#skeleton twins tickling
targaryenluvs · 9 months
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pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader
summary: it’s fred’s mission to scare his girlfriend ever since she told him it was impossible to.
warnings: pranks and shenanigans, kisses, fluff, hitting? insinuations (sexy 👀)
a/n: it’s christmas and i’m writing halloween stuff idk why
the library was quiet as you and fred studied together. well you studied and he more so watched. ever since halloween approached he’d been restless. and the students were on high alert, especially with the weasley twins on the prowl. yesterday you ran into at least four people who’d been the subject of their pranks.
“oh! and then colin accidentally walked in on the prank for ron. wasn’t any less hilarious to be honest.” fred laughed as you smiled, “all these students are easily scared fred. choose someone more difficult or more amusing. i’m sure draco deserves a visit.” you joked as fred thought, “like who?” you pointed at yourself. “you? you want me to scare you? you’re easy.” you scoffed at his words, “and why is that? can you recall any time you’ve managed to prank me?”
fred’s mouth open and closed. you were really right, he hadn’t even scared you once. but he’d do it now. “okay, what do i get if i do?” you wondered for a second, “me. wherever you’d like, whenever.” fred liked that idea as he reached his hand out to shake before quickly retracting it, “what do you get if i fail?” you grinned, “you.”
he was relentless in his efforts. the first day after your agreement had you in the library again, this time with hermione in your spare time. you’d both wanted to read your favourite books. and as you pulled out yours a spider jumped out and onto your hand. rather than panicking you pulled out your wand “pertrificus totalus.” you picked it up and placed it outside the room.
fred was nearby and groaned at your calm demeanour whilst george leaned against the wall to take a peak. “well it seems your ever so amazing plan has already failed. what’ve you got up your sleeve?”
two in one day was something you wouldn’t expect from him, right?
but a snake in a suitcase was extremely dull. you had no clue why fred’s pranks were so bad when it came to you but for others they were a howl. fail after fail and every day you woke up with the expectation of a success perhaps. even when you hung out with him he was planning his next prank. “if you’re wondering what miserable plan you’re going to use next i beg you to not. having george pop out of a closet with a mask i mean come on.”
fred jokingly hit your arm, “why are your pranks so bad when it comes to me?” fred shrugged his shoulders. “maybe i just don’t want to hurt you.” it came off as a joke but you could feel the sincerity in his earnest words.
“well aren’t you a sweetheart.” you replied as you kissed his cheek.
you’d been biding your time for him.
fred made his way into the room and you took it as your chance and jumped at him, which caused the two of you to tumble down onto the couch.
“how long had you been waiting there?” he yelped as you sat up, “as long as i had to for this, priceless! you’ve been annoying me for the past few days with very pathetic attempts when the simplest prank was amazing and effective.” you preened as he laughed.
“you’re the girlfriend of hogwarts’ best prankster. there’s no way i’ll be resting until i succeed.” fred crossed his arms with his chin in the air as you began to howl in laughter. “well your times up and you failed, i bet george would’ve scared me by now.” fred’s mouth turned into an ‘o’ before his hands crept to your stomach, “you take it back, take it back right now y/n weasley.” he joked as you grinned, “weasley? i like the sound of that. when’s george available?” fred was relentless as he tickled you, your hands beating on his body at the torture. “i was kidding! please!” you cried out as he tutted.
“no mercy for traitors y/n!”
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missamyrisa2 · 2 months
I just read "box teases" and immediatelly thought about all the possible interpretations of what a "tickle box" is...
And now I want all of them
Soooo ~
The Box at a late night club. Where you are secured in a big silly box covered with caution tape with your head and hands popped out surrounded by floof ~ and inside your body is secured and hanging so that the creeeeepy skeletal dressed ticklers can have their way with your tickle spotssss. Their hands are positively everywhere, grasping and massaging and squeezing and pinching thoughtfully. And you can hear their muffled teasing and cooing, those deep taunting voices commenting about how you're so fidgety, especially when your feet and thighs and hips are tickled. Though up top, all the other club goers hear is your silly sounds because you're gigglemoaning and snickerscreaming your fool head off while your fingers dance in the air. And they can only guessss what all the skeleton tormentors are doing as they pile into that box and change out every once in a while ~<3
The adoring nickname I'll give your royal area as I use my twin loooong feathers to teaseee and tease at your girly parts until that adorable ticklish pearlyyyy is coaxed out for the liiightest tickly kisssiesssss over and over before the feathers move up to start teasing and punishing because you're such a naughtyyyy lil ticklebox~
When you forget it's a summer costume party at work and this smirking purply girl appears with a very convenient game box costume which opens up and closes around your legs and arms and neck ~ the only catch being someone has to let you out because the release strap is conveniently out of reach. You thought it was the game of Life on the box, but realize as you're walking deep into the crowded hall it is actually the game of Laughs. Which happens riiiight about when the machines inside activate, sending feathers and fluffy brushes up into your shirt dusting along your ribs up to your underarms and tracing along your waistline as you giggle and thrash clumsily around. People see the game box and think you're putting on an act. "Ooh what delightful satire, what a witty commentary on today's market" the so-called smarted person in the office remarks. Everyone eats up that nonsense and watches you thrash about, applauding your performance as you laugh and giggle and gasp ~ the robotic arms inside now lifting and lowering your clothing so that buzzzzyyy mini wands can slide out and realllyyy get you singing ~ and of course, when someone finally helps you open the box all the machinery is conveniently retracted with your clothes replaced hiding allll that twitchy tickled skin. At least, until the office sasspot shows up and says "heyy are you stuck? Let's give ya something to laugh about then~!"
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stillchuunya · 3 months
Rite Here Rite Now thoughts and reactions (spoilers below)
The performance:
-> Twenties live?? The dancers? loved them! I waited to hear Twenties Live like crazy! I do wish we could hear Swiss louder with the whispers...
-> I need that acoustic rendition of If You hHave Ghosts... the ghoulettes were amazing
-> I refuse to believe that Tutti Frutti nailed that one jump towards the end of the performance, what the heck?!
-> The searchlights in the Watcher in the Sky!
-> the use of lights to accentuate Satan's names! YES! It felt so right, it felt so cool, I loved that! Satanic imagery whenever his name was mentioned? YESSS They play fewer and fewer songs from the early albums so I wish they make some new songs that just go LU-CI-FEEER
-> The ghouls looked so good! But there was so little of Swiss :( I wanted to see him go crazy and move those hips. I caught a glimpse of him once or twice but I believe they never focused on him for long enough to let him shine. It's a pity because I love watching him!
-> I thought there would be a long scene of us getting ciriced but it was just a few moments? still cool, just a bit short
-> People are saying that the skeletons were actually people with body paint, and I fully believed that it was a body suit :0 I noticed their breasts looked good but??? how did I miss this (I do have an eyesight problem but I thought it wasn't that bad haha)
The rest:
-> the sass between Nihil and Seestor was so good? Loved seeing their interactions
-> They EMBRACED the 'Scooby Doom', the 'Scooby Doo Chase Music' allegations, the MOAC animation was surreal as heck. Tobias saw our jokes and said 'hold my communion wine and watch this'
-> We got an exclusive footage of a Papa Sock, do not confuse with the DeFroque Soq. We saw the Obscene Annointed Foot.
-> Papa literally dissociates backstage :')
-> The twins? Seestor having twins?? There were two kiddos frollicking on a field loool and I always thought that Copia felt like he had a sibling or a twin but I thought it was just a crack theory!
-> I want Ashley's job
-> The twins played by Toblerone's kids are dead apparently and I doubt it will ever be explained xD
-> There was only one fart joke and I anticipated like 3 at least
->I remember seeing this meme
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and let me tell you it's 100% true he does not, it's just for comedic effect and I love it, people got high fives from him and I was so jealous
-> the balloon part was so confusing and funny and the way he was actually faceplanted on the floor the whole time broke me
-> I made a joke about how maybe they'll get rid of Seestor due to all the issues they had with her actresses but there she is, transparent and glowing. they can't explain further changes with plastic surgery anymore lol
-> Copia in a position of actual power? HUH
-> He has his Cardinal makeup back!! We went to the movie wearing this exact pattern and we were so happy to see it on screen <3 And his whole new outfit is lit, I am forever in love with his Cardinal Era clothes so this one was a Treat
-> Copia was babied so much in this movie and it was just what I needed for my soul, do not @ me
-> The pentagram below Nihil and Seestor gives me hope for a certain theory the fandom likes a lot?? why was it there
-> New song good!!!
-> also, Nihil's speech seems to be a homage to all the dead performers we know and love, especially the ones Tobias looks up to and gets inspiration from and I could feel his sadness in that speech, ok. I think he wishes to be able to entertain people after his own death just like them, he wants people to play Ghost in 50 years when he's most likely dead and feel their taints tickled. I am tearing up. Life is scary and sad but I have ghosts, right?
Overall it was a very sweet and gentle way to ease the fandom into the next stage and a new Papa, which we have been opposing vehemently for the past year or so. Tobias is a softie and knows his fandom better than I expected, tbh.
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buckysgrace · 5 months
Omg girl I beg of you please write more about big brother gator 😫🙏🏼
Ask and you shall receive lol
He would've been about 21-22ish I believe when the twins were born??
Probably was indifferent at the time but slowly grew into the idea of it
Honestly he was probably hoping for little brothers but quickly changed his mindset once he realized the girls played just as rough lol
He definitely had no idea how to hold a baby at first. Couldn't figure out why you needed to support their necks or why they were so fragile lol
Would hold them up until they started to cry, then back to Karen they went lol. He just always figured he was doing something wrong
Would absolutely give them pickles/lemons when they were babies because he thought their reactions were always funny
Now when they're starting to walk/talk and are really gaining their personalities; that's the stage he loved lol
Told them a ton of jokes at this age because they laughed at whatever he said
Absolutely calls them spoiled brats
Has definitely told them that there's a monster that lives on the ranch or somewhere under their bed/in their closet. Got in big trouble for that but honestly it was worth it in his opinion
Has also threatened to lock them up in the back of his cruiser and take them to jail when they've been rowdy
Gives out alllll the piggy back rides. And all the tickle fights
Will also take them to all of the fair rides. He rides every single one (lowkey gets sick by the end of it all tho lol)
Loves to bounce with them on the trampoline, definitely throws in a few flips in there to impress them
Obviously if they accidentally gets hurt he does the whole "don't tell dad"
The twins for sure draw pictures for him all the time <3 He has his own little collection of their art lol
If he has to watch them (Which is very very rare) he's pretty chill with them? Sort of lets them do their own thing because I think he's stern enough with them that they know not to get him in trouble (which is funny cuz I think he's the complete opposite with his own kids lol)
Will buy them a pop or sweets if Roy is too mean with them (continues to give them candy that's too sour tho, just to watch them react to it lol)
Probably purposely gives them candy to get them hyper actually, especially if Karen is being Karen.
He has drawn fake tattoos on them before
Probably also painted their faces. Probably made them think he was putting on pretty makeup or butterflies on their faces when in reality he ends up giving them a big mustache, or makes them look like a witch/skeleton lol
They definitely try and mess up his hair, rip his hats off or try and grab his vape. He's pretty good at swatting them away without getting angry
Will for sure pick them up from school in his uniform if he hears that other kids are being mean to them. He’s gotta get the intimidation points in smh
They probably accidentally ended up sneaking in while he was watching a horror movie and have tried to crawl into his bed before smh.
He absolutely has the most intense games of hide and seek with them (he will be crawling on top of the fridge or hiding in cabinets smh)
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Prologue Previous
Come Down That Tree! (an aftermare story)
Chapter 12: मंद-मंद बरखा तेज हो जाई
The twins laughed and bantered all the way back to the tree. It felt like ages since last time they had fun like that together. That fact alone almost sobered him down from this joyful energy if not for his very conscious effort to keep any bad thoughts at bay for now. So he tackled his brother, made him roll right back at the start of the hill they were climbing.
He giggled at his shrieking brethren tumbling on the uneven ground, pieces of grass and earth flying everywhere. Will the former exercise his right to revenge as soon as possible? Yes. Did he regret his actions? Never.
Nightmare however decided to walk a little faster (just a notch) when Dream seemed to conclude barreling in his direction was the right thing to do in retaliation.
He only escaped after a noogie and some mean tickles. 
And soon, they started to head anew towards their very home and duty.
“What do you think Geno did of his day with us away?”, he inquired.
Dream took an instant to straighten the folds in his outfit before leaning against his side, making the duo walking a bit lopsided.
“I bet he slept the whole day away.”
Nightmare chuckled and nodded.
The rest of the path was filled with meaningless chatter and soon they arrived at their place, the last of today’s rays of sun warming their backs. Where they could see their guest lying in the grass. 
They stopped right next to him and Geno all but lazily stretched and angled himself better to look at them.
The twins shared a glance before absolutely losing it, full on snickering at the probably confused and still drowsy skeleton. It seemed their assumptions were on point. 
Nightmare was so caught up in his fit of uncontrolled happiness he didn’t notice the lopsided smile on the other’s face. After he finally somewhat calmed down, he listened to Dream inquiring of the monster's whereabouts.
He instantly sobered down at hearing he had been visited earlier for some reason.
He kept quiet as Geno commented on a potential tempest tonight and only found back his voice when a tear rolled down his cheek.
"Ah, it's already starting to rain…"
Ah, rain! Obviously, it was raining! The guardian had absolutely no reason to cry after all. 
Nightmare sighed as a quiet drizzle started to fall on the three.
"And we just finished drying…"
His complaint seemed to fall into deaf ears as his twin decided to just enjoy the weather by twirling and doing cartwheels in the grass.
Geno was for some reason encouraging the endeavor, now propped on his elbows but still very much not up.
Was there something in the water making people lose their last marbles or something?
Nightmare took a few steps back to watch the scene and discreetly change to his pants again. The skirt flopped on the ground and he carefully folded it. It went directly back into Dream’s basket and he slided down the trunk until he was sitting on the dirt. The dirt was soft under his fingers.
Then, the guardian put his head against his knees and sighed softly. Joyful noises were all around him and it was… nice…
He listened to the leaves brushing together under the wind over his head, to the few brave birds chirping up there and to the other two being dumb and dumber.
Yes, it was very nice.
He could get used to that.
He sneaked a glance at the other two and grinned at their antics. The sky was starting to get very cloudy as luminosity declined and the still gentle rain was starting to really make itself known.
Nightmare liked the noise of rain, he didn’t fear rainy nights. Those were nights where they relied on the tree to protect them. It was nice to have the roles switched once in a while. He could fall asleep against the roots and think of his mother embracing them. The leaves were thick enough to stop a good part of the potentially pouring water and while, waking up soaked did happen, it was not that bad. They never got sick that way so far, he theorized their status as energy beings made them sturdier to that kind of stuff too.
Listening to the drizzle almost lulled him to sleep. 
Until a rumbling tore through the sky.
He startled awake.
The tempest.
He forgot about that. 
A loud screech made him turn his head back to the others only to see a slightly panicked skeleton cross his eyes. Why was Geno looking so distressed now? 
He had his eye wide and shiny and his movements jerky as he looked around, as if searching for something. Worrying about whatever it was. He was going to ask what was this fuss about but the other beat him to that.
“What was that?”
Nightmare watched Geno pointing up to the immensity of the darkened sky, still agitated but calming down by the minute.
“...thunder?”, the guardian answered cautiously.
The skeleton fiddled with his scarf looking pensive.
“What did you think it was?”
“A landslide.”
“Why would you think that?”
Dream was making various confused noises in the background, he did not seem to want to properly join the conversation however. Conversation he would gladly quit as well if possible.
“It happens sometimes at home, it’s dangerous.”
And he left it at that, no more explanations. He couldn’t do this to him. Did he live on a mountain or something? But he said once he didn’t see the sky much wherever he lived before. And he would recognize thunder? Where did this guy come from? A cave!???
He mulled over this new mystery, promptly ignoring how Geno was still twitchling anxiously at each grumbling from above.
Dream tapped on his shoulder, getting his attention not a minute later. He leaned close to his head and mused something quietly to him.
“Shouldn’t we ask him to take shelter for the night?”
The hand touch disappeared before he could utter a single word and he watched his twin approach their guest. He watched him smile warmly and take his hands in his own hand before suggesting that he got down to the village for the night.
Something twisted inside Nightmare.
Geno was quick to decline the offer, boastering it wasn’t some background noise that would put him down for good. Each argument was taken down with strength and an absurd amount of confidence.
It seemed impossible to deter him.  
So he would stay right there. With them. Getting soaked to the bone. Did he even know what a tempest was? 
All he could do now was to hope that the tempest was going to be mild at worst.
Water started pouring down with a fierce energy, as if to prove him wrong, the very next instant.
End of chapter 12
Go to chapter 13?
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@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont
Geno!Sans belongs to @/loverofpiggies Nightmare, Dream and dreamtale belong to @/jokublog
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someone1348 · 2 years
🍰🍓; hii !! im back with a fever 🥲👍 and i have an request in mimd !
how about a disater twins x lee!reader? im not so sure what prompt to use but i wanted it to be platonic <\\3
hope you can write this and don't forget to share a smile because even a little can go a long way 💖
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Aww No! I hope you feel better soon Jay! Take it easy! :]
I hope you enjoy this!
The people in this: Ler!Disaster twins, Lee!Reader (Platonic!)
Key: (y/n) = your name
Tw: none this is adorable
And with all that being said here we go!!
The Funniest Turtle
"Clearly, it's me! Right (y/n!) I'm the face man, so naturally, I'm the funniest turtle you know!" The blue clad turtle slung an arm around your shoulder with a smirk before his purple bandanad twin brother spoke up.
"Actually, everyone who has met me has said I am the funniest, so clearly, it's me, am I correct (y/n)?"
The pair went on and on and on bickering about who was actually the funniest! Both were serious about it too! Eventually the two put their focus back on their best friend and asked again
"Who's the funniest (y/n) me or Donnie?"
"Yeah! In your expert opinion who makes you laugh the most?"
They stood there in shock and just shrugged not knowing what to say or do. You found both of them funny in their own ways and there was no way you could decide a winner.
"Here let me make this easier~ first one to make (y/n) laugh is deemed the funniest turtle!" Leo smirked at his twin as Donnie reciprocated that look on his own face
"You're on; good luck, second place~" Donnie said playfully as Leo growled before swinging and arm over your shoulders again with his signature smug look,
"Hey (y/n), Why do cows wear bells?"
"I don't know, Why Leo?"
"Because their horns don't work!"
You really tried your best to not laugh, it really wasn't that funny it's just how Leo presented the joke that made it funny! He kept trying pun after pun until Donnie stepped in
"Leo, you're obviously going about this all wrong. You want to make them laugh then step aside and watch the pro at work"
Leo rolled his eyes before letting Donnie take the floor. Donnie smiled as he spun you around and dipped you before doing some funny little dance, which almost worked too! Both of them were just so funny and everything is ten times worse when you know you can't laugh! Leo smirked before pushing Donnie out of the way and walked behind you again.
"I'll take it from here D!" He smiled "What's a skeletons favorite bone?" You shrugged as he smirked "Their funny bone!" He exclaimed before skittering up and down your rib cage.
Donnie gasped big time as we walked over to the scene "looks like I win~" Leo said with a smirk as Donnie crossed his arms
"Two can play at that game, dearest brother of mine! First to make them laugh the loudest wins~"
"Wait guys-" there was no use trying to fight it. The pair held you close, Donnies robotic battle shell arms held your hands above your head while they got to work tickling their favorite person alll over their tickle spots
"Tickle Tickle tickleee~ dawww you're too adorable (y/n)"
"LEHeOHo! NOho!"
"Leo yess~" he continued to tease you with a smirk as his six didgets danced from tickle spot to tickle spot.
Donnie smirked joining in on the fun "I never knew someone could be so ticklish~ It's very fascinating, I'll have to tickle you more often if this is how you respond~"
"That's my name giggles, you need something from the funniest turtle around?~"
Leo narrowed his eyes before picking up the pace "I'm gonna getcha'!~ I can tickle you alll day long~"
"As can I! Tickle Tickle Ticklee"
"GUhuYS! PLeAsEHEHE! WAHAHAHAIT!" your laughter got to the loudest point when they both attacked your worst spot
"Found it!"
"No I did!" They said in unison before giving up and tickling you for the sake of it
"You have the best laugh, did you know that?"
They stopped and smiled, rubbing away the ghost tickles before pulling you in for a group hug.
"Who's up for some video games!"
"Sounds good to me"
At the end of the day, it didn't matter who was the funniest because they both know that regardless of who's telling the jokes, or pulling off the dances, they can both make you smile and that's what they were really after. You're bright smile and incredible laughter!
I hope you all enjoyedd! Again I apologize for the delay! The rest of the requests should be out very soon I promise!
-K :]
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mythica0 · 2 years
Salty to sweet
🎂: Sanders Sides
🧁: Virgil, Logan
🍫: Roman, Remus
🍭: Prinxiety, Intrulogical
🍨 fic
TW: foul language and Remus . Just Remus.
Salty to sweet
It was just one of those days.
Both Logan and Virgil were feeling kinda grumpy. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, if Logan had his vocabulary cards correct.
Logan had been in his room working all day and got snippy at anyone who tried to talk to him .
Virgil was listening to his emo music and ignoring everything around him.
This did not sit well with the creative brothers; Roman & Remus, who were each sides respective boyfriends.
The two were currently talking about it in their shared room.
“Ugh! I’m at a loss! Virgil won’t even open his door, how am I supposed to cheer him up!” Roman said in exasperation.
“I don’t know,” started the other twin, “but I think I have an idea of where to start.”
The plan was fairly simple, however, there was one insy winsy tiny little massive problem.
The twins had to get their boyfriends out of their respective bedrooms and into the living room first.
Roman thought that by telling Virgil he was watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and asking ‘would he like to join?’ Would do the trick, and it did.
However Virgil wanted Roman to make some food and change into his onesie first. Not too hard.
Remus was having a bit more trouble. “Ugh, sword fighting whale penises! He keeps insisting that he needs to work! I can’t get him to take a break and come down!”
Roman winced at Remus’ exclamation before recovering and saying “have you tried offering crofters?”
“Come to think of it, I didn’t think of it!” Roman snorts at his brothers corny wording as Remus types the message and hits send, the text sends, and remains read for about 2 seconds before a (likely very eager) reply of “I’m on my way” comes through.
Remus laughs lightly at his boyfriends response before lightly tossing his phone on the couch. Roman , after doing so, texts Virgil telling him that he has the movie ready to play, popcorn in the table, and is up to dress code.
Both boys arrive downstairs at roughly the same time, Logan first, wearing his usual polo shirt, jeans and Necktie. Virgil lagging behind a bit, in his skeleton onesie.
Remus grabbed the crofters out of the fridge and set it on the table with some bread just in case.
“Oh. “ Logan stated , his way of showing surprise. “I was not informed we would be watching a movie. “
“That’s because you didn’t let me finish. I offered crofters and you immediately came on down. “ Remus scoffs, not unkindly.
“Fair point. “ Logan nods and pushes up his glasses.
“So are we getting started or what. “ a grumpy gruff town states from the other side of the room.
“Yep! Let’s settle down on the couch, hmm?”
The wordless response is that both sets of boys sit on the couch.
Sneakily, the twins enact their plan. They snake their arms around their boyfriends, holding them in a way that they couldn’t escape , without being uncomfortable or realizing what’s going on.
“Actually , Virgil. Me and Remus have a surprise for you guys before we start. “
Virgil hums and Logan says “the correct phrasing would be Remus and I”
Remus just responds by saying “hush, nerdy wolverine. “
Then, with a silent countdown, the twins start ‘attacking’ their boyfriends, scribbling at their sides and poking their tummies.
Both boys , suprised, immediately burst out laughing .
“Whahahahat theheheh fuhuhuhuhck? “ Virgil manages through his laughter . “You better hope Patton doesn’t hear you! Or you might be tickle tickle tickled even more!” Roman teases, his smile growing when Virgil breaks out in a light blush.
“Thihihis. Ihihihis nohohot aha vehehehery gohohood suPRHIHISe” he squeaks at the end when Remus squeezes his thigh.
“You are in No position to be rude, teach.”
“Ohoho shihiHIhIt.” Logan responds
“Hey look brother, we turned them from salty to sweet! “ Roman exclaimed
“Indeed we did, but I think we could use a bit more sugar!”
The boys continued for a while just like that, teasing their boyfriends and playfully scribbling against their ticklish spots, before Roman gets an idea, a very very evil idea .
Giving his brother a look that says “follow along” Roman speaks “Y’know, we added some sugar into this salty dish, but I think it needs a little extra kick.” He says, grinning evilly
“Oh, I agree, what kinda kick were you thinking?” Remus catches on quickly, matching Roman’s grin as they both continue to assault their lovers with tickles .
“Something fruity , that’s for sure “
“Like us!”
Roman sighs, “like us. However, I can’t think of what fruit to add. Do you have any ideas?”
“I was thinking…. Raspberries?”
“I couldn’t of come up with a better idea!”
“Ohohoho nohohoho . Nohohohot thahahat!” Virgil exclaimed , although he didn’t really mean it. He had to admit, if only to himself, laughing this much was starting to make him feel better.
Logan was very much in the same boat . His mood having been greatly impacted.
I hope your ready! In three, two, one, “ Remus started
“PBBbBBbBbFFt” both twins raspberried at the same time .
“AAHHHahahahahahhahaHa! “CRAHHAHap DoHOHont DoHOhoo THaHAHat!” Logan
“No can do!” That was Roman. Remus nods , they both breathe
More raspberries. More laughter.
After a while, the twins stop, leaving two very giggly sides curled up in their laps.
“So, we still up for a movie?” Roman says, lightly shaking the remote .
Both boys just nod weakly.
As the opening song plays, the twins both think
‘Definitely turned them from salty to sweet.’
—————————-THE END —————���———
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tickle-page · 2 years
Day 22- Skeleton
Mikey, Donnie, Leo, and Raph
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Lee: Mikey
Ler: Donnie and Leo, Raph’s just watching😌
Summary: Mikey decided to dress up as a skeleton for Halloween as soon as he woke up. He couldn’t wait for tonight so he wanted to do it, not realizing Donnie and Leo would want to tickle him.
A/N: This takes place when Mikey is 13, Donnie and Leo is 14, and Raph is 15. Mikey is just too damn cute, I have to give him some tickles. I’m not really good at making jokes like Leo, but I’ll try to capture his humor😭.
“Hey guys, how do I look~” Mikey posed like he was flexing his muscles in his skeleton costume. He had a full back suit w/ white stripes indicating bones.
Donnie and Leo was currently making Raph look like a clown for his costume. Donnie working w/ the costume while Leo was working w/ the makeup. The three ninja turtles all looked up stopping what they were doing, gasping and awing at their cute little brother. “OMIGOSH!! You look so cute, Mikey!!” Donnie and Leo both rushed over to him, hugging him and complementing him on how adorable those bones looked on his tiny body. Though it was totally out of Donnie’s character to do that, but he couldn’t help it, Mikey did look cute standing there.
Leo was pinching his cheeks, while Donnie was grabbing the fabric on his suit saying something like “What is this made of?” The orange ninja turtle couldn’t control his giggles, making them audible to his two older brother’s hearing. Even Raph.
“You tryna look big and bad when ur this ticklish?” The second oldest brother teased, making his little brother avoid eye contact giggling again, but instead of ticklish giggles, they were nervous ones.
“DHohohon’t even Leo, ur the most ticklish turtle, if I ever seen one.” Mikey giggled pushing away their hands which hasn’t even started moving, yet.
“Ok? What if I am~? We need to tickle you to find out, right?” Leo smirked eyeing his younger twin brother. Like twin telepathy, the third oldest one knew what his older brother was saying and pounced on the youngest one, supporting the back of his neck so he won’t have a severe head injury, or smthing.
“Be careful now, guys. We don’t want Mikey not being able to go trick or treating bc he got tired from the torture u boys put him through.” Raph laughed.
Donnie used his arms that extended from his shell and pinned Mikey’s arms above his head. “Whahahahait, guys. We cahahan talk about this rihihihigt?”
“Nope.” Leo quickly said, tickling his sides. Squeezing them, and scratching them. Scribbling up to his bottom ribs and back down to his waist line. “Hey, Donnie, why are skeletons so calm?”
The scientist knew his older brother would make some type of skeleton joke, “Idk Leo, why?”
“Because nothing gets under their skin. Hahahah!!” Leo tickled the sides of his stomach. At this point Mikey doesn’t know whether to laugh at the joke or the tickling. He’s kinda doing a little bit of both, though, Donnie was not phased.
“Ohihohohokay, okay. I got another one for u, Donnie. This one will sure to make you laugh. What does a skeleton buy at a resteraunt??”
“Ugh, I don’t know Nardo.” Donnie sighed, rolling his eyes at his brother’s useless puns, but they seem to be effective for Mikey.
“Gaghahahahaha, Leo! Plheheheheegease!!” The orange ninja turtle withered in place.
“Spare ribs!!” Leo clawed at Mikey’s ribcage, vibrating a finger in the digits playing the counting game, as he knelt down and nibbled on his ribs. “Mmmm~ these taste so good, got any bbq, Donatello?”
“Pfft- shut up.” Donnie snickered, but Leo wanted him to laugh at a joke, not snicker.
“Ok ok, fine, one more. If this doesn’t make u laugh, then the only thing that will, is being tickled. Why didn’t the skeleton laughed at the joke, Mikey?” Leo stopped his tickling so his youngest brother could answer.
“Ahahah… Ihihi, don’t know. Why?”
“Because he didn’t have a funny bone.” Leonardo tickled his elbows, making the latter scream and bounce. “Donnie? I think we just found Mikey’s new worst tickle spot.” Leonardo grinned, exploiting the new area.
Donnie laughed at his reaction, joining his twin brother. Let’s just say, the disaster twins only stopped because his younger brother was pleading for his life.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
The Family of Destruction- The Bone Street Krew
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Baby Leon? Yes please.
Also baby bloodline members. Timeline? Gone. None of their ages would match up with their current ages so I don't mention any age at all in this. Just either ignore the fact cassie should be born but obviously isn't and yeah. We love screwing up timelines just to get ideas outta head.
Leon shovels in another mouthful of cereals as the others rush around behind him. Everyone's in a rush, but Leon? Leon isn't. Leon is quite happy in his skeleton pj's eating his black and white cereal.
John looks over at his baby brother as he shovels another colourful mouthful of cereal into his mouth. "I thought he hated those sugary things?" John asks. Shawn pauses with a piece of toast hanging from his mouth as he looks over at the youngest boy. This causes taker to bump into him. "Jesus-shawn!" Taker huffs as he spills his coffee and shawn drops his toast. "He does.." Shawn whispers confused. "What?" Taker grumbles as he tugs his, what was a nice clean white t-shirt, off and uses it to dry his skin. "Leon's eating those cereals you both hate" Shawn states. It's takers turn to pause and look at the boy.
He frowns before moving into Leon's sight. "You alright?" Taker asks. Leon looks up at him confused. Taker watches as he lowers the spoon and brings his hands up. 'Yes, why?' His small fingers sign. "You told papa you hated those" Taker states, nodding at the nearly empty bowl. 'Wanted the energy for today' Leon signs. Taker smiles as Leon does his child version of rolling his eyes. The boy had seen Shawn doing it so many times at taker that he decided he also wanted to roll his eyes whenever taker did something worthy of it. Problem was, Leon was a kid and hadn't developed thr skill of rolling them yet, so instead he just moves his eyes all around. Taker chuckles and tickles the boy causing him to giggle.
"You need to hurry and get changed if you want to meet with daddy's friends" taker tells him as he throws his t-shirt into the laundry basket. Leon nods and finishes his last few spoons before running off. "So?" Shawn asks holding out another t-shirt. Taker kisses him in thanks and pulls it on. "Wants energy for today" taker states looking at John who's cleaning the floor. "Are you coming with?" Taker asks. "Can we spar?" He questions. "Of course, with us or the kliq" Shawn hums. "Okay" John smiles.
Leon rests his chin on top of takers head as they move through the arena. Papa and John went off to find the kliq. Leon closes his eyes as his dad hums a tune and taps his fingers gently against Leon's legs. "Hey hey hey!" A voice booms, causing Leon to jerk upright. He opens his eyes and smiles at the group of men. "If it isn't little Leon michaels" Rikishi smiles as taker lifts the boy off his shoulders. Leon rushes over and allows the man to lift him up. "I've got my twins with me today" Rikishi tells him. Leon frowns slightly. He didn't have a problem with the twins really, it's just when grouped up with their other family members they liked to single Leon out. Especially Roman. Leon always got on with Solo though, no matter if the others were around. Both were quiet aloof boys. It was easy maths to them.
"What is it? Bring your kids to work day?" Taker jokes. "Why? Shawn bring his boy too?" Paul mumbles. Leon frowns at his so called grandfather. "Oi, none of that now" godfather warns. "You damn well know John is as much my son as he is shawns" Taker snaps. "Look at you, stepping up when..well its a strange one isn't it? Normally you'd be stepping up in the fathers spot but he has a father. The mother ended up being a deadbeat" yokozuna comments. "Aye..none of this infront of Lee." Taker mutters. "Well, Romans also here too Lee, plenty of boys for you to play around with" Rikishi states lowering the boy. Leon's frown grows deeper. He would not be having a fun evening anymore.
John sticks close to shawn as they walk through the halls. He knew randy was around after the harts stopped to tease Shawn. Owen, he was always kind to John, stopped to let him know what other kids were running around. He couldn't wait to see randy. They got on great, but first he really wanted to meet with his uncles and go a few rounds before the show.
Leon tilts his head back and watches in awe as his daddy throws Mideon around. Fuji looks at the small boy with a slight smile. He was going to do great things for this business. "That could be you one day kid" godfather states. Leon looks at him with wide eyes. "Talk or not. Your daddy basically doesn't talk so it can be done." He adds as Rikishi, Godwin and crush get involved in the fight. "See the way he already has taker under his thumb? This kid will be the top of the company before any of us can even blink" yokozuna chuckles. Leon smiles and looks back at his father to see him handing out chokeslams.
He then spots his Papa with uncle Kevin and John. Leon pushes away from the table and runs towards them.
Kevin chuckles and picks the boy up. Leon hugs him tightly. "Always know just what I need don't ya?" Kev mumbles rubbing the boys back. "Cmon boys! We promised John a sparring match before the show" Shawn calls. Rikishi smiles at the blonde. "Your lucky you're takers boy" he tells him. "Aw and nothing to do with me being a pretty face?" Shawn teases with a pout. Taker smiles. "Yeah, you've gotta give him credit. His pretty face has been a gift to us since we adopted him" godfather teases. Taker groans and rolls out of the ring. "Stop making it sound like your his pimp" Taker huffs hugging shawns waist. "I wouldn't complain, he'd be a great pimp" Shawn admits. "You know it. I'd actually look after him unlike his current pimp" godfather states moving closer.
"Vinnie ain't all bad. Especially with the hell I give him" shawn smirks. "You need us to stick around and show John how to really fight?" Yokozuna asks. "Nah, me and kev have it covered. Besides like you said, we want him to learn how to really fight" Shawn smirks. "Cheeky" godfather huffs. "Just the way we like him" Rikishi chuckles climbing out of the ring. "I will be taking that though" godfather states pointing at Leon. "Yeah? Who you using him to scare off this time?" Kevin asks handing the boy over. "Paul. Love how he makes the big guy tremble" godfather smirks. Taker rolls his eyes and kisses shawns cheek. "Have fun and I'm warning you, stop teaching him your dirty tricks" Taker warns Shawn. Shawn smirks and kisses the tip of takers nose. "Never" he whispers before moving to the ring.
Taker chuckles and shakes his head as he moves up the ramp.
Leon tilts his head as he examines the cards. "Give me a little bit of luck Lee" Rikishi huffs. Leon smiles at the man and tilts his head to the side. "Oh really?" Rikishi asks. "Im all in baby" he adds. Taker looks down at Leon and groans. "Leon I swear if you don't quit giving me up" it's impossible to play cards when your own son enjoys watching you lose. "Go find some of the other kids to play with" Taker sighs dropping cards. Leon frowns and shakes his head. "Cmon, gotta teach them poker young" godfather states. "Ah, are my boys being shits again? I'll sort them Lee, just give me the look" Rikishi tells him. Leon just shakes his head again before jumping down.
"So where are you going?" Taker asks. Leon looks at him and raises his hands. 'Canteen. Water.' He signs. They've been working on full sentences with Leon. Both in speech and sign. Ones going a lot further than the other. "Alright, you know the rules. Grab me one too, okay?" Taker asks. Leon nods before moving to the door. Vega opens it for the small boy. Leon looks at him and smiles. 'Thanks' "Anytime squirt" he chuckles.
"Hes a smart kid" godfather states as Leon waddles off. "Too smart." Taker huffs leaning back as the boys start to light up now the kids gone. "How's child number three coming?" Rikishi asks. "Shawn's excited. Just have to arrange it all. He wants a girl, has a name and everything" Taker answers. "You know, a girl might be the missing piece you both need" Godfather tells him. "Yeah? You reckon?" Taker asks collecting the cards. "I do. Don't get me wrong, John and Leon? Great kids, I love them both to death, you are also amazing with them both. But I have a feeling you are made to be a girl dad" godfather explains. "You never know. Anything can happen" Taker shrugs. "You sent your boy off to get drinks and didn't offer us any? The disrespect" Rikishi suddenly speaks up. "Oh come off it, you have two running around, you expect my small boy to carry enough drinks back for us all?" Taker teases. Rikishi rolls his eyes at the other. "Them? Do anything I ask? Please, I have more chance winning the lottery" he huffs.
Leon stares at the fridge. He knows the others will want water but how is he supposed to carry basically eight bottle back? He frowns but begins to take the bottles out and group them up. He could atleast stick two in his short pockets. The shorts shouldn't fall down and if he walks carefully enough the bottles won't fall. He could fit one under each arm and hold two in his hands. He thinks about those in the room.
'Daddy, Rikishi, godfather, yokozuna, fuji and Vega. That makes seven I need. Eight if I count that John will be joining us soon.' Leon thinks to himself. John always ended up joining them as the show started. "You alright there Lee?" Goldust asks kneeling next to the small boy as he grabs another water bottle. Leon nods. "Would you like help carrying those?" Goldust questions. Leon shakes his head. "Alright, well, I'll be sat at the back table with manny if you do need help, okay?" Goldust asks. Leon just nods and smiles at the man before he walks away.
Leon can do this. He sticks two in his pockets. He sticks two under his arms and then looks at the remaining four. This shouldn't be difficult. He shuffles the bottles into a slight curve and leans down, carefully scooping them up into his arms before standing. As long as he's careful, he should be able to do this.
Goldust smiles at the small boy as he begins to make his journey back to the lockerooms.
Leon keeps his eyes focused on the bottles, especially when he feels the ones under his arms begin to slip. It's times like this he wishes he did wear a hoodie.
Leon's too focused elsewhere to spot trouble coming. A foot sticks out infront of him causing him to trip. He lets out a soft grunt as the bottle fly and he hits the floor face first. "Oops" a familiar voice laughs. Leon lifts himself up slightly to see the twins laughing at him. He can't fight the way his bottom lip wobbles as blood bubbles in his sore nose. "It was too good to resist!" Jey laughs tilting his head back. "What idiot would carry all those and not ask for help?" Jimmy questions, kicking one of the bottles. Leon lowers his head. He was doing so well. He can practically hear his father and uncles laughing from here.
A new pair of shoes appear infront of him and the twins laughter dies. Leon slowly looks up confused to see Roman stood with his hand out. Roman doesn't say anything as he leans forward, forcefully grabbing Leon's hand and pulling the smaller boy up. "Roman?" Jey asks confused. "Hes bleeding." Roman states. "So?" Jimmy asks. "You took it too far." Roman snaps. Leon feels confused. A emotion he'd find out he'd always attach to Roman reigns, even as they grow old. Leon watches as Roman picks up four of the bottles and holds them out to Leon. "Are these for your papa?" Roman asks. Leon slowly shakes his head. "Dad then? Cmon" Roman tells him.
It throws Leon off. There's not positive emotion towards Leon or the twins. It's almost like Romans being forced to do this. Leon remember last time Roman taught the twins how to do the old foot out thing, that's when Leon realises, the difference was Leon could lessen the fall as his hands were free. He couldn't do that this time. Leon accepts the bottles and watches as Roman picks up the rest. "Go annoy someone else." Roman barks at the twins. "Whatever" jey huffs before walking off. "Actin real weird today Roman" Jimmy mutters before following jey. Roman doesn't say anything as he turns and leads the way.
"Ah I don't know I think their just tryna impression either Roman or dwayne. You should both of them in the ring, it's good." Rikishi states. "I bet. Doesn't excuse the fact your twins can be real assholes sometimes" vega points out. "I know that. I've been speaking to them about it" Rikishi sighs. "Must be nice. I speak to Leon about anything and he just sends me a death stare" Taker mutters, and he quite literally means a death stare. Too many times his throat has tightened. Takers just glad Leon follows his rules about the powers.
Speaking of Leon.
The men look up as the door is pushed opened. In walks roman with water bottles and behind him Leon. "Jesus, what happened?" Taker asks standing and rushing to Leon. Roman looks back at Leon who begins to move his fingers. 'I tripped.' "You tripped?" Taker asks taking the water bottles off Leon and pinching his nose. Leon nods as best as he can. "Is that true roman?" Rikishi asks. Roman stares at Leon shocked. Why would he defend the twins? Leon just glances at him. "Yes. He was trying to carry all these bottles on his own when he tripped over a bunch of cables. He could protect himself and hit the floor face first." Roman states. "And here you were calling him smart" yokozuna teases. Godfather shakes his head.
"Why didn't you ask for help with the bottles?" Taker asks. 'Wanted to do on my own.' Leon signs. "You don't have to do everything on your own though Lee." Taker sighs. He's hoping Leon doesn't bruise. Shawn will kill them both. "What do you say to roman?" Taker asks. 'Thank you' Leon signs. "Than-" "I know." Roman mutters glancing down. Roman couldn't lie, he studied Leon like he was some freak show. Like he was big foot and he just needed to know more. He asked his Grandpa to teach him some basic sign after figuring out that's what the smaller boy used to speak.
Taker examines the taller boy before nodding. "Have you seen the twins?" Rikishi asks. "No sir" Roman mutters. "Can you go find them for me please?" Rikishi asks. "Of course" Roman nods before putting the bottles down and moving back to the door. He stops next to Leon and looks down at him. A act that would change as they got older. Leon would go from the runt of the litter to the biggest. Roman would only grow to 6'3 whilst Leon would get one up on him and be an inch taller at 6'4. Not that it mattered to roman. He would always have the years before when he was bigger than him.
Roman doesn't say anything as his gaze leaves Leon's and he leaves the room. "I mean, future enemies or what?" Yokozuna asks. "Will you quit it with your dream universe that our kids will all fight each other for top dog" Rikishi huffs. "Hes not wrong. They probably will" godfather huffs as he hands taker a tissue. Taker thanks him and places it against Leon's nose, tilting his head forward. "What are we gonna tell your papa.." Taker sighs. "What did you lot do to him?" John asks walking in. "You see Johnny, takes wasn't pay attention and opened the door straight on the runt" Rikishi jokes. "The least shocking thing, but papa will kill you if thats true" John admits kneeling next to Leon.
Leon frowns at them. "Its just teasing Lee." John tells him. "Thats what you think" Taker whispers as he checks Leon's face for swelling or broken bones. "Roman says he tripped." Rikishi answers John's question. "How? The least clumsiest kid you'll ever meet" John asks. "Trying to carry eight water bottles will do that" vega comments. John looks at Leon who's frowning. Taker lowers the tissue to see the bleeding stopped. "You good bud?" Taker asks. Leon nods. "Good" Taker huffs brushing Leon's hair from his face. "Thats good" Taker repeats causing Leon to roll his eyes. Taker chuckles and stands. "I've got a match, can i trust you lot with my kids?" Taker asks. John smiles slightly at the question. It always made him feel whole when taker referred to him as his kid.
"Of course we can" vega huffs as Rikishi picks Leon up. "Yeah, since when couldn't we look after them?" Godfather asks squeezing John's shoulder. "Last time I came back to a complete mess" Taker states. "Not our fault" yokozuna huffs. "Whos fault was it?" Taker asks. "Look, your kids are pretty convincing kids. They could tell us to Rob the big man and we'd do it" Rikishi admits. "Dont give them ideas" Taker warns. He kisses Leon's cheek and ruffles John's hair before walking out. Godfather smirks and looks at the boys. "So what shall we get up to first?"
Taker finally gets backstage and is greeted by a very unhappy looking Shawn. "Oh god what happened?" Taker groans. "We have a nice fine coming our way. That's what." Shawn snaps crossing his arms. Taker whines and tilts his head back. "Not only have they ruined the harts ring gear but they destroyed many things in the arena whilst playing their own version of go karts." Shawn tells him. Taker sighs and looks to see the bsk peaking at him around the corner with his sons tucked with them. They all look guilty but taker can't be mad when he sees the genuine smiles on the boys faces. The play glint in Leon and John's eyes. Taker smiles softly and looks at shawn. "Its worth a few fines if you ask me." Taker tells him softly as he takes shawns hands into his.
Shawns frown fades into a soft smile. "Im telling Kevin and Scott this information" Shawn whispers before kissing him softly. "Oh god I can already see the competition for the highest fines" Taker groans.
Leon looks at John with a smile. John nods and looks at Rikishi. "Leon has a idea" John whispers. "A good one?" Godfather asks. "A wicked one" John smirks. The boys look at each other before back at the two troubling boys. "Ah screw it, tell us" Rikishi smiles.
I think I focused too much on the children here but I've been writing a lot of adult family of destruction stuff and I've been focusing a lot on Leon and Roman. So obviously I remembered the fact the bsk and the bloodline are really connected so that means if taker brings his kids to work, so does Rikishi, sometimes even cousins and stuff. The rock eventually brings roman instead. But you get what I mean.
I just adore the idea of roman and Leon being childhood rivals and growing up to be adult rivals. Which I keep writing about and never posting. I apologise.
Enjoy :)
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eunchancorner · 1 year
Skeleton :3
fork you, twin/lhj
🖤skeleton - what are your top 5 spots/top 5 spots to tickle a lee?
Ig tummy, ribs, neck, underarms and thighs, not too sure tho
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august-anon · 3 years
Tickletober Day 2: Begging
I was supposed to post this yesterday but I got distracted by a video game, oops lol. And I am posting it so late today because I got distracted cleaning and reorganizing my bookshelves. I've been at it for like 4+ hours and I am not even close to being done, I think I need to finish it tomorrow. Pray for me yall dsjkfdsf
Anyways, there is no market for fanfic for this movie but it's my little gremlin writer brain and i choose the channel it's on
also just in case anyone gets weird: they are SIBLINGS this is PLATONIC don't be WEIRD
Fandom: Skeleton Twins (2014)
Ship(s): Gen/Platonic
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Milo, Ler!Maggie
Word Count: 550 words
Summary: Milo should've known better than to aggravate the tickle monster in the family.
[ao3 link]
Milo really should’ve known better than to start something.
He had always been good at being the obnoxious sibling, the annoying sibling, the one begging for attention. It only made sense for him to go after Maggie, she was making it so easy. Except, it had been over ten years since this had last happened. And Milo had long forgotten that he was not the tickle monster in this family.
Now, Milo was pinned to the couch cushions, curled into as tight of a ball as his gangly limbs would allow. One of Maggie’s hands was buried under his arm while the other clawed away at his stomach (he really needed to take up yoga or some shit, his knees were not bending far enough to be the shield he needed them to be) and no matter where Milo squirmed, he couldn’t get away from them.
Maggie had always won the tickle fights when they were kids. She was vicious and had a single-minded determination to make Milo cry with laughter. Milo had tried every tactic in the book, cheating in every way he could, and she would still make him cry uncle long before she gave in. He was cursing himself for ever forgetting that, now.
“Give up, yet?” Maggie asked gleefully, the hand buried under his arm slipping out to squeeze at his knee.
“Maggie!” It was the only response Milo could manage though his laughter and squirming.
He had half a mind to try and tickle her back, again. To see if this was the tickle fight he finally won, if this was the tickle fight, when they were nearly thirty with no stamina and already aching bones, that Milo finally got Maggie Dean to beg for mercy.
Then, the hand Maggie had on his stomach started clawing at one of his hipbones instead, while her other hand started reaching for his feet. Milo shrieked and started kicking frantically, blabbering and blubbering anything that rose to his lips to get her to stop. Tickle fights with his sister could be fun, but there was a point where Milo was just too ticklish to handle it.
“What’ll you give me if I stop?”
“Anything!” Milo cried, trying to shove her hands away from his body. “Anything, Maggie, please!”
Maggie hummed, dragging out his torment. Her hand finally reached his feet, tickling the tops of his socked toes teasingly. It was very much a threat: if Milo didn’t give her something good enough, then he was absolutely going to die in ticklish agony. What an embarrassing way to die, losing a tickle fight to his sister.
“Anything?” She asked, drawing out the word.
“Yes, Maggie! Anything, please!”
“I want that lipstick you’ve been hiding,” she said, not stopping her tickling in the slightest. “The really nice shade of red that you won’t share with me.”
“Deal!” Milo said without hesitation.
His torment lasted for a few more moments before Maggie mercifully pulled back, giving him a firm pat on the leg as comfort while he panted for breath.
“Fucking evil, Magpie,” he muttered.
“Careful,” Maggie replied, “or I’ll go for a round two.”
Milo shot up. “I”ll go get the lipstick,” he said far too loudly before fleeing the room.
Her laugh echoed down the hallway behind him.
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carelesscreativity · 4 years
Creammare Care ft. Dream w/ Wings for ZellAlmasy: Commission for Ko-Fi
(SFW, Fluff)
Dream winced a little and even though he tried to hide it, Cross had already noticed, his eyes going wide and him quickly yanking his hands back. “Sorry!! Shit... I-” Dream quickly interrupted him, telling him it was okay. Cross had lightly nicked one of his wings while helping him preen. It didn’t hurt, but the only thing that bothered him was that his feathers had puffed out once again and practically undone all their hard work.
There was a soft, rumbling laugh from next to them, Nightmare watching from the bench. Dream turned and glared at him, though there was no real anger behind the look. “Brother, it’s not funny!” His golden wings gave a tiny little flap of frustration, as if to emphasize his point. This proved to not help anything either, scattering the small pile of broken feathers they had tucked to the side. Nightmare only laughed more.
Cross was flustered, keeping his head ducked. The three of them were outside, in the castle gardens. Despite the rest of the AU being war torn and destroyed, Nightmare had kept the garden nearly immaculate. There was an illusion of the sun and a clear blue sky above, save for a couple of puffy, white clouds. Cross knew the actual sky was a blood-red with horrible black clouds. Nightmare had worked hard on this illusion.
He swore he could even hear birds singing and the chattering of bugs. He jumped as Dream's wing reached out and his feather tickled Cross' cheek. The guardian was smiling back at him, asking softly what was wrong. Cross was momentarily entranced by him and the way the false sunlight reflected off his wings and crown. He felt his face heat up a little as he quietly insisted it was nothing.
He desperately hoped his blush wasn't too noticeable, but based on the way Dream's mouth quirked in amusement at the edges, it seemed he was out of luck. He turned his head to the side. Cross jumped as he felt a tentacle move around his waist, giving it a quiet squeeze. He felt his face heat up even more. "Cross, look at me."
Never one to disobey an order, Cross turned to Nightmare's rumbling voice with a completely flushed face. The king regarded him in quiet amusement. He was mostly siting in the shadows of the trees around him, but his black tentacle shimmered with a strange cyan coat in the sun. Already, however, Cross could see the bits of stones and sticks stuck in them.
He immediately began to pick at them, but another tentacles came up, significantly cleaner, and smacked his hand away, making him jump. He looked up at Nightmare, who sighed and studied him with a fondness that made Cross squirm. “Finish with Dream before you start on me. We don’t want our angel to be unkempt.” He glanced at him and chuckled. “Or more unkempt than he already is.”
There was a warble of outrage from Dream and Cross, who’d been feeling tense between them, gave a short burst of laughter, seeming to surprise both guardians. Cross noticed immediately and shut his mouth, going dark purple and avoiding both of their gazes. Dream blinked and his wings fluttered nervously. “Cross? What’s wrong?” He turned and crawled over to sit in front of him. “You’re allowed to laugh around us!”
Cross blinked. "I know..." He didn't know how to explain it to them. But it was a little jarring for him to be in a relationship with two twin beings that were essentially gods. He really didn't think that he was worthy of them.  And he was sure his doubt was easily sensed by Nightmare. He glanced over and sure enough, Nightmare was frowning.
The tentacles around his waist tightened and pulled him over. "Cross." The soldier froze before slowly looking up, a little worried. Instead of Nightmare's usual piercing gaze, the look he gave Cross was patient and warm. Immediately, Cross felt himself blush more. A tentacle rose to rub against his cheek and Cross instinctively leaned into it.
Something was burning in his throat. Nightmare seemed to sense it before tipping his head. He reached out with his hand, his tentacles moving away. His hand replaced it on Cross’ cheek, the soldier’s face burning as he stared at him. He wasn’t sure how they both had such a powerful effect on him that he couldn’t even look away. “You have a question. Go ahead and ask.” Nightmare’s rumbling voice made him relax a little.
He opened his mouth, but no words managed to leave him. Only small sounds. Nightmare was patient as always. “Here.” He turned Cross so he was looking at Dream’s back and his wings. “Continue grooming and get your thoughts together.” Cross nodded as he was set down, his hands immediately reaching out. He smoothed and pulled at Dream’s feathers. He was sure to pull out any loose ones. Cross was so efficient when it came to cleaning the two of them. And in more ways than one.
Nightmare’s tentacle remained loosely wrapped around Cross’ waist, most likely to serve as a comforting presence. Cross definitely appreciated it as he continued to gently groom Dream’s wings. The golden guardian sat on his knees, eyes closed. He loved how Cross’ hands felt on his wings and he stretched them out a little more, a loud purr heard erupting from his throat.
The sound brought a smile to Cross’ face and he could be seen visibly relaxing as he came to terms with the fact that Dream liked what he was doing. That he was doing a good job. He continued to gently tug out loose and broken feathers, smoothing the others down as well. He reached the base of the other’s wings and paused. He’d done this so many times before, but he was always so worried.
The base of Dream’s wings were sensitive and if he scratched him like he already had, Dream would cry. Cross kept his hands back and Dream’s purr slowly died down. His wings twitched and he looked back with a soft, questioning warble. Nightmare was heard shifting and Cross jumped as he felt the other’s chest against his back. He blushed dark purple.
Nightmare’s hands slipped around his shoulders and moved down his arms to hold his wrists. The grasp was not threatening or rough. Cross found himself sinking back against the darker a little. “You know he likes it when you preen his feathers here. No matter how much he may deny it.” Dream scrunched up his shoulders a little when he heard Nightmare speak, his blush evident even from behind.
Cross gave a quiet nod, allowing Nightmare to guide his hands into the slightly downy fluff that made up the base of Dream’s wings, right where they connected to his back. Immediately, Dream pressed slightly into his hands, his purr kicking right back up. Nightmare was heard giving a soft laugh, making Cross and Dream blush deeper in their respective colors.
Cross noted one of Nightmare’s tentacles creeping around and wiggling up to nudge Dream’s cheek. Dream jumped a little before purring and leaning into it. “You have so much stuff stuck on this, brother!! You definitely need to let Cross clean you after this!” The golden skeleton exclaimed. Nightmare gave a thoughtful-sounding hum.
“What do you think I’m going to let him do?” Nightmare said, smiling. His voice rumbled against Cross’ back and he felt that tentacle around his waist give another comforting squeeze. Cross realized he was already picking through the softness again, his hands having started working on their own. Despite it being relaxing, he was still deeply troubled and another soft squeeze from the tentacle around his waist suggested Nightmare could feel it. "Cross..." Nightmare's tone was quiet and prompting with that hint of firmness he always carried.
Cross blinked and turned to look back at him, momentarily pausing the grooming once again. Dream's purr faltered again and he turned to look back at them with his wide, golden eyes. "You have something on your mind. Something troubles you." Nightmare was insistent and Cross could already tell that he wouldn't be able to laugh this one off.
He looked down and shook his head. There was a worried noise and Dream shuffled, turning to face them. He settled on his knees once again, his hands clasped in his lap. "Cross?" His voice was gentle and he unhooked one of his hands, reaching out. He placed one hand on Cross' cheek and the soldier leaned into the warmth, it feeling so different from the coolness of Nightmare's touch. "Can you tell us what's wrong?"
Cross knew that they'd had this talk before and he was already fearful of being scolded. He shut his eyes. "I... still feel like I don't deserve you... Either of you..." He admitted. Nightmare and Dream both paused, staring at him. "You're both so... incredible... and powerful and I'm..." He sighed. "I'm not anything like you two." There was nothing for a moment and Cross was VERY worried that he'd upset them.
Finally, he heard a soft sigh. Dream’s second hand came up to cup his other cheek and Cross jumped as he was tugged down. He felt teeth against his and his face went dark purple. He kept his eyes closed as he pressed back against him. Dream was felt smiling against his teeth, never able to stop himself.
Nightmare and Cross always thought it was such a cute quirk that a simple kiss would immediately make Dream smile from how happy it made him. His wings were already softly fluttering. He kept his smile as he pulled away, making Cross look at him before he drew his gloved hands away. Cross barely had time to recover before he was suddenly being turned by the tentacle around his waist.
He inhaled sharply as he felt Nightmare’s teeth against his own, the other’s cool hands coming up to hold his cheeks in place of Dream’s. He stayed a little longer before pulling back. There was the faintest sheen of cyan across his cheeks and he gently rubbed his thumb over Cross’ cheekbone. “We... feel quite the opposite, Cross.” Dream spoke, sounding embarrassed.
Cross turned to look back at the other, Dream’s shoulders scrunched up and his face flushed gold. “We don’t feel like we deserve you. You’re so kind, protective and caring.” Cross blinked and began to protest before stopping as he heard Nightmare rumble in quiet agreement.
“Strong, efficient, and loyal.” Nightmare added, keeping Cross against him. The soldier wasn’t sure he could handle the praise. “Don’t ever feel like you’re an outcast in this relationship because we chose you. Both of us agreed that we wanted you here and with us.” Dream nodded eagerly, smiling at Cross as his wings perked up a little. “We love you.”
“We love you!” Dream repeated immediately, his voice filled with joy. Cross stared between them and managed to give a nod, completely speechless. He mouthed that he loved them too, unsure if he would ever be able to speak again. “Now... can you please finish? I... It feels weird...” Dream fiddled with his fingers as his wings fluffed up again.
Nightmare hummed as Cross nodded. “And once you’re through with him, I’ll be needing your attention as well.” He rested his head on Cross’ shoulder, making the soldier jump and Dream giggle. “And maybe afterwards, we can nap in the shade of the oak trees?” Cross let out another breathless nod, his soul pounding and him drowning in attention.
Both of the siblings laughed as Nightmare pulled back. “I hope that’s alright with you.” Cross barely managed to say that it was.
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Scaredy Cat and the not-so Haunted House
Characters: Ajay Bhandri, Dylan Hayes (MC), Layla “Leah” Hayes (Sister), Skye Crandall and Rory Silva 
Summary: The Gang go to a haunted house at a local fair 
Taglist:  @secretaryunpaid @aussieez @daddytyrilstarfury @cts-tj1 @choicesficwriterscreations @hss-fanfics
Rating - General (Everyone can Read)
"If you think that you can scare me, you've got another thing coming," Ajay muttered under his breath as he began wonder yet again why he had agreed to go to a haunted house with Dylan.
Ajay knew that he would live to regret his choice, but after the scare with the Cyber Killer this week he could not seem to able to refuse his own boyfriend. He knew he wasn't the only one roped into going as Leah had both agreed to go. Rory had wiggled his way out of it probably with a promise of unlimited hugs  for the rest of Dylan’s future career.
"Leah, Dylan  just remember as long as you don't touch the people in the haunted house they can't touch you. Last year, I went this haunted house where if you made it through the haunted house they gave like a hundred dollar prize. They could touch you in that one and you had to sign a waiver saying you were not going to sue the haunted house if got hurt. Goblin's Revenge is pretty tame, but if you touch the actors they can touch you." Ajay said all of this quickly in a very giddy way.
"Oh great," Dylan thought, "I better make sure lee-lah doesn't have any weapons on her because I have a feeling when Leah gets scared people are gonna get hurt. Hopefully if she doesn't have any weapons on her the results will be less fatal. OR NOT! I can't believe I let Ajay talk me into doing this even though it was my idea at first!"
"Uh, Leah, do you have any weapons with you?" Ajay asked with the knowledge that if Leah was without weapons than he was winning the award for Least Annoying with Movie References.
"Of course I do, Ajay. What kind of Mossad officer and NCIS agent would I be without them," Leah smiled as she said this with a hint of laughter in her voice.
"Um… How can I put this delicately, Leah? YOU CANNOT BE ARMED IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE! We wouldn't want you to shoot or stab anyone if you get spooked. No paperclips either." Ajay said and winced as if expecting some sort of retaliation from Leah for even suggesting she be unarmed.
"Ok," Leah replied stunning the entire group into silence not even a breath was heard for a full minute.
"Why don't you put all your weapons in the trunk of my Blazer, Ajay?" Ajay was the first to recover from Leah's astonishing reply.
All of them had come over in Dylan's parents Blazer as Ajay's car was in the shop and the Blazer was roomy enough to accommodate the Three of them easily. Leah began pulling out knives from everyplace imaginable and she had two guns hidden on her person as well. Ajay placed the weapons in a compartment under the carpet of the trunk and locked the Blazer.
He felt an urge to suggest patting Leah down to make sure that all of her weapons were accounted for, but for once his survival instinct took over before he could voice that opinion. Deciding that he should just stay between Leah and the haunted house actors to insure of all of their safety seemed to quiet all of his worries.
The entire time Ajay had been thinking, the group had made their way through to the admissions windows and paid for their bracelets so they could enter and leave the house as many times as they wanted until midnight. The bracelets were bright orange and took on a neon glow when entering the haunted house allowing the workers guarding the doors to be able to easily tell who was supposed to be there and whose was not without disturbing the patrons.
"Sweet, they're playing the Sixth Sense on the TVs while you go through the house," Dylan exclaimed then added in scared almost girly whisper, "I see dead people."
The rest of the group rolled their eyes as they started walking through the maze. Dylan was on the lookout for hidden compartment and decided that it seemed that it would most likely for the actors to pop out from the inner wall of the maze. He took up his position at Leah's right unfortunately the maze was not made for two people to stand side by side.
He tried to walk sideways, but only succeeded in making himself look like an idiot as he tripped over one of the prop skeletons legs that were placed at random intervals throughout the maze's walkways. He then decided to walk in front of Leah hoping to warn the actors of their impending doom if they made Leah mad or scared.
A bloodcurdling scream filled the maze as Ajay was frightened by Skye popping out of the floor in front of him followed by a squeak of pain as Ajay had stepped on Dylan's foot and then stumbled back causing him to lose his balance and follow on his butt with Ajay landing on top of him.
Skye began laughing her head off at the sight as she began to tease Ajay  mercilessly, "McKlutz maybe Dylan should walk in front of you so we can be sure that he doesn't get squashed to death by YOU!"
Skye already slipped back through the trapdoor to prepare to scare the next group that came through the corridor while Leah helped her brother up whom seemed to find the entire situation hilarious, "Dylan, I think that you are probably one of the only people who made Skye laugh!"
"Leah, Dylan are you okay since everyone seems to be only occupied with my lack of coordination?" Ajay questioned  as he helped her to her black booted feet.
"I'm okay. Really, Ajay," Dylan and Leah Both said reassuringly.
Ajay seemed to notice that Rory had not made a single comment on the entire situation when he turned around to comment on this to utter surprise he found that Rory was nowhere to be found.
"Guys, Rory's gone, he was here with us at the start but since then I haven’t seen him!" Dylan said as he looking back and forth down the hallway hoping he would suddenly appear like a crazy ninja.
"He probably leaned against the wall and went through one of the revolving walls. There is one right behind you." Leah stated calmly as Dylan started to look even more nervous.
"Dylan, I think he can handle a haunted house on her own. "Ajay said tickled by the frightened and very worried face of his boyfriend.
"Dylan, I'm not worried about Rory. I'm worried about what he might do after the people who scare he. Even without the knife your sister gave him at the start he's deadly and he reacts often with instinct which makes it more likely for himself faint or pass-out to only get hurt!" Dylan replied as he pushed against the wall to make it turn noticing Dylan and Leah sudden realization that Ajay might actually have a valid point.
As the wall revolved Dylan came face to face with a grinning Rory who was leaning on the wall a little left of the revolving wall so he would not get squashed by it.
"Dy, I have more self control then you think you realize. I haven't fainted yet and you drive me up the hall all the time." Rory said with a laugh, "I dropped the weapon your sis gave me so I would not be tempted to use them when scared."
Rory looked a little abashed by being found out.
The Twins were greeted with the sight of Ajay saying, "Rory, the saying is up the wall not the hall," and Ajay with look of annoyance at Rory's need to constantly correct his English when it was obvious what he was saying if it was exactly perfect English.
Not wanting to stay in the Haunted House, Rory and Dylan run out grabbing the photo of the gang from the booth racing of to a much safer and less scarier park ride
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kits-shrine · 2 years
Ziz gave a laughing shriek, her body jerked, but she kept her arms firmly on the table, so she didn’t accidentally hit the skeleton currently torturing her, “thissssss isn't faaaaaaiiiir,” she laughed. “I can’t rehehehe-taliate!!!”
"alls fair in love an' tickle wars, sugar." Seishin teased continuing to tickle her without mercy grinning broadly, missing some twin looks from his brothers.
Touma for his part was still laughing and wiggling.
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moonlight-puppet · 2 years
A tinge of red graced Shakko's cheeks at the unexpected praise. "I think alchemy is pretty amazin' too. 'm not the best at kitsune magic 'n 'm not really the brightest but this stuff-" he gestured at the tablet he held covered in complex circles and symbols from their project "-I get this stuff like I do runnin'. So 'm real glad ya made it too." Eloquent, he was not. But his words were heartfelt.
Touma's attention was drawn to the twins and for the first time he noticed Prata's skeletal parts. His screech of excitement pierced the room as he toddled over to her. He was excited, someone like him part skeleton part not!
"Who wants a little tickle on their belly...." Voga said playfully creeping over to Robin. Robin raised his hands, "Looks like Robin wants a tickle.... Get ready for my special attack, Voga special!"
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- It's like this -^
(Cute baby giggles)
As the two of them played Prata try to stay close to her papa, ' Everyone here is so scary.' So held her teddy bear close to her chest.
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She turned to see Touma waddling over to her like a duckling she froze with fright. ' The smallest one is coming. What should I do?!'
She looked for a place to run to and sees the tall goddess of magic. And quickly hide next to her without making a sound.
(Side note Moon can change her size at will but she happens to be the second shortest in her family.)
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“The wan light of the red sun caught in the pupils of her eyes, trapped there for the longest time. Zozar marvelled at the beauty, letting the sight seep into his every fibre as though he could make the sensation last for eternity.
Cleophatia’s happiness was infectious. It lifted his spirit even in these uncertain times. She made it easier to ignore the tumours that riddled her body, drew his mind away from the polyps that punctuated his. There was no sickness in her gaze.
They stood like that for a long time it seemed, together on the slope of the Evermount overlooking the capital. The ruddy light washed over the pyra- midal buildings of the city below, catching like laser on capstones, dancing from one vertex to the next as a living thing, a monochrome zephyr that streamed along abandoned streets. All was quiet now. The rioters had no more strength, the rebels had been cowed, the disenfranchised infected no longer possessed the strength for upheaval.
Zozar had wanted no part of it. What was the point of wasting the last of one’s life in despair? The end came all the same, and Cleophatia had taught him that it was better to embrace what life there was than to spill it- meagrely through one’s fingers in bitterness and hostility.
A tug at his tunic brought Zozar’s attention down to his daughters, Azella and Isoris. The twins looked up at him, so pure, free of the sun-curse.
‘Will it hurt, Father?’ asked Isoris. ‘The biotransference?’
‘It will free us from pain, my dear,’ answered Cleophatia while Zozar still contemplated the answer.
He realised that the truth did not matter. His daughter was only seeking assurance, which their mother was so quick to provide. Zozar wished he had that easy emotion, to feel the situation rather than think about it. But then it was the complexity of his intellect that Cleophatia said she loved, drawn to and celebrating their differences, of course. And her warmth passed to him so that sometimes, just sometimes, his engineer-brain was set free from the shackles of logic and just floated on moments of joy. Moments like this one.
‘Will it hurt though, Father?’ said Azella, the one never quite satisfied by her mother’s answers. She was more like him, though possessed of a far more forgiving disposition. ‘You helped build it, you should know.’
He looked up at the Evermount and the Great Machine that had been erected at its summit. It was true that he had devised some of its angled walls and projecting antennae, stretching like hands towards the rising sun, but of its real workings he knew little.
‘I think it will tickle,’ he said, prodding both daughters to elicit squeals of
shock and joy. Cleophatia’s look of happiness intensified and Zozar’s heart throbbed with pride, knowing he had done well in her eyes.
As nobility, albeit of low rank, they would be among the first to enter the biotransference halls. Zozar took his daughters’ hands and led them up the marbled pathway, while other families gathered ahead at the gates. He realised he was trembling with excitement and they could sense it too. So close to the end of the pain. Zozar could scarce believe that he had played a small part in the creation of their salvation.
He was torn from his reverie by a strange sensation, like grit in his hands. He rubbed his fingers together, realising he no longer held onto his children. It felt like sand falling from his palms.
Zozar looked down at the two girls. Each was falling apart, slowly disinte- grating into dull, ruddy crystals. Flesh became dust, slipping away from a shining metal skeleton beneath.
He looked at his own hands, the gnarled, cancer-ridden digits falling on the breeze too. The sensation crept up his arm, freezing for a moment, leaving a chilled numbness in its wake.
Cleophatia gasped in horror.
He turned his eyes upon his beloved but she looked back not with eyes of love and warmth but the cold red stare of optical lenses.
All three had become animated statues, embodiments of death that he had laboured hard to escape. The Great Machine was meant to free them from the burdens of the flesh, but not like this.
His own body melted away, leaving unfeeling living metal.
Zozar’s consciousness found movement, still traumatised by the dreams. The scream inside him stopped before vocalisation. It took a few moments to orientate himself out of the dream state, pushing the terrible vision away.
With comprehension came awareness of his physicality inside the stasis chamber. A tripodal body, skeletal beneath plates of armour. Multiple arms, each beweaponed with gun or blade, pulsing with hatred-turned-energy. The skorpekh lord felt no flesh nor organ, and deep within the construct of his form throbbed an emptiness where his half-remembered soul should have been.
The last tattered vestiges of his loved ones fluttered from thought and the emptiness inside swelled with a different strength. Rage. A rage powered by a loss magnified through the lens of aeons. Rage fuelled by a guilt only known to one that had doomed his love by his own hand.
Rage and hate flowed, crackling across metal bones. All living things would perish in the inferno of his anger. All was ruin and all would be rendered unto ruin for all time.
His despair needed venting or it would consume him. Zozar the Destroyer had woken.”
-Thorpe, G. (2020). Indomitus. Black Library. Chapter 2
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