#ticklish!milo dean
august-anon · 3 years
Tickletober Day 2: Begging
I was supposed to post this yesterday but I got distracted by a video game, oops lol. And I am posting it so late today because I got distracted cleaning and reorganizing my bookshelves. I've been at it for like 4+ hours and I am not even close to being done, I think I need to finish it tomorrow. Pray for me yall dsjkfdsf
Anyways, there is no market for fanfic for this movie but it's my little gremlin writer brain and i choose the channel it's on
also just in case anyone gets weird: they are SIBLINGS this is PLATONIC don't be WEIRD
Fandom: Skeleton Twins (2014)
Ship(s): Gen/Platonic
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Milo, Ler!Maggie
Word Count: 550 words
Summary: Milo should've known better than to aggravate the tickle monster in the family.
[ao3 link]
Milo really should’ve known better than to start something.
He had always been good at being the obnoxious sibling, the annoying sibling, the one begging for attention. It only made sense for him to go after Maggie, she was making it so easy. Except, it had been over ten years since this had last happened. And Milo had long forgotten that he was not the tickle monster in this family.
Now, Milo was pinned to the couch cushions, curled into as tight of a ball as his gangly limbs would allow. One of Maggie’s hands was buried under his arm while the other clawed away at his stomach (he really needed to take up yoga or some shit, his knees were not bending far enough to be the shield he needed them to be) and no matter where Milo squirmed, he couldn’t get away from them.
Maggie had always won the tickle fights when they were kids. She was vicious and had a single-minded determination to make Milo cry with laughter. Milo had tried every tactic in the book, cheating in every way he could, and she would still make him cry uncle long before she gave in. He was cursing himself for ever forgetting that, now.
“Give up, yet?” Maggie asked gleefully, the hand buried under his arm slipping out to squeeze at his knee.
“Maggie!” It was the only response Milo could manage though his laughter and squirming.
He had half a mind to try and tickle her back, again. To see if this was the tickle fight he finally won, if this was the tickle fight, when they were nearly thirty with no stamina and already aching bones, that Milo finally got Maggie Dean to beg for mercy.
Then, the hand Maggie had on his stomach started clawing at one of his hipbones instead, while her other hand started reaching for his feet. Milo shrieked and started kicking frantically, blabbering and blubbering anything that rose to his lips to get her to stop. Tickle fights with his sister could be fun, but there was a point where Milo was just too ticklish to handle it.
“What’ll you give me if I stop?”
“Anything!” Milo cried, trying to shove her hands away from his body. “Anything, Maggie, please!”
Maggie hummed, dragging out his torment. Her hand finally reached his feet, tickling the tops of his socked toes teasingly. It was very much a threat: if Milo didn’t give her something good enough, then he was absolutely going to die in ticklish agony. What an embarrassing way to die, losing a tickle fight to his sister.
“Anything?” She asked, drawing out the word.
“Yes, Maggie! Anything, please!”
“I want that lipstick you’ve been hiding,” she said, not stopping her tickling in the slightest. “The really nice shade of red that you won’t share with me.”
“Deal!” Milo said without hesitation.
His torment lasted for a few more moments before Maggie mercifully pulled back, giving him a firm pat on the leg as comfort while he panted for breath.
“Fucking evil, Magpie,” he muttered.
“Careful,” Maggie replied, “or I’ll go for a round two.”
Milo shot up. “I”ll go get the lipstick,” he said far too loudly before fleeing the room.
Her laugh echoed down the hallway behind him.
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onlysarah235678 · 4 years
A Little Bit Part 19
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: Hello there! This one was a little more fun to write, so I hope you enjoy it.  illuminated-blue’s gif goes really well with this one. ❤️
Warnings: annoying people, mention of death at the end, and wound cleaning.
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You and Billie end up going to that one restaurant you’d visited when you were hopping around town trying to avoid people. You are glad to be going back because Milo had loved it and you were starving. You are seated quickly and both you and Billie laugh as Milo makes a friend from a nearby table. He plays with the lab while you and Billie get comfortable. You smile when she hands you one of the waters that the waiter brought a few minutes ago.
“Here, dear. Drink. Let me know if we need to leave, okay?”
You smile widely at Billie’s thoughtfulness before nodding in agreement. You take a sip of the water before looking around with a sigh of relief. It’s so nice to be out again, and being with Billie and Milo is just icing on the cake. You look back at Billie watching as she eyes you carefully before glancing at the menu. You know what you’re getting, but that doesn’t stop you from looking. Billie doesn’t bother with that yet. She is more concerned about you.
“Are you excited to go back to work?”
This question surprises you, and you look up suddenly before shrugging noncommittally. You are excited to go back to work because sitting around all day isn’t for you. Sure, you like being with Billie and Milo, but you became a vet for a reason. Despite loving Milo like he was your child, you really needed to see other animals too. You smile at the thought and nod in confirmation before taking another sip from the glass in front of you.
“I am! I miss the pets and keeping busy, but I have to admit it has been nice to spend time with you.”
Billie smiles at this before she glances down at the menu in front of her. She’s never been here before, but when you mentioned that you liked it she figured she’d give it a try. It was a little more out in the open than she liked to be, but so far no one was paying them much attention. She found it hard to pay attention to much of anything else when she was around you. She had really enjoyed these past few days having you and Milo stay with her.
“I’ve enjoyed it too, Y/N.”
You smile at this before glancing behind you to check on Milo who is still playing with the other dog. You laugh before shooting Billie a questioning look. You’re only half kidding with what you ask next because part of you is worried that you’ve overstayed your welcome.
“Are you sure you’re not sick of us yet?”
Billie smirks at the thought of growing sick of you and Milo. She had to admit that sometimes Milo could be a little high maintenance, but she enjoyed every moment she spent with the two of you. It seemed so easy with you, and although she knows the current situation isn’t exactly realistic, she can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have you around all the time.
Billie shakes her head about to disagree with you when your waiter comes back with your drinks. You smile excitedly because you haven’t had an actual drink in a while, but you were feeling better today so you decided to go for it. You were also celebrating since it was the end of the week and you had yet to fall down again. You made a note to knock on some wood later before turning to Billie as she orders her dinner. You smile absentmindedly before taking a long sip from your drink. Billie watches with an amused smile as your waiter leaves after taking your orders.
“Feeling better?”
Billie’s teasing smile makes you laugh in embarrassment, but you don’t hesitate to nod before you place your already half empty glass on the table. You turn to bring Milo back towards you since he is kind of in the way, and you smile as he moves quickly to sit next to you, his head already in your lap, sniffing for food. You push him away before offering a verbal response.
“Definitely. I didn’t realize how much I missed it.”
Billie smiles at this before taking a sip of her own drink. She eyes Milo when he comes to stand next to her looking for food. Billie simply pets him before shaking her head. She can’t help but smile when he whines a little before just lying down next to her. You smile at this and you’re too busy looking at Milo to realize that Billie’s shooting you an adoring look.
“Well, you deserve it after the week you’ve had, Y/N.”
You nearly laugh at this but you manage to hold yourself back and just smile instead. You can’t think of anything more relaxing than what you’ve done for the last week. You’ve just been sitting around all day doing nothing but spending time with Billie and your dog. You honestly couldn’t think of anything better.
“The week I’ve had? All I’ve done is sit around and spend time with you and Milo. Not exactly taxing, Billie.”
You watch as she smiles at you before you realize that this isn’t exactly what Billie meant. You don’t bother to change your answer because you still feel like you’ve had a pretty nice time off.
Billie shakes her head before clarifying her meaning. “I was mostly referring to Sunday, but I’m glad you haven’t had a miserable time.”
Billie smiles as you blush slightly before shaking your head at the thought of how much of a ‘miserable time’ you’ve had with Billie. Sure, the first couple of days were a little rough, but your headache hadn’t bothered you in hours and you were glad to be out with Billie again. Not that you didn’t enjoy your time alone with the medium, it was just nice to feel normal again. Not sickly and stuck indoors.
“Not at all. I’ve had a lot of fun.”
Billie smirks at the way you say this and she raises an eyebrow as she watches you get lost in thought. She can imagine what you’re thinking of because her mind quickly goes to certain moments alone with you. Billie doesn’t get to dwell on them long before you’re speaking again. She looks up just in time to see you smile cheekily, and she has to resist the urge to throw something at you. The chips in the middle of the table look like a good option.
“With the kittens of course. They’re my favorite part.”
You have to stop yourself from laughing when you see how Billie’s expression changes to one you recognize immediately. You looked away because now wasn’t the best time to humor those thoughts. Instead, you finish up your drink before you smile apologetically at your girlfriend before reaching out for her. She moves her hand away last minute and you pout before trying again.
“Aw Billie, I was kidding. You know you’re my favorite.”
You smile victoriously when Billie accepts your apology and takes your hand with a sigh. She runs her nails over the back of your hand before you turn it so your palm is facing up. You shiver slightly and have to stifle a laugh as Billie tickles your palm. She smiles at your adorably ticklish nature before releasing your hand to reach for her drink.
“I have to bring them back to you soon, don’t I?”
You are too busy feeding Milo a treat that you’d brought with you to follow Billie’s question. You look back to her with a frown before what she said registered and you nod enthusiastically. The kittens are finally old enough to get their first round of vaccines this week. You have no idea what your schedule looks like, but you will make sure to find time for them when you can.
You and Billie talk a little about her cats before your food arrives. You can’t help how excited you look, and Billie doesn’t even try to hold back a laugh at your childlike glee. She knows how you feel about food, but she supposes that it’s food and just the fact that you’re out again that’s making you so happy. She doesn’t let herself feel bad for keeping you at home for so long, but she is glad to see you like this again.
“You’re adorable, Y/N.”
You smile at Billie about to say something sarcastic when something over her shoulder catches your eye. Your smile disappears and you drop the chip in your hand as you groan under your breath. Billie frowns about to turn around to see what you’ve spotted, but she doesn’t get the chance. You sigh in defeat, moving Milo so he’s under the table before putting on the fakest smile you can muster. Maybe she’ll get the hint.
“Claire. How are you?”
It took Billie a moment to recognize the name. She turned to see the brunette standing behind her and her frown immediately deepened. It didn’t take Billie long to realize that she wasn’t going to like this interaction at all. If not for the reasons you’d given her in the past, then just the way that Claire was looking at you now was enough for Billie to decide that she didn’t like her.
Since she heard about your hospital visit, Claire had been trying to track you down. She’d called into your work only to be told that you weren’t going to be in for the next week or so. She knew where you lived from the various stories about you in the news, but she didn’t know which apartment. She’d harassed the front office enough that she was banned and despite hanging around for almost a full day she never saw you.
She had almost given up trying to find you when she realized that you probably weren’t even home.
You were with Billie.
Claire hadn’t wanted to run into the medium, or really see her at all, so she waited. She waited for almost a week before she followed you here. It had taken a while to gather the courage to confront you, but now as she stood beside you, she was glad that she hadn’t just gone home.
“It’s nice to see you alive and well, Doc.”
You stiffen as you watch Claire move closer to you and rest her hand on the table just inches from yours. You don’t fail to notice how she completely ignores Billie, and you turn to your ticked girlfriend before looking back to Claire. You’re not in the mood for whatever this is, and you are going to make sure that Claire knows that. You don’t appreciate that she’s ruined a perfectly good outing by showing up and you try your best not to snap at her as you respond.
“It certainly is. Have you met Billie Dean? Billie this is Claire, she works at the pet store I go to.”
You sincerely hope that Claire could take the hint and leave you in peace. However, as you watch the brunette barely turn toward Billie who somehow looks even less impressed, you feel any hope you had slip away. Claire instead turns more so she’s facing you after throwing a perfunctory look over her shoulder.
“Yeah, hi. I just wanted to check on you. I heard about what happened.”
You sigh in annoyance before responding quickly. You don’t say that you’re fine because you’re not. You’re a little miffed and you want this to end now.
“It was just a little concussion, I’m all better now.”
You ignore Claire as she starts speaking again. You vaguely realize that she’s going on about how concerned she was and how glad she is, but all you can focus on is Billie. She’s shooting you an incredulous look that you assume is a result of your description of your injury. You just shrugged before shooting her a smile that she rolls her eyes at. You see her look down briefly before reaching for what you assume is Milo under the table. You’re glad that he’s stayed put and you sigh before meeting her gaze again. You’re about to say something to cut Claire off when you feel a hand on yours. You know it’s not Billie’s because you’re looking right at the blonde and she’s petting Milo and sipping her wine. Her gaze moves down to where Claire’s hand covers yours, and that finally makes you realize that you haven’t responded.
“Well, I’m glad that you’re feeling better.”
You barely hear the end of what Claire says before you move to stand up. You mostly wanted to move your hand, but  for some reason you stood and now you had to do something. You smile before moving around the table, not looking away from Billie who is frowning slightly in confusion. You just smile wider before you reach Billie’s side and sit down next to her. Now Billie is between you and Claire, and you feel like you can breathe again.
“Yeah, I have Billie to thank for that. She took good care of me.”
You get settled in your chair before leaning in close to Billie. Despite the fact that it brings you closer to Claire, you don’t really think she’ll reach over Billie to get to you, you are immediately comforted by the close contact. Claire’s bold, but not that bold. She seems to pause for a second before she does something that really shouldn’t surprise you. She sits down in your abandoned seat before reaching for your drink. Your mouth falls open and you’re glad that you finished it because Claire just frowns before putting it down.
Your patience is gone at this point and you sigh before squeezing Billie’s arm so she doesn’t snap. You felt her tense and you didn’t want her to be the one to tell Claire off. It should be you.
“Did you need something, Claire?”
You sound as ticked as you are, and you’d feel bad about it if this was anyone else. However, it’s not and this was probably the 12th time you’ve had to keep yourself from commenting on something rude that Claire has done. For this reason, you don’t feel much sympathy as the brunette in front of you frowns before looking to your food. You don’t have time to speak up again before Claire is smiling and shrugging casually.
“Yeah, Doc. I was going to ask if you wanted to go out sometime. You know on a real date?”
You can’t help but smile at her question and even as you feel Billie sit up next to you, you let out a laugh. You know that your reaction is weird. You should be pissed by what Claire is insinuating, like Billie, but you just find it hilarious. Your laugh seems to stop her and she frowns in confusion as she looks to you before you manage to sit up with a sigh. You see the smug look on Claire’s face, probably due to the fact that she got a reaction from Billie, but that didn’t really matter. You weren’t going to let her have the satisfaction for long.
“Thanks, but I’m more than happy here with Billie.”
You squeeze Billie’s hand under the table as you say this, but you don’t feel her relax which you don’t like. Your attention turns to Claire though once you hear her sigh heavily before leaning back in her—your chair. She crosses her arms over her chest before finally looking to Billie. There are a lot of things that she’d like to say, to accuse the medium of but she doesn’t. She isn’t sure what you see in her. She’s a hack who thinks too highly of herself, and you deserve better than that.
“Are you sure? I can show you a better time. Like you deserve.”
You scowl and open your mouth to say something a little meaner, but Billie beats you to it. She clenches her fist and glares at the brunette across from her. She doesn’t know much about her, but Billie can’t help but wonder where all of this cockiness comes from. Clearly, she can’t take no for an answer.
“What Y/N deserves is to be respected. Which means when she says back off, you back the fuck off.”
You hold your breath as you watch Claire tense at this and glare at Billie in return. You sigh in defeat, but you nod in agreement with what Billie’s said before saying the last thing you’re willing to about this.
“She’s right Claire. You don’t respect me enough to take no for an answer, so even if Billie wasn’t in the picture, you wouldn’t be either.”
Despite the mood changing drastically from Claire’s unwelcome visit, you and Billie stay for an hour or so longer. You don’t move back to your seat. Instead, you move your food to your side and get yourself a new drink that you finish way too quickly. You sigh before turning to Billie with an apologetic look.
She hasn’t said much since Claire left. You did most of the talking which you couldn’t help but worry about. You know that Billie’s upset and you can’t really blame her, but you’re still nervous. Billie was already stressed out by the interview airing tonight, now this? You frown as you reach out for Billie’s hand that’s resting on your thigh.
“I’m sorry she showed up, Billie. I never would have thought--.”
Billie shakes her head, cutting you off before she sighs in defeat. She has to admit that she was still a little annoyed by the rude interruption to their dinner. She wouldn’t have thought that you had to deal with things like this happening. She didn’t think that Claire was so bold. Then again, you had said that she’s done something similar at work and whenever you went to the pet store.
Finally, Billie finds her words and she tries to smile before squeezing your hand.
“You don’t have to apologize for her behavior. I didn’t realize how persistent she was.”
You smile wryly at this before nodding in agreement. You mention how often Claire has bothered you and Billie feels her anger return full force. Why couldn’t people take a hint?
“She’s still young. Hopefully she’ll get a clue.”
You don’t notice how Billie’s mood has soured until she scoffs a few seconds later. She doesn’t want to imagine what it will take for Claire to get a clue. She drains the rest of her drink with a scowl at the thought. You stop with your fork halfway to your mouth when Billie empties her glass and your eyes widen a little before you put it down. You turn to Billie, not quite sure what to say, but you just go for it hoping you don’t make it worse.
“It’s okay, Billie. I think you scared her off.”
Billie Dean shakes her head before speaking up in a tone that immediately had your attention. You frown despite what Billie says to you.
“No, it’s not okay, Y/N. People shouldn’t treat you like that. Not her and not-.”
Billie trails off, mentally cursing herself for letting that last part slip. She hadn’t planned on mentioning Doug because you’d already made up your mind. She didn’t want to argue about it despite not really liking your decision. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like you’re going to let this go, and you shoot Billie a questioning look.
“What? What were you going to say?”
Billie doesn’t answer immediately and instead reaches for Milo’s treats. She feeds him one and watches as he catches it midair. Billie smiles slightly before turning back to see you frowning.
“Not Claire, or assholes like Doug get to treat you like that. You deserve much better, Y/N. I mean that.”
You smile appreciatively before kissing her in thanks. You pull away sooner than you want, but you’re in public and you are still a little on edge from Claire popping up. So you just smile before moving a stray hair behind her ear with a sigh.
“You know, thanks to you, I’m starting to believe it.”
This time Billie kisses you and you laugh when Milo tries to get in on the action. He wasn’t finished begging for treats and he has his front paws up on the table before you realize what he’s doing. You push him down before shooting him a glare while Billie simply laughs. You roll your eyes but accept another kiss from Billie with a smile.
You eventually pull away before looking around you briefly. You saw Claire leave so you’re not worried about her, but you still feel eyes on you somewhere. Instead of focusing on this you decide to turn back to your girlfriend with a cheeky smile.
“Still, if we run into her again, I want you to punch that bitch in the face, Billie Dean.”
Milo leads you through the neighborhood excitedly on his last walk of the night. It’s almost 11 and you and Billie got back from the restaurant a while ago. You had been glad when Billie seemed to leave her worry behind and return to her normally calm self by the time you arrived home. You left her to go check on the cats and you and Milo were wandering around aimlessly as you thought about what the rest of your time here would look like.
You plan to leave Sunday because you really should get back to your place. You need to get ready to work Monday and that includes making sure that you have food to eat. You are going through a list of things that you need to do when something surprises you and Milo. You jump and then curse as Milo pulls free and runs after whatever just jumped out of the bushes.
“Milo, no! Wait!”
You aren’t completely surprised when he doesn’t listen to you and you groan in annoyance before taking off after him.
Billie is downstairs waiting for you to come back when 11 o’clock rolls around. She sighs before looking to the television with a frown. She’s not going to watch the interview, and she hopes that you don’t want to either. Billie reaches out for Bit when she hears the front door open. She lets Bit rub up against her hand, but she soon flees when Milo comes running into the living room. He’s a mess and Billie’s surprised by the sight of him covered in dirt and leaves.
“Milo, what did you do?”
Billie looks up when she hears you groan loudly before you appear around the corner. It takes you a minute to get your shoes off and you finally sigh in relief before heading to where Billie is waiting. She stands immediately when she sees you and you wince in anticipation as she gasps in surprise.
“Y/N! What happened?”
You, like your dog, are covered in dirt and small cuts from where you’d fallen a couple of times before diving to catch your dog. You stiffen, but don’t protest as Billie’s hands go to your shoulders, and she leads you to the couch. She takes a good look at you and sighs when she notices that you’ve scraped your palms and some of your knuckles pretty badly.  She looks to you again for an explanation, and you sigh in defeat before mentioning how Milo had gotten away from you.
“Milo decided to chase a stray cat through some bushes and out of the neighborhood.”
Billie’s eyes widen before she turns back to Milo who is lying at your feet. He is licking his paws but seems fine while you look a little worse for wear. You sigh as you sit up slightly before realizing that you hurt your knee falling too. You hiss in pain and Billie immediately looks over you again before she sees your stained pants.
“Did you hurt your knee?”
Billie is really just asking for clarification because you’d already said that you’d fallen. Still, you nod before muttering something under your breath that Billie doesn’t hear. You shoot Milo a look before sighing in realization. You probably need to get cleaned up. You don’t get to say this; however, because Billie beats you to it as she glances upstairs.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, sweetheart.”
You hiss under your breath as you hold your hand out to Billie. You’re sitting on her bed still in your dirty clothes as the medium gets her supplies together. You watch as she grabs the hydrogen peroxide and you cringe in anticipation waiting as she grabs some gauze.
“This might sting a little.”
You just nod before holding your hand out to Billie and she takes it in hers before carefully cleaning your knuckles. You hold your breath and don’t let yourself curse at the pain. You jump slightly though and Billie just shoots you a sympathetic look before kissing your forehead.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ll be more careful.”
You shake your head and manage a smile before releasing the breath you’d been holding. Billie had been careful and you were just a wimp when it came to injuries. You say something to this effect and Billie rolls her eyes at you as she finishes putting on your band aids. You sigh in relief before thanking Billie for the help. You take a look at your hands before realizing what comes next.
“I guess I need to get undressed, huh?”
Billie just smiles before looking at the clock. It’s nearly midnight, and Billie is a little worn out from her busy day. She wants to make sure you’re taken care of first, so she just nods before turning to leave.
“That’s probably best. I’ll be back in a minute, okay?”
You just nod because you’re finally starting to feel your exhaustion set in. The adrenaline of chasing after Milo and getting to him before he ran into traffic had worn off and now you were just tired. You stifled a yawn as you stood up started to take off your pants. You stumble slightly and groan in annoyance before you manage to get them off. Your breath hitches as you bend your knee and pain shoots up your leg. You curse Milo again before finding a pair of shorts to wear.
You’re dressed and sitting back on the bed when Billie comes back a couple of minutes later. You have your leg stretched out and you’re examining the growing bruise on your knee. Billie’s eyes widen and she hurries over to take a better look. She moves to sit next to you before resting her hand on your calf.
“Oh, Y/N. That looks like it hurts.”
You can’t deny it but you try to as you just shrug and mention that you’ve had worse. Which isn’t a lie, but that doesn’t make your knee throb any less. You think about what you could do to treat it before remembering how much you drank earlier tonight. So instead of medicine you settle on ice, and Billie is right there with you. She leaves you to clean the minor cuts as she hurries downstairs to get some ice.
You shift on the bed before trying to clean your knee, but you immediately realize that it hurts more than you thought it would. You just clench your teeth and bear it, and by the time Billie’s back you have it cleaned and covered. You smile at her before taking the offered icepack that Billie brought. At least you try to, but Billie shakes her head before motioning for you to sit back. You do as she says and lie back against a pillow so you’re more comfortable. Billie holds the icepack over your knee with a questioning look, and you just nod before tensing slightly. Your breath hitches at the cold, but you say nothing as Billie holds it to your knee with a sigh.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, sweetheart?”
You smile before shaking your head. You’ll be fine, you just need to rest and not run around anymore. You turn at the sound of Milo running down the hall you wait until he pushes open the door before sighing again. You look him over and don’t see that he’s hurt himself, but you didn’t really expect anything else. He just ran a lot and then came to a very sudden stop when you managed to step on his leash.
“Milo, you little shit.”
Milo just wags his tail as he comes over to lick your hand. You scratch him briefly before looking to Billie with a sigh. You know it’s late and you’re tired, so you imagine that Billie is too.
“You didn’t hit your head, did you?”
Billie speaks up before you can, but you just shake your head. You had made sure that you didn’t and at the expense of tearing up your hands you’re glad that you hadn’t. You shake your head, not really sure if your headache is from the fall or the alcohol before patting the bed next to you.
“Want to join me?”
Almost half an hour later, you are surprisingly still awake. Billie fell asleep a while ago, but she hadn’t even made it under the covers. She slept with her head in your lap and you gently ran your fingers through her hair as your mind wandered to next Saturday.
The 10th.
You never really cared much about your birthday before. Sure, you liked cake and you didn’t complain about presents, but it wasn’t something you made a big deal about.
This year you were determined to do the same. It was honestly going to feel weird and different no matter what you did. It was the first birthday you wouldn’t be celebrating with family. The first one without your dad.
You quickly think of something else before that train of thought gets you in trouble. You sigh as you glance at your phone. It’s 12:30. You really should sleep. You stifle a yawn as you put your phone back and try to get comfortable without disturbing Billie. You’re almost asleep when you realize that you didn’t watch Billie’s interview.
You decide it’s probably for the best given how upset Billie was afterwards. Instead, you just lie down and pull Billie closer to you. The next interview has to go better for her, right?
Part 20
Tag list: @madamevirgo​, @illuminated-blue​
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End Of Your Story
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Lucifer!Sam Winchester
Word Count: 1,347
Warnings: fluff in the beginning, angst, major character death
Summary: Last night, you went to bed happily with Dean. You wake up the next morning with no idea of what is going on or how you got there.
Squared Filled: Silence // Huddle for Warmth
Author’s Note: This is for @spndarkbingo  and @spnfluffbingo2019 respectively and yes, there is a cliffhanger because y’all know I am a sucker for those and this is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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“When is the heater going to get fixed?” you asked your boyfriend as you huddled closer to him for warmth.
“I don’t know. The guy said he was going to come today, but he never showed,” Dean sighed. It was pretty cold in the Bunker during the winter season because the house was underground and away from sunlight. During winter, you relied on the heating system so much that you were surprised it hadn’t broken much sooner. During summer seasons isn’t so bad because you were awake from the sun so the air conditioning unit worked perfectly. However, with the heat off, it had gotten so cold that it won’t be long before you could see your breath.
“Don’t worry, I have you to warm me up,” you grinned. Dean’s embrace had tightened on you before he maneuvered you so he could look at you in the eyes. You had to admit it was pretty warm underneath the blanket that you two shared. He was such a big man that he had enough heat to go around for the two of you.
“Real talk, okay? Have I told you how much you mean to me?”
“Oh, Dean Winchester, are you sharing your feelings?” you teased.
“For you, yeah.”
“Then yes. You have. Have I told you how much you mean to me?”
“Every damn day,” he chuckled.
“It’s just you and me against the world. I got your back and you got mine. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you,” you smiled as you kissed his nose gently.
“Same, sweetheart,” he whispered as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I gotta ask because it’s been bugging me all night. When we were at that bar, did your drinks taste weird to you? I could have sworn that whiskey doesn’t taste that sweet.”
“How could I focus on alcohol when you were sitting right next to me in that damn dress?” he asked as he nuzzled his head into your neck. He knew there were two kinds of soft spots on your neck. One was for pleasure and the other one was very ticklish. He nipped at the ticklish one, and you squealed out in laughter.
“I’m being serious! What about that bartender? There was something off about him,” you said as your laughter died down.
“You’re in bed with me, half naked, and you’re thinking about the bartender?”
“You’re right. I’m being silly. I’d rather focus on the prize I have in front of me,” you grinned as you rolled over on top of him, still completely covered in the blanket. The best way to wake up was skin to skin contact, and you had no problem touching his skin all night.
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“Dean?” you moaned sleepily as your hand ran over his side of the bed. When you didn’t feel his body lying next to you, you opened your eyes with a frown. The fact that he wasn’t there next to you and that it was cold which meant he’d been gone for a while wasn’t the most upsetting thing in the Bunker. The door to your room was wide open, and the emergency red lights were flashing.
Something was wrong.
Not only were there no lights on beside red, but it was also dead silent. No shuffling of feet, banging of objects, and no voices shouting. Nothing. It was so quiet that you could hear your own heart beating fast. If you weren’t woken up when the lights came on, then something happened to Sam and Dean. Shuffling out of bed, you pulled on your robe and secured it tightly over your waist. Stepping out into the hall, you looked both ways to see if you could spot something.  Nothing. Just the wall lights that were blaring red lights. Taking a deep breath, you noticed you couldn’t see your breath and that it was unusually hot in the Bunker. What the hell was going on? Just last night it was freezing, and now it was hot enough to be sweating.
Something was definitely not right.
Sam’s room was down the hall from yours and Dean’s room, so you headed there first to see if he was inside. The door was wide open, and his bed looked as if something came in and rolled around on it. Everything on the walls was askew as if there had been some kind of fight going on. Walking inside, you searched to see if there was any kind of clue as to where he was but couldn’t find anything. As you were leaving the room, you caught a glimpse of the back of his door, and when you went to inspect it, a loud gasp left your mouth. Blood spatter was everywhere on the door and on the wall by it.
Something was worse than not right.
Rushing out of the room, you headed straight to the library when you tripped over something and fell face first onto the cold concrete floor. Looking to see what exactly stopped you, you screamed when you saw the wide-eyed look of a stranger staring back at you. There was a stranger with his throat cut on the floor. He was clearly dead, but why was he here? Your screams echoed off the walls which only contributed to the silence. Scrambling to get up, you looked around the library to see it covered with bodies.
Something happened last night, and you had no idea what could have gone down.
The red lights made everything look even creepier than it already was, and you stepped over the dead bodies to reach the kitchen. It looked just as bad as Sam’s room because of the amount of blood spatter on every single surface. No bodies, just a whole lot of blood. Making sure not to get much on you, you left the room through the other exit that leads to the war room. Bodies were scattered through here, but you noticed one that looked too familiar to you.
Something was truly wrong because the person staring back at you was none other than Dean.
“Dean!” you exclaimed as you rushed over to him. As soon as you got closer, you noticed the pool of blood leaving his body.
“No! Dean!!” you cried when you spotted his throat slashed. Getting on your knees, you pulled him up your body to see if he could somehow still be alive. His eyes held no signs of life, and you tipped your head back as you let out the loudest scream you could possibly imagine. Not only did you not know what happened here or how this could take place from the time you went to sleep, but Dean was dead in your arms and you couldn’t seem to locate Sam. Your whole life has been ripped out from beneath your feet, and you didn’t know what to do. The blood seems fresh, so whatever happened, happened not too long ago. That means whoever did this was either still in the Bunker or out in the world.
Through your tears, you spotted a calendar on the war table, and you shakily reached up and grabbed it. No, that wasn’t possible. When you went to bed the date was July 3rd, 2019, but this was saying it was July 3rd, 2039. 20 years have passed since you went to sleep, and you were so confused you didn’t notice a person standing on the other side of the room.
“Sam?” you asked as you wiped your tears. Dean’s blood has smeared over your cheek, but you didn’t seem to care. Sam held a bloody knife in his hands, and you had to force yourself to stop crying so that you could focus on the man in front of you. “Sam, why do you have a knife in your hand? Did you do this?”
“Sorry, but I’m not Sam,” he grinned as his eyes turned a deep red.
“Lucifer…” you whispered. All he did was grin evilly as he advanced towards you.
“Welcome to the end of your story, Y/N.”
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@akshi8278 @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @carribear31  @oreosatmidnight @not-naturalfangirl @iam-a-cutiepie @kristendanwayne @milo-winchester-4ever @jensenackesl @irishmaniac316 @helllonearth @juniorhuntersam @pouterpufftrain @ruprecht0420 @carriemichelle2012 @fandomgirl17 @05spn18 @my-wayward-heroes @onlydeanandjensen @expectosel @redsalv20 @dragonrider10 @designcted @xxtheoutsidersxx @live-like-a-girl @unfortunately-a @waywardrose13 @adoptdontshoppets @focusonspn @whizzer1320 @infinite-supernatural-adoring @babypink224221 @witch-of-letters @essie1876 @kdfrqqg @blackcherrywhiskey  @gh0stgurl @mogaruke @li-ssu @musiclovinchic93 @kristaparadowski @mizzezm @thisismysecrethappyplace  @the-walking-daryl @sandlee44 @supernatural13-13 @liberty01 @midnightsilver16830 @spnmeanwinchester @notmoose45 @posiemax @shortbty14 @cobrakai1967 @flamencodiva @paintballkid711 @phantomalchemist  @gabrielslittleangel @mel-ithilethiel @jennalyncarrigan1230 @whit85-blog @tricksterdean @gabriels-golden-kazoo @emoryhemsworth @menewyn @strayrosesbloom @princessizzy36 @kiwihoee @jennazeise @amotleyworld @kendall-michele  @mrspeacem1nusone @ballistic-bailey @honeybums-blog @calaofnoldor @stylesismyhubs @janicho88 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @shamelesslydean @lizbester @kina666 @megsyrae @lmpala97 @deans-baby-momma @lonelycaffeinateddreamer @screechingartisancashbailiff @thefaithfulwriter  @myownsnowflake @xxboesefrauxx @hhiggs  @mayaslifeinabox @woodworthti666 @algudaodoce03 @burningcoffeetimetravel @deansgirl-1968 @miraclesoflove @bluedazefangirl @aomi-nabi @pisces-cutie @spn-will-be-missed
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jayankles · 7 years
Easy on the Tickles (AU)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 668
A/N - Person 1 is ticklish and person 2 uses that to get cuddles during the day for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing ’s #SPN HIATUS WRITING CHALLENGE 2017 AND # SPN HWC - WEEK 7
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When Dean found out that Y/N was ticklish he used that against her every time he wanted to gain advantage.
The first time he found out was when she had pulled him into a hug, he had accidentally brushed her exposed sides with his the pads of his fingertips.
A giggle had turned into small squeal. He knew she was done for, he would use this knowledge and get whatever he wanted from her; within reason.
He used it when she wouldn’t share her cereal with him. When he tried to reach for it, she simply grabbed the box and held her arm away from Dean.
‘I’ll just have some toast then.’
He held his hands in mock surrender and got up to put his bowl back into the cupboard, or that is what Y/N thought he was doing.
She put the box back down and continued to obliviously eat her cereal in peace, or so she thought.
Dean had gripped her around her waist from behind and pulled her into his chest. She squealed again, like Dean knew she would.
‘Dean stop! Dean, put me down!’
‘Nu-uh, not a chance. You didn’t share with me. So I think you have to repay me some other way.’ The way he said it, didn’t even remotely sound sexual or sultry, he almost sounded innocent.
He finally got her to rest comfortably in one arm, he used the other to grasp her hips, lightly digging into the flesh of her skin. She knew what Dean was about to do.
‘Please! I’ll do anything! Don’t do it, Dean! You can have some of my cereal! I give, I give. Mercy!’ She called and called. Y/N had practically begged Dean to stop the light torture to the point where she couldn’t breathe.
With a few more flexes of his fingers her gradually ceased his motions and spun her around in circles before he puts her back down on the ground and kisses the side of her neck, not removing his arms from her body.
Her hand came up and carded through Dean’s hair and lightly tugged at it pulling him away from her neck.
‘Who knew the great Dean Winchester was such a cuddler?’ Y/N quickly got out before she attached her lips to Dean’s.
It always ended up that way and he loved it. Dean wouldn’t explicitly say that he wanted to cuddle or hug the life out of Y/N. No, that would be the simple way.
When Y/N was mad at him she would ignore Dean. He tried other ways before reverting back to his last resort. But they would always end up in the same position.
In bed. Facing the door. Dean the big spoon and Y/N the little spoon. A content smile on their faces as they drifted off in a slumber. The memory foam mattress acting as a cloud that took them to their own little heaven together. There was only one thing that Dean would do and that was to tickle Y/N and entice her in a hug as a source of redemption.
With this in mind, on his days off of a busy day at work he would catch her at an unexpected time. When she was doing the dishes, when she was curled up in her sacred chair reading until her eyes were burning – even then she didn’t stop – but Dean’s favourite memory was when Y/N had revealed that she was pregnant and that he had to go easy on the tickles. If he wanted cuddles he would have to do it the old fashioned way; just ask for one or wrap his arms around her anyway.
Eight months later, a beautiful baby girl had been brought into Dean and Y/N’s life. Dean vowed that he would squeeze in all the cuddles he could with his little bundle of joy with or without tickling. He would willing do either of those if it meant being closer to his girls.
Lemme know what you think...
 @becaamm @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @hymnofthevalkyries @kurosaki224-new-blog @supernatural-jackles @cyrilconnelly @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean  @ruprecht0420 @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @redlipstickandplaid  @mogaruke @pureawesomeness001  @mizzezm @jpadjackles @jesspfly @1amluke @skybinx-blog @aubzylynn  @balthazars-muse @deansbaekaz2y5 @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd  @valerieshubin @be-amaziing @akshi8278 @purplediamon @graceforme86  @its-my-perky-nipples @nervousmemzie @mrsbatesmotel53 @lavieenlex  @percussiongirl2017 @oneshoeshort @whit85-blog @muliermalefici  @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @moonlover19 @emoryhemsworth @reallyverynodansi @milo-winchester-4ever @captainradicalpassion  @captainemwinchester @ilsawasanacrobat @alicat-life @cojootromuelle  @essie1876 @dancingalone21 @thorne93
@daydreamingintheimpala @ravengirl94 @deanssweetheart23 @emilywritesaboutdean @avasmommy224 @bringmesomepie56 @grace-for-sale
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He Always Wins
Characters: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 787
Warnings: major fluff
Summary: You don’t know why you challenged Dean. Everyone knows he’s the best at these kinds of things. Well, you’re in too deep now so you just have to suffer through the pain. 
Author’s Note: This is for Steph’s ( @torn-and-frayed) Winter With Dean Drabble Challenge! I was given the prompt snowball fight(s)! Wanna be a Queen or a Dean Bean, all you have to do is ask! If you loved it, tell me why! If you hated it, tell me what I can do better!
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” Dean’s voice taunted you. You held your breath, hiding, hoping that he wouldn’t get to you before you got to him. This was all a game but it felt like so much more.
“You know I’ll win. I always win.” Dean said again, close to where you were. You gripped the ball in your hand, teeth chattering in the cold. You had suggested this game and he was always taking it seriously since Dean always loved to win. He was very competitive and you had no idea why you thought this would work over well with you.
“Y/N, I know where you’re hiding.” He said, his voice bouncing off the trees outside. When you exhaled, you could see your breath, that is how cold it was outside. It was Winter and since there weren’t any cases going around and often, there had been a lot of time on your hands.
At first, you stayed in the Bunker, just glad to be sleeping for more than a few hours. Next, you thought it would be best to help Dean, your wonderful boyfriend, work on his car to pass some of the time. Most of the roads were blocked since the snow was bad this time of year. Luckily, you were able to go on a supply run before the snow storm happened.
After about a week, the roads were cleared and life could resume on like always. The cases didn’t show up and at this point, you were begging to have something to do. Sam was lucky enough to get out and hang with Eileen for a weekend, so it left you and Dean to do whatever you two pleased.
You had suggested this man hunt in the first place and after a few shots of whiskey, Dean agreed to leave the warmth and comfort of the Bunker to hunt you down.
Now, you kind of regret your decision. Dean could be a scary man when he wanted to be and right now, you were terrified of him catching you. Dean stopped talking to you and you couldn’t hear his footsteps so you had no clue as to where he was.
You didn’t dare peek around the tree you were hiding behind, in fear he was standing right there. But the suspense and silence was killing you more than the thought of getting caught. You peered around the tree but frowned when you didn’t see Dean there. Suddenly, you felt something hit your chest and you looked down to see it covered in white.
You gasped and looked up at Dean who was grinning, coming out from behind a tree. You threw the snowball you were holding but he easily dodged it.
“You cheated!” You yelled, although he got you fair and square.
“And I’m going to get you again.” Dean said, scooping up the snow. You squealed and turned around, trying to put distance between the two of you. Your day started like this with you running into the woods behind the Bunker and him trying to find you for the last twenty minutes.
“Oh, no you don’t.” Dean said, dropping the snow in his hands to run after you. You squealed again and ran faster but Dean was faster. He was stronger, stealthier and a better athlete than you ever were. He caught you easily and you yelped in surprise, before going down.
He tackled you and you laughed, the snow cushioning your fall. You managed to turn in his arms, staring up into his sparkling green eyes.
“Told you, I always win.” He whispered with a smug grin. You shook your head lightly and leaned up lightly but he got the message. He leaned down and captured your lips with his. He was distracted which was good for you. You kissed him and as much as his lips felt good against yours, you had a plan.
You reached up and gathered snow in your hands before smashing it on Dean’s head. He broke the kiss and grunted in surprise. He glared down at you, a threatening glint in them. You squealed in laughter when his fingers started poking at your sides. He was tickling you and everyone knew you were very ticklish.
“I give! Mercy!!” You yelled in short breaths. He grinned and shook the snow from his hair, some of it falling on you. He helped you get up and wrapped an arm around you.
“Come on, let’s go back inside and we can watch a movie after we get this snow off us.” Dean said. You agreed and began walking back to the bunker. Maybe not having cases during the Winter wasn’t such a bad thing.
The Queens:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876 @wishedworld @crispychrissy @laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty  @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz  @untitled39887 @ta-n-ja @deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi @tahbehonest @stay-in--place @dreaminofdean @posiemax @donnaintx @vonthesupernaturalwriter @alexandriajanae4 @li-ssu @just-another-winchester @obsessivecompulsivespn @emoryhemsworth @newtospnfandom @mizzezm @goldenolaf25 @jessikared97 @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @charliebradbury1104 @queen-of-moons-peace-out-bitches @becs-bunker @atc74 @lemonchapstick @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @lady-lebkuchen @kristaparadowski
The Dean Beans:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @carribear31 @dont-you-dare-say-misha @oreosatmidnight @not-naturalfangirl @missselinakitty @iam-a-cutiepie  @kristendansmith @milo-winchester-4ever @jensenackesl @codyshany316 @pheonyxstorm @helllonearth @juniorhuntersam @pouterpufftrain @ruprecht0420 @shut-ur-face-and-get-in-the-car @carriemichelle2012 @aubreystilinski @sandlee44 @gucci-leto
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