seems emboldened by this and presses on. He takes another deep breath. “I…like being stupid, sometimes. I am not, most times. Most times I cannot be. So it's nice to be able to sometimes, with people I can be stupid around. I can be stupid around you all and I am very grateful for it. And t…ah, tickling…it lets me do that. And also laugh. I have not laughed very much in my life, but I have never laughed more than I have with you all. And it feels…good.” His eyes dart up for a half-second, just long enough to see the group’s reactions.
Yasha and Caduceus are smiling softly at him. Fjord is staring right through him and looks distinctly uncomfortable, as if he just swallowed another orb.
Caleb takes a long drink of his tea. It helps. When he lowers his cup his face feels less flushed. He glances over at Fjord. “Does that answer your question, Fjord?”
Fjord blinks at him blankly for a moment, before giving his head a shake and sitting up quickly, clearing his throat. “Yes - yes, it does, Caleb. Thank you for sharing that.”
Caduceus gives Caleb a proud smile. “I’m proud of you for talking about that. You did great.” Caleb gives an awkward shrug and looks away, taking another sip of tea.
Caduceus turns to Fjord. “What about you Fjord? Why did you want to talk about tickling?
Fjord sucks in a deep breath and opens his mouth to respond. “Well, I…I…ah…”
Caduceus interrupts his stuttering. “Should Jester be here for this?”
This snaps Fjord out of it. He blinks and looks up at Caduceus. “Jester? Why should Jester be here?”
Caduceus gives a slight shrug. “It might be good for both of you. She was pretty upset after the last tickling incident.”
Fjord heaves a huge sigh and slumps against the bed frame he’s leaning on. He stares down into his cup. “Alright. Yes, she should be here too.”
“I’ll get her.” Everyone turns to see Yasha unfolding herself from the floor and making her way over to the wall dividing their room from Beauregard and Jester’s. She knocks softly. There’s a muffled sound from the other side - words that Fjord can’t quite make out - and then Yasha says, in her soft voice, “Can you two come over here? We’re having a discussion.”
There’s another muffled response and then a few seconds later, a knock at the door. Caduceus, who stood up to refill the tea, opens the door to let in Jester and Beauregard.
Beau rushes into the room, eyes darting around and looking ready for a fight. “Is everyone okay?! What’s going on?!” Jester follows her, looking concerned and just as ready for whatever they might face.
Caduceus holds out cups of tea towards both of them. Beau looks down at the cup, confused. Caduceus pushes it closer and she takes it on instinct, looking back up at him and then around at the others with a frown. “What’s going on?”
Caduceus hands Jester her cup and goes back to his spot next to the bed, lowering himself back down into a cross-legged seat on the floor. Yasha looks over to Beau. “I said we were having a discussion.”
“I thought that might be a code word for ‘we’re being held hostage, come help us!’” Beau carries her tea over and drops down in between Yasha and Caleb.
“Nah, we’re just talking,” Caduceus says, holding out a hand to beckon Jester over. She smiles and plops down next to him, taking a sip of her tea.
“What kind of conversation is this?” Beau asks before taking a sip of her tea.
“Yeah, are you talking about who you want to kiss or what?” Jester pipes up, waggling her eyebrows.
Caduceus sets his tea cup on the floor next to him and looks over at them. “Fjord was talking about tickling.”
Jester’s face lights up immediately and she spins towards Fjord. “Tickling?! Fjord, you were talking about tickling?! Oh, I’m so glad you called us over here, Yasha! Tickling is my fav-or-ite.” She smiles at Yasha, who returns it with a soft smile of her own.
Fjord’s face feels hot again and he busies himself with looking down into his tea once again so as to not have to look at Jester. Out of the corner of his eye he still manages to catch her face fall when she sees his discomfort. He feels something in his chest start to ache.
“So, where were we?” Caleb asks, setting his own cup down too. “I shared the depths of my soul, I believe it was your turn now.” He looks over at Fjord expectantly.
Fjord sighs into his tea cup before taking a breath and steeling himself. He swallows his feelings and looks up, expression - he hopes - settled back into one of confidence. “Right. Well. I was just asking what everyone thought about…well, tickling.” He raises his eyebrows as he looks around at the little group, doing his absolute best to look resolute and interested.
Jester gives him that bright smile again, although there's something sad deep in her eyes that Fjord wishes he hadn’t seen. “I loooooove tickling! It’s so much fun! Like, tickle fights - they're the best thing ever.” Her tail is wagging ever so slightly, tapping against the ground. Fjord can't help the smile that twitches onto his face.
“I don’t have strong feelings about it either way,” Beau says, across from him. Fjord turns to look at her and gives a nod. Caduceus turns as well and studies her for a moment, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. Beau catches his eye and flushes bright red. She turns back to her tea quickly. The faintest of smiles spreads across Caduceus’ face.
Caduceus turns back to Fjord. “I like tickling. It’s fun. I’ve always had fun with it with my siblings and sometimes my parents too - we got my dad one time, that was great.” He grins at the memory, an infectious look that the others find the corners of their lips twitching to match.
Fjord turns to Yasha. “What about you, Yasha? What do you think?”
Yasha has been looking lost in thought, gazing down at the ground. She looks up and says, softly, "It reminds me of Molly.”
Fjord blinks in surprise before looking down at the ground himself. He nods, and his voice drops to a whisper as he says, “It reminds me of Molly too.”
Yasha gives him a soft smile, which Fjord looks up just in time to catch. “It’s just, it’s everything that he was, you know? He was…Molly was…he was so carefree and he loved to have fun, and he loved to make people laugh - oh, he loved to make people laugh.” She smiles brighter, fond, eyes drifting up to the ceiling as the memory comes back.
Fjord nods. “And he was so touchy. He was always looking for a hug or trying to get closer.”
Yasha looks back at him. “Oh yes, oh yes, he loved to be hugged and held and cuddle. He loved touch. And he - he felt like a warm hug. You know?”
Fjord nods rapidly. His eyes have become wet with tears. “He did. He really did.”
Yasha sniffs and reaches up to wipe away a tear of her own. “That's why tickling reminds me of him. It’s all those things wrapped up in one - all that touchy-feely, carefree, fun that feels like a warm hug. And that's what he was too. He was all of those things in one.”
Fjord can feel the tears startling to trail out of his eyes. He looks down, furiously trying to blink them back. “He liked it, too.”
“Tickling? Oh yes, he loved it.” A wet smile spreads across Yasha’s face again as she wipes away more tears that are steadily streaking down her face. “He loved both sides of it. He would tickle me to pieces so, so often - and he loved it when I’d get him back.” She looks back up at Fjord with that shaky, soft smile. “Some of my absolutely favorite memories are of those times."
Fjord nods and wipes a hand roughly across his face. “He got me a few times. I wish I’d let him do it more often."
“He got all of us, I think,” comes Caleb's voice from across the circle. Fjord and Yasha turn to face him and see him wiping away his own tears. A shaky smile perseveres on his face anyway. “He really loved it.”
Beau, next to him, takes a shaky breath and nods. “He got me too, the jerk.” She rubs away the tears that are trailing down her already wet face, past the fond smile she can’t manage to hold back.
Jester sniffles and says, softly, “We had so many tickle fights. It was so much fun.” She pauses, staring off into the space, remembering. Her eyes well up with tears. “I miss him.” Her voice cracks as she says it. Caduceus puts an arm around her and she snuggles closer to him.
Beau is wiping her fists over her face. She sniffs. “We should have a tickle fight in honor of him. He would’ve liked that.”
Caduceus looks over at Fjord. “How are you holding up, Fjord?”
Fjord takes a deep breath and lets it out in a sigh, wiping away more tears. “I miss him too, Jester.” Jester gives him a watery smile. Fjord coughs and takes another deep breath. “I…I’ve been tickled before. When I was a kid. I was picked on, and I was quite often the victim of tickle, well…torture from the other kids. They were stronger than me so they could pin me down and I couldn't get away. I couldn’t get them to stop so I just had to take it. I hated it. It made me feel powerless and weak. But I could never quite manage to stop being ticklish. I hated that, I hated being so ticklish.” He looks around at the others with a tinge of hesitation. They're watching him - eyes soft and still glistening with tears.
Fjord sucks in another breath and goes on. “But with Molly….I don’t know. It always felt different when Molly would try to tickle me. It felt…warm, like Yasha said.” He trails off, looking up at the ceiling for a moment, and then sighs. “I regret fighting him off so much. He meant well by it.”
“It was his way of showing love,” Yasha says softly. She wipes away more tears and a shaky smile spreads across her face as she looks at Fjord and then around at the group. “He loved you. He loved all of us. So much.”
Caleb, Beau, Jester and Fjord all reach up to wipe away more tears that threaten to spill over. Caduceus finds his own eyes damp too.
Fjord nods and heaves a sigh. He turns towards Jester. “And I…I’m sorry for fighting you off, too, Jester. It’s always felt warm from you too.”
Jester gives him a smile. “Aww, I’m glad it does! I don’t ever, ever, ever want it to be mean, Fjord, I like tickling and I think it’s fun and I want it to be fun for whoever I’m tickling too. I just want to make them laugh.” She glances over at Caleb, who gives her a smile.
Fjord gives her a faint smile of his own. With another sigh, he turns to look around the group. They’re all still sniffling and wiping away tears that slowly slip out. But they’re also all smiling.
“I can see how much of a loving thing it is for all of you. It’s not mean. And I…I’d love to be part of that. But I’m not sure I can handle it. I’m not sure I can let go of that control.”
Caleb is nodding. Yasha and Beau look like they know the feeling he's talking about too. For a moment, as Fjord looks around at all of their faces, he senses for the first time that…he might not be alone in this. He'd never considered that this might not come naturally to the rest of his friends either.
Jester sits up, pushing away from Caduceus. She leans towards Fjord. “What if we tickled you for just, like, a few seconds? Just to see if you like it? Just to try it out?”
Caduceus looks up brightly. “A trial tickle!”
Fjord studies them for a moment. He looks down at his cup. Then he nods and looks up at Jester. “Yes. Let’s do it.” He throws his arms open. “You can have five seconds.”
Jester blinks in surprise. She had not expected that to work. She looks around the little circle. Her friends all wave her forward, grins spreading across their faces. So, a grin working its way onto her own face, she turns back to Fjord and shuffles over until she’s kneeling right in front of him.
Fjord blinks up at her with his best puppy-eyed face. A nervous grin is already threatening to break through.
Jester giggles, still tinged with emotion and a little sadness, and wipes away the last of her tears with the back of her hand. “Fj-ord! This is going to be so much fun.”
Fjord scoots backwards, closer to the bed. “Five seconds, remember? Just five seconds.”
“Of course.” Jester shuffles forward, closing the gap between them. She flashes him another grin - and it reminds him of Molly, she’s really perfected that terrifying look tieflings can have - and slowly lowers her wiggling fingers towards his stomach. Fjord bites down on his lip.
The second Jester's fingers make contact, Fjord feels every muscle in his body contract and tense. He tries to pull away but there's nowhere to go - he's already pressed himself against the bed frame as far as he can go. So instead he squirms to the side and tries to brace himself.
Jester’s fingers scribble over Fjord’s stomach and Fjord clamps his mouth shut to block out the noises threatening to spill out. He flinches away again as her claws pinch at his sides. Yep. This is every bit the torture he expected. The loss of control over his own reactions brings with it a dark cloud of memories, none of them good. He’s vulnerable, weak…small. It’s almost unbearable, and he’s about to open his mouth and yell for Jester to stop…when her fingers shift every so slightly. Up. To begin scratching at his lower ribs.
And all the emotions burst out of Fjord in a sudden bark of laughter he could never hope to hold back. “HA!”
Jester giggles. Fjord tries to bite down on his tongue again but doesn't quite manage it. Now that the dam is broken, laughter bubbles up out of his throat. “Ah-hehehehehehehahahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHO!” And just like that, he’s rolling side to side with laughter, trying to bat away Jester's fingers that are scribbling and scratching over his ribs.
And to his surprise, he finds himself not hating it.
It is kind of fun.
It’s just laughter after all, Fjord realizes. It’s an excuse to be silly and laugh. And it feels every bit as warm as he just described. It feels loving. It feels playful. It feels like every other time Jester tries to drag him into her silliness and make him laugh.
And just like all the other times Jester pulls them into her silly antics, he’s having fun.
Just as quickly as it began, it's over. Jester rocks back onto her heels, grinning down at him - Fjord realizes belatedly that he's somehow wound up on his back on the floor.
His second realization is that he's disappointed that she stopped.
“Sooooo, what did you think?!” Jester asks eagerly, leaning in towards him and still wearing that grin. But Fjord can see something else in her eyes - a glimmer of nervousness. Hesitation. Concern. Worry that maybe, despite her best efforts, he might still have hated it.
Fjord is panting for breath. He returns her grin almost shyly before looking away and muttering, “You don’t have to stop.”
Jester squeals and jumps on top of him, throwing her arms around him in a hug. “AHH Fjord! I’m sooooo glad you liked it!” Fjord jumps before realizing what she’s doing and puts his arms around her in return. Then he feels Jester’s fingers wiggling up his back and he snorts - before they work their way into his armpits and he's laughing again. He buries his face in her shoulder as the giggles take him again. “AHAHAHAHAH no that wasn’t fa-hehehehehahaha-air!” Jester giggles right along with him.
The rest of the group is chuckling too, watching this. Caleb turns to Beauregard. “A tickle fight in Molly’s memory, ja?”
Beau gives him a nervous grin and scoots back slightly. A rare playful grin leaps onto Caleb’s face and he grabs her arm before she can get away. The look of shock that flashes onto both their faces when that actually works makes them both burst out laughing. And then Caleb’s other hand is spidering up Beau’s arm and she’s giggling and flailing around for an entirely different reason. Caleb turns and calls over his shoulder, “Yasha! Come help me!” Yasha, grinning, grabs onto to Beau and holds her in place - allowing Caleb to bring the other hand into action on her sides and leaving Beau cackling with laughter.
Caduceus is grinning from ear to ear as he watches this tickly battle take place. There’s Jester attacking Fjord and making him laugh harder than Caduceus has ever seen. It’s a good look on him. Fjord is starting to try and return the favor, Caduceus can see. Unsuccessfully so far - Jester is one step ahead of him and making him slam his arms back down against his sides by going for his armpits every time - but Caduceus is confident he’ll power through and have a counter attack coordinated soon enough.
A few feet away from that, Caleb and Yasha are wrecking Beau - who has already managed to slip one arm out and latch it onto to Caleb’s ribs, leaving him bent over with laughter even as he continues scribbling his own fingers across her stomach. It’s hard to say which of the three are laughing the hardest - Yasha isn’t even being tickled, but she's laughing as if she is. Caduceus smiles.
A sudden warm breeze blows through the room, and Caduceus looks up, smiling, as he closes his eyes and leans into the Wild Mother’s embrace. He feels another swirling breeze and opens his eyes gently, sensing another presence - and jumps as he finds a mostly-translucent, lavender-colored, ghostly figure standing next to him.
Another warm breeze blows immediately. And Caduceus suddenly realizes he recognizes this figure - from stories, drawings, illusions. He’s seen those horns before, heard about those tattoos, seen that spade-tipped tail. A whisper comes through on the wind, a warm smile from the Wild Mother accompanying it - Mollymauk.
The figure gives Caduceus a smile. Then, before he can react, it’s diving forward into the tickly fray. Caduceus watches as the spectral purple tiefling darts over to Fjord and Jester and squeezes Fjord’s side a few times, before immediately spidering ghostly fingers up Jester's back. To Caduceus’ surprise, they both jump and squeal at the sudden touch. He blinks. They shouldn’t be able to feel that. But…somehow they can?
The specter dashes across the room and grabs Beau’s foot, scribbling claws across the bottom and leaving Beau shrieking with laughter in a whole new way - while its tail wiggles underneath Caleb’s arms, making him choke on a squeal and dissolve quickly into giggles. Wearing a bright grin, the ghostly Molly lets the two of them go and throws itself into Yasha’s lap, claws wiggling against her stomach. Yasha yelps and bends double, giggles spilling out.
The specter turns to look at Caduceus - grinning brightly from its place in Yasha’s lap, fingers now working their way up across her ribs. It sees him watching and pulls one hand away to gesture towards him - a beckoning motion.
Caduceus doesn’t hesitate. With a soft smile, he stands up and goes to help Fjord coordinate his still-unsuccessful counter attack on Jester. Taking a note from the specter, he spiders his fingers up her back. It works for a moment - she squeals and bursts out laughing - “Caduhahahahahaceus! Hahahahaha nohohoho!”
But Fjord is no help in this attack, and Caduceus quickly finds himself pinned underneath Jester as she spins around and lost to laughter before her fingers even find his sides. He doesn’t protest.
Jester has mercy on him after a moment, letting up and turning back to Fjord, who has been laying on his back panting for breath. But instead of attacking him again, she says, “Fjord! C’mere! Look, Caduceus is, like, really ticklish on his ears.” And suddenly her fingers are scratching the back of his ear and Caduceus is giggling again and trying his best to squirm away. Moments later he feels a second set of hands on his other ear - Fjord, the traitor. He yelps and gives up trying to get away in favor of bursting into laughter. Fjord and Jester both start laughing along with him, which somehow only makes him laugh harder. It feels good.
All tickling ceases as everyone jumps and looks, startled, in the direction of the door. Bursting through the doorway is Nott, crossbow loaded and ready to fire. She swivels side to side, aiming the crossbow wildly while she looks for a threat. Yeza peeks out nervously from behind her. Nott looks around and slowly lowers the crossbow at the sight of all her friends staring at her. “What’s going on?! We heard screaming and thought you were under attack!”
Beau, currently on the floor being held in place by Yasha while Caleb looms over her, fingers stilled in place on her stomach, shouts, “We are!”
This snaps the others out of it. Chuckles start spreading around the room again. Nott looks confused.
Jester beams over at Nott and Yeza, fingers still on Caduceus’ ears, who is taking the blessed opportunity to catch his breath. “We’re having a tickle fight! Come on, come join!”
Nott stares at them all for a moment. She looks unimpressed and gives a shake of her head. “I'm not ticklish.”
A set of fingers from behind her suddenly squeeze just below her arms and Nott yelps. The others, watching, giggle. Nott spins around and comes face to face with a grinning Yeza.
“What was that about not being ticklish?” Yeza asks. Nott’s face flushes and she looks away. Yeza reaches out to grab her - and misses, as she's gone in a flash. She peeks out from behind Fjord, doing her best to stifle the grin that's working it's way onto her face. Yeza laughs and leaps forward, fingers wiggling. Nott yelps again and ducks behind Fjord.
Fjord is laughing. So is Caleb, as he ditches Beau to jump forward and try to catch Nott. Nott dodges him easily but looks like she's trying not to laugh - and seconds later gives in, joining Caleb and everyone else in laughter.
Just like that, the battle is back on. It’s Beau who manages to grab Nott first and holds her still as Yeza demonstrates her most ticklish spots for the rest of the group to exploit. Nott is howling with laughter, but eventually manages to coordinate herself enough to get out, “He's ticklish too! Get the back of his knees!” It's unclear whether she's talking about Yeza or Caleb so the others split their attention between both - and find that knees are a bad spot for both, leaving them both rolling with laughter.
This back-and-forth, all-out, giggly battle goes on for another minute. Caduceus, every time he opens his eyes, seeing the lavender specter laughing right along with them as it dodges in and out of the fray. It makes him smile.
The group freezes again. This time they all look alarmed as they look up towards the door.
A voice comes through. “Can you quiet down please?! It's almost midnight - we’re getting complaints!”
There's a pause. Then Fjord - suddenly composed and voice smooth, if slightly out of breath - calls out, “Yes, yes of course! Our apologies! We’ll quiet down.”
The group waits with bated breath. There’s a huff on the other side of the door and then footsteps walking away.
One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. The group glances around at one other, make eye contact…
And collapse with laughter.
Fjord falls over onto Jester's shoulder, who’s rapidly making her way towards the floor and landing on top of Caduceus. Caleb is losing it, leaning fully onto Beauregard, who’s collapsed onto Jester. Nott and Yeza are leaning against each other and Yasha. All laughing too hard to speak.
“Oh my gods, we’re the worst!” Beau practically yells. This is followed by a chorus of shushing, which only makes them all laugh even harder.
Eventually the laughter trails off. Caleb wipes tears away from his face and readjusts himself to rest his head against Beau’s stomach. He holds out a hand, beckoning the others over. Jester, seeing what he’s doing, leaps over to cuddle up next to him and Beau. Nott pulls Yeza over and takes his other side, snuggling close. Caleb pulls them both in even closer. Yasha slides over and throws an arm over Jester and Caleb. Fjord lays down next to Beauregard, who looks over at him before grabbing his shoulder and pulling him in closer. Fjord reaches out to grab Caduceus and pulls him along.
Caduceus, as he snuggles in close to Fjord, Beau, and the others, watches as the purple specter worms its way into the cuddle pile too. It - he, Molly - drapes across the top of all of them. Arms threading their way in between to wrap around Yasha and Jester, legs worming their way underneath Fjord and Beau, tail wrapping around Caleb and Nott. He seems to almost melt into the group, in the way only a truly boneless ghost-like specter can. And the others unconsciously respond to him - wrapping their arms around limbs and a tail that aren't really there…and yet, perhaps, are there after all.
No one else seems to see this figure. But that's okay, Caduceus decides. They can all feel him. And isn’t that what really matters, in the end?
Caduceus catches Fjord’s eye and gives him a smile. Fjord returns it. He looks happier than Caduceus thinks he’s ever seen him.
Another, softer breeze blows through the room. Caduceus and Fjord both close their eyes as they feel its embrace. And there, surrounded by the warmth, still lingering smiles, and slowly steadying breathing of their friends, they drift gently to sleep.
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chockfullofsecrets · 2 years
Hi! For the "worst" prompts, 8 & Essek?👀💜
8. What’s your worst ticklish doctor’s exam experience?
Caduceus finds him, eventually. Essek was under no impression that he wouldn't, but - for it to happen this quickly, Caleb must have Sent to him. Unfortunate.
He fakes a cough, throwing a considerably more realistic wince behind it. "You did say that I was always welcome at the Grove."
Caduceus settles beside him, the both of them gazing over a lively patch of roses. "Of course you are."
He blinks, offers a wry smile that rests like a warm hand on Essek's shoulder. "Should probably come say hi first before wandering out here, though, Calliope's been practicing with her sword on anything that moves lately."
"Attacking a sick man," Essek deadpans, and Caduceus' smile splits into a genuine laugh. "The Wildmother would be thrilled, I'm sure."
"Yeah, Caleb said you stood him up because you weren't feeling well. Here, let me take a look."
"I didn't stand him up," Essek repeats, scandalized, "I just - I couldn't-" He cuts himself off. "And besides, I'm told clerical magic is unhelpful for the more common illnesses."
"Tea works on most of the other ones, once we figure out what's wrong with you." Caduceus says, unruffled. "C'mon, lie down, it'll only take a minute."
Essek lies down. There's sweat collecting in the small of his back - is that enough to fake an illness?
He remembers to cough again at the last second, earning a sympathetic hum. Perfect.
"Good. Hold still now."
Essek braces himself, not sure what's about to happen, but even that can't prepare him for the feeling as Caduceus starts massaging gently at the sides of his stomach. "Wait," he yelps, shooting upright.
Caduceus blinks. "Huh?"
Essek sputters. "What - what was that-"
The firbolg shrugs. "First step's making sure all the stuff in there is as squishy as it's supposed to be. I know it tickles, but it'll only take a bit."
Entirely without his permission, his arms wrap around himself protectively at the mere mention of tickles. Caduceus reaches for him again, and he curls up even further. "You're doing this on purpose."
The large, fuzzy hands reaching for him pause, and Essek has to hold himself back from collapsing in on himself in relief. "Why do you think I'd do that?"
Because you can tell I'm not sick, Essek thinks wretchedly. Because the Mighty Nein do the most inconvenient things at every possible turn, and I am terribly unsuited to it, and I think I might be in love with one of them and I don't know what to do about it-
"I don't know," he says instead. "Maybe I'm simply suspicious of potential abuse of power."
Caduceus tilts his head. Essek, sensing an opening, grabs the unraveling thread of the conversation and lets it pull an easy recrimination from his throat. "I do have some familiarity with the matter. It would not be undeserved, I suppose."
He thinks he's won, for a moment.
Then Caduceus laughs again, slow and warm like air rising in a pond, and - Lolth's tits, the thread was a spiderweb all along. "Is it really an abuse of power if I tickle you into telling me what you came all the way here to talk to me about in the first place? Works pretty well on Caleb, and he hasn't complained yet."
His cheeks burn. "You wouldn't!"
He would. Any member of the Nein would, most likely, and Caduceus doesn't even dignify his logic with a response as he tugs Essek backwards by the collar of his robe like an unruly kitten.
And - Luxon help him, he doesn't mind it.
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grayintogreen · 2 years
Can we get each M9's reactions to being groomed by Cree plz 🥰
MOLLY: It’s adorable even if it makes his hair stick up in weird ways!!
CALEB: absolutely into it. It’s like when he just collapsed against Jannik and decided he lived there now.
BEAU: HATE HATE HATE. Has absolutely did the missile snare thing with Cree’s tongue at the risk of getting bitten.
FJORD: Suddenly developed an allergy to tabaxi fur he didn’t previously have.
CADUCEUS: “This is nice.”
JESTER: Ticklish and giggly.
YASHA: Wary at first but ends up finding it very relaxing.
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Dare to be Bold
AN: Wowie this was a lot longer than I intended it to be, at almost 10k words! I loved writing this so much, it was a blast. Thanks for the prompts y’all, you help me feed my critical role fixation. Spent all day reading & tweaking this, so here it is fresh outta the oven!
The Mighty Nein were all intrigued by Essek to say the least. He was mild mannered, composed, quiet, and nice enough... There had to be another side to him, one where he wasn't the perfect image that he portrayed when people were around. He had to relax and let his guard down sometime. He had to act like a real person instead of the stuffy shadowhand charged with keeping tabs on them.
He only ever stopped by on business. Checking up on them, giving them a new task; it was never just to hang out. The longest he'd stay at their house was to teach Caleb new spells, and the fellow wizard was the only one he'd spend quality time with.
There had to be more to him. He has a favorite food, a favorite song, a secret birthmark somewhere, he has his own life separate from work. Or at least that's what Jester was sure of. She really wanted him to be their friend instead of strictly business partners, but he seemed dead set of keeping their relationship distant and professional. He was gathering his things and was about to head out the door when Jester spoke up.
"How come you never stay? I feel like I barely know you," she mused, propping her face in her hands. He let out a warm chuckle.
"And I'd prefer to keep it that way. I'm a busy man, surely you understand," he said with a small smile.
"What's your favorite color?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. His patient smile grew slightly more genuine. "Navy blue."
"What's your favorite season?"
"I don't think I have one, really."
"What's like, the weirdest dream you've ever had?"
"Does she always ask this many questions?" Essek asked with slight amusement.
"Ah, only sometimes," Caleb said, sharing an amused look with Jester. She just beamed up at him.
"Well I want to know some things about him. I'm sorry Essek, but right now your personality is like cardboard." Caleb's jaw dropped in disbelief and embarrassment as Essek dipped his head down to try and hide his amusement.
"What? It's the truth, he always acts so proper and boring, like it's such a chore to come see us," she whined.
"That's because it is his job," Caleb said, fixing her with a look. She merely giggled.
"It's alright Caleb. I'm just, more serious and professional than what you're used to," he said to Jester.
"Hey, I can be serious too ya know," she said, schooling her features into a tough expression. Essek merely nodded, eyebrows raised.
"Oh I'm sure you are. After all, I don't think you all could survive the work you do if you were so foolish all the time," he teased. She scoffed indignantly, but a wide smile was in place.
"Wow, I didn't think you even knew how to tease someone. That was really good," she giggled, holding out her hand for a high five. He looked at her hand, casting a quick glance at Caleb before turning away and opening the door.
"Yes well, thank you. Have a good day."
"Why not stay for dinner? You've never taken us up on the offer and Caduceus is a really good cook."
"I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. But I have another lesson with Caleb tomorrow, I'll see if I can clear my schedule then." She gasped and jumped up from her seat in excitement.
"Oh my gosh, really? Waaait... you're not just saying that to make me shut up, are you?" she asked incredulously. Caleb shot her another look, which she ignored.
"Not at all Miss Lavorre. I am a man of my word," he said.
"Alright, leave him be, you've pestered him long enough," Caleb chastised.
"You just want him all to yourself so he can teach you cool wizard shit," she said pointedly.
"Exactly. Now shoo," he teased, waving her away.
"Bye Essek!" she chirped, rushing forth to wrap him in a hug before he could escape. He let out a startled laugh, hesitantly wrapping his arms around her and giving her back an awkward pat.
"Ah that's right you are rather... affectionate," he said, pausing to find the right word.
"Damn right I am!" She punctuate her words with a playful poke to his side, causing him to stiffen up and suck in a startled breath.
"Right then. S-see you tomorrow," he said, slipping out of her grasp and through the door with little more than a wave. When Caleb turned back around, Jester was staring at him with an excited, shocked expression.
"Uh oh, that's never a good look," he said, meeting her gaze.
"Caleb, did you see what I just saw?" she asked excitedly.
"I'm going to go out on a limb and say no."
"I think Essek might be ticklish!" she exclaimed. Caleb did a double take towards the door, blinking in confusion. He turned back to her, brows furrowed and smirking.
"I'm sorry, you lost me. Just how did you come to this conclusion?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.
"Just now when I poked him, he jerked away and got like, super still. And I heard him gasp like he wanted to laugh but was holding back," she explained. Caleb rubbed his temple.
"Or more likely, he is a man of great importance and high status and is not accustom to weirdos like us touching him all the time, ja? I like my reasoning better." She rolled her eye with a pout.
"Oh come on Caleb, don't be such a buzz kill! Mama always said, everyone's ticklish somewhere, you just gotta try the right spot!" Caleb's eyes went wide and he shook his head.
"Nein Jester, I know what you're thinking. You cannot test this out," he said sternly. Jester deflated.
"But whyyyy?"
"Many reasons why. For starters, he could put in a bad word with the Bright Queen. He is a powerful and well respected man who deserves that respect, and who might retaliate if we upset him. He could kick us out of this new lovely home, or punish us for crossing a boundary-"
"Wow Caleb, could you come up with any more bad scenarios?" she asked in a mocking tone.
"I am merely thinking logically."
"But he stuttered Caleb! When has he ever stuttered?" she asked, desperate to make her point. Caleb cocked his head in thought.
"Never. Okay, so maybe you have a point. But you can't just go after him out of the blue like this," he decided.
"Okay but what if, like, someone he liked tested it out?" she asked innocently.
"Then that excludes all of us, case closed," he said pointedly.
"Well, he seems to like you..." she said sweetly, swaying from side to side. Realization dawned on Caleb's face and he shook his head.
"Oh no. No, I will not be a pawn in this little game of yours."
"Pleeeeaaaase? He'd probably like, break my wrist if I even tried."
"Ja, and I don't want mine to be broken either," he scolded.
"He'd never do that to you though. You two have this growing bond, I can sense these things." Her words caused a blush to spread over his cheeks, lips pressed together.
"N-no, I don't know what you think we do in there but it is strictly work. He's taught me a few spells and we talk about magic. That is the extent of our relationship," he said.
"Wow, you two sound like the most boring people ever," she said, flipping a lock of hair. Caleb scoffed, shoving her lightly.
"I'll have you know it's actually very fascinating."
"Not as fascinating as the fact he might be ticklish!" Jester insisted. Beauregard and Fjord just happened to be walking by and inserted themselves into the conversation.
"Who, Caleb?" Beau teased, scratching along his sides from behind making him squeal and arch his back. He shot her a glare as they all laughed.
"No silly, everyone knows Caleb's ticklish," Jester giggled, causing a noise of protest from said wizard. "I'm talking about Essek!" This piqued both their interests.
"No fuckin' way, Essek's ticklish?" Beauregard asked, excitement and disbelief clear in her voice. She wore a wide, dangerous smile and a mischievous gleam in her eye.
"Weeeell, we don't actually know like, for sure, but he totally squeaked when I poked him! I was just convincing Caleb to try it out tomorrow when he has his next lesson," she chirped.
"Ah, you were not convincing me of doing anything," Caleb denied. The monk sighed, shoulders sagging in disappointment.
"C'mon man, what's the worst that could happen? Just, y'know, take one of your quills and run it over those stupid long ears of his, it's not that hard," she reasoned.
"For starters, he could get very mad at me and never share any spells with me ever again. Or worse, he could use them against me. You seem to have forgotten that he has the potential to be a very dangerous man, a man who we know next to nothing about," Caleb insisted. "Fjord, back me up on this."
Fjord was quietly listening, mulling over the possibilities in his head. "You've got a point, we don't really know what he's about."
"See?" Caleb said, gesturing to Fjord and giving both Jester and Beauregard a smug, "I'm right" look. A look that faded upon hearing the following words from Fjord's mouth.
"Which is why I think it would be interesting if we were to find out," he continued with a smirk. Jester yelled in triumph and gave him a high five that left a satisfying sting.
"I don't think there'd be any harm in finding out," Beau shrugged.
"Well I do."
"Come on Caleb, don't be such a stick in the mud. I dare you to tickle Essek tomorrow," Jester said, grinning so wide her face was practically split in two. Caleb's eyes bugged out of his head, a red blush painting his cheeks.
"Excuse me?"
"I double dog dare you!" she cried, tail wagging mischievously behind her.
"Nein," he shook his head, adamant in his stance.
"I triple dog dare you!"
Caleb was unable to fight off the amused smile on his face. "Still no."
"It's okay Caleb. I don't think any of us actually thought you'd go through with it anyways," Beauregard said in a patronizing tone, patting his back. He reared back to look at her.
"And what the hell does that mean?"
She tilted her head side to side, shoulders hunched slightly. "Eeeehh, nothing. But you're not exactly known for being bold and playful."
"Well fuck you too, I'm plenty bold," he snapped defensively. Fjord was quick to diffuse the situation.
"Uh, what I think Beau means is that you're not one to stir the pot. Unless of course you're provoked," he winked, slinging an arm over his shoulders and giving him a gentle shake.
"And are you trying to provoke me right now?" he asked, arching a brow. Fjord would be lying if he said the anxious twitch of Caleb's fingers didn't awaken his fight or flight instinct.
"Why don't you keep that energy focused on Essek," he advised, stepping away from him nonetheless.
"See Caleb? You're totally a tickle monster when you want to be!" Jester cooed. His blush returned and he adverted his gaze to the ground, but he sported a sly smile.
"I know, you speak from experience," he teased. Jester let out a muffled squeak, wrapping her arms around her belly.
"Shut uuuup! This isn't about me!"
"Honestly, I don't even know why you all care so much. Fine, I will ask him."
Beauregard shook her head, arms crossed over her chest. "Uh uh, he'll just lie. You gotta test it." The smirk she wore was downright wicked, and Caleb was relieved that it wasn't directed at him for once.
"Sheisse. Alright I will. Are you happy now?" he asked, more frustrated and flustered than he was at the beginning of this conversation.
"I'll be satisfied if you actually go through with it."
"What, do you think I'm going to chicken out or something?"
"Uh yeah, that's exactly what I think," Beau said with a wide, teasing grin. "In fact, I bet five gold you won't actually do it," she said smugly.
"I'll second that," Fjord said with a nod, raising two fingers to signal that he was in on the bet as well. Caleb stared between them in shock.
"Are you serious right now?" he asked, mouth slightly agape.
"Dead serious."
"Good, as am I. Tomorrow, you will see that I didn't chicken out and I will be ten gold richer," he said matter of factly.
"We'll see about that," Fjord joined in on the teasing.
"Just wait, at around 3:30 you will most likely hear a lot of laughter come from my room. And if you don't, assume he killed me for even trying," he said, only half joking.
"That's the spirit! Oooh I can't wait!" Jester cried with excitement.
Of course she immediately rushed off to spread the news to the rest of their group, giddy with excitement. Needless to say, everyone was eager to find out what would happen the following day. Tomorrow came soon enough, and when Essek arrived, he immediately picked up on the energy in the house. There was almost a tangible excitement buzzing in the air and he looked around the entryway with a judging eye. It was no surprise that Jester was the first to greet him.
"Helloooo how are you todaaaay?" she asked in her usual quirky drawl.
"I am fine," he hummed, continuing to scan his surroundings. Jester gave a small pout.
"You don't look fine, you look all grumpy," she pointed out.
"Just have a lot on my mind I suppose. Where's Caleb?"
"Right here," Caleb said, walking down the stairs. "Sorry, I was setting things up," he apologized. His hair was a bit disheveled and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the shadowhand. If he seemed more anxious than usual, Essek didn't comment on it.
"No worries. Let's get started then, shall we?" Caleb gave a curt nod, leading him up to his room. "Are we not studying in the tower today?" Essek asked.
"Nein, I am feeling a little lazy today, I'd rather stay in my room," he lied easily. The real reason being that he promised the rest of the mighty nein that he would keep them within earshot to prove he actually followed through.
"Not too lazy to learn I hope," Essek said, unamused.
"I could never be too lazy for that," he replied, a wide grin in place. They reached his door and Caleb held it open for him, allowing Essek to walk in first.
"Hm, your room is just as tidy and drab as I imagined it," he hummed, walking over to the desk. Caleb blushed at the backhanded compliment, fumbling for words.
"W-well we haven't had the chance to get much decor," he reasoned. After that snide little comment, he couldn't wait for 3:30.
"Your friends seemed... excited about something," Essek spoke up as he laid out various scrolls and spell components. He watched carefully as Caleb went a little stiff. "Any particular reason?"
"Not that I'm aware of, but they are an excitable bunch, ja?" Essek looked him up and down with a hum.
"Indeed. Well, we shouldn't waste much time. Let's get to it, shall we?" he asked, pulling a chair next to the bed where all the pages were spread out. Caleb's desk was a little small for what they had planned for today. Caleb himself sat on the bed, propped up with pillows with his legs stretched out.
"You can sit on the bed if you'd like, it's more comfortable than that chair," he invited, figuring this would be easier if he started warming up to him now.
"Uh, thank you but the chair is more than fine." Caleb had to shift the page he was holding to hide his smirk. Before he had arrived, Caleb had cast a simple spell on the chair to make it more uncomfortable the longer you sat in it. He was quite proud of it. That chair wouldn't be "fine" for very long.
"You're looking rather smug. Mind sharing with the class?" Essek asked, cocking his head to the side. Caleb startled at the question. He couldn't get caught this early, money (and his pride) was on the line.
"I am just a little... giddy about today's lesson. A lot of pranking potential in making objects lose their gravity," he mused. It was easier to lie because there was so much truth wrapped in his words. Essek let out a smooth, practiced chuckle and shook his head.
"I didn't picture you as the pranking type," he mused.
"That's because you don't know me," Caleb said, being so bold as to shoot him a wink. Essek blinked in suprise, looking him up and down.
"Hm, I suppose I don't." He went back to the pages of spells in front of them, but before he could continue with his teachings, Caleb spoke up once more.
"I have to be."
"What was that?" Essek asked without looking up.
Caleb continued, "I have to be the pranking type if I am to fit in with the group. I must admit, it is fun. It makes me feel normal again, and less like the man I have become." He now had Essek's full attention, his expression hard to read.
"And who is that man?" he asked, leaning forward. Caleb noticed him shifting in the chair uncomfortably, trying to find a better position.
"I thought I knew, but now I'm not as sure," he said, staring deep into his eyes.
It took a moment for Essek to answer. "You are a powerful man, Mr. Widogast. You're practically dripping with potential, I can see what the Assembly saw in you. But you must be careful who you let shape you. And while this group you've found yourself in is... eccentric, I can tell they have been good for you."
Well this suddenly got personal. A little too personal for Caleb's liking, but his words did offer a comfort. "Thank you, Herr Thelyss," he said with a soft smile. "But please call me Caleb. Mr. Widogast doesn't sound right," he said, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. Essek returned it with a smug smile of his own.
"In that case, just call me Essek. I think we're well past the point of formalities."
You have no idea, Caleb wanted to say, but he was smart enough to keep that to himself. Essek's face scrunched up in discomfort, wiggling in the seat. When that still didn't work, he crossed one leg over the other, then crossed them the other way. With a defeated huff, he pushed the chair away and sat on the edge of the bed. His posture was ramrod straight, his body tense as he sat as far from Caleb as he could.
He rolled his eyes, clearing a larger space and patting the spot next to him. "Sheisse, you act as though I'll burn you if you get too close. I don't bite," he teased. Essek let out a nervous chuckle, conceding by resting his legs on the mattress, stretched out in front of him.
"I'd be concerned if you did," he teased right back.
"Jester will be pleased to know you actually have a sense of humor," he mused as he copied a spell.
"Was that ever up for debate?" he asked incredulously.
"Oh you'd be surprised."
"I'll have you know I can be quite hilarious," he insisted.
"I'll believe it when I see it," he countered smugly. Essek scoffed and bumped their shoulders together, making Caleb's smile grow. Caleb glanced down at his feet, brows furrowing.
"No shoes on the bed please. I know your feet never touch the ground, but still," he requested. Essek complied, easily slipping them off. He set them off to the side with a wave of his hand.
"Of course, it is your room after all." Perhaps this was going to be easier than he thought.
They study for an hour and a half, Essek teaching and explaining a few new spells. 15 minutes left until 3:30... Within their study session, he's been twitchy and restless. His leg shook as he recited the verbal components of one of the spells, Essek's eyes glued to his movements.
"You're quite fidgety for someone claiming to be so lazy," he noted. Caleb immediately forced his leg to still, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
"Ah, just some pent up energy I suppose," he excused. They both jumped out of their skin when a knock rapped against the door.
"Who is it?" Caleb asked, scrambling off the bed the same time the door opened.
"It's just me- oh. Don't you two look cozy," Caduceus said in his usual calm, polite manner. Both wizards were blushing profusely, Caleb in the middle of crawling over Essek's legs in an attempt to go open the door before he came in. It left them in quite the position.
"What do you want Caduceus?" Caleb hissed. He had told all of them to leave them alone! And he had been sure he'd locked his door.
"I come bearing refreshments," he said, holding up a tray with two glasses on top. "It's a new blend of green tea and jasmine, mixed with some fresh lemonade." Caleb sighed, pressing his fingers to his temple and rubbing as he walked over to his friend. He took the glasses from him.
"Thank you Caduceus, but I would appreciate it if you would wait for me to open the door next time, ja?" he asked, annoyance laced in his voice.
"Sorry, I didn't know what I was walking in on," he apologized. Caleb's blush returned as he escorted him out.
"You walked in on nothing! We are just studying, now please leave I have a lot of work to do." Then, quietly he leaned in and whisper-scolded, "Do you know what time it is? Leave me be I need privacy!"
"Again, sorry to interrupt. I just know how much la- er, spell casting works up a thirst. Mhm, sorry, tickle in my throat," he feigned clearing his throat, winking at Caleb as he left. Essek watched with a scrutinizing gaze, studying Caleb a little closer. He seemed more frazzled than earlier, but then again so would anyone if they'd been walked in on in such a manner.
"What was that?" he asked, fixing him with a studious glare and a raised brow.
"Nothing, y-you know how Caduceus is," he brushed off the question not as smoothly as he hoped. When Essek didn't reply, he rambled on, "Always checking up on people." He hesitated before walking back over to his bed. Essek scooted over against the wall so that Caleb wouldn't have to climb over him to get in his previous seat.
"What were the two of you whispering about?" Essek asked once he settled back down. Caleb refused to meet his eyes.
"Nothing. I was just, ah, getting onto him for barging in here like that."
"Is that so?" he questioned further.
"Ya, it is," he insisted, using all the strength he had not to back down. Essek merely hummed, going back to his teachings. He seemed more guarded and weary of him than before.
Caleb knew the moment 3:30 hit. Now or never. He tried to go about it subtly, reaching down to grab his knee as he shifted his position on the bed. Essek jerked away with a startled gasp.
"What do you think you're doing?" he asked, hand clasped tightly around his wrist. Maybe he would break it...
"Um, getting comfy. Sorry, I didn't mean to touch you," he apologized, but couldn't hide the growing smirk.
"Is that why you're smiling like an idiot then?" he asked, his former amusement flown out the window. Caleb blushed, said smile wiped from his face. For good measure, he hid his mouth behind his hand.
Now that he was being all huffy, Essek was really getting on his nerves. He deserved every bit of this, he justified. And so Caleb reached up to scratch along his beard, holding his long feather quill as he did so. Watching from the corner of his eye, he made sure to run it over the shell of Essek's ear, just like Beau said. And it was worth it.
Essek jerked away with a surprised yelp, fixing him with a death glare. Caleb continued to act innocent, scratching his chin. When he "noticed" his harsh look he froze, looking at his hand and the soft feather held between two fingers. He gave a sheepish grin.
"Ah, sorry I didn't realize I was still holding it. I didn't mean to tickle you," he apologized. Essek sputtered, a soft purple blush spreading over his cheeks.
"You did no such thing, so no apology necessary," he lied. Caleb tilted his head to look at him.
"You sure about that? You acted pretty ticklish to me. And trust me, I've been around the Nein long enough to know what that looks like," he teased, but also gave him a chance to revoke his lie.
"Well I am not, and I suggest you keep your hands to yourself," he advised in a harsh tone.
"Okaaay," he said, going back to his work. He grumbled under his breath, "Seemed pretty ticklish though," he said more to himself than anything.
"Well I'm not, so drop it," he demanded. Caleb's eyes widened, not expecting the shadowhand to be so defensive. As if to challenge him, he raised the feather once more and gave his ear another swipe. This time, a short giggle followed.
"Surely you of all people know that lying is a punishable offense," he teased. Essek scrunched his shoulders up high in an attempt to block his horrible touches.
"Nohohot for mehe!" he scolded through giggles, reaching up to snatch Caleb's wrist. He didn't try to struggle or pull away, but rather leaned in closer. The stern anger on Essek's face melted to nervousness as he leaned away.
"Are you saying that you are above the consequences of your actions?" Caleb asked, a growing smirk overtaking his features.
"N-no, no one is-" Caleb cut him off with another flutter of the feather to his ear. An uncharacteristically high pitched giggle escaped him as realization dawned on him. He was trapped. This whole thing was a trap. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had planned this from the beginning," he accused.
"As usual you are right." Before Essek could react, Caleb's hand darted down to his knee and squeezed. Much to his delight and Essek's horror, he snorted very loud. His eyes went wide, both hands covering his mouth in shock. Caleb was grinning ear to ear, letting out a few snickers of his own, the bastard. He went back to squeezing his knee, this time going after both of them. He let out a slightly muffled squeak before falling victim to a fit of loud laughter.
"Stohohop this ahahat once!" he demanded, trying to scamper away on the bed. Caleb grabbed his legs to keep him in place, but allowed him a moment to catch his breath. "Alright, but only for a second."
"Whahat the fuck do you think you're doing?" Essek hissed, reaching to try and pry his grip loose. His grip was surprisingly strong.
"Tickling you, what else?" he asked nonchalantly, as if it was the stupidest question in the world. To make matters worse, he reached under him to scribble the backs of his knees as he asked. Essek snorted again before bursting into melodious laughter, tucking his knees in and managed to roll onto his side. His cheeks were growing a darker shade of purple before he grabbed his shirt's collar and pulled it up to hide his face.
"Oh no you don't. You can't hide from me," he tsked, pulling it back down. He used the opportunity to scratch under his chin, earning a giggly shriek. His chin slammed down to the base of his neck, trapping Caleb's fingers. His nose scrunched up as giggles and snickers continued to pour from his mouth.
"Hehe, you look like you have a double chin right now," he teased, wiggling his trapped fingers. There was a flash of anger for a brief second before utter embarrassment took over. He closed his eyes so he wouldn't have to look at Caleb's dumb, happy, smug face. Okay, maybe he peaked every few seconds.
"Quit ihihit or ehelse you'll rehehegret being bohohorn!" he threatened. He was as intimidating as anyone in that position would be. Caleb knew in the back of his mind that he should heed the warning. That's what the last shred of self preservation he does have tells him. But if he doesn't listen to that part of his brain in a life threatening fight, there's no way he'd listen to it now when he's having this much fun.
"Already way ahead of you," he joked at his own expense, shifting Essek's legs into a headlock. Essek's brows shot up to meet his hairline, frantically shaking his head. "I bet these are rather sensitive seeing as you never bother to use them," he taunted, scratching up his arches.
"Why ahahare you dohohoing thihis? Ihihi thought you wehere mature!" he cried out indignantly. His head was tossed back as hysterical laughter flew from his open mouthed smile.
"I have my pride and 10 gold on the line. You understand," he shrugged, not seeming apologetic at all. Ah, so it was some sort of bet. Blunt nails scratched at his heels and he kicked out as much as he could. "Wow, you're feet are very soft. Did you know that?" Caleb asked, and you could just hear the joy in his voice.
"Yehehes I knohohow! Give thehehem bahack!" he cried out, falling victim to a bout of cackles and shrieks.
"I don't really feel like it," he said, walking his fingers up to the balls of his feet. Essek shook his head, eyes filled with a thrilled kind of terror.
"Don't you dahahare go any farther," he warned, reaching down to shove him away, but Caleb blocked him. Instead of a verbal answer, he started scribbling just underneath his toes. A surprisingly girlish squeal pierced the air and he scrunched his feet in an attempt to lessen the ticklish feeling.
"See, that's what this all started out as: a dare. But now we're both enjoying ourselves," he teased, shooting him a wink as his dexterous fingers wormed their way between each toe. Essek shrieked, cheeks a dark purple.
"I-I ahaham nohohot! Whahatever mahahakes you thihink that?" Essek asked indignantly. Caleb's grin nearly split his face in two.
"For starters, you're laughing way too much to not be at least a little happy," he teased, squeezing both of his knees all of a sudden. He kicked out with a snort.
"Y-you're mahahaking mehehe!" he whined. Caleb shrugged smugly.
"Ja, I am, aren't I hilarious? But we both know you could easily make me stop. I'm not exactly strong," he pointed out, knowing from experience how flustering it was to be called out on your true thoughts on the matter. Essek shook his head, reaching up to cover his ears so he wouldn't have to listen to his teasing. For some reason, he thought Caleb wouldn't be such a tease. How foolish he'd been.
"Ihihif I could concehehentrate you'd behehe dead!" he continued his thinly veiled threats. Caleb actually cooed at him, leaning into his personal space as his fingers spidered up his ribs. Essek shrieked, arms crashing down to press against his sides.
Caleb tsked, shaking his head. "There you go again, trapping my fingers. Almost like you don't want me to stop," he teased with a wink, setting Essek's already profound blush aflame.
"Ihihi most certainly dohoho!" he tried to scold through his hysterics.
"Tell you what, if you can lift your arms so I can get my hands back, I'll stop," Caleb bargained. Essek shook his head as laughter poured from his lips. Caleb's brows shot up in surprise, his grin growing. "No? And why not?"
"Ihihi cahan feel you c-crossed your fihihingers! You're lying!" he spat out. Caleb gave a smug yet sheepish smile, shrugging his shoulder. He uncrossed his fingers, wiggling them in between his ribs earning another shriek of laughter.
"Guilty. Okay okay okay, now lift your arms and I'll stop for real this time," he promised. Essek glared at him through watery eyes, tears of mirth streaming down his cheeks and he wore a bright smile. Essek studied him even through his hysterics judging whether or not he should believe him. Finally, he slowly lifted his arms with a great deal of hesitation. His arms would jerk down a bit as he watched Caleb for any signs of an attack. Caleb only continued to smile the most dazzling smile Essek had seen from the man. Damn him.
Then his eyes flashed with a mixture of mischief and danger and before Essek could get away, he dug his fingers into his willingly exposed hollows.
"You fuhuhucking trahahaitor!" he yelled, immediately curling in a ball, arms pressed to his sides. Caleb laughed along with him, pulling his hands out from under his arms. Their laughter faded into the air, Caleb's much sooner than Essek's.
"Ohoho man, I'm sorry friend but I was having too much fun to stop," he apologized, patting his shoulder.
He greedily sucked in air, reaching out for the iced tea Caduceus had brought and gulped a quarter of it down. He smacked his lips, looking at the glass with a pleased expression, muttering under his breath, "Damn it, that's good." He took another large sip and set it down, flopping onto the mattress in an exhausted motion. He shot a glare at Caleb, "What the hell was that for?"
"Well, like I said; I was dared and then money got involved. But ah, you might've been laughing too hard to hear me," he teased with a wink. Just when his blush began to fade, it returned in full force.
"So... you were planning this from the start," Essek mused from where he laid on the bed.
"Yes, but you should know I was adamantly against it," Caleb said, hoping to smooth things over.
"And yet here you are: luring me here under false pretenses to torture and make a fool out of me. Besides, you clearly weren't very opposed to the idea." He regained his breath rather quickly, and when he turned to look at Caleb, all that mirth was gone. His features were set in a harsh glare and a fire burned in his eyes.
Caleb's own happy expression immediately fell from his face. "No! No that's not what I did at all! I really do appreciate our time together and learning these spells," he assured. "We did not do this to mock or make fun of you. Jester was just curious and got a little carried away-"
"Oh but you are the one who got carried away, if my aching belly is any proof," he sassed, raising to a sitting position. "I warned you multiple times to stop, and yet you ignored my pleas." Caleb looked down at the mattress, feeling guilty.
"I am sorry, but I've never heard you laugh like that before. And it felt nice to, y'know, be the one to make you lose your shit like that," he said, not meeting his gaze. Essek's expression softened for a moment.
"I... agree, that is the most I've laughed in quite some time. But there are other ways you know. Sure it might not be as- unhinged as what you just heard, but you could get a chuckle out of me. And I would think that would be more than enough," he scolded. And just because he could, he smacked Caleb upside the head. It wasn't meant to hurt, but rather to reprimand and startle him. And maybe make him feel a little more guilty than he already was.
"I-I know, I tried to tell them, but then they said I didn't have the guts to test it out. And by then I was more than a little curious myself," he rambled. "I really am sorry if I made you think we were doing this to make fun of you. We respect you. I respect you." He finally managed to look him in the eye. Then the corners of his lips tugged upwards as he looked back at the bed. "And just because the whole house heard you giggling like a school girl doesn't mean we don't."
The gentle expression that had managed to find Essek's face dropped upon hearing the teasing. "Oh Caleb... they were right about you." Said wizard's head snapped up, a confused and startled look on his face.
"What?" he breathed out.
"You really have no self preservation, do you?" he asked, amusement and mock sympathy lacing his voice. Caleb's brows shot up in surprise and he turned to make a run for it, only for his door to lock itself. He winced, standing there in the middle of his room and slowly turned to face Essek.
He'd seen that look before, and it never boded well for whoever it was directed at. It was a look of anger and determination, and it was utterly terrifying. Celeb felt himself shrink under such a gaze as he loomed closer.
"I-I'm sorry Essek, I really am. I-if you never want to teach me magic again, or if you want to take away the spells I just learned, I won't stop you. You have every right to-" Essek held his hand up to stop his ramblings.
"I do not wish for any of those things. But you will not get out of this unscathed." Without warning, or perhaps that was his warning, Essek cast hold person on him, and Caleb's never felt more screwed in his life. His eyes went wide and a nervous grin overtook his features. He cracked his knuckles, taking a step forward.
"Essek, please, I said I'm sorry. T-there's no need for this! I mean, do you really want to stoop to our level?" Essek leaned in, resting his hands on the dips of his sides. Caleb gasped, biting his lip to try and contain any sounds.
He whispered in his ear, "Right now, I'd love nothing more." Caleb was speechless as Essek leaned back to look directly at him. "Oh and just so you know, I won't stop until I feel like it, regardless of begging. After all, that's what you did to me," he said. He looked to the ground, shaking his head with a low chuckle. "Remember, you brought this on yourself."
Caleb whimpered at the teasing remark, trying to resist the spell and break free, but Essek grabbed his still body and plopped him onto the bed. Essek took a moment to position him, lifting his arms above his head without struggle.
"Please, you don't have to do this! I said I'm sorry, I won't do it again," he pleaded as he watched him roll his shirt up to expose his stomach. He yelped, more out of anticipation and nerves than anything.
"Oh but I'm afraid I have to. I must make an example out of you, so your friends will know what will happen to them if they are to be so bold," he spoke in a calm, even manner that sent chills up Caleb's spine. He couldn't even squirm... he'd really dug his own grave. A surprised, breathy giggle slipped out as Essek spidered his fingers over the soft skin. "Besides, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't get some well deserved revenge?" he asked, flashing a genuine smile. Even through his giggles he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing Essek wasn't as mad as he expected. But of course, that didn't mean he wouldn't make him live through hell.
"A-aha, so you ahahadmit we're friends?" Caleb asked, sucking his belly in. His fingers followed easily and began to pick up speed.
"Well, I never outright denied the claim. And if we're apparently comfortable doing this, I guess we are," he said, sounding a little surprised himself. As though the prospect of them actually being friends rather than work companions was entirely new. He shook himself out of the thought, prodding up his sides.
Caleb shrieked, a bought of bright laughter filling the air. His immediate reaction was rather pleasing for Essek to hear. He squeezed his fleshy sides, eliciting a loud snort. Essek's smile widened at the sound.
"You're this ticklish and you decided to test your luck with me? Not your brightest moment," he teased. His fingers prodded and vibrated on his stomach, and if he could, Caleb would've curled into a ball by now.
"Shuhuhut up!" he snapped, cheeks turning red. Essek's jaw dropped in shock, digging his fingers in a little more and picking up the pace. His hysterical giggling turned to deep bellylaughs, and his arms strained to pull down against the spell.
"Have you no manners, or do you just want me to tickle you stupid?" he asked in a huff. Poor Caleb's blush turned a shade darker from the mean taunt. To make matters worse, he couldn't even shake his head. So he had to answer verbally, lest Essek think he actually does want that.
"Nohoho dohohon't!" he squealed, trying with all his might to save himself against the spell. Due to his persistent laughter, it was an epic failure.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't," he said, fingers crawling up his ribs.
"Ihihit tihihihickles!" he squealed, nose scrunched up adorably as he laughed. Essek chuckled along with him.
"I said to give a reason why I should stop, not to keep going," he teased, pinching at his lowest ribs. His laughter spiked and his body twitched, slowly beginning to regain the ability to move. Essek took notice before eyeing the book holsters on Caleb's chest. He traced around them and his giggling turned more nervous and hysteric.
"Nehehein, nein nohohot thehere!" he pleaded. In that moment, Caleb looked happier than Essek had ever seen him. Perhaps he could understand how he had gotten so carried away with his own torture.
"A good spot I presume?" he asked, taking advantage of the last of the spell to unclip the holster and slide it off. Caleb whined in protest, eyes closed and head tilted back. "I'll take that as a yes," he mused, ghosting his hands over the newly exposed spot. Caleb shrieked before loud, carefree laughter flowed from his lips.
Essek scratched between the spaces of his previously (semi) protected ribs, eliciting a very loud snort from the other wizard. It fueled his embarrassment enough for him to break the spell in order to hide his cherry red face behind his hands.
"Show me that happy face, or I might be compelled to cast again," he threatened playfully. Caleb squealed but shook his head, rolling onto his side. He tucked his knees to his chest, forming a tight ball. Essek grabbed his wrists in one hand to pull them away. Caleb tried to fight him off, but his arms were pulled over his head once more.
Essek wore a triumphant smirk as he leaned in, "I know your friends tease you about being weak, but this is ridiculous," he taunted, scratching his exposed hollow. Caleb let out a scream of laughter, writhing underneath him.
"Shuhut uhuhup! Ihihi cahahan't!" he whined, body jolting as he switched to his other armpit. High pitched cackles escaped from his mouth and his legs kicked in the air frantically, as if he were riding a bicycle.
"You can't what? I'm afraid you'll have to be more clear," Essek said, clearly enjoying the reversal of power in this situation.
"Q-quit teheheasing arschloch," he managed to swear through hysterics.
"I may not speak Zemnian, but that certainly sounds a lot like asshole to me. And well, I can't let you get away with calling me that, now can I?" he asked, drilling his thumbs in the center of his underarms.
If Essek giggled like a little school girl, Caleb certainly shrieked like one. The hand returned to cover his mouth, barely muffling the snorts and cackles that followed. Unfortunately for Essek, it also hid that dazzling smile he didn't know he loved so much. Emotions began to swell in his chest; emotions he wasn't quite ready to deal with just yet. He should stop...
But not yet. He did grant him a quick breather as he straddled him, keeping him pinned. Caleb's hair was a wild mess, a few strands stuck to his forehead by a thin layer of sweat. His head flopped back as he panted for breath, letting out a low whine.
"You're being cruel. You're a cruel man, Essek Thelyss," he said in a slightly dazed voice. There was no venom in his words, and his smile remained prominent.
"Then you should keep that in mind the next time you try this," he practically purred. Caleb arched a brow, sweet grin morphing into a playful smirk.
"That insinuates that there will be a next time." Essek floundered for a moment, sputtering for an answer.
"T-there won't," he tried to sound stern.
"If you don't think I'm already planning ahead then you're foolish."
"You do realize I'm not done yet, right?" Essek teased, fluttering up his sides. He squeaked and fell into a stream of giggles, squirming underneath him. His hands crawled their way up to his neck where he cupped his face. Caleb froze, staring deep into his eyes. "You really are a glutton for punishment," he playfully chastised, scratching just behind his ears.
Caleb shrieked, trapped in an endless cycle of snorts and giggles. Essek's gentle hold around his neck made it impossible for him to toss his head around to escape the feeling, and it just heightened the torturously wonderful feeling of hopelessness he was in. If this was the consequences that came with fucking with Essek, then he'd have to mess with the man more often.
"Wow, you just get more ticklish the longer this goes on, don't you?" he asked, as if amazed. Caleb's never felt more flustered.
"T-thahahat's nohohot true!" he denied. Another snort slipped out, followed by shrill giggles.
"No? How about you prove it then," Essek challenged, a hungry, almost predatory look in his eye. His fingers slowed to a stop and he started to lean in. He was leaning in! Caleb licked his lips, closing his eyes as he craned his neck to meet him.
Suddenly, he felt a hand on top of his head, pulling it to the side to expose his neck. His eyes flew open, a sinking feeling in his stomach. "What-"
Essek's lips collided with the taut skin of his neck and he blew a loud raspberry that reverberated through the room. Caleb's reaction was immediate.
Hysterical cackling filled the air around him and he weakly shoved and smacked at Essek's shoulders and chest. "Nehehein thihihis ihisn't fahahair!" he squealed, body quickly turning to jelly.
As an answer, Essek blew another raspberry, renewing the laughing fit Caleb had been lost to. He made a show of pulling away, taking a comically deep breath.
Caleb frantically shook his head, "No no nohohoho! You bahahahastard, stohohop!" he pleaded. Essek repeated the process two more times on the other side of his neck before letting him go.
He curled up in a giggling heap, body still twitching from phantom touches that lingered on his skin.
"And that is what happens if you try to tickle me. Do keep that in mind," Essek said with a wink. Caleb whimpered, grabbing a pillow and shoving it over his face. "Oh don't be like that," Essek teased, poking his soft tummy a few times, wiggling his fingers a bit. Caleb squealed, a few short giggles slipping out as he smacked the offending hands. Essek pulled the pillow away without struggle, revealing a rather embarrassed, but happy, looking Caleb.
"I think your face matches your hair right now," he teased, moving some of the stray locks from his forehead. Caleb adverted his eyes, sitting up.
"Shut up, I can't help it. I embarrass easily," he complained. Essek's smile only grew.
"You're telling me." There was a quiet moment filled with a thick tension that neither of them decided to break. Essek smacked the tops of his thighs, standing up. "Well! I believe I must be going. I had another spell I wanted to teach you, but since you wasted our valuable time-"
"It definitely wasn't a waste," Caleb interrupted, a satisfied smile firmly in place. Essek blinked in surprise, taken aback by the statement. "If you ask me, that was time well spent."
Essek huffed out an amused chuckle, staring at the floor. He tilted his head to look at him, pausing to think of what to say. "Yes well, if you had so much fun, you should look forward to our next session. Where you will practice maintaining concentration while casting," he said the last part with a slight edge to his tone, giving Caleb a stern look. Just in case he didn't get the hint, he wiggled his fingers in his direction for good measure.
His mouth gaped open and closed, at a loss for words. Essek smiled proudly, feeling as though he won that conversation. He was putting his cloak on when he heard something at the door.
"Aww that's so cute- Ow!" came Jester's muffled voice.
"You're being loud!" Beauregard scolded in a loud hush. Essek and Caleb locked eyes. Caleb with a look of "oh shit, I'm fucked" while Essek's flashed with anger.
"You're both being loud, we have to leave," Fjord said next. With a quick wave of his hand, the door opened and in tumbled the three of them, plus Nott. They laid scattered on the floor in a guilty heap, Jester grinning up at him nervously with a tiny wave.
"Wha- how long have you been listening?" he asked incredulously. Beauregard answered hesitantly. "Kinda like, the whole time."
"So since around 3:30," Jestered answered. Essek's head snapped to glare at Caleb.
"You had a time picked out?" he asked in a dark yet patient tone. Caleb merely nodded. "Huh. Consider this part one of my revenge.
"What? But-"
"No buts," he shut him down, taking on the air of his authority.
Nott scrambled free, but Essek reached down and grabbed her by her shirt collar and picked her up.
"And where do you think you're going?" he asked. Nott threw punches in the air, and yelled, "I'm an innocent bystander! They asked me to come along!"
"It's true, she had nothing to do with this," Caleb spoke up, vouching for her. Essek set her down without a word, letting her dash away.
Essek stepped aside, gesturing with a "welcoming" arm to the others. "By all means, do come in." It wasn't a request, it was an order. They crawled in and stood in the middle of the room, all looking some degree of guilty, some more than others. Fjord looked the most genuine. Beauregard was at least trying to act remorseful, but it was clear she thought this was hilarious. Jester seemed to be quite pleased with herself, barely suppressing her smug grin and doing a rather poor job.
Essek closed the door, trapping them in the room. He then began pacing in front of them and spoke. "I can't believe that you all would devise this scheme."
"You can't? Don't you know us by now?" Beau asked.
"I thought I made the boundaries of our relationship quite clear, but apparently such things mean nothing to you," he scolded. Beau shut her mouth, knowing when to shut up while getting chewed out.
"Look, we meant no disrespect. It was just a little misguided curiosity that got out of hand. You have our word, it won't happen again,” Fjord assured.
"It most certainly will not. And if you feel like testing your luck, I dare you to try. I promise you'll end up in worse shape than Caleb," he said, pointing over to him. He lifted his red face from his hands to let out a sound of protest.
"I don't know, I think I can hold out better than him," Jester bragged aloud.
"In that case I'll be sure to go after you next," he said, glaring her down. She squeaked, wrapping her arms around her body. "Then you," he said, pointing at Beauregard, making her pale. "Then you," he continued down the line, ending with Fjord. He poked his chest, making him lean back. They all looked like scared puppies cowering in a corner. Good, he thought. They should be nervous.
"Wait a minute, does this mean you'll actually start hanging out with us?" Jester asked, not bothering to contain her excitement. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Unfortunately yes."
"Hey don't say that like it's the worst thing ever," Beau said, crossing her arms.
"Yeah, you totally had a blast!" Jester exclaimed. Essek reeled back, cheeks blushing a darker purple.
"I-I did not!"
"You did tell Caleb this would happen again," Fjord spoke up, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "Technically twice." He finally succumbed to the teasing smile that fought its way onto his face. "It's okay if you had a lil fun. We won't tell," he assured the shadowhand, shooting him a wink.
"Caleb is like, really fun to tickle, isn't he?" Jester asked, grinning from ear to ear.
"I am not!" Caleb yelped from his spot on the bed.
"No I'm afraid she's right. But I don't know what you three are so smug about. Using poor Caleb as your scape goat and then eaves dropping on my demise: it's cowardly and conniving, but clever." They hung their heads in shame- well, as much as one can have while biting back a smug grin.
"I'm sorry Ms. Beauregard, is something about this funny?" he asked in a dangerous growl. She quickly schooled her features and shook her head.
"N-no," she bluffed, meeting his eyes for a few seconds before breaking down into snickers, nodding her head. "Yeheah I do, but I can't help it! You're all you but then your laugh is super high pitched. It's uh, shocking."
"You would all be wise to sleep with one eye open until further notice," Essek said, glaring them down one by one. Fjord shifted uncomfortably under the scrutiny.
Jester rocked on the balls of her feet, tentatively asking, "You aren't like, actually planning to sneak into our house in the middle of the night just to tickle us, are you?" she asked nervously. She gasped and a hand slapped over her mouth. "Oh no you guys, I think I accidentally gave the Traveler an idea!" she squeaked in shock.
Essek stared at her, blinking in shock. "Um, no but the fact you feel compelled to ask that is a little concerning," he said a little wearily, keeping an eye on all of their hands. He stood at the doorway, ready to leave. He turned to face them and said, "Don't worry about Nott, she'll get what's coming eventually. As will Caduceus."
Fjord's stomach twisted at the prospect of roping their innocent friends into this mess. Mostly because they'd be in search of their own revenge. "Now wait a minute, he didn't have anything to do with this," Fjord defended.
"Oh but he did," he said, holding up the glass of lemonade tea. He took another sip and offered a tight lipped smile. "He knew what was going to happen and didn't even try to tip me off. I consider that being an accessory after the fact."
"Pft, you say that like it's a crime or something," Jester giggled.
"If I wanted to I could classify this as an assault," he scolded. He paused to let his words take effect before continuing. "But seeing as no one got hurt and I'm already planning on taking matters into my own hands, that won't be necessary." He turned to leave when Fjord spoke up.
"Maybe go easier on us than you did Caleb," he said, gesturing to himself and Beauregard. "We didn't play as big a part in this as Jester." She gasped and pinched his sides, making him jerk away with a quick yelp.
"What is wrong with you? You can't throw me to the wolves like that!" she whined.
Essek gave an annoyed grin and hummed, "I don't think you're in the position to be making requests. Goodbye."
"What's the matter, are you not staying for dinner?" Beau asked teasingly. He let out a half amused, half nervous chuckle.
"You're out of your mind if you think I'd stick around after this."
Jester nodded, "Mm that's fair. Oh wait!" He sighed, turning to face her. "What?" he asked exasperatedly.
"You forgot your shoes! Not that you really need them or anything," she teased, rolling her eyes as she held out his shoes. His cheeks flushed slightly and he took them wordlessly, giving them all a side eyed glance. "You have a really nice laugh by the way."
His mouth gaped open before promptly snapping it shut. "Er- thank you." He slipped on his shoes and left, more flustered than he intended to be.
On his way out, Caduceus caught him in the walkway. "Oh hey, how're you feeling after all that?" he asked in his usual warm tone.
"Exhausted and more embarrassed than I ever remember being," he huffed. He placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, giving a comforting pat.
"Heh, I know. But it's good to let those emotions out every once in a while. Like a soul cleanse," he mused.
"Uh, that's not how I see it, but I guess I do feel lighter," he admitted before he could think better of it. "Don't tell anyone I said that," he ordered.
Caduceus held his hands up in surrender. "Not a word." He looked him up and down, as if judging whether or not he was telling the truth.
"Good. Thank you for the tea by the way. Very refreshing." He perked up at the compliment, a wide smile stretching across his face.
"Really? Oh, I'm so glad you liked it," he said with a mix of excitement and relief.
"Yes. I'll be sure to keep your kindness in mind when I go after you," he said absentmindedly.
His smile twitched downwards and his perked up ears dropped. "W-what?"
"As far as I'm concerned, you all have some blame in this."
His gentle smile found its way back on his face and he shook his head. "Nah, I'm an angel." Essek didn't bother to stop the wide grin from forming.
"Maybe compared to the others," he joked. Caduceus chuckled, waving as he walked out the door. "Well I'll look forward to it."
That certainly threw him for a loop. He stopped to look at him, bewilderment and confusion in his eyes. "You do realize that was a threat."
Caduceus just shrugged. "Maybe to you. To me, I just see a new friend finally coming around."
Essek didn't know what to say to that. Instead he just shook his head, chuckling. "You are a strange bunch, that's for sure." He paused before closing the door, looking over his shoulder. "Oh and Caduceus?"
"Tell everyone to watch their back." With a wink and a quick flash of teeth, he shut the door. He left feeling both tired and rejuvenated, floating a little higher than he normally did. Maybe this group of people were his friends after all.
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spritewrites · 3 years
Hc for you, when Caduceus is truly caught off guard by tickling in Just the right spots he just Melts- body goes jelly and needs to be supported if you want him upright- cannot fight back past the giggle stream.
If I got a little carried away with this, it's only because ticklish Caduceus deserves a few extra words. Enjoy, anon!
Most dome evenings, one of the Nein ends up in Jester’s lap. Between the exhaustion of the day, Sending requests, and maybe a quick heal if she’s feeling generous, Jester’s a magnet for a tired, sore, upset party member.
And recently, she’s got a quest.
Even if she doesn’t like healing, she likes taking care of people. Her mama always gave her a good scratch between the horns when she was sleepy, and it was so nice—gradually, she’s passing the favor along, moving through each member (generally in order of amicability to this sort of thing) and trying to make them feel a little better.
If they’re going with amicability, of course she’s starting with Caduceus.
“This is really nice,” he rumbles in his deepest, most calming voice as her nails trail over his scalp. “Thank you, Jester.”
“Of course!” she squeaks, giving the shorn side of his head a quick kiss. His ears perk up in response, which is so cute, so she gives him a little scratch there too.
Caduceus twitches at the touch, a huff of breath stirring Jester’s hair, which. Interesting.
She does it again. Same result.
“Caduceus?” Jester says sweetly, trying to control the frantic writhe of her tail as she bottles up her excitement. “Are you ticklish there?”
Caduceus tips his head back against her chest, big eyes gazing off into the distance as he thinks for a second. “Yeah, a bit, why? Do you—”
Her fingers, quick with mischief, scurry up the broad backs of his ears.
“Oh, Jester, you’re—” Anything else that he wanted to say is lost in giggles. He has the nicest laugh, Jester’s never really noticed before, but now he’s squirming in her lap and letting out these adorable rumbly chuckles that shake his whole body.
Or—well, he’s supposed to be in her lap.
“Get back here,” Jester laughs, chasing with wiggling fingers, but Caduceus has almost entirely flopped off her knees and onto the ground.
She catches an arm to haul him back up, but her nails skate along the inside of his elbow and his laugh rises in pitch, his whole body going limp in her arms—and gods, Jester’s strong, but it’s Caduceus—and eventually she has no choice. She flops down on top of him where he’s landed in a firbolg puddle on the ground, still quivering with giggles.
“You go all melty,” she observes, and Caduceus laughs a little harder at that.
“I guess I do,” he says, tweaking her horn. She grins and cuddles into him. Happiness? Check.
Send me a headcanon and I'll write 300 words!
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tick-fic-nick · 3 years
Tumblr media
"Hehehey! That tickles!"
Pretty proud of this
let me know if this is something that you guys are interested in.
Because if you want i can post more of stuff like this 👍
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sunlitanon · 2 years
The Orphanmaker
“Can you keep your ears still?” Yasha asks, smoothing the short sides of Caduceus’ hair down. She’s already braided the long parts out of the way, but as she considers where to start shaving, his ears keep wiggling. It’s making her nervous. “If I nick you with the razor that would be bad. Caleb isn’t this wiggly.”
“Huh,” Caduceus says, and under Yasha’s hands his ears slope down again, considering. “I’ve never tried.”
They sit still for about three seconds before Caduceus’ ears twitch again; he tries to flatten them back down and loses the battle to that little flick thing they do when he’s annoyed.
Molly’s tail had been like this; always swishing and flicking and swaying, giving away his feelings sometimes on the rare occasion he’d try to hide them, wrapping itself around Yasha’s arm while he pretended he had no control of it at all, Yasha, mind of its own, you know how it is, he couldn’t possibly untangle himself from her.
“You can’t help it,” she answers for him, and skitters her fingers across the back of one ear.
The ear isn’t the only thing that twitches; his shoulders jolt upwards a bit before he freezes them still.
Yasha does it again, because it’s very cute.
Caduceus huffs. “That tickles, Yasha,” he says. There’s an edge in his voice—this imperious, petulant thing that she’s only ever heard him use once, and that was on the littlest of the Clays, back at the oasis.
“Oh, I know,” Yasha says, evenly.
It takes Caduceus a second to process most things. Two, if she pitches her voice just right. That gives Yasha about two seconds to put the razor out of reach and then lock her legs tight around Caduceus’ chest.
“Oh,” he says, and then Yasha starts tickling in earnest and he can’t really say much of anything, just soft, huffy giggles and half-baked complaints.
“Whe—hehehehe—whehere’s the—hehehee—” 
“The razor?” Yasha asks, when it doesn’t look like he’s going to manage the full sentence. “I’m not holding it. You’re safe.”
What a thing, to be able to say and mean it. They’re safe so rarely. For just a moment, Yasha has to swallow against tears, and leans forward to bump her forehead up against him. “I’ve got you,” she says. What a thing to be able to say, and mean it.
“This is nice,” Caduceus says, a little breathlessly. He has the unfortunate luck of reminding Yasha what she was doing.
She gives him a little hug around the shoulders. “Oh, we’re not done,” she says,
“Yasha, Yasha—haha—Yasha!”
“What?” And he’s squirmy, squirmier than Molly was, even, but he’s not very strong, so it doesn’t matter. He could wriggle his way free of Caleb, of Fjord maybe on a good day, but Yasha’s not letting him go anywhere. “Hold still.”
“It tickles!” he gasps out, like he’s being tortured. He doesn’t have horns, but Yasha twists the braid she just made around her wrist twice and that helps.
“Are you sure?” There’s a smile in her voice that Caduceus might be a little too preoccupied at the moment to hear. “You don’t seem ticklish here.”
“Mean,” Caduceus says, and oh, she’s never heard his voice go that high before. That must mean she’s doing something right. “This is mehehehehean!”
“Well, they don’t call me the Orphanmaker for nothing,” Yasha says. Right here, around the bases of his ears, is his worst spot, she’s discovering. Or at least the worst spot along his ears. “How about we find out how mean I can be?”
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
If you’re still taking number requests I’d love 10: “There’s no way I’m telling you.” Between Mercy and Moira! :) Regardless thank you and I hope you’re doing well!
Ficlet Requests are Closed
Here you go, love! Sorry for the long wait.
“You are a pest and a scourge.”
“Oooh, the angel has horns.” Moira seats herself gracefully upon one of the laboratory stools.
“Dr. O’Deorain--”
“Must we be so formal?”
“Moira. I need your help,” Angela grits out, clenching her fists. It clearly pains her to ask.
“Yes, Dr. Ziegler?” Moira purrs, drinking in the way that Angela’s nose wrinkles in irritation.
“Recently, I’ve received complaints that my healing has been...distracting in the field. Something’s wrong with the Caduceus staff.”
“That’s terrible for you. Truly.” Moira inspects her nails.
“If you’re going to steal my technology, the least you can do is help me fix it.” Angela shoves the staff into Moira’s arms. It’s lighter than it looks, with a constant thrum that reminds her of its owner. Never quite still. Powerful beyond measure.
“If I remember correctly, you stole my technology.” Moira stands. Angela rolls her eyes.
“Connect a healing tether.” Angela tightens her ponytail in one strong tug. Moira looks down at the staff, letting it dangle on her fingers uncertainly. It self-corrects its balance.
“Are you sure?”
“I need to know what’s wrong with the staff, and I don’t trust you to tell me correctly. Connect a tether. I’ll figure it out myself.” Angela rucks up the sleeves of her labcoat and crosses her arms, waiting expectantly.
“As you wish.” Her stubbornness is almost amusing. Moira levels the staff at Angela, and with a thought, a golden coil of energy twirls out of the metal and latches onto her. There’s a slight recoil to the staff and Moira takes it in stride.
Angela’s hard expression morphs into confusion, then she hunches over, clinging to one of the lab tables for support. The healing tether flickers momentarily as Moira’s thoughts darken.
“It’s fine!” She looks up with--is that…? Yes, a smile. Her nose--cute, crooked, and dappled with freckles from a recent mission to Havana--scrunches to the heavens. She muffles a squeaky, pathetic sound into the crook of her arm. She looks up again, curling her hands into fists on the tabletop, and she bites her lip.
Moira takes stock. Perhaps the healing effect has been reversed somehow, causing pain instead of regeneration? No...then why would she smile? Maybe instead, the effect is...strange. Hard to describe. A particularly strange sensation could evoke amusement. Hmm, not quite.
What else could possibly bring forth such a radiant smile…?
Oh. Oh my. As if she couldn’t get more sickeningly endearing.
“A little ticklish, are we?” Moira disconnects the tether and grins wide, drifting behind Angela as she tries--and fails--to walk away.
“Focus. We have work to do.” Her cheeks are dusted pink and she can’t quite seem to smother that lingering smile. She grabs something from one of the benches and turns to scoot away, but Moira’s there to box her in.
“How bad is it? I imagine fairly so, if the staff is affecting you.” Moira leans in, eyes tracking her form. Angela’s arms curl around her midriff ever so slightly as she leans back a bit, tucking her chin inward. Interesting, how the body tells on itself.
“There’s no way I’m telling you.” Angela’s tough expression lands somewhere around a pout.
“I’ll just conduct a little experiment, then. Surely you wouldn’t object to a bit of…collaborative research?” Moira tilts Angela’s chin up with her knuckle.
“You…are so…” Angela blushes harder. She regains her bite at the moment that words fail her.
“You love it,” Moira chuckles, fluttering her fingers along the curve of Angela’s throat. She chokes on a high-pitched sound and crumples. Moira’s other hand drops to scratch gently at her stomach.
God, she laughs like sunlight.
Angela scrambles onto one of the lab tables, all of that professionalism lost under the teasing threat of Moira’s claws. No matter. Her knees are still well within reach.
“M-Moira!” Her squeak breaks into a fervent bout of laughter.
“Yes?” Moira crowds closer, not missing the way that Angela’s legs lock around her waist.
“I understand the problem, I think. You’ll have to adjust the cellular interface—“ Moira’s fingers scamper up Angela’s sides— “and it should be less…intense. You’ll heal less per second, of course, but you should be able to tweak it in the field in an emergency.”
Angela’s arms slump over Moira’s shoulders as she laughs, grasping at her labcoat for something to hang onto. Moira’s fingers roam down to Angela’s waist, pressing in slightly at the curve there. Angela folds again, fuller laughter blooming from her in sweet waves. A few half-baked pleas in German float out of her. Moira recognizes her cue to stop.
Moira’s touch turns soothing as her hands linger on Angela’s thighs. They linger close for a second, quiet, closer. Angela’s perfume drifts between them. Just a hair’s breadth away, even. Angela’s eyes flutter closed.
Moira fades in a swirl of shadow, reappearing at the door. She knows better than to get too close--closer, than they already dangerously are.
“Miss me already?” She turns, smirking. Some quiet part of her is glad for it.
She’s met with a wash of golden light and the gentle impact of, oh no, a healing tether. Little sparks of sensation give way to maddeningly gentle flutters over every inch of skin. Against her better intentions, Moira clutches at her torso and sinks onto a stool, legs instinctually rising to protect herself. She muffles her laughter into her knees.
“No experiment is complete without multiple trials. You know that better than anyone.” Angela glides forward, resting the Caduceus staff on the edge of a table. She tilts Moira’s chin up, tender and infuriatingly smug. Angela’s backlit by the industrial lights of the lab, divine even in her more devilish moments.
“I wish you’d smile more.”
Moira turns her focus to muffling herself, eyes wrenching shut. Seeking hands rove up her labcoat, however, and find purchase on her ribs. She barks out a laugh and crumples forward into Angela’s waiting arms, using her shoulder to stifle giggles--gross--floating out of her in waves.
“No matter. We have plenty of time,” Angela hums. “I always wondered what it would take to break a Talon agent, anyhow.” Angela presses a sneaky kiss to the tip of Moira’s pointed nose. Her deft hands skitter under Moira’s arms as she rests her chin on Moira’s shaking shoulder.
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spacetickles · 3 years
The Mighty Nein: Tickle Headcanons
no one asked for this but I liked making the TAZ headcanons so much I did it anyway. 
the mighty nein from most ticklish to least ticklish
A ticklish baby, he thought he grew out of it in the years since his academy days, but alas. He is ticklish everywhere, it cannot be helped. His worst worst spot (not a hot take at all) is the tops of his ribs, he cannot handle it. He’s definitely the number one victim of tickle attacks out of the nein, they all love getting their wizard to laugh. Caleb is a bit new to tickling, it's been a good long while since he’d known positive touch, but he warms up to it quickly. 
He cannot ler to save his life, lord knows he’s tried, he’s just so bad at it. It’s very very rare he gets the actual confidence to do a good job and it crumbles the minute revenge is even thought of
Second most ticklish of the nein, and who’s surprised? It has to be a wizard thing. His worst spot is probably his hips or his legs, though his feet are definitely bad. He thinks tickling is so undignified, he says he’d rather fight a dragon solo, but the nein can see right through his lies. He not so secretly loves it. 
His ears twitch if you tickle anywhere near them and it’s adorable.
He is a better ler than Caleb but only marginally. Mostly because he’s so damn easy to overpower, just flops right over and takes it.
He says he’s not ticklish but he’s also really bad at keeping the fact that he’s stupid ticklish a secret. His stomach and sides are 100% a weak spot, and is actually one of his favorites too. He didn’t really even know he was ticklish until he met Jester and the nein. 
This man can Tease, his ticking skills need some work, but he more than makes up for it with the teasing, it’s inescapable and no one is immune, NO ONE. 
Ticklish and loves it, he is a little slut for tickles and we love him for it. His back, tail and hips are definitely the worst. He says his hips are, but it’s only because he can’t handle his back and tail being tickled, he just becomes a pile of purple goo. 
The biggest ler next to jester, his tail is a weapon and he knows it. It's surprisingly effective as a tickle tool, just pointed enough, but not sharp, it feels similar to a pen or a chopstick. Even without his tail, he is killer, he knows everyone’s spots by heart and he could rival Fjord at teasing, and when he teams up with Jester, with the traveler as their witness no one goes untickled.
In comparison to some of her teammates she’s not all that ticklish, pretty much right in the middle. Her thighs and her stomach are the worst spots, though her tail is also pretty ticklish. She is very very comfortable with tickling, she has absolutely no shame, I am HERE for the “all tieflings are knismos” agenda, and Jester was raised by her mumma, who is equally shameless about tickling. She simply cannot be flustered by it, the only one to have succeeded in getting her flustered is Fjord. 
The undefeated tickle queen of the nein. Any tickle fight she wants to win, she will win. She loves tickling others as much as she loves being tickled, and frankly Adores how squirmy non-tieflings are on the topic. She could just talk about it for hours, but everyone but Molly always gets so red, she thinks it's funny. 
She will eat you alive, don't touch her. She's only ticklish in a few spots, her sides being the number one spot. But for the first little while she did not let the nein even close to tickling her. But once Jester gave her some puppy dog eyes she couldn't say no anymore. Don't let that fool you she absolutely loves it, she just isn't used to it, and was way too attached to looking tough. 
A wicked ler, she will absolutely use her monk shit, and paralyze her lee. She's really rough, and it can be unpleasant, but fjord, caduceus and yasha have been working to get her to be a little softer. 
Mr zen cow man I loooovve you. He's not very ticklish, but his ears and neck can really get him giggling. His hands are surprisingly sensitive too. He’s used to his siblings knowing exactly how to get him to scream, so he’s not exactly threatened by the nein, he just lets them go for it, hes ticklish enough to satiate their curiosity without finding any of his bad spots, but he can also just pick up the ler and turn the tables just that easy. 
He's a really soft ler, and specializes in sleepy cuddly tickles. Plus he is so big and fluffy that he can just give his lee butterflies with, like, no effort. Up until when caduceus tried tickling him, no one knew essek could purr. 
She's not very ticklish, but if she's tired and off her guard, her stomach can get her giggling a little. It makes her a little sad she isn't as ticklish as some of the others, but she's more than willing to make up for that by being the ler. 
Another soft ler, she doesnt know her own strength, so she's extra careful with tickling. It's almost unbearable how soft she is, unlike caduceus, her soft tickling is the kind that lights every nerve up with lighting, and goodness she teases, though she isn't particularly smooth it’s all so endearing mixed with the unbearably soft tickling, she is one of the best lers in the nein, up there with Molly and Jester. 
Veth is not ticklish at all, and she lords this over the rest of the nein by being the biggest shit. She's little and hard to catch and she uses this to her advantage, anyone with a tickle spot from hips down is in danger of random attacks, and spots higher than that are susceptible to mage hand attacks. And the best(worst) part is that no one can get her back, since she is not ticklish in the slightest. (unless you are Yeza, in which case he knows her one secret spot and has been sworn to secrecy on it)
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poesparakeet-fics · 3 years
Read it here or on AO3!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast, Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast, The Mighty Nein & Caleb Widogast Characters: Caleb Widogast, Essek Thelyss, Beauregard Lionett, Jester Lavorre, Caduceus Clay Additional Tags: Shadogast - Freeform, dunamancy, Empire Siblings - Freeform, Prank Wars, Tickling, rib tickling Summary:
What happens to a ticklish wizard when he manages to piss off too many of the people who love him? Allies are made and lessons are learned.
“Caleb Widogast!” Caleb jumped as he walked into the kitchen of the Xorhaus, unsure of what he could have possibly done to upset anyone this early in the morning. He was even more surprised when he saw who. “Essek?” Caleb stammered, taken aback. The drow was perched on a large kitchen chair with a cup of Caduceus’ tea in his hands and a pinched look on his face. “Schatze, I’m sorry, were we to meet? I hope you weren’t waiting long, I--” “No.” Essek corrected him sharply. “I am here to have tea with Mr. Clay at his request, to discuss the situation in Savalierwood. But he just told me that he healed some pretty distinct injuries for you, yesterday?” Caleb felt a guilty cringe fold his stomach in half. He sighed, looking at Caduceus. “So that just came up, ja?” “Yeah,” Caduceus responded, “thought it might be why you slept in.” “Ja, I had a bit of a fall--” “A fall? From where?” Essek’s gaze was intense. Caleb dropped his eyes to the floor. “Oh just, you know, clumsy--” “Really? You clumsily practiced dunamantic phasing on your own and fell through the floor?” “I think it was three floors, actually…” Caduceus mused quietly. The cringe came to the surface and showed, unbidden on Caleb’s face. “Essek, I--” “I have never limited you. It was the one thing I asked.” “I know, I--” “Caleb.” He froze when Essek cut him off, meeting the elf’s gaze once more. Essek stared him down hard before continuing. “I had… better masters than you had, when I was a young wizard. Infinitely gentler, certainly. But they would have whipped me for practicing phasing magic by myself. Truly. You could have cut yourself in half, dismembered yourself, crushed yourself, suffocated in a wall--” Essek seemed to cut himself off with a wave of his hand. “The point… the point is it would cause me a great heartbreak if irresponsible use of the magic I taught you led to your demise. Please promise me again, and keep it this time.” Caleb ducked his head, feeling like a rightfully scolded school child. “I will, ja. I am sorry.” Essek gave him a look that said he didn't entirely believe him. “I do trust you. I do not trust your curiosity. It’s only a virtue if it doesn’t get you killed.” Caleb laughed softly, nodding as he sat down at the table with them and accepted a teacup from the still-silent Caduceus. He winked at Essek. “I think I could say the same to you, but fair enough. If I do it again, I’ll let you whip me.” Essek smiled back, but the doubt didn’t leave his expression. ... “CALEB!” Beau’s voice thundered from upstairs, and Caduceus almost dropped the knife he was using to prepare vegetables for dinner. He spun around to see the wizard in question with his hands in his component pouch, running as fast as he could through the kitchen and out the back door. Beau’s quick steps followed, but by the time she was in the kitchen they could both hear the familiar woosh of a misty step from outside. She stopped stock-still in the kitchen, hands clenched into fists, looking… different than Caduceus had ever seen her. What was it? “Uh… hey. Did you get some new clothes.?” Beau turned to him silently, eyes burning holes in his head. It was pretty scary, actually. “Oh! Uh… is that what this is about?” Beau’s clothes were bright magenta where they had once been her usual cobalt blue. She was still staring at Caduceus with her fists clenched. Veth and Fjord were creeping wearily into the kitchen behind her. “I think it looks nice--!” Veth offered, only to choke off in a scared squeak when Beau rounded to face her. Beau reached out to yank Fjord’s hat off his head and put it on. “Hey!’ Fjord protested, before clamping one hand over his mouth to hide a smile. “Oh. I see.” As it perched on Beau’s head, the hat instantly turned the same bright magenta of her robes. When she handed it back it returned to its usual color. The whole room was biting lips to keep an amused smile off their face, lest they become the new target for her fury. Beau took a deep breath before bellowing again. “CALEB!” She spoke into the air, her voice loud enough to hear throughout the house. “I KNOW THAT SPELL DOESN’T GO FAR. I KNOW YOU’RE HERE, AND I AM GOING TO FUCKING GET YOU, DO YOU HEAR ME? I AM GOING TO DO DOPE MONK SHIT TO YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM, TIE YOU UP AND FEED YOU TO A ROOM FULL OF TIEFLINGS. You will FUCKING SUFFER! THINK OF A NEW NAME, CAUSE CALEB WIDOGAST IS A FUCKING DEAD MAN! ” At the end of her tirade Beau took a deep breath and started to walk upstairs again, but not before spinning around and jabbing a finger at everyone in the kitchen. “ANYONE caught harboring the wizard will share his fucking fate!” … "...CALEB WIDOGAST IS A FUCKING DEAD MAN! ” Caleb was sitting cross-legged on the floor of his hiding place in Fjord’s empty bedroom when Beau finished her threats, but by the time she was climbing the stairs again he had disappeared with a crackling pop. When the disorienting suck of the teleport spell faded he was standing on a clay path in a dimly-lit garden next to a trio of small towers made of iridescent grey brick. An arcane weather-vane creaked in the darkness. He started toward the door. “Caleb?” A head of pale curls popped up over the top of a bush of dark purple flowers, a frown of concern on the face beneath. “Essek, hello. Ah… may I spend the night?” Essek walked toward him as he pulled floral gardening gloves off of his hands, eyes narrowed wearily. “Of course, I am always happy to have you...” He reached Caleb and placed a distracted kiss on his cheek. “... did something happen at home?” “Yes.” Caleb answered, only to stutter as Essek’s worry grew, “Oh, ah, nothing bad. Well, nothing very bad. I just need to avoid Beauregard for a bit.” Essek’s worry immediately evaporated to be replaced with amused annoyance. “I see. What did you do this time?” They both started to stroll through the garden toward Essek’s back door. “Oh, just some illusion work. It will go away by morning. She deserves it, after stealing my spellbook while I was sleeping.” “Mhmm.” Essek hummed, linking his arm with Caleb’s. “But wasn’t her stealing your spellbook revenge for…” “The magic spiders, ja, but I had to do that! She--” “--the disappearing ink, yes, I remember. Are you sensing a pattern here, chathtiu?” Caleb sniffed and turned his nose up. “I have no idea what you mean.” Essek’s smile turned indulgent as he pulled Caleb into his home. “I’m sure you don’t. Beauregard does have a way of pushing your buttons, hm?” “She is the expert.” “I should ask her for advice, one of these days.” Caleb only laughed, pulling the smaller man into his arms. “You have your own way of pushing my buttons, don’t you schatz?” Essek smiled back. “You’re right, of course. I do.” ... Caleb stalked through the library of the Xorhause, circling it room by room. While his books were sitting on the desk he’d been working at the night before, their holsters were missing. He shifted the papers on his desk, panic rising in his chest. Where were they? “Caleb?” Jester was standing in the doorway, his holsters dangling from one finger. Caleb let out a sigh of relief. “Jester! Danke! Where were they?” “Sorry, I think Sprinkle must have stolen them.” Caleb shook his head, the tension in his chest easing. “That’s alright. I’m just glad they are found.” He reached out for them, stopping short when another figure entered the room. It was Beau, her clothes now back to their normal deep blue. Their eyes met for a moment, but the monk just breezed past as though she didn’t even notice Caleb was there. It had been a week since the incident with her clothes with no revenge or further threats, and Caleb was starting to wonder if he’d finally won the war. He shrugged his holsters on as the two women sat down on the sofa. He missed Jester’s giggle until it was too late. “Hey Caleb?” Beau asked. “Uh, ja?” Caleb cringed a little, turning around. Beau’s look was positively predatory. “Fuck you.” Caleb was about to respond when the sensation of fingers digging into his ribs flushed all the air out of him in one squeal. He spun around clumsily, hands flapping, but nobody was near him. He craned his neck to look down, his arms helplessly hugging his own ribcage while his knees buckled. That’s when he realized where the sensation was coming from. “Wh-what? No, I-- ah! Please!” His fingers fumbled with the buckle of his holsters to try and escape the traitorous leather trap, but the buckle was trapped under a magical seal of iridescent purple wax with the image of a skeleton key pressed into its surface. “Fuck!” Beaureguard was grinning like a gnoll. “What’s that buddy? Fuck you?” “Aah!” Caleb’s whole body convulsed and hit the carpet as the tickling escalated, even more invisible fingers reaching out from the leather to stroke delicate bones under pale skin and plain cloth. “No no! Please!” “Can I try?” Jester asked, giggling. “Nein!” “Sure, go for it.” “Fuck yooooou Caleb!” Caleb couldn’t answer her with words, he could only wail wordlessly. He writhed on the ground, trying desperately to resist the currently useless instinct to lock his arms at his sides so he could try and pull the holsters off over his head, but it was no use. All he could do was paw uselessly at the leather before Beureguard hissed the trigger word again and all he could see was stars. “Uh… everything alright in here?” Fjord’s voice came from the direction of the door. Caleb couldn’t see him over the sofa. “Fjord!” Caleb screeched. “Plea-hee-se! Evil!” It was all he could get out before his voice cracked and his laughter turned silent, his head thrown back against the carpet. “Huh?” Beau answered in an exaggeratedly casual tone. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Just getting a little payback for my pink phase. Stole his holsters and Essek cursed ‘em.” A wave of betrayal strong enough to overpower his ticklishness gave Caleb just enough breath to shout “WHAT?!” before the laughter overtook him again, tears building in his eyes. “I helped with the ruse!” Jester piped up. “Uh-huh.” Fjord nodded, “can he breathe?” “Hmm? Oh, I guess we can check. Good boy, Caleb.” The sensation stopped all at once, and Caleb rolled flat on his back to gulp in air. “See? He’s fine.” Caleb sat up, hands held out in supplication even as he struggled to catch his breath. “Beau, please, I’m s-” “Fuck you and your apology.” Any strength Caleb had recovered melted away as he squealed and flopped back down on the carpet, limbs curling uselessly against his body. The tickling fingers coming from the inner panels of his holsters might as well have been sucking his very life-force out. Fjord lets out a sigh. “If you’re going to torture him for a prank, you at least have to let him apologise. Good boy?” Caleb didn’t get up this time, too scared to trigger someone’s wrath or sense of mischief. He was still giggling, partially from phantom sensation and partially from the panicky tension of knowing that any of them could trigger the curse at any moment. “I’m sorry! Bitte!” There was a beat of silence before Beau turned to Fjord again. “There, I let him apologise. Can we go back to the torture now?” “Wait!” Caleb squeaked, rising unsteadily to his knees. “Please Beau, we can talk about this--” “Oh, you wanna talk now? Cause when it happened you were happy to teleport away to your fucking boyfriend’s. So… you know,” she finished with a grin, “fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU.” “Nein!” Was all Caleb could manage before his laughter stole his voice away, only to crack and go silent once more a moment later. Tears leaked from his eyes to roll into the fluffy carpet beneath him as he crumpled. “Oh, he’s so cute when he cries, I love it!” Jester clapped her hands while she watched from the sofa. “This is the best curse ever.” Fjord made an agreeable sound. “I wonder if Essek could make something more remote? Then we could tickle him wherever we are. That would be fun.” Caleb couldn’t respond to the idea with anything more than pained wail through his hysterics. The others pretended not to notice. “Yeah, I do worry that he goes without when we’re gone.” Jester cooed. “Pfft. Yeah, I don’t think Essek is letting that happen.” Beau snorted. Caleb started to beat at the floor with one hand, hiccups punctuating his laughter. “Aw, alright. Good boy.” The sensation stopped again, but Caleb couldn’t stop his laughter. “Please, pleaheese, *hic* bitte--” “Focus on catching your breath.” Fjord suggested, “It’ll do you more good than begging will.” Caleb let out an exhausted little sob before obeying, his lungs working overtime to suck in air. He wiped the tears from his eyes and tried to make the hiccups go away with little success. When his breathing finally evened out Fjord gave him a reassuring smile. “See, that’s better.” Fjord soothed. Beau’s grin got wider. “Hey, Caleb?” “No!” “Fffffffffff…” “Mercy!” “...uuuuck you!” “Aaii!” Caleb let out a little yelp at the sound of the words, then… nothing. He’d clenched his eyes shut in anticipation, and when he slowly opened them Beau was glaring at him. “Hey! How come it didn’t work?” Caleb let out a huge sigh of relief. The curse must have expended all of its energy. “Is it done?” Jester questioned. Caleb was wondering the same thing. He tried to examine the buckle of his holsters as subtly as possible. The seal was still there, which meant whatever the curse was, it was not over. He needed to get out of earshot as quickly as he could. “I thought it was supposed to last longer than that. Can you message Essek?” “Sure!” Caleb started to cast for misty step as subtly as he could, hoping he was close enough to his lab to lock himself inside. “Hi Essek, it’s Jester! So, your awesome curse thingy is SO great, but like, but it ran out of tickles? Do you know why?” Whoosh. Caleb hit the stone floor of his lab with an oof, dragging himself to his feet and transmuting the door of the lab into stone for good measure. As he groaned he saw that the room looked quite different compared to how he had left it the night before. The large chalkboard he used for calculations had been moved into the centre of the room. In one corner someone had drawn a symbol-- a skeleton key, like the one on the seal trapping him in his holsters. Next to it someone had written in familiar, looping script: I will not practice phasing unsupervised. X100 Caleb whipped out the enchanted little book he and Essek used to send messages between them, only to find a new one waiting for him. You have 30 minutes. Caleb was glad nobody was there to watch him gape like a fish between the chalkboard and the book. Essek couldn’t be serious. He frowned and grabbed up a quill. You are a traitorous snake! There was only a single silent moment before the page shimmered and revealed another message under Caleb’s. Noted. Now you only have 25 minutes. Caleb took a moment to say every curse word in every language he knew. Then he stood up, snatched the chalk and started writing.
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thebest-medicine · 9 months
Tickletober 2023 Masterpost (#augtickletober)
[read my tickletober 2023 fics on ao3]
edit: I'm still gonna finish this baby even though it's Not October
edit 2: same sentiment even though its Not 2023 Anymore
30 down, 1 to go...
(underlined/linked means already posted, strikethrough means wip or not written, otherwise she's in m' queue)
[tumblr fics linked below the cut]
Day 1: Anticipation - CR / Mighty Nein / Beau, Yasha, lee!Caleb
Day 2: Accidental - CR / Mighty Nein / Mollymauk, lee!Essek
Day 3: Cuddles - CR / Mighty Nein / The Mighty Nein + lee!Caleb
Day 4: Weak Spot - CR / Mighty Nein / lee!Caleb, lee!Jester, lee!Mollymauk, the rest of the Nein are also there
Day 5: "I'm Not Ticklish" - OFMD / lee!Ed, lee!Stede
Day 6: Chase - CR / Mighty Nein / Calliope, lee!Caduceus
Day 7: Flustered - RELIC / Smash & Grab / Dalton, lee!Simon
Day 8: Truth - CR / Mighty Nein / Yasha, Jester + the Nein, lee!Caleb
Day 9: Lie - CR / Mighty Nein / Mollymauk, Beau, the Nein, lee!Caleb
Day 10: Ghost - CR / Mighty Nein / Caleb, lee!Fjord, lee!Jester, lee!Beau, basically all the Nein in the background
Day 11: Squeal - The Owl House / Willow, Gus, lee!Hunter
Day 12: Bites/Nibbles - CR / Mighty Nein / Yasha, Beau, lee!Caleb
Day 13: Sneak Attack - The Owl House / Willow, lee!Hunter, lee!Gus
Day 14: Soft - CR / Mighty Nein / Caleb, lee!Molly
Day 15: Tickle Fight - CR / Mighty Nein / Jester, lee!Beau, lee!Molly
Day 16: Unusual Spot - CR / Mighty Nein / Caleb, lee!Essek
Day 17: Interrogation - CR / Mighty Nein / lee!Caleb, Beau
Day 18: Magic - The Owl House / Luz, Eda
Day 19: Arms Up - CR / Mighty Nein / Caleb, lee!Mollymauk
Day 20: Relentless - CR / Mighty Nein / Caleb, lee!Mollymauk, Jester
Day 21: New Discovery - OFMD / lee!Ed, lee!Stede
Day 22: Ticklish Kiss - CR / Mighty Nein / lee!Essek, Molly, Caleb
Day 23: Incoherent - CR / Mighty Nein / lee!Fjord, lee!Jester
Day 24: Pinned - My Hero Academia / lee!Bakugo, lee!Midoriya, Class 1A
Day 25: Gang Tickles - CR / Vox Machina / lee!Vax, Keyleth, Vex, VM
Day 26: Counting - CR / Mighty Nein / Jester, lee!Caleb
Day 27: Hysterical - CR / Mighty Nein / Caleb, lee!Mollymauk
Day 28: Massage - CR / Vox Machina / lee!Vex, lee!Percy
Day 29: Wake Up - CR / Mighty Nein / Beau, Yasha, lee!Caleb
Day 30: Caught - RELIC / Sink or Swim / Dalton, Royal, Jackson, lee!Baja
Day 31: Aftercare - CR / Mighty Nein / Beau, Yasha, lee!Caleb
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thelavendersquid · 9 months
Weak Spots
Tickletober Day 4
Essek denies having any weak spots. It doesn't take long to determine that is a lie.
Fandom: Critical Role (The Mighty Nein)
Words: 1.5K
AO3 Link
“So,” Fjord begins, once the little group is settled into the comforts of the dome somewhere deep inside Aeor. Essek is left pondering their comfort in such tight quarters. It’s stressing him out.
Fjord goes on. “We’re probably going to be fighting Lucien in the next day or two and I think we need to get prepared. I know our plans usually go to shit at the last minute but we should at least try. Let’s start with what we’ve got - strengths, weaknesses, put it all out there. I don’t want him to find anything he can use against us that we aren’t prepared for.”
Essek starts to zone out, tuning out the rest of this conversation. They’ll have to forgive him - he really doesn’t need to listen to a list of weaknesses and potential solutions. He’s already accepted his fate. He leans back against one side of the dome, staring off into space and letting his mind drift to the dunamis the group discovered earlier, running through what it could possibly mean.
He’s snapped back to the present when the conversation suddenly shifts to him. “Essek? What about you?”
Essek blinks quickly and pushes himself up a bit straighter, turning to look at the others. “I'm sorry, what was that?”
“I was just asking if you have any strengths, weaknesses, anything we could use against Lucien or he could exploit against us?” Fjord raises an eyebrow at him.
Essek shakes his head. “No particular strengths you haven’t already seen, I’m afraid.”
“What about weaknesses?”
Essek pulls his cloak around himself like a blanket and shakes his head again. “Only that I am like Caleb, a bit - ah, what did you call it? ‘Squishy’.”
“Wizards,” Fjord agrees with a wry nod. He turns back to the others. Essek leans back against the dome wall again, relieved that the conversation seems to have moved on from him.
Beau pipes up from a few feet away across the dome. “Any specific squishy weak spots? Caleb has several.” She shoots both Essek and Caleb a smirk.
Essek blinks in surprise but shakes his head. “Not in particular.”
It’s at this moment that Essek feels something against his sock. He flinches away sharply with a muffled yelp - and looks down expecting to find an insect crawling on him. Instead he finds Veth, crouched and grinning up at him - and holding one of her feathers mere inches away from his foot.
The energy in the dome shifts in a split second. Essek can feel it and is not comforted by doing so. He doesn’t have to look up to be acutely aware that everyone is grinning at him. The sudden sense of mischief is palatable, and Essek can’t imagine how he’s going to get out of this one.
“What was that, Essek?” Veth asks. She’s still grinning up at him with a downright evil look.
“Nothing,” Essek says quickly. He starts pulling his foot away, going to tuck them both underneath his robe. “I-“
He’s cut off as Veth, with lightning-quick reflexes, grabs his foot before he can successfully hide it and flutters the feather over it again. Essek yelps again - louder this time, causing a flush to leap to his cheeks - and his ears flick as a spasm runs up his leg and throughout his whole body.
Jester squeals and claps her hands in delight. She is suddenly very close, Essek realizes - it is not a comforting realization.
“Es-sek! Are you ticklish?!”
Essek opens his mouth to respond. He doesn’t get a chance before Jester grabs his other foot (how did that happen, he thought he’d pulled that one underneath his cloak already) and spiders her claws against the heel. And Essek yelps his loudest yet and slaps a hand over his mouth to stifle any more noise - as well as the grin that’s forcing its way onto his face. He leans back against the side of the dome, as far away as he can get, squeezing his eyes shut.
Jester laughs at him and it’s almost enough to make him break and let out the giggles that are threatening to spill over. Instead he squeezes his eyes shut even tighter and shakes his head frantically.
Jester giggles at that. “I think you are!” She sets to work scratching against his heel again.
Before he can even begin to adjust to that, Essek feels a second set of fingers grab his other foot - Veth, who has given up on the feather it seems. “You know what this looks like to me?” Veth asks, grinning brightly and holding up his foot. “A weak spot.” She punctuates this with a sudden scribbling across the sole of his foot.
And Essek can’t hold back - he bursts into giggles, muffled against the palm of his hand. His ears are twitching frantically and he shakes his head side to side, kicking his feet in a desperate attempt to break free.
He hears the others start laughing too. His face flushes white-hot.
There’s shuffling and then another set of hands grabs his foot. Beauregard’s voice breaks through Essek’s giggles. “Here, I’ll hold his foot so he can’t get away.” And then, sure enough, he can’t move his foot even an inch - and Jester, with a delighted giggle, sets to work scribbling and scratching and working her way up towards his toes.
Essek’s brain short-circuits. His hand flies away from his face as his body jackknives and he attempts to frantically bat Jester’s hands away. To no avail - and he dissolves into laughter. “NOHOHOHOHO NOHAHAHAHA NOT THERE!” He falls back against the dome again, laughing.
Essek doesn’t notice the others moving in closer, but he does notice when his other foot suddenly becomes just as immobile as the first. His eyes blink open just long enough to see Yasha, smiling at him as she holds fast to his foot, while Veth pokes one finger under his toes and scribbles others over the top of his foot - and why does that tickle so much?! Essek yelps again and attempts to yank his feet free - but Beau and Yasha hold firm and he gets nowhere. Instead he collapses back against the wall, turning to bury his face in his arm and resigning himself to laughter.
Veth’s grin is clear in her voice. “Wow, Essek, you’d better hope Lucien doesn’t find out about this! We would be screwed!” Essek could never hope to respond, laughing himself silly as he is.
There’s a sudden feeling against one of Essek’s ears - which have been twitching frantically as he laughs - and Essek spasms so hard he almost pulls out of Beau and Yasha’s hold. Almost - they quickly grab him again and hold on tighter. Caleb, who is now sitting right next to Essek’s head (Essek realizes he’s slid almost all the way to the floor - that’s unfortunate), runs another finger over the elf’s ear, wiggling it ever-so-gently. Essek cackles.
Caleb laughs and tries it again, and Essek feels as if he’s going to shiver out of his own skin. He shudders, twisting frantically away from Caleb’s evil, evil fingers and slapping at the ground. He's laughing harder than he ever thought possible.
Fjord laughs from somewhere to Essek’s left. “Two weak spots? Man, Thelyss, how do you function?”
“SHHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUHHUHUP!” Essek’s retort carries no malice, he can barely get the words out through his laughter. Fjord laughs along with him.
There’s another shuffling sound and a warm, fuzzy hand flutters against Essek’s other ear. Light above, they’re going to actually kill him. Caduceus’ slightly fuzzy fingers are even more ticklish, if that were possibly. Essek’s laughter kicks up another octave. He spasms again, leaning forward and hands suddenly flailing desperately in attempt to push someone, any of them away - but he can’t coordinate himself enough to even began to manage that. He collapses back into laughter and falls over onto Caleb, burying his face in his shoulder as he shakes apart with laughter.
Caleb smiles and brings a hand up to wrap around Essek’s shoulders and pull him closer. This means, mercifully, that Caleb’s hand is no longer scratching against his ear. Less mercifully, Caleb brings his other hand into play - slipping it underneath Essek’s cloak to wiggle against his ribs. Essek yelps again and slaps a hand against his back involuntarily. He feels more than hears Caleb’s chuckles along with him.
Fjord slides in next to Caleb and joins in, hands sliding underneath Essek’s coat and tickling. Essek feels sure his face is going to split open with how wide he’s beaming and his whole body is sure to explode into a million pieces from laughter.
Nevertheless, it’s nice. He had forgotten what this felt like, the warm feeling of laughing and being held close and tickled apart. Never in a million years would he have thought he’d find himself enjoying it with friends - but here he is. Perhaps he shouldn’t be too surprised, life has certainly handed him stranger surprises in the last few months.
Jester’s fingers are under his toes again. Caduceus is scribbling behind his ear in a way that makes him want to scream. Veth, Fjord and Caleb are methodically taking him apart. Beau and Yasha are joining in the fun, fingers spidering over his feet and legs, squeezing at his knees. They’re all laughing at him. And all Essek can do is laugh and laugh and laugh.
Perhaps having weak spots isn't so bad.
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chockfullofsecrets · 3 years
i keep rewriting portions of ler!Cad fic, so here’s a little snippet of it that i actually like before the end of the weekend lol
He levers himself up from the little nest of his arms, suddenly suspicious. “This does not tickle one bit, by the way. If you were wondering.”
“Okay,” Caduceus says. “Did you want it to?”
He squirms a little more and tries to make himself think of an answer that isn’t yes, please. “No.”
“Then be good and stay still,” Caduceus says, and keeps scratching.
Caleb huffs and sinks back down. “You are very bossy sometimes, you know that?”
He tenses as soon as he says it - there is a reason he keeps these things to himself unless he is talking about Beauregard, who seems to prefer his annoyance to most other things that leave his mouth.
Caduceus just chuckles. “You don’t have any siblings, do you.”
“No,” he says - and then, if only because they have been on his mind of late as he thinks about politics and consequences - “old friends, though, growing up.”
“Shame,” Caduceus hums, hands slipping down to scuff at his sides. “Guess you haven’t ever been in a tickle fight, then.”
There is the familiar, guilty, sting, thinking of the past - but one more thread of thought could hardly make the tangle any worse, could it? Astrid and Wulf had known he was ticklish, of course, they knew everything about one another. At the beginning, when there was still time for such things, he remembers them abusing the knowledge when Ikithon’s clear favoritism rankled a little too much, or, more rarely, to play - it had been much easier, then, to make him smile.
And then Molly, with his infernal grin and equally devilish fingers prodding for every sensitive spot he could find, the teasing - and that night by the fire, just before Hupperdook, the blazing warmth of his arm around Caleb’s shoulders as he jostled him around and assured him that it was perfectly normal to want such affections.
They are kind memories, even with the bitter regret of his own blame in their ending, and - 
Verdammt, his ribs are starting to get sensitive.
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eldritchtickles · 3 years
Widogast’s Wavering Feathers
Right so here is the fic for @chockfullofsecrets that they requested i think like 7 months ago?? At least I know that’s when I started the fic cause holy shit do I write slow as hell. Tho it turned out really well in my opinion and I’m pretty happy with it lmao. Also thanks to @meltedhoneythighs for the onslaught of CR tickle ideas! Ok enough talking enjoy...
Wordcount: 2141
SFW but if tickles aint your thing idk enjoy still I guess lmao
The Xhorhaus was quiet tonight. It  hadn’t been long since its owners had slept here, between whatever intrepid adventures they had all been on. The windows were open, their curtains billowing softly to show the moonlit city of Rosohna outside, its dark streets uninhabited. It took time to become acquainted with the eternal twilight of the Drow city, but it’s sights were nonetheless striking.
Though this peaceful sight is broken by the sudden appearance of a cat, jumping to the windowsill. A Bengal cat, who slowly lowered itself to the room that his owner was currently sitting in.
Frumpkin purred as he brushed up against the coat of Caleb, who gave his familiar a soft smile and scratched his head, earning a happy purr. Before the wizard lay an open book of incantations, his other hand and sleepy eyes gently tracing the arcane words and sigils with soft fingers.
“You are a good cat aren’t you, huh?”, he asked softly, keeping his voice down. He pulled the cat into his lap to continue petting. “Did you see any of our friends out and about?”
Though Caleb couldn’t understand his fae pet in words so much, their magical bond gave him the gist of the message. The rest were fast asleep, which worked perfectly for Caleb’s late night magic experiments. It was nights like these when he developed new spells, such as Widogast’s Vault of Amber. The night air, Frumpkin as his sole companion, no distractions from the usual antics of the Mighty Nein… It was a quiet moment to practice and perfect, a time Caleb cherished when it came about. Though tonight wasn’t as much a practice session, and more… A personal project.
“I think I might just have it, my fluffy friend.”, the redhead said with a slight excited grin that only appeared on his face when he talked about magic. “But first let’s make sure we won’t be disturbed, ja?”
Going toward the door, Caleb shrugged off his jacket and scarf before looking out into the hallway. All doors were closed, just the creaks of beds as his companions shifted in their sleep. From his component pouch, he pulled a thin silver wire and drew it across the hall either side of the door. It shimmered and seemed to leave a trail of silvery light as Caleb cast Alarm, so that any night time wanderers would be caught before they could intrude on him. Once he was sure he wouldn’t be disturbed, Caleb shut the door and skipped the pages of the tome to the spell he had been working on…
“Ja, that should work..”, he muttered. Four globules of light fwoomped from his outstretched palm. Showing the diagrams Caleb was looking at. Those brown eyes widened, lights reflected in them, as a blush rose to his cheeks. His fingers traced the list of components; strip of cloth, line of string… Feathers.
In their last few weeks of travel, Caleb had noticed the others being a bit more physical. Friendly punches were thrown, Jester and Caduceus gave hugs now and then, but one thing Caleb had noticed more than anything. The wiggling fingers, playful grins, the bubbling laughter… They had started some tickle fights. And it looked really fun, though the reclusive wizard would never say so. Caleb remembered the sensation, remembered enjoying it from his parents and Astrid… yet he hadn’t experienced the sensation since escaping from the Volstrucker agents. No, since joining the Volstrucker if he was being honest to himself.
Caleb would never join in with the others of the Nein, instead burying his head in a book. He would love to, but it wasn’t as if he was that close to any of them to ask for it. Veth would understand, she always did. Jester, he was sure, would be more than happy to oblige. But the embarrassment of asking, of being that open? That was what stopped him.
So here Caleb was, readying himself to try create this sensation through arcane means. He let out a small sigh, before putting his hands before him like a conductor would. He picked up the cloth, tied the sting around one end. Then he uttered the arcane words, stroked the feather across the cloth, and then…
Frumpkin let out a cry, before scurrying off Caleb’s lap. The scruffy wizard turned to see his cat on top of the bed, looking apprehensively at something behind his master.
“Frumpkin? Is something the matter?”, he asked, cocking his head. “Did you hear someTHIHING!!”
A sudden half chuckle, half squeak escaped Caleb’s lips, hand going down to brush at his hip where he had felt a sort of tingle. Looking down he saw the cause. A feather, ghostly and ethereal, floating in the air! It wiggled up at Caleb, almost like a greeting. Caleb couldn’t help but laugh again. More out of excitement this time, looking to Frumpkin with that rare ‘magic-is-so-exciting’ smiles.
“We did it!! I knew we could-“
Before he could finish, the feather flew in front of his face. It shook side to side, almost like it was shaking his head. Caleb couldn’t help but smile slightly, it was a cute little thing.
“You really are an animated little one, aren’t you?”, he chuckled. Then the feather started pointing, behind him. Caleb turned his head, before the smile dropped.
Floating there were another four feathers. The first joined them again. Shit, it was only supposed to make one! He had missed something. But that didn’t matter, as all five feathers pointed at him and started wriggling towards him.
“Oh.”, Caleb said, a goofy nervous grin finding its way to his face as he scooted back. “Sheisse.”
All at once the feathers converged on the man who had created them, as the ginger headed magician let out a sharp gasp of surprise. One of these ghostly feathers flew underneath the book holsters pressed against his side, earning a loud but gentle squeak. This reminded Caleb of another part of this spell; it was designed to be felt on bare skin, no matter what was worn. What was the point if some armour blocked their ticklish touch? Already, he regretted this decision.
“N-Nein!! Stohoho- Ah!! Out of thehehere!!”, he giggled out, trying to bat that feather away from his ribs as it nuzzled ticklishly into his poor ribs. This left his other side open, which he soon figured out as one of the feather’s siblings sawed directly under his arm with the stiff, soft bristles of its magical form. “AAAhahaha!! Y-You lihihittle shit!!”
The tickles now began to overwhelm, Caleb feeling this sensation as a fresh one considering his lack of ticklish touch over the years. He fell on to his back as the twin offenders flicked and rubbed along ribs and armpits, prompting bubbly giggles from the usually stoic magic user. These soft giggles were interrupted then by a loud yelp, as another feather joined the fray. He felt as it stroked along his sole, causing a violent kick of his leg. His yelp calmed back to a flurry of giggles as the feather flew up to his face, tapping his nose as if to say ‘stay still’. Then it flew back to his foot, its slow, methodical strokes earning a loud whine from Caleb that dissolved into giggles once more. It wasn’t long after that the fourth joined the fray, sawing beneath his toes which added squeaks to his already excited laughter.
Then, finally, his initial feathery friend returned to his view. It was longer than the rest and glowed brighter, seeming to be the ringleader of the group. It fluttered under his nose, earning a snort and a waving hand, nodding as if happy it had earned his attention. Then it placed itself on his chest, before sloooooowly tracing down his abdomen, approaching a certain spot.
“WAIT!! No, pleheheheeeeaaaase!! Not thehehere, just-”
Both wizard and feathers stopped their antics suddenly, frozen it seemed in place, as another magical source poked into the fray.
“Oh no.”
“Caleb…? Caleb what the fuck are you doing…?”, came a groggy voice from beyond the door. The perpetrator who had broken the Alarm spell. The one person who Caleb knew would never let him live this down.
“Beauregard!”, he shouted, trying to stand before a flurry of feathery movements at his feet kept him lying down, a hand clamping over his mouth. These damned feathers… “I-I’m sorry to have woken you. Please, go back to bed, I’ll be doing so myself soon.”
A groan from behind the door.
“Caleb it’s the middle of the fucking night- …. I think, it’s hard to tell here… But you gotta get some sleep.”, the monk said with a yawn and a stretch, beginning to open the door. Empire Siblings, no knocking from either of them.
“Wait, Beau, don’t-”
But it was too late. The door swung open, and Beau stood frozen for a moment. There was Caleb, propped up on his elbows, face flushed a deep red with hair in a messy bun, askew in his eyes. Surrounding him, the ethereal feathers waved cheerfully to the newcomer.
Beau immediately lost it.
“You-”, she started, overcome with laughter at the sight again. “You were tickling yourself?!”
“L-Look, I know it must seem- NAHAHAAAA!!”
It seemed the feathers had become tired waiting around, as the ringleader hit its mark. Swirling around his navel, before drilling directly into it with its feathered fronds. Caleb was immediately lost in laughter as his death spot was attacked. Only a few seconds later, its brethren joined the fray and resumed their attack on previous spots.
“BEAUREGAHAHAHAHARD!!”, the wizard yelled, trying his absolute best to curl up and bat away his assailants. “HEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHE!!”
“Oh”, Beau began, a grin forming on her face as she approached the giggly man before her. “I’ll help alright! After all, you wanted this right Caleb~?”
Before Caleb’s eyes could fully widen at the realisation, Beau had already grabbed his arms and, after a quick strength contest, pinned his arms above his head and began to scribble her short nails underneath them. The new sort of sensation shot through Caleb like an arc of lightning, his back arching as his laughter reached a higher pitch, a loud snort ripping through the room. The displaced feathers moved down, both attacking exposed hipbones as his shirt had started to ride up to show his soft stomach with his new stretched out position.
“Daaaaaamn Caleb, you are crazy ticklish huh?”, she tittered, digging into the soft spot just underneath his armpits to earn a squeal. “You must reeeeaaaaally like it if you designed a spell too~! How long you been at this huh? Must have been a real long time… Could’ve worked on a more useful spell if you had just asked one of us to do this you know~.”
Caleb’s mind began to melt with the teasing words of Beau’s gravelly ‘I-just-woke-up’ voice, each word spiking his sensitivity through the roof. The contrast of sensations between languid feathery strokes, quick soft twirling, and digging, scratching nails had the poor man addled, his thoughts going mushy with the onslaught of this sensation he had craved for weeks now.
It was torture. And he was embarrassed to admit, he loved it.
A few minutes of laughter, begging, teasing and tickles later, the ethereal feathers all gave one last flourish before a quick flash of light indicated the end of the spell. Beau grinned down at her friend, blushy with his hair matted to his face, chest heaving for breath, and decided maybe now may be a chance to call it quits.
“Well its only my first time being a spell apprentice, but I think I’m a natural!”, she said, letting go of Caleb’s arms and helping him up to sit with his back against the bed, where she soon joined him with a signature cheeky smirk of hers. “You agree~?”
Caleb couldn’t keep the grin off his face. He let out a breathless laugh, patting her thigh with his hand.
“I think I may just have to agree for once, Beauregard…”, he muttered, eyes closed and content. “Though I suppose the whole house is awoken by now…?”
“Oh, for sure, I mean I saw Fjord pass by the room to get some of those earplugs Caducueus made, I think everyone knows, dude.”
“Well…”, Caleb said, beginning to sit up and look through his scattered spellbook. His hand traced arcane shapes in the air, and he cast a stray eye to Beau with a smirk. “If that’s the case, another test is in order. Ready apprentice Beauregard?”
“I think you’re a bit tired for-”
Then Beau felt the feathery trace along her neck, earning a soft giggle before she suddenly snapped her head towards Caleb.
“Caleb, Caleb no, Caleb you motherfuckehehEHEHEHER!!!!”
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